Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 18 Oct 1866, p. 2

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DJo om sb ok-h.laa I GoC. Dry gouds-do, WIo ua lar- do. Dhlirdsuis f ui-Efrg. Wtou. Vov ersyd -IL.&k L Campbell. CnwdlS suiso! Sari. soar " _e.-W.. The New, Piano-Zao"b 7. lUn«e.. eashfor Oôu1m ae kBrothef. speelal Noloo-Mrs ülé'n AUCTION SALOS, At the. residenco of Mfr, T. Luvilery, on Thunr' ,Oct. 181h, iest lEstais, Hou..' bolFurniturs, ko-L. Fsirbeahs r, At 'VoauntonnonJVedhesdy, Oct. 241b. the prépry of 1Mr. Si- ftrisb, rosi anti pemosat propety,,ko.-M. MePhadeaL Al i auila, ou: Strdày, Oci t. thelb propery of Walier Coultbard, Esq., (arc: ueoe, Implemeato, k-a.Mliii, Aaclionesr. on lot No. 34. ln the Diii on, cf WbltbY, eon TaesUi, Oct. 2Srd, the - pro- pOrtf MV. Wo..Harper, eonsistint of faIm toU, hupl#cîuta, te, -Tis My4rs, Antione.r. On lot No. 28, ln lb, $th eonceusion cf iWiiuîby, on Wediieesy, Oct. 2#'b, thie propory ut Mr. Henry Batteur, cousitig orfatrés.to.k, im4leaenta, .Thî >fyers, Anctsoneer. On lot No. 4, i theo Dibi conemis o f Whitby, on Friday Oet, 19, tii. prorerty or Mr. Richard Youing, coasisting of tarai stock, Impleaiet t Ue - Tboi gNy.., ONIX $150 CEN<TS A YEÂR Wiîtty, T4nr8slay, October 18, 1866. Sh iiOntarilo Coaaîty Agiouitua To sey îiiat thesexiition etfttheAgri. cultumual Society cf Southi Ontario bell in tItis toma, on tb. Scietyu sgreuads,"en eielîday und Thunsday last, vus a greai acceus, ià,nt meîaiy lilulgia; in astenso- type1 phrase. lu vas, in eveiy senue, s uptenlitl sueceus indeel. At tl esi computatien ihere conîl cet have been les. ha ecten theusand people on tic gieund àt oeedlie, on the secnd day, anI alluîug te ikose the. nnmbqr Who reminel te au thes esfute cf tiid"Caa£la'Èmoa' athe pe, upgoi n, tiewe e, ve eU, foo - ?%'la i itute bdpln itimoitn wi aytinig miovà ut tii. Provincial Fuàir. rui motsanualve;stableu, comptent judges ussare as liai tiie display et Soth Ontario vus superortait njbin; tiiey ai exhihited uit Toronto. Iciitrait tiie di- Plny atiebUgi nut se largoesat thie Pro' vincial- exhibtion, mas net coevwiiiho- bled it ini excellence ou quly. Somo jeara ugo the. habit prevailelot sii; ail LiaIs cf animale otecExbil' blt- tie oamers cf inferior animaIs heiig more axpectant cf puises tbun tho lreemeri ot mpsilaistock. Laetlrly ail his bas changel, und nmcoes tuemaptu tuow ta sad an animal fou exhibition thaa aito utauperlior quality ald breel, unndsiich s eue ily bc placed ile b7 sieo iti bis nigiibcr's uni turiy judgad aponupoa pîoints ef breeding se veil us veijçbt unI botte, 'The exhibition ot laiirouk exeai. plid th!& linlaàaremarkable dogrea. It voalt iniiiact bo difficali te pick ot' an itife-ilon animal ounthe groual. People haro nom cesol te brin; uanything finwaud but what lui ip.top. The Socety,& exiib, iiinîuu eenuge a voriby mutationa' viic begeta advantages tor tie commsuait>' ut large. la agiiculnal iunplemeatm, ah. thoagi net tiumeious, the dispîs>' vii ex, cullent. Wu have uean a lauger show bîut tIsissiieîs tl!&yeur guol jaîges cousilrol te bce et inperiur manufacture. la the Ladies' depurtment tîtor,.mas mars thanlie Donat britlint Iisah-from a livty's duis. to a eiil'-bonaat- braidol, und laced, uud figureI, und iodas. uuouly oinautentsd te ticetashiona viti ail the itîhor andi periei'cranee cf wvici womcan alane seuais capable. Aiihougii the pu'Ics it lltell tor tiomsdîuu tiet' voue unuuuy ouier tuocy autiesu uhictt ut tractel atiention sol vers pîuano ve l veuti>' cf prizés.. Wu conailenoaei umany, bat pister makin& ne Inridious compunosoas. The useorOi cght tiionanî peopse hoi04 #butebal un oppoutuniiy ot julging fer lbamsetres. W bat mai sheva, howerer, vus&i'ery pilueortby cf lanasdstb.rs vas an susualy fiue dis. pluy-thos ln fias, sfinead eun asu - eollb.espectol. Mu.r. ,R111bal some ellent peclmoau oft1h libre 'mu shi.at la pontîy vo noleel qait@ a linge on, »J o, sm oumo due specimons vers pan. ticlurty oberriblo ia tus doprtm',nt. Thoe.rvagefoaiu hrougbeat vevatout oreditabie te th.e allurs et thé Society. Tii.eitu t ealong tors vus soaébingling es toeulisors oxum'th fintrit, ku., imý the - nevl> erectel pnemiiou. Te tuIi. s grelo thte Diroct1irs s. is..vaswunet s. voit' ligiiol as tii.