Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1866, p. 4

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<nSula 14: b " 100 The Iot t"Y ".10io id 1n . 2, 0 1 * lcon,,. T N.eiaéttwo lot ijiC îghOSU '7 i «ixe- thii , dt %Y . - 105t5' us 1ti '4 1sf "c.es. <nfl 2 <n 1, f t t a Weobla e. -(oirife 4Oe itho çjnccoîîithii g Lot 7 - k La ci1.Osaiit 200'luf d 116 - J. 1.PERRY. 0f a. Jlounin aS Lot c t4 e TrOWN 0F WIIITBY., Y 'lrtit a tiIiiiior qf Maa eontmltroed i n 4, B .0ertilu etgdiw1ewiil tbui tre.iuOi stl Li tSue, on.,- Monay, 22nd Octobor, 18661 WOAt -IaiWTEI. - Lot No. 1. A Twoc.4Lory IPrame lieuse, $tables,, ialoig cniinoei i f ttî I cct j tcflt Nom,. i iad 4, tîttutlv, ýt tier ni thuic"a'114a ,IiilaIO ruitic f t s tA ylixiat s oiualBrnla itrecl, lai11 ut i îiW iattîy, iitiilatlie 11Y adinou puremetli auiater fori fagi atcr f.liiti, utor ao i lé, On Cin ors j (r tiaî'area ire'tilitAntwo- ,tor'y Fiviiii I)wiliaig Hommae, wttî btalttc sud (strilirt'îa 0t tOaîi«ai Tr<R8IM i-Ontit eith t ,'thér rclamare su- * laU i ,, l ialî awii; fuc ir <l ýa nc« tetit , tî lii tvi lié ti atslu, ktîîwr at tiw s'ale. l'air fartiier 1ariitaasai o itNAR AI JONl'î3 EQ. lttilIaiaai.l. Toroato S.,rrnuta.- 'riramitt, oith Sopt., 1<0.. - LbO Money to Loan., 0 ~Nf? iloitiitreil n iss iion ))ltira to li oan Midr.wtge sii rliy, li >isgim to it irruiwora tulitalvery îî it 1rail ate rde ttir gis Ililmille, tuN, iafricind iiity yigittwli 10 T. 14, Oibln lit. < P ;I ! ;Siats . (LT. E!iasrcn, P q., V, j."i', 'l'arait ;p ; iiîîv. J. IL Wiirvi Il, M. A, Iiii-iiiiit, ilwiti Wi . Luli4tii ,F.ip,, ltgt- )idpoiasa;o .li'lVoliti.iEa,, Molaaiia ; NiIl S ulaaite i ll orie ti l. irî,aii i¶e i 'sdî 'rii l ia, lia-ir> e tif fiaiir. Dro,, sit Ntauii e~1iýr, ui , 1t, ooISa4îis. tîii 87se 0. C. CALDWELL VflTbELNARY SURtGEON. 1) LIA iîa.l iairaaa-yau ') taiiliit-unm n thge a1 h ialli, e laci suaret aa f iu ait a a ii a i e i s n iiga-aat,.Niiîîî srii, econid liîeitale tteî PORT WHITiY. TAN NER Yu 'If ¶ ill -iiitrutIn a aa,îi t.ukuî làiltie Tni li AIT JAS. - 1 OWE mii A hi l i lc-tm le F~'or xcnLhil (il rUti0và0try <ti maint iaautm essmc uyalo dv, iIdes arit11,Ir- medhas unt srugna gctectos ehppi Ji o ya lie nuticsnaim ifes l'y rt. Il. 0*flicîe5000 11,>..ic..1 reey, mud p ill ivuJcp ii la nîltî,er knwn I te woit. No O it tonicomptna ltwia usd lnu' -mi tic case ntige JYTa t lima Si, iaiwrvuiuw.at oirte orgs ccpeq t Mylmerc" #Wennahe iyai- catic or5 (t tititiii rTcaitbwieuia y till nrbelesste out clita tnliid ylt lappi- eaiioit hm1b 0cif il. llao miet ue l to n Dtit.evm lune, Ticum. 