Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1866, p. 3

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t-e ri. ef1, 114 14 lo sae by ii.i rine' We oloe BîLa- ovim ail ordere ahould> b. Wllbjo!y 4h 1860, 20- Smi zt o oUn. Ordeü. vini beute radUthe f l - 0 MULeTS d.él IS Jeu~qi eiorsd, be rs utW.ft. <e;< > ed A olyalosthb Geeruen " OUT@@e 4' 0 wIscP-lFa i On tb. OiOhiWbo f the. nurbers 4*1»t au 00 G0be4Md eiggjso *4 bemhorn va.'reveAnsd ls8d' f«. NI. G BNYD et, al, mmlot' rn, ing vepeW4wibogsîtho dair. mon drecired ýbe veslt of the. diision. At the, ant# o rrai pamIiula ma .t i Tho. Qhârsiiwsnthn put the quesion u il ad.Ihvéaeidd l aonla:ueel tbal tite Word 'Iraqe' bu inaeted la ii Il ~ite ens d kjh.'ltli, of Lbiits 1lefen doflela pli uor'*Wi , i pr ]M, Ayrton nored tiMthe . Obrmnu eibejiir .1,ipsIl 440 r4rt pregroebold Pr~oé rpr71gu A no,'u- Plem~ prouilon tln1;LMWmotioII'for rportfgSla profaéi w ot tobispuM, WÃŽÃŽ 'pro, to sm th of hi?, - lm iamert no te oif" niOI iita M lore preim.lis y, a Mr, Àyrton aplni.. Me MOd p.IL7ae s-, ~ . lwiii.nd, sir, tflUt agt dwLb. tatemnaLWÃ" O. EASTWOOD, whici s ueadebythé. -Chaceliervof theorepL kutii'eqr 4aUcmmn*a be ave WbIfp 21u, : faJiMS tcoe curgee (nLeu breportt ("No, ne," and "A#rsed," 1,ZI1tDOUKEDT i sov@tyenUi o ifpqrt progrcs. TflAEoV Thé Chairm"tissu putvia question KOnday,'J'àjertho lth,'86 The motiocivas agr«ed te, and, the, -AT 12 OI'CLOUX CNOON, X o" I@Wregammt iéLts4 tli otl#rner o rc O n the. Speaker taking the chair, quee.. ____ hro oc, " o'rc umae vet aked by,È arsoui thororable '.0 ATOD geuttemansa aitea vilon- the fover.muntW.. ATO , wëqld state vint course Lhcy l t o Cooven t.a puesue. Alleri tho excitcinentsand con- WhiebyJnly il, lm, fusion *vlhlciuivemisiy prevail.d Lad- ouiavha aubilided,ý The (chanîceieofthe tii zceljqdo aaisid tb dwudalato'on Tîîeedfy the. course-l rm for Sale. viceb.e vonualeiat vould take, CAutIKsiT iT-iINTi, In-the Ilouse or4LArtis, jsn. 0 Earl Iuel. Tlise) fisord r. or the day <birng BEING lb.' aordi-ballof Lot 04, lu tib. ftb bien ieed,1 IS1 leh1 s)k S itttiOîat te eonou onoftLim y01w Lordubiipa-TheOtr.Lorder lxat iva r elatin w -t 0e princes,. Mary or Cxîm- J TOWi P ,WHTBYo Wgea Annuiuty WiI, Aathat la osnmoter - CfIAr .oonceinngthse weltare or Liso royal Iamiiy ad ed- ,e9' 1 trùf uat a àave a ill net Inter, Oneu n rd A rs fore viti*the poremia09lttbat Wu, Wblci I1 hope your Lrui xlipe viiipua hroijgIîs sOof vhloh art olm,are,id la a qood claie of ail lm stageo, (liboer u) bave nov cul:.rioL, LIs crod re4 osa..Thor*adire qood i blldsnp, md a thirnip y>onng (Jrabard son- te %Lots ta your ordiusbips*Ilsat bar Ma. talnîng Mnoo ocefrit