Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1866, p. 4

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tai pu.,Oh I datling nathe oniy thlng tt ; ml abene s t4~ r momen4t %us #peut lu mly dear wfe mand chut!- are cf yenumlfuy dear. one cow'a Milk, Es, Sicelle 2 1.par I, tthi emelit. Thirteen graumawId4.Fe ra îut the corner, iii h t i1ilJ.im rode, aet-eus the wRy vI ýàbanjo; Jack, frein aborve ihbhis gait4~ t -cjj rm boby, - ith'imtinte ;IeS > fellova vilb thei instrumentm. ~and! inging. Sideboard c vveted vithIts fruits," cake, sreaux, vine: vbinkey, kho. WJ4 a a burt-y te dancea witing te bierlhuiland: <DinU>Hîtioue.-Hoy lonesome I feel, in >yôuî abainceThe bot-repama ioedions., Il. Nôody cailla on me, and I amn cen- staztly îhiulieg o ti îe t. wbe yenu viii b. itome and yeur ,clïeerful countenance ilgbt up the o nw dreury routine of every day lite. May houseboid doltes kesp me censttantly employeti, I arnliving au acen- omically me posible, knowing titat yenr dinall lueoanio> vIiinottaiabit of frivolonm expenelms. Bt, nov dear, J viii Say goot! bye, or I wili ho toc late for the monthly cocerst of prayert. [n bute yenrm, a&0. Ttanu or RumaT'c.-At tles rpgular meetlig of Detroit Typographical «Union, No. 18, boit! Aprit 2nd, 1866, . t olerw. ing preaxabte, and resolutionu vweto adop uet and erderet! te b. printet! lanb.the IY Wh7rret. l temrbuTgetly trfacwrd fi-cm iarnong a06 çnwof eurt ueelra. r. .IL MlÇoiinctyaril -.~ le sit-hb..Il),hie upigit( <oîî<t, ~-aIrnude. mnratiuat efal dy4gimi Ioetae cou, ou d otaiau. tmmpýaal.r tempeejlct ant emofncIlli, ;toI-here- ~o A 7,e, i nte mdemis orati Ii. 1MrCeaay to ttrmi,À.vs1tc1-b" or Oeeate me cmlie. aaut a,,, llapon wluuur meunloit-lIiere i-cal tu aioh. Md unnil roaîceailus afuel. RejWeedaI 'ii e.heby tender, te ith, reitives mui jfriendie cf ttc lerrd otrworm",ul ympaîhlme ia iith tt ut r or cfulialelo RUait-vcI Tiai oupie ihli t.rmmlc atd remniu- luaae l4. fuurwar4 1the t moly rl, a e ectatai lt tro. tnia-iloim wîl i -l i le lime tereti eat 09tn il Mi'acre îrlaatllfrm th, e maitet-. 0< Mit.j taet mu rndtrll c vtta.aa --AN r a.,CetevaRRÀTIC ~tOrrîci IL A? Wouîx -John 1IL Reaganlf, foreeoriy the tebil peut rouletr generail, la nov on -bis 'own, fatrmntaiFort Uouton, usai Paietin*,Tez. ^%, Ie a privatte letter ef bis, whichbas juatt foud il& vay loto oesof tbe New . Orleens papers, oents the tollo*ing ai- lubie paragraple a-,Ibave on. vwhite Mau ad seven freetimen toi voie; bave plantot! om.fruit trets and ubrubbory, andi meut of may vegetahie gardon sund Ias potatues, anid bed ouot my sweet pattaa«e, and plssted-tlalrty-fi"eacesmof crn, sand bave 811m MUI$pare îeatiy te plant ; bave owet! îtweivo îov fifîeen Sces atmati grain, andi Ïhooo1 pliht abou thiirty Oire acres et coRon 1 am ehardistutriol gat-dener nseif, and uben ne, engageoi ett ibis, or it the neeus. an snpem4teudatoee cf ibe reedmen, 1 vork on tho fat-ut sonst&etly twith orv cm ,Iawda,and coan do a% mueeii voie nucorn. paraiv.ly ese utile fatigue oaisauy cf tbem. 1 wake fonce, grub, pilis ad barn bt-u, posgb, a&C., carn AstUtbQ0ougbIày brus- edsother laborers." - ?rxg<atlast uoeon reprssut>h Canada Iblntiadg tu ?Pédent Jebrsueni vWho l attiret! -in tbe garle 'of a Nov Yok 0rowsa lier fema cf a ifiaa fit-.