Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Oct 1866, p. 3

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,,0 wtom. tu( NliifLâ (I rope<. Pl, INS, 'ATS L'I jKiSA, for (rotn38te IMJflON LIMGD Lnd Grenbc' ld. Jîl epielil Ar .litne . (11 )imuiryisiIe AtbyJaîiothai. ,f thît:eon.~oh,. i.r4 li iui lni orleacir 1n48 orSale. l'Ain or .. <, IL AvidrâBuuy n40N14,E og »o.t Mare> fôr Sale, *IDARK beiun tare rhiillÉsflu ""Ilt, yar Buggy, Cùlilr, sud ginglê Sett Itaruiets, netynew. TE PII A , *éLêutr euîy si J'tu"S V iilrow 1to.rtnagl.jy r-'OI.re1 0 lu,4e &,. ti. utuc, ort mARTIN SCOTT, Esquire, YPIIMERL4< .,r ~'The. Prince Cono~rts Own J. D. MdSierlF lieSpaoJ. 1. Patton, 1 W . ligrnoic 04hC retI., 10 r, il moai lto , .1.Ahtiuy. ho$ rut Jp . A. I'Vo $4pJtq, 20, 1844. h airnW n'ted. on 1ravelli l,,,?frusil &0 tei10o, Aepply o, -' ~ Pn ioe e, Whlt.y. PIUGL'SHOTEL. Chîna and common 1whiskys, -ail àcp jÏ-0r"cs' OcleberRICHARD M. F"RANCIS. O 'DONOVAN'SI Àgood aqzortinerit of Dûugges, (*1arfilageg, &ctiade of thti bcst rft-terht1, îý'iII Ie sold ai à small ad 'c dn côist. CO Bank of Ltiper Canada Bis talk<n inexc -0frek' Wh~ty, eto~i,3j 18GOechne o éok u Ni10 wA~IHW hegreatest attr;action rit tluis E~xhibition '19 the penîng of WITII A GUAND DL3PLAy oJ/ STAPLE DRT OOS Rcady.made C'obng n XVooen CIntlhs, stiitable to the P411 ai)d Winpfy sensons, congisting of Hoav ~osow omyca, i!oîs, Moltons, Canadian Twôeeds oiand ull d lth , cihad EngliP-L Tweed,, Bedford C~ordu idanis. The Ne*-'Prench and Germai WOOIOU 00oà 1er -Iants and Voste, Irieli -Priozos, KLN'G 8TReET, oszX i Cthand Cassimerfo, 8hirts4 flrawors, A1I IML' m n 'N , JAMES 110Hosiory, Gloyes, Miracles, Collarets, I 1) A A CARD. t- M ~ T. L. fO\y, lsvlnwjî.~.trstarc.1 "Flie, Lai'gegt, gB et id c heps Soko <rrom St. Mairy I.l itiaî.flerre liante t~o tri,,d, ni Frid-cl-aus (CAtter-jlirt'eng'ïdand evcry qiarment -warranted to DRY GOdDS IN ONTARIO, 15 AT tiiet~jttnuiotl~t. rqîarfit.<' l'iî stok i iibc, foîî-Id on îinspectionî to ho tht' a.~ b l' Eu ~ THE 0 ESCJEPSTADBESTI "Ca * "' "'ý Whihq, aut. "2, lit. .8 ver Ibef're o11T'cd in the Col, ty of Ontario, The proprietors The bulk of wbich Iîaving been pnrchnseàib u AE Âr ' o R e nt. fiaving etbihmttntheCi(tY of Toronto, and WIndsor, L0. W. BrLin thn Brit'uh ake4 fi <is ,cigteent ney î'afikic 'hO 1 lmport direct ilbsod cheapfocah Û NE fo th gls adFof'êig ýNarkets, as ta DI? QtE-iT Ix n V Q ii JJALV 0V T4pwNo.iol Ti ilt'.8r1 'l'ION, froîuî the gecral RLajle ca t. k' >'filtluuuwvv W- PICKERING, «M Are now complote with ail the newest -styles ià, Bonnets< iat, Â,f.'Ly rot OBSERIVE llulc.ihy's Stand, corner of King aiid Simcoo.sts. M#tles, Flowers'. Feathers, &ec.,& Jh lIT. N.B. Twrenty good Coati Pants, atid Vest, 11akers wanted. A large stock of Dreo.