Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Feb 1866, p. 4

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or -Photographie Galery, et WILKX$0K8 B8 LOC'iy" RIE l'retor h byi We-'ôh T tafcria teibM iCu ithm it, i1% îîow theimongt em il l tei rovina,l-uid lie am jîrepaîreci tto 1>iaorettier l PEOTOGRAPES, AXýBROTY- l'ES MELAINOTYPES, Or Roy other mode ofthte biy5tic Art. t.4 r oecS Loavr IMan anmy ,lAr allery in Iae hitists adaaid aiew stock of ARTBTS' MATERIALS. <nive iil waitiaig roola a cad1, andieue ilaiS work foi youmîl'atii. xlilicl lvita QuALITr OUnaErY' t~AUl oîri> oeil iiimoli'tad. W iiitlîy, Miay«23, 1865. W I20UGL MR. C. A. JONES, - iarrister, Soicitor lu CCitetaary-. At. torncy, &c., &c. g OF' Fi.i'E-Nîixt dîrWta tg.r Office, IN'lîlî)y. 41 .iy If' this is so, HIl you Profit by it? The Yonng IMtti's Friand, Baid Lita Pi i ilc' i oiiiii u, iti Jglî ¶le huemvMW uie ine tuthe troluanlt ot PRIVATE -DISEFýASE s At Ii lai <11Qnsrtens, Conter liy noiî Adeleite atecotm, ToI'ronîto, C. W. Yesr' 'lxperî11140 1 e aus talai te anme e< necet Oca.i n I iîîr lnttima >d ie'îgCiii Inaiciil witîî'ît i l ira ntr, îldirait wlrruiated. - 'eriaoim wtanw ui,>conî,ilt tlinail)eo cal, 1e lu s»0 watli thi. iîtriast snanaai. lly ,tçieaa ac pioeMmîit. rNerte1in, a eiîiaa. YVoit nerd îlot aittijaw4uu r nchiange y.îir a1et. Cti on t ie 1i ; ctr;aty as.lonîg asit ni l a.Ifeeharges litung furaulra.Marri'î perranas ccii cal)! witlîsfit>-thaie cnr tit p11 laina. Ycuarg mnuWhoan e efallta'i yi",Ilns tau erot tîats cits aont ttafront aim aiîagmor cairiouiy, to &U -V ahoffthownrooi vuî iglit In the icniiaiiar uami t li th tivaaiaagl. TO lDE 1)II'cED oF TREMENDOUS SAC R IFIC E1 Torbe diAi>oucd of ity J. 1Ho E. IOGG, And thue Agenits ortlae TORONTO NURSERIESI OF GEO. ix,$LIE9 PROPRIETOR. *te,,witl il lotîpr inrtamary 1raiJîelloiîî. ofl lita #vllek "tqeality, aud iuuit goînnetu gr, wtl. CAYADIAN LICIONTIATE. m o. 4dea tteuntiuontgt Via l tielISi eati ti ILég.Eje. Fuerîand i Ctannia dilu-ies. 1 "X .-WIlM oponsiton (tarbaa s$rmlîh* MUR; or Cmeromi.eye treaitoa. THE LIVFRPOOL AND LONDON NI1) G LObE, -fIlB£ A N D I Fi IUIANGE C.0IP'NY. ti-* W IJLLAM STEE,a, ."ueansd Imotsmlei Public, &on., 4e, liai], il H. Çmuuîaawa LIa. Bq, W. MVçaursx. ceuni>' Crova Âittornay. Port 1'ara7, 2êt ectnber, 18$65. '51; MORE, VALIJMILE TItANl GOLDI' I>naisnoaa, Unjîlesaint Drmulîn, Diwuei t sigitt, lualigailu <00amo thieStoieseliandl Buw]i, insure mew meit he t à..iiatu.& *ud neustore lte alek l tec liec ht. 