Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1867, p. 3

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o. T i reto esoh poged 2 jards long Ly 9 vide Ii Wlifob te 1moies ud bavl bfe g. De i*bfug op*e aVéyer,'aieaul,',di ,for, whia l. hrasdnt or ith. Xilth s,' e1.., opoes a fait division 'li hbora, 6009 uAr, 'srda for L1a in.. aomrort, Ibo delier inste.bel* uni" &belie Of lb.Xtb Word usot ki for 17 Yards, sud Jbdw il i.but 16., ba eu., tlaeta suïd otb.v opeupnhmt, e. enriome le a"ehmate. 'mi, judge la" 01Opmeiomaiilp aforaed in ulula, vhare -tDun, vome, Md Ire paciied SI tb; rota Of 1961900 tiare oide, lu Ohebr vords ,0 IV table, Whieb vaui16901Y pub 0 tree boendad by Division et, ry, Eolt Il'osrleanth t., sud tbe#( or, eomprising tba-Xtb, Xlii,, d XVJIîb Wsrdi, andconhsliuIg me miles, i14 popuslaid by 190,441 greteraUbr ihaî vu poa.... Nzelty h,e * tTioa le 190.01 1V YOrir, Brooklyn, Philadaf.. Baltimora. The Xtii Word bua l@ thM s eraeY Cii), IlArtford or d--st tbat tisuce, The Xliii o%- fiil t as bt ligne'Of Charlestou, iltaburg, P.rovidenica, or Sona Wb"@e th# XVflîh, eoverfng but piare Mle, cositamns more peôpi. b,' smccli coarinons aU iL... broforpoulatloui bacoroa fon correapoudent of theii, i et th~e projeci, or» noyai riait n the. couro u the yaar le mli ýioleiorn t-" f ho Fi inée of- ia voili iiown, nxns Iougbave identa, andto îmaend et but su year thoreasnthe court Ordi. A& 11aim0ri OrOalnrne and ,, *hao h ai anyel acen oui, 1 <sins, t $i; whispoed, ýiattly 5IfXiOS5C b0.te s bo :his'd kiuzdomiss nd imagineî Ji railler 1ika DesnsarkIn isil& et, visicli J slsrae 0Y aboutthé; owasy le enryiwhasiThle. lin a.î difln of her lRoysli Ughnuaat sent f.tlioixo sof icourse, iiy -siojunior- the projoce. Gole the Court duel..orthtes lO ym ~ It l ie I'ssrio : SîsLao siit of thse Czarewicii Cc lu.f,î,1;but le le axpecî. 1bgliev isy rongily hopî.if b, lt, thiet tIse court Of lb. P,4t4lilî4n:Pil in lrisnd foi' (lihe /sssinu. Di~nvr Sa~lemcid t"àemY ..... 250,000 4~scsi rxs.dî; 201.000 7f an.y........25,000 2-0.000 .d............. 290,000 ým, I1aeu,llqu. 10000 wblti)nrt,- do, 15 q0 vaise, for Col- ......... 25,000I .... 7829O00 _Ts oîA1l corre. N'ew Y(ork IIerald liu l.lnrafflsical sketcesaof rOusinsuni Annoxssîiouuagg ch il ciaseo e iiwloe Ower Canada, 'and apeci. - o( the- Annexationisi. Dorion,. E4vastrlLà. ,ilA le deelrea te.part,' 1Yasnaâll lin Upper Cons;, 7Maelrr,. ymal, lgo, An sd McKetior. Wa amen ve al@ave d, 0,1 vilii b. goo4 ,demi aaosil ejwhn lie,' lan Ocuigma said 10 have [r* Canniiig, vhich for oe DI thoe sili ut &Il Enz. Mid Isîtft ,s ll¶%titrîr %3tîisl 4 îes- Si tske t 1ýýslt5s-r il5a l lta, vord laid e, tb. viuel 5'.