Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1866, p. 2

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-I - ~ '- ______________________________________________________ I - -- ___________ --.---~--- ,-..-.-------,---- -----------.---- -.--~- Village " ftuor i. Ã"ta.Payne. Store lot Sale or 10 lasse-Chas. ,PYfle. otaelion "ltbin à o!'.T. ~ilodgson (~sd-tivepoo ani»Lndon, and globe nsiac<opny-Lâti Fairbanks Bouts and Sho-4A& Bain, 1 CO. Card-Lendon Mautane Corrton- IAévi hivbanisJk., ýÀgcnt. Prosh. supply et Grourieâ-lawloT eaid- Commeril ion Assurne Cum* pan5'-tevl Firbanks, Jr.,Agent. S mr lot-Wbleloi oand Rotai- ulanm Bain, & Co. Cad-Quecn Insnra'we- (Te-LOvi Fair- banks. Jr,,. Agent., Seedu ut ait kndi- at go. 1, on ltheournri LawfIer *k Francix, ammranice and' (Gênerai Agent-L. Var- banks Jr. nnsutent notice -G*o. Saiîh To Palnter-W. If. lTnnam» Quarter Sesions-Co. Onitario. Insoivent 0oie . IKeller, Sulicitor. Auctiun gale uf Book, Uobtis, &c.-Juhn Sharp asigne.. Approntice tà the tinsmith businen vrant.- Peddler Wsuted. Bwglaralarms.-ilateh IBre. Tin that la tln-Ifitla *4Bru. Itewotr -Robert J"e, Important notge-OG oe. Is ghoe flnding anti Spanulah Suie ea&thr- ONLY 8150 CENTS A TEAR Yhitby, Tliurs-iay, May 10, 186. -Tie Qaem'a Dingh Dar. Uuw @hall 1k. 24th ho celobrated lu Wbithy tlh:s yean?1 ià a queion in wbich conailderable iaterest appears te b. i mauel. fonted by many- out rtuwuspeOple. I bas bren htherto tue mach the habit ta go te Toronto and eleeve, ouut fbte lowa, lecelelirate lier Ma>oty'a Birtia Day. The eusequenoe utfcurue belng the leaving 01 Whîthy on the Que..'. MrBinMDy, -vhen alashuuld b.l gay and happy" M aft es 5 dltch-vater, W. vant a change for th belter lu. this sori t f aloç. 0Our 1ev» busasîsout ho companica ot Volnteer- theIn.fuantry, CagptalaiDatntI, and thse Isa»-Major Wiliaco, Belle, vo are prond te #q,, sareedédservedi brils for .tîlass la I.prmpîly zmavciug to h froal aet tbecati et duty. lm Musha"e a gond tars ou'tfront tise., aud tro. the1 iltha, Ou the Qaeecu'. iltkb Day j sth a 0s1ll.rly Sm «»sat bhuwla4 weau *HaI enjoy. And4 il le oaly neoemsey for a avw of bar active touumoutao teltogther go~ iay down a suitable yregymmelat ormJ, tu obtuina alibealsi moeoa >te carry' out a dar of thesmmaujoyable a-"Mo- wmns& Our leva baudl viii b. on *Itwd 'aud they by lb, vay vs aboutit net omit sueatoniag, am rervdiugt themiea y UL bandausa, saifone4 a eb. veorte 1w bemi boestter on publie accons, Whou iblir tmical servicet art broughi milue ulal- tion. Let u et upaop u doig aae brae sthe Qoeena .Bina DPay ig loyail, M vsougiat te- eeita ît la, Wlutl. Thse arlaTroI b(,l; essieu l a flilyespeeteit. FurtW m ieu. lava vîli b. givea au îel usah n. Tair McDic>àL CoreoL, aftîs a sessou ot six days. eenlsded thelr delibevtilons on Tueeday. Dr. Sirange vuaproieted R4'ltrur. The stada d -of ex aille. vequired of atadustesegeaoodu*e. tiooeanbraeelas knuvisdge of Grvssk, We ahai gîe the sahjiqeuaau "4 aotiee- -quilva.ouis for lb. prof.ieleÉl ezina- donieu st ireeb, Moiiwa ualVet im- g5'aiin îe Persons liiegsivy.*ddlitg wil4 tie EelMte of q1Iece e evel. A. obtaiteed a Judgmn ndui execulieli lu tise DÃŽigibasCeuni ugalua BI vise suhaequnuliy iet luttpate#,lesuing coOataid strablepersunat propenenty -u~ibande ut is vltew, Whvb liy ster iheê etiuofe ber busisanitsut vîthot obt.tluiug Lette et Administraiona,adiae a> publie sale et ils gucis, 4e., &.;ai W'hl"jMmy penisoni bemesaspurebasers. Nov cernes -,thé ahlfflultya1 the exeeution lIssethetons 'sdalautrasiduuatae. The balli puièe thebMI'4penîy ibun ltle.galt poIt by tbeise wu, aÏàm ket uffilcieni t I1t bas exacutien, "ýa8d ýî'hue h te l*o& bo. tLe widuw fer cempensation