Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Feb 1867, p. 1

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wJl CINGss sudJ tteliol t cooataitiy 'allerma, ECUIUIACK. roui, nst îeed ir< lncse m,' te A, lrt . ' Added sA uew steof -e MATERIAL$d* rvousssd Mol41a ----------- - 1Sale rq, Wit1tn ' D TOWn Band. . V/Uw »J 0 0 ýTZiUIDS I41.mt. largot mm,w tION WM M -« AMES 1IOLD, ' Gue.1A..IW -1 -ayPblo Io er blaer*W riSA ~AE1,TUAND' ATTOHNRtg-AT Se Lw,àl;.itorg Le Mie s akli et tro.s1, "à th d.rpesa4etin cithi eotv of COntrio, Jm1mul* &ýâ. whitbyi.w. $W'190116toléan opeiloomuty. Ap. qtarlBriMtternlAttoruy., SiI.lar, k.. B ioVVWR-W.%»ey.TN Ae.rsuebuliiue. hSre oi&t. 91noC. * Tounto , i* 1,1601. 18 çARRIUiTCROWATTONEY POil YN B te, Deaty 4grolternet-o, SeExro 8t)n*.tsy.OleB61-t, hty »AltlTg &ATORIEY AT LEAW, Dolou torl.O lBy311r roo ft., l.lty.- - 1RO.ENT . WILSON. &1914TltAT-AWAND«AT l!W,) Dlit- 'leftra iiudnBode .Trontot., Toreto,9 121n 10 X# GORD>ON, fl ARhITTU kàkrT(>l1RVx.AT.TAW, B Of's-wrLowe# &k'Powell,* Store, Wiatby. CJ. W. n. B. FATIRIAINS V,)1ICTO NTABY PUBLIC, ko, *o. W. lie.DILLING§, CEhAULES C. KULIrLai, ATTrORUNîY AT L&W, SQliC1',OI'0N A ~ ~ ~r«ov7£cr ie.,Cauulne o .n, TAiZERGIIEEC.OW. k.., Whithyc.1bfos. on anlicer, < eto, ictty 0 e.. ou Brock 4 9r~.4 flAURI1WTgitAND lAroilts%£-T-A (>TFf(Jl-Diiida, IStreet, Z doors w*it of Pon.t 0111e. Wbîtiy, Jutie 27, 1<40. CGCIIRA,4E & COCHIRANEI. ~13 ARR[,4TFKR-4. ATTORN FXI;, C)qVEY- sii treod Nu)ttsiee lPublicie c, de, ~; Ae,a-Orz-oppuîiteTown a l ueas' i.~,IW . Coononaru. cuniv'grmown Attorpary. 'Port Ferry, Oth u-eýmber, 1985. ro1 Xl. C. A. JOINEB, - s terser, d&c.,9d&c. ja 0" 0F1CP-Next door to-Cho elatr,' Gifls, WsICl'. *- '41 1,' W. il.STELE, Ig* 44, Chouci, Street, Teronto. oe ~J .FAUEIWLL",.L. B., BAlultlZ-A'r-LAWV, &o. Voyoîîeer, &oc. OlDC'-hImc'4e 'ttreut, Nortb LXXAN E%44L1511, L L Il.. Slifl@,t.cpoVyelt4tt&c.,sstOf&ce. ian 40 - - - JOÛN ILiNt.lI L .Lj>iIce, Pritice Albiert, two dgouv; e etor T., 0. Formua 'e tre. 12 £es.iuu one'ur Eat 0£ ysvolik&(ait) 0111% st,)ve. Bruek Street, Wilitt)V. 4 R. J. GIINX, M. D. SIIRGEON 'TO TuE COUJtTY UAOL, B»yronIttTcot, Wlltby. 4 A.± PIINGLE, M L RUANT TAILOXI, BROCK STREET, W > ilutbi'. 1 à 1I309kBUWELL, * Ki 1'i 1tet, 3 doosEvu. o AIWIIIALUAJI LEJ ,C.W4 FICI SIYAO"IgneUB.for York aud Ontario, Nta- Publie. 4 PU IN I TIE LGUAI'ICi. j) ~ .jptî Cti..ssudet'1,wuu, li Csiadi, sid1 tIi 0. iU»es. flTiFSIXTIt DIVISION.COURT- B LierJ4tNi3i$E AUCTI9NEEiI. Addrc.i- @avorton, y y 08 raoAnUeusriCloth- " Il T'sbout ur:. uiterisl iu A GUi.rn auPiisi*lOmd puh gpn r fportatleue t eacelleiit juality, and A TTlN?Y ÀT LAIW.- QLYCITU]g IX mmuueveÀi te Office uot daor to OfkfiMr>1. Hame, Clork 91 (JeuntY 'Court, ' ppouut. Reslloteî. 49 OV Tltz SEVENTI! DIVIMIN cL'uCr t tbeoeoant oefOntario, Couve,' ti.,Commiinrluf iiiucea'Beach, d&a. EUÎi1ZCi...AIW C-O', .W. WiCotuoRIA 27L ' hlbi bequai COMMERCIAL H OTE L. vstedb 11914be.u uewl,' fornhelied ala .d nu- vtedu go4, ân wg: tIhebeet'aoomodsueja tinb in. wt <ood. t ttion, e'jss'u <*ood otabllug, encicuti varda,, sud attentive W g~iIOTETOIÇ begi 1te'mîforu thIn-lu /Isabltint.erthOe Coust,'or Vioteula sd e;urrotsudiuq (,sIuudntlot lih# je operged lii hlotu ou Wllllui itrtv igte1,' occ,îpîesi b, Jewett,sand ase lic hou.haui t ltled and uuuîeu. 1s l On1WtesLo, rliloew OeeYeouve. 81 ece. l0, Llsîisevsdacd Cigaro cortel UJXBRIDGE flOUSE UXI3IIDGE. WILAÀ NAND. W -proÉwlctor. STAGIE HOtJSE, ISACFENTON,- B BOT 'W neoianrliqtorg attentiveTOUt?, WHJTB1. JAMIES LACK, 10 * Proprietur. *RAILItOAD 110115E, HItuTntT STATION. TFIO)MA$ TOX!