Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 24 May 1866, p. 2

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'GrennMuti eg -.Major. Bots heeo-Jaà&Bain à C0. - Wbâhby Racs-T. Huston. Niotic.ef Divideud. - Royal canadien Bank, - Whigty Agricultural. Work-Brdwfl and Patterson. Reapors and Mawer-do. Str. iiRtcheter"l-0-. S. Dainlvy. Fer sae-J. ff. Creenwood. ippeC}anada Bank Stock iranted. Naotice of spplicata)nto Surrogate. Guardiin's lnotice-rElmtinaaLynde. paria for I-. Ramer Gi'eenwood. hoeaRemcedîe-J. R. Grrrie. Une.q: Paper, reints, &.-J. H. Gerrie. ONY 8150 CENTS A YEAR Wlîtby. Tlitirsiay, May '24, 1866. The Queents fltlday. Tru-day, wherevpr lBritish power in feit, andti rie llritish institutions calis, mand wber ever the Ikitiaît flag biari% sway -on land and ses; -andl whero doea it not, alinosit te world oxver- the natal tlaY OfiQUeecu Vilr-nItî Will he ceebrateti wii il becoming andi affection- Rte leyaty. AUe4 uowhera îlrougrhout tbsat vsetempire "« on wlich the son neyer sels"' witiî more loyal putrialiitm than inl Canada by Ilier MsjP8ay's Cansdian aéubjActs oi crcry nrigia. verywhere the impes 00111 WÃŽiIh accountis ni preparation for lite celebrsdnn of the National hnlidiqy-thie ony irlyOnadian National lhlitiay lu which Canatdients, of ail creedoansd races, eau aitule l clbratîig titbnut -excitiing l'a tional atiethies or national jealousica of auy Iiud. fi woold bc worthy of Cao. ailéa to-maie an auspicious a day as tbe Twonly-tourt h oi M4, the lietb-day of aoý good sud revereti a sovereigu as Qneen Victorità, the perpetral holi&~y o'i Caujada. W. venture ipon-he suggestion. In the loyal lovanofi Wt,îby h t i îetidid that the Queroeait 1rtb-tiay wilt ho celebraieti withWullthe uual "powI) andi ircnmstliîce&' whie i bas hitherto -atended teoccasion, an&1 white Ibis abeet is etili wet linte banda ef miny ot our readerd the atrains cf te Wiby Brasa Ban"irsounte toheb tlmnadera of cantion through teeo streetani Whitby, sad tIbe genoral Acclairo of"'God bave tihe Queen lit The sEreursion e('tbe Couety Counecil 1t.seexcursionaof lthe uusrbers oi the CeeQOIYConail s'id ibeir iuvited guetta, lbroegb îthé County, lil, as previous'iy annuneet, be beotie on Mouday neal. Âfter rtscliag Cannitigton te programme for thse route la tu, bc decideti upon. Man. cheselàisthese t ia tage at whicbh ila c x- pected tisai excuragiquiata (rom tise Sonth,, *Sauith yê, ~A4-Dreof the Ucunty Win regulibt1y megci, sud ,riow tisemoesîreceed in procesàsion 10 Canning- to-teeil saisea rgtdtisaIthe meeting for tbal purpose soulti uebeiod ai tUiia town and ibe ProcesaýOn forreed front t iance.1 but,,s iii bu aily pereeived, thisa plan woold b ataded with iaoào- vae>tnce, EXCurglouistd ram lb. town. - amp. o<-WiJiaby, Bua htbyOabawa, J'b~siug atl tierplaces weuldî hire to RICYruaN OP tRIC VuLtnerTUtts-Three ýor lhaeVolualeer Companloa (roust tsiaCouaty delag duty on tise tronîler retutrneti home on Louday and Tueeaday lut. Thse (reee. Woodi Company, Captlain Warren, Jr., and iithevbnlidge Company, Qaptain >SPedra, anisoti frett Niagara, ou Mondsy .veulng,2 at>d wore billiest th ie difieneî iceis ie town. '1hey piarched tiscougi tise towea1 And paraded the i. ommon seat moriiug, previous le Iltoir tiepartere homeward». Tih. » <okliCompny, Captai" llodgsoes whsisisvas llaiioued astL)enville, dld net I minrnluçr3.-Cbo splnlg meeting) Fof tise Ontario Turf Club, lsannsueseta l cames off aoier ise whitby courase, on Thureay enandèid ley Zsz anti 22sd of Joute. Tiseparers, ast vilIlueis tisn by tise aunouncemeut easaviera lu tisesauommna, are ve'y liberal, ai'!ibeir paymeul aud ttc csnrylng ccof &aile tiserison aage. mentas on ise programmé viii, va feai satifteti, le la keepiug vutiste honorable cisarecien tillante borne hy the gentlemen counecteti vitis -uSacourse. Tise trackela in excellent condition, anti erytiig pro- mises (air fer a meai auciessfiul meeting. Iu tisis connucclin ve mtty mention tisat thIe tnmebrani the club have, Iliraughs tise asistance. of tise Caenty metubere, securedth ie promise cif te Quecn'a plate, (or next year. No aller race tiacle lu Caîtaithesu ishuev owil wiladmit, la bttin entitiea ita atara of the Queenta Sm'tiî,cI) ss'nis os07 Mai. JanI; GAn.