trmi-o, amila wll-vs- -Jeaty'i inlniâurs hbie. nkets viat look le-edl, tir.fnIadi le.cliugIy apk-d ftrlli placs ia tiho use ot Commns .lest niglil WietL Thea4bOrepro peu>' rilii he ld vILl lntuteirsriouaconsdcruion d t.7 tor vitsoat lis croitIlti. Iudiopstibue. bave thauglit le necoa.ersry <o coîuuinicate Appi>' on thme proisste, te tybe thdeallereslt of! hou delibera- wxt. nASPi', lin tlaal herefore, lsnomeley allor2-SMOOO Aohbura, P. 0. wu.'bave deitl vin lbthebbll to vhichI 1 21.Tormm iWaktly kulidmlpteausop. 1mev. rcfered, moyo taI yourl Lordahlps pv/m-tkres niutk.and and m ouutkLlîr l adjourn usilI Monday nrxft. Tho Princes, Mary ol LCanbridge's An. - hUlty Milvas thOn ruad a second Lime, NOTFICES passait thiosigi -committe, oamdrad the t(bid ime And ouard. d1OTicit le bheb rciveu. thaet atthe.x'Ira- ln tho flousa -. o lmmons -h. sanie Ni'8Ion o<t*cntv days rom ltmé d=?Ibire- nig hé , 14nucllor of Lthe Iluchequer, sapplication vil l oe madeb>' lte nderigu h o, on rîisiM w as leudiy choîed, lsud i, blm uç llm urgîeClI0 i f -b eoseqencocf imevot of ie lose. ontiî7 ol Omtssho, tebbfsppolnled C*Uamisn aI anofari isa r oto mo-mi h fîl o laRmesaObo, ita00Qmborre, eti eïy lotrtll mri dh abnt stra ilI>' Jueoshfforne, iîfautot niasder the. ege ansonbelo daty. 'fiey Look mb thcir oftwevnty-osi. year tddogtr o Jo eonideration te tgi sîru of1Llýevote, dei,4 lornmineL ~sddsilr !Lm tie condition ilu--whlc IL St hves thifltb Dmsed 101h dap-cf JlI>'.U. C" isus. cF Lie urm 91ii1.liii>'likevjie OEI()BR , took mbôtbi o eusdm-atîon the.nature 0of<JAMES LAMOnif lthedolit.> by wieh 7the roto waajr.cod. soltstor terl. pledn 2> edand 1 maiý &Mtise ciaricer of tihe di diieualonds willes bedrnait., S METH ING .4 -te preniotis iMor>'of lhe 4.411,Tii. tuanit woaa htaIthiound iL thi ia îtyRT N ! but under preios ir,- cIumsîAmCcx, lteIM O T N 1 11oue. viliibc avare (bat aucit comabi- calions camnot ba comducted viitout teTOhé,~T -. lapsoio$mo 11111e Lime, J do noL Link c P EATII10 R AIS. wo coul,> be ln a coniditionta tale e M rosuit of t1at c',mmunicali4m bite lous. in les tabtre.or four dayes Attie hast Roaèou, <su Ifon. Ifember -d'Obi l"h1,- sndcon. seqent>' umlipropose a miqtionvitich I 1ipewi ment lime op royal of honor- 1Bd -BUS. able sesber-tbho geflouse At ILs ti#ing usal asjourri'ta MomdaY next. ANDI AU iti» lrO (Ci!era.) 