---Thoise rdey 1 bv thse hard-a baud texlfie s-o 1lîafhériand vai, s ainsflexible U s îOcrni: forth e tirade o10e Who Comysinn he, a44a excuse for baing bat do you warie nt?,p ' I bosght me as axe "t dont use tio dollas', osso, I hsid. -I vent te t'l c091d. I have doue are. oarned >more than 9p pnid nundoctsriand lidi farmslis Honaijet snurrlisb sext vîok te. id "200 sinie se au 11%9 X misai!ke ino asthse se as utew 000 ta eut I -hisOglat tho- 1mygait i lrgt 'lfse are- tie n l lse vos-id. Ui liant snsshow Ous-o "No gug"AndI tie he heu cf or îSIA N....n lise Ciey of '*dneOf ehe 'bride'm day, lob. 13, b,'tha John D'-ydo)u, depue,'. 'p ôf IThitis, ,to àMas-, u3kertof Tho,. l! ID.-- At th ise olnc SKingmnno, on Tue- ey tise I"ov evICusoîl r', Ichureh, Iiagson, l'O (o Eýlizis, youudJO& iand, lisq, '4 TUE SUBSO-RIBERs, BAÉ,D Paints, Oils, Glas,&Cet &c., at very Reducedý Price, FOR CASH, u.p to 2Oth Marck N.B 0barrels of'REPINED COAL 0CIL, vE1r IYOEÂP. S WJsIgby imarket#. Pa! Wb PcFb. 20,1867. Sri g...'........ 1.600 a *1.650. .pit*...... 1...»f35 à 01.42. Barba,...... ..45. Peu ...... ..65.61 0.. Oslo.,........... .25o a 80,f.. R,'........45. Wool.......... 3Oda. -Potato......... . . su. Boter.. .......... 130.6* 150. Terkeo...... ... . 00,4$1. leeee. ........ . .40c. a 50e. Pueka........... 400, Par pair. .... ............ 25c. a& 30c. Apl........... 406a000 RAY, ...............*11 Pot ton. skine .... ........ 50.. &8I10 Wood.............. $3. a $4. Poska.........*~a$4,80 The GLO iY of01 A I laST19EMqGTII. rî "hssilssdieereîsoss, cîsi "niee nhar end. lsII.J1 11Iilya lit i50î)eIins ilp. ry, -vili, for tie IsaIo o<siffcrifig m.a-u, Isslcl t o sy n'le uslited tisa olrople îsîengsie iossilitituasWlild.'Ig elTscted A eura fl & afew w..!..alterit eiallure ot si. miîrona meicaas18. a d &id lirawsed cuveiopa suteamnp ali t will comt you rietliii. ETN4AIITREMiIX, 28 lBiic Hsti use, ew yYork. AflL MAY MAnnY IIAPPILY,îIr. 17041.lt.Iiva or welîh, 11,17, ("r hfassfy; aissitû ' leoo -isesrrsto eIc emssil ggtilstd îy foi- io ta111P -N IAIAUP L.UCILLE l>iMAlIME 81,ti2ts1)I. New Yoîrk Cty. WZCKWOOI,, & o ltNICERIÇ, No. DiIBIroaidwaiy, New 'York. sit* toces ssi'fe ls a lîi ts-içlil. larti- ~ csaarettnsins,.in t. 5'nerco'sst ot'lorclgn1 lot! '2osssîry Iselig miiIlfilsukers. Ssssoa 2 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MINEMB TFLE A U "ION ALE BIANI< U T STOCK, WILK'IN I'tE25U 8BLOCK,~ ow Ao TUVRID Y, 21%t, end SATIJ DAY, SOrd, step. JAMES 1 DEN, Wliiby, Fob. 90, 1807. 