Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1867, p. 4

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new fraiue bya, 84x"0çodui u Irf t>cug cirs cf 2"0 tseea. TItiPsoat wll b, oi ebêsp ausou los »=re fp7 ALSO J4o Mc 12 i2h cuîceaxlon  , TWO I-HUNDRBD ARE About 10 acres clecresi, lot hon". &o. ThIsis fi coeicelot, end i ta atted i ogmo. four Ius (rons tise entre ronsi. 75i acres., belng tlise FAt psart cf tii Souih-bali tsf LotI$ 10,411 ossgesaioss 0i Mars, auulinsg thse VILLJAGE OF 1BREC11[Wý btumps.. TissaLot adg slos tise centre 1Usd. l'JO iwroit Moath- iaîfrot 0 luthea1litt, con- cesaon eof àfsra, soss@ 6or b acre..lsrsl, àsog Rotugec, &0t. Whitby, sept. $ths. 1846, THOMA8 & COULTRMD'5 SINE 0F S TAG'E Itrisufiri 'Ai 1t oyasilsaia r wltit tiesait1s 'l"',for lins1ss usd B ertion. tirslsg ls;vts Ma llu-cllly, st 9,a.. M., itrrivlsisQisssw1ia 1,ltne for avaning traina ois 0. T. 'IL., iEst ani Wea-Y ra omia. wu to Ccltsnilssss t7X con.* tea iLslos iOeunta. teo Prîsîtu AiIsrt 7r) cetirs,, lýousyuuSi12%., ma- isiiîsi$1 rio, lesssgrsfrorn tise MNthsare sossvoycd it' to... ars, ut OQbsvs,frac 'Yfocsra I )trea ss,issess,, crof aliittaussde d = iusalsilorud wtls lsspatuis. TIse proprio- tors W111 maut iso reonss02112for psreel*or paeknogu ie..iss bueun d ssipalsi forilu d- CIIEAP STOVES, tW-' tIiBBEST IN CAl D SROUaI CoOkIji B:foe. Agricultaral P soos that will pa.y for the ies in one Eav oughs Put up iron liold.fasts. K) w liningi pnt in 014 ove 0 pal g promptly attend- Ail kinde produce takon in ozohango st the OL» STAND. Wl!. RTÂN. Il Brook st. Whitb7. Mooey to Loan. £bFlunisresiTllosuansl Dollars te 1..os hà ns ustassge secsstrlnites sn uit itofrs t a ver> Moderatorate et suterest. Appi> nt lso fra-fitinod Manotieter îVare- Ulofer-nogg klisudi> emîtteci te T. N. Gîblis,- ky1. 1$1, Torosto; Bey, J. B. WeTrssl, k . inounliseîst, t>siaswa; W ns. lssig, Esq., W it- by; 1ev. L . ilitrli, Myrtie;, Aams 0cr- dlorts, Y*,s.,Il'rolîiietýr of!tise Mbinseter Ware. lisone ; Itsubet McKtnsliey, RI., Su)rahsi; Niel SlnissrEss., Por Prry; aluspis )tedor, Es , tcsgs~ ;.erpBruezon, Emq. Wissk; Ida coi m(il penl, lro e u(. Jams Vroosssa, rstlour. ERq., gaad .aeslpreisq.. Vroonrton; .io. Clark, Joiuiiii lodgaou, £aj., UOnk- Muo seerSept., I7tîl, 1866. 87 Farm-for Sale. 1Oias#ia otis e.ti'qartér cf lot No. 15, Utel tise itlis coucma[on et tisa Townsi.hp ci - lt sWitiy e ouuluung 8W &eras. Tier r tesnsures. ot s nl wieâtoya.Tise primls Jarde wlil wuterOsl, 1baVtng a rundu Cse.k tisroagist ise landi.1 0 orhar pre.m pal ty.o . Or 9 lsehat ve g P l 0.us~ r #syaOb sue etiotcaliatoiore m lssewlsere, ý«ff# " 0tera 14làJio PATTEhiISn .t an# f th he80CM go1or h6e ( w IIÀL~'S w. LULE~.L.A, ~A .8.4 V T j j .kJ, .5 163 Kig*St W i1Tr ,0t. A are*xieV ftrae s on = hàüà& iThe proprietoraol this Il=stbihmnPoWessfailitieilfor manufanturing Carrages thu