Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1867, p. 1

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G..W i. MDU.N 31111, 1 EIAXWH. RIOHASOSON, -s CAR». A iL eta'io, ro LET,~ st Bokmtsnst sinsster, islgttl p1led as a capi rais gacre ai ls, irk, apPihy W M lentos, il, Coli, firou TIC1 N G 6 I 8,usl AttAnsulei cpt eounatntly p1ilc ,Galery, Ga>oriy vos 114)w tIse Mo 1Od laàses mrOTYPEs, Mii Il>ratlsArt, im anp isOir icei a an sL oit -IU within Tow'n, fotrm lue noir m CÀ,I:sIoose4 sslss atthse 10 Alii, Te- 4e01ostlsjr 0( a fhman ssotllrsr f $ssi1s ro cs,- 0n tfl irt" , t'&Ii uls eti t ioo ste tenuu. y t-, I-l JOII'N TOWLEO, Ou tise Pou ]Bs Iand., ,r romst rnvûo, ns ose;o K tvint tisl Iste 14) is l'rctemls-, t'rfle i 1J , WULïBD 1 sm pepared te on 0 0 0 P FUNDS omnté tlStoldmney~ ON 1CI41A"1411E64 ý Vlb IIO -- rsturn sluee,-d OIIIAWÂs 4 ntth soo(&h. ,court os.-5 AhE15TZI» Oo~qollolt«o,AS An . ois W , A, . SJ,. n. (IOUSTYCKtOWNÇ ATTORSB8Y FOR ON.- grlo, Ritrrleter an 4 Attorney-at-L.v, S. Iter lns Chasevy, N1Ary Ynllo *.- <>qs!nEglow's Noerv Bulltn, Danaos. %4sfr, Plstbv..S DepayTE, AIgWtNU.XΫtCUNVETA a tan.Oes -Tfet,, Whltby. EttroBURT Y. WILSON L S. 31-. ARiSiq W ,AElSII#TzittALAW utAT LAW,' B~~ i Chisettry. camsre-J&0, nt WS. Anitigsa-lAT-AWTt)&NDYAT.TCAW 4,~~lêdver Love*. A Powell'. Store, OLTCION NTARYPUBLIC,kA. As. As- mo- iLaw 0111cm te Ontarli, clsanssrs, ptorone Doorisontlsof tIe CI19I14ZES0. IULLE199 AORNBY AT LAW, SOLICIOR IN ~lhsucery, ~ouve7sucs, ~Cauulssg on, Brook, C, . ATltu3NEIiAT-LÂW. SOLICITOR in A ch& X Publie, <Couvyancer, nt"ffc. on Brook 4tra4. 40 OFF1E, de Street, 8 doors viret of Wh j 1,10. CsCUAU k COCIIRANE- &U[TU ATTORNEY@, IJONVECY- IB Aners 0 &ies ubli, tt., &0, l'amas A.sQsc poieTowu U.ILComsua.ss, LL. BIW. M. COcssuÂwz. CoîsnuW Crovn Attorney, Port Ferry, otIs tobecebr, 1865. -5 r tw. O#FVWz-Nest door te the Eelmtry Oics, 'Wbl*by. 44 Soudctor. A011 A.., 44 CITC treet, Torombo. .0 ZJ.E. AROWELI9L, La i.., JIARRISlTER-AT-LAW,&A.. 1. 14 IeOE, B. A., Attrny-a 1v lolostr.n.CseSceTCon- Toyaner, o. ôieor-Slmoe Strot, North or thse Pest Oise, Osbhkw&, 0. W. 40 .]LYMAN 0UNULIifflàL LM,. T>ASSISTERL AT lA.Wr, 6111lao uchasn- coo , CovoySflOr 1 t., A&. Slusooe7t..-Opposite the Pout Ofice, 0(isaa. 40 aitN DKLLKNGS IJ.0,O10s, Prince Albert, two cloors vestof T.C0. Frmau'e store. 1 eW,.léuiile» ~ £esldnos-issdoor Zes' t enlà dA Olb on". store, Brook Street, Whithy. 44 t. . .GUNI, 31# .De «t~URG£ON TO TiuE COUNTY QAUL BrnstrooeWistby. * A. PRIIIOLZ, SRMCANT TILOmROCK 81EZT I.Whltbiy. , T1oW RK A 'TUEUR 1, W[IIITBY Ols-Tovnshll -IIoure i9tel olock.. AtiÀRioTzuL.1plgStreot, à doors Zest of O UT0F7TUE SVENTU DIVISION court of the. Coenty of Ontrio, Convey a u«e, Coimlelursu< gee'.Beachi, &o. ~ ..VICTO R HOTEL., z Brootiu6, ci W., nspS COMMAERCIAL HOTEL. 7b.udenlguimbosge £0 nnusti )ls 11414n the above ve*li enovu j'reslse vbleb beyse beeauevtil lfmssfud sd veno. 'VO"e by flmnandS oetise but aceonmode. bef ol. rsal iatteutlou, csueallays 22 1011F MILLER. T1M. EGOTNTON bogs f0 'nforn thin.lu WV ialstothC Osl !Vltodleaud tbth uopntiseh moe n ili te latoly Poempd by Jeve*tacsd 00 bedibushaS ltitte4qnd uange&s edlmawtjrleYAIt.r.vîîSud eveysonve.. 