7 CIIÂNC ERY - NOTICE TO OREDITORS. ah Catlsnrisse 11p.r îdoîe. nsrt,~n ln tiseurmostter co, 12 Victa (ùs tJlssp.72. nis croditors of JACOBlJl of Bisti ti TOWNSHIP of IPICZE.RiNG, 11N TUE COUINTY 0F ONTÂRLOi -Yeoman v wiso <ied ln or iicîslitise niotisof <'ne, 1884, nscon or bufctasetis Pou.rth day of March, 1867, N Toeueud hy peutprest a Gvyai, Ar. inols- & .-Iomkss, Tos-sit), Sitiicitorss fe tIse .Admlialstriqts-lx ands&Itiisrator- of tse de ceusci tirao-ilsitss us tsiianso cones eh u iîd2mcriptiulAas, the fîsil rtfcuigrao o' tîsoir cuisis,, a matert ostuf thr isc sslOiisttandsa flic natiurse ut ftisc .cisitie (uis ) lqid by tliscn ; cr ui dotisisitt ilio-c. tiscy w 1il14 per. empieily cxeluded front l t) su 5,aîs-elit .htie ,agil ordens. es-r,'reditorlisoi.liiag unil'A-cess. rity, ,ln li irnice the nAsSis actsf ur nie t tus',' i uiiaiitrslî, ,ras, Street lisaftise TPvssou 'Wiîltby,-oas tise cîglatita day of Mass-cei-A. 1)i -- 181;7, st tais -'clock ln tlisa .rsiou, tc-isg tii j tsi atspoiisted tfur adjudleasig upon thsemauli - )sted tlilà 201h dey' of Febrîsar,', A. D. 1867. GEO. Il. IIARTNELL, JAMESE. rGORDON., Soliitor lor tho Infants.7 NETIIERBY PRIZES. OPEN kTO ALL. - TilzE PIOPRTTIof ortIhe importes! horne T l N ETJI wJY, ill irisc cthe ioiowiDg i frizn, fur sarliasg Cl@s.and iiicot, V o ex libiil u at tise shiows ofthtie nijtel aovcktie cf Wlpitlî and EAsa Wlstby, tu h li slsi et Wlit by- thseapi * lai 2Snd. Yearling Coite ................ 4 $3 Yearliisg Filub ................4 $8 'sVlitlîy, FI)i. 20, 1807. 115-7 r' lA I l NOIE LOST ! LLper usous-e lies-oh,' csutloncd azainst A nneta a eor Z rclaiig a sote for q 40 nsit 755AMIEL '55aitsry, asn aves-VI jaiAsi rsloauiss, u alid ayale tt ise underigu ad. MIOIN A. aANOSTERL, etocll'ville, MI sFoi,. 1867.7 SIIEEF STRAYIED - ~OUR isteSics :cus b tisepremisses lou, or tiserovmseisli of 1ickering, about tisa fis-st veek ln Oct)or at. Thesovuer le s-- - 'ietedi to utsove jîropi-rty p.,'expousensudan tike otistu s way liiitodisîîoly. <ClAN cAMEJION. Plkruseb. 14, 1607. is- NZW ADVEITloSEmT. TENDERS WANTED. T «(IDERS21vma!tb. 10 eadb te? nMI»AY, XA= 1 5th, 1867, For hrukinff 25 Corda of Itm, n lstua 'Town bill-yard. AI@ for heaklillZg 10 Corda a:tisae Nonbl,.nd Of<Brock $tre. Ml ilse >Ione watt bave en ba brokan ao a. to Pms.tbs.oegh aà22.lssch ring. Tihe loirat tan'lr VIII ÎDot b. ameptea, en- Ie. 4awleai!aatr. NV.]RAY, ChalrmassOf Com. Streeto * lwprovemssute. wlsltby, Feb. se, 1867. 7 FROTJ!TON IFoR PARMERS a OWNERS 0 OPCK. TUIE HARTFORD LIVE STOCK INSUIIANCE COMP'NY, IIADTPORD, CO?4N. Euxecutor's iNotice. AL Iu. of d Twnh p RZ U l # oandnaaa, or# raquaawtad et"nd h. ah.andanign.d, on or bafm te salbti ofaa à nea. An& ai.. peo n i- totà t l ill.1, ae v. etuid tie Rthiie "forthvlth. Aotisg Esaetov.