- Mr. Jonuel, registrer ai tise caunty ai Ilunont. anti cimer bistter niflaIn. A, T. tînsît, (cil tiavu teadsudndenly et Ottaw-a, onu Mutday,wvila s tis e office ai tise lat. er. !lie Etseni<g Post osys: 'lt alisîene atisaIMn, Gaît vas on a viit un Ottawa, andt, vwhite asing Ibroughi is Parliaînenti buildinsgs, mies @aaàildesy seixet wit iineas1 Mr. %cpanàsld., magt. at anus,, vas soMnanoiect-'sn41ýdit aIlli-s- power te reliera tise sofings ot' M. <lt, andt calle inlistisa asistance ai s medical mant. Far a tinte M. Calt rallieiansu - Ilt mueS belten, ut suddif e ie (liuack aud eapire."l "l'uE Dînîx Tnincitri" s late nantie of' e nîca evening paiper just braugîioui iii Tnoott. The -pnbshealinud profînais Lots onc Messs. Ituberison & Çooke. The ParrMtkl'e a veny mîai ahpearance, aud tisa largo nmushber ofaidenisemî.nts ahuis it alneady contalî is ee-s htiiilla teh patmonizeti by tise business men eft'he city. lu ibeir prospectus tise pebishssay: "At lise preseul ciais of politicai affaira tae pubiteliers tati ihat there is nacon in the City of Toronto for sa indapentieni Evaiitsg Jourmnia, vichi, vithout isarty spirit, shahl disieau, dimpationaîeiy. te imnportant isstues uew oecupying sa large s éaae ni publicattlentionu.) "Tini; Tuore v xNict o aN'ars bas entened upon a nov Volumse, in a misa drus,. andi viîti qeile au insîsmavatiapppî'ance. Tise editor aindi pnahriIor, -Mn. A. IL. SI. Germantsatuesti no painsa an exp ose viii be sparet in matcing tise papen equai lu evany tespeet lu tise lest ai tisa dailiel. IlThse Evntiog Journa" couses oet hoidly- an LiSerai Canservative pnineiples. smo very mumd gratifiedt ta iarn that tise loyal mai of Scott bav, viîbthitemr char- aclenisule patiotiant, raiseti s eompauy eT Volenteers. A correspondenltenrtes tes Tise Companuy isca wfu, lavimg ics raq.r u laite numban eT Damas' enrolled. And suds îisutnping big felliov i, ber Wisi$iye guiittaîièreno nt'a <ircoantancea te beo. -Oùs l cho elace a 6* mt sili ,3Isq caplmu u',,W. Ottàelsir, Jr. Eaý, iieebeaAeî Henry Batton, esq., og. Thé-efilcens buleutigoiog te tise iitany fichooh lu th .snly lu for iUn purpsofa etiiîmgup iu thain dm11. Damer Coînsuaiesiiw vrts Ravuxsa. -I' bo uerofare mrival sud déparaure of tise aîaueb es go>irang sper esliai aemer siock orai lpleuseunlanDowuaitefactu-ed aI tbe Wiîby Agicultitral Wonri, Det aioe embnaces every iml mnt eulqured by th. Trmer, suited le indoor sud outdoi w ovrie, st &H aeéaunsof the year buteleay arti- cle he ise ofet' ts at quaiy,aud ail tise lateat lnovu improvemets Ihive beau in- troduaj in ils -ssain«act"p'e Ofl1#apeandu~e»seaybl single ind eombisd-Mêgm. BWévsansd1 brasa igtntetos to gir. çouvov »a4lpaiosa of the lhqdiau Charch, Ranms.-luand about torillia, à4C. vas tedicauctedb h l By. Tises. Woisey, The Iistian choir sang sons. heauieul se' latiens, Ohosu oxpresaly for lise occasion. Tise Re.r. f Brookimug, pester et' ti mione, playe th ie aeeeunpsnimeuls lu adtuaIrble aîyleC Thsa heiidlng la a veny preity specimnen uT Cisrelenrciitecture, ant altegetisar i*'a isanuom atmacra.Tise internal, arrange- meut la exeelleat,, being jedicîiuusly laid oet vush due regard ta eomiori eud cen- venienca. Tise cetaie premseutasvcry flue appearauce, tisa mateial, cf vhieh ilý la luiiî iseinsg atone prouret i ram île witiely fameti qoarnies lutisa vicmity- Vieveti fret a diýtauCe, Ibshu n buçis is ýfinit objeol viicisatinacta tise ye. Itema la a suniggling village, mosul) inhebiteti, as you are avare, by tise <rfui men.