enblethetodèfycompîtition, either in pricè, style oï Land For Sale T0 FARMERS, KEOFIANIOS, aube ansi ail othara vlaising- te pai'éhiïe, OR Buildiog Lots. Tisa fclbetln# liait fLeta,' vii! b aol eîi e for quai, or aisà faar Valuatldn on lime, vis. Lot 1, Mti Con. Maris, '100 Alerua. Lot 15, 7til ~ muleer, 100 4' wý 13, 7tis "Toaoroustio 100 w 71 $rsi " do 100 t 7 7tis Belssucut 200 64 Lot il, 7t1544; uxbrldge, 200- '6 $MC rdsId loei, 100 d lt 17, front 6Bosnrvillo 0 Lot 22, do - doc I s ot< ricis smer.îîe, 100 6 Lo t 6,Ms" do 1toc 64 Lat8, 7tis sio '200 6" Let 8, 121hb~ do 200 66 Let 9 Otti doic 200 fi' Lt îï, 79h do 200 6 Lot i1, stisus do 200 di M 9,V27 2n4 Id Whitltm50 i sevoral volushle bnulding fots <or, huslaaa., sud pivate rsdecala lise Tovuacf LIni saygisdWlitby. AppIl tsi, ROBT. -E.-PRY leu, 04. Wlultby 12 L ST fe.i WÇ1< Lot., aud leshpr ved FARMS R S AL At low prtô.a sud on tongm rmscfisynent. MaraNorIs 11,: lth eon. 1006rea. RamaLol 10, 4th is " 20Il - North 1 5 th " 1l0ti " 66 Sonýtb ' 10, Mis 100 A5 -6 ." 100" dé 6 14, B "4. 00bo Tise loSt twe tsa osjoin theMotneli..Gov- estimoet rcad.) snd tishetisar Lou. la Im. ara but àansi 4 miliaqfroM IdN ais os. J EaxIy-Lot 12, 4th on. 2m1ê'Af.. si N. Pt. 4, luit cou, 87 "81, GallE ey 6 ~1, oIs 2 4, Nortis Wast Boy. ' SOMERVIL Lot 1, 12th conoeselon, 200 es, wltin 2 sulea of tisaBobosygeo'n G arimentiBonsi, sud miintoCcmIII., Se l*0h. ELDON-Waa th isooneaaatn,i100 MÂNTERS-S U -18-19t con, 100 bar". 80 J.l B. PEUXY M. forSle ELlNà tiha %a part cf tise Scsth-hsalif tainlng ssboat 35 mces, And ai0e tise Ssstis quarter of Lot ?fo. 16, lu tilse 5tiscot.esusion, contaitslng 50 icres.-,, Tiser. a o osf&am" barn,,and a rai huasse, ors acoi of thse saisi FARIi.'. andi vater- adJ b1 livinsg ipriaga. W' Titi. e lapu. For lnforatlen, asidreas Gacqd. Ballard, on, Lot 13, lus tisarront o! th Con6, Greemrod P. 0. (pre..psi.i)ý Pickeri'ng, Nor. , 19866. For alé oagcdnorlarga.Iuad b d'~6r vl v ore 'TRRS LJ>U Apply Cc, * ALEL.BROWN, Aahbas, Ot. 22, 166. 'MICATIN ,wMl4w unda4 autn 4 i«b -aso f 14 thé a '?iaseuf a iAtrto aisttleotflirayfrom s01e onu Teo-unall é;) . t isethWestern a'ts oru limit ofPthe Towtyoip o/zest Whltby t.I'ô1« erm r, on UltékeSag. NoveusberahCm 0. t- àlnlng tise noirBuilding of LOWES & POWELL, TIse fAVIs ionltÏil <Iity-e"viw andsi .lsitJ Iront front. on Brook Street, and 90 f.et 4 incise, Lot; 1. o rokStreet ownNUillo spd MauBtra'.. Bhoe âhOP-ý2l t10 luelses front, b 96 foot doop te a Lino' For buatnnea purpoaes, tisese proportion gré eh" ol cationa. ALSO 2 Lot-7eucs~1 opposth ie realdence cf 4 Lots Feno.d, wst of l.Mthe Mot lait Ob1ucis. 12 Lois-Ynod, known an thse old Cricket I¶rand, opponite the rosideusco of Jas. 8 .Lot#-Pnceai, norts cf thse residouce of X. SMOBarne y. 4 ]Lota--Pn oousets of tise raldace cf a Lote-Feteid, verit cf thé rasdene otJ. J. ilarper. 