for île. grievouis ong sise bat doue the., Ta. abure gs but ee0oi tise ann! li. stances l in h aulà 'ne'; "naidtiug lui tLe guets or 'debti ut a'doeoset 'PersanI nsay make himueItlitable, as asu.executori of bis qva nuurg, te efi lb. consequeaces ut an illugal lnterferencs in tise estate ut the dceasd, Withomut anjýf tiMrights or.1 piileges ut a "eal'y constitte.exticntor- et adm.niatnten. '-Teorefqr efoere ai psmao-e;en tLe vlde ut a teceae- metittos vts an estate lu 507 way-1 excepi tu preasrlte ' ho 0v bluuh Oské bat ele <e or, Atmnistration farnlb Srogt Couvi. Tlaee,,¶aat nik 'li, woa4«iiabu i peoonb. -aatsfroua endimlseou ssud trouble. Petsoaat' propsvly esuiot b. toelysoit, «debts eca eî o'collecîtducr peai umtil the proper autburity b. ubtaiued - fru. ncb Courts. To umeesCavo e nt1 b. taen b h u.. laU visosehaut. the propenty ofta deveaset persan may chance te corne, te guant sut proteent ternaeies1 frernth ueo nsaquenees outhe' ligletest ila -1 teifersuce, vithont irai pnucutlug the uno-1 esaaty autburty trouas @Celrsooutituted tur (bat purposa.. Urroax Ratas or Iuttua-ntise States$ ai velitas lbern, thesubjeci oftfixing cunit'enirates t fnnuie s engagbeg tise attention ut insurers au4 ia'e.At s eceni meeting boutaiNeoirof 158 Conepsuies epresoted, ail but four vtst ton au attance upon pasent rites, and a committee vas appintet 'te present sucb tarifasu voul u gntss prfuîI secavity te lainernsaudt a deceni ant sufilcient Compensation ote esCoaopauiea. ÀAcon.u1 îernperary aluoding ta il4, abute and re. fi tiug ta the nasae ut affaira existing iu Cadveli reoearlear- "We have ouly -te repent 19, as our ceai viction, tisat nu lusurance Comepany, thast tu kes nusifurt1h.salin et ueaking buisiness, ai tuaet ratea of premiuua ihan experinec bas abevw ob. sateau t alrly,,vemuena- Cirs, eua long du bus andt prosper. Sncb a Company Mas, sCOoa r .1*.,j tbut in bit ass.mutai . s an éadaoui ente sud, ms îe lit aisr neoutba have # bhoyna luNee?' Yerk, vwiss h"uvy loe nie vise bve insure4'la h viii gel. The ebjectitA a ouest imptaÇts 00u% Md t ib Among UsWhvie ~effcia odé; 1nu aboulaietaol, 008 l- And aiwsewa, Mre t %king eu hàtha~ iil.e a. pialin l ývblub ,ib.y l s s océd aid nliabte. Ai liesm Amsee. sa>a, tiai tpdtbe u 4 hg otfe(* wile Ifbvlellrg sy lea, vb.ua afine uamur, tu s tlsstroaa lues, or pevisales ttev voii, Tb@ matiser"ltseeaiug oooaiideratla." amatÉàdi bth* Toveufep6llidon Montai Mms Gibo.uoouàs v maeie rî hal but o .epeto t seovsr.,~'~ tuavurtryu.-Tb. M«aavd Poeiter Co'&. tilt st sptlngsfÇmO4m~ xô onse lsmoing ati l 7bnutly i7llllag fl to ur~ pj e e v s isaull.. im b>,ie eMs'Wise mfettumi GeuiaolI met ast 'clok, tise Mayjor lu <b. "isr; us cuber memberi prssout vea'e Meus. Perry, Boys, BayUMsdouelt, 13. Gibbon, Y. isaTePvial On moletio fMr. Macdoa elii o ei. tden paised, ai blsts mting >ct tb. e6ein l zeroe&c.to-îLe Agvirnulta greanidavauvir& to b b.expougeai ACuniation « eeivd from spvlag pair of thse Unted Towushap Agriculurak 1@ccies of Whitby sond ThéS8rling hoe sexibition ut tisenunit. ed Agrioultuial Suciotlesa ef Wblbyýand Bail Whuîby, vas leu ai tise Towne uf Whitby, on Whuraday lait, 3&,isant, &Bd vas very lavgoly atteudot, The Ceusty' Agriouitural Suciety's grounds ad the Îîreeta ut -htho tev ves irosegei t 'rougle. eut thse da.y'.Thé butais tware cet et aud dit quit. a sprtet busiess. The show et entirs hoesswusexcoleenit uL, tbuugh tetri. sintlumof thîesclasses vwero not a numercus as vo brave seen tbom ant le 4'e xhbtos uld vas the.enly eontry for bluod, aud cf course va swaardedthtis finit prize. This, boirever, he.would h. iiatly te have car- iod off frune tie-beof utcuuapetiturs ln bis, clan. Hoela tiso asme colt that vas avardedthîes firat priai and diploma ai ,tbe provincial exh ibition, and Se carrled cff the flnal pris.. ai London againni al $go$. 