ýERDALE, Proprietor. 1118 l lits. liai; beeîî thorotijhiy veut>- Tl vsuitel, trioCsbl iulhuihr rlwtiye eupîuliesi rate baardeve snd gueuSa. er ri MANCBET, C. W. B. PLANKu - - - - Propu-otor. f3igeseto aies! trous Whithy calltiiy. Erer,' itteillil tPaitIte <usC,. areful t asd atteu - tire osutian.. 9 JOUX 1C. DMcUULLECN, Acceuntant, Land and General Agent, AND Nt>TAIY iPUBLIC. tAr Office lu Peter etreet, eue sieur uorth ef Mr. itîorei'e Drug Storu.. Wild semd IMprAeed l'urus lu tise coubtieasj Of' t 'srit uad rimeoe for gAggl.1 N B. Collections atteudesi te sud prompt1 reu.ittauces Maîde.4 -H E EIENuCES Rlon. 7. L.. lieIhf ruue, M. L,. e, Ion. Jobi I;impson, Il. L. C., Ilie. Gesrps. Crantor1, iM. L. C., If. C. Camsreu, FA. Q C., il, P. , Atigue Morvieosî, Eîq., M. P PIl. i sstuord., Fsq.. Yl. 1'. P., T. D. MoCoikiy, Easq, M. P.' Il-. -fr-bu lls.e, erry, Ecq., Wlitby ; andi cdi- Cené Basrrie 1Eeesuiner. Cauiadia loi, Liusluay, sud Whistby Ciiuors'tt!. 7 1> PINGLE'S ROTEL (LATZ WOOàX'h,) KINGt STRL'E2 OSIiWA. 1AiSPIG E GLOBER IIOTEL by tige usslAcriber, wisoeulie n i la. ibc fssiidtitifem~îd reasdy t',fists'îij j'csoiaily C, tige nalittotf hisu giîet, , TItiprc#snsa ms leag 61 CeicîtiY snd COusf',rtssly, itied up; ptiutd, plterel, (c(,, w itliîiteru', of sot. watt.?te 's sab. aussI eorr mnodem rtu uuI'Vetet toelte ti.'rrveîî,v,- hiome tlurii.ortiuu 4tssy andtite Table bountifel- Notieo to Farmors and Othors ,y ,'ro,,, ly gslsiî rherrel; ML'NsuîZiîton'a ' en CvIO d'. lftol>îler'. Extra Rectifiei Wîîioe Io, le. ljfo.bst l'or. <lerry eand C'>%iiira îC'ýýyiy te hu eck , with as lut of Liq îo*rm'u.j tguer* oftfli e t rnndog. Atteutiv(oselbro&, audj lirerate Hire. A. ALEXANDER. lroôo l", -Tan. 27t ' irs , I. 4 ONTARIOH]OTEL WflITBY. C. DAIVES - - - PROPRIETOR. ituperior nce'hinodtle)ns. Citrfiil attèn- flto te srttuiuriin.cto trastlor. and guestt. 1Cinnat-d1inýafhedl-room, and rf sd, VICTORIA 110115E, DUDO.TUSEZT, wtilT. 3011K <SPUi:lIîLL...... Popictor. tiobseriî,er edrs to ieteîn, his mac,' Tlfrltuundstîat liclu. noir carrvlîîq 0on Dit aohuoe t aud tbat le olue snuecbut tige Tsu eoge lyard, JUXlu.edatPeu IJI sLtby le flî Ot - 4 . 864aue, 89. e ii . r~~~~~C W.WAIIIA RTL *uT 1aboyuh]fatatl,wtittia t. uPeot terdlu i» fyttemd o teLite av. the ne-l Gveial a anQod attentie d ,ec. 31 isb-rbrfJOfteU MO oieJ»GE lsr »bâoiosud2 of uumeuxeepreuuu'froiu riM tIi.,' laou nce; luof We.Lonee *o114-pIeemugo 0"L.ud flmuviln 12. fore. tlit, nDo etr*li ofet ahes tls.ta e bispusuod vItitîs It ea inove or dufgeot Ilns the *11ai lt.îdegri Tui,-Btlîesiiaie ii.cener. aïe 'dws pataud ara t a & moistIhe thicit port e1 rii. .otsu4.loogrd sud'aIl tise lieavy tiuîbcu wlîlclî l0 requliete te <ive thesutvuuuigit, but vialset tuaige hue i. prejudllLe iith purit,, alidlty. sdd oueorit, os te toues. *ý l0evlrniL,-By tIh.e tvesîigth ethte éme seti poweavoottsueing'l.i pevits taueais Vary' cou- mldersuby lucre~. As otsonanthe,'sors» etruug tbeege iiatunento a oeau ted up te p1,h, sit Cruec, fvom kiîits'l piteh the,' du net fai ; wmle the. Squ3re fianos requirs to Ise driseru p a <vest niait, tn bt er, wfsTstý ii lii etsud u P tta t, ovAilfora tnhet' peved eot time' siud sferwsvds vequtre -teatuecourtiioti, tusied. Ynuer,-Tlie Eiptcalupee'tise eai,- to*etlier with lte compoact nsid uuyleldiug Wtrengt.b, Alded l' the msaI plute.-lipist'àt the tue a silidty, s poirur ssîd s leugtls sund prtt' t fVràitieuslerlur te su,' Square pboard in iutelucetl, givilig a rer,' lecp btue iueusl coiîre'rlug usure thui double the vibra - tlou e ' auorditury ouu'ilu<.buard ast the lcaot touc, tlist. 