'Ci>'them tbcy ouiycoa5tt20cet., analit yo anot get thoea otuurdranîo. southe Iamnoner tu Va. J. DRY& N. Goueting l>hyieizîî 44'J Bîcaie- wey,< V'.0. lBox, 5079, aud lte> wiû b snt b' retunru oftmili. l)esleraa stppîhed jlu Demnaà Uannes & Co., WhclesieiAgets, New 'Yqrtc. TO LADIîES, F Fyotî reqitre s rialilable renedi>'ta oe t A.yoaa. tligs Dtt7 IIAlLVIiy'8 1eniaielo'î11ts, a îiel'or'tltig ronîcal>'for ibu reauvai uof(Ob htritaltiuî, »PaO aieeMièona udaicause Iai>' crise. Tlnay aclssîî ad sure aaîd viii restora niature lu even> Cease. Tii.>'arc slao o1IIalici- onip lu ail cmaaofutWeknasa, Wiites, Jte lebpauiai &o.Sala In lBoxe» eoulàuilug 0 Go u l'ric One Dollar. seil for fDit. llARVWK1'tPritîte ncdfirai ,Ad violer, aaldretiaînd to otes; 100 pntges, giv- ig laliliîstnaîtioiî, 10 -euti raquîncdjin pontage'. Ifyoa ealittpuchi.te hum ut; o yuinr aIraggiait, tla will be saut b y tlliO t- cure troua oobservati on, on reecîîît t <f'e ouo ici', t'> IDu. J. IIIIYAe, l'ninlt.t ng piiliici, Il (>. ilax, 506P. 442 Biroadlway, New York, fliitnup1l la>' bjDasms 3anit.â & Co., W"ioltaiae Agents, Neiw"York. 2t1.iy GIad New9 for the UNFORTUNATE. B Fi EL'S tpecita l'Ill% arc wsrranumil 1> lia îNcatIes, tur the 13ipnady alai 1'cniuiioiit ('tire of ail, duietuaien rsiaag tront osoiii xaatccvses .aor, Y'onalïl titIallscration i>raîi iaata, 1yte anal Ncrauns 1)- tut>lulea ili ~ect, sexue it iesses, li&o. No alasu1i; ge of l im o ateury, 'and tiîey sa b. useal wittieutt aitcitiuu. Mclsbm eontalosn 60 01114I',rivoplTU IDolar ilt y n ilot gpit trniggost, tey vîll 6. seat b>' umaLJl aCC;îirly icattea, viitt <aullinxcraotious, ttaat iîitroaiecane. oneu rciut outhtte nioaey' anîd el lîaniiiaict ut100 paea nueicerrons o!' rth the coîîseailuaiîc. Andi r011104 aent 10 tteriais r ifuarea fiiîiîîttliai. AIaus Di. J. iinYs4, Coasilting lysiacan, P. 0. Box 8097. 441.1 Broadwray, Newr York. D'ataars Iolu liiilicd b>' Damai,,Borne@ & Co. W' ic eiluiaiAgu lai, New York. FOR SALE. Three DWELLING BOUJSES IN TuE TOWN OF WIIITBY. F IIZST.:-Itattdaisiraible Liii aid Cottuea, ' y.Astetauo le tIynat>tc'tet tpa'aiat in the 01 CniethiuaaitrW. H. lliliiaig, . Th riis llroucrty wiit lbc auld ici'>' tuw for Cast, or It% SECOND-i)-te Tlwelliaîg lieuse naltLut, wi ut oMn. (lariule',, itt>ly l the occupaion at'lr on. >iair. a Tuu i11u) :-Thae int îniiotn*@e, late]>' tathe oecaaptltimaii' r .iialaaiai, itlblok 'aNrth att tft tit iitetiaiatca îit i,' 'i'îaitteeruiiuîon Mlecaiciut, de>aîuhtr aibonea wiui tiad tai tapi twn iat-iiuduaiu ioiirtiai., wuolitilt(ial tlt'rnaittalai W01 b i lacatlit a fjn tattîic, salaou long tartins utf s talent. J. IHAM IPERRY,, Farm for Sale. Oli<~ 't qe litàoîîi. are oAt -No. 1i, F2 tiî tiai 0mb ciaîiucuaisuiunuttiai Towtti.tiip ait Eaiit Wtatty, cctteiitag ro scres. Tîtere aire tacre pofaiFiait wiaael .ioa. The p]'iaas aRra wal i rttarual. iîhavg a nuaL.'ig t2îock LIltnaglat the lanid. l ur tartiter prrtierIari, aip;ly Lu JollN BWLES-, Ou th oiii iîhn. Or il Ib>' tlor, (pro laic,) Wiitt P. 0. 