19. bas tiieréputation of being as veil brod as the boit Engliae stock. At every exhibition bo shows au imprcvod appearancp as ho advances lu agu ont atrengtle 1la themue1.asd oarriabe ise tiiîiun/-or prises 1.7 betvcen tise tilions of Meus. XiMajrsPairbaýnks, and Dwes. The tbrée bonnes were vevy anule adniirod sud r.oeived puilses ou ovory-aide. Iu tle. traugit ataliion citas thore vore cunly tour bonnes talansd île.famions uIt "Robin Hoout" gui tise irai pris.. "iWellingîu,"l owned by Mr. Ashby, the 4tb botte. luibis clan, volt deaerved a prisa. i"Cornet," uvuet by Mv. J. Miller, tu wbontheb.jndgts avardedthîe. ibird pri. ise buai t b ave been aboyna onogsi the leurses lu ibis clan st ait.He lu a diffiérent style otfbonne altugoiber, snd b.. longs to a mura impruvet stoct. In alit the otber ciasacé the diaplay, as ve have a!ready stated, vasu uuaay good. Tise tuilowlug ii the 11.1 ut prises Illod Stailiena-1 entry-S. Braitil. Stalbonu. caddie or carînage-0 entrieti li B. Majora, 2nd Levi Fairbanks, Ord VC. Daires. S~ttlion for generai purposes-5 entrirx. Isi J. Claapnian, 2nd Il. Munro, $rd Jas. Kitchen. linacglit atallan-4 cntrie-lat T.& T. Iloulgeon, 2cîd J, $teIompsoit, 8rt -iolan Miller.N livooui marc, genersi purposrs-41 cnt- ries-lI Wm. Yautr, 2nd %V. Tiimpson, 3ai James Yîltchel. flroo& matre, drght- Il enios -lai 2 yenr î,hlcolt, geteerai ptarpoe-2 uni- tries-Jet W. fluulin, 2nti W. Il. Mc<iaw. 2 yesr olt I liiy, geaiereu i trpnse-4 eitrlc-lt C. Spoucer, 2eed UM id >uw, 8rd Sugas mcli. 2cyar olti colt, drAught-3 cntric-let JSal,B~rd S. Inchs. (Iie judgca avard. ne Ioýnt prix.,as tluey titi fot cunîider tb. enties awutby.j 2 ycar olti (lly,drao;it-I entry-Jobn1 Calter. ais J. S. Spruvlo, 2aid Ira Corpeuter. Ziot fsingtw bora-7 .ntrins-loît Il. S- Camipbell, lot 'entecomt & brother. Tr'am, genural purpo ffl-4 entrtNi-lit j.'Ilosa, laid C. Smcpr.-' liosi t tmm au4ets- uiis lat, IL Orninlton, nbM.Crat rd. «Aged Durham bli-4.Tboanon. ,Aged grade bull-2 entrlcs-lai Atex. zdrey, 20d Wm'. 1Young, 2 i-tmr oit Durham bull-Jobn Dryden. l par .4 lurtt al- ere-lot John O lrydeu, laid W. Mou. ý- : 1 yusr .14 Doyn-b etniacs-lst Bilas *Ijcis, 2nd S. Thosnàa. g ezta-grm lyer old bul-G. Bnion. Town Conseil. Au b icapfosu te tuako e Io lleedg appeuetmeseîp, 'vit: -, Jenepis A. Fife, FAquire, M. D.-te be au Asteciaie Cerner for the Cenut> ui< George lvan$, et tis evllaguetfSmithi ,tille, l.ý>quîte, lu b. anAueit enr for the Connu>' ,o.Lincoiue. Gaageevolî Ieue'ravai.-Tbo lut i Oi- dlal Gauette annouano s t olloviaig cboleaug luthe (Ireenwoat lasatiy Cont' te b. lAenteriani <lemporary: Cttstlo Arthiur Junt., Gentleman, IMliii tan, scLool, vicseS8. J.,Ccon, cWbe lu loeveulte ret r reW ing bLà raakr..0o titI funîber ontenu, vice T. Polo, resig On tise mo'mnueug oute.3r nmL.5a ine troke ont ot MuCatisy'a disti!lery, nir Preseeta. h oiginatet lun IIe rectifier '**iicb wvasenlircly eomaiend; soîogtben wiile 3, 000 vorth ut tiquions ilat isppeuiet te b.there »4theollme.The liquor vat jueul resti, for nenouiand u4vas leudt- te be piseut lu a stoes, vhere Il - wonld hava b-eu coveneul vitie Imeermeo. Oswung tae bigieiy'Iavutsblo dioln oethtie' abatd and tise enengte exertions uset, th is ilîlieny, bis'o *MreÊtxtaeIly salnt. Total Joie,, $b,00t0 jlosatauee., $2..cause uf tise are teslovi. 