-s Goods, Shawls, Cotton-;. Linefis, Car- N~ov ~ ~ <1 shawa, Octob<ir 3, 186 9- 294f pet, icaves, ,'od Clti,, lulk ixtre. Twed.,FoulIoth, &c., and Cliramersî.o lnrîpi ,l t ina, i osîellv ' READY MMAD E CLOTHIýNC, porstiect mF aratiu o rsTHII In M ens and Boys. made up on the promises. The , Tailoring turne, witti tus.ary 80' plages, namI 1,00') 11111-ir rt'1 tratioyle. IlIy Il. WJzLA, RItor 'O»atuLo-s II>dea'oen t ntigdb .TfE OJ~ RI I OJ~TE, ROCERY DEPARTMENT-A Fresh Stock of WkLNô. ssq iiIrcpdwusyt New Tea, Sr<gftu's, Irnit, Tob)a.cut, F1,2, Crockery, Gxlasawarcu, &zo., 09just re- Yor.4onîv . miiit"pifia )EATIl TO R AT'rS, ACD GEZT;YOU OI i 9I ceived, and whieli we wil oeil clienp for cash. <nhgly, I i lhu, tr tt, ntwuI ot 1hefg, tls éiii., f te oftig soitmsrai rWo 1 Mui a't-i oh'atm Mo A CzILL IS RESPJJCIULLYT 04[rE? po i, iati reo â pin oll.' i rs inëe 1g on irk o . oachof eoea- j ena l'tiîr>n gte l.c n qù, . ,wixli, 141,1b dir.'1 tecii-eisih. hetcyglI ItpaStbir A ntz wUflou ar nt, to tiîl, Ii.e.l'al attJ iittt o r-l 0R & t.'zMP e L hn iciw otier htiacleý, rowli or ~ At,'iatt taa.< R. & J. CAMPSetBE1869 ZP, ol n 'ikê mtuiner, 1,'Iî'îaku, .cek, "na, te lVlBugs.ySept. 26, 190 VIan1u rt ak oe Il, cgtira'e î!ot O, uO'l rila leionsw flSe___"Il','___ ____ ____VAIN,_ ____ ___ ___ îtoIl@ i s n litlte rnobthmî,s- X1>ALL KINI (1saaUit .l t ic'zmîn1»SOPue aît i tn ter w . orlin cit l i glt' , oau, itguatut01sW o lDh u. f li î ag, ,i$ pl 5,o tig e htradt'Ilî eâtit.' of' intioikiiid04 riu'o It rirontoi agit. hotet t is ttuu;u4irttt f t>leiMtnnodern Stz, Acaoct y iig THNaEI1R oww . EmV I]N IN Q CL A SS8,E 89 arcin wIth, bUg npila '. Tess dl inçisl Wlelîleit 1'n,0ars"anne,] lîylntgrilali tiktt,m, gwîî, otAmm. l'nr om 'n~ FERIS I1OS &4 d1b k piil,, s" tl !!t ý r,..li S-wv n ý U jý ý T I 0 F ,, , t'a A I- lna (1&Sty es lu 9""Pl been rccei',fcd by thp iti lpex Y, Coto iode Grey lv*ri Cetoug i4t Mheebug, Hg';tuuagi# IWhttuei t#m4 lhojëins Wincey.'