Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1866, p. 4

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W Photographie Galery, .. WiLicUNorN'13 LQC," i T IE rroprltitor ofitho above Oaiiory woui.1 to ita Pictu rue, ùclhat n'ý!ý PESS XELAIN0TYPE8, Pr4ioe e« w.mr Mac s a 0944r GOulryin Rie huas added sa now etêck aof AftrTTS' MATERIALS. (loheWLtIgraam aà call, and omca hl wrork foi yotcracfro. aouia it Uoer ir u lw.xRX I~Auscar) a I euhlulltd. 'Wilktby, Mily 28, 188m. W . UAL20 it. C. A. JONESI Darrisier, solicitor lu Chancery, At- tarncy, &c., &c. igrOPIiCEP-Nezt Jour to the Ragimtry omôn, Whl!by. 41 -ly If this is se, wîIl Yeu Profit byeit DE. DAVIS, The Youu M iri'n Friensi, une] thse *.i,-onclse comsparu- çu, Ktil i duvote.. lluis ouhla til? te tise trosstsseut of PRIVATE DiIEA.9E8 At lis 01. Quarter,, Cornier Ilnv andslAcisuaidistrets, P Torcusto, C. W. Years' cxpertcuce cersIasim to cure ratent 05.0.5 ln a very .tissrt tisua. (114, igssring casses* treptad witllut ?ercury, andc cure% warrsuted. 1'arsons wh insu îots cousait tihe Doct. cuis do noewitb tisa iii nost secremy. SMy roeueies, arc pîcaant, certain, ais.fl i..Yeutis,.s'd Ct stop w.rkor echanlge o slr 'icI. Col] 01 tise D)otor; tuy am long sn«. y'sst piesse. 1Ilechuarge». uothing for adalce. Mssrrls<clperse sus Casi ala with Ilfety-tis etams1cri d aolse.Younng tmon wuls o l e a-s itimm ts a scret lssslslis eau recelso Iitodiatc relis-i 5v sppiyusg t> tlis Doctot. 'iisti s t»treat.sd tsy Istsmr, sand niseui- chues sent-frusalfrois% dasmasge or srio.itýy, te ail praof tise ionl. £or o ine outs, froua eilitln tisa norasline 12I,000 TREES TO BE DISPOSED OF TREM.ENDOUS 8SACIRIFICE 1 Ta ho dis"osd 01 by J. ,1.E&.'IIOGGi And thse Ageits or tise TORONTO NURSERIES, ezo. LESLtPRoPRIE1 oR,, Risc abIiao equauatty ofiSirol>*, Aoseý, Urape ihssa, heri'aueausm pititits, lsedtge pliuis, &Cc., &oe it i siothe isr ury 'pruesiueaians of £5 eh ietqaulit>', Danal usaft vigoroca grcwth. J. il o11o. 49 ,Aet MANCH.ES TER, l'O BELL OBRBSNrI. SM T TtTDiiame<lsaty Il tVilgtsa tw.atry frseaIaaldIas 024fîi --we1auss, elea, ards, u&a., sud dwoling, as as prooent y apt dfr. george Arïn- "K, ug~Moroiast. alYruonfou lbthi Oetober. For toris,: &a., 5<48 WILLIAM STHEIL,- rprialor, 8eots Gt.QHAME ô COCHRANE. anUlEdw;Na'Tom ulief, Ac., &C, Por Be.5lUw' loak. el o Lomm w.bLcoc="»zu cc* ow Aorney. Pe80tb1ow > 10. 1 Urz .,4 q* ro401£='a 1.tau NN a. 1i ang COU1NTY OF ONTARIO', Y VIRTUE 0F A'WARRANT X5SUED )BY -To Wt: the ýTreasuror of-the Cbunty of Ontario, bearing date thsTw=stytý *-d da 0ofA 4 tone thouarselg undrdand sixty.tIve,and! ea r.ieoe , r .1 ý - o rrar sd us'5 ils due iip@n theo followlug' lanàa in the lsud 04inty, I a%1a1, on T«uesday,'the-Thirtenth day of February, Nazi, at the bour of Twulyo o'cloclc, faon, at the COURT ROUSE, IN THE TOWýN 0F WI1ITBY, Proced et the sale by Publie Auction, of said LUnds, or so mach ther'f amy be nessary for the payment ol sucb urrea-rs of aacasments, unlesa the samet togathcr with ail lawful charges, b. sooner paid. TOWNSII[P 0F BROCK. LOT. CON, ACRES. 24, S.r art 21, N. Part S. l'art N. 3 North soSuIl Wm. Lomaden, îb, 2, 16. 