Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1866, p. 2

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New At11artis.ents (Ils Day, > 1B*el, £ S11es-jss. uaen&Ce. tisd-Âln Hsalte, Tendes for Prnsîla-. J. Macdcuell. lasvtuetot et1864 'A. 1mI04 ttAsý- algu«s. Chanue>' 2plce-R Jte1naer, IMIIs t BBIn' rek. Vheams Stuve-Halcsh àBre. Harw-aw--ata& kBro. -CeaidQOu- 4Hatch & Brother. Týders for Lunber-Town of Whitby. Bo»y w-*ted.- ONLY $150 CENTS A TEÂ&JR Wbtby, Tliurs4ty, February 8,1866 The Clhci elty. Asagesi ue tise pnîvate affaira of Individusai or cf a anciel>' of individuals, sve, b>'(t. ecourtoay sud observances cf emitl lifo, sup poscal Io ho beyoaid tise pale «o¶ public discussion. Thsis, how-ovcr, like &il ether silos, lis hable te exceptions. A mmsu na>'hb.se conspicuously placeal in -soclts, unoraàcorpnstion have suchi in p ortant Itoresls *ntrustel te its charge, that a discussion î*caased liv a Ue cf cou duct wbicS basils ececta upon tise velfare o?, i aIlUovents, a considerable portion of tise communit', nma>' uet, ai limes, Se eut of place, on evon ho productive cf good. Lasu"& ç4m let ipresent pîsceal tisa Cerportion euihled -'Tise Cisurchu Societ>' o f tise Diceocf Toronto," composed cf menusnscf lise Churcis of Eagland, ;n a conside7mble portion cf Western Carnda, -Tise pecuar>' atfaire of tise Csurcla are, te a greal ellaul, placeal undur ils coutrol, *snd -on-the final setueet cf tisa Cleng>' Rserveg, tise fund, anasauig (romein iso0in mutation cf tishe ;cuies cf tise varions clergy'men visoso yeanly stipeuds wcee Chbarged sport the revenues cf tise Basarves, w-crsentracîsalb>'tise. evencnd goutte- ta In lutbie aa sd custocf tisa Ciunci 8ocietl'- open. thealsipulation sud agace. tusent that lise incoes tiseretofonu raceivcd b>' theu shoalal becoutinued for tiseir - epeetive ives. Tisese inçomes wena comnsuted,- or capitalized, open tise vel uuderstoed p.-luciphes cffLie lusaranco. Of course, tise capital visicis representeal tise leucasa of tise eIder elerg> woald, lu Ibis wal, haetflaes aauout IL ata apportiobedl te their y ounger beheru.- Irrçspactive oft tis, how-aver, tise w-iola sm aut as uded, sud placet!uder lise uharge and management of a tub ccusahtecc ofthtie Seciety', au imnperuta in imiperia, sslld tise 'Cletgy Trust Cemmtîe." hI *a turther oz dsrtoed tisapon tisetse- cessive-dropplag lu cf lise lives cutitical to As Incoms cMt ort tsfontd , àîhesaaRgY- mn aso'sld bd plaeou tise lisI, sMd a- tomie estltled tu fou r lsîsdred dollars par la eueittlo, aeordig t o U#gib of oervice la thte Dilo.q. Thse tsm.ttise atrssed lu tiseManage. tisent of tise Soriet>' yla e arge,asasoeil; Io or0000u,$500,0.l Tise 'men lu- tejMetedý lu its prope-r distribbtion gsud saftt', theegis ual relAtiel>' naimerons, jet (rom thir ediaatn, babilsoftIlite, sud gresi social influece caenaise a pent figanet ImaÈ esasnsd tisas tisepublie' sppolnted lu siabe a liserighi isvelîiou of the stat cf the. fend; -as- udt which la clean requred to*0alla>' tIhe nias'y feelng wbiaisbas heaume prevalent, sud wrblebaise Charale Society lhave found, le opteasly BR"08li.tulr.umfclom is e ir uf lthe lIbanaisof ioçeso Sthtl. sui md-s-psb iabed assm e tati vithi a tisarcugis