'W. taus eh.e totlowiag fromeinliequeuho GazgefetteoFrltY li;"We regret tisai at tise iuncees teuem Mr. Rosa&ssbip. Yard ibis mousag, Uoaei hait puet-, .tis4, that gentlemnu 'hie looking' ual vu siteuirb, tise <alt fa Seat>' pright ,jaa tif porit-fse auiitag bicb od leibein Pilckering 'ruwvn!oha1P Spriug SlseW, 2h (the E dilo of (lid MWlby CIîeonide. WhIitcvale, la t,'0 Mosrs. yarueld & Co. tu put ùp J ing in front uf their 'store.' Thse Major informel]theu"l'ih bat receited informaion sthatMr. declinoest tulesse '1Ls prolo, s thé Townevubaulproperty on tae ýtuireod by lbe bacl Y~'irpPort 0uthîe. cuumiteli 8t Juagva broùglet op, and adoptet ' mroute, ant. accounts of CuR'uere su ad GtSCTvz oreteato ub. pait when eÏd byithe Town Clenlc. Mv, Mardonelitgave uutee tlisî 'e nohi meeting uft tie Cuncul he wgu , a. tnoce.o ,by'lIaw for -tishe reismsof beit for, the Tom b il, 0051 oit w -t On anoticia utMn. Y. Gibi'on, s.ete '4y 1Mr. 13' Ihsun, -pnlviioge vaý Mr. Draàp.vo a4 ov lbu IUýni an ou Bnock ai. rivilege va aisegranted, te Mr. veil tqbut a short voy on Drock lit mu kato onoct slidiug shutters. 'Cuuucil adjourneti fur tvu veeks. Boni whttby fTowasdp Coui Colunibus, May 7,1; The Cuonnil met pursuant lu adjlern. meut. Meaubers ail prosent. Theo ouve in. the chair. Minutes of ltmefmcing reat ont apProeot.LI'elitic.n t 'Dr. Clark «ud J. W. Fovke, et O.haws, cnipliiug ut damages doue toe sir fonces, lu., by John Puver ndatt amily, on ltt o*411, 13. P. cou., vas presontet, On ueotio' et Mr. IL .Smilth, secundcd by Mn. Anaçli,4te Overeerof uthighvayn vas ortered'ica fi th witîle ausne ie mcvulutFer'bk tren tise aliownncu for.ndi. Petitlun ot 0. Wiisen and 5 othena ibat tho nanie ot B. Somberger b.lis ied trum Ibilslaiof Overacuni if bigbvyays ouded . sine ut L. Aiembreck lb.,inseted lusteat. YPati tien ordored te lie un lise table. 'Anie ceuit fJ. Ooodmau,$7.76 ton necesades turuluhedto eJeu. Harpr, by enter et the ceunicil,vws presenited; ondurad tub. paid. The council tisonresoliet itacît ýinjo a Ceuni ot Revisen. Mn. Guy lu thse chair. The Court etfRe vision rose. Thio conucil renumed. The Chairnanuofthîe, Court ut Iteri.sion pneened tise pruceediagb of lieu Court. On motion ot Mr.. QSitb suait. by- Mr, Hepburn, Ille report vas adoptait aud Roll cumentird accurdinglf, oued declan' ed ta' b.lie i t ollfo 1866. An accourut for liseisurial out il e 1B. Huward, il, and an 'actoent t Wau. felait, $5, tonra&On- dry servicea, venu prenented and i cient in lbe paid. On motion ut Mr. J. Smithl the Chenu vas enterrai te mdvertise fi rte constnuc'tion ofet cetal brIdges On te Novquon rnei.lTheo Counili wjourned 0 the fiit Monday ln Jue asi1, a. M. Mes, aaliag tles Town Couneci te pirles. "'an<'o a iew iteeusile., otiservise tb. Company ejlr Woald itbandi. ioe ooeKUt(l CATI'PO Cà? TU DieAmTWIL..bystan Mr. Hubou, Tova cesk, veait a om- sfol. munikation front Captaia G. H. Dartiesit, ton ett csllng tiseattentioor et LsoateelI hl . e-Pt41 cisns.-or the A04 .ssspting the poru e occupirt by the Voiunitsstfur largel vrlin! practul fovm taxation. To the £dlior of the WIiltby Citronicle. Btte's fBarra-kg, Niazara,} 28th April, 18Gt6. Thi eiy excue o Lai ca eh offeruti for lIhe nlneuet'îiastTzrably long profacu ven wilt Oued te the pnieu lisi, 1 herewith sendtio, il e utact that wa venu tis Spring blussudti il ourj$r8t Pain, ont 'eufual su elateti in *cunequêec tiiot we have no, comnpunction in, inflicling r pon ail youer reladur a aul itaintent etf the day'a deingg. Ih le surciy -net ton un. ruasenablo taeeci yoeer kanti torbeurance in tbix lueur ofoter irai. trititanpland vison we; have uhad tue expunience ut G reenwouti nnd otf tougleain, ao th lat quiet andi Christian; piacai-Dulln'sa Crck-vo viii -a hoba te bear our gleios vlWth, beuoeieg auaeoty. lient villi ns for vu are unse- plisticalcul, S1 ýwoîld begin by advising ail your pa- etrons who tiave not boule otnunaeecneugh ta sue liais place tient Tom