'mluing liglîtsielon, uaitnit sdpower lu tlî o cenu. itii,,ut,4Ncew patglit (reved Jktal Baer, tse ionitiiling-bousvd lttiug litstlise grouve, g iali I m ils ueupt acowraife utimiCsegu ig afoc e isusudl-oid riueatls, iltit,14 luoue- vente sv/)lui(.wlit ctplaise. Agrilisibiu te. logés., lié awysîn 'heariupç qualli,, ubeiser ie dooevfis leraIor not, preitlig soirt, wt*tisig ,trmi,, eîih so weur Ieilli hble teaderaiigeau Iusttruuseit vcstîî«ufeutour lkgal Tio cvooved bar of heu nettul eoiupetltlon. lsevetefeve t-frerved te, place$the 'ieuradn uutlrp.ly luioi te selo",-tliosi ousîd fromt il r,xuitiiisvln jeveut,r ptirtyq poncu, roc glily tord ellitity ottote 1hbithâîtt of the"onisd iltal10lerougtsand iiidtlitwluunles compavison. .erycoolsuennuioeturer mtoi ly s.ucli quu- tity cd'ro u igChe coueu'iruetiou f ejyt Js'ut ses conutt be ditipenpesl mi, ftie ilf.et Chlot Irai l ttin so ens.te thse Productioni of a .wet hois uon iuld-miakii% -uitteîsd a rougis, liord tCies, Wfitetîser tise Elliptie term rthe liquaoe orm ite i better lis tîseer,'10 à point for igaggte dcrcide upos ; lit thse rexuIt et tIs two torous fl paplue toeere er-leatrntd or iiicurue'd. A ustiber et tii jstylue ofIustrsmeutes, oIl niith these ibore yItutted lt;sproveeît#u, arc iunz eu.uifscurer b,' expusrieuseetî wsrimeu, sutder ussy persionial sîlersu ,tuyeaçtablixih. inutiat, lisitue Towiny orWitsTttrt, ud hI l l i.lsl ,,' ise 1O' tNovemriper uzt. 1invuiite tige iusuutsi talI-wisitist fetur et tus, ne- sut ltju ll Iloi> uIe eale ta juige ot tisar X4ui',se s isd srece totu tîelr auyer toril,' cv oliser isejtruin(,zute b,' tuttiilitg for Vrielieut Mei'iuofet ige Prn.:iiîe linre Lrivetl tîteir olisltii tlufotsr 'dltrsatiity or cuit- utvuctiouî, iteigtii eofesuin, ani etgaîuceaut du1pe titis 1st)-le efl'lasso I$tMuseluUN IVArILLD 1" 'rixe Suhuci ilter lissue s(resst îtuîîtser oieT# 1at;- meiito, whiicîs l dois.net tCisik iueaeoroyte puusligliso is oitetsftoies Manuîfacturer% paishs eff agiu tisepublie lliuterii"r issruîs th C ltvui tCsti-ilouilaIJ ts sttietl iros tuîssiitnsefor wlsicl sie, i ~ ue qes.iistt. Tisisipriatice ehusii te euv aged, aiss tIse lniçruilsent italtmade tIs0 tefct. A fsud t'sauo sioca net xatud in ueed et tht-e c Wt1'ileutee ; s gresat uis'ny penseuse grantitxà,., %iich teatisnosî.i:s ekuiw etutiii of tt se ;rilteipla et tIse constructiou.oft lias Furts', a ud are ceue;equeîstly ués judges ta de- cdue Witi su>' fairuculoi or cotitty. Evé'eiy istrisiîelitstuhjeted toe onut tîsersustul i tots btture iLl'lig tii. workroinui. ,Is lsL' ffrtskeu more iit P. ife. et Prvinials Exiiibuitielstisu " etîter Maiusscsrvsiiu sur re'uide'use lu tise Country, Isendoteruiued t es- tge Ireputsteu milisbaaI lte etir ir. food by turuiing eut tIsefbent svticle in usy'hue. J. IF. RAMER, WIIITBY, C. W. MiL003c~ :~7j~p~g iu prearesi seexemhe ail er- ~ 'jJr !Î/~ d il litiemr Ue, prompti; allé]ti en uuuesuîuu Isadtes.aima gelltnes', filî ansi tnuum iîata eîestcd, dc,515 i orlt is ilk o tte ihrteet lie- tice. 40 A Iucl'ety gIzve ta sali peontin, inuieluteil te of Athllai ,t Jusutpyttit't tiis'reeartt utts n te WALM.'PY.0-18autiti>E>NsIIYIKEIL, Aetiuu'z Exs'eutork, let tmsir etet', i i tiser'P'i ut JPlrTs 'N, snîul ot rf etlu-n.'5'sor eleJswlievu aint il uS ermeisis îsariu'g juat cisisse agelst t, tai'l yE-tuile anc rs.ius.ste.l te hi-neait Cîmir claimt te mlIse saii Eeutmsu fuir liquitdation. -WÀ AL'LtJCu-sî. (JI)LiON S'I't ElÀ.. J&sý . Âneln- y, LF t 'N. a.-Ai l ciitua 'huit arc peat cite milI re. qutîne te 1,c j'aid ujp belote tise irot djy of J am'.- tsar,' iezt, 0, STRIiKEu. Acting Excectove. 