ýr sis a &leainasa, smal eadue reiceeais ide. W. bop'eansd ho. t vili bu maslhstoic aume nts<siala ur> the Moaent sisoetug matcises ilnla diffreus localities go te show-,<8wtIser. iUd porbapsesxcspted,) "iaICànada pro" daces au geed marana as as> 'ilutise vonhd- In our owu hisiaaý4te locality we Sund Sisots binging îlti-is'fn eut of- tob birds ; while Oet6I du% et eleven is8eai', sldoro* phir ,OndUMI abootlsi aid ventS>' of no speétat éebm*0ddation. At tiseDufflus Oreehe maMa6à *eà épj belveeonWhitby sud Toroûto I or ratisev isuiveec Ward, sud Tweedie sud Laewlet, of ihis levu, ise faloin; sco1mg *aà made, sud tise WI!tS6y meé, aitboûgt, sncb easy w-inera, fuel q it. dhsppocatad st tise resait. Tise>' coulid, thLeý S>' ts> eau ahool bettes undett more favorable cincumatanues, sudlise>' stand real> te back up tiseasasertion, Th is nlmatch vwu boete« Ward sund Tveedie-30 isdarr$100 àaide. It vas cah>' won b>' Tveedie 24 19 21- Tw-uodie sasll>' siso labisS artnidge nt one bitd. Woad ua-talIuilJlOleIOI--. Twc.ase "-01111111l lai 11011010101191i.-24. TIse noxi vas iselveen LevIer sud- Ward-eovcai birds ecci, -for $25 asîade, and reanted silîl more favorabl>' for wbitb>'. Woards Moe-eeOisaO-. Lewler -iiîi-5 M1. Ward, as w-lt b.e ieu (nom tisa score, gavif up tise contes! atter-the eightis bird was sisot at. A cousiderablo amunat et mone>' chaugedab itda haiveen ouI- siden,-asn>'of WsrdIsý- backes ehin; csu;bt op et a sort tus-n in carrylu; an a preit>' extensive giane ot bluff. Eue- tiig, bovever, was w-cii sud isoncraisl> cenucteal, and al psssed ever satistac. toril>'. I is a question, howetcr, w-ehier shoot- iug i. allenge"f matches produces ail tise gondl aeulta to b. desineal (onmtrials et gond laristkaniip. W. certailh>'give preterece te th.' systean cf Prit«s. The latter- excites te moui> emulaleain; tisa former encourages&isostilil>', sud, ai leut, gîves sout teaspactisoutgaushin; cs- citeut. Mr. Word bas eudssvoured, dtsng bis short reaidouce lnuaadte promuot. bosti le challenige&, anal ho basnet, aI ail timea, come eut efthlie arcua as a kuigisl vitiscul noproscis. -Tsrugi tise -daih>' preosetfTurnn»eho gave aa leegee for $1000, te shoot againsast «Y mas au Casada,Aît ifty>'single birds, and Oft>' dea- bic-birds, double gon, use of oseb barrel oulj,descnibiai;1Ij onucafs fah,2l jy"d risc, 80 yards boundar>', &. e; and, lu tact gave a ver>' ciroumaauial detailcal chal- lenge te 14eastil mu in Canada" 51e pigeon sisoting. M. Tw-acdie, aiso sist againat, anad hast hum at Dallia'Crack, acettad the challenge at. once, sud mat the noces- sar>' dc puit et $200, tatia aI tise saie lime tisaIbu wal qulse preparea Io FOI devu tise renisinder of tisa moue>'stanyu> lime, as soon as term ens *$a oet pes. Mr, Ward who fi# su .dositoof etcislles ln Ïu; ma n in aa '"~epted Ms. Qewei.îsrepl>'to 4 s et Maiasut ea trroes tgas? hIat utof Twecdie. 