91 Uqaosu94Olgus. i tise #Boa. lîau Lnday.eb li. l 0,u tJXBRIDGE flOUSE 11.ANNAFND. 15 - Proprietor. IBÀA) PENTON, i'toprietor. B TWluesndS lîquor.; çu perlorivcom modtln fr~aveica;good steblinganS ALBION HO TEL. euns.rsu, vosrrur. J AXES BLAciE, 14 1'roprlotor, RAILROA2D BOUSE1, vurre wATsou. TUIOMAI TOTEIDALE,IProprlotor. T Illa motel bais lson heen tboroucglly ranci- viètesi, tise table sîîl 1,ar elvils rosppliesi vit, tise 'est. Uoosheosssuosltiou for rh veto boardqra anS gusta.. IREBVER E OUBE. B. PLAZ{K, -- -- Prpif. 1,tae suesd frons, WlslîbýY oal dally. Zvery stientioplsi tegueste.. (aret'ui ocd atten- tive ostiers. 9 JOuI C. oM»aULLEN. Ataowtait, Laid aid general Aget AND NOTABY PUBLIC. SOfice ln u tr Wvti'touii door nortis ef Mr. Rlaveus'. Drng Store. Wld and împrovod Formes lu tise ouantios of(>sittroasud slusco for sale. F. B. Collections ett4oeus dte sud prompt remittaucos mmode. lou. D. L. oPlssroou,7M L C Ion.Jobu susso M. L.C0., lieu., eonr e ?Fravtor.l, M. Lf. M. . C ofns.uFakq .. C., M. P. P., Angus Xorrmou1hie, M. ", Dunsford, Esq'bi. . P.rn.McConkaz il., M. P. rP., John H e lýmry*#.q, btsuad edf- tors %lrrle Xinrcolna', U uesla0J'1, Llndney, sud Whlstby CoisossoLz. 7 ly PRINGLES MOTEL. (LAIE WOOF'5,) KING S7'RFNE, OSHA W.d. JASIE§ PRINGLE, 85 pwsurîross. T UE ebove voîl kuovur, olsi entablsbedl itotel and proîulse'. hase beau purohssd by tise ousriber, viser. he vîli slvsys- b. to'ud on-4ssnd reosiy tu atteund peroouehh- te tisevaut'. of hi'. guesto, d&0. Thse premises. hon boeauonvsuieuitly sud consfortsbly fittesi up; psstted, papared, &a. wtlsoltern'.o rsoftatertc, wush, and overy mo4uris improvometto usake tise Trssveller * homne 4uri îsgluu'. .tsyndtse Table bouauls- Ilyssp!liod et altins. Notice to Farmers and Otheru Llquoia rhohswsscssnd Iesiotnsaul Il Proof, by galIlon or basrrol; MONSngtoa' Gieulevit, do. -do.; Uas'plor's Extra Irectiloed Wlilskey, do. do.- hast Port, Sherry andi CogslaekBd or thise sk,1 itha lst of Liquors ands Ciguirs, oftise bont brands. ittetlve Otlors, andi larpe, to lre.ý A. ALEXANDER,. Broolrln, Jous27th, 1 68. 4 ONTfflA ZO HOTEL._ T EE above Ho.lplsite" astort Wbithsy fa 14 eS up lun t.e'hsesstyla f«r tises0- eensnsdstlou of both vidmned b oarders. Good Stablng andlttsutivebhoatle. *Il r ANLOAuECA zOE. »MUsp Asusm. -I111 Esabo«r ehàftted opîbie aboy*e 0K Jestabliabedhoto,vithievieofabfrdlsv evryseoomoîdatlon1tisha gravai lllgpblIe le euh. aQOIL ood setabllug au oumer.I Joux MQUGIJDgE. ne semé spleen '."Messeoz tue AIIpisu w SiiS«. 01" ;gaéof Woo, or tslrty qmqrtel spwooe L'togetise dpa, u nol fcl a" "e Immefnsee rauefsvdi st sud lumovable lu Ite 1fotsin uso efrain o! ai tis e stb iutou tepi'iedwitbla Is unnmoe or effeoi,15 llaltggbtestd4«r», Taua-ythia gIbagthis0omresastedie- pensedvllssu' itautIse tilepartof thse eonud-bcerd muSd ail -thée bWmy tlsuer vislcis la teqisiate te give tissus treuptls, bal vistei et $tia àessue ime la prladiclaltOthe puriy, slkUt, MMtio ot thétos Futeugtis c<,hW ene, lb paver o!f standing lis perfect fane la et ou-o olmbly lnoras.. As moon As thsye' nMrmgeshe s nxttunente u b taud up ta t aons, <tons vs liehpikh thiedo t WkII;hile tise quare pAUo requitdu