1Pieton, y+ov. 29, 'r'o. N'EW CAURII.GE A'ND Waggon Shop S AMUEL WALiKLY 4se pared to manu- fature te ordenr, ail ks-nile ot CIIGES & WAGGONS, BLEIGIS, dec., IN LATUIT STYLES. mpirizg -zeatte and patomptly gW" Tiree doora#,ait cef Mn. Wm. Laiug', Store. Dunélsx, s.Whtby. Wiitb,Jan., Itit. 1085 Tarai for Sale IN TILE TOWNHIPOf PICemRIG. ilc reae d siae gdx cîltiiitson, Tii. shoeeproport,' viH be soid eon Tson- ibie terme. For turtiterpartian, ayppl,'te t6épr prtutor, on lteé prmlecu, (if b,' btter, praI% .54 Atilq, P. 0', C. k. g -~ ""i 0" e iii w".' t, I ~ TUE r'VEPO ' , LNDW IVERPOL& ONON ESTTMATED ANNUAL RE- VENUE 1865,....-.... 0 FUNDS INVESTED IN CA. NADA .... .1...........9M1000 CANAD I or00F leitETesa T. 13, Amur, Fia,, f3bsliusu, (Pre.idout ofe DaBiuk o ut uitel>. ALtm Sroir%, E«q., DePuty'-charussu, (Chsli itai nle BuutîteDon.) igysur Srzt, fEmq., (Mauager Ontario M. H. Ksu.e, Esq.', (Goneral managr liuit et 8lontooul,) C> .C rrBesldeut Seeuy Tire Inouratue, e olceus gseutaei on cicr, deuseIptieu etf1'veporty at tIse Iomcst remue- rature rate.. i.u.eeasdjuusted as .00e as satlstaetovii,' proved. -irV Nu extra charge fer >tuîitvy secrrice lu dets'ncsi oftthue ,ootry.ts, eeito ieo Lit Ue Policie v ecito ieO Cîttîdren ove accore trousf e;szure b,' Crelitore. Litle A#nurssuîce Polît-les is i Aniuuici igrauuteu oui the moet favorable teirnus, and un- der Tâblus ouspclliy adasptcd te tIto cirtus- %tauu1eee et al claseae. Ail infermaution ln both ituspsrtmelîts oan be ol)t-lsses i t the (Offices' ottîs Cewpauy laU lon. treai und tltrouglieut Cecaulu. Agent, Wliitby. t' (OrYici-TIbolie Provinîcial Télegapit Office PBuding, uesr tihe Rintr,' Office. 18 TUE COMMERCIAL UNION ASSURANÈE CO'Y. -0- CAITAL- $2,500,000 MT. (FULLY SUBSCBIBED.) INVESTEN> OVER S2,o00,00-DE- POIOT FUNEIN lCANADA, 050,- 000, 19 snd 20, Cornhlil, London, Offics (duvlug re.h.liuiiiisg) se, Grste Churcîî Street. CANADA BRÂNCII: -NIiILAND, WAT. SeON deCe., (laceraI Ageuts. PisED. Cee.:, seevetar>', Office:$85 &de367, st. Pasul Street, Moitreni. L. FAIRBANKS, Jis. Agent, Witbtt,. <>rri-i Prorisicial Toiegrapis Office Bu- ilding. nesur tb ise teuiutry Office. T. CI1ISHOLItLEVINGSTON r ' L 8, luepcetGr Of Ageiee. 18 QUEIEN INSUTRANCE CtOMPANY FlUE LIFE & ANNUI'rIEs, Capital Twe MILLIONS STERLING, -o- rnirOrrcz,--Qmiccu Iusurance BsiIu. Liverposol. CAisAuA BiACUu Or'icZ-ruîo uildngs Meutrcal. -tidue BOQA RD. William IMoliouIq, (simt'Tsnt TtiyE enry Tisau*.Emq., lieu. JO-JIUî B.Itrus-molssons iBank,. L-GAse Asvirroî-Meaari&, Terrance &e Morrne Muzsuti 4LAirTsUEB-Wus Suthelsand, M. D. Ecimsu'ui-JmesIL Sprnizsge, Eaq. AL'rroi,-lutseru, ;rocmui>Fid de &Jehnson, Ileaislet Sccvtasry snd (lesterai Agrent-A unsion Buildinge, 281 SI, Fraucole 'YVier street. Agent, Wisith>u. <rrîe'v-ln lmîuesTeIpgrapli office BuIn iliuher the itegiotry I)lJsie, 1 ORILLIA HOUjSEr." ORILLIA. ROBT. IOSS, M.. - - THlE propep ni rthittuld eutsbiciied liotel i ee -.b-to iuftria iiu lslu uuereuisfrians ansd itise travelling pubulic, that h li ssl eusei thîe S'hvj'emuîruis"', c-lere lue mili attéud persosa sl,' a e hut t Iii.gucestg 1'u-iate partueut cb.isd if required. Trslîu, uil esn'rlerus mili Sud ample ac- commodation aud erer,' attention psuid te their comfi>t. ati»s Bar miiibc toiaud etockad mith lte chioceât iquors, Cizarx, de. Large MIm, tseds.,and i ttliug? Viti attcntire os&tîecru lsastl,' OU baud. Oillis, leti Juce, 18656.2 THE ROBSON HOUSE, (LIE SeItrai's noTEa,) DUNDA.