4It the jas met, isuw-vr, befere tise 'prlsq08kie ws* seîtled ýn' ha neouci luW agnee ispea aas'ett!d raie, save tise moes ct cf ahueilu; upes thse Tofonto cricket groad, w-biche osaIgives s boundar>' ef 65 or 70 yards li piAau. Wand's challeaige vasas s'abave givea Ili, tise fuîl boutiar'> e of ys'. lu ender te rit eut o e »tlsuag> 11e taut-dol. lau seapo iste whidh it svasait>'led ina, Mn. Wsd, la a wora, refoeit te amait te su>' terns- r"ve thmof cflotis; pon îisî Toronto cricket(rouai. r< Tw-eedia did euerybeg ibis pqP fea se0oso- d-aas Mr. Wrd-4aa»tite$upédpse.n- A M. Binai a foioverè6fM. -Ward's w-Se lsa a ort et prîvat4e searFlan>for Wand at aI bis aoetini "challenges" aleppedlMI crett une oet desa ltte fnsss-raiées tise mmd, liSe the oScte 11,5, lai or*ir t permis of bis pitrouai'. epl; sud îce greittionas.dllrchallenge eaueti1 iThob mrueutWstymakte nu bout cf theirs'uperlonit>' . Thu4east aCOOL issus w-il! brin; dova tiser îvesslytve birds out cf tiît>',andab tiers w-iibrie; aven>'oe dow-sasd tise>' f.. dsaèpelèted aitiseé Bis-eblu; subterfoge neontid te b>'Mn.' Ward. Mn. Tweedie î isoot vils M. Warduta as>'polint WCnsadIa tist us>'ha agrëeciupnfer tie aciut aid,it prop an2terinabeagneeduopoo. Or heis roady te de tis Ï -To glus )Er,,Ward ,$100, if M. Ward w-I d onsent la shoot la tise scigisior. hooti ut ýWhitby, or W ,&tee 10, sud shoost tise matoh is vsMr. Wsnd l ai oronto, on he villsoot bitaia hè*me and homte maube fer $1000 euhi matcis. W. bMr ie lu wffç,,.0»04dise oiui0aofet is 5bqi8u'tju '. mp 440 w- isa- iaîauded; b*at';l tre'à greai niaus torité traell)IÇ41 wq$4wsd lIe] w-iole tSiv g bu. mod emJ e, dealre. tgplac# th* aeurate uerslaw lo@M De.EAsvw-oou rea vT=e Nw MsmcàÂL COucz.-In auotiser celumu vo publisi Dfi. Btvcýets addresset sascandidate for 4iw Mdioi ~,oah. odeat sud- Usesouli;, t h 51à la ,i W. tstw-ce proatsebu Isd~d aT élSUtao eleetuàâ Ré ceumsforvý'atd stb i<;d 6 hé b profeaam iarge. Wltu gréaî ts<f1eé, -Dr. Eastwood -4ocàplaln or tsj l, oýes6 manier lu w-bich tise actisafr.uaed, sud tho 1hbcftv0nn6 visieh a eonipiiaae it isl provisions antails apen the medical m en vidai>ll stnted ovesa argo salent et tenritur>'. Thsesuais ptovisiogpa uf tise Art, % sdeficioeneles, sudgeneral boaie; ar« dimeedpnelty lneel$.; otjt, w-ill 0 pëeaeied,-ld a fMdlýtn~Ia'I -tpit u wilS a estS Io t»eo&mea d aniplif>' Ils provisions toslu reuder ite vorinia;mure efficeOt. TisaI lrFàsCw-oôd nuderstands tise reqsiremonts necasar' Ie edisttle a member of tise Medical Cousait w-litlieo t once abserved : that he poses thin, l bianSetibis addressj>rove&. Aid 6ackatl up and recinnieudeal, as ho la, b>' suais emineut mmea a>D. Gâtiis, ôet Wistsy; Dr. Tueker, et Pickerngu; Dr. McGiil, of Oshawa, sudtise leadin; inadical asan cf the Division vise kuov hlm, iere s aa guarate. tu tise public thai ho la tise right mn in tise ight place. Thse pro- fession vil! do iseair It ieamuse ansd te, tise Division, b>' electiaig Dr. Eastwood te tise Medicat Couac-I. Tise veîing taSsa' place ai Wiiîh, on Monda>', tise lisI inat. Tise United Division et Kiaig*ansd Quseus comprises - for Kingi, Sentis Ontario and Eutl Yonk, sund for Quecaiu,- Norts Ontario, Victoria, aud West Durhsam. Sagîstrathon uofltarricge Rotenea. An onterpriing Ilindividutl" il doli;g quite a sinokuet businiess, in one c f Ise Western COuuties,isj isanting up detauhtiug rheng>'men, ministers, sud otisars, Who faihed la, maks proer raîonsetf marris;.. et 1864, befote Feisraq li, 1865. lIaIt of lue forfait cf $4, per day, for ecci daj's ueghect, go.. te tIse iniformer. Fer lise iesefit f uis etounr readers as are iaiisested, w-o glus a brief outtilue of tise Act, Cap. 72, C. 9. 