-" Tisane are lut fea visites, lare eudt tiera, living smnosl Iem.Maguifuýcont viava cf <li lia, Lake Coeciictiug&, vith inunsencua isiands du'ting lus surface, aud tise sur- nouudiug country can be ob.ncd ramtis point. -Thoe rsemed lnbclea genennitfe'ling oi regret aitisah absence of tise Rer. Enocis IWood visa vas xpectet te ha preseot on uhis insersiof occasion. The Retyt. gentueman, il seemnus, sdetaionh in Con- seqîse-nce ai serions ilîneas. Hmer, ho couiti not vcry veil provide saumcre cent- peienaIsubstimtatis u Rev. Mr. Woolsey silo ofhciedtaking for bia taxItishe 4tis verse aioflt ihe aiaptan ef St. Merle. ire preacheti au excellett ermonatnu thal migist hoc ousidered -1a very fainstpec i- men nf pulpit eratary. Ou thea conclusion ai bis éloquent discouene, 1ev. Mr. Piensan proncunet a hanmdictiou, l'hoserray aIr. Fuir'y vas employedtalu eîîvcy tise Oil- liane un anti irans Rantson tise occasion. Tise ctpiaint, (Mr. Muaore,) la ohiigiug anti atucîtite, sud aenmse lu hodaiiy gmnviug mtre and mure lu layone-tl ish e raveling cufinruniny. Ainst tise laie vizsitons At tina "Orililie use" inticoti y4.ur esteans- et an-l:pop)ular Ca. Jutige,ant1 Mn. Wiiiuga, fnom Whiiîiy. Onilhlîa iîuipreeinsg fast. Tise wtil-lennan Olianfins ai Mllicaîny &Cuibsaîn are toitirg e largeatreda Ihere. Titratre ser -al commodilis totemlunte v-ilage iamongai îisem migbt ho mentlouet Ille Orillia bouse, itobi. Rosa, proJricior; SialTid's isael ; andthie Tempemance isatel conducit,-tA y Mn. t'nulcy. Acc-ommodation namy ha fount îintii. lut meuulutiIano familles aeehiing a quiet netreat fur tise sumnmen montisa. Qaite anumînur of viai- tarasu t tis waein pliace are capecteti tîtid t-eono, anti preparations are akiug u a large mala fun titein receptiu'n. A nea stanitrinisbuiltiiz t t arraie ta ply betasent at towa anti Oils; lu (sol, it is a vaut ladly fltaIn d stuotier isosu ia neesuary lumseat the equiremeuothé in nstuTe TUE BL3aooattieVit.rrrxas. Tise Ilooklin, Volunteema vii luebenter taneti ta day, (24tis) ai ene o'elocie at tintier, attise Glioie butai. Mn. Alexander, te aprted itreprieter ocIlle Glabe, ou- tentaitra t Compatny ai bit ova sole ex- pense. Mn, itell, sainemlernifte teonsisip conneil, appiet fer a siesl 'ap propiatian fon île peirpoe#ebetl coelt net, vo are tolit, flot aseacouder honaise pati-a tle (?) Corporation ofuo ve ve't s*y tVisiby-htoaleIn. h onît net ha diftl. iut -a point outinsotances abameilisousauts cf dollars, of tise money ofthUis township bave boa. aqussded uutar tise mcii llvlUw'UTIIWkii. Cabal#u htroolilu, iiçi bave always taledthtie -4oin*il. Thos peusous, isowever, vers aever iemankabia elîber fer tisir loysiiy on patrialiuts. J.ika otiser lîttie spots lu Cýanitsa guet deal et'Yankee radicaliant prevaits la liaIquarter. Sr&X1mteÃ"Àr eoISnow AT MOsi'Eeu- rvre riensotes xi,.enAD-Au explosion toolu place on huendthtie steamer 14»», ovuot by Meurs. WVS. & obl, Sîsudiais,eof 1 Thet cnil usel aI tbe Town bail, nt 10 a. o.,,ou n Fita>'Apr. 27. Mefisibersa ut prusent. Tisereevo ln tle char Mis, ites ef ýlest meeting rendat sapprovat. -- Communication% recehved. frou a overa- menîlo relerece toas Bea-dlof lIsitis, anmd trous Julin Sucreison, et Dm a<h(êrcI, couuplamnisg cf tise rmiener luntelici lie vrat ssseseud faro 1.i1î 2nut con, S50<1 ftW l837-$8é M3r. Revîsi, seceneudt 1»Mr'. Sinclair, OnavS tisaLi tIc clark bc autisor. lae4to te tte to Mtr. J. Steccson, elatlaag tisaif Illte enil or it.3 efficlals lave edoue iilus iu>ýnliico e naeeslig eroteerwiue'5îey are weiîti lu ot.ahi riit %mitit liics* upan tise fact c>î misuib us-cmg teng dme beiugjsm-oyemaîo llits<cacl - Ns'. Sith,- courscittaoaaqvfam-m isalfito a Court of Ievision, fto lb.purpose uf ravlsiujg Vt auecseast -OI1Isof ScottIkfIas' 15'4, eÇc vers twe anmeaasnss fi-nanMr., T. Cain. - F'aismptslè MiORE aSasYraGNTicr.? OMANflD. By tise fCaewhich t ,ieid x osn Blouday, 21st, vo bhavex 1 afia terrible finanwacriteis uin Tise tlnaîtol a *iO Otlin&l.i Thu"sda aterncon, the Iot4;àdém pension of OveressdGtarneye business ef the tl'anse it's COVfd Angust lant intesà iuitod il pauy, ville a nominal capital0 lions sterling, etfviticis a mil ,4 a hall Wus Paid Utp. <The liatilliem s ,etktat cd et fronttente 0twolve mil' - - sterling. Vise break downi i n- nte iseavy speculative r"Jes of ulia bich vhcl fro4 itratiwnfrein m hum ta rt discount. Depoasi 'ln bo g s n ' l o g e la r mn e ti a ud th e , r n cn o b :Loth asvery-aoere. Applicationfor assist.ance ias matie tiitise Bank ci n lanid, -but lise Goveruors decel idtQ*gr* i etqy on lte grounithat ilt sld ih lu a crisis 'like tIse prescrit, ta aaîýi 0-90a establishmnent unless tisey wcre prý'rad le itelp ailier epplicants as iveUl. -1 vas' taon laie te onako a call ou tise slintehlitl4ri; or tekeany otites' tep. -Tu lwdordgTtise ce.tatlis;htnènt wèeoconseq uecsîly C16Wet. The. fallre 'dues fnot c ooprouise GFiney hanktet Nonwvich.