2 Lum ber!1 Otoretet(Mil nd é8f et of Adi lipuikesm, iuaited by ti ae ander.ahgned, lu <ax elmatigefur vent, at it Iat("sringe Siaap. 8AM1UEL WALKEY. Whitby, Jani>. 17, If08. DIVISION 'COU RTS FOR TIIE COOINTY 0F ONTALIRX Ne. 1, WttI'0 .......... Foh. it, îlo64, Il 2, lice Attual,nt....... . . 6 210î,le ilc 1n4ge,......... 1:1t01, ai . ovatm ..... ..... 1 *i'J, basrn, 30 b7 0witi t sLble4ad alteds ancien lb.e oarn. Two io@d w l)âada e ug buain- lurso0eard. situtaed *bout iilem ia te V F l f AhQTcý' an em u"mif rm Oria Immdkaievoasun 'i'llibegir.n. Titi.ladixîuaele. P. .-Purpamtiemaitr* apupiylu.Oir, ~rle10,F~utAbbarnor ortU. EDWLU OLIVEU, P..3M. AShiurtu, P. 0. ~-CALL A",D SBU- SADY 1. CJI2JAr .IU L kW 'i ]lHutEbaiste îoBroklan ine," in ýBok!VlIage,v'laire lie viii bai&glati ýA 1 laie 411 ai bii fiendea, 'Vilte pm'em'wai aretvol fiLleil mianed ccuvetiit, aaud îthe accommoda- tion gou, ve or od, fIalà es,-lor lie sous te tlc acu iatuautiat aDAos. tainsoua it tî,atîa baoii Ibriaaotud tlu daiide ais irul ais aumialau llua. nau W. -- - -- At'Sandy'u iko yotir rat, Ceian' cbatuaite nation Thii îînerouaa rieldm of Siudy-ali, Arc ankaiuite gvi housha cal el. Brookliu,'Dea. ALEX. EEBIE TLEE ROBSON HOUSE, DUNDAS STIIEET, VIITnYg C. W. GEORGE IIOISON, Proprietur. T iI subaicnilbor begslum aaîîcunetitet ho h.. leasd eali.builing tunîaatery-k.iiwîî seo aIcrirturo's ituot, wltich liau acis ) urti'atcd, retuniited, aiadfttetd na httroniçitit ale bcatafaal>'le. Tuai ýtaunisaitiarci pltasasti>' att- autlca. imppuuato thiLt off Oice, -U)d i h cone- tri' At tliti' Toiu. -Theo icuwaiy uiîntlans cîtls Pt t lt îcîansd VIie itlagetfur' Uxbihagoid Iit'vartn ? evc the duor orysiîarniig. Iloîtriat$1 per dii'. GEOROBiJE n01501..I Wiltby, Mai' 1863. 1 G, C. CAL»WELL VEUERINARY SURGE*£ONI B 0 F Mr' )Mnat regpea.lulir Lai iuatlumtle ta thea ltutnuîi), tit bli ta cauiîeaiaa i r I nîii tîta a>i'e ligi, aah itbc ittn 1iy ,'ai illit 11011 to laataiig W -omcrl e aiu.iia'1ab piatronage. tguiiIltitlakita tii. 52 INSOLVENT ACT 0F 1864. i'i'uiliicc çttCaIAcaa, l t Cointy Ceuni -Cam'>' ttiitad t'i thaiCouait>'utofaa. l2a tlaeinittt"rat MsRO)SS, etrttheVit- laige 'tabil tautariti, t Ioita 0 N N%»cda'iatiitutwaitr'eaiiuli dai' et aculila hie J udge ocul ai ad Cuitai, t'on c dia,- charge lnue tig aid Art. T)ctexudnaiWLilby, ou tc 1011, day ut De Milliber, h65, JAMEiFS HO", r I !'JI nti a t- îllOfiia 'tl -i'iciu g1oai T. Itilce atiait ut liei wiht i t t*mne tima (ora ai aitIi i rrs.