-Ea1.sm P. 0. Janumry 28tb, 18.7 . sf-4 9WOTTISH PROVINCIAL LUE ASSURANcE con. Thoe neat Division of Profita (aMonusulated darisgproeiug avva r), taous psé. ai At Pariles s'footng Aasurnncea nov VIlI thug b. anhied tuoan limnediage Bonus. A. DAVIDSON PARKER, Montent, Piaa d'Armsno, Dec. f26, 18m, WHITBY JOH-N AGNEW, Agent. Jau '20 di, 1867. st kIREE/ TZADIES OPTl!/~ -INCOUI>ORÀTED 3V TII! Legl lature of Connecticut, 1î,'mitcd Ciii l Compîroliua nesseenrit,' for rolley Haiscra. Tlisainîîspss'uy le nov pro p re-I Iissce Po- lscie0)LI VE STOCK, agar. îsst both DEATH AND THEFT. At inodlsr.t, Rate* uoflPteruiumbapesi on an Esslii exg)crieseof0< cvet lik' Y YEAIIS. The Pionèeer Comnpany of Amerie. HOM1E OFFICEs-Na 25S IMain Bireet, fIrrtlord, Colina. Ur PIIlANCII iFFICES-9..OSWaahington Streiet, Bljton.s, $rismar esi& ~Misis- en;55lroiciivy, Now Y'rk,(lois &* MalvA,, >isangcs ;480 Walsrit ?;troc&,, l'hi Yali.lF.& 9. A. Cioas, maligre; 49 LSlaSrû,Ciesigo, MesaUî & SOUTOace'ig, 1February 00, l L. FAIRANKI <Jr. A 000» CLEARE» Farm for Sale.- I~IRSL,100 acres cof oxe lleist lanAl, Foein; the essstislf ut t21, 4iis conu- alosi attMse TOWNSIIP 0F ORO, 83 ACRES CLEARED, Ansi Weil lericed. AIl cleas- or atius, exeept aboust 12 acre. now under cran*e, <be rme 80 am"e of Fui isl scaî las tise pouasd, aud Obibont 85 eare. afFail pioualsini doute. tOni tia premissefétlistra lesagoosi Irsuie Ilaru, 85:80; Fruine l'ig-tejandsi lcc.sue,24760; ueo a lo it«ktiaiieiid Ilrn. Tlie tersas lavîisin 7 "ilea ni eti n orutBaris, viti a goad rosi iea.llnx tisoco. t vil bie sKolac ep, on tise ovasar laé aboîji ieiviaig tise Cont,'. l'.sstla, pasr eiiain«c eutbuh e l.Implements sud Stock, st-s valuation, if de»aFresi. TEILMO -One-iislf essis; tise balance $0 b. sccued Sb,' 15ongage. Tihe Towis'iip of Os-egle notesi se en excel- lent vlset -grovisg Tiwiissl lp, aud thea avariga seld trare, di î)«tlic lest tisiee yeara, on th v utrn, vus 85 buisia -aer acre. For futer- psrticularss, sddremia, (poat..paid), B. W. Ross, Felîrear, 20, 1887. 4iu-7 NOTICE. (onîy of Olits lo, i If, isert-bi' given thoq I'. Wit i the Couirt nf As-aime T'usa Prisa, Oyer ansId -mic a ..d (laeni 011s01 DlcilsurY, vi lieoliolden lu imdAr tise Coust,' aof Ontario, linatse Court llo'sssc un tise Tovîs of Wlslîiîy, en Monday, Maroh l8th, 1867, At tise îoass-out12 u'clozk, nmon, utfvisicis ail Curoettrs, Jansetiosa0tiesa ae, sud ail othera coucsriiad viiltsske notice ansi goveru ubeun- sevesacacorsilngly. NELSON C. BF.YNOLDS, Siîxsirs-, C. O. obes-l". Oflice, l'er-R. H. Tomlilnaqn. Whithy, lob. 12.7 tpNDERS WANTE~. EAE T PRSi(osa d Tenders for 89 iisitpîswvii rmeived