Ç STREÈT, WIIITB'Y* C.W. GICOICE JSOWUOproprley .T IHEubscrlWnieet*o asetbtbe bai 5. leithse buiffdlug foruieri, k!;ov au scrtttue'e ete, m alcs ibeen reuoiatesl, rafurnluad, samd itti d p trougisont, lutise betetetyle. Ti tPreueare pimt,' t5<- nuted, OPPOaite zttPl'st$ once,oaid in thIe ou-, trio et tue Town. Tiie Rallmey')mnluîue llauet lte notal sud thest ages for Uxbnidge sud Besierton (lave thede«o.ierpuentsg Bourd$l perds,'. GEOROEB OBSON. Witb,', ar 1868. 20 MONEY TO LOAN{. M0ZYW taloisOs on l F rue», aI elgit LàyK&ýGLIOH, BRnlater, Osiaira. OabawNai47 0U riis on s. tue ...MU voiesez's. GIBOANBO 1-illt.. gesWhJOy YEOANCiOMPAN wIkWNt UAiCle,-raeNopEBA Ur-E1T 'iTTILL aiste illl sud.bfr e lt. 4lte 'V o uepeeb.rt e ianeisnuuu;usr et islî vaueep, sud Stfa I»Bot., te sud roui au,' Port. 'en thue Liskqsud Itirrs, &0..a p rompt libéral anid houserable seltkusejrt earl Jhiittiluis pOUe COi, C uipan y ,'b, rlise! JOUN BLOW, àgeiit, Prort Wlsl1n>r £~'Meesdjlulg .ate'ltoe, eCe Woistb,', Apnîl 19, 1960. 10 -S RTESCO ONL Canada Agency Association,4 0F LONDON, ENGLAND., Ilitre a large suppi,'Of o!usne,' 20 eud unu prved Parus..,fur fio r.ar.. i eNo uuee or otîser expeisie.., iteond ths. outal uharce fer couiriyasieisia-sud relsîsuluu miii bu umide, For le-veu, dea.. apply taeà B. J. U. CHIPMÂ&N, SuCretary, iBex 74, Toronto Or toJOlIN AGNEii, %usietor, Wbitby. -10 ,WEGTERNg INSURANUE -COMPANY, For Ffre. Life andlYaue CAPITAL, 01,000,000, ÎSTERLING. Ciirp, Ormcz-7 Wotorioo0 Plue, London; CIIAIIIEAN.-J. Tetuliceon L'ibburt, Eaq.. M. Il. ter Oldimu, Rtenus nClub, Lon.don, sud titteGrauge, s'rusustou, ne-ar Msuelistur. GENEILAL ILANA(£4EI-Arthur Scratch le,', iq., M. A., fort-ily Felloir sud gSdie- nissu Leturer. Q(seccn'eCollage, Camsbridge,. H1ead Office for B. N, A., Ontario 11.11, Charch Straat, Toronto. Marine i(1)iks tromeut V~April te loti N'oîeas- ber, aceepted ut Iowest ratea. SCOTT k DEGRÂSSI, manage r», B. N. A CAPT. R. TIIOVAS, Marine luspacten. JOHIN AGNEW, Wititby, Msrch 14, 1866. Agouit. -C. N. VARS, RACVCADntint, Oshoma, imp Iente R oomse, cirectl> oppo- site Cdi PesontuIie.-Eut-auc en q1ncoe ýStreit,third £oeruo.-th oftite Ontario Bank. W-J EXI'IEC AGENT. &ec., alise Agent fer Acident andMîul bsuslivsl urarce Cous. 17 13RO01ILIN HOLJ8E, CLARK & VTCKRRY, - Prokrietors. Beg muet rectullty ta luforîntlic iiiiob- taliu ci utheh. s oust, ty of Otario,, tînt tise,' hav.a Ie,"sed the sîsore preiiseisIstissi, sccuiied b,' t0stuIy ly 'rie, wivhî'ltîssy lbire iesuýl, tirnlsiu. esi aussI rceravted, stîi ti l' o re jrepoved te uu'eeseamed.sîus hetnssellinig publie. Thec Ban xsocesd witts the bout ltqior.s euel cigas, std ai. atteutire obtier *1 ira,'ein otteudause. CLARK &- VICKhEY, ,Preprieteors Br',oiliu, Apnil, 1846. ai UNDE RTAKING. T1L L A ND BROTHER, WilI ie ttmro ,liete 1ui4 attcention exeluairci,' itIla uidctir i uieuca. Fnu.eraie tul' uupplied ou thse ulotet notice. gw" Coini kept cos.uti,' youniband. WILLIAM TILL. Farm for Sale. 011 TO RmfT. 5O ACRES of exeallent land. beig North FIRST CON., RE4ACU,4 Ail eleesrci except tîiree mreA if o! od 1snd- the Priperty inuiflîuuse.d on tiieWhltby sud P'cvt l'erry C1'tvel 1usad. Tii. nioe terniuwill bliesi. Or reuteel bout dire Conmiue yegT%. on renuuOnblé tertre. Appi,' per.onslly, (,or by btter pre-Ptui'i.) te Jneuuru Lamen, bliitr, WbitbyT, or 2to t. Bude.~Ecd. D-AM'EL LI4MON, Lut No. 19, Pb hcon, WVbitby. Whitby, Oct,9, 180, 4 DIVISION rcouRT COLJNTY 0OF ONTARIO# Ire, 1, WWy....e .lt 57 "2, Piekeriuig........" nd, $, PrluesAudit." 