- On tise ilowittg morning, Fidy, the il th. intense excitensent preveiled îu'e t 8f uctn:ial cirches of Londoni, LiverrpM anti alter centres, aud busiînessîs islîost Tise Timesaiolte I1ath,ite ils cityjAgticle, çave: - "Tiso Banik ciEnglenti yeqtendayreied, ils rate ni discotnt froinu S 109 per'teut.. andl the charge t'i special advancer to 10. Tise pre.qsuse, evets ai these icints, vas etlornîous. an tît i ias otihy on unceNcep- t*ouable bills flitIun ecoiieudtion enî,ld ha cittainecL. Menwh le adJàitnal andt isost serions' disastena irore tioLily announeed. Tise finit was Mitioaia coin-. paratîvely senal i tinî, theo Engliah Joint Sto>ck, foir £80,000 -sterlinsg. 'fbenc cause Unîat oT Polo & Betts for £4,000.OQO sien- linsg. Then ltaI of W. Slîrinsiptoni. nuÃŽ-. wnycoireetor, fon £200,000 suad finirîly il e-es indtirstooti tisailthe Ipenit. Merrne~tile Crenlit Association. wirit apii u[P capital kitelilt-iitiilliets sterlinîg,and< te consoliltlnd Dicu'oton) cittpn, e-vit a paid tnp c'îpital ai a quarter nia millioan tfourile s4 ii'litig, Mustt, Iutil extretitelyv lieu y couniunitîoernttt. pas ns-a o ln4Qwdtmnu. *1 iinn- ic edny thee nnntt inot"ýtnsa anxicty ms ati iftt ltu ascentia if ats stop hl ilttakeisbyleudnogmercclisl andi binkers lte -prcrseut t Vie gai-cru- Tietnt the extent #)f tne crisitu, aud e taIse notlfication ini the Sînet Exelusîgi 0tinthe etl'îct ltai an extra iîtenifta Wa-il lise exteint ot'fc tri miloîns ha-Ismuen ait- tinorized castiet et onue hune s gtiral, rcbosnn tpricers. 1.tcrn lulice vetifin il transîreitltaIlihe gorernmnei al rearîlveul touspujeîslndah Bai-k Charter ,%ict- ""'lsr su ite of tOW 1 lictes, eilii tiiher lte nomet d<kprcýssei irînueafeo, e esttilliateeln l Iirce nîillînise sterling.,eu4 it le 0onttîkiiliy asîtnîed tisa in a short tiiîne a proposititon rtine atijusîineut nC d claîtts ut lie tubnliteeh. 1Everyouc wili bope tisat titis May lie tise case, l'or Sir Morton Pu'îo anti bis panluer rank prausmin- entilv aitinth îose wlnohave rarnied the (stue of I-nglish entenri;,oun ai lpart- i o -lte gloSe. ulule iîîey have comausuadA lnîgti pentuonal regard inu al i ertiomt amcug tici C cotnntrVtn. 'l'lime ioctrs oftlite ntuog neaijectatîle £auking boues were beseigod, MOre peritAp'î e iais0bectusatetiis y a stîranige ,îym;ithv hyich taosi d kuepg a snS lbogetinern ss ly theo cneàtors.- Biantes andîth lrozngs lne%lng &nd ombling about LntImmst'd et. m atstitt nr tian Tnit ifaro iintpas»sabiu. Suchs xcterneut ont .1 »ites lias ni beenu sitneameti ince thse great ciis of îe.5. Bachit muta exa&g. goraethe litesspitions aof hie ekï cn uni il a report, 51 litait-bue utinee,wa. cirrolato inlutitafturtn otb&tise gov. ernituenst lied suiîînizod tsh.e ak direc't- arn lesismue ilIra millions aditiinstl lin tes ht scenird aun itaers antdeitrtoh0 tte runtuerrial vnrlit -batlileitnlybc, coase bouttidlu& Tiesatatemaent vaR 4qIsM.n t It saii tsv., it urI u's ta ÀU&Y lte panle, whicb lad no uolfit ionadition. Even lt ithe ncnnu f ii8'rlorou Petu's suxpactfion diii net revive thç panie in liiüi (u nternxit', athsu ie steleoenil et thse cîien stoppsages îtruJd itt lbe efh4.t Tise Nete Yert JVorld cf Fnidsy bas -tIse foRieving amoug ihus0"Fenian intehil. "Organizer Suapisens seema te bave al. lied hinosahi vith tise Union Square branch ai tise hmctlerisood. Yealerday ho re.beiv- et lui fetevrsilera, vils tise exception ai thse officiais-, entit-receotiy vere le but foeumd transacing tep - husines oftise fèrîicaising Iiib Rpùbiie a îthe O'Ma- isaony isetiquartens. Tis eaxeitameot lu regard ,te bhis arrivaI heansd bis aseapa (nom tise 0gap9- bas visolIy pissedatay, aneut1aisuiga ib is City bas coma le be oe of the Cquelest isma aven promeigeted hyý Mn. Sbèplens ýorn m on erman.,Tise preceut ceint1 haver, say indicate -a comng stan-n, and iî ntsynont. Fnn tisa future,,lise Un-cat Organizer is datonmînati ta have tise- business of tisa I. R, et abicis he laàteC. O0, trafisetet lu secret. Tise outaide wvrmitaeanulta le bcpennitedtal sec visai is goir- on aubhin tisa ciche or aiseel ai Mr. Blephens le thse centre on buo. Oetsidens can n longer uitesas tise bel. buis ibat la me! ing tise Mtropalsu isetel hisalaicalinlutise annela uf tise Iris5h Re- publict, biet le at present lu an ineloata, chrysuli, eut embraya atate. 