200, TEAIIS DUE. 1859. 1852 3 4 S64 7 8 i9 60 2 3 4. InS s6a 1 2 a 4. M19 60o 1 2 a 4. TOWNSHIIP 0r MÂRA. 200, -8P80 1 28 4 75, 3 9 60 1 2 04 100, D 60 1oîca 100, 1329 60 1 24 100, 1 S ')LO3 9 AO t 4 100o, 185 3 4 5 67 8 9601 234 8, 1 '154 a7 8 .,60 10S 0, 1852 7 8 60 1 2 100. 1852 301 28 4 TOWNSIIIP 0F PICKERING- IL ..$0, 2, 1S8-r78 960 1 2 3 4 1818 62 3 4 18ý59 Cau TOWNSHIP 0F RIMA. 31, Front, 99, 186 7 8 9 0 12 de, Frontu, 100, 1827 8 960 1 8a4 67 , 2w0, 18:i2 6 7 8 Q60 12 a4 TOWNSHIP 0F IREACLI. N.3< 8la4 18, 154 80 42184 PORT FE RRY PLIS~. 7,1855m y86M02834 TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. Epart326, 5,a17581882 608 1 £1284 TOWNSHIP 0F TIIORAII. Spart& 5 &7, Plart on 5Alassa Hiver 1, S1U15 7696 TOWNBUIIP OF UXBIUDGE. a 70 la . 1854 04 185P no 1 2 4 1859 60 1 -2 TAXES. REMARKS. supposed to bc $7 50. APater tud. 4 468. L'ateutcd., 182 71. de. Go 05. do. 40 63. do. 42 1IL. do. 48 87?. do. gr) 74. J'>. 12L 90. do. @uppo.d lo be 37 "4 - Ilatented. 59 31. I'atenud. 64 u1. de. 73 98. de. 62 liS, do. 7 47. do. 15 03. do. 43 50. do. 911 85. do. 73 70. doa. 171 41. dc. 40 0&. do 19 79. cdo. 15 79. do. 174 39. do. 20 75o do. 2190 aD. do. 1 29. do. 5? 71. do. 13 94. do. TOWNSHIIP OF WIIITBy. h. 1~t .Pen~'a Plan o>' flrat>Atêa. 34 lit 1859 6$4 15359 62 3 4 00, 8 941, f 60. 8383. TOWN Or WRITIIY. mos sas us 585 'SI 580 mua 815 ~Im, 841 ~844 us 849 lut 4 0 1 18-146 1839 601i 4 1889#Il 1849 80 I 4 19 0I1 2 6 19. 2$87. 319. do. CIO. do. do. clu. do. de. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. do. CIO. do. do. Nords warddllwaG, m oi a nd X.U., J>lon,-art Lou n ow d30e M 18 60128a Ils 1859 60 182 15 1859 64 Srok'St. Il"wk 4 do doA do do D wiliaSi 1Bloob , N, 1 BAook E i8b7 8 9 00 12s a 4 44. do. '1.- do. 89. do. 3 9. do. 278. do 99. do. 99e do. 501. do. 884, do. 'Wallae'a Plan PattLOI 27J <7on'. 1 lm 0 1 2 as4 $05 WIalkie'o Plan Pan,;Ia 28, Con. I do.. de. CIIEÂP'FÂLI&WNTER GOOIDS -o-u [lave just received their Jall Stock of Fal anid Winter Gooda, 'which having been purchaued before the late dyance,,they a re' pre ared to offer a.t UNPREOEDENTEDLY LOW PI~ Failxroceries, a Iargç.-.stock Of Boots' and Shoe---snporior quality and jcheap. GLOTHILNO READYmMADE.Ç and made to4.order on the shortest notice, in the Latest Styles. TVweeds, Satinetq, Flaniiels, Tjiions, &c., of our own Manufacture, SOLD LIETAIL, AT WV.OLESALE PRICES> Broolin,I3ct. -4, 1865. MA.TIEWSON, lIATOLIFFE & Co. 30 HAMLTQN &Co*-> Hlave now'to band a very extensive Stock of FANCY & STÂPLE ]DRY GOOIDS, New îllinory and Mandles W- IN. TUE LATESI STYLES. QUR IPIJ E.i8E TOCR ,QVΫ READYmMADE CLOTHINO, Wg CLOTIJING'RADE 1I0 ORDER. .., ii-Se -stock of FreshI ALXonDSt OAEDIED CITON, IMON & ORANGZ EELu WINEIS A'NO -LýIQUORýS 0OF THE, BEI- BRAND$S.> HAMILITON e CoW. Nd -1 -2,$ Tills B1oô 5 NEW VEAR'SGIFTS . 8J Best New Currauits only 3"'(. or' Boit New Seedies' Raisings 7'd.ý Grc e rie s, Wines, Liquors, Crockery, Glass Ware, Bo.otsand Shoes, Clothing, Fish,&c &, #-"PROPORTJONABLY t CHEAP. And séven per cent off ail cash puréhases over Five Dollars, cluring the llollidays orily ! MULCAIIY & CASIIMAN, December 20, 1865. Oshawa and Manillu. 