a" drosvusà grestsnurn&sefS e'oebe l tanop te iteh, @one i bJfo mdo dîni., euaivirds require ta bo coustaoty tpgtier vits Ifs&oipsot sud uuylaldl'ng ofreugtl4S, IdeS isy tise métali piats-sm te th*e fou à fldty, a Po versd aleugtbeosi puàrltyefivibratione perlor tea syu pr Placé Dm -malau,Pam Dole.,sdug bir la lutrodcesiglvu& aver, dsp hbasa seuui1eouvelDg More tbadouble tIse vibra. t. su Yinirymoandlug.bctrd et tisa lat fousistisug ossblulug g htuce, nenaifln, sud jovretlattse sonsd,~15 osiJ~ Baer, tise otalg.l.ad Itsng lu tIsegroore, venta vsrpagvisls io an«earelable te, E5iTiT- lllptleseodhngupou tbree 9legs, us vys eisar4ino qeaIW vieta Is flcor ln levai or net, prev.uslug suiy tvsstlug îîtrain, sanhOls as oulib e lblf tuedrsugesan Iaatrnnsent roodt upon touir legs Tigooved haro! beillmatesI copoéhtlos beroétef0re'rred toplacf es dé "rou Clssd' eutlrelY lu tise mhsllss-.she snd iroinsit rédiuitn lugretW prity .e lecit vilhis rougI, e nd laitina Isnompanlsou. veygooul manuaturer oussouhy ducisuu lyo!Iroui lu tise osstru.'tiou or lisue.Y-ortes s ceisuot Wosilapeunesvitis, <rosistise sc tisat Iron là înjurJonse the prodluction o! a mvîet harusonicaun osd.tsug liotead. a ropgbliard tonua boiethe seiliptlcform oirthtSqusae<ms la tise botter lu tisor, fa a point for sawon te side" UPOIs; bat the resuit o! tise two forma la pelpahîs toe av«y bar-leaund or usl«ei, àu umber of titis sty le ot Instrnument%, &HI Iviti tiseeaboye pateutodilmprovemota re Wiug mnunfacturer by expcrienoed vortmen, ausiet suy Pereo npervlisossatmyotusllsis- mentilnsthse Tovi or Wunur, sud wvîliebs in tise lngponiton o!fI-vltlsoat four Of tise re- sinatThe nshlle yull ouly b. ahi, te judire o! tiscir excts ocau d appreocsute their super Iorlty ose er lu s ntrumeuts by ossslsang for 'ris.boast Maslclous or tise Province have <ivou tiseir ophion tient for "durability of cou- etruetiosi, strength ef Round, 40d'elogance et aipe titssatylo of 1'faao stasuda UssaîvAsLEu 11 Tie Sb«criscer hasea great nnmb., of Tet- monisls, wlleh ho doms DoStllink neoessry te Publiait.s oftoustimseManafacturera pains off on tise public Inforlor Instruments throath testiussasujsobtausont muslelans for vîsîci they crveesu airaient. Tis.pmatÏce shoulsi ise dlicou ae4 ud filsnInstrument lteahfmade tige test. A gsod piano dons Dot staind lu neesi et tises. Portificstes; e oratuuuy prmeoua grautlug scis testimniala knov net slng of tIse prif, le of tise construction o!fPlase Forat, es4re on-:ontssly na jndgos te dle- OMOl vltisanjfalruoonor certalty. Erery lus usumosstsuaWected te tise Mst tisrougîh estsera Iesylug the vortroossi VIrîg etn More Finit pïhzee t Provincil Issll to sny otiser Mufcnclc Muy resildence l lauie Connu1tI m détoruilueti tokoptii.reputat5ou iîsisI ave so fAn ns- Itosi by turnlug ont tise boat artillel mylîne. IF . RAINR, WIKITDir, C. W. spiectflly Isfoms lat. -'sil s, sud tise public, thsut isc lespreparcd toxceet il or. dors lu ber Une prompt;- ausi roabale. laies sud geuilsuen'. ttandi trsuv hsute cleanei, u&a., alime nil vonis lu siik on tise slsortemt no- tice, 40 rOTCE 6 eoygvnte ail geçnu'.iudehted te th saeo hlooAe WEIDEN, Iraq, of Athol tIsa yment thoroof mn'.t ho usedef te WAffL~iEROS~)S ansi GUiDON STItIKEl<, Acting Executora, et thoîr office, lu tise Town o! PICTON, sud net othorvle or elsewlsere ; snd aIl perasss haviug jnst dlaims eagainst tihe 'sid E.tate are rcqueted te pre*cnt tiseir olama te tise ssid Exeoutors furlquidation. 