1 Mon' is tise vont. " 1A huay day vus yestentiey attise On. ganîzer's iseatiquartera. An appearane vas put lu hy àMn. Siaptens aIat laea a ciocle, aI Wiisitlime tise principal ne- captian-moont cm drasing-nam- so cllet because aifthe checkus tisaiara trie-n andi Uheo geenbacica nacived uere-vas qaime crweatithlSperansns aitiug ta ha pre seutedtot tisa C. 0. I. 1R. Tlsey vene dis. appoinicti in tbis, havea-or, es the officer of theu deny vus ordameti b> lie C. 0. I. R., ho cher tise nouas. Premuipthy andtheo- ouagi01te-as titis crier abeyeti. Ne man vas ahiove ta10romain Wh.) f(oued te proe dace utopie retiuntiaia le saify Mn. Sto pitons ci 0100 îhslg, lu vit, uhet tise bearen el the pecieus documeunts e-as 0. K., andt soundtelutise core. Evert the nepresenua. tires niflise prpus aire nblicu ite mtira, viticia the>' tit], allai itaviag siarpeuet tînir ricilsaYA prapareil titir piper pra. panenon>'tate cperformance ai a big tsy'a vo . It e-a thouuItt lott la gel alommg teitbui5i heir presenîco; an tiscy vero put e ut o e liway. lTe uulh'ciah Inoom hiaring uvept tise recto evan-e ean, atetîonc ti lîsel ahLie tion andst reatenedta egise unuy buty s locusia mtaossoulidte attempt ta auter. Ila also madoe a wepingassertion to tise e-toet tsati ter. wa'i nu use ci auy uone tayiog aronne ha couldti ea in a any hent. TIhe lecyhola niftten-anme, isua- ever, twes ne*gic-t. Tisa othheen bail lungattena tu jtieg it tmp euth au Irish bond atnt througit ttiîs railuse lle aperture caspu oui lhe intelligence visicis (ulova r -Tae fratiItem tisat tises d'apIoutI vu, s temnntfor momey.'Titis vas atit l y -tIse arganixan, -aWu, as thisem l aiegeti, satd than. to muet bave pccuniary si i ms 1 maiaîely. It Waa absoiutcly oecessary il bc r4iiednat oco. Thisenail Ïgap' vitis privatlitn yevuing in frunt aI antd behindt tis oneutia il, veanît lu, nidntmuet have il. "ri4The pansuLàrseacul ve.miostly ahI centres ofetti-es, audst tia>'epied ltaItisae t anssima are temaralizet, andi it voulut h as 1 dimenul maittarlu raise a ver>'large aaOnn i tmtil itermany va. ance mono sol-; duhiet. 2Lieut*', Ieeral B-erniard 1Dorn t illian asa present, ant once méo r e i i* bIsraie lubbialf oethîe Fentilan CAus. - Ccondlug ta tise lifuoimaiuea reccivati i uhgstise ope bey isoha aforesat1 ilt ap- para udt Gtueral KiUlian blue on rein a itietise mysté o f f iliobthcr. boot, sud yull, for tte femmre, dr-vote bisn -Io tise advancacent -et' tleenter, asute1 uhe gmest varie viicis muat bo perfermet belon-e îhe wceeeSaxon Ssu ce sbs a,-g-siens ou lisýe oilaint "lTieteletresasaureWd eoraie lIai, nutvithaidjg tlise tmeralsioni existneg lu tise m-siks et tise lrelberopt,, tIsb'yacht temalte sun ITt t e t rai»a île emueunt neqeirat, TSe el old tai i avrentas, aioe acmeîising, andi le% hi. ban ffron t auas cari>' aspossible, STise camsiereuce puatint uuil afler flolsemias Divorces. ------------ -- - - continent.- ribsItbian'eyeün lulie rinmofa Irelanti, vbere orer heurt is nov yearning fer ibe reunionsud consoidation cf ouir peepile.- Wo* vaut and musl ha"e enileti action. As yen truly say, 1"tise man or Party vIa woeld statid belveen us sud this great asaent.iat shoeid ha lonket on as thse varat enemi oet' taau." Yen bave set a goad example teîle circle-z ai tise P'enditn rothanhond - an example wbîcis, 1 am confident, vii nav be apeadiy oliowet tisiuont the leuglis sud bneadith cith lianion._. hadeeti, nemereus circlea bav e already ochoed et i, sud I uovw appeal taeavery circle is île Stas ta mako kuawn ils sentiments sud rasolvea. "iA party wbaoemattie veeltiseani te bu nit ule oan mmm mareiy, bui neveuge sud rein ah auy plee,preîouendteahave your confldeue-in be tesale pawer organix- cd hare. .h admit lIaitbahy bave power- a power for march evl-andti iaIt tay