- 1 r p e L tr u i - Wfcb ,JimvIJtuti - JuLIj soc Of V - Fremipb CIoths, .Sootch and Canadian Tweeds, Ma ntie' A larg vat etyofCei, oa, Velour, Clotb, and'Za- t'a SIIAWLgfS, Suoitag,<rçBIreakt£USae t aorfi, Nibias Ifoodi, & q fth flint wool ana ricic-nt colors.th 000 adis',Mises', and hildren'Sts, SU IlS, ye$ -For Caps, Vietorines, eù«à,Muffi , dû, ntets, &.o¶ Chiolce Family Goe'iM onstantly0 hand, and their àtock of Ïron, Shelt' IIardwaTr#-I &e.i *11 lbe édi SALT, PLkTÈT &WAÏE LNE The, sulscnibers, tfii terniinedtb sedi al goods,atvrIo Pri'ce, for CA SHE, Oit SHORT C lEf!?. -,ud th be , gqf;rotil pumitos~ ~ ~~ W' idtd ottfl h l>yrequire jaysnt oetanme carlyId Oe (tqber. did asscrtmient o' qr -à ds MAiN TLESJ )n. &FLOK ~ER fbrey Cottbn4 aid Prints, 10e. pet yar d J~iT<it.'îfit tmic'toa, tc.. ara lutuuie.t li th rasIeri1Ie 10 oilaq,el.lcterot tnnity And ciet' l< rmet-sa for ihrtmeice 0a% Arixtotto,. uiialusCmeir, hiis - nieWabiig I/ie'l.¶,Irving, 1tlomaBonluonm Tbaoo.osîa ]itîrr , CUbjen, BU;rlst, ],wroue, o"Var, Wîuaely,'i'îac' OWs , oKnox. Mchlelu, lloqiamr,, fi<ckle#, Ileketij, ictoriau, WagIey, Carlle, >IuUoy, MII, Upeicor, Thoîopsou, (ilîtîorle, Alexamiher, an.] hnindreodimof u'.Ios' Auu.'rs-u,u,. . Book uuaf y rfra pose or mtpru, oà aocuipiofl')rfv. ACARO TO INVALI4.' Closynànwlato'oaldin2luounth, Amo- rese1uor t o utaNato à 1mllwple oul o i ao f Nore u 1 erlyPe- 1 , Dsem.es ofthe1.Uri, Dar mI r andi the wiole train, habita. Uregt u imîu j'0Çaureai by tilîls tobie-reoîay. )nîn1J, by a désire 20 leufft the atl ntnsuuufortatt, LI ii 4 futb~rte 'r preparsttg îu.t usîsuq this mie.în4"'Iu eso uveuoteaoin , ueWho liteds, % ,ffl qP CSas'g pIessé fimoloe aitt evelopo, a'Idresoed te Addre*,' JOSEPII T. INUAN, POAIO , Btitz Iorst', Knvw k"r4L atIy. lyouder(uh PÃ"wder, never -know,, yct TO FAIL Agent f o r-WIilid>y, W'JIOLESA{E fU E P t)T Sf. Pph ENI e nL d C00a&-ose ÉULLARTONIS.,_ BROOKLYN, N iEW York." Fari for Sale'. tee pcéros of aI itfoat, oti.The, prmmis., Oro wîl waterod, htavng s rurî,dung Cieek tbrougi the 1usd. Fouferther partldv>sêro, appiy tii JOUR 4~BOWLEU, On thu 7-ristioeî-. OJr It Iy Itter, (pro paiti,)W .2,y11, 0. 2 reIu p(;n actUngù9 tue ghal ,t luypu~~ Tie nndeloinalinIve alie rrnla-d JO- y9r hy Firo It#*UsuRrdo1clenGrln stnreul u tarnirs'em Déconfit; and !Uiclet' whscll Yr. 'qobriàsatt, wthouany extra ars Cei, Ere1 a5l at. Plauter and al*ays on haîd, T I'1E ZTI~3COtTISEan be taken- efher drngltJsyda 'rig ort W ity, Sp.0 14.ING "Iv', I N G dam m r tsu Y-~)oj o Uliu - -pce Ur ps at.ako thi. Dfpurt'alèit te.alfh 4 ,hatbr H.7,. MAdDÃ"WELL. eau be no'dierenceof *optnion um wh-sre 10go te lerIca-wtite.'iaent yAERI$TEX &4'. ATUINEY..