9. P. w IEDzN, WALTER Etsti,Q GIDEUF STEI5<R JAS. 8. CAUINDUI$F, ~ NM D-Al dcaims that are pont iduit yul re. quire ta bu pald np belote tIse afit day or Js nar, neat. W. BoSS, Of, STEIKER. Pleten, Nov. 29, 166. Actng Eneuters. 50-8m1 NEW CARRIAGE AND s AMUEL WALKCZY Ilraositems- (saure te order, allkiardis o mnu BLEIGHS, &o., IN LATILST STYLE@. lkepait4ng îead1y and prompely eovkt4d. StorDuntds t, Wish.tby.U'm Whstbl, Jeu., lOti. 1560 Farm for Maie , le o For Wuu ofe perl rlca Ns, pp e tsepr rltron tieprmilea i 1,hetr pre JAMESMOWAN' -ti~ ~ ~~~Q Ç'uly . . ,W î~saldIone 7IHSubsod>sr, v oul ymotfollylfcu .1. lthepublie, thsth tis aoya 31mbla nW. fooed sud'fvli» son as sufiefl£y Uum, bo;dfor tiserctalonof ail IsUvou*de »igit lus Statue.W. Wostlsk.vil be alvaya su stmedm_ço A t tise oo. TOESfrt» Oe mBerso " arsal tli TissSubperWbcrsurns tauki f«rthe Mlerel p* aie bitiseto sccoded t. hlnonsd soutes a continse of tish le a4slug Use preout bi htby, Dec. 2rtb, liUs. 01 Fur, Fùr,Fur! Lplcra Il kîndis o(lhlpInj Futit, el ,versd athoWotT,li.Mioollm ,gor et the ollâce of v . .Perr¶r, Wiltby. U IL. NACOOKELL. ALBION HOTELJ BAST MaIliET SQUAlEz, TOROUTO. Uoo Ssllsç, udet ry scconsnodstou, #t W' OAR StFERPAT 1. W. .81ORT, Toronto, POO..10, 1MO. 49 Dr.-Wood, Sparts Strel & Modi treet, O1TTAWA, 0. W. CANCERS CUREl) Ny a ulgw, but carmin#, Spcdy, aà uenril 1'AI»l .espronoms, eui itot tise *Wse e T lIE cure VIIIbe Vrauteed end, dasaaproof Loffistsnepsylrequlî.4untîl tisecure aons plfoie. Tise ont s camcer fa dieor- ored It ,.isould, b. corail as ilswilIl cost fane sudlea Mwre peedlly oursd tbmu vhou of long- er oteudlsg, ansd tisera f isl ug te gains,ssd avrtilisg te loseby deley. whatnov eo&m a 1=16nl*0 uplu ,tlle broast, uook, ovs-lld or lsevisre, or1sMe.l vrt or sors ou tise hp, May, lu a tew short suontisa, bocouso sabldcosss, *.utndetroyls smesof dlscss. . re- 4urrad , T rot souccno Wg(srmute parties Who fiaire bosu ourod ssany yers.slvsc, sud vho ia nov Rousnsdasud leultfsy. Ailcomnmuoe- thns prompt'y ausvered. Nous cieulo ladancoe sud isnoeuntil tseour .com- Ohaneery Sale p USSUANT tesa Boira and roi4 Z rblr for sale of tise Court ofcf Iacoery, mmd. lu the ecume of DARLING va. WALLACE, Andi wlth tlso approbation of Oso. H. DurI- umlsqui'ro Maitez' of tise Raid court nt WlihwilI Ise sold by tise s'id Muea t ii.îUamiurA, iByron Street, ln theo asi TOWN 0F WRITBY, O)N Friday, the. l5th of Feb. next, At the hour of t¶ro o'elock lu thsesfternoon, thse toliovissg ialuabi Fssrsn lsandes issthse TOWNSHIIP 0F IIEACII. TUÂT 10 TU SAY, Lot ssimber ninoteen, lu thse thlrteeuth s'on- com.loun, oontelulssg tvo isuudre4 acres, mûre or leis., wviit wili be soid lu oue or two peronîs, go suit purchaîesw. This Lot le Dun Imsprovesi. Thse conditions of maie are the stapdin<on ditiona st the Court of Clsascry, vwus &E toi lowlsg ivariatious. Tis o prcissr &hall, et his option et the tins. of sale, eltier pey dovu te tIse +endor, or hi. 