'gunol 01, gut reci raotr Ifmyli '-lo>e Fweyopr'tntîtti"d pMenache itane rs lrvtrnca &ruta assèiîî ais i-ssdheamttait orea s. pomma < tise ieihaigh ede hte ntut waiideiupnetina OThe tTgyrsisOut 10 nuit tralca, Inrnsi.ui F0o imon Oi, o as i m ,i i tianam. llmi ouctae,éin 001111Y10rc i atleit0 riir. the dsas t'a t f en i(ssg"Au gir l o rt s isgue in tieuliiy d iqo wtYiewiiatg1 Iwo aiiir v i aeb«o rz«thrétiy lunocr ai fir"h PubtieiOI cae' uni J)t viy say ird , astiruiqu rosunca qunty ta onteu opeili ge îoisuared efot tfoi. 154000i tragi.iiraty mand snthatu-a aiuo ijoere a r l ue ha itb iiriv sr a of t,in «.t limait ùr ianh rtybuiisit ameia sr tutanio S l ai w li £nItPýy;. a7, .iiiysct@it, At h Digis I )ANOl Ii iiIuIt WlBYONag 10 18516 31-lt'BY tPOilca,1 aiu D lîy t it o, ndcr îigeut, l a TUE i'IANO-FORTE. fo s it h itircîi tegiot csi ti it i iisiei . Lot, 1,5, 7th ' dé iiler, 20 6 Wnil reet Il, <as iitirio tdétrce jLot 11, tiot, Vxl)rl(lo, 2. 0 vd Lan $d ForIaLe0 6 ti OyFity o6 Lot t,9t.0 a, M i)a, 266rs 14% 7, 17th "Il oereale 100 d" lVh , 9I do île ii 'Lot , , 7tIa "#1 cdoin t 20 d' Lrt i3, lusi dé Ucî,rt ig) dé LOI.1, M9i, " do.îriiy, 60 Lot 1, t, O oi"Vrne m t66" Itit1., fat d daoiraitf, 7, itii al ' S nuitlé orb10 li0 " d ahl ir oi lu ilo T200 "ofUn .0 ait E t~ it y di 00 d lu it louiia" '0 0 IWOBT. B. PERILY. WINE BIFfERS. Wagon bo Arthe aot iiaaalttiy and îlesabaLver-SA W~aiuvd<oin- nge eer oflerci e ite paublie,. Tley mut iIiS &eC,17LAITSiE rcgîistte flic appetite, Md digestion, eni oz- nprig ealan pm(7 collouf purilier of te Ilood, a stîÏluiltng exeeied Boule, aud a ulight alt'tettttive, geod for -WTitres 'loorsEast cfr1fr. Wm. lalg'5o fliioauiusspruculilPavoera aud cou- Sîore. DuudnlaS., Wlit#Y.t tuglogts nlsoua. 3cr Icrroi an d dti.a îty iuit 5 L3o adies they caunet tic surpassi F3LY Te >1"id~ W-"ZVEUT ON, -411OULD USE TIII'x J1II.J11 U iVI'e oiv. thein Trial. Nantereus certifiestes DUndas St., Whltby. cuiti b. giveai of teircicaçy. nih Ppr giSaa. ut Ccnlplaersnî estr gi. it ~ ~ mciii Kt ozlitUsaly 1plou s For sale by the prluelpal Wbellel COAL, OIL LAMYS5q llaiisr, )Maggito, "and sLt irst-éiassCiuy, H10oas udoilooua Iid& P.I L MTJ'7RO k Co., CF TiElAtESt1im TEN OCoral Agents for tb. above eilebrstedGLON EBittmr-to vlaom iii eiders abouid b. eA~t'1~RE addremas1 1 a F mil,; Dttiggit 'Wltb,fJuly diii 100. 26--13a isby 0h.ugie- -f42ac rriîi< miie outtuort. ii aOSHAWA L dtil, alitO.30lit. M.