>' laurel bat ler. vers difficatties ha the muy miiek cal mot bd surmoceoîamIdmbh n evetî th# offirs cf the Souiety' front 'hala;ait th@,o>'seilhae viaiel. Tii. Preullent aMduI eeleorofthe oSa.lsty bal an ardaous daty le perfeora-ons cf no profit er orr gru a ttrouble on Ibseaioles 'lm e l4n Wa ~uér Iby tbqSo.iety, on Thue(uy,:,b. 2681%fel, ou iii. (mfai f Mm. Jsai,- le NoX. 84, sbre ouvualoaoeon s1,at mulson vii t.uii furnilhts of diamet ou tipgrouui. buta, "-bîhtL£utr -forh. e 6"ëe1om juad 1mW better m'ba~s tI"am~ont osfie old bol; b iuhi. Titéfollpwinag ueedodpria. 11.1 ou'pole au to brlng aU W@ vould fartiier vlsii to uay'to à close. CLASS -11ORSES. Boat Blood Stallien, litILE ArIland. Bout mae kPMa, lut, B. Atlland.> But one s et.F11, Bu . Arkil ÃŽ. 8ADDLE OUt CAURIBORSU05VJ liegt Staillion, lot, Levi Fairbanks; 2nd Deul k Irelanid;,$,rd Tho&. Maddon. Boat mare, andvost, -let Alex. Waddlt; 2ncl Joseph Jons -,$rd UebL Gardaci. Bout Lot es d ntr. colt, lut Jouli. Wixon; 2nd JohnýHight; SdOkA. W. 1areweih Boui two yeiir old Fitly, lut Jas. Kitb; 2nd 0-.%Y. Mathow; Srd Lev i tbanks. lient ono year old entire Colt, lut J. S. Sprowl; 2nd Silas 10,0 'rd0. AA. W. Farewell. Boeat one year old Filly. lut Adara Dud; 2nd Jui. 1Mitchell; fn1 Chau. Batoman. Borge colt ot 1800, lut Levi Fairbanks; 2nd James Mladili: Brd John Wilson. - Ftly Colt ef 1806i lut Adamn Duff; 2ud Thor. Cotes; Ord lra B. Carpenter. Pair matched herses, lot J. S. Sprowlo; 2nd Gen. Stock. Single horse in Hiarnesa, lut S. B. Ferler; 2nd J. S. Sprowle; Ord C. W. Mathews. Saddle herso, lut J. Wells; 2nd Beal kIretand; rd John Wilson aixi AL. PURPoun noRasS. Staltion, lot Thos. Evans; 2nd Ingram Chapmun. ' mare andFoui 0ý*Brown ;_ Henry Blfur; 8rd'11.tt. Crummur. Two year old- entiro Cot4 lit James Blaxter;,2nd, John Gimùit; $rd Daniel Thornian. iwo ycar 01-1 itly, lut Cornelius Spcn. rci; 2rd David Birrol; :rd UeobL. Ormis. ton, One year ol.è entire Colt, lot ,Inhn Anuot; 2nd Richard logr; Srd WVm. Atkinxon. Oine year old Filly, -lot 1lobrt blutch; 2îîd Sulas Inch; 3rél Geo. Higirîbuttomn. morse colt ot 1960, lot Marsàl l lt; 2nd Geo. Ogilvie; lhýd11firy Deurburn. .FillyClit 10M'litk. u betMuch; 2nd John Melicatt; ara Win. Kerr. Mlatched Herses, lut James Rasa, jr.; 2nd John Tweodio; Brd Churtes.Pitkoy. - John Miller; àrd lah La Tvoa oclFilly, lot Thos. 1I. Bell; Lad John Lamnt ; ud Wm. Kerr. Oine jear ouIentfre Colt, -lit James I. Davilian; 2nd IlearyýKerr. ite yr cî-ifilly,lu#t G. LidIil; Lad J. Wlker; Brb J Cori>ét. lions. colt ut 1860,. litJohn Nicol ; Lnl W. Pile; Srd George trema. Filty clt ot 1806, lut J. I. David--on; Lad R. lIloiden; ail IL Knox. Matcjhebrsesloit R. Ormiton ; Lnd If. Crairterd; Sud J. Walker. GLASS If. -CATTLR. Thoreumgh bremi Durhaum Bell, 'lut R. Thempuomu; LoI John*,Drydc1W Tic yoar cl Bull, lust John Miller. Yearling Bull, lit James Wbitson; Lnd James L Davldson.- 1Bull ltfSO'usmsIDaisn Lad do.; .r1 do. Milch Ccv, -lottoUbt. Thompien; Ln* do. ft Si)John Miller. Tie yearotd Bitler. lot Robt. Thomp-, son; 2Dl JaesWtdtn; $rd James , l>avlhon., Yemrling boiter, lut J. Miller; LoI B. Thempson: 9rd John Milier, Ileiter cli oet6, 6lot sual LoIJ. Dry. Ion; UdIJ. MilIer, , Youiring bull, lai S. Tomsx, 2LaIS, Incu. Billi cualfI180, lut. Tito#. Guy; Lad .S, Tots; 3u1 lîcubent Spocor. Stilcit (bm, Lth S. Tonm; gril Herbent Sipencer. 'l'o year idI lIciter, lut Ilerboît Spon- cer; Lad 8. Tuuuîs. Ileifer Caltai 1866, lst IHeubert Spen- cor; L2I 'Ioh. (Goy. Tiro ysr ntdBilil, lut Wmn. Jeffrey; Laul fiiclar, Iloîlen., Yearling Bull, lut Win. Mai. [Bll cuit ot 1866, lut IRichad Hoîden; Ln oxr fluen ompsn ; brd Robt.Mllter. Mh im'uCov, lit Richard fllean; LaI Robent Tlmenpecu; ftillJolunSMilieu. 'na yezra dlIleitcu,lut Jas.I. Duvid. ison; LuId Wu. Atkcinson; Ord Riobert Yearlinmg Ilehfen, lut Johnm iltr;- 2d George Uierggieittt ïr4 Wm. Atkiuu. son. 1 t liciter tait et 18Ã"6, tt4 4obtirt Thcmp. soi); ; Sd Richard IlomIei,. Yesrling Bll, I luot oay. Miich Coi,. lut Thos, Guy; Lad do.; Sud John M iler. Yeorilla; Hofer, lut t T u. . Heiter cuIt oi 1866. lot John Milher. Boiter s' t cf 1866, L0d Thoé. (Guy; $rb do. rai' cavvas. Os or Steet', lot Imm Ilovard; LoI Win. Alkinson; $rd Robt. Thouapsen., Ccv ci Boîter, ;lut bIsmHowar; 20d do. Yuke icikin; Oson, lut Uer;. oUGlt vray ; Lnd Jas. L Duuimbuc. CLAosS IlII-SHZZP. Bamn,, lot John Dry'den; Lad las. Sb*v>' Ouerlia; Ram, lut Thca. Guy ; L"I S. Inch; 8r1 J. SIeory. Ramn Lamb. lut W. Jeffre>'; Lad do.;' Sîl Titomas Goy,. Tire Eves, lat Win. luire>'"; Ld John -MilIeu; ail Win. J-titre>'. Tire Siteulin; Emres, lot John Miller; LoI Win. Jeffi.