'Theu wnatmotion viii bc misdeH o tint comnifttee hoie Ibave 10tntit-H US ,PO t standing tle .adjournmentof Lhe Mois, ýf and I1si#liiisojpropoase LiaI ho ordersa of Wbilcoselb an lhe day bce rea , - vîtti nview ho i tCeiF. F II 1 ' d0 yusu PoatpMeél4L t. iiregard 10 the notices adeRRul & PoWdeON «fmo'tion appeaîlng sinLie palper for bo_ or atrko* e day, 1 can only trust (bat lunlime clate of 0 fbeyance luàsrhie h the macions of Lthe AI exceutivle g6vrrnÃŽue sare fWeil untii tho tlmsm 1 lbave trmailsgentlemen viiliebc A' g~oed no nt o aesecr ih gent 10 r W hitby, moin,1tiink gtlmaim H outa ,e.S Ain 9cO, on former ocîucui ondsy NEWte o tat tYteHoo.8'. bor ;as Iionari, buq vs îkva. Hfo- L19 ])]&POT#,( ops ioli vill e YJ t4o loioe by the icm A Zswmna Sq rsi ThosmtiLonuldfor s4jueasytogadier rBROl OK LYN,.mE W.-liok è.. à ?± . A~ v na ue b e . ;(.u lm 3oo! nopbA»4s, pvvadlnw"üi PM&w tbt tm" eMnsetIîUa o f t bth 'lotis7moiGuSoj, SN,ýO TI That ami liivar jtw IV euafrnma WJNE BITTERS. Athé l Me lcelthy oad plesuit b oi vtciraIt tise épublie. TIWI7 ieuati i. app.tteMdidigstion, a EliO5MM-pvreLlgPevmerssd Cite Ladits (bey censi bu.iwpass.d. IOM gry ou suicnld-ns.'(lie eaue (e iin s Tri sr osmcertf cen b. giv#n o! (lieu cllcacy, PitEWMoep py con, eta il I r J L StrdoWilIthy opmi Uc-ie i #atl'>i ,OIC#-frîmne ïly<9iti6Ig1.o ând $u tore upon ii. - Lots 14, IllT and log, Voit of Brook st WMftbgjood t rame dtrelliug bouge, u Abov ermies formcel omcpied b>' Joel Bigel4iv, Eq, Wlitlby, Ali 1Jun,, .' o o- r .4 140 1~ We ofer be tilac f our Sommer At ahid uindcr ;coat, lfor cash enly., 4tond ex~tra lugr or.,Pregelrvj purpomc. B ST JAP ý--N ng T M. i.COCHRAN3YS Beg to inforin their Ilumerou0 clistomers, batf 94. AE CANVBZL bas just sailed for Englanci io pur- E '4 m rioi b is l Ibo unnsisslly<full olu !lsm geoodiv ra timpldIi priug ~OSAEY nbu aud, *1';eteko« lors, 0.Hr. sdingate Miu . »e~ Iws.ye I ~Jeo,, i I retoil PÂLSTOCKe IArjrangfments arefnow belng completed foi' Jenlargingé thir premises, wlth the view of addin'g a Frtca MillneryEst>ablisliment, chih thry feel is wilntcd for tieir encreasing busies [nthemeauMtî'np they otfer the balance of terumer Stock of Dr=~ Goo.d; Prints, CottOlbs, Cloths, READY.mMADE C-LOTI14INO GrÃ"ê~ie, t~, &~. 'àg etyredùced pri- Mes fot catsh, in ordei te make ray foriht1ir herwy Fali purchases. Whitby, Juy 4, i86.6. I~ ~ ~ V - JK W r~ AGIIICTTUÃŽJRÂL-W1ORKS ýE __ ___7mo 91 pers.aibd The sub&niberg would éali the a amity to twr st«k of 'mP'mmtg *hm may iiîwcïzv,àt th allouey *Fi;uelaj- u, &# peomfby Pvactfcble testà a dting BaIl's Ohio Eea I sudmower.ow~fd . erý auMof.ithe ,iSjn#lIpe R, the <aysup des M-r Omb 1i Itr com- 7lbfing the. Par-, nr stock <f 6"afI the La. ison bv And Homo-MaIde Furnitue0. Tl TILL l3ROTHlERbeg te infor Ttmr i~teulc Iba (hp bve niclae S6.nr laud intcict l 17 isiescr-edo o e tinolt d cmIbWau bybyliU htet and b.g to ol!CUs'cpsiiuan.ofe O Ironag e sowed upon tic tabtliaî,nmsfor ao mancaSo -6S04s B'rau