@ .,for t>loiiibss, Raglan, 'rIncat AlberL ioîtia, antd Mnil,'ar- ivl rt J, Ingueot~t Mat lie.. dliy, t ,A. n., arria'Ii i.î.1uitltwa lu tintefor svciiug traitas unt 0. T. 3IL, Zest and 0 tFur reo <ub- vi te Cetiutni. 8734 cent% t. Raglanlil0coats. to Pintce Abrt7 uîtXêýkS~~. tiiie $1 nM). -luaat'asire .oavyod Vi tthe ars t t'ules*s ras cf lris. axigossbtiaaiSs careulty titt5tldid te sud ptircutm dolvsrud *;lth doîtpstoe. T-uVe Profprtu- tors 'ai lit lie reiapousçlble for parocis or paekageo uÛtssu okean sd patd for ln ad-.1 pl3oo. si Ff TiE13E5T IN CA14 %DA . 0r Hotel Cooking Stovez. Agrionitural FTurnacoz ,that wil pay for themsolvo inîi. EBavetroughs R.paiting proniptly attnüd- 11Ailkid*produce takon lW exchauge at the,.OLD STAND. Ml LLINERY 1 M 86SLm l iup eaanuncnccti te 1A- Ai dies cf'Ualaewsend vailiy, tiîst al1o0'ti u',w ie,Iîrit srtoox ue rlîgSoc fm ililîce Itisa usjî arendr t. uxw it e ac i hoi-A*.' Milai I8. salie takes issnrsto rsatursi slucera f r %at ftrr.' 1; £W'* OItET-e#W aduprtii0eh, 10. -ý 1 Foi tige ttel a iotes service. AIse, Pocket and Boit Revolvers BIlILE canes UVJVN BIL , Bige sun'd bi1ot1;i uBtarre1, 4a - il i t-atrls »gel G uo dsit's, and tis Trsdîis enusaslty JVlîce s -y» s c f ts-îroauluslg snl rubti br;ery licie. St4re, Btik, isudd Ã"it Plartim es sirlu' virI Loaair ofte lota impr6vemeut* lit i ltiild, it-1 Suorlir worc- nmaslip sud terr, viiilid,&H cesMbSsd lai te New Remington Revolvers- <'Iratnlro ccutmloilient*and depiurptiooi f Our iri»M viii bufuruislied apou applistln. - E. 'REMINGTON à- BONS. Agents, No. 40 Courtiau W!. y. 14 JO4N CARTER#O -o-- %,&L£o atodea oui t0. slr.t otIca"m bils prlutcd iLtuse Chgoutele onuf-U r. DENT! STRY., feptua~ ~ ~~ ~bi 0%bteTv ,dsreutgclli, fit lt ýI'lul bettiPpto stltmd to ail% o ea Chiidtau'aTth, &Iiwork'asi rstd, < e i ,--.21W, il, CAR1L C L 0-T]4 UN O,--G. FRANS KLU THý LlVERPOOL, AND ILONDONý- ANi) LOB, CAPITAL - ê1OoMAO. THE EDINBUURJL LFE,,AO ANN &SSTJI4MUlÂNCE Co.,.. CAPITAL $300o00o. PRO VINCIAL INSUUkNOjet 4"i0F BRITISH AMEICA. ASSTJRANÇBE Ce., 0F!TORONTO, AOdI)~IALDiAIt I 1$8 ËANOC o~C., [ENGLANJ AUtO AGE'lENTOSTIIE lROVictAdlt PElliANENTBUILDING & SÀV-INKGS SOCIETY, pontol I'Ail clafises of property iuanrel on >eationuibiclf-rms.