>' ; rd Johnl Miller. Tir e mLambe, lit JuaS 81r>';# Lu Wia. Jcffroy ;$ rd do. Shoulnin at, lut This. Guy o I S. Tcms;'erd .John MilIer. Ram Laib, listeo. B1g1uabounm; LoI Thos. Guy>; SudJohn Milieu.- Tire Ries, lut Join Mller. T i insgIWeg , lutj»b a b MUlet Iloar, liChao, pitkOy; daas tcrey, àérdloepb, Fioruon. 801rlUt Wp.- Gorloif- Lad Joseph Plersôn'- Srd John S. Sprowfr. Bou;rklg ot 1800, lut Daniel Thoraton; 2adJames Pile' Sil Wm. Gordon. Sow Ptît-*JOa, 'UwilizFo' 2nd, Doniet Thorinton;- Srd-Wm. Gordon., Pat Pi&, lut John S. Sprovltdl do. 0 bosloistalt Wh.b,4 lot Wua Thotnp. 0 bnahela of Sprlng Wheat, lot Edirard so; Lad John Graha; SM.B. Gibson. 0 boshels Pea, lot Chas. Pliki.. a bushbesDIt, lut B. Gibuon; Lad John Graham. 2 bushels cf cern, Lut Ira B. Carpenter, 2nd Gee. Lididell. 2 bumhels cf Tiidothy Soee, lst Oharles HuIt, 2nd James Buron. 12 luuhels cf Ciover Soed, lit Win. Me- Kenzie, 2n1 Chus.Hlt. 101h. Swedish Turaips, lut Chas. It, 2nd AIez. Witkis. 1 uhel etf lux Seed,lat John Michael, 2ad S, C. Wilson. 51Wu of Carroti Seed, lut Chia. HIlt, 2ad B. Dowand. 101bo Mangol Wurtset Sced, lot Chas. bIlt, 2nd B. Rowland. 1 boshet oftBeans, luit Ueo. Ogsoe, Lad Richd. (lutbrie. I bushel, ofTares, lit Charles boIt, gad C.k A. W Fitéurellà CL8UY-ROOTS. li btishM1s -forPetteu 'lut H.M. Thumus, Lnà Mâht Vtc~i 12 Reoti of Tumnips, luat Ueo. Browa, Sad Jo7an.Madllî. t 12 Roots Mungold Wurtzcl. Long Ried, lst §. C. Wilson, 2nd Joshua Cratord. 12 Routa Mlangold. Yello.v Globe, lut IlenrBiekell, 2nd John Michael. 12 Rootâ Garrots. Long Red, lut Wm. Jeitrey, Lnd J' 8i SpiowIe. 12 Roots Cairots, White, lot John Mi- chaei, Lnd T. fi. Sîaith.. CLASS VIL-DAIRY PRODUCE. 11h.. Butter, Gea. lrobson's Pie, lit Mms.Helnry Sick. 'Lnd Mis. John, Slelgh, grd Mro. B. Rowland, 4th Mis. Puttie, 5th Mis. Juu 'eph Webster. 101bs. Cheese, W. Paxton'a Prix., lot Mmn. iay Si4,.2'd Mrs. B. Dîxon, r&L Mn. It 5dt MW Dl il zuonor rgotsustbanl10bp. in' Shipping ordsr, lut Mis.Doar,Lnd- Mni. Jerry Sick, 8rd Mms John Edwarda. GLASS VIIIL-POTLTRY. Pair of Black Spanish, lot E. Arkland, 2ad do. Pair ut Dorking. lut Joseph Pierson. Pair of Golden Polan.l, lut Joseph Pier' son. .Pair ci sny cther variety, lut *George Ayers. l'air cf Tuîkeys, colorel, lut George Lidle. Pair of Turkcys, white, lut S. Toms. Pair of wild 'Iurkeys, lit W. A. Jeuter, 2nd Ueo. Oguton. Pair of Geeso, Large Breel, lst Thoa. S. Henry, 2nd IL Gronaner. Pair uf Ceeue, Smuli Breol, lut James Madill, 2nd Daniel Thoraton. Pair ot Gaines Foirie.(lut Chas. Lyndo. Pair uf Ducka, lut John Wilson, LoI 'Ueo. Ogoton. CLASS IX-FARXI MPLEMENTTS. flauper and Moirer combin lilt Josb. 114i1, Iron Piough, lot George Prentice, 2nd James Walkor. syooden Ptough, lut Brown' k Pàtter- son. Lad do. Truriip Drill, lut James Cluyton. Sett oft Rarrows, moud, 1 Alexander Ketchini 2nlaIT. Roueh. SdI tt oHarrowit, iran, lst T. Rouet,, 2nd (George Prentice. Two liorea. ultivator, lu.t Jdhn Doitîge. Gang Plo,îgh, lgt Broçwa & Pattersoa,. Straw Cutte'r, ilorue Poirer, lot Brownj k [atterson. Srai Cutter worked by hand, lut Bruman k Pattersen. ilorse Rea, Lut Alex, Ketchin. Fanaing Mill, lut Brown & Pattcrson. LoI do, Wasin- Machine, Lit Thos. W. Lame- aoan1 Cîmma, lit Tlios. W. Lamoncans. GLASS X.-IO'eLTCLTTIRAL. 1L Tablo Applos, auunmer namel, lot D. L. Barcla>', LnlJusIDUtridtion. 12 cokng Apple%,s, u'm " nainel, lut ,John yÀFjamis, LoIJ. B. liiekeli. 1L table A pples, fuît nanicd, lot Johbn 2cokn; AlPples, 'fu1t naMeýloluA. Wiîtis. LoI JàuesBixter. 1L table Apples, viatemnauncd, lut Oco. MeUitiria>', LuilYeoman ibson. 1L geekin; Apples, winter named, lat Jrooopi JAones, SL og, se MeUlvru>'. 1L vumicles et Applie. named ofet oubl, lut D. L. Barclay', 2LaIJoin Nictil 0 ancho ies0apples, uamel ô cf ssuh, lut J. L Clarien; Lnd John N'ie. et ly fag>pes, grevili ut oxhibiter, ditnt(oo t eabdvs. (A. w. pFunell's pria.,) lot (U, MCGillvary -, Lo G, Liddell, 1L tuble peurs Sommer nomed,JCorblt. Do le Wlater. do, de, LnI G. MoGibary. 12 Pluma, Douait, lut R. W. Clark, SoI Wm..Gorlon. 1L Poacica, lut IL. IL.Boîta 12 craiî Apples, lorgo, li .>'I. ILWit ccxz, Lad Richard «athito. IL erai Apples, umali, lit James 1, Davilsea, Lad S. (0. Wilson. 12 tomutocu, lit D. L. Batclay, Lad J. S. liL.Wilbcoa. ri; tcoOa, lut C. bolt, Lad Wm. (orlon. 12 root bocta, lit b. Tominson, 21md C. 2 elumaers pgapes, iak -rw inoe air, lut I8 Dicksn LdJhoet(. Watur melon, lst iH. Teuliasout, Lad C. Muik melon, green flash, 0. Iloit. Do de, acarlel do,,B. Dicluson. Citicelst G Puootuce,2nd Boul k Iueland S hosds c4aluloroest, lit (0. It, Lad S ioul, a cbiage, summer, lit Jra Micel ad LIAilier Baînsît. 