2 Loi a-Corner cf Kent snd John Strectis, vcat of tisé reaidetse of Lewin MLoack. 4, Los-Norts-cf thseam GnlAt b81111. 1 LoI--Las cf th is*rsdene cf J. C. Bon, à lqAu-Foned on Brook stic4nrts0 MVlaeLots, çlemant7 isituatesi for privaI. îqjDtn oLUz Tof wn<ý( Gretet dsoo'ery f em*t 0,pain Eé1t.7. wl eut, takàug liadi. Egy ian -Oi liE 2. PAIN INSTANTLY. Nord ttsa Ise de dila. Srstslawusa, up »£tis I ir s prjtutn iseen lissraduueu tisai vil e 'site iachres sud pe is t St la tee ta,.P sillCiiya.pise Io~ 1 OL No Ïean rer an aieqsate Ides refl . mu auss I m uus change utiet Il ocrise la. tises.Whisaart fra nSr. sssfluense. au» if lsy :Yulc. < lt se te siset w, éudérsr.mesy, and itisesumm prnmpt l 'alea, eier Chors a the téin.lic *wbdWraeeth@a UYI'TIAN VIL Susbasa iltrodeedil une eowlata-rete4rups (mis st tsecoaspisssua e retoe,,. eosuetred by cml. tient Fty*" nei ss uabie atre freqsue asi reut ty a Neoa eff Riugenmuau anOfeusl1la, iswerar des- pesats. or lisela, utaS myer busesse tud by theis-p caisots et - . Pcr l)tpîisenlaud re Throat. F.gypua 01 alisetb onty MoI ri e fiedy ilu existenei ou\ss eiu t. es caeecdi nsadulsa mene- For Teathache aud Yruce àuetan initant cure. BrisasaCatu. Weua -Born end su d yiePtsl e. dur toltie ,emarkssite sàiinqendanuiansrpr les Pche. Sideacise. Blckscie.7'oache, iEawhe, suanuachache. Ststlolnus. L4119Nedo prais, Bmelaea, Wimttiî,CaBur, Mosquito BitA &0, Eu.ery perian ahaulut ,worsre a b.onlqafa ise itgyp- tlion 011, seoas.FtaoShave itf issubon, fssrils t to yiff ae suar prvrau mach sutterssçr. and cra Sue is suane ora(r- hIate. for muasse.. have frpsqesss i eslr'ed vhore PssnsAtmuaciseut 1suth ise auhSsia"d wisiImwaitilig, for shial P5y»is'en. Tris.Elrpuasi. saf;cl extcrusalur istnisryAUl cessadis aavery eaauiy spilip M'ile raqures Msec- tinutd rubpinx in. 1k. miser reradssuic it Msay hte t ernali>tis lith serauest motus& apurelLyvrsisiste eztrect. PvgntsslaOi w 4tise sunateceenamnal rsmedyun ue, au mcha vcry»asuil qatty la reqalred lis pjvetuce tise ulcaurcà uffect. An eeas 4LacuDrgffltttruty resasis isu e -àsa» tssnd 1 tisir '0f0 i Tltisit in tiascrii (mette puisise Vf ceneet»emnd 50 ensa par IsStse. *iser*. -7, Farm for Sale 8g"ÀC BS, 50 crca loarasi,) bonse a&ia banaaiOrcahad vitieaou$ Mlle Of Fo iefsitwc 7er*, lse amoust 0forrai, (if are ha lot,) te "-e0pndesin cu rve -Wcuid M azbnk~tr auttabla Vila prpryluOshw.- ,A" . .IELLEE Or Fo KELLER, <If ,byltepo Olsus. 1 Lo' ut'y0 18$)' by firn W. .M,ýCcH1 8'N EY, Would intimate ,totbe inhab'itants of the To*tn of Whitby,-aud, the County--ofOntarjo, thathle lis ene an eetoblighment of, the abovo- description, in the premis, for- merly oçcupied by MR,,R. SNOW. Hle respçctfuUy solicits, the ýordet's, of the Publie. 