- PuaM sa las. va-sÉe iiýi&u ,Iiset!e at mdsradla FO4ticn1r* tu ormoi I4ý.eppU~I JAS. R1IIABDON) i QERVAS COMELL, -c z.ato1S-4 PETER TAYLOR,I Ap$i1sl%3 -28 INSOLêV£ft ACT OÉ 1894. cotn o nttwti cf 0. Cslity cf 0ats- -In theInftller oeJOSIIPII FUtEDZBICK ntttlioturcr,m lui nta lot. N TCEl l-obgIvontbt cmiMocdtiy , ct' the édock, lu te foreceon, or e coo e U Cour.ml oaU h.lisard the' uudesmgnûd viii tth 1Jtgoaof lte mail Court; foi'a 4Wi Datod st 'Wbltby,,- IIbs.fth.ldal oe, Apik, Attorniey fo te saa Lovent 1 Road -Notice. MUNICIPAL COUNCIL,ý 01t the Vueted Townàlalpe or MARA. AND RAMA, le iven, for the coeiîîg of an c oî i ntn I dt i .rmig throughl [t N.6, cll. A. Mot-a lan-oa.cd mrvoeod by lient-y Wtlte, fly ederoicf h ounuil, Townshuip Cevk. librs &ama, April t186 6 eG. 41a-à a PLANK, -- -- -Porer stngrie to-saga! ftâ-Wh»ty caii daliy. 1vi'y attention palMte geaa. V.rotsl Ikeat&U611 tîre ontlers. isaket and beat 5 .AUpPOodto b. wu.. We vénld 4t voa we a - tuai tCana4ian wei. diuetuing - ,in ir "inmbo dilsesing. A himet bi u 'l mat! ueetioa wus t- Içet a!te t, ' eathreo gôoei 1 therofr e~ .elted - f ijs OSPIl GLOYER~ED lowest, 4iarket priées. hey' have ýFceived a sùpply:of - -ABS, & 'ERÂ1IB1ILATORS, 0 f lte lqtest style, substaxnt4al iake and superior fInish1 which- will be so-li! he4k - they caUl the 4ttleIaton of parties about Wo build Wo their Stock of 'g 'PAINTS, QILS, GLASS, &c., which they supply at COAL oïL Wl0LEiSA LE & RETAIL teddlars ftkly Su-pplied with ýTinware of, eOtA GODDOLAR .WANTEt> IMDIATELY. NEW41ARDWARE STORR, t~m ~iO. 4, BROOK STREETq:z WIIITBY. FRANCIS KELLER: INSITRANCE AE NT, .Ropre#ents ho3wn eI-fOnCmais THE LIVERPôOL, AND) LONDON AND ýGLOBE, CApITAy *10,000,00. THE EDINBURGH LIFJE AND LOAN ASSURANCE Co., QUEEN -INSURANCE Co., -(LONDON ENGLÂNDJ. PnOVINMIL INSURANCE tCo., (0FP CANADA,) FIllE AND NARitfp - -0 - BRITISH AMERICA ASSURANCE Co., (0F. TORONTO,) PIRE AND> MAIlER. WEST ERN INBUnANCr4,COMPANY [ fOi' EQLýAND ACCIDEN4TÂL :DEATIIINSURI14CÉ Co., [ENODANDII -c1AIRS F 41», t83,00. ALBO AGENT 10E 'TUE PEOVJNÇIAL PERMANENT BUILDING& 1VN3 SOCIETY, [TproxitQj I' All cisea 'of property in8uredfon rniionabie erms. Alec, Moiey Losned on Real estale. rocftûsdea ,nd fuit information gtven frWeygn application. Meco agent for Provincia1 TeIegraph Cotqpay. PRÂNCI KZLLR' Postmaster, Oshawa C. W. Woud i nusbiçcth be havoreothv6f Wo ihe oiublikbding, a few doraSuho Wherc ,theyi wili be fou ndit a large, STOCK0-0Fi l IND)s 0? OM-ADE ezP At prices. Cheaper t-han ever sold before IN TU' TOW 0F WHITBY.;:, AI~SO ÀL~ KINDS 0FO SI11AMSII SOLE LEATIIER. Whitby, April 11, 1866. CA H«M 144ly G]ROCERIE S A varied assortment of supetrior Dry Goods' of every qualtyand pt-ce lins been adde& Wo the Cr*cery and Lq'or Stock 0f the underjiign)eil. Consuiýt bis Fst ofp)riýces