8 beada cabiage, ululer, lot- Alexander, Daunlo, Ld R. Gullurie. -10 yardsaPull, lotb, homne nlïO~4 pd1 amid*qve by hand, lut Mm .W;- jet. 1lyds Facttwy1 rill clotb, l 1,A EBwermsn 2nd do., 10 yds gatinett, borne aumlc apunao4 wOYSI>'y band; luti,,Mv. C, lUrwol. ý'0 wrds uatlnett, tmctory m eltiu 2éd -W.*JBo 2nd lEts. Brlggo. ttrw 10Y> homromade by hand.itrw l,:t frs, Lynde,,2nd Ms. Remoeas 10o yds famet' hctovy made, ait, woo lt and 2nd ýW. Bovepmpa. 10 yda Dana, factory '~e'ot warp, lut and 2nd do. 10 yds IWXg Carpet, Ist Mrs.RIL Dise 2nd Mmi. R. Smith. Pair woolen blanketg, lut Mii. MeKe sic, 2nd Utp. IVin; laMjors. Coverlet, h.avy,' lot Mis. Lyndî, 2 do. bhepherd's Plaid, lut W. iloirerman. Pair otfiroolen Stockingg, lotu; rS Orove, 2ndlMes. D.,Lick. P'air etfiroolen Socks, lit M.llare 2nd Miss Ferrier. Pair cotton stookingaletl?&s. Gros., 2nd Miss Harper. Pair cotton soca, -lit Xia 1 i t2qd- Mis. Cirose. Pair plain woolen mttslst ÊisaHuarper 2nd Mis. Barclay.. Do do, woollen yurn, lut Mmi Lick, 2nd Miss Burns. Fine boots, lut and 2nd Bain kCe. Courue do, d%, d6 . - 101h. Fia: lit natturul state, - t SMhh V. Wilson, 2nd James Pile. 5tbs Flux, dressed, lst Samuetlh1 id do.1 CLASS XII.--&LÀDTMS DEPAIlTIENT. Lady's dreus, lut Mmu John S. Sprowlo, Snd Miss Michael. Child'u dreso, let Mrs. Ledicote, 2nd Mrs. Jas. A.tiampeil. Gentleman'& Shirt, lut Miss Ferrier, 2nd Mis R Fîilicr. Ladies' bonnet, lut and 2nd MMu Roacb. Picce work Quilt, lst Mis Feuler, 2nd J. S. M. Wvilcou. Knit'wuork cover, Mis.-Diekie. Crotcliet work counterpane, il och S11k do, Miss itate Twreedie. Fancf netting, let Miss E, Striclund, Miss Dixon- Fancy knitting, lot E. Strickland, 2nd If, Stricktmnd. Embroidery on mulin orlIacý lut N. ý1W wésted, lut ýMis t'Minnie Ito*67- $ml NisIlAlice,Haiii. ,- le . Cretebet irork, lit 1 .MsgreI, mm 1< Strlckland..1 1 Ruiscd Berlin work, lut >Mius Gerrie,2nd Miss Lyndo.- Fiat d,lât Miss Grecn,2nd S.Strtcilund Germin ruised work. 2nd Mis Diokie., Guipure work, let Mary Stricktand,2nd, Miss Ferrier. Ornanîerital needle wenk, E Strickland, 2nd ie White. Specimen oftbraidinglut Miss CaÏipbell, 2nd Mis o uler, Spegclnnof quitting, Miss Ferrier, 2tid Mra Witcox. Tattin , tE Botta, 2nd P. PIsytel'. Specin c f bcad weîk, ZIta Bettp. Wx fruit, lut bM. Stricktund, 2nd N. Strickiand. Papcrtiloirers, Maggie Green, 2nd E. Stricktand. flair floirerp, lut hirs Yeoman Gibson, 2nd l Mn.Sciiolms Faney basket, lut Miss Botta, 2nd Jane Somnerville. IL.g rug, let- B. Striekland, 2ad ifs I. Hlarper. Fane y leuther work, let lss R9wc,2nuI Ers Seioles. llats, Cunadian strawr, Mr% D Ttiornton Feither flowrs,lut ua nd Ad ÀI'uglier. Zirphyr Ilowers, lut S. E Campbell, Urs Luikin. Fariner'& wreath,lia. Larkin, CLASS XiII -FINE ARTS. 011 painting, JTE Iloitt. Wateir cler du, JIrà Slater. Pencil dawing, lot und LoI ViesaOnno Crmayon do, lut Fi Stricklaisul, 2nd .llisis Lynde, Orîamcntat penmunship, Liid E Strick' laaiîd. Mapping, lut N Strickland, 2ad Mary Stricklant.- Picture tramne, lit Il Cette, Lnd Airs Gibson GLASS XWV-MI8CELLANZEOUS. 'Drummer tutue, J Ssiie>'. Io h in >' aincoiub, lut Il Thoemas, Cad j Niteiieit Do, straitiic, lot Il Thoms, Lad 'James Io Ilb.inapte sugan, lut J Lick, Lad IH Roquet'ot flaîeri, lit MisRo<%*0, Lad .Jfiaa .McGUiIvmiy. ' Speciiien cf lise u oms, viîh caîka, lut (ourg. Ayerî, Lîm Jsames liVaîker. l)p, mitiiemt ates, lut k Lad G Ayena, 4l ao.oers. li6t ok LusId 8 ree. Wnbem blinIs, lut de, Db sash, lut do, lkec li'., lut unI Laéd Thouem &s n,, 1,ettor press prntiog. lst sol 2.ugd, W IlHiggias, CuIIeO?4tCe.i eMCC. Barrot of fleur lut Il Bickclh, Lnd J B Bickell, De oulmoml. lut k Lad t' Franicis k Bru, spccimof utîinsmlth's ion, lut lmatc' k Br#, Lad Wm Brya. Prse1lvers. MIs»ts t. Moisie patch verk, ltinnie Boiew,- Lised braidine XMus Boire, Machine irouglit memadiags, S «rose, Breakftziavl, miss (ovi., Stt'iton choeso, lis Lick, Crystaliacd goss, Kra Siar, Fane>' mut, UMis lVite. bnosch gretto, J 0O Bryao, Antlmumsar, do. Chainstltch on uiIk, miss Sterne, Tattel ilys, misa Alice Hum. Ladies'flan ired boots, -Bain Ak Co, Assrîmoat factor) ioaeirot'kdu. Chain stitcb, Miss Michael, Pancy qoitu, Misllrlggu, Yellum canots, Jeunes Burns. (Ins uplaid, iaieunmsi, Panay. bisil everteekul by judges, lat 1Miss Delia Peut Lad Miss Smit. sionsa uil Dreasng bava mnoequi al, nd uhoull b. s and tus guosca.SodIby lait D:uu;gissi, on foi s ais Lordsnmp Wotber comrte