________________________ M ---~-~--~---.-----~ t A BoYed ItO.,bOeb nlie Stà r relates thse varlefl lsps ta"e b7JMr. Serres eud afterwards by Mca. Ryres, lte present petitioneer, te.stablieh lier lam te hie coï"ldred eueet1tise BOY-- ailiyt a psooedion 5 sre fis-t takeu lu tse 1'orogaivé Court te obtain probate efthtie IXiuge willibut tise application val refosed upon tise tëeeulcal ground 1h51 tb. court wus Det coospetout 10 ýdoa it vita sRoyal teMetauon. FolIedd:lu ber Mroust te lav, Mrs. Serres meolved te, saLuit ber clii te Psriautent. 8h. fous-d a cisstpios-' anteckilly for bermef, Sir Oeraid Noei, s- ciivalrous, but souewbat criel-brained ntemirtsho, &fier-lntreducing lise lady'& cause vith uici frotby ferveur, aeccuinbcd ,ueekly enoogis te a uitile argument sud s groat deai et att r rom Mr. Pol. Bots duriui, Mr. Serre'& lite and ifter lber deat i msny itteaipte vete made te moro tisa Royal faudly by petitions, butuituraliy enougis, tises. vere for tise moaI part fruit. lcas.lu tise year 1845, siter nmre diffi. culty srisaug front lacis of fudai cheery oii'againsit Ise Duke of Wellingten, Geo. 111. surviving executor, wua ondrtilten, bot fsiied on the. grouud- tht tise viii iad nt ieen proved. As vo bive pmu, ibis ncemsasry stop batd beeu fouud impossible, an* sd for a long dînie tise malter reussined at destI-ici. Tise egitiosicy Decliration Act, passed iu 1858,ofi'ered an opportuuity of upeing op tise question &nse*,,sud siter a considerable dlay, sougist by tise (rowu, the. triai bus becu fixetI fer next May.- Scaides deopiy ioîeresing details, anotiser and a jet imert extraordinis-y question wili Ii. >said, lb. brouglist mie-,discussion iu ec ione@lOiiti thtise a. Il la oly ,agoell Indicoited in tiese atement publibed on lichait of tise petitiones-, and il4 improbable cisaracter l, ve feel boond te ia3', cileel sied to tirow .grave suspicion uponti te viscie ciaiti. ýW. s*hallt tierefore ouly sau tisaI Ibis collteral question mnled by Mr#- Ityves toucbes tise legitimacy et ail George liIIleclilidren. lier tatomout la brinfiy tlisi- tisaIGeorge lil1's uarriago vush Qocon Ch4riotW aausct et blgamy, bis former and iavfiil vite, Rennais Lgisîloot, being itlili Ie. Upon tbis astounding astertiou ve ueed not comment ; but, frous DiOtise, circoinstauces efthtie case, vo anti- cipéte thiItise trial viii prose an laterest- isg addition to our siseady sather large ecilictlon etfexsusei elebres. Chancery Sale yT1irlANr to as ilecroa *Md final es-des-, I. mii.e ii a es-sts at as-e of illoti versus L i., w -stso ltetilittg in titis( Cosurt f tt )r t7filr itîpvs- I tia, wilil e %Q111, viltisah ..itén f 5tirew Nas-toti lLitI1E y - liMaslas- litui-iio~ f thse mid Court, (sy PutictA itits, lsy CITY Otr 1 TORONTO, Saturday, l2th ofMKay, 1866, At noon, b one lot, tisaI- VALUÂBLE FA R)!, CtsltuglisScutlierly ont hisndrtsil era lalt snt.s-.ti ie fis-t eoueeAim o f tise nuw i ii f1iekssig. lttii 1.0Couliîy et On-. tarîtý,, apt tisai jportion liesetelere eonveyed f.u lTnite lras rutik RlalîvsvCOmpasy et (1- nada, and ire ai i ote.half acres soîd for Tise aulci landi sa svery vtls-sile sot fone, weillx s;qto.tt el ig ttthe t lt t ffiin' cseak statientoet tise Gsud Ts-nuk alvy stMtllty os- rseiity acres tis-e cleareti; ties- ln alargse bas-tiou tlio i.,sstses. Thaa lrai.te leanotttubsae ntlod te cuid s=pê'r espe b.Vendesete lioprsai oter i)i tstisa rOtasetiss u saris a ~ponby the ailstracttt, fnsttted iy theii. tgts-r of isle coitty cf,tstO andi utisfiled lu thse osnieu .,f thii ai estes-,ior l thse perdisses- b o me ctitIoci te mal apois.or coons;el tise 'est- cisl or:t i Il aay lit-ier ovicl<no4,t tt lte os- Ipof tiue snytîleod' Osia iss-than Ibose lta whiJ te [rO40004aut th* lime ot sale.ifMC y Ib Tiepnreli!ttesr saliallettiefi. Ie eal s domn A dilit et tais p- cent etfIis puscliss tttîîllta thie Voîscior os-hi#b olicitor-, sad mi.sli pay tue reusaindeéroetliii pus-à euss uonsy oti tlie twottî day ut Jonue uct, liseu lu fcre-i, sl p e.oul itynent, tisa purisesr di - Pty .0 ace. sdteb latinlto p" 5csstio. Tise pusres-St it e tIts» eM sale to i iai a gremuesilfer tise oompletiett ut Itis sis-iswi. litîotlites-respect* tôeosmsltloiofta le eart t ite statdiug souulionsefthtie court ot Chan- Visrtlier IbarticOlarg antd coniîietis of sale, liu iea oitain.d lit lise clie. 0fMqiessus G. M.1lue, anilBlako, Korr ils-Wells, Tes-ente, anil S. 112,<Cvehaesse, W istby. D", e<thip nlistises-sli day oftÂpsil, 1864. iSigudi -A. N. BUEJ, fi,.il, RAF, Yeudor'sSoliitet. - I- W23TERN 1 4CQRI'OATEU 1881. CAPILTAL $4000,0000 ice 'rswides4 Ke110. Jeu Mo>[fluOI Sw ir a v rcairer, i ,dessigoed ýlu bs ca anted Agent J..ros-tise jsevu <heaglerlhtloy -andI ooitwand lasimd.psepated toeôdrOsS e peeiis, suid srew rlâsks t du# Jev eat -as 50 ACRES OF Land for Sale xixet f the uorthern portion of Lot BENo. 1*tlu tise 4tls conuesalo11e the TOWNSHIP OP ?IQKEBING, 09 ogigte t'hé estate oethéb. lte Jolin A. For artico1lara as te ternis, &«.9 application "au i u0ate, JAS. EILRARDSON 1»'ETEIt TAYLOR, April 115t, 1Seo. l Province of Capada, utise County court Coustyof utarl ofq theConuty ef Outs- nnQwT « rie. lu th. matt.1 t f JSZPIT FREDEICK RAINER,. of tise Teots cf Wlstby, niate o a- nufacturtr, au Insolveut. OTIÇBla ho leu,,t11t n lfondaYi, tfie ightentii one next, oit ton of the elock, lu thse forenoon, or es soon.as cooneeuss a be ard thse undersigned silI a ;ly bt te Judge of 0'be aad ourt, fora dis- cIargeuder tiea sud &et. Dated At Whitlsy, tItis Ilth day-of April, A. D., 1866. JOSEFPII F.ICAINER. J. AMER GREENWOOI> Attorney for thse #&id iuw!rvint. là Road Notice.s TII E MUINICIPAL COUNUIL, 01 thse Uoited Towsali ef MARA AND RAMA, lrbygentice, thât tvltn eps 11371.1,mtleirxt succtt~ fe u st la xiven, for t10se lo*itfg of a certaitn part ef lIoad, paing tliroais Lot No. 6, Con. A. MKa, lai i Ont ansd airvoyed by lieus-y White, Esq., P. L. , in 1853. Ily erdor of the Geuneli, D). O'BR1EN, .Township Clos-k. Stsg e to Wfrm nt Wb eaufly s1Iyy ateto ato tguuet. etal 8644emuon - HATCH & ýBROTHER, OpF1ùR-poRp. SALE, 0f a supeioîr