- Aluto, Mfoncy Lonaaed ou Ilen estatc. Jrscetsatnd bill ittt'oi-mation' gvea i ucely ois aplcto.Algo a "nfreu e 'oica-oeinhVipuy. - P~XCI KÉLERiPosmastr, shwa '. e iki Single Reaper.and lYdw'erjs, and ]Reapers: and Mowcrs Cotibined- The subsribcrs would cali the attention of the Agricuùltural coi- autniLy La Lbeir Stock of Implemetit, here will b. foond nlimos -elllttt ite Par- -mer iusy requiru, sud espieiaiiy a& ttiismasn or itie yesr. teetherStock 0f RtEAIPERS u& MOWERS 0f several kindo, and of the Latest Make. To which ail the La. et tnroeaents louuid uecssary by practi câbe tests daring tise luat saon, have J3altse Ohio Ucaper and Mower, combiiwl, C(â7ttget Obief Reap- eor sud Maower eornbinecd, the Manning Sinniglftper, thse Cîyitgn SAunior Mower-Of suy aud ail of te abovc Machine@, vo invite s trial. ley are rnnutiseured 't L c, And ean be g l ra tec t the1 purcliarer tu give satisfaction upon A PAIR TRIALORNSAE Wbitby, Jttiy 4, I{1ALI'S OARI1IAQI . WORtKS, 163e ~W~1~to Uitenable thiem todiefyr Compitýtipr~ete-i ~~e10y~o 17<! a And' Korn ade, urnitu rè TIj,1LL k jROTHTDR. beg u t infcýom ;uBtometg and the publie, ,ibaï tbiy hivePiwc hae bBOïck-in-trade snd intieost i luimebgai carlîed(o fer . uast 84 y.srs Iu Wbîtby by their father, suId beiz te solilit a continusuce of tb. p- a et Ctsns- etedChairsiPfrw t sud otiotsan, eamt Ing m d -1 -- pè*r<uttntenc.e au b. warrantei et Lhe best nis- isan Ir d i'rth k>Oa cf l diqPur Yea ord an~~~1 zs usipreaut lftge end ,iplandl4t-'ock.on ud ; No 4 rocictrect, sud NÃŽo. $1 (lborne street ~Vreoôaa N. TILL & I3ROIIER, JAS BIN &0. V' ould annàounce,tha t hW havé removed] to tb.e commoclionsSbick building, a, few dbors South of I ~ <b BROCIC',STRÉÊT,,W![TËY, -- - - ý8u MMýwýE R 8SHOCES8 Just 1<, hand an assortment of Ladies, Misses, and Chlidrens §uni- mer Shee' Aisa Home-made Bootsanud 81xcoe',sdsxcpel kinds, Whoiesale and Retail. - Te ludred Sides of Spanish Sole: Leatser.- Mi£chie Need- les, SiIk and,,LiÉien, Threadà, Hard Ash, Silk an Coton Ela&- lims Ail kinds of ýShô0makes Fndfngs for salé cheap. JMMES BAIN &ÃŽ<JO. Whitby, May 2, 1860. New -- - , .17-Wlu Eau Goods! Mathewson, Rateliffe cC Have j ust'received A fresh supply of, DRY QO'OD S, CLOTHINC READY"M ADE, and nade to orÉder on the'shortest, no'tice, »W ihe ~ts tls j ý>; ,ISTeeh?,Satinet, rannels, Unions, &C., of our. owu Maonuature, SOLP RETAILt A1f W.OLESM4l1P PRICES, ..- -c4'4.m'i rvv . srAà liulWiimr n,it ii à LLnm iri ls « VO.i r, Buok.u1Aprit loi186à F~m fr Salé IJ LawiLtitta "r-~etgiteTomarpet tan s"res oirIwbswn. Tépriwia ttrougi a n itd, Fortartw Fgsrtstla pply to - - On Lias rronalsse Ot it>y joer§ <$*pid'y tijr? O.