cen, ubes yau nepudiate their action, mmuios as weii as iheinselvea, sacrifice tise cause ai trelansd impenilthtle very existence ai aur race. Wiil tise Irisht people entdarse a paliiy Iraughti vus sncb dire resui ts ? h cautînt believe it ;and an, appeeiing ita thei seose sud patriotiîmt, I calntly sud conlldently looke for ncb au expression ai popular apinion as shaîl atay ibis titreelen- cd swoop ai doao. But nul au heur la taa ha l. The titu la mnmetous-every boni la big vitis paii,and every Iriatmsnsisouid set sud meke knowu bis mmpd. ILntise name ai Ireant, *I cait ou ah te speale out now aud test tbe national viii.la ho is way auly can the threateoed rein he averteti, aur nanta nedeemnet, sud conîfidence nestoreti once mono ; andti hese essenfils realized, vo- ahal cm long have reelizati the paver 10 achieva our endt. Oînce mure thankittg nue siucereiy, broters ci tne Waeiigtou Cuin, ion the greni truat yen repose in ose, 'I ann yours,t'aittialiy alna iraternally, - "JAMIES STEPBIINS, .lR" 3lysterious Denti tn tlite Viciuity ai nuAntîtSS TttUs'sc On ÀA R.îEumc POUxNzitm lits 1sOstsO. imr. Coroner PanaI rettirnei tslown ons 'Ihursulmy fmoti St. Amobiose de Cats hîinitit, n'Iither lue m1 i es s -tininsotie-tI ta hold1 aniqutis t ons lhe body s ly i mncnits Dion, aed 59 3~yeur,ear".piutalie tariner- ni dint plinli, eWho camene lu is utle-itîi uos % Moîttît>' tnderinsut inbtixl;e-.abic cirrîins mtanceg. Tise testiîicny or, lheina iqîest ntnay ise sttinnoncdtifsJia% foilovs :-c -l ltc iclvi-ti loun atn miii (ri.and leict on Moiiday ta go 8 nor L) acres frointh ie Inouscup lu tise btsit. lie n'as rais by lte ieiglîborg ou thsi intorilnt.gogiig titout lnis ret-idenîce, but it ifatertvarl;.- IThc attention onihelite cxrielginhor, JuI.n Mqa'tiste 1)uclnesnieau, n'a.4 attracteti oit ,riu.tay nsorrîinîglisy thse noniig of lte itile ilu »ion't; stable. 111e mieproceit ( euht Dobtnt, andultanînauthctîm all ad atisl isiet f(. h. $scd tmcm and titan inturin. ed lienrlsisband Ihat DMoni n's ni nabolit Isle plnce. Duceeneats and ti nhro*o Cardintal, tien-inn-Ian' noft-.e decea.sei, pro.- coeded, ta0 achisfor hit aud fouis thie boady lyiug ils a ewannipy spot halitian acre fr-sm lte patIt, biut tis aod wus sîning Ilti ,'at nIat, tiey rettirnitî t once for te plue th Ie -iciîity anti tisirleen ofJ tlneri-tigtbors sel nul uittheni10 tads for Uthe isenl, and ta ascertuin, if possible, tise circunàtinîsuof a Din's dai.Tisent wse; n appearasnce et' a murtien an avLn ni a'strîngglo about hie body on chotbing. 'tMe bodteisti sînnau halu b rucn catuin otf, it la ltoWugi4lby Iynucs uhicie aboîtti aio late lu tisai vinitil asuitltîis cotcsiitoul sirengtinedl'y thse mol tiiig lfb.animeais linet ecten a large eavity int4,Io iibodly ironi tisaoncde, cousnpletehy tearn uotte elating. Diou's axe hay againsat a stuiop nie-un et mini anti bore-nuna of eblond. 114i clotîlig uidt tisaon4ente of luq pcok- wrakhy mli, nd, dmaYfl)ave becinse au easqy prey talthe ailacle uet vache.s. uhîci ueay hsave spnusng upon Wb iatuwnes Thto batiy tes atteutively extituine i ly- DIr. Laruo, M3D.L, wito vas outtrued lu the belief tisaI tis eth ofTDieu haut beau zauseti by sente usi anii. lho Dodtos andthe use enuis' osrfuuly. oxaninedthtie place tehere lise boy teas fourit, but tise wrun as rt d s pengy, se ihat no = ofnt i ayidtiirs 'uottcastsle savo s-i sentedistance off., vhcne-4hey-- traced Thse Approacblttg Mlatnitge cf Cite priaîcesMary. Thse unor âaste .approaclsing nmac- ,.i1age of the Iprincesa fMary ai Cembridge la conjlirmed. he7ieis centaine the followiug setisoritatire parsgrepb;-l' Wo have mnch pleesere in annunCifg that a marriage la about ta take place betwoe hen Royal fligisesa the Princesa Mary Adelaide, danghter ni ber Royal Elit,'isnesai tbe Ducheau of Cambridge, and his-Royal Hlighuesa theéTDulie Alexander ai Wurt euslerg."