8ollcoeràadeposît lu th.s proportioss (4 te"s Puuds, lforersrry one htssdrod ponuds ot tise puroisie mouoy, sd #hall psy thse balaneostsereof vit i iteront et peven petr cent, Irons tish7e s alvtl u su rostise day of me le 'orweshah pay downu£o tise Voudor r i& oîcltorf,~ on. ---d ji-usd 15-HmORDE POWSE-4ec.ugRend, Apply MtheWbltbiYFouudry,« ot, JA.LGAN, Kaq. LIVRPOL *LONDON# AN LOBE ireurm, 185N 188; à A uexvsIl BOTIMIATED ANNUAL RE- VENUS18......,ooo CANADA NOAR or O? iiuo T. S. Assismor, IEtq.Chturs, (Presdent oftIse Boatok of "tres> B:usr f8mis, VA., (Manager Ontario Xn IL . Brio e., (Ganesl Manager Bent G. F. C.ursRa uSeartary. FTIie lsrsuce oilcie.grutsiounery deiarlptlou of Froperty et tIs lut rensune- ratire rates. Lase.eduaedansoon sa meaftoslIy proresi. -. - No extra charge for xilitety servIcell d&r f s !tise Conuy. - U 14<.Pelilee, for tise isessefit(oWife or Vlslldre r crfrons toituree iy Crediters. Lite AnournSce Fleim.sud, Annultée ruelou tisa usct favorable tesmm, andau.- dr Tatble* RMpellly sdaptedteiscrus- stances ooal cleeses. Al i nfomation lu bth Depnutusents csu We ohtelsipd at tIse (flIoes otb Comnuy ln mon- tresh md tisroughost (anada. L. FAIBAUES, JL W r se-lu tise Provincial Telegrepi O020c Building, ouertie Meeltry Ozu.ice 1 THE COMERCIAL 1NWN CAPIAL- $29»000,OMT. (»ULLY 8UB8CRIBED.) INVESTED OVES 65,000,000-DE. POIIT PUND 114 CANSADA, 6s0,. 19 and 20 CoruhilI, Loudon, Oficées (ddng re-lulshps80,Gres eCisrois Street. CANADA BitA 'H. -NORLLAND, WAT- SUN & e., Olmerel Agents. Fasi. CeOs, ocretary lc St. Peau treet, Moutteaf. .58A8 IFAIRBANKS,bu Agent, Witby. O)rm-In Provl.seal Toiegrph Office Bu- lding. neur tIhe uegletry O=ie T. ( 1[11SHLM LEVINGST(iN, P. L. B., Intipeotcr of Agencloa. Io IN8URANCIE COMPANY FOR - ]PRE LIFE&ANU'I, Capital Twe MILIONs STERLING, -- CF"s£, OYvra-guou lumnurance Bull-linge, LlVerpool. CANADA. Bn&Ku Oprir-rnsouBuildings, mnen BO0A R D. William Mlson, Esq., 63ilrisas- Tisomas Kay, zota, enry Thsomas, Rnq., d!ou. Joisu Yonvdorrace, iaq. Bàxsssa-Molsons Bankl. LsuàA Aursx-Mosurs. Torrauco A Marri.. MzDtoàL Assvsaxa-Wm. Suthserlandi, IL D. SustVsrO»-Jas n . Spriusgho, Irq. A ussroe-.mestas, (Jreesabelds A&Joison. Kosideut Secrotary aui GosiorsiAgfcut-A Farises. Union Buildings, 26 St. Freucols 'Yavlor Stroot. L. FAIRBANKIS, Je. AgesiWbitby. Ornes-Tu ProvlnclatTelegrapis Offce Bu- ldlusg, noauthtie hlgintry Ulte. le ,1ORI1LLIA 110118E." «ORILLIA. BORT. BOSE!, la.. - - oi TU119proprleor of tUsfold:,ut&bllfihedbotal tletravelling blic, taIhe bas leourd tise Choir prfhevseelevi tted-Arm MONEFY T ON Barlter«, Oslsava 1-iLuos. - Agent lWhftby, aoM1M[I s toXMER OH Ny UE WIU NIEAN TXTILL tateinîl endCar o a, et lb. aMM'sutdon flullrlsko, for tise ss or 40yar Ouaron#nusred o ou ise.terent #IWb o! mai ve.,su eusam to. te and Irons deplt on tise eSss anSd1L'vu , &0,a srmt hea b onrblet netesîfail jsCte n ae i opanuay hé relieS JOUX !BLOW, '»Ofoadollg je.bovr,AdcLO. WsT m ,Aill19,186. 1 SEC LRITIES coïrIY. SJcogownSO I o I Naaealargoeiaupy ô(unony te land osîlm prova*d Tarn, fo lireysmsuNo es'suslod, or etlu- exponsces, hyonS fis. usl chargs for conveyessing and raluietion vol ha sudé. For terni .,1733.CRPMAIr Socmtaty, Box 74, Toroute or to JOHN AG.NUW, Vssîuator# Whltby. 