Buarton, tac genial lionl of thce Major hoel, keepe the bcdt wliikev ina the toa 'aship. Corne cp vith me and hiave a oremafler vich vu viilteeke a atroli over te grounds-goot, ela ? Didae' I toit yen 1? Now thon- It ilequitu carly in the enornin-, andi hucre teuy'coine-trone ait points 9Ju in ail appointateonts - dinly and cdean, cambuti andi ancoaniact, iircecd andi undresseul, niugged, laine, beni,, vaikera, ridons, drivers, olti mon anti young boys, Chistians anti snners, gentlemnen airît blackguad, hon. et men andtiecaes, loufeq en.pdd!cris, anti lasi dnd verat ef ail, Frank Mattiievaianti 'bis Ilpucp" ivaggon. ,Let tbcîn come, thore ia oone ton al, Just look a urton -goond olti foloe-running lis legs off le >givu Ihium ait aeconnodation. Anti they are voîl pret-idîti or,t.on. 'foneuny r liresss te puai in the stable, bo am'ny monj te ont in the boueuc; huit iiey are ail pluasoti. They know lieut a single bcd wure'iboit two. I.oek awny ovcrn homo (ave won't go dcwr bn;ythbavca't Cget a "0tn"te , 1on ta y lld. Somu gond loIokiaig hontes thenu; down b.iby yenu vili sec llu uuusotit ot'u"soflem.Doyoîe sûe ttient lau e utelbrsueHe vas oflerei $500 fer Ihueina hat $pring ; etaving aralà thuiy ? And ilook at tlie nties.- Big unoîîgb andi good eenough, ten, ne dout ; heut i nnu a judge. Soane îîuafik. ing litile cnrri'tge to-s nte. Tlun's a Itut -pair orfSu- bo, t lue did'nI gelthue fist. lel-lo I1tuoy Mwahkifi"g lime nope! It iuoslike o aîctlu claatn, stretoluii t roue thfie ofe la te actery1ta lieu gist nil.- Thon. lie coeueas cuit outhe cupola. Humra! Siuaily, any boyithe %wind l4 a 11111e toi xlrong t'.r yea.l.i1e goes cerosa l>mvely tie', anti thon geca back ugalua. lie lookïs hrett-y sanai li teen, viltel s tile botiy cl4eti up iani'bti.Notsaleai in ihi.,;bavi atueu is cheereti. ai'.'l in niai otinhtl(bu- inîagirug tle011eoethlie tuanatboysi, et iny nat' itliooi«'d s gil' ilrnilit) luis psseti srotiiaul lie crowd,iueto wliicli vat, recired a more gt!b.atîtitiailuviulcucrof tlie va>' th,'y il4u'd iuin. 8liaîthu iehointerutis cr<%uing agubul nt siX ; bailthue teoul ps-on- cd] toni , etch foi- bine, saiul buotidn'l. No ot uue o t-,as liy ise in lis penogu'i. nations h t'yheosruîl'-qtiariltlndiillies-ve- qtitcig stain's of nta "s 4Band (Capitale, hu.re, if yon a pigen) (alvia'is ltit i i tp poed to çuaîuîort, buit aelei, - fren tien luok'aî t ftiigs, tlhu e11d-î1'lAppc'ttit4es erLaiuuiy icdieate that diote le naalplos-aite , vantof varlia victetiacu ritn thceybreak irendt. Cuelti in't l? Lte go '1P arndihave anet)eur lhem. Lonk ilue tiire-%u val teever te uble tu naeu ir 'eny -ibrouegl tu th. elispenser e p -l~c" sa alemtpvr. nesriend ot mine uaitdily ticigates tiea important funleaanryv liuruap4 in-l aide thie hu. A mo;tley croard ther.- WleaL a tieli fer Aundy if; o baruone, tter ~al 1 You a duei know iisoaan nette e unrl i 1 vou heave b- n in one.'I vuldelai ioto arcO nelîur rop ientr;lluurs ic'"-VItbl-' AI LgeLleer lhe. aiF sa i greaM.nt suca At. theve w tt llue he 'iere vuro 800 people on the greunts tduring lte cournse uft he day-. Tihe diupay in tise eiffrent clasuen vais roaîîy excellent., andi surpasseti atanosi any. previcias moheackirat. A vern taible teture in lieu day's procieti- ings vas tho entino oebuçence cf ony nowty. luxe. Nat osrnone lfllo figlet relieved the. mnotmyloni t'ho dy. ,bincit oftheai credit due-fer luis teappy cmat.etfaffairs is ovirg oe excelulent mance"arment of cuir 'Village liotil, 10icia bis otineu5 a ropuio' tien fer onder andi rcspettailtty unphappily 1net. enjuyeid ly nany otheiein tbhltoyvn- ship. 