4thi 57. Atele.......... d..i, Z. BRHM Whitbty, Jeu. 22, »67, g, O ~~~su ~ ~ ~ c 551i u'iel ieenme, 10 trot Iv1aèusl l. ea I 0tidi. Deau sg.l,'îlwDort§ de lu Besvuus; tIs I utti-prtac er orthffo eb. <loi Whioo t Iisvoblesue! tii,' lfu u i Msther Itbisitee ersthdi MY'soul m,foateor 1 guil ethord ZXTIICTS Paoli ])a1. sKiTS' 1V mode; 0. Vs& tracts (rom Dr. a,'î'fertbisaoulag er, Tnlîe lh. Opoa Polar aSes! Opsoirlis tise puisb,' aiers; lBord !ogsin -Wille I1va. matcbiug hase moremensa vitb mach laIerat,*My,' ompaios iraiulW ltou I,' u ponbbéiussi sud rased m 10 lie lover, m th is niuv meï sud ivoté filiug 10e higis ovrbese!. ,Bsig an- lauglis got myslf towedais,' te tise ut. Waactien of uip svge ,coupaeiea, <h.o iport begau. Tie-birdu ware ',beginig &gain teavisiri ti.ir fliglitdont 19 Ou h.adoe.-aoulen, iudd,.t iiy eef,. tust it scael almost sif 1 coulel catcis thonu muth ml cap. Prçuni,' I obued usy- couupinioe poreirg iusslf, a a ock- of aUninal Ibiekuswuas pproahiig ; sud1j lu a moment ep veut tise set;- a SaIt dozes Siràs Bey bang luto it, sud, stusuce! .eits lise biow, ttc,' cosld not Butter ont befsmre tic Ksloîoua b iad aipped lte staff- quickiy tlureugbis iiboud u iele b set;mt wth is lefbontad bh o oipresi den thue birda~uflîier vitiït tïisîgit l dreir tisen eut, eue b,' oue, sud, for tise Vaut eft 'hiird baudp, h. sude!Issleetis 1e erusis luer head& Tlh.éuiugs voe.tlise loc'leed acresu cd otiser, te isaep tisans (roui flottering sars,;sud vpitis su air et trinuipistise o Ide! (coirlooked aucune! at me, apat the bloed ane! <otisera <resu île montis, sud vent on mitis 1h. sport, lousiug up his net sud liacling il lae uth muct sapidity unutil h.olise!caugit 'about 100 birdo; whe1ns,'lcuriosit,' beiugampI,' saliafied 1 me returuce! te the camp sud moade a bein,' saîl out or tbe ganse mmii ire b.d baggad linbis novel audusporti- utauike manuer. *bile au immense steir ira prcparing, Kalsîssals' sienne! itusi vitS teariug off'-the bird'à skisi, and cou- umisg Lise rair EuhisVue la vua yet miras. T'h. son reacisiug ifs greotest ucrtbers declination on thée2Mat, ire ere. sou iu thse ful blaze eofusomer. Six avenîtful smonflitsâl pascd over since tse autic mbdigitt bad strouecai la gloom, sud noirme bot rcace*d'thse autie mid-day. And ttiî miel da, vuasàsday of vouderfal brightnui. Tise temperaturu biad gene np igier titan e ay s.'previoui dîne, uusrling a moredisu. 49 degnees,- mitRe in tise sua tise th.rmbmeter àei'd 54 de grecs. A more clslmsud lordy air neyer Auticuce! au Artie landiespe. Tcmptad b,' the do,,1 atrelc!d dme in thse- voile,' outli et théeissebor. The roenet osueu had mosl,' disappo-ared, asud volley sud is'ide mere speckled vitis a cicis carpat of green, mils euh,' bau-.sud tcorc a patcis et the inter sseir jet us, desoled-isud autale carpat, tringed sud' inlaje! mith s iliar, sud spriukled over musi frogmnts etfaàhoquet-for min, flouera vere nom iu blootusud th.ir tiel' faces pceped abore tise sod. A,,hbrd et rein- derr vere brousîug os tise plain beseatis met sud toeo ibitq rablit bed came, troi liteir bidîug places ta feod upon the beret. ing milloir huile. New objects et intarest Iel me os trois spot to-apot-babbiug brnooks, andi rocky biill sida, aud little gIs- clans, aund softecig mnei-baniualternaI- ing mitis paîçisaofttender grecen. A morrelioca changelhatocesover tise faceoftaure sinelte abadoir et the iigist issue! peie! a,. Rccsliing the gloom asnd!silence of tise Anti-a igit, tise destis lite quiet visicis reigua la the esdelu a drkness, thbsuce of euer,' liirug tiig Ibat, colrelier, tis solitue et ifs terrera, 1irasu set poible ta noe iritiis>t eUrpnlser thé e M ndUcape Cer ered mitb au oeiles blaec o! liglistich air and!sns ande! arth. temiug vus lire, tise deicu-t places sparkling vuth green sud btigisleuing ulti flirers, th.emend "c!ig averyirh.re sema e v object et plasoure misere bera tiss-eras »busgluon. l'h. change fromt th.ie ion to ote Artio iummer le, inâeed, <h. e ane frem 'deati to lit#; and lsbe-Voie. mniis îopeakoltis uin end thee mmdi , asel hbrntga 'bci tise jeyocs dar, t iii aue mvola. miib "Sin u nt de, butalcepeti"- aud the ptuoeleu boaurt vama&ie trob agabu, aud 1h. -bloseo m ',retueed 'Ote pallide! ick. «ei'~oa rs WlIse, houudiug alo*rlggoag Ianknots 1 au bor, me aletoitru' ovei 'as ,6040nen j polar hast, wibci mai svimàûinatisai oes.