10 IN8UUANCE CtOMAPANY 0F ENG«LAN», (LIMITEU), ' For Pire. Life and Marine. Cisz ulrsesz-1Waterloo Ple o nsou; 77 Klug et. mauofsator. CIIAIMAN.J. Tmliuen Mbert, !q Mi.F. orU(Pdises, itform Club, lendon, sud 15.. range,.'rnistn, u.r Ianciseoter. GlENEILAL MANAGM1-Artsar scratch lo , ILM A., foruneuly Yollow andi Satlho- n isucurer. (lueon'. Collage, Cambridgc. Hond Office for B. No, A.. Ontario Hall1, chmrcls Streeto, Toronmt. Marine imko f. rom -lot Apsil te sot INvotns- ber, ecoeptod aut levest rotes. SCOTT & DEGEÂSSI, CA"T. R. TROUCAS, Maris'. Inspecter. JOhIN AGNEW, rWiLtby, Merch 14, 1860. - Agent. C. N. VAIRS, PRT>EMCALDsstlat, Oshsawa, rDoutsl Booms, dirocthyaoppo&. site tisolooit.-Euîrance on lcetr.t, thitd dooruotiofe! ieOnterio sir EXPRESS aE&et, siuso Agcnt for Accident su an d arlIsrac o 17 CLARK & YICKERY, - Propnletoru Bcg Most rempottnlly te lufornilu. luisai tantaeto thse 1lou0sty orfOuterlo, $t ett b iave l«e itIs ho , prormises labely ocepseul 1, Sundy Pcrrle, hisaistbe(lisave ucvly fur'slshs cd anti ressorated, aud isoy are preparesi te aecommodete tise traeleling publie. Thse Ber stoketi with tie bemt liquora sud cigarte, sud, sr. attentive ostier slveys lu attoudasuce.-, CLARK AVICKERirT, 1 troprIetora Br.)okliu, AprIl, 1866. lg.hy UNDERTAKING. T Unipu derslgued bsv'lng silaposesiof bis Il tercatisutie Casbntuthssinoss, te hlm sons,1 TILL AND BROTHER, Wihl lu future Jevote i*isattesntiou esohusivoly te tise ndortaklog huinn' ,Ftinerais 1u11Y qappliod on tise sluort«Lmtitoe. Or Cois kept cos.st intly onusd. WILLIAM TILL. Whltby,My 15, I8d . * 19 Farm foimSile. OR TO REN. ,50 ACRIM of excellent land. belng lForth riant Uof Lot No. 1Iints FI.RSTr CON., REACI{ All cloarosi exopt tbro gacreso ofd ]sud- tis arp~ i ituatd ou tise Whlthy sud Pct iPerry GravaI Bondi.1 1 Tise aboie <sarmvîlI ho nold, or rontesi ftouv ovec te vine yesrs ou rooahe ternis. -Apply prnousdfly (or by latter pro-peîd.) te. Jaunes Lasuon, oiâctor, Whitbyo or te the1, DAFIEL LAMON, Lot No, 10, Stisa"jcou, ilby. Witby, Ot,,10.40, DIVISON COURISJ. FUx TRE "4,Usbrlde.lai,14107', i15e Canuinten .Ma1. Il 6, Beevest.n.... .........ak, Mi ",Atet...........- M Z. BUINAX,:" b..'sblIsL"" - * - 'ate.U,~ - alekav r (vissA. ivorid lItai 0,tiiuof Oussr 1"tire.vwu s4 4«0a£ o n i r e Boum ePauieFmase TiRVs omtbisa)k eP-7P- Vis iveutylve y.ar of aM., bWia juaomePl! ma.riage; RK.emgblýto bave been tise ou regret, ,s nedW poîbintto do. 14 *âà muppy, Atisebappnee. MResseded e tl itrnbiÏC cup'ofpeie£naiseeit, but aavu rtasd t gret~It t f .i. tu zeoiIs <Ut odmorfe"n-e, j ut nek tbisaltms, àt.se smffeslsAo tise Ioaeyears s is uee yaac iaudslon rooui4, jut atistey vers pumdsg upa capital Portablevuiîlgdak Me..siout to t'aloi -A"ud il vwujust visat b. ueeded ;su hb bngii for tiresý b uudrcd frances. Tf' prolsably cosmomre -lie n eUies tisst sain- - ise Inforiot vere cosms mosto o; evsqîblogid, à a phitbore tis mamp f Lord P.- u t tise nienut pestaolngaud, . n vmeuntÏd itis bis pavoiesdes crieS it home fl triumph. Som# eydaifer -bu est out !or Spein. As b. veut"trous Madridi toCadiz, i vasstopped'by t£ievea, vise ompieteiy robised hlm; Tb@e «l- thing li ssise vra bis detk. Re, prayed thesu te return it .