quaI4 ty tthé lowest msAket prices. They- bave alojust recçeived a supply Of 0f the latest -style, substantial make and superior finis, which will be ýsold cheap. trhey cali the attention Of parties about to build to their Stock of House -Buildintg Hardwlare, or PAINTS, QILS, GLASS, &C., which tbey supply at COALL "LWIIOLE~SALE & RET-AIL Peddlars fully supplied with Tinwaré of a -uero qnality. gÃFA&GOOD PEDDLAR ýW.NTED IMME4DIATELYJU IIATOJI & BROrËIER', NEW HARDWARE, STORE, W-NO. 49 BROOK STREET-91 WI JIITBY. FRANCIS KELLER,. Represents he foUowing w--eIl.knowii Companiei TH E LIVERPOOL, AND LONDON AND CAPITAL 410,000,00. TUE EDINBUELGII LIFE AND 'LOAN ASSURANCE Co., CAPITAL *500,000. QUEEN INSURANCE Co., (LONDON ENGLANO). PR1OVINCIALIÇ"Ri"N"CB-Co, (0P CANADA,) PIRE ÂAMD NAIEF. BRITISH AMERICÂ ASSURANCE Co., (OF TORONTO,) WESTERN INSUB.ANCE eCWiPANY [OP ENGLAND.] ACCIDENTAL DEA.TRI NSLRA.NUE Co., [ENGLÂND,] ALSA GeNT »BFR E PIU>VII#CIAL PEMîMà ENT BUILDING& SAVINGS SOCIETY, [Torcntoj à Ali clamme of pr9".rtinsetred on reoonabte terns. Also, Money Loancd on Reai estate. Irospectufcs and fit iuformiatien given freeIy on aplotoeAW >agent for ProvineisiTelgrapla Compansy. F t ¶sB;gstitufon for acquis-lg CAL aresupoaior te auy Cou tisis Assurica. Tise Eruucistatigbt=muprise esythtug nsw or anid Business Mass tissyluclud-- TER A9TUAL BfUSI!NKSDBE v..cm. .à ~si arsnamst st ialaiA.boe iv ah MeMILLAN & 000 Begr to announce the, arrivai Of their Spi n mprtation the greaterrtof which thy ave imported' directgfrom England, aind are now offering them at a small advance on OOST. They offer immense bargains in Dreas Goods of every lime. Immense bargains in Cloths, Doeskins, English and Canadian Tweeds. Immnense bai-gains in Grey and White Cottons. Immense bargains in Ladies and Gents Rats. .Immense bargains in Clothing, Ca!pets, &c., a snberb lot of Tapistry. Oroceries, Liquors& Wines, The largest stock in the county, at unprecedentedly low prices. T. H. MoMILLAN& Co. SPR'ING ARRIVÂILS! GROCERIESI HOMES AND HOXEBTEADS Wanted. To wn'-LOTS FPOR SALEM A Fe Towu Lnte, o long trins or py- £.meut lu tho TOWIN 0F WELIT"BY ALSO thre isioclc lu tise Towu of Wlsilby eo.utaliig fretsooe te three-Acres. 7 ALSO VILLAGE LOTS IN Port Perry, Brooklin, Breohin, (<Kaxa,) Hampton, ]Brightoii, J. HAM PFRRY, Wb!itby. W}.itliv, Stis Nov., 1865. 4 WidLANDS FOR SAUL. SEVERAL' LOTS IN Mara, Rama, Brook, Eldon, Dozley, - omerville, Verulam. Fer pasticulars appiy to, (pse-epaid.) J. HAM FERRLY, Witiy. W isiîy, S uis Nov., 186 . 44 Farmsfor Sale IO~Acres lu tise Tovnalîip o vessIh~f 100 itg nos-a.t pas-t Lo No 8,t Dn.a Coti.; two lotis of tIse Toswn lino of » ~OOZ~&~DARLINGTONY5OC'YO"nt s asc loaired, about 40 ocres of vhicimao varied a-ssortment of superior Dry (iGoods tocfromn tump Comnfortauie Log lieuse- 'Wiitl'y, ac- new fs-ane bs-l,3X50-good isoîl, nîtd a Ilirif- of everyqnality and puicehas been added to tfie ty. yontg orciard of 250 tces?' Tiia ps-opos-ty wil csodchA, ld nlog tri*o PY DIVISE4 Mn.AIse a foer- yititsn two and bfMio CGrocery and Liquor 'Stock ~CUT Of the undersigned. Consuit-his list of prices llingwostpa-t, Lott,,laIt Con. Sidtsc3,-con-. and inspect the qua.ity before purchasingr elsewhere. tann 00a m;abotut 90 oeces clt-aselssid o. 1, Wltlty,.