ý et k«wry,, liO %aMd, thst poi'bnîy coul searelY ho a111 ecçaui o thlee omlïssbof etthenffenco., flils Lrdsbip ne:;xplfol ofaàc ,an assuat mithutop e4 gela iobdfllY b", WnI theu serions «sa thei crime. In thoecse onlte cair he undoritood-bth O asant w mascmittel, jà n an% ttýýap t ito,brcah( gael. Il go,- ht:mis aI 0h moenesortons; for a prisoenm' com-. mitteill p a uka i sae ~eul h.helmgait b. char;. epon, lviich ho as comitteil cven if ho ltappeidte lInnocent f1.afeie iBis Loidship said that thore iras nothing meore that .ialeI for apetltromark <rom the Court. It thons mero prisoners cut on bail, th.e ffenoos weul h. breught betore them by the piosectin; Gouituel fer thecroira uic uutd gi'. thipgrand jury aIl aemeuay inforiitlion ad assi't uno nIiremindin; Ihom o! teii 4uty te visit tho gaol, ibis Lerdsbip-cbserved that h. dId net knouirwhthen-meâânu b ou there providel tu put prisoners il bord laborenect. He. conideredltIlmuat de- sii'ublo thal meanu should ho provideil for plucha; pnisonens ut bard labor la -alI gulswhre Ibisvs&, Det thé mae- ho gemerauliy passedl ighI sentences; bu. cause.ito conaivel it botter tao odprison. eri about thoîr business thon te kcep theasiiin giol la fidleneus. This more pur- ticularîy applol te ,largo tomas ad cWies mhene pensons mee i ndocel lu commit crimes la order te obtain a warin home unI fuel Inria; the 'minter.giLs Lord- ahip strongly, dvrcît upea lte Iesirmbitity ut providin; bard labor ten prisoacru un guets, and coaclodel by tettia lte grand jury that lue molî beosuaIhiappy lu dis- chaige Iheu ut the ourlieut moment, us ho knem îhey bdeil i, especially fanttis fine moathhr. Tiie gentlemtencf theionua;robe viiom îenoticet pissent vero Julin Bell, tsq., ., Jouaa Ap Jones, Thos. HRodgina,, and C. Patiersun, badqu., Torone; S. B. Fairbaks eq, unI meurs. Fareweltl 'Port "Ferry;,'John Bittiliga, Hsq, Pimce Alqot; und cf ubï Wliitby Bar, S. H. Coeiiras,. q., Co,,,Crema Atîaiorly, R J. Wlsont ILH. J.Macoael. G. H.-Durt oeil, J. Huamer Gîeeel, W. H. 9l4iigi, James Lameaj C. A.* Jones, ald J. K. GlorIon, huqis, Tii. Ce.' Attorney aiere.ceadncted the Crown business. Tiiete vute bat aine cases altegether on theo cii deciet. Flriglet vs, Reeiie -Action te recever suonont oftdovcv ou lot No. 3,P Dib con. cf Brook. Tii. deooe pat in in# uiiis cas, vas viîbdnavn, unI a verdict entorel on bubait etfithe plintif! for the Ismand. A. C. Chiadwick for plaintif!. Canada Permaanent Buididng and Sari,.; Socklet . Caldwel.-Acticn on muîtguge. Verdict by detanit, Jeans Ap Jounes toi ptffi'.-S. 14, Cochramne for ltteuburem's. Crandel.-Action on progisory note. Verd'iet for plaintiff toi $520,20. Cochiaue k Cochrane for plainif., Crowtker rs Ililley.-Ejcsmt Verdict fer piaintuff. Jus. Lamomi for deft. Court adjoentiacti1 temorrcv mna- scl ut 9 o'clockc. Tuesda>', Ori. 16. There mas quile an anti>' ot couasel tuis moruîlo; la uttenîmicu at the. opoaiag ot the Court; amontstt hoin, in addition te ticsmenticnel aboie, me obserrol Ml. C. Cumeron, Esql. Q. C., tie mouaber for North Oanlo; Lien. Juin Hilant -Cam- cran,1 Esq., Q. C. M. P. P. ; R. A. Har. isea, Esq,, T, O. Gilîcruleeirs, cf Rie;. stan, &e. Mft1cltellvs Barry.-Tisusae occupiel the g.outav punI ot tie lur,Tic actien vas biaigitl 'lte plaintif! vie is tic ouner ut a gruau Mill in Pickering, uguinat tic letendat vite 1.proprioton of a sai sunii, for chuking up àaImaiidut-h e refuse from thti sai miii, Tii. evidence vus complieutad aud very conflictîng et' bot aidas. Tii. jury utter a en;theaed dllberatian broagit in a verdict in faver ut the deoaat. J. K. Gardon ad R. A. Harrison fcr plaintiff, S. b. Cochrane andi M. C Camerun feu dotondat. TU s Mguire Assaulfupon if/e nTrn. key.-Tbe grand jury' in this cas broagit la a tinsbilîl fer mais itviiliteat te do soeisgrieveusbehiiy hao. It vili b. recoliectod thet tic pisoner vas arîctel us a saipect eonia,ald ttemptel lc break guet by koceking lova tii. Inrnkoy. lgs pi.mded guilty, ailegia; tWhails intat wus to reboase hiuef (rom confinement, Sentence defried. 015k, vs OGiktrrsecr'.