'lieu oniy' rital wonor have for 1 nonaiity and "Puce uon anWic' leDufin's bouse anti comniuncud suarchingo for valu- able, Ha Statua ho gel Do muney, but expectcd te soeure a ctnsiderabteno nt ITe states that Miss Doamne pickutbool hail vory lutile bini. Ho saw r.othing whatovov or the two $50 cem'puund iterest notes and $20 bilt ibai ara missia'g. Ho rematineti about thse bouge for soea time, pick'ed up thu articles tonaIin the blauk valise, and loft about davk. Mie furthor muvements were pvotty- muh las brouglt, oui on the trial, and which are patent. te the minda cf the wlhole communty. Probst statua Ihat haovenîti have confe.95ed te ail the murdurs bufore, but ho feareui that Iîf ho did so ho wuuld bu brom te pieu by thd meb.' J tl aems te bu 0tise fasîuion ton Veiunleonn nactive servi-cet te ben speulat carrespondents fer theesiTintes," ont net wiising tise Niagrama Detucisment bu be huhind ils predecesauna and contera. penaries, 1 amn geing teu up yenouabort gteve tthe Iesamintne. Meutst ofyur renors kiiow aIl abont tise.barnauka, anti bonmaîe lite, troue yuur'pnevious corruspocatonts fren thse samne quartera, bot t ly be enlemcslsng te aumucof tise ununitit edtotegive cur tdaily ruut:.e. Thoe aiy couc is nowbiseo au cornpared le eur buglçr, tonr"rrobfllue" sonnais (le antiret odutsimbreus nature) about five minutes atten u" lights ou."' I isappons te ha nt live o'chock, bottever, visen cru have tle hunthe oui t fbut, aress, moaeup enr bots, andti tiy env noonis buerai six elocks -Wleen vuejus-n QuIin tise banrack yard ton uarhy monuug parade. This is enly for rell eaul, wvu a fow augo. uiziug cenlerliane, callet extension muo- iieaes, ibrettuin, le gise ns aue appulitui for breakfast. Tis latter is neaty lîy eigheît o'ecieck, ont I eau assure yen WCe ienudy ton it, far thune seemis te ho snmotbing peeuhiariy appetiziug lu tise atinesphemti et Niagurai, aud thee muait tou't cornu amy toc ofteon. Iteevvr, wc -bave plus.9r tu oait, anti ut prely guod qunlty, thôugis sornelirneanet quit. up ta tise mark, yul huieger la o sauce piquaente tsat i viiit. lias elmosî any foot. h cWou!d surprise yen la sethe pnofieiency et env cooka, somut fîhem, atter ,a veek's psadice, are up te o mark ehst yl astenisis tueur wives Whouu thay go homeo;b-ut a cook'n vork hs net mucis reliahait, anti yen Sean il aaid, $1Weti, 1 alvaya ibougist womneu boul very uitile te do, but I buc hanget if L Iot e l change chenes." Atten breakfast, corne cheaiug up lime, oued yeu se stocksanoud brasses undeunguing a final polis, gi-ual coule beiug tôltuit, &C., lreparaies-y te morning paradu, visicis happons ai toue o'check. Thia le a knapsack drtill, andi preciaus uncomtotable lhteau sainie knap- aneka are, te oun 'unaccustometi ebouuiare -bavrs, itla is rceeary t e buleanet, ont vo shiah tinououbi gel umedtiteit li due tume. Two bouts stacri sll gelsup anoîher sari. appulile fer tinuer,-whiohe la ai une c'clock, and thiie muaI is tise occasion fer tise exhibitieonetfenv ooe's akiti. Virai nat, seup, Is-is h ow, anti ulce puddings, are. unr aaple cilîblea, Dot oncle a butl mu i elîer, fur hungry men. After dictinrvu aroko the tigoUmive pipe, anti tuat onuiruvstunîili-- Ibre uoc,'- uvhon e pa vde ugain, without licalaaueckt.i Ibis limne, and ti a at-pett four, ave dis. înelesoti te rosI or amnse ournoivos uxtil tua tiane, ive-o*ochock, vuten cru have fusthon libeerituit Tatue rol cailhst 9veclocta. Titi asiscuomr dccii>'rccnino cuc.F t i t of. *pasit iioe ' liglits eut" findts ai isabut, aid inutit, a3hueti. ÂNOe bet t o ntr u amuneenni, tu tell tise trotte vu cen hvndiy l aitsai te liave.,amy yt-uur. verS liai illait eut timu au aei-bul ýnexi veule vo commun- ce cricket., and o p reliy sitrur e uuivu *contgioeu. -'Whci vo ,vnt cui'îly ,lu some ampetsement, for ,rainy dtsacnt vuý