ýwp mae, alg a à irce bltie itis te imite bera.itr. ee luum f'ý val dresa, 41Min such >perifl itsste j"î ýasetisr for Ib oalliuai.ot ber lace, ber brocades, aitise nsagofficen.ot ber jevals ; & tiird for beruperiorlty',egtihe Mtai( e aworki in folic*Ig ࣠ls Of ber Ou., 'Auth.r eIals~ for bernîf the. Couaidoraio d»e.0tilsau tMataeti V elasil l sdee ac oter deslrog os!,' :t0 sar troussis, saà asOtsauite àggemt a elslsm Iosomie literavy repuatieonel'. vWh. raally Sm & botsdra 'bava, tbe:: oft heu- ove, sued faion drauws 1h.l"i vltbhleàit 119 st te baud.Titi mudlitud, ovavar, viii <coir wtibles" vits a empolou e Uality. Tisa,'will go IceOO m Me msal slllicr, teckas Due»an, Yf tisa,n 'àg. iri W ~sa4, pIsauis hm-, selvala ber bande, wmll gel .'rlgg.d o<' Thie-, efaelu,'so«hikcgmoe, hIsmlv lng laytlgure for tisa dreumamu.ta mer I& bus buoiraaordadof one ,leder M fabicno vWho la cunple» oer ber sau eau, tisat, bMore abus.y il'decidai spon, au,' costme aie pop.e&thos sselai IL >i ps pose~vhsus I e me be able te fore s -flerably correct ides of !ta cOet. Itle qelts atoubing-tsat fine ladies wyul abnuste ta o'rder te 'alqüire, aréputatio ou toin bbu .faubiou sud le secore beiug.welI drai,. hl i said tisat eue of thse Mst opular dreauusaiers llu Paris loa smasnvWho prorides th. viole costume, sand mien **rd is Isir.,Whoun tise dreu s isiubed udtssl bee, 1lIbe lady lsecxpected, Io.,prmaut'benoît before blen angrandtassa, *lii.le sudios the affectî otis udîork, 'sud soda i&i ap.1 prorel, "or auggeste' anome ulteratlos' mmdl, se one dires te disobe,'. * h msutî sol be suppouei that ye dispute, the wisdom, and mndeed, dutyî , of p.,iug sous atteuton te dram. W. are ne sdvecatei' for sîoveli- nais, miici, 11Piao tir natot o. feuli- catel aur ill-erder.-mind ; jous as ai II sortmnent -f of ceri, or s boit seletion of matcniali, suggesla tom defaci of ee, or taute, sud us,' b. théesotuard expr. alonet s vaîgir uiud. Thare. mi,' be a cu)siderablýe amont el ceceit; sud alec- ltion, uuïderlyiug a diaregard for parionol' appearance, vbicb in quit. ai raprabisl e ai ils. opposite vice. We r.memb.rau isune in hicl th. vueifA, mllionaire invajiabiy astcsded th.eirait.uorl. par tieu dreised uik. a cdist,' scitgi. It coule! col bare bacs a question of acese.ý sar,' aconomy. It miglst bave hbus in- aded as a tacit sebako letiste rut ofthie giddy gsily dresed vor1d;' vie Ootterad like buucerflies in thesusuuhi ne et prosper. i,'; but It'alirsys ssîoeured or s certain kind et couceu Dot îery ter removel train self-rigbteomuanesud PhiaaLsu. ,Snch lunstances siel'kosover, ver, rare, beaui (<mu likoc ca ssacriiue oft teir ýperional eppéarance, even te acqeire a, raputati fer piet,' and »IetmortificàIioa. 'là titan daya eipcciallym he isefloreast porta. dei aven,' clausud aven,' kci tE ufdd tg tholkowis isli <o isclge tiseir liste ire sot bu apprebensir.etofsu,' ceipsile in- duffcrence te il, lThe errer la net likol,' te be ou tis aide, but on tIboe opposite.