Lounges, edsteads,'3e;tofDravers, Lookc- Ti Mn Gasses, liook-Caees Parler and Draving Robui Chairs, Rocking Ciair. Office mis reducd - Tollet jads e gey!il y, e#hl nt greafr U~~tPHOLsTERy in aUl its brauiiclhEü Every article being maén ne ie4r <Çwn fmnedleis uperintendeni5. tasub. warran lté, Uibout m.are teraii~d vikieusbp. jr AiU kinds faUOit 3Motudingsa4 iome ratcam vd ( or r. An ezgnJnitiomuo thle pnmn ,Imnilrge âbull plenldid Éstock ondn,>l mde Dut i. 'uuY Wolic; itWre Boomso, Np. 4, Bîock Street, and No. 0, Iroi -rnearet Wb'LyMa g th 0IL&BOTp.ti No. 1011 ue Crner LA WLucEssrg o& F-l .RANCrtS, La Ie & Frncis 'tàke -leave ~ôannounce that lhlWlflgpurcbased thé 0f the Jate Charles Rubeï't'î,.at aredlletion below the puimièdéost-, and Wivng1 added largely ta the stock p b*.d hyare nciw preparedita supply customers, with GjROCERIEs, W-JNES &LIQUIOIIS 0f ail kiunds, and of the bçst quality, at unprce deicl rcefpoi cash; A lot Of e<mAPLE SIGA Iljust receiVed from Lower 04nada which will be sold iche"P for cashb. Of every descx ipti, -wart'antéid..and ' t unusualIo10w price forthe qualitfY, lu order 'tà ma ke <room for a large stock -of CROCKERy, &0., re 00ctyfrn EngIind, 'wp Are disposiîug of the stock in had belowco'st price. - LA WLE'R & F A OS, N. ...AIgoods. warri and ms çhgap a ay house in the trade. 'ai ated first-class, j- un> à toare 0 Would nnounce: tlat they have remô*red Olb to the Oemmodidus bricÈ building, a few d,og oüiý of 1 BOKSTREET, WItITIey. TBily*y PABOEL No72, siunaà. a site for o Tlih.ot l imMl cleaiod, a lsuéupnIta fratie,, fousle, msanood Orcimrd. I<oaam PARCLNo8 ?Isitt -la the Ireî colicession 0or1tiaid Tis laud, la pamliolly clcsred, and> ln dstont 49 fb Ofter h ourt 01 üO salles t Tilanga e Pnbt OM n aiàifley âabe poluit ta é tLm is oft':be miiilé, hthe Ves5dor orliii Solletor. A furt!îcr soin eua lwfthéb si> tau percent tu oao-tliird of Use purcia moue>',$hamlll hapild, Wlftis intereil tharco cli. ýdyo ism o>' ie wlteresîtîsrn fda mi -ele- afteri and tige rçtuuiuiîg tvo-tlliaF tle pur- &Y id' ae, iou or liclorte ,Ilr.t d&Y vilNé- yeibnhetut. Upoîs fuil pmty'alout )f tige jaid purcm n aon Andmireresî; lb,.poirelsuéer ithuil bu onluclîS bcontg a , ubd out Partisci partjcqlsro -an> condltions of sal1 Mabe tl na olte J, O. A.r Jh.i5in esoacitôr;*httby; MLnuu Grbn sde .lr'ou, ijsrmtersToi-ont., sut of tie oudmlgues> Médile of thé court. J. zrÀifuGME;w , mauter;- teuo' oiIor. ti-WA ]DIVISION COUIRTI FOR THE COTJT'yOF ONT,? Ri 8, Machestr.... Juno, 201h, "j',il Atdél> Z; BURNHAM, Vhftby, May mgi,î 1866, 4, O July 4~, leu rat.' blé t Roi 1 ààL 1 1 1- 1 il- 1 c, by. 1 1 1 1 Ck 1

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