1U. O. Siac. G-Buer>' ciergylasaieor misten sha, on or belore the la' Febreat>'il esois year, maltebis reteulu the. CeunI>' hlegstrar, utfa&l marriages, le 31.1 Dec, r peedicg, asal transmit $1 tee, te. fic. 10-la ams 0i destisor nemoval sucoeessrte oisrerai lu the o egîstier. Saut. 1 [-Quakers' mariages dechared viîd, aud retura te ha abade b>' tiéSecy., or tIse Societ>', or ufthtie meeting ai visicis itise mariage îsasolemàuizeal. Suc. I 2-Fiiaes for negleculu; te mako retus, t our dehînaéfer suer>' ds' deas>, sitar lat Feb. in eaci jean. W.c 13-iha Clark cf thse Pesce te furulis books, sud ptneatformaat tise exp" oe t b-aGmst>'. hart Spriaç, tise daput>' rero f Dlhb, ver Muaigai whou w-les r. g>tirqcrtisa AIl thse usuélol toasts vers is, UAn r.speuedtos as unI' yal&'tOumstssoeld be-mn. Malice, ree cf Seatt, (bevtsP. puopiate for the isero of Trafalgas, ras- puaidit thai uftli. e v>'li ver>' felial- tiens tenas. -Mr. spniug, as mh;h4 bax- ing speech, la bts as»aihappy uanuer 'sud sicSaiog tj u aldiai toe semass>' a1w-sp îtiesno ojojeal. Tabu slaat" wens soppllea b>' M. jeaulougt, vwitis< fisa aoeeupllsl Wd l dd usaItg tise cul ufthtei oeessiee. Rassi of acbeet Traiste. T' Townx ovnsctaî. Mn, Yeoman Gibson reponsoa fromatise comniuilce ou appliiations te office. lTis report w-asadeptoal vitisn eusnmeuâmau w-sak àis aby-iaw- touuad îbsreo:i akle; ise faîheaing appolutmnts t Heur>' [Isuemn-aaseeorsud collecter, Ata ssalai>'fut$100. Aleaseder Pnaie, Lisense lIspete- islam>',$30. Mas Bson,-Ceustalile for Mnotis Ward-paid b>'tee.. REetr orTvue 1arsiomir. On motion et Mn,.'Yeoman Gibsn,,. seccuetib>' M. B. Gibssai-b,, is ofq . $100 w-a pisaed at th emans-e-,1Ws as le t beapplled fotls4U lb jUailtjuit fer1w-o Bn Kxc «iuAa.tis ieos t i The rexduar setii; et tbe Board ws haIl fPnet, NM,. TSaite, tg(Car- - Tha folloving raselui6id *ere passed recoassning aQnignsofet be rammar, sud comone cools, aud -appuiated à A tormmutees ta-«Cafer 1 WiLS timse gïramnirL scisool Board. 'A6a ecepted UMn.Odeor"geMoGluray's tende fortod wod,t$3 a ord. Aiso requestngth aersonshuassve aih l.eshool librar>'books deliuqres a Hfean>' streel sseaol, b>'thse UtShasfor J tisa purpes. uf sachasgiug, f 1Aise ta avetise Cosut>' Sciool ee Ji venuesn pruperi>' adtwrtl.ed. -- J Asuto pevdelulrwWels fortthesadmis A Anu oder w-sagrateal on the Tressers fer,#11.37L fer vood « aulotils;, Thse Bord lissa adjoursedi Ta the Cemncil i4f the<i!4rliU fts Caunti ritof tri I bave tuhe on herevllh lu susb.nita stateni n îsdeîssit o ueys ectîede indes By-îw Me. 127, utrpt is date. > Amialta report the axpesalitane oUt>' "to.osthse 14tk eeneois iof lBrook, inder Ry-aw- No. 117,,Sec.i% - Ail (J w-hich la rcPcctfaUiiy stbmhitt<d. -couttylq4aEr. - Wît*y, Jan., 25, 1806. vsxavor sioM xuv ages DsE m Thle net proceudu et Debonttiras iisses auder B>'-law No. 128, per >Iureaw' £4duset O Per cent 1cr En- ;ines,~scommssio.., 484 1 ..,evetheamt tu b aa- iboada ...-.......... --181 WshicSh iiaccouaitt 1er as followa, IsAt Appropriation........175 00 Lu diot sud llasilueed' cuuniwm o...........*lie U T 7 tW'wa Coïacil.