52 FALL ARRIVeAI-S ry Goods& roci, THE BESTIN T[HE MAÀRKET. The Dry Goods- Department embraceq avatied and srpio nepeirasgortment of everything in the Dry Goods TéGrocery Department is replete with choico Fïesb Oroccri's WINES AND LIQUORS, Of the best quality always 0on band.',, 1Whby, Octolser 17, 1866. JOIEN FARQtYIARSON. Houiy yPrée MMIÏLLAN & Co's. The subseribera beg to aequaint their eus. tenersuid tsepubicgencrlly, tisat tley will, diîring t1si mentis, continue to cslfcr goodsat Itise lliwing pnice, vsz l2ba.esut Biglit P. R, Stîgar for - 61 00. Ilis., Yellow Reflaed No. 2& Sugar for - 1 00. lOîbo. é$ Ne. 3j Sughr fer - 1 00. 9>1>. Yellow Granuslnted No. 5 Sugar fer 1 00. Sîbâ. Cruehed A. Sugnir fer 1 i00. Sîbo. Crusileul Leaf Sugnr fer 1 I00. Subo. Grouiîd Lonf Stgsr for 1 i00. l4lbe. eesi Valencis a iins fer 1 00. 9>1>.. Jict New IUnisiris or 1 i00. 7lbo. Beat New Layer Rnisins for 1 00. 71b». Geed Figà fer -1 I00. S. Goed Currats for 1 i00. Fr h Fragrunt Teao frem 5otota le1 00. I re Old M1alt Wtsiusky $1 10 per gallon. ùre Olul Ryo Whieky $1 10,pter gallon..3heice Iriis WhiAlky, 12 yoars Chei, $3 O0 per gýaen. Cîsoice B3randy, Viitage 18630, $4 O0 per galleon. Pure -Port and Shserry Winesi. TERMS ST1LIOTLY CASH. Il . MeMILLAN & Ce,. FRANCIS KELLER, IN SU URANCIE AIN T, Ropresenuts the following woll-known Companies: *ri x-ête~ow.rioeu.uai SO'bONOVAN' A good. ao.ortment of, Buggies, Carriages, &c, ma e eàfeèVmaterIa,ý wil be sold. at a s.mal udvance ~Bn fUpper Cânada Bills tkak ne cag o ok ýK itby, OGctober 1866.1/.e e an efrw r SP C-LNO0T 1C E!.!11 ngle Rëa ersaln'dM wers, and Reapes n Mî wer ombined. The bscribers would call,tieattentionof the Agricultural. como nssnity their Stock of lirplemeo , where will bc fcisnd alsnest everything the Par. mer ay require, and esperal at th is seuson eof the year. te their Stock of 0f several-km n d ol0f the Latest Make. To which ail the La- test mprovoments Io nocesssary by çracticabie tests daring the lust seasors, have been added. Ball's 0hi1/Reaper and Mlower combined, ayga Chef Reap- er and SMower >tmbned, W li anning Sisngle iteaper, theCygsSsir oe-O any and ail ticeabove lachnes ,we invite a triai. They arce nsfactured with care, of the .4 And can be guaranteed to the purcharer to give satisfacti'on upon A FAIR TRIAL Oit NO SALE. BRYANT STRA.TTON& ODELL'S Business College & Telegraphie lI.sti'tute. No. 55 YONGE TREET, TORONTO. ESTABLLSHIED* IN CONNEOTION WITIt BROWWN,& 1'ATTERSON.-ý 0:> A COMPLETE COMMERt.CIAL EDUOATIO'N ! :O, T li;listltsstiesss Is. issîsir tisa lonmisiato s91peprrlalon uor J. T). Oubli, e llnst-clalgo csnnnsin Prisetiessi Aecossîîsast. Tisa 5'Osru o1f .trsctiass lis tish s~ i ssu. swnh-(lirctrfereice tsi tise rtqiretssessts sf llssliss.s., iadleIotise rl sstofrissîerën )ours rxperl ofehest îsinoseer.s of Bll .iCs isscatiusssoustisla 5ostInsess1W. il îcissas lc -kcalss a ii s-ltas lipssrtrnesuîs ssjnsi apsiustossu U nrrois i l Commesnsîrcial rtssstc iusssssii,,CnpstsuAllnalisis, turrls.doscEuuils Grsssssssssr, ip.iis, &c. s. cisulssrisiswood itsrissg th ise