60 ruVIE advantagés offcrodl by thig Tnqtitution for acquirng a TIIOROUCTI PIZACTI' CAL BUSINESS EDIJCATION arc suporior to aiy Coininsorcusl Colkego in lrir tish Amneias. ThaelBrances taugîut comprige avarything necessary for the Book Icep er and Business Man ; tlsoy inlud- THEJ AteTUA:L BUNB CA RTNENKT Ta Ui tase oM eiplota arrângemenit of its kind, bcing furnishieciwith two IBANKS, a MERCHANT'S EMPORIUM, and an EXCII.1NC*E FFICE, which are open cvery day for the transaction of Business. 1-:V'C1asmes i TEIEGRAPHINfG every day-m P EON0- GRAPHYJ lsemi-weekly. SFor Monthly Ccucnx.,uc, spe.cimerus Of WR5TINn, &U, address (onciosirsg stamp), MIJSGRtO VIE& WRIGIIT., 24 TO RONTO, O. W. Flas re.openedthe Carniage -Facto ry Jatély oecupied by. DONO VAN WALïÈKY & C., second door south of is a.t Fator, ad ppositeh Town Hall, Wlîitby, where le is.prepared to 1EXECUTE AL-L O1RDERS, HE MAY BE' FÂVORED WITH. lVldtby, .Apil 14, 18650 1 IIALL'S GRIÇEWRS 1< .1.i GOOD CHANCE FOR A T-, Ti5>ESTSTA.-I) liq ! »F-A NN 1 'Scc12orA, Cornu 4ud Mce tco îser, Piouvw s Aivery article cosjuetce klt os hsad. Throslssq n aisoitnotice.- Ee yu i m intise albov .1LS tatat.g Fot E 711. LI 1 , Just received an hîumei Fruits for Christmas, consisting. of . . . ........ , weý FO R 8 A LF ORT-rLET rIAT wel: it ituctd brick lkatî' witiîtha frama buiilcuingOceui.lsd-mss rp~ teru>siop adjoiniiig, LIdhi usar-f aîs, Thechnc I'oiod 'a Oetr an uotro cf a thickiy ettleciweaithy localit>l ', 10 ousidaradeou o' tisa very buet stands for II blacksmitls u ilna "rti Onario. Tiw.bricil b .ild ig 111 4 2 2 4 ; -, sa ocou.] sh o p , attaa l lcd l x 24 ta e&rpnuc's iioIAÀgO ý'r t e , n d i r t i la r p a r t i o a r s , a p p jy t o i 4NDRLEW LOWE$ Vrornatou ko 50-tf- Oni Lot No. 7, OtAI Con., ra. VICTORIA flOÜsE, JOH1N SPURHILL . Prerls-,. (I'11E sibsariber dasires te ilsfoguu hismnny -L. frieuds thu ime ha us aow earry-iisg on tisek abova hot0i, and] that lie sutppliesn foua but tisaý hast- osfwitsi. ,liqueirt igtars, au.] r9fresh-a mentu,. A 'val1 supplicd til.Go saiu ausd cnciosecd yard. S< JOHN'SPUtCIZILL. wiuttby. Ot.4. 1884. 5 INISOLVENT ACT 0F 1864. Pror inca csf C(' Il'sds, -lu the Csuuuuîy Court ousT~ ftts . cf tis cosuty et Ou. T Wi:i tnrio. lu tie mattar of RuINALRD M.,%YIEE, nu ~TTC is licrsuby gitan tisat- ou Tuesdmy, N~ 'the. suveve~5day rf.%Marai, flaxe, u.t tcil 0f tisa elock inthse forenooln, or ss son n4 Coilueiea u hou heur.], tIsa utudarssgsued ill il p) tu th(, judge tuftlsa cauid Court, fuir a cli,. (1hsirgu iiiiiitr tisa oi.]Act. Dittsd ut Caiisuhsguou, tisaIsîiadraytle!-: iuary, A. D. 1866. CItAS. C. KELLERfYR MTIR BR~OWN & ATTERSON8' AgvricuItùra1 Woi'ks ATTvts OU>ti.A iT ByFouTTIpRy, BIUWK gST, w-1ijrY. AGRICULTURAL IRPLUEMENTO, WtsIMEREWILLBEast IqD TIiRUIJJÏNfj MAUIINES Oombdneci' Rapers and Mazwrs Two-horse Wheol Cultivatorg STRAW- AND FEED CUTTERS, OZANT R1'ixCRtu-41ERS, Scotch*,- Anirican &-Canaidjan '1oughs, Steel PlOWs and Steeil Points, .-DATCINOPLOWS, lFire.- mammâ à .rire Fir -

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