-ttasieait beIaasra) »àîpI4» th tige , jl Jdze for ib ii. siarge frti thenlao caUrA n % t uIis il asUer, antita hls enuai awaîin t ear ib im pecion ast hk. OMOO- a itite Tovn et Wlthy. JAUES IODN OSical ssluia's >f~ OMOficiAlgnte., wuitby,st4"biDc, 180. T UMBit MIIOIANTCarpanlur, sud! Lui elearGnen St, Whitby. A langequan. UNE AiIifull spli(l ansd attendedt!n Fit it3' Her.Llu ept Ubem'iltcnmus ~TER GOOIYS ~L1N. A matnewso, K .atoliTTe .* WOv [lave jutrecevd hir Fait Stock of Fali. andi Winter GoodsWhiéh liavlig beeîî purchased- before the late advaîice, they arc preparcd to ofer at UNPRE OEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. *Family Groceries, a large stocki of Boots and Shoo-s-uperior quality and chettp. and made to o-rder'on the shortest notice, in the Latest Styles. FTweeds, Satinets, Eilannels, Unions, &c., of our own Manutfacture, SOLD IRETAILI AT WIIOLESALE PRICES-e D rooklil, Oct. 4e 186b. MATIIE WSON, RATOLIFFE& Co. HAMILTQN &C00* Have now to hanïd a-viery extensive Stock of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, New MîliIriry and Mantieés W-i IN, TRE -LÂTEST STYLES .É OUfR I.MI$E JNNE. ST0C 0F READY'IYIADE-CLOTHINO., tD' CIOTHING NADE TO ORDI)ER.êD~ J-ust received an, immen se stock of Fresh. Fruits for Caristmis, consisting of ' 1 RAISINS# cx ALXONDS, CÂID No 1 and 2 Tilrs BI LEXON & ORAIGEPEL LIQUORS 3Tr BILAN DS.- ILTON * Co. New VEÂtR'S8 GIFTSO oizr' Jest New Uurraiits oniy 32,d. OT~ J3cst New Seedies'Raisings, M~.2 AXaI. Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Crockery, Glass War4,,Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Fieh, &c. &c,. I~P1IOIORTJONABLY CHEAPO Ant seven per cent off ai cash ovcr Five Dollarst, during -the llollidays onflï! Decenîber 20, 1865. purchases1 3IULCAHY &- CASIIMAX,-t- Oshawa and Manilla. 60 *. olore by thig Institution for acq,îiring v THOROVGH VILACTr CAI~L SIS S El)UtATIOY fare Rnperior to any CJommercil College in Bi tish Americt. The Branches tAtigbt comprise ovcrythiing nccesaary for the BO'ok Kcep* or and Business Manti, they ineitie- T A~uMAL BUS t, St Tg the muti complote arrangenient of iLs kind, bceng urnisbeid with two BANKS, a MERCIIANT'S EMPORIIUM, and an EC1NlW FCwii are apuin ovcry day* for the transaction ut Business. W' Ca 'a ~iniTELEGRAPHING overy 'da.y-ln PHIONO- GRAIPHY, semi-weekly. W~ For ior.tbly ChlavîîLÂuî specimens of WViTircr, &c., adîircus (oclosing utamp), *MIJSGROVE& WRIGI-IT, 24 TO RONTO 0. W. Pire! Pire! PFire lias re-openend the (3arria-ge Factory Iately 'ànpeâby PONOVAN WALKEY &Co., second door south, Of his lite Factory, and opposite the Town Hall, Whitby, where his prepared to EXECUTE- ALL OQRDERS- IIE M&Y 1BE FAYOliED IT Wbitby, April 4) 1865. 