-à r11<6 on Gb. t' ~oLiqs~~ lut" MATHWSOI- U£ULFFJ, r Ç- ,'o IViosie! Mosie! T18EEMAN'S BRASS and Strict' BAlrr, Qludfiile pertiss,' &e., 4e., *;If-sspply Lb.e busts0d sta t Mcl, ou reuembl. <crnu 'y, or b'i8ct',i<5&1i )<c Whitby Brase B444. o irotas o0itlh 1ttri " tta-tiovhave ne omnueelc*ti afver vît Prd("ýf.saanrluim' J _ . 'wULTENDZN,- or teï s, BAER,, - rJfî.ftîeaai go-tf Oit la o. Y tCh~ok _116 Stsoneb Ses goinag-tfpper Cail Stea CAPTAIW DAISTIAT, Master.. - VY BORNE, ittilother Norths Shore ,Portos urrMtttAY WEDNESDAY. FR!- POR9T:HOPE #t 10, s adlrS, CIARLOTTB. îrrIilug titorest L2À-.. iecuus@og ith thbe,-aftaeoon riaoi mlitroins t'oingt'-, ~West, ---sud Sotah, os, thes Ncw-York CENTRAL RAILIU>AD; Aiso witlI, Li Amorlean Lice ofStere ru.- ainig te 1'crtn ou ltgontli Sticre, 'baa TIIEODAY- & TJJVJCMriAY niglUs* *eidOOfES7~Jfi 'all eavo C13AMI PRIDAT auuruings At D1A.e. ,, ealig lit Oslaawm. j55, a.,lbowtqnnvile,.0 m., vew4otlï7._15nc. au., Port IHopeo 30 a. in». t!1b60 a. ) itu., (aralftou<$I 1100 a. ni..:Coiborneà 19.00 noon ;urrivlt *s CUAIFflTTEit 15 Pni,, connaitu- vitti the u oeuk*trai Aud ail trains geint' Eoitt, West,'sd in th, otal-t. Ksv-yobrlf cf Steamers, gig Passungori (rom Lb. UnitedakStes ake close cttelim wiat 'ttsG. T. R. IL,tai. t'oint' Zatani Wei% asud vitS LIas Peterboro sud Llidsay IZaitrosd 1 aise vîitte k steasiiris on fias NorthIl~te, pmaiaatue;it iTp9â#nàisi ataold nd aaiiptdm onithe LbILLaiÀ- rrc by dayliit'ht 'pn%» Ï4,toin tellortît shoe s Dteamsrsf and 1TS.R.RasuWetat-ct< cP.IL. L. at BRil ,ll conSait, L Vs ~~ea i litte.' For-Frçigbt taiti Puasr, UppIPlIto eCAP'- ,W N On csa~or- <o C Bnretw .COCHRANE, Fort lRout CI CLIT,<otcnrgt JAxffl eIlAgDi Giraf'-a; sud J. CILiobne. - Q D T A T-CIX 0,dr. UNJEXRÂ1fiypl1.imdmatd Ib F A ;lnc&eltu learan L~' kotoràda lr ,ciplet0 u ie anuetd blaospteparj t, tal a7tstc' a, sItuer It I.WoTOGIR4?]E[8-AI&BEOTYII izs, ý MLAINOTTPU, d ayZot or mode of te KystieArt. DPMcis £inesr <art amy e 0am ggjieir* .f-n last sàdds Douw stock 8. ARtSTS' MATERI ALO é "ireu la waitlng room -s ciii, -sd ses it w'ok foct yoursoirea. srstaeZ@ALTTT Ois euàzn. deires t otuarn lues .lk - JL Srethanjtmtohitifsl~mbu. df-qha DP alauWdione ov eo4g qq hoDg t eScm, tuau'bma< imt kf, m d AH ià ftsrfiL Sad s(a". In futui. h dir'tt W tJeand rotid tilteg IlD J ')T tb.favorabe ne.o f Isatom Bu Lt' batj.16, roiD --at.ae lm f iée buins ias 4UieUaof&Id ma 'ta met e Oero w --7- Uli' C-Pr BArL gilde j '-<n j~) ~-~1 1

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