is,'tisé 1 cersgsc , bis ce, until noon, on B aturday,t e 23rd instant, -For tihetOllOwing a lais, t10 b. deliverad et tIse cosnîy Jsil, lu u1laquautltie.sud ut aucis tinaces aa tie nuder gtMay requis-e, during thse promeut l'eus- le Oatmoal pcr I., Sp!1 Pa, petbbl, Pot Ilerle,', pes- lb andie,,-l r la,., B orap . Coli, Pe aio0nt Out lvpot' fIolibe;; &assd Boots hoea pus- pa . J N SUIER, a Conuit nglnaer'fle ., tc Wi b,Feb. 12th, 180*7.- e Gszette Oniasv Jisdleutor, ort Ferry rd u Jctetegovr, tô girie Que naertloui flOUSE AND LOT POU SALE. III TU E TOWN 0F WIIITBY. 11 gb.eri4,rs offer foi'sasle tis e Buss T'own of W>lsiby?'ccsgotiter il-tis itlf-,.n-ascre ot liand attaohosi, veil itucked witis choie fruit trocs. Fur fasrtieu partiec!a-mand termss, épplyil(if b,' lettor Ipre-paid,) te o oiu Iovbray, lPr utce Allirt P. O.,' Towunblp of Eeaseh. IUEBT. SFINlCS, JOlE 1OWBRAT, Exacutora io ihe Betate of the lite. W Iyliud. Wlsitby, Feb. 8, 1887. 4 ONICLES W 25 C TS e Id for No%. 21 ni 2 Vo N1ý thae ' reulcie.'- A s 'fce, 01 4 mepes-sor Youag mlares, ai Black's Hotel,- IN TUE TrOWN 0F WH1TBY, ON Saturday, 2nd March, 1867. , nleeriber lisssroeediinstrueti Ircaisatishe props-letor. Mr-. Tiio a y&, b lUJiLIs AUCTIs>N, 'In tys- serve, aboamnioidt nd place tour sspisDgMlire., nàsa fur genes-ai ppSae.2~ on usses.t 2 non 'rERUS :--s r edit, upon paille, furiauiigpin' vcdjoiiotes, vithomatlns- tae-et, Ir enid via. lo st au pid, Inter-. est eisas-gos ilosa say otssale.-'-, L FAIRBANKS, je.- Austioneer. EssaI Wlitby, Pcb. 12, 1867. tsi-o T I StBSCIIBER I7ILL PAT THE Iiighent Cssah prie. for 3,OOObus. V HEÂT, DELIVERED AT MORLIIS'S MILL ]DAVID S1UTli. Eaat Whiiby, Nov. 21, 1866. 08 YMIT PRIZE Sprinig Wheat FOR SALE& T Hssbocriber offera for sale, a large quan PURE FIFIE WH1EAT, FOR BID. Apply te, EDWIN DzHART, Lot No. 84, Broken Front, Witiby. WkbJ. 2, a.~ 1907., *4- NEW AI)VERTISEMENTS., JASff JOH NST-ON Bega to announc. Ibat hb bubeen sppointacl SOLE AGENT, for WHITBY AND VICINITI AND WILL KUEP ALWAYS ON HAND A PULL STOCK IN I~GOLD -AND SIL VER CASES!1 ý Caad a Plates!1 HAT-CH #BROTHER, 'Offer to t he trade 44SWANSEA" CANA- DA. PLATES, a genc ino article, am thi le I t m t M pr-Ie. STOVES AND AGRICUIJRAL FURNÂCES, e: au Gd At their usuai low prices :-13 pounds of Mfuscavado Sugar for $1 00; Il pounds of refined fSugar, for $1 O0; fine yonng Hlyson and Black Tea, at 75ctsi; Coffee 2Octs per pouud ; Curranta, 20 Ibo. or $1i0;-,Rûiin il Ib. for $1 O0; Ilc, 25 lb. for *$1O00,-ilorrings $2 'là pr barrel. Bring along the money, the good5 are ready!1 CLEARING SALE. Skating Caps- and Clouds, In grea5t variety, now offering at haif-price- HIAMILTON & col SIIAWLS AND MANTLES, The Latest Styles, at a g azr Ilats, Bonnets, and lVillinery 'Goods.1 tOitSt reautiîon, et i HAMILTON & CO. READYmMADE CLOTHINC, HAMILTON & Co. N. .