-Tiileasuan aCtionircagi b>' tie Meurs. Gibis cf Oish*aaii.t dt eeuudaî1th.evnev cf the ateoati ÇCenigeicenFroaz the eeouiut* nl thsI a tnssbW hein enterol mb obeiveemiplaintif ad deleadant, ons tichocf Match lut te curry 2,500 barrîsuoet four acrosutbe Lukeo va Isbefore tic expiratien et tie Iecipiocit>' treaty ;i-tic' plaintif! cf course bola; desircas te take udromtag ofo th. treuty wil in eistence,l' *tuisivas expu ai> aalknow*s 1té hé dotoiblauf und bis enviels. Tho fleur vus souvoyel 4ote 'th rar et Poi l Wbtby avuila; shipaient; 'batie' a oCrut'au so psatiff vomessac1 ud, boiles' damagou,. tesales. cf $1.60 pe, arurel dutieu imposl iy ths abrogation cf, she truty. Tloie eeao vus s ufuvorubîsu for aec oî;ie ovffeja la lems, "a VI bese;prod@4.dthiaoweig spra :IL MCGe.for lItq ..Firas Tii. gradjury. mado theo foliowlngr sentaient :- .. .reriiý'tntè u the. criminel azatters broaghi bet'orç us, uiîd b'.h adeOUA.Pr "'idmenI codig 'W. khartill juin 1vwitf yopr. Lorduhîp fa congratulatin; tiie Coot on tiie moger-- a"@ ofut he crliinelt dOekt,' thsre being; onlytlbe.cOosiro*t bîchisro for pouty, - iceoy, *a n a er ail.Tsl iiweoîolàran[sun e6r'fouIderbic'ag graraîioa, il ,baytu; bepa ,eoinitted by-a .primear, u ites poison et tiietara oy, in Ii. jàili W. ccannot, huimstuWSània tee withoat recoîdia; car high appreci. luni ot the boiroc onduot of the. taakey, screral birs amd contuions cathiieïid, inflied by a formidable weapea, la grap.. plia; ithe priomuer, a you ng ma, ad se sacesuly ir Cemîn; hlm. W. liaie great resson te hoh prend cf Our coeaty, coniderinag hi exteat and popalation, the mcrulity cf« car people be. isig cf se. bigle n eider that oaty thues eriminel nues are bîoagiit etors nu, This speaku volt cd With namiatakeabîs Ian. gaags for ,aur ccuaty. W. fondil hope tuis atate of thiagi may continua. la Oui examinationg oethte juil vo have tound it kept 'in an eîderly, claua,nosai an! preper'. mianuer. The physieut eoi. fort of thie prisoneis, It apperru ta as, la mo eatelly cure1 tfors te dprive the. prisoiiers of any cans ot emplaint. 1 Darim; oui visit te the juil, vs madie 1diligent efiqaiiy, fa regard te the emplay' ment ut ciminels, vho bave heeni sentencad te short periols of hupriseamea', adare tally coqynicel huttheii.saggesîioau mule by yoar1r aLoduh'p, fin egird te heu bob;' kspt ut bard, labour, la tiieIras' prilciple ; a prnncipe-i. miil Caoried ont la .tliu êeante 'TIi. lai' havfng-'benn gt ven for tiie panishmaisan d terébof ef 'sut rs, ire îhink thal if priseneri-aie Dot hept at somi nrn s0smploymani, ii.laV lu roflbel etmosi of literrer., W. teingratnute car eoaniy smd ceun'. MtY or. ils piuce, and- presperity. Having joit reupel an abondat bîi-a.at, and no* realisin;geelo prices fer 'the pro Idectu cf thie soit, and again cnjoy'ung quiet, and Met, fîom thc thisatened invasion of oar coantry, by a horde ut unprinciplel rat. fans, vioe ostensible objeet vas, manier, *plander ad obbery. W.tel sare, happy t.nd contentedaI nier the protectionad r atiierly came, et one o e i.muai paverfal fGoreraments on the. bianaI ertb, and govrernel as vo urs, by tiie bout imun lais in eslstance. Siionl enr ralcnu malatain the iodgaity of! tiieiiiigb andi r. sponaible positions, by fuitiitulneas, on. rersY, iionessy amd sobriety, Va ahalbave, itesson to look oward te a peaceini, lion' ourable and happy futare. JOSEPH AS!!, Pîic.-Mr, Rainer bai commeneed rtiie bainesa-commecesd? rs-domeaced vo uhould buve sai-apoin u snlaiged meate. Tii. business hou buon greatly et. tended, so mach se noir ne ta be capable eft uraing ont pianoi ut iiie rate otftime ai veuk. And l it 6eb(ntauter enlurged, ai vuiela lue notice mili bu giron front timo to time. Ses bis udi't this vcek. Tiie tarmin; cemmunil>' vio lo their truiti;i Wbuîby, yull rejuice te icur tuat the 61 White Fisg', ugain "flattera la tbc. breeze," uet tiecl saunI opposite tie Commercial botai, vicu. grouicubargaimus thon over, ia realy-make elthia; are otlend ol t cnamens. Nzw Cain Siou.-Mu Colin Esuvwool bas openold a cioies stock o! grecories, minas aldliquiere, &o., in the promises laid>' occuplel b>' Mr. bagliFetila, sil. la; ut teint cash rates. RIFLs.-Who iretd bo viat ta figle mien uns cen be obtainel viii bayono t cemptote for $4tet Hateb's. Parsue Gioceau su, kc.-Attonin lu iectel te tiee ncuncemeal et Mr. Far- quuarâo ala otici coluins. bis 'stock boti in tioedry goodeaunI grocuiy fine is replae. iti ci'ryiiia; thtbîcun be called feu-aIl cf tho bei quaiîy asut silcoet Fearltau arna s liteea. Thi e ausip lEreninz Star, captuin Ksiupp. o e . t A Y1k MeOrles"s Mail 8,8, Ce.,& lins cf steamers, eI$NoirYerk on tho 29th ait., fr erw iOrleans, miti 250 passegers. A 8ai'annab, Ieopatoh 1 tbe N. Y, Tribun, datu.d 09. Sti, "Y» tbat tbe Broum; gStar fouanorel Atutsu190 mitas saut o! Tybes, viib 259 pauogers ouf 50 crev. A bout anivel ut Fonnaul. ina, miie leà1 ktic steamer villi 18 pordons, incladia; Cept. ICaupp, one ladyand child., Tbe boMut ascepeusel aine times ; At tus i;ti the. Captuin wus lcsi. Four beu left., iiesteamermsebwvnt love. Tire oftlum are supo4oa.lte bave simk. The ,oobooaiWarltugg frcm NowirYouk, pst in. <i. Ei'enia; Star, piekel up-sai sa. lt ii seppois lb. remaluler cf ili pabiusegos ulcirperishotl. i 0. a à014rlt u ~2a4 2ad W loihu', [ Ien, For,211 _ 01o, Sadal . lât IL veffon, 'ad C. clan.; Ws irqaes lau, lotM'usa 8. t*alble.' 