would gladliy recuite froux our trienda ut borne, an, local [,apota anti punietienis, as contributions te '6«r rea4inig ream. WVe, ahane ut us, faiete a.Tenrouta d4lies,,iA4d tËe chficanrs waid thonu, ppuud thçm for- was ait iret defetedin one of its nsuits againat Shent! ]Reynolids, -but a nov trial was subsequently graeated, anud a verdict for tuie batik obtained. Aiside from-thu very grave question nf public morality invulved in thesu defences, the uncerlainmy uf th* law doee a gregt, amnunt cf eiscbiet. If itl la ermititd tubi. ContiDuo It muai couapelt he banka lu withdraw a large portion- cf the capital uow eployed In discouuting notes. fluai. nués-men will.find themseites invulied lu the muaI serLus diflieulty,- becauso îthe state of the law-or rather the Joubt about lt-bas cluseti the uvdinaay mcney, fraerket to Ihem, The next session cf' I'a.liamcuî must net be allowed tou pas. without an umeudmnent oft he law. The doubt may bc remoyed olîher isy a simple enactment that the laking cf the coummis. sion shall ho legal? or by a more eompre. henfiverneas;ureý aiiowing the. banks, tt charge a fain price for their money difrect- ly. But lu one way or othun the dit3iculty must bu vezneved. The iitercets uf the commercial community and, throngh it, uf the wholo country, mueat na longer ho sacriflccd by the ambiguuîy of the statute, Laîciat Ennopunu.. By the China which onived t aHIalffax on tise lth inst., vu have laleat aceui5ts freux Europe. - Oua île.2nt et April the tesuROhip City, of fra~siugon luit hem prepellàr ontd ps-ceedeti for Litespolue! ueuer couvses. Ou, tise twelfth aise lest ber rudder. Shortly aftuoswards lu lut. 40, lon,-. 334. tise I>rpontml tfoîl in wiihthlIe (City uC Jfuîls1ingtoandn took off tise Paisenger.' The Cit y of Wfasluisegloe continued utnter sai twitis o empomus-y nutten for Quen- stavn. Assistance crue tu be sent to ber. eewts ut hem safuty %vas nuceitet tub greai degghît iLivpooi. Id Ise Bouse'ut Commutan, en lthe 26th, the tiebte on tise referux billcruscontinau. cdt - -1 *' Muy. Lotte mate a speech aguinat tise bi1,-anti vas lellowet b>' ai bout etetheni, pro ant con, et 4escrr noe. Afton mati>'speeches Mn. Dieaoui ounti np on thei sideofethtie Opposition in o long anti foaeible speech, tsnopncing Mx. Glati- alone's aterocacy et the Amreicon pria- tiplet visicie bucmucus-ed as cnfitietfor Ecuglandu. At onue 'cok ueSIn-ay mes-sing Mr. Gletisteno' mate tise finah speechs, crarmly tiefunting tise Ameniclin guvenestunt andituouuecing lime'eppoaitiosi tactica. AItiehrce o'clock ieutise morning anil mnch uxcilernoni thie (]!visiona meS pelae, tise anunher fus-tisa bill boiné 318 n'sI aainusti t 313-0oversment mjerity 5. Tise U111 ii SlalomC ons'ulait Livurpuatl,, on tise 2dîle, teek frtus-niaiessaieta ofthe ux reo-t Croiser Tallcaha$se lautishe n'aeteoe theu Arnericau geternanunt, in tise ternes ut tise iociaieue cf tiheCourt ut Atimiralty. The papes-s genemali>' regard-tise voeuone tse seconat reating et ihu referm bilt ais a goa-srnuent victos-> nîlu innatne, but in rtaiity oatieteal. Thune os-evasions spe., utationu s te liaecourue tise ninistera ailI aoupt. Viien duspaîcisos osaient tlst Austria iu leur ait note t te uutaia dochere hum readins-qiutlu taIrethse iriiotory inre doo ilir3re hem facopue, but îtae nsm-mrnrains 1.1aly compel ber te tiSe rusasueirestfor tise ptuceciali etfiser tranuien, cipqcîollh ie Coaest liste.