uao? tIse, lbolder, Ssud ostitica Ilim tltusslisilasîy cstishe 41l Crslls'gesaoi thesa' inlgtu loc;sted Js isa b rrIll Oltîoa of tiges. itci andi csil a Ees tuclosut yll sjoy tishe efit f a systemtio aos<i rssled, cosurile oufnlsî.ts ctl' s 6r ûs it i.e1 lssacôrLtsusseosssîsisste pnuranmc, osuIsraeinýg uIttisa eienutial I!oisstlç of su cossssîorll lstioss, witis tne inussî oxtousîlvo amsaortmnut of spcolssl lMeusoript 95tt c1 nould I a Cosnsercissi t4clssul. iorfsliter Informaution s pIssasse c uti at C oleor s.eusslfor Colleze. Monthl', euclislng lotter 13-y BÉ?YANT, STRATTON & ODEtýL. l's yl, Oa, ct. , sti. ALBION lIOTEIL.j Ge<sosl tliisg, andI osory ncemmeiation, at moderato cisurges. W' BARD$1 FR DIV . RT- THE LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON' AN]> GLOBE, - CPITL *ooooo. cretooe.10, 1866, 40 TUIE*EDINBURGH LIFsE AND LOAN ASSURAN(>E Co., CAPITAL 0300,000. INSOLVENT ACT 0P 1864. PROVINCIAL- INSURANCE (Co., 0F' (CANADA,) ADAEDET IEEO VIRE ANMI aRiNF. -- ~Province of Canada, ' lus-tis e Cunty Court BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co.,(0FPTORONTO~,), pluE -AND ËMRNE. - lus ~IntiseMnotter fE> IDJO1kT ,-. .WESTERN INSUflANC 1 COMPANY [0F ENGLAND.] A sacvui ACCIDENTAL DEATII INSULRANCE. Co. rENGLND J OTIC 1 F la lseireby gironï, -tist cas MendpY - AIJAigEN'rvoi tIS PROVINCIAL uSer as csl con ha i-Qthsaadugeiùtr PERMANENT &BUILNDINToonto wu1ayi-orge slsg c iaausiCut c BUILDING IGS.SOCIETY, [Toortieoan Aet4* * Dated nt1it n ustié oCountfnti M' Mlclamssof property inaureti on roaom<>abie- trms Aso, Meo tluTb oye- ïasyM * EDWARD J0UNSToN,ý Loaned on Uceal esatW. Prospectaees and fîzlinformation gwven i reely on ~RAE BEMQD application. Aise *agent for Provincial Telegraph Comnpany. Attorssey for thse saisi Iuaovont. FanaIsKELLE, IPoutma.ter, Oshawa CI W 2-2Mce VICTORIA Skating Rink. I kt, llê t l-ut s. a b raa Jsncs larayfor tiso0neoisltiun ô uttsu.îiod 1-is lus kuts. W.-slk ulb .wy TICKETSfor mtuso Ossar suie AI the Office. Tisat e rbrrtrn tialc for tiso Ilscrl patrussagalitfi cci ccrdesi to himaud »aâcsts. a cotltiss>usne C'f tiso semo a .s'ig tsh e us esusn. , s I THOXAÂS DEVÈYd]Ll." isty 7e.2tiIOi 5 Peuee. mai o. rlsichaîl îatablca dca, anti ~fI' Offce, Per B. aH, a lby ob 4,18 e Wal etl ter's isîsop nou ,sutiepreniîLs aarcmâe ,lin th# l aist i fatiileki> scttled woultisy loeulijty, aiW -Oissiredoune of tise- very besut etandi for&a blacksselth ilusaIl Nantis Ossýt4riQ. q4%. brick Fo e uas trtier part;c«ars, Apply A 'DRFEW WE-. vrosaanteas. P.0, e -tf On ULt iNo. 71 Otisaa ro GEORGE CORMfAcK. 