aud inspeet the qua1ity before purchasing eisewhere. JOHN FARQUHARSON, -Dundas Street-I WhiLby8 April 18i 1866G1 SPRINGRIVAlLS MathesonRatclifto &Co. lave-jîxst 'eée'ived a fresh stipply of' CLOTHINO READ*V and made to ordée, on the short the Latest, Stylasm ofobur own Manufaçîtllu 0Lc WT&L PUICES> tTRSN B~ooIûin5MMl t8,18lO6, ,i - TOR, SALE. A montnth' lfu ose 1i-OW4Ný "OF WHITBY ALSO thrt eblockg 1h th1, Tow>L Of WltbY cont>iuiug roni one to tht,. Actol. ÂIao VILLAGE LOTS 1N~V Port Pêrry, Brechin, (Nara,) Brighton,, J.-'HAM FERRY,. whiîbys. WI.lthv, Sth flov., 8!W. U-4 FOR SAtl. SEVEAL LOTSDI Ralma, Eldon, j eley, Vert-dam. For particalata apply to§ (pre-paid.) J. HAM,-PERR)X, Whiîbl. Farms-for Sale OoAcros lenlia. Townshlip nt' MânvoTaa, 10i betiaag, r.ortl-ca,t pat-t Lot Nu. 3, i Cou.; witilsautiroloitsole tsTcýw1 finecf DAR1NGTON, 80re rataboe.Cutc rlaullofLc lli arc trew freins ht-îî, B i<-ncd ub al ai tf-oe îyerofragle bin irrd cf 25<3 t'bctid aliii cprl vif baij eolu epesp, atîd c tlontreopsry mont. Alos ia tan vilatn Iwo tuid t alaif les of BELIEVILLE, ce the BAY OF' QUINL Bouîg -*etar ett, Lot 82, lot C<. n 8diFy>-on- ttaiig 110 corés ; ab'ouîtgo90<ut-Clcleudand tt- naîdor eulîavaalion. *The-talire tua llcîîrixulauig youeg ot-eliatrutàan cd aie otl t-cItait-, nIl houai- ntitlîe l.cieot description cf fruit. ie lre, Meat laftn bîiliuage ut-s sMit LaUtOd cethsesatre cf tlit propsorty su aiî otnautauul a viauw cfeat-ry fit.Thue hui dîne coaeat c f >a eninfurtable Pt-ams Dwalling hou>er, 't-el îappiud wh, eofring 'and moft wattr. Thoe baarumaaud ont- hotsm'ar i nov, large andd eoumodloum. TERS.-At lat $2000 caui, anti balaine Al o, Lot N o. 12, luth sn emlcil: M ARA, TWO -HUNDRED AÂCRES> TOWNSHIP OF PICKERMi' Fo eru,(i lottero-pjPd,.aLVti Whitby. 1. 14 JO>UN C. WESLEY. GEORGE CORXACLà UNTYIER' MERCUANT, Carpenter, 4 Jolner.Gree» St, Wbitby. Â1irgeqnltn. iyof %11lcinds. 6f ni berconstantly onhand. UN D E P. T A IN G. FaUîtaidtict'. Uufne kepla oonBtanîly o GEORGEGORMACK. Whitby,Feb. 5th, 1882. NEW CGARIIÂEAND WagonShop S AIU EL WÀLKEY fi propaired to manu. f;aacttiîru to ordor, afl kiaids or QARRIAG.ES & WAGGONS; BLEIGIIS, &c., IN LÂTLST St-LES: .Rcparig ca~yandi prompt?>' 3*'lrode mEniqt dçf r. Wui; Itig'q Stoc. rt, ])îtndnmsIbt, %'1.tl)y. Whitby,"Juli., IGîJI lace. - Cheap Coal Oi. ONýýO cents par deilon. At GEO. YULE'S1 Wluiitl'y, maatelu7, 18118. DIVISION COURTS _OJTy 0F ONTARW.U Ne.le Wit) .... . AptilI2nd,18881 ±4,1Jxbridai..........t$4 llb e taÇCaiingtil....... lai i ~ailtborloaa.......... ï 17, < Whltby, liarit- n chioiesloi, ana lmle eltutetonly taeasfour 0. D riles front 'tîecentito od - Aýefl Lot 7,;te sgtli son. 8QSIRVLL 200 aoo- w o 1131 I es lîefront the Bobeny tien.r4 gei <Oot'sraameîat) Rondt, and sont-ulii f usIatâ ot te ýMiI4iseb Sçiq o . 3rac- .tp ler pirtîc ltare llpply te (Prt-pnld,> ottlrs i ~ JHAM PERI, Whltby, Mt-. î pî, 885. -4tf JOH ,7tlîbt.un forscquit leg tauht soepris eerytiel indite- Ï I-r ME 8WE il lý

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