ý Hxsggeration in style, in lare,lu-cx.,_ pense, le ttha preaiing earil. The caprice, of thse (air se: is fte.rad coeragad-" b,' tb. andîechcanges wmidisaremae and Our oez ara e oeuoer aeccited ta, one tasiion, lbaui sftldeplaced by'n- otber. Tise secenis wbicb ire baiesne- ied etflthe ballemics wore giren iu Pari# drneg. tise laut sasieu show visaIbai hez thsepyograeoflaury Wladreas. It via &&id tisI*ueofthiscourt appeared as au ârcisaugsl <1>ta Sitshort tnuuic, vits wiugs eofvisite fesî switicis term.d M2 ancb ever be r bona scame dowu te ber kaes, sud utb à steel swerd'mmi ic é held in ber baud ,'wki#eas#' dançueul Madam, de Osilifet bls tins prepsled acs ea axpcl, onsomue futurm occasie,- prceentatiou of -tse dufforeut ordera of the- icsienly luhabitants. Perbapi 'thé lovFert 'egion miii bave h. rapreaenlatiîeese»- amore easy malter, ne- doubt ';-"d vie sous'ý but vint, ere long, iessl~irof a tableau et our*e rsents, Cia ceuse,4 drivas, ont oethe Gardes ef Eden' b,'thé ungelie Marqniue'viti s so'rd in'baud? Lon ron soae RgWy s a.e AUflr f alsus vEiefurgi, cousa 45t dFt5ir gevrsao .1'ioice 0of t6 iflrotbl.ia eteuest I7'Wbdistrict <lu. ofiiemd (rom ils praieuft- tdate of' edi the derizesorthtise ail-Jrous puitinggni botter beues1 'An! iis,'prosuce Ottava teobc dèvdi ai dcfcucc, wisaa tbe ver,' arguments,o01 ino slga usupport of Moutralproie ticoàutrAr,' 'f Mostreal, stouadiug ou tbe ver,' shsore et the Sft. 'Lisreuce, cu -be dcfëeddurai,' OUtiw,_ hich i ffty miles behiud, 1Wrie, cau be dcfeded. If theé River St. Louzee, lutenmpted4sPl rapide sud cotared'vitb gunhooa, can se- dure! Montraaent,' ' îthnase 'n'ver in ter- îupted b,'rapids'âudeovred mitll guiboste eah useure: Ottawra. If'Mostresli s thse etronsg Place ilta ifcracked -.up lg bu, ý&d e Kugstou tIse ulrong plae 12 la euppuld te b., Ottawra bai gt tiore-oug supports -oueo on eactaie n t w ili' bc. ird ideed if lieqcunol -kcep thé trer lie- Imons tiéSe. Tte River St. Larencela 4iefii efoeeo! Ouava, 'TbeujfÇî moiles oftî4r stiff eoautry,and thonil. oua Did"H slg"l aruaIfle ish6'ýO< St. cyr heu -te itaitify bisiacif? lu tise use breati lse'dcedaru fluors te be de- feucqi a ose! sugats iaî it sisould be couverte& but en itreeisce!camp te ýpro. tact Monîreal, mi, itjsot be made te pro- lect itsel Itibsn ieesn id byoaP»eof tise Seat'jodgu0oftii. puaient dsy (tis iereîc defender of, irs> Ibat Ottawa vau admirabl,' calcsat.d for parpoees ùf de- tance, If su estreuch.ed camp et Ottsa la neccusar,' for <thé dfatee of Moutrain 'ts euieeau soppi,' It, snd the men'te dtutsd -thé toce! sud forage te mup- port h. Âne! iere, gise!te isouhe$ ire bave ilu <rout et us Ifte béart maandorm et CAna" thé vwatis'and populou ity ot Moulu-cal, ta bear thea- first brtiut of tie cestest.NW. are glad, ladeel, te basa, tisat -moutresl la isispngable"baimun outil Meatsal .talren, Ottaqirs ômfe4M 1th. archives etfltboome Ov nusc Mîarater lu MUoutresitSi. la Quiebée, b.caae more, distant tvstua aunseo's fire, t4y mua- b5 stil more ete te iaOttawa hec.«»emoral Fosuur- Tzguao.-Ou'ne'o 0' ae -ohéngai is ruponsible for Lise !elowing 'star,' relative ta tis apop"lan d;,,peau. cloIus vice i " Net mas,' avatsinge lbauei la recorded tistaI s auer- Who -a#pu inigbn fr, oI5>ui. ss' ye ari,* iraimM coump i>' mu irl ladies,.l'h.qui>j.ct of fortune-telsug *as introduced. Seversl of tiie 'eàebd plaude gait,'te the" sors 'tmpeaelimcsit ot bâibagitie Madame -TSI, ansi 'MadmeTh"t te larna" <b. mero mosacuaos su.. i1 &deeopuenvi a S rta Oie! R- mai aiised for h replied , , 1 o fas aum conensi1, isowmore a&boi Viab W-; I duetivk t cdilapelf ina aIse,".Clet opon s c«Iebratadpophus 'believe aie moIe!dlacev. mmi,'au W-Zni i

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