-1 pr cntFOtRetChASH don l.vrde cons Whuîby, Jacuar,' 3Oîb, 1867. GR EJ T BdIR G&IIM FOR CH-RISTMÂ-Sj AT -R. & fJ«. CAMPIBELL'S. ! 1iDress Uoods, Trined Bonnets &las AT R, & J. CAMPBELL's. 000.0 READYMADE CLOTHINC,l MADEu UP ON THE PREMISES. ATlR.& J.CAMXPBELL'S. NIEW FRUITS AND Fror the Ckri8tmas.- At R, & Je UAMPBIQLL'S, Whitby, Dec. 10, 1866, PerOniL LquMBr, CORheDWoD, ORCÂil di Phersodvn reuirias te abo e, iI tlrdSit, IPheiradnt age TO CKla hyaedtrle orde M-7»n±lareddTOlar atd ob upidw fiotcT edars wa mnted, to be supplie mrtass inaey. Oo uhn ad ihoiwr Country Merchants supplied with MIATCHI & BROTEHRZ Deelma r s l r =va.% o l, Q in, à& Nro d 4 ,0 r k st , V BCrgaons BargauGodec in s!oml temkt tc heil itli ;by. 'CttonG9 FIEDINGoo c& gdoClato me.ý I r lI kre gi-ring the public the benefit, bY reducing the prie of their ;Oods a.ordusg no ths imes. Hleavy Grey Cottons at aine cents Per yard, fast colored print en céntewinceys nt coet prima, t elear the. winter Stock OU oCobourgs id, fane,' Mohairs, et, twenty cents peryard, (Canada Tweeda heavy, ail 0. McCiung, Fielding & Co. LICAL THA 'BA 0-F MON' EAL. Lubl'u erfunes Juson' Dy, RU r shes. Tooth &Nl rheToilot 5oa * Pomades, Circula Combo, arPo, &c OUR - Shoulder rc and Trustes. gGenuine Eau de ~ e of John Maria Farina<s Wi, dow, Cologue-on-Rhiue, P in pint bottles. GILLON'S ESSEN O0F BEF FOR INYÂLIDS. or Medicated LIoz gels, indlu g Musk, Lavandar, Rosa, Magnesia, &c., Ae., dFine Confec *nary. gFlavoring. tracts, Pure Spi Cream of Tartar, and Carbonate Soda. 0- PMREP T VINEAN»>BRl POR MKEDI MAL PUIPOSES. P~, * ts, Ois, Dye Stuifs, Coal Ou L Un Wicks; Chim- neiBes, B ad Shades. W» Coal 011 ver>r by barrel or g anon.JA M E S B Y R N E , itby Je. 23, 1867. Dipnig adFail7 mis, *1 piced Bacon,. Smoked *Salmon, Buokwheat Flour, GROCERIES, WINES, ýLiQUOdi T~b~abot to Inn 1th 80U T H ONTARIOrf cesapoeled M of .t "NA.1,Titliieoueaal 26M .ra seioia or 1er,,'ludilthaSotî prt Lotsmu NO. 18sud 14zI il thibenasefflon5 8 acre, oeof l , the T.wnsbip of lait whitby. Aa ofan sera ini Do kln djllgthse' Lot NWO. il hma 180 "cra etered, thse baance bangevrdvth bayars'hcd voo.JtImber. T Is 'la a tthe coflet quaili, , eli vater. cd, b. godWi buldlsiga, aud la altuated ab 6 mies iorth ofOualsa, mat Columbua, Mdrn bciug s Ora»x, on ona 01 viîcislla s rwe Otebard. Will b. sold oopa!t. or togettier Or TERMS-25 pat catt-dovu, balance, Jars, apJ,', (Ifb,' er, poptpaldj) te, FarJAMfor TaBACr teFar omi forSe. ALL CLEARED. Au excellent atomrcyand-&..lalf lieuse, vîtis Moe .fondailosi, and -good collatago. 