? The Mlorniug Post furuishes the foliow' ing brili biograpis> of the Prinice -"HýEj Royali H iesthe Prince von Teck iai the otly son ai H. R. H. thé DoaeAlex. auder. nf Wurtemberg (uclof i té,ite King Wilinm of Wurtemberg), Who, vas marrieti, morgunatically, on May 2 ~5 ta the late Clandine, Countea of Hohen- emein, Countesa Of Kia-Rhede. The Dukle Alexander is a generel ai cavalry iu the Ausîrian servion, andi prepriator of thé lt Regt. ni Anutrlau Ilussars. Prince Faaucis Paul Charlesa Louis Alexsn'Lr, wbo la about te Beacom-e eltiedtotathe Prin- cea Mary. was boru on Aug. 2lth, 1837, and la conscqueutly ini bis 29th ycr.- Il. R. I.butastvo isters, tise Princes Claudine, one yaar bld senior, and the CountesAmelie vont Hobenatein, whu vas marrisd et Vieuna lu 1863, 10 Paul,liarou von Ilugel, a retireti captalu of cevalry.- 'Formerly ths eldest aon aud daugbter ai thes Datke Alexandier of Wnrtembergi were atyleti Count sud Conutesa ni Hobenatein-, but hy a Royal decree, dated Dac. 1, 1863. thay were raiseci to theo dignity ol Princu anti Princeai, wît tedia leof ni'Hglness. 'Te Royal fitmily or WVnrîenuh..g are ai course nf the Lutlv-rnîn-ieitln." Tragetty ut Point Ediward. UV-Rt'tîICtIFD IN A iiiAT 1; ruP -st. CLAIR' aivenlt .AND0iln is 110Y Tititolly ovEII- Ou WJe3ucaty uight a most cold.hloodadý mortier oceorred i e the anouth of tbe St. Clitir River, opposite Point Iý«lward ,G. f'. R. ht a1Peuîra ttat-two m,1n, a corpornl snd a private, bolougiug te a contpauy oni meni. enu soldiers nM Port Oratiot, vere Out boaltiug laie lu theoeveuiug. Au alterca- îltion a whiclî led tu high words,,whent wiîhout auly wartiinng,*#lieio î,tta spreug up Anti 8abbed tIhe corporali tortily with his bay'ote', LHe thon dresv a dirk, cui bis tîtroAt complctely acrops, anti thrgw the hctiy ino lInoriver. The cýrporel vas unermpdp eandtibis cries enit mruirdar" ivere heearI by te G. T. R. autîmorin es on both sides the river, but n assistanîce couit be reutittrd hlm linne iu prevanni lthe hioody îretredy. l'bc private hua heen arrasteti, anid la nov lu jait. Ttebodly oni he'tuur- tiere i nudriubas;nt yet beeu recoveret.- Tha anîhorities ni Port Huron ocher a re- vend ion it. It appears thora was rn aId rend betîsec lte parties. A otbnsr amunit idKitad.t At nine o'clnck, Weducstiey roruing, a terrible accident occnrred nt 'Glcud4il station, On thse Clevelandi and Piztsburg railroati, by viicis a vomen antiberIlte chîitd lest thein lires. At the ttinte rmn. tioneti, Mis. Marie% Srneer d lber. littie daugister Maria lait their hume near-the raitroati toaile te tIhe statin on bor>h rpose ot'talig'the traIn ina Allegbeuy., where Mra. Stnisf'r baid a Bic.k aiter. The, Pittetsargh & Feort Wayjne & Chiceg ,*o 1train. goiug veal wx just approacbinîg tihe sation on ue track lanti the. NWFeiissiile «ceom. mnodatiot utin comine a.t t.a roentjiing tise curve anti comiug op on ibe othen. Tise mother andi ciilti got ope thse trocnk, a s la uppoacti, vithottaeeitig isea Wels Ville accommodation train, and ta svoid !the Fort Wayne train tbey. got npon tise utiser treeli. The enginecir imnîedlately on disccvrering thoet sounded îise 'etaran ablette several limes. , eiimg1 tisait ey diti nul leave lise tracin, ho whistled dowin brikes snd novensed i&i englue wiîb a ful t easto a am. The caiilti, visatise ;u -11, il' r1 cons-1 ex ton-titre. abois tlisig effiel. Tise cent viol tili ives, ad sulikl, te, recot.- Hle vascopvictet cf a 4double urder in QsS*Iui% visa h u va ett t, epnit emîllary, mmud. th 1 a exssiealou co Tisoy asm-eai of ec-e, sud 1voniemanablj ostpeti salisi Doteau. 7Mr. Rouer iun fit i'tony ai the po'usan. try ai Trinsylvania, f8115 nacuricue aiapten -wItli an account aItishe -hxity eft tieir nnarniage lawe. TsLmlsrnChordl lg e li knnen tus - i' es- strict on tii iseod-th lauuiliser lte Roman Catbolic die-, our avu.. Ili usinage existiitvg in Tran., sylvaula, han'vîrer,--ian oxceedtie lis l%e ilise TnanisyvNîtnlan Saxons ainousuts te ,1i1i1e mono ,linon a cunËOsena tta otroct Reput seisîretions are a malter si couorse ' anit divorces, are ýatenvîrds granted an tise tuightest prelenTce. Tisene la'e readY expiîînatioms, iowcrer, aLtli5di.soard e'Ti mparriot ifei. 'Lave narrnitges are ainst unkuonu. Iu spileofaitise app.nrenî sintplicily aiflte Saxon citaracter, -greeotigI tino prédoinntlmotiveoilu tise Ohoiteof e hushînt.