'Geaïtienin. tuoutrtsn, l B l.1.lobaeui, Sad U. Verun.. ,, B l.ltJoht' kley. J. Beil, Lad' wu. Tutu, 1dWlBaf. Tva jeîar cl Bull in-lSU4, lut Juhui Contes. Que ayaar okdI" Ban lue0, lut, T,.> eattie, 2ad J. bMecitouldl Buill tli t 1860e, lot Wîn. Word, 2.d uud arI F. Wafr. Ilitll, (o-, lot Jas. Grahatm, Lad sud Ilid il. Bell. Thorougli-breml Durhamn Gevor lelfort, lut Wto.Tato,2Lui .Baektsy. rireoyoutr aIdgiei elt Wiab Tâte, Ld John W etr, Sud John contai. Oas eai cl Ruler,, lot and IRd Wme rite, sri Il. Bell. flatter ClaI i140, lut 'Wo. Tata, Lad j",. Grahami,atti Wîa. loffat.* 'Fat ooristeur, lut J. WaIr. Lad Il. Boit. Fat Cui r R leiter, lttIl. BAI211 Lid. .Welm. Yoku woîking Osen, lit J.-Gou]l Sud C. & L1cuurlsaltC.-81,arrâid, 'a W 1 T. Caiîn'iaisel, Bitl'Wtn. Moffat& Luicester Seiin",lot J. (liahain, Lad T. Conte;, SilI G.' llc.pkiiîîu. LeiceAuer Ram L.imb, it J. Grahtat, Lad G. Sliaîînîd, $rd IR Botiîoi. .'Twro m.ed L-ireeteî Lire., list J.- Grahm, LoI A. $Iiîrril, 8rd B. Boyntou.'- Two l.eiceetcShoarling ire, v tJ (a- huaLi2n . Botid, OSilO. g5hMmrd. Tva o ifuster Aie Lainbt, ILut J-. Giahain Lvd IL. Boyaton, 3rd Wta. Mutrat. lkun aiiLa,îlh,î,,diouîor filne mua, lut Jus. Sîmlarrard, 2ud A. iSiaramI Cul 4,C. Siarraid. Two Lemet, i,,dia.n or. fine muai, lut, A. Shariard, Lad ud %y dC. 8larniid. litii i.nb, unedinin or duie muai, lot W. SlirrarJ, Lad ( .à$ltrard. Tva i EVe -Lîual,, raediunaoutfiaa mool, lot rW. $liniîaid, 2ud Ù. Siinrund. CototiswL Ram, lutJ. Grahaum, Lud W. lea, Sîl J. Ward.' 8,emrllg Rani, lut J.- Kiiuoe lIai Lamb, lo;ald Sud J. (taiham,, aid J. Twu Cotumol Emes, 'age, lot,and Lad -J. Slieailimg Lires, let J. Grahuam,,Lad J. ýTwo Bemabo, lit ad Lad.à. Grahiam, 'l p a tt etmena, 'Tutu. IUttim, Lad Julia Twui fat Ewep, lot L. Stecr, Zud-J. <iralisun. fluai, large brunI, lot John 11lihu Ld Jas. Suiv, laig re it', lutt John Engtiah. 15em pi; of lgdd, lange bîcel, lut; L. teer, Ladl R. Bityatout. Boai uttml breel, lut A. slarrard. 15ow, sainl brecdo lot ToFi ai.Iunill, $ad B. Millier, Boni pigot 1860, umnil brouI, lit Wni. Par- n'olm, Lad A. Sli,îînad. sotr pig ut 1860, Auit brec ol uti. [Pai rnuit, 0Ld Jasq. Sliarramd. cRatINsltwaAND O ei 1Two hauliels (aIl wleAi, tut T. Ceatnu, 2nL A. Iidi. Lrci G. & F. El tati. Tva btîuluels ,pig wlieat, lot J Theiapson, Lad T. Dnelamînns, aid J. Joueis, Tmo bulîcil ,1 bailey, lut J Tiiompsen. Tire bitibels lnrleYi commea, lut.. Tiomp- "noel Lad 1S. *Wlko. Tva bu.,lelu ntu.large wh'ito, lit 8 Eotiet' ton, jr, Cuit iA. 1Raid, Tva iihielâ cats, comiaca, lot C Wostlako, 2ad A. lr4id. Tva buaie largo-peau, lut J. Jeres, 2a1 J. lîoalai .Xve bahelàsmuamlpoes, lut R. Dahsonad B. Wililamal& 24 Es»ludmut coin, lut Il. Mater, Lad W. ['airigh. - 11.1< baulel wite boes, lot J. Plmlippe, 2ad Tho*. an. 10 Ibs Sîccullit.tunip soee#llt T# Munie, Ladi Il. hInliglit, Busliel dIisel, lut J. Jackson, Land H. Bautliel cluter soeu, lut Thon. Li'. Land Il. 312dihi. llt.mhl lîa1iotl Soeu, lit Il -MUndili, Lad WV nir.). 12 Tiiri'tî, Jas. Stoutenboiongli, lad J. nloua. -) 3agelu, lut TV. BaIns, 2nd W. Mie- 0 eIcarimn'i lut S.'Netlieiten-jr; Land J.Watoon.' 12 bieud i;eeta, lut Wiî.Seil.2Ld lP. Car. mictk.uel. liali.hiiuh olnî tMm; ad C. .Jones lJugi-fall of jpotatoes, piuukoyu, lui J Pilmer; Laid J. RugîtA. & DeDoe.ipm, lut D. Ptardy; 0i G. Wlaite. Do»uY utbüi varluty LtiT. oil;LdE 1L Wlnteri applea, lut Thos. Cotes ; 21i1 C. V. e4tîa. IL liiiî,roapplea,,lut T. Co Farman j Lad W. Il. Wiilonx. -.* gogn l mtoupluî,îus, lut ReUry Mad'; 2Lad. T. Quanrt pluma, tay otîter i'alioty, lutW.. Sextous, Sud )Jamesu Neti. f aeîaga.s lut M. B. WNay, Lui J. W. 12 teà torieiioé, Il. lIiVgIi t. 6 icd oubl agme, lot A. Tliompsotl, Lnd 0. White. G®realesatiemrîiyoetgarde*n votabblos, lt a. Býn'¶ iitffl<merul, W. Ml. hipmn.o Gell ectionigreen-lmoso î>lnnt*i y.Raite. 