ý. ttng orcisardil sud os-t old Os-citard, ail bteur- 8, Prince Ait JOHN FARQUHAILSON, ?'gtheis choicest tlc.criptIon of fs-uit. Tiso jro ~ 4, Uxbrisige, i sent f nrinb ildi ns a es i t ated ounlthe c eîsîro 5 1 C t,t itsgten Duda Sret.ofthe propos-ty, nuid ommnaud.a vie* of oves-64 6, l.vct, Dun as tre t.11.d. hi buidies clitof a comtostatle 7, Athlttloy AJI 1866 15 Ifs-nse Dwelliîtg lonneo, wolI smpplied witls bprit dsgsdioft wate-. Tite b asnad.eut- b o u s e , a s - o u w , l a r g e s u d o : n e d o u s q h t y l n e i 2 TERM.-AI leati $2000cu~l, fud bialace WhtyMa-l o timno. H NR ARS k'¶UDMDE 1I1 ! Io, Lot o. l, l2tisccesosiotn MAA, ONTA ~r~iNx-A RI VALS 8 Ooo1 om fui About 10 acres clea-ati loir bouse il&c. TiîsLto . AV -ca-wîlî s iuâtamilesfses-o ise ou M at ew s n, Rat I ite & Om o eLoi tl is Zt e icoin.SOMVILLI ge t Goves-nnent) Ito d, ed oo veni- 'p co a atabll eut tewi 11h,, Soisonls,& C ou'tes-, 1-lave just received a fresbistpply <of F"D Plst'culllastpply e(pr -pa "t Iasi - VPrrps-itos-, Wisitiy. :lsitby,:NO..1 t, 18015. suisses-lis ments. A sellfs sud enclooed yavý PLOTHINO READYMMAD-E and made to order on the shortest. notice, jà the. Latest Styles TVweedq, Satinets, Flannelé, Unionà 4 &C. of our owu Manufacture, SOLD -RETÂI1, -AT WliOLESALI PRICESMÂTHEWSON, RATOLIFFE & Co. BoiuiApril 18, 1866. 15 1e , v i e- «n,-,-Xr ]I ROWN x& PATTERIONS' .8s per Gallon.à At GEO. YULE'SS LON'COUIRTS FOR THE, 0OF ONTARlIO, tot My, 11t]), " ...... Oth, J deC. O. &RO HOTEL. HITY.. moedations. Caroful*atteil- rtreime-ta e of Irra*eiora aim ne anid siseâ-roosun, sud1 It t eau. 19 i ow , Vsuny e oftslp, il Wi *914 osssaht4cuns isa and itanomoata thès-eco aod by vistuset cerwan lis thesoue STEI'EN a. TII4 James lit de -PI Indus prieerlau -ANjton o8gà 'halofth bu SEWING ýMACUIINEt mode iu Canada, and 818 the boat mude s > States., Great inducemaunts wml l e offered01 s1g prg peson. sither te work b h mni Apply (if by loete pr-paid,) tOe, 8 . P.GREFIt 16-tf Brook S. hty .W Farm-for 8Sale nEuderalsçuad ofers -for Silo on eas ýTl terma theo oth 80wireg ofLot8$2, in 7 , -Brkokon front the TOWNSBI F-FPICKMRNG. For tonus, (ifby loUter pre-pald,) aprlv te thse usdoruigued, or te Jasua lamon, Bolicitor Whitby. WE4EY 14JONCWELY GEORGE 'CORMKACKr. L MER MERCIIANT, Carpenter, sudý oLoZBeareen St,WhitbY. A largo qsati. tityofall kinda OfluusbercOnatautly on band. 1U N IDE R T A KIN G F UNERAUS fully s lied adatteadîâd<T Vahoituoticb. Cotune kept conitautly e haud..1 GEORGECORMACK. Whitby, Fab. 5th, 1862. 41 NWCAIAGE "D Waggon -Shop« AMUEL WALKEY la pÃ*reie te rennua KJfacture te ordor, ail kiodu cof OARRIAé 'ES & WAGGOW, BLEIGlIS, &e., 1N LÂTST-ST7LF. 1?epairinç, neattyj and promptZy excemi'd. SW Tiro donroEaiçt cf Mr. Wm. laiugl't Stute. Dmststlw St., Wit.try. -:0: GLOBF-ý