- Saxon jirlà are maTrietial. mosi as carl>' as Circassien victints usnact beh deportedte tohtiseeraglio n tise Bospoit. rus. To marry ier ireit andîbe nid on, ber le e Saxon poasau t'à suproine notiûo cil diii>'ttahie diairitr, htetuy -l aller s esonislsitd me te filnthoso pensrons iiti e-om h spoke about-tise freqisecy ai divorce Ite ttise sutaieceas une niflia lass importatnce ltai assiredly il reallil. Oit-onedis 5 tbing ni sncb every.daiy oc. euronco,ila iecîdetion s ign ay nd ~tian'îl o c tail; tisit hâbsbeconte i ntankcd icatu ' ru-' intiedj a ounusçuteut itari-of rural SasXnn lilo' A separatiun ut isusinuitant i vie Alter titce, ioss ' six weeks' narnitsgc, leno.thing, gsînange ; andte wio man dîvosmeul ii lreqoeflhy wn'u lsix on aigisl runsthi oalbeing sixteen. Mn. Bouer tiautionti onotîsen village lu n'licls tIsae, aie sixtecistisniakgesq in flinc course cf lte ian; butl at tIse endsitfi ohiiy six coupfi e rç Itviiig tage'tîser. In e ihind villagt.ee %vu -ena lix. cd ton cceiratin sai lInasatise lime; and flic clergymni, ivio seotîs ta have tliken a mtisanthlroîuical, Iliaugîs epparentIy loi iii-fuunitcniview ni Tn.itsyi'vaiiou unnn. iî,preitrcuas mnty sepanationis uit diverce.t; lu a aery suiont'iinoueateFs'ffl. li. îyarti enne%-iit-ro tbus a story cf a Siteikis wîîo.lia-rd ii t-pcrpetuit huuey, tontu sty nirýntsgà f(sis sie eveny otonuiglt, acuithriîn ng ail the iscandeti lady xau e court'ier. Oint wariinMeos- aituesvais tntirtly ti;o iuxuof ai ii npreas in 'T'nusyhronma taelotie sent ef ditamnicl' ignt Irot isa!Tonse le every cilotioîîîten'ii doan. *Mn. Boere's cinapter uni thie pnactice oifiraîssylnia divorce is as curioins ris hile story oethlie mîsdedrn- ltres ol' miaî-titgc. Ilie eys tînet the anc tining iii su certti-uoninitiil lit e aller, thaI dîvîsrcu Li c:dnslydlsettssu-d't-by lte youtsg lily's fainuîy' befane lte suant-lge tukus liium Iusteai niftuing a tenrible cornlitgeuscyfliti crn>'Mmii ors- tinooc.- casiîots of a necdiug relusses Ute content. plaIe, tise probbiity- tee sisould se>'tise nttosal certinly-oftiteeveutl is plemnl>' put foat-rti as disisiputing ahi objections tus thea priuence aiflte maoriage conininot Try 6us1 1koin,sacys tino ftien te is duti-stlur nionsIy (otitnt'î, luin auer tu lien iîjetiiomis; 'assitifltle' >u finit eou't do so. t'Wlbiisuvoun sepenàtëd<I.' lu ppears lînai un lise bascof luis chsooful coint- promise tnauy ri: nocsaesurmoîsul' cl- Tise separali11u, ton, uppoars ta bu neenly always fallovti by - a fermaI divorce, as eal eq~tlîqeilce« Bithes' party 'eolinniubundiftely marries egain. t'le ptcn-ltiairy, Iisusrv4-er,is a 5cepu.rulîon; ansîlt lsla uri ut b>' atîy of ttc fo;liot. in- t'agi t nti <uts> lritexs : - ý'i îtvi hCOlre mancalisi cf sepanmtiens tisaI tnnk pi-,ce su tweony villages or o district msnl180,18u1t, and 18a-2; andthie catuse ssigusetinluetuciscase. Tise nmbten in asciiCas.u 1s 2f).3, aud 35 mrspect- i'-cly.-"-Antipnily" li tlise censa-s ost frequtriîly giveis.--"'Cnmpilsion t 1ina ry" connues rmcxt i lioueven,iiil] is g ;) - tison "drenkenuesa ;". "4inperable<"S; gut ;" "il-trneauunent;" "4staytnig eut %a; ngis l "one 1,"groundiess Coaeaaihuiesg", (î) fil, up lise liaI ot saaîtriassoniialgrier. ounces. Une relason lq s vary droitleue-il li-".Iugenverdrelise," sa-ilis'min . lte part', lise ar, line, rolltn about lisair cYas. Anînihen is "lie vifets atubb-oru neys ;"' Oi "tise drunkasunesu cf tisae iisri-m, iijeh mes cectaint>' raISon' liard ou ltme yeouog couple. VIT 1essaaîa CÀ3re or- ASEumeco-On ly atrn mnater' n.Iuit-il s receul Ivet'l fron t akiug cf os' slskiag bau 'sme Ibase vhô applaut au bei ceunse qf capta preseul pasitio tiqse wisose nus aântilife-lane m fluet Society1 ireatmesit toaa pam-ikîe!arly NU culture, aeuth(5 t ical associatin Inb intseli ta-ni ducadtotaMr.-Di 1>' b>' lie hautd ivitishlim. - Sonne dsyi si suember at tise - froua [apides quarrel ailth hb isoeting of tise b"llpassedti iro tounucdby tise moitalinfjun.. Austriâ n hc A sméodish n ed lu Cisicapg. A girl Il yen ieluDrtrait, P'ail Wiaest,. Barley.. ,. . Pes amaîL., Peusmarra, Butter... Chisikes.. Terkecys ... ... - Geese Ducks, $Sheep skias., -t

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