1 3 quisee, lit Il. I-tiih-, Lgn.i 'i.iîîipm. Spumhcîa, liA. Mldea, sol T B..vion. .2 esimllleirorshut R. loo,21d Il hliit ôl rotm coierylsitu. tloceki, uad J. Luzier. i p'eu.,.. NEWsA. Thei PATENT El -i STYLE0: tun aSatlo- bole an e thent om prli- ee!et sieu eau arungtb, forý Ipite. of'ýWcd, IZînel togtters» -' iluo lhaseano Ili iiue atin -1 Oama mae $Liu- rnime uae Ios pwiei rtty, u power cfotauadi kiderably! mien Y' hai liitAi din o -p ares mtan mip toprite Uie, muid aller, tu 'lneit. t - Furr.r. -nie tomiethe "m lte tem sa li paility et vibrai Pîanoutow ati Sueul la introle Pound, enavïiri tlc, ltesus U unIdiseicria thi b ILIciI l l'enta iavii flc'tjvel or Iar a&arust The gieevsd 'heteferu iglen entiroty lu ztIti iesun'fini i site, bdom e tonth la thbeietIn mith thei about I)CIRn manuflc itaher My Perme enut in tueTa tht inspteeti1n suIt. 'ns-pub the'ii axcetîcue iome ver aliée Thie bout 1Mi givn atboiî,pia hieauiia'aettei 09, the public lhey ipye me laisthie tutti, Fort", andi oru Xvery tour tberu-ogh ts.to hl»viîîýr.içffl ai'raiiu UYiesO«csaitboOta, Iula'ad peele t J. set tarin tuarniw T Conntiço. LuIs'. sui Ziat, de; Drasâ ant ua j otlIT Jolictin, fnl Mo uiila,àI . Eiguoew, lad L Jehinia. SpImiîitng vIml, J. Jury. Centre t4.ile, let .JilDam1i P sd Johini ott, Baîua, 1.1 â de, gSud de. Bodoçteuil, ' do,- BCukmuu aldsenra . t. Mai. 10 Ibo inapte suigr, let C. C. Jouas, Lad X. 6 Mli lîeintatheoouuflolt A. bluldep, Sol 'sheaves lIi -n hlbi sai, lu.T . »Bamue Lad Wm. MoUreguor. Gra*lula; onnveal, John Itott. Coli. bout e é stafo urui.,&o, JIiaaef. Col; iutaI Cottaga. W1,shipuaau1 Paikr kuya, J. Wehr. lDo. geuse llt A. Sb arurd, Lad T. Cestes. Do. dueka, T. Linub.' De bani yui airfl jt J J iry,2mtd T Boyato tisse - i-.mge.ibini, Mr,5Jerett. - -. Cuieutua'uncatoaey0. hliuemkz. 11 Jar frnit pieserivil in sungar, lut Mra. Allai Lmîd Mua S p nr. Jar picldes;, lut Mus NotI. LoIlUru Wjllîexi J g uit ut Mut Ferasa, Lad lMa --aw ' L roittt MussYrtest, LSud, Mras Mjor. Spuuaeas cf hara suhoîng, «vtth unius lia 911 cases lu ho dune ion tUe grÉund-Ih Watsoo, 211d G. witel. Bonid cifMtto, xbidge bruis ban., The Vohnuurers. ib thee Eior oJ fiasWAiij <froursu Il Ilrather bard tual aller rM-in;(a second lime) a' Volunteer compay in ibis oni geoly 't o utfBeaioutoa,.thst car Foyers tbai bu icitl nul icéept tic.. YCIa are a*ar-uit semas tic or tira maaîiis age lie ef car wcriy cihan-- Meures. B. CameodMA amI Mscnald-ma. mal rest assuael ibat tuey bal toe cem ter a geel deal cof opposition te ithe enter' prise. No~eribel tha-yvers sucesmilai. in getting ap thebomrpaaiyj--"doslotiM their efficeri .Mr. Piocter, Cap",i, Mr. A.Camerei, L enta, u MPu. son, Ensugo. Thom -geatllois, 1am ,tol, mide application te iii ipr loii ùwd o t b aceopiel, ad- retefor repildbutheb quota for Ontario ivu fulel up,,sud cou- ieqacaiiy tuai lbéir' serv-iceswere hiot vs qaired. Suppose tluaît t.Oatsio qDota'*la fulel op-does-iti;aify auytbin;g17.Thm 904 be éther Comutiesthat havre net bom'se sacesuai it laibe'raishaor voluateer, ad consequeaîil ths orpîm of mac 1o114 Ceamuies se Outantovomt u be " utp tbe -defieey.AtI iiaveuli, I vol, Mr. Editor, adriée oui aatboriiiesteous. coursge voloatâeningad, Làc"pi ail lhe men IthâtOffe- em thoir Scri. It lu tii least car- atbritia ciii do. A»4 shoald tic>' nul be equired te go te h" front t10 meet thoeoei>' ouiGovoaumoiut 'ronlfne t hicleuers tOu 'iery great leut, for the ari an amccoutrements tast vould be buadel te th. Volunsosi CCe. icalyet forai aportion'of the. stock and .andl retouriea cf tii eountry. Té con- clade, Mr. Edfitor, 1 ical uy. injutie Wo the- gsntemen sWho have ge .lui tii. troubîl ettin; op uheorpasuthmoit suid ulso0 te loyal toi, of IBonverlon, va leatanm- tiaitus C, ouipait, befortlaiiik aocepted. And vcn viii do nau a peut fariby lidin;a"y Our PO -a r(uliufuomc usa assistace ini iii. utr T1103 Op'UR4 youi TiticNoirsUs uaixx s Lrgsi Tic Rhemialt azelle puiilia btahe of ti. ectlbilhmaaupby lbo'co-- m'eeioneru cf 'the Puassien Charnier of DJ!p14!t6for uh. ;Panllauman-o!fiie Cou' felerator theli oiti. Thebbiil leua maceh o! t-t smueciiaater as ibà lui amidon vbîeh the fumonsParlumanof0 Puambfoit vu elete4' in 1849. Tbi.abbi proposestei conter dieea univoisalsuffrage viti scocia&vot'un; *ui al cidtisemi e Cou"lraiu tol stes of!» 2j fyrsof046ae Evm er ctor la eligible te a>a i iuPar- liarnt proi'uel b. busom i bis. ysai fa aMy oft1h.ésttes. hao ehcotrai dis triatolé a 00 , hms~ta ts tewOtuasi member. Pantfamunt hl i te vairy se: p T wZu MuBI Sauel ietld ciabuieute, budaIber hom sion ihseMay i Plrm ofBIL Wim»y,oct 1~ f K Ç' ~ 1 1

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