4 good bangoung Orehard vîtls tIse ciolcost andI b2te<frut treex. A Îarge hern 74x80, large roomeatebltng, for horffl, cattla anid aisoep uarge atraw bouse 40".tvo good weilli, su a"a vater dates-e, un îLe promnisse., àSf1 foot voot coller,smou,, aud ove%-yrequissîto for a comrissublifisra»dvlliasg Tie tari n laone of the mort .'ompact sud lu over,' respect one ofth mbc n dos dalbspurelsa isen utbe Counni ofLntarlo. Appi,'te, .r.T. XozIaoMEET, Tise pos.rlt he u t iselas, or by letier Wlitby, Januat,' SOts, 1867. Farm for Sale Ur THIORAH. T E souttis qarter (oing tel Sontis ale T of thseSoushisuit) or Lot 8, lutige FERST CON., 0F TROUAS, Contaaslug 50 acres, more or la,. - Teusa- cii.,'rim *in11y ho gluer. for a portion of tise purchais moue,'. For fssrtssr pas-iculaso p- plyte a' CAMERCIN, MCMICRAIIL, FITZGERALD * IU»KIN$, oic4urs, &o.. Torosto.Fab.Stb. Torossto, C. W. ACRE, bingtheNort !,oi ot 4, 50 la the 7th coucSeaion st the'~o o TOWNSHIP of PICKERING, Tlte abon a rus vill b4 lesed torsa tors of Yaata. Tise buiiidirgn on tise pretnusria are 9o0d, asd tis a nd à. :f excellent qsslity. bFor fertiserpartiesalatsa ppi,' b, ADAM SPEAUI, Lot 29lu the 7ih cou. 0< Pickeuin-g- Febtuar,' OtIsar86. *1. rmito Le. FRO~ T part: of Lots Nos. 12 end 1 ln utise TO POfPI IO IN TUE CO1JNT 0F TARLO, 1 AC Es, 150acrea cicarasi an uder a olsi date of enîtivation, velîva andi excellent bnild- inga. IVili bc srt atoruiso!f is-cor moysen Ymer». W~ Possen i gîen on beote tise firat of à pril, 1867. AcPIy (if b latter ps-e-psid, te thte' pro- prietor, JOHN COLL Lsq. On tise mie,, Or- Go J. RAMER GREENWOoD, 8olîcitor, Whithy, C. W. Whitby, Pcb. 5, 1867. 41n LaIt X- Lot 1, cTon. il, lias-s, 100 -acres. Ao-tii3f o 1, Con. , ' 100 4& NDERIaPoerot8sle in s Certain Mort-. TJ i adoe yThaxRâonte 'at3 ti<tNor~ tisef alîh co.cssIoa the Mas.1 actnes.u f aa 00Ar atTAoya snotioerd p oîrtieus ieb'Joli- AT TE Royal FRote. 1, IN TUFE Bau0Wy Nd f WIIIT, 6 Ath o Nio 1lok .m Sturday, 2ond fofMr c hI, 1867,oco Nota1 sai 8mouiei, andsiftuetalace lis tu-ce eq..sf anuai p-tymcuta, witls iuto:,eit ast six Pe,"t ceat nnuali,. WTitI. perfect. - LXVI FAIRBANKS, Jr. -Audeiosur. Whbs,, Feb. 6, 1887. td-5 FtTRTHER RIEDUCED - AT t,- Jan. Pt9, 188. OIiWu Old Stad, Brook-st Wbfti Lt illbeto the interest Of '0 Bargitilis Bargalus 1 1 ýWheat lam -Corn, Meaii NEW 1 in. -- ---ý - - 9 wr 1 1 ý JU es vc m 1 1 'l 1 1 ý 1 -l m 1 0 l 1 1 .1 1- --i 'l 1 -i 1 1- 1 1 - 1 Ti -0- AT COST PRICE, AT AT COST PRICE, AT 'ý M B N T-8 a l'

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