1ý tityof al kinds ofinmbebconatauily on bairs. UNDEJ3TAKING. spldand .tteuded baud Cosuasakept conoanstly Whltby,Fsb. Stis, 1842; * MAMMOTH Photographie ILKINSONIS BLO911Êem IIT fEproprie a. ftlsIl ahooGallery veua r1.i o rs tise i ssc tli 19' l nsov i ste m est complote il h 1tis 'Yince,,1acdis h.aspneparesi t ttakre Plitu reg, eitisenin .1 PHO0TOGRAPJý, AMEROTY- Oir auy éthearanode o! ise ystàsA" t tb" Pria Lou#~r fon apotA., Gclkrii Hs A stddeda Dow ot\k of ARTktrs" MATER LB. GlivIsu#waitilstz roue s a u, anal "hi eg Au carly callla aahiclteel. wisitby, May 29,18"5. e FaM -for Sal in East Whitbywfji -six mues of the, To W n. 'IIEs.nbileribcr aoffrs tise farm lie noy-oc- T ulslrl $bl, botiz ceopocul çf Lot u.7,on ts tjis eec o olis OIownship of East Whftby, C'INTAIING 100 ACRES, rosm ntare c oniststis.g cf a trame elxlhgtari, îsasisstabhlesyâ,oasierAusi. bsulsn>s sltsTefsr'the tar sis&iillus gosi usnsjsr; li tisarissursiia rndmus tri alockc. witl tIse cisuicest .eppbe uindl utîsr fruIttreoa Tisa s.nhscritser is asxs ossWgir. up flaming ansI will tis rs.orest- l ons ususber.uI.terma. For terni. ho.;,uspply tsi, < Os tise prem'uaes. Or Ir isy lettar <pre-pii,) to WIsithy p. 0. s r T e tiru; anlisi ftrr psttfsuors, ara de- ofsi ss if ttanssug tiat tisey batve n c wheeu's ilstever sistil-iprofeas3n Fraainms Bas nare preparsi to attend ail ca"as durs ing~ ~~1 tisuo mnt OAst rausonable tqrm. Application e ma d m ue u , Or teu2j.BANS'§ 7-WLFNDr I-caler of tise Bandss. - Haif a MmiIIiô-'n MONEY TOLEND! M11 Unier'tged hua ompletedsi a ge Oni tood smort ssgo> secusrttyhnt a 'wrte is!tereit. Tlisoterroercua itr u O lm te puy tise prinespal. srvlsttjis'ts faitiI end nsonay utýi PE £'£CNT LNTÈUeILMT, for freun 31c5 W, NO COMMISSION CKAEUGED -t: Ailver and - oTBbaOks bonht an& Uold. -Apple persëoal>' te, - * LIMES HOLDEN, Official i Agne 1Notsiy Publie. *rnd lnaurtssse&hGenesi Agant, &0 Orle,, MO)iIiunui Block, - rok Streei, WIittly,1 MILL!NERy f! » 1uII8SStar bgWato mal- euwe t à . leltorhin Chanesry, 919OUGE If.' ÂXRI8a$B,fz ATTO clar, D4uty %gisl narpsud examine? l BAURISTER& AT SolicitorusChacEs 9 See- Victori a B udir B lau liancsry. Ch&a Toronto., * J-. G4 IRRISTER h A' -olSea-over Loir, WstyC.W. * S.B..FAII S OLICIToIt, NOTAI Oshsaa C. W.1 W. iH,,-Bn 1, J Chsaams, aiý0 Wiby, Jan, 28, i CHARILES C A TTORNKEY ATL (" tItiancery. Conve, on, Brock, 0. W. HUA'. MA ARRISTER h& À ]B el'stiter Ceuuty Cs publihe, kh e;' Wh!i 1 . RADIER G tT - 4be., Wisithyi.W. IL 'oiinorluClanes OFFICE-Dndls S Post office. ,- ARlTEli& AT1 Badscars sud Motal *Pc,, Ptsm-Ocu 8SILCoeusà¶z, LL. B. S c u u t .y C r a m a A t t o r s s s y -~ ~ ~~f IL 1w'OFIE.N -J. E. FAEEWI _IILISTER-A ILR.XcGE] Atoruay-at Lau, Selles> tiascr, hc. MMic- .ftha a"t, Oshu inT ABiJISTER AT LA- JOHINB, T. C. ?ornn5atore. Si T!GE0N TO TTi Byron StreetWiti A. FRa1 / * r[EcIINT TAILO - TI[0XAS TOWNCLrRK &TE ATK[NSON à -, T)ARtLqERS. King j>Toronte Sîrfts, Toi AiRCMIBALI &.ngVILLA, AsinifsrYork Publi. -PRoyINCI&L TI rONECTiNG WIT e ~jalCiiessan&l Toi * 'Ors's in Wlsitb Ofitr >lee, Broek S1 B ,LICENOED AUC alveron.s5PO w BCli.m p w 1. 1 Whitby, July 4, ý siffw

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