ÂT..LAW, eau enter the Colleg orté. uonifteyooe ndse dntsIugo Pubie &ohComC ilutby. nfUîoloNtr hr i e 4'hink dàe5rsi. Young men aud Ladies will flùd u$eryý I'ubic, &c, ttc , W Iithy.fa.ility for quat gIn, 8cÏnsTeacbqo. inthe tzstsl*af>'*adr WÀN~ri~ - - -panions ioing tefo in the eveniDig Claeeliould do-suo usnor the. cern m Rnentt .posu< i gyrqe pspoa, t 0 'Apply <o 2he prretOr, S16Mpar catlts, uti tCoflegcoItomiS, ho,, 5 Asud 57 Yonge Wliltby, 8014-.12, lu<a. - -Toronto, Sept. 24. - TATT0QX à;cfDELL. Water Lim=, On anc.! after Monclay, October lal Departments of WiIl be open during the eenhng, froin 7 tO 9, olcloeir, thé saie jet l '>t* à'. :W;nesahd Lquors Septemier 1% 186e. - , . -4 37.1> 1866. FALL 'CIRCIIIAR -186&. EVNTE'begeto -return our sincere Ttan6s-to our numerous frýIends ànd customiers, fur t ho very liberal share 'of-Patrnage exteîîdéd to us during the past, sud respectfualljs1: cIf, 3aëcont inuationof the sanie, asmr- ing them that it wil ever be.our ai qi to merit their confidence athd spparL' F À L L IMPORTÂT$ON Aenwarvig; ý b t e2otfr - iÃŽit,; iî i bd r4if0 pi eéy adepart:-, hlet-mbavegever io.érêdad-ori. prncht wII bhas e ler ofYe red sd o thpricswl ef. sa,~h-ogtj 1the-3 marke Youro, &c., ektra Y7 eor âocpoa .,~ ~ tre4 find 0 f ft 4 ftnohed JAItL. on Drod.e$. btw.onmoMIa cuoibSoiiraà ALSÃ"- ¶ "-1. îoSt te y M 4noe f S Lots-v Ir. , de th le6o hf J: pert-OV .V f L auJhnSri; o'a !U* rn thedesso.o eis Jof it> 4 70t.X"ori l o tige sin(mrlst Min, t ~&~Eotc~fb~ruMr fJ. . Neei so~oîtajj~j~jatj korpfvt SLeiilon log Wht, p.Sh S os it si ! 66A MS 9R sÃŽi Ap~e~~oIo~gsrarp,.,à 3iars- 29-%o< J, h éo. 100ev., 6 P - 4 - je Na n.Lo t 11%ïtB, 41dé~~0 1, t 12t" 1011 4 Tue battwo Loi 4,-rio th om olv Hath'sPatntDilmb ý stQyire ,'the great advantages thiglhes over<ii- pber sm yen oearOU4aiaj h bct, or allow- k ta 0.70 eby turning J m d n t p e > a m o s H p o ,:k a ~ o luo k o k I t f n o é h ô t b d ta k e n a èw » in -w a r m w e a b ei - I !1 8 S O 0aI an t, ~ *I o p u-te * i1 tjë f sre p u rc h a in g D u nq b S to v e s thEsê ' lii~bus, '9 - -g in ¾~6~na1q q oilç'an dwarrasuted, ch.ng onB-r Wt'fr h eêbitd1~de e*i a ohus whio, lIeta r nedrelt fii 4gbentà W W hL am' P o' th t ac e jt io jf ea A epe-4did au ortm en t OfLfl]Slhbbly kpé~et,'(labad'(iTCn~ Patcet Topo. Cah paid foi SHEESJç~g.HAtleR a & BROIhER, N. 18.Machiine Oil,Painte,all i aint Oi$,a£t- .1&Bro. TWÃ" IItNIIEDACL; mit"eafréo ,tha mnraq. i. HAM Pus!1- st received a1 su,P a " ' i educed Plrices, « wiIl P, INITURE"$o W1~~~~jçI1~~~~ ----------ihe tahay~eai ~j~oo hc r 1 IV 1 ë' , l, ~q 1

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