£bely refuaid but thlir oblat, Don JO" Maria, -pro'roled to mud it after bim to Cadis, onreccpî ef ga nas. Robert promined tvoisuudrod reas, sud gve -fte addan of tise isotel vhorê h. meant te ntep vise et Cadis. Ha seu tiseânsonsy Aud, o g et >ideek. lu Amnsi n t ie viIdset olo i dJ e èe vscarried offby ths e cu s.He tisougltit t loi. Four nsonthm zfterivard iso baud ku1e aseop lua eOM Crcis; anS paid live baudrad francs for it, 10 1861, basing retosrnd tu, France, lie tisougit of geing te BaSais, Re pased thea sommert tiere, euS veut '10 Paris, lvgitlng Colousu àd Aix-laCbapeleouO the vay. Arrivledset tise routier whicis. epaatoi France from Bleginm, b. feUllulto tise bands of tisa custons bouse efficers; Soins days isetors, soute usilîtful feliovi lied de.. fraided tise cutonis tu a ,cenaiderable meuonut ouscequently thse offiers ver. ou tiseir'guerd. Tise searcis vu loug, aud tise Viscent became forions, "Wbat do you(car?"11hb. aesie gri. "OSb 1air, abjects or great val e eu ho coucoaled lua a mal ipec.f "HaaI1thesasitof a usugglerV'tie "No; but thore are ensbaasog,Io vio imuighe îisbont ucrsiple '.1 Tise searcis vascoattunsed, anS tise Vis conut vas astonished ta see tise-officers open dravers lu hic eSoi, of tise exiotence of iicisho vas ignorant. At lait, full o! impatience, ho visSeS fo releti L. Il Nov tisat yoisbave bu ali," eaidfle, "Iet us nol proloug this unpleassuàt uvcs- tiotton." IlWbat do youeBay?$' 001 say tisaI yoo. bavremeon ail, anS knov tiet I bavre otiuig ontraband." - 96Yont. cooluese, mt a e-pf you. Have yen uotising to briag forth? If yon do ai, yon viii b. freed isy péyiug the duses; if uotlanS I finS ssiytbing, tisane- vilb ba stih a cnicto u u Pout YODbaeeesu' 0 61.11- aWbat do youunean by Perbhaps 1 TIt la Weilnade. ÂDy one bat myself usigist bave beeu deceved0 :- 1- 40 But I1ivear fo log, tisaIYOD hbesmue "Wby S'eceie sme? Tai, Ï4.108to- prov e tise coutraiy." ill tuo aoiuget t.9' " A peotlesce. I varnyjus tInt 1 do not behiere you."l dé LettiniAnis titi aSjeke, as quic s poesble. 'ié Wilyand so uci -the orsfor- VAnd vith smai, U.Qloest proeSi ment, viich 6févbaàlr, iscltog a dreverý' îu visici vasape pa r e e; 'âOMMest fol t but loobeS etift, a &ITietlis net tmbvfaeu4"enlSie viti ab,"advitb sa iunsemey I vu vMti .acs. eyou!'I Bat thseVleeouut vus etspefled si aM- 1'Banktnotesb1 Dot 1 dpnospot iens "Tcae~yforwt sisr if YOD' eau wnatiru mse illion of poeni Tise Tiscouut 1teck tise notes, cemle ti ll, re i cs lsc qd d tiý g ~ af lnt ,ose dai narevicone a vue flm lcomae teVers Urus as-a milellur.- 'la mover te bis quusions #se foIS bins~ tint is kissuoblug of lier fatioe bel tbet hoewvaslild by. a zmrager. $ieho uewylv.1 Prf 14',,sud like a snuibletelhov b e irriad ber, sud-iseviug: aM tstsometiing Wbo~, rtud to Ytase witi lier 10 .ujoy tise fortune ot wbicb -î pom e esbioeran.r19eý Tisefolloviug, boti luaset tat i nS a ready echis l 0 o Most Paencts. It if (ointe C r Tise depautist of a con trou vPat#r"elroof doemot proeutý aie ! deolsten.Ma§nuline'iebu enexorcism gsot. h1,vich la osutiiý1j V -atiuÏg té fomaheczlsteuée. Mlen ason abanôna is prsitu, create for lilmsoif a eeate itaet his secprati on sause but itti iu£trupinl tisci taiaIrelu.. ttaý A man nsami, asd tili susintaine bic frleudbipn, bic balsita, and bùs Glial altoona. Notig la cbanged 4 làf; il 15 coniumtly a mars cimpla aeparatio .