-- Prussia l a sllte have, eclared aise couIc] net censiafer tise -preotale r ut ntria for disurnutnent a e-osv site arams aguismutly>, anai thotAi sio muai ro'.eu labliîatise s ttus quo in Vionno if sien ox- pouls Pmuaia te demobilize leur troupe. >Thse Vienne Abena* Fout ueclares lisut Ansîrlo heu dèfiuiegly doternted lupon netlinng cotl eau- o the u-aanînt ot sncb flot forgotiem. By tisa vo>, vo bave had foirn queesmien. -a a spiendid pne sont rom ibe Munteal Vol ,:No souion eof theo Govinan ditlCltYils da luntuor 'Bellot Coumeueiîo, aspain et geodt ovparont. Mtituai ruicrominatiluicontinuels'"- streag bacté petrwa-vhasu nniaug tel- Prussiaand itly' tlrewti tise Onus ou Iowa thoe .Mniufeahers _are, .1 vis'b iboy- a and uvic versa, tare ail my n>uccisu. 1isear tisaitiers bas h t lu rupet-hotthai Autîria intormcedthlie been sote usovemsuI amcie$ yeuraeiveg, Titiale' ont Frondhamnbsgaors liai if theo -Cuai>'C oui or sorunebut>', te do tboir govertineoalîs wii guanante lise nmetbiug ftruats. iNo* or caunne I -uculraii7 of Itaty, ihoit ,&nttia viiidis- vouai'stt for thse vegid ,iiut aaytiiig-but atm, sommter luuoning oni, and ils ve -ry hut Ih la repurledtta.adouvee. a, -been bêe, and Ounr taffete are atiiie th MIS 10 issusai feîaing tae ItalisauarmeOun a mat'C trillinl-ont *0 vaut bu save thei lton- fouiang. au uais-esuniforma utfsaime kiuul voulut Cregi eelllîary preparatuns voe mai=-. bu veny ' acceptabsle. 'HoU' iice it voult i iig ai Veetit. ha' if tise Cooncil wve tou ean ut tisa, anti' John Mitcheoll vas wmitue% lettenn iIn tise c a few momentis "*6~ 1 muet con. , ~~1 ge bu aguclual droppe *areI baçà subs -in. Su enth CountJ 101b. Duli Mr ll Ccnnt 1 (. Mù. Mr. Sat tord Sti 1 M'. bave recelvut etitiional intenuxation1 à connecuet wat th ie sut aacin, ont regret-,.d - aay- tisaIthreu cul efthlie f-te ciiltren fhave peiee t. appears thihlie ciiltren be. toneul M.,Tisomas Wuah, wbo routess about Icre mîtes aias cf Ook'aitle, ont vée aed espectively 15, 13,10,5 ontd 3 yuýaraf, t-se of tisunibce;ug bha n iec oflea girls.' On-,Wu4peday nupraing, the parI>' entus-et a samaîl serew, andthtie beys eaux- menceet ta puddle ber, aicng avth peter, -leeping chese lu shore, oued li -calux u-ni' flot vutur. Thein laugister ont shorts ýub-'- childisis gleenu iseard by sovemai peri-one" as tlaey tieuatem nity, aîng vitisoo thouglet et dangpr. But .etfortuuately thueir innocent mirîte vas souibrougbt tu on untimel> endi, lu reunting &à point of landuat a udtiuegunt c in eiwtslm n barS eut lte tieep vater, anti out of the tdeptisof thuin polos. Ouicourae they vera unuiilo te biug tise boat ilu agoin. Theno vemare an a ou bourd, ont if tisero bati buen It doua flot oppeu-r tisai ony cftise chiltrun tnce' boy ta use thani. Thre vint hlew sts-eng freuxofethie shore, thse boat - drltiettus-tiser and tuatier oway frouetise land unuit It passedialtogethen freux ont uf s5iglaýart iseinng. Ont reodena viti vo- niemben lisat %Wednesday vae an extremoly wbsaty day, andtihie lako vas veny rougis in - consequenc. -Tise knuvilcdge ofthtie mxis. luap oausat Very muacis 9xcitemeaut in aki. tille, oued soon crewts ut' people vene_ at- tract îo tise beach, aintdxaaey eye geu anxau3l>' intrste iseur-izose ,but notbing cuulihabucesofettise vessel luinnuhis îLe poolithu crundranhad triturai fs-aux hume anti panunue. Nutimetua-lent, boweycro rud 80011 CaptatiiMurs-oy, vitis e bostIt crs- oi fs-eux l ary Groera"ont Mnr, Roubert Mabous-ne, sasted in seutresofet tis mass: zig onen. Thea uaule as proecuteti b> tisenàur orhure arhhout uccea.No- ebing coult bu-sienofn et tscow or iii precioua fruigist. -,Menvhtilo tise scicuner Ceruica et Oseegur, couanatot by Cmpîain Faulknuer, aud bount d lo-mtihe L4te, dbîcovered tb. acow-hëol ulapperateut. Tipsa ci"ouner isrmodiateiy bute up t . il, it on rnaagiug ite fouud ivo beys o't>l ton Of iti4 ve.andi onaeoft tuit' lîa 1 Il Jl '100, 1 if. inl%âotiâý ý &ý ý, âf le'à riiiý t

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