13 IIAL'S ORRIIIIGE WoRïS,- BJ.LA.CKýSMIITIIO T«UIE BEST STAND 1K, North Ontarlu., FO-R SALE OR TO- LET, T liÂT velu ,iituated brick %B!aelcsh' iuu tVîtyna's îr, tgttr wlth Lî en iltn culellt are ton'.s à%hup djuliiîîg, -411 d ai asocre jA3ina, The ollalîco la aguoe ruon niîdastniu înioalasuia câdeiua t faatîliiig dowiî ia beau. nom.s, a#tiso pe csacsitua¶dtealî ti.iit conaîldaireu etai lite'va beait iandu, torna biaekafnith ln ail North 3îtunio. The -brickr building-la 42x2t; hebtmal tshlol, ttacitecile% U Lte Citel)utor'ïu ataup lfixP6. k or teitue andl fartiien Partà-ulaims, apply te, ANDRZW LOWE$, Vnozeantou. lP. 0, d0-tf on lut Niço., tta Cou., Brook,- lriEnsbahoerwJaudros tolafoîitlgsiath aboyai liote:, and tuittic ie ËÈiles anunlat lte haitutfwiaiaialiailoni cgaeandi nfn'. maints. A irai! aaîppitdtable. Caud stailg ai oniuîecd yaffl. - Jois 1N 8hT±tlILL. Wliitby.,Oct. 4. 1864. 8 ProvInc, cf Caadat)Inatheo ftînaty coat Couint>t r Iatainiu ofuthei.Couîmty ut Ou' Vou Wlês Jtarie; lu tue ai ater ut EHINAIID MA4YBEE,u lai olve1iat. '1O'ICE Is iîîrcby giron tit oh, Tnescluayf . ltai twent%*-so'a'cnh diy oftMarcti, next, at tain urt lie CIoýk ti e tuncnooli,orunes'&nua us icanîiel ecuitbc. heandi thee ndcauiadwil aauaîayto tetc. .ludge (NOttiaa siciCourt, fo a c164 cilaîrge tatîdir titi snid Act. Daatcd ait Canningcmn, <his l8th day tJllu'ti uer>', A. Di. 1860. ÇiI8.C.1<ELEI, INIIfl MAYBEE, bis Attorneyi>. %vio BROWN & PATTERSONWS' Agricultuiral Works! «AT TVIE O6UWIIITI11FOU'DItYL, IIROCK ST., WIIIIBY. Muî.nutacttireriseand deslers min 1ki nclaiou AGRICLLTURAC JEPLEMENqW, Coflhutued'.apera and Mower#, Four di$eorclkilît cf- Two-horise Wheel Oultivato! SThIAW AND F'EED CtT'1TRs,- GIANT GUAIN CIIISIIERS, Scoh,Amran& ahtln»og , utf itrionstms aonrndst>lcea Steel Plo'we and Steel Points, 'DITCiIING PLUWS, Scanflens, Cern nnd PotalciCttltivatunp, SEED AND TURNIP DïhILLS ROAD 5CRAPEUL, &e. 7- maole lu orclar, 1'low Caxleuîin la e.lî Eva1e atiçiecounnectaici i ttio b seëpt onihimd. Thinesin ahin esre on ashort notice. -EverythIng i t a b lo-me bluailacai attendue te witia"ge:ctncult>'. suI n nesau be tarm INSOLVENTA(qI, 0F 18eï Tu iVt: tarie, lu li. n attar of WILhIAM$ WARREN, t'bc ,ycnuger, ain Iooen. dock lanlte tatreon or W s ion ibercfter an' Céunaielcal> be iteard, the -uderqpiud-w p:yto thme Jtdge 01ohe iald Cu00g oràw w charge imdar thu said Act- TIts,] tate l i tîs hla? t.In i..,- tT ILOIERT CAS Receli Ra. MON(CK, rospet aI p*oiclty iatarms la. die an te uli, i o N TMk Ik 'on to a El

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