-1 wiite he ptrtur. of a Yoiug girl oo ome à ifi tas fvlouri ifa real d~ ùon- deiertion witis all its duit ea&t feootngs about if.lunne verdy tbd bons ia e, aapling vwilsbu aslvays gralwfiSfé frons tie I ýrnus; witie tise dasg tise contrer,, fosnsd a asuta ef it.eil t. detacis ber trous ber p iace la t. muütihta'the Ire' ils, Ton bave sar. ronuded ber yontb vith is ekable 4end. ern.u-se ezisutltn feu neusof your paterneland maten'l beeria; anSdaise, l ratu, bas apermed to-pour forth upea yom bots au e-qually iosauntible gratitude 1 you loveS biitbeyond aIl fhic oiSd, sud sis med-eS w ding te yen vi th a prepor.- tionbla ectieon. But& ou@ day, an iii.' omcucd day, aý man rrves, iavited -and veicomed by yorihva end tiimaiet your ovn cisoice carnes off to bic donsoo Cirèle yoar goe tlui.1O, fer (rom te isesf nest visicls your loý baS uae for ber.- Ou tise morrov. yop looksarouadyou, you- fiston, yen vait, Îon ieek for nonsetiig vich yo caaaotfiAn& Tb cajgeisefbpty tise tInful 'innotishaï fiovu;-'ileuce lise aucoeeded to lit-moilodioiss varblingie Lt, doenot nojnel, .il diS only ou- tise pre- -Vions usorMnilstterng ils pesfumcd vingal about youur pillev, euS avakoulag you b, l à i -sot caresses. Notising reiius but, a voiS,., Tise cisaiperotUtae4plHarJirj- ors eniy thatdicorder vbich id tei maiauf cisol, for a iotiser to conlesaplate not- tise jayoùe aud iuupettent diiordet o! occu- pation, but that E< abandouimnseu Maidli garuseuts ecatterod libre euS îbee;.-gisliais fanoles2 no: loagois prized- chairs beaed vitis bulf.uorn drsases.; dravers left o~g tiall, open sud ra!aecked t. (boit reao~ cotra; w a w u icino 0"ouaîlep--- e crovd et of barafIng triflle, vhsich - tb~ Yong girl loveS, bât viih tUsqoung ife deapise ndu ili ars'lîttertdoverjiLe cerpotlitre the foatleru ýdropped by issuet vien (lhe sàvkumade tls. ïtunl iroe iii proy. SucS lu tii. epreWnslug gh visicis vrlngn teosatonsthse notberes eari. Noloti,,bIcal; frons ibis dey oeoecacpien enly the second placesu inteaffections et ber dcperfod îdohj; and evsu tlae nPsely. until the liappines of lsatetray bibay faugist hot for vliou aie veePe toFue t. lier one sîhl lover. Tubs'usas, tbii itrauger, unknovu à fev msoutbil ns ay be batsa lov weehe previouslylsassniss.ad ,a tigbt orrtbUse. ectiona vbiob-vote alinsosî- entrefy berotov;. a fev bours' o! lleetîng,înudijt nsy eien be oft a.hme tenderneas, baie lu àeagroat -degi oUWeS t. efYce tveuty long Yeaavts hf4ue ai care,-of s.e bDegation g sud theziv uptouly veut aray ber rgbt t se Ersý anS boit beloved, bma tiey 1ba.àu~ priveS ber of tisa0Wllaicrmeseç'le i attentions, suS tise alorÏd pssemcioiftie te ici, for lite.,,[Nollnitp ta lel@.1le usother bul the attaclmsnt of e~.if ,tis Jois hfsuï eaves lierSom4tis srgct te, <olov his forfoen < o ie s a-î< tie votlj d m f s i cn ot-l-ove imn, tbe viii sf111 PWOM m lie mu,- dut di te - oisd kiu* * Use omis- - cos, do yosu me, vent

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