- -Tse regoié Mteeing uf tise Tl.oweCents- cil tooheplat 1.0. ovu aItW A fl4y on lstMÃœosdi> oe06%. Al ise àiw bers, (vitIe b .zepifoi t? ýr. were preàsout. ?4r. Huston rendl a communaicaton'& dz. eareer hei se4ol tTrute,.of tUl tew6:0swl1suga -ucolatiSestb@18saiI, retiing a Orna of $ 1,000 le b. pîsd n their credii. A reselution was subseunt- fy pistSéd fer tfi e O*Poae. Mn. Macdcneil's b>'I'-povda fr, theM m a t O fnec f pest< bàs - ton ansd received a firat roadic;. wassAXis zxraovgxgzra Captais i1ewe brougis op lise report ôf tbe ceauniltes oias treets asu d mmprvdeû, and-ons motion lise ceuisil _vaat isec> eops mittee t4srecuir.- .Yatlê Gls !l tise chais.. -Tise report lsss4.dt ~il commsttewtoaede asi, cou îained tise folfleldanse. let. Your Comnittee lie; turepc4 that itheosbas beau tise tolow-ng- Msesal assdeontise streets aud sidewalke lut >ear 1504 corda of g'ravel ni $3 37 par corl, $506 58 ; 20 do. et atone troustgaci, et $4 pan cord, $80 00 ; 81 j do, ouns&%"et%,et $6 0 par cog ,51C 765; 2f,2!5' cei of luniber ; 8,825 teet cf sbIllsihu., 2ud. Total ament expeaded ou stroals sud sid-w-allas lu 185- entis Wend, $167 19- CesIt,'W $268 73.-Broe &reet,q $'P121 ou Street, 976 83 1; 3rd. Vour commhttîsorpîtbitist tie> haie lut contracte for 64 corda cf sicue et an average of about $2 50 per cent!;_asud w-ould neccmsmend tiser tise Towa. Clark be atheizeal te adeertis or er andb for 30,000 feet cf luanier, andI 10,000 fées et acanuling for lise praseni jean. 4is. Your commitîse have isal endan conaidenstion tise diterence licîveen ile ceai et gravaI sud tone, sul fd ls ia thora cati ha 1w-ecorda et grave! furnisbual on tisa streuts tonrtise ceaI t euoe cond ot atone. Therefoeo jour coomitee uqoald recommenal the usa ut gravel , t Suis. Your cenmuilee bavé We under tbiai cunsidraîlce, tise coet tfie break mng cf stcae, aud (id tisat it ecosts tise Corporation 1went> Rie vm saspaur od >for baissmestheroore ls stish uaioe f Tour oommlte e hat it veul î!. hiefor thse Corporation te slow tis* parties break- lu; te famisis thair ow-n hammere. Ail of whicS la r«eettuhi>' suhiailo. JAMES ROWL . C..mmîttes ilecan, Febmusar>', 1866. 111 12 100 OD 80 00 216 00) 784 GO 53 60 6000 100 Cl s-5 ApprprIaion1500 00 ........... Ss 3 84 gaic x, iv cc ,.--xeu__ . A meunit tobe cipetndad.. - Deit lei- JaîseesJsck.ïo,11 gravchieàh« .......... 121. Balance anexpenikd, iai* e4.,AS..., Olfie>tbt no-.-i 472 22 ecsusîeted.... .30 22 --- 4722 Appropislon .........O, Diseesini imé Enzlneer's De' -J. De Ti Assi& o1Sepa sndeWin..Po4t0r Jul>'* 12, Aadraw BOys, gradfin. calierts. 178 00 AU* 7,fJ. Gedaes, SIens Clivert & grading. .,. 218 00 Sep~L,L J. Gldas, gra- o din; .............. 2000GO0 a Sept. 19, George Nesn jndieg........91-84 IMet&retus deo, 91 88 (kt71 I Hro.,Turnii - - peq piin,gradng, &e....--870 GO lie ùependeu.... bu6 h Appopiaion.... .-... 8w 0016 6bai Dicon an.ds uacu asassas. pro Ani. to >. expende.8888ti Oct. 14, paid Wt e. n-l glisses,, gradin; sud the8 Smav viin. TnCON Re. o ,Approprlsttion .. .-;- 1, 7(0()(Gor Dicountanal Ergiucar's ai>' At. G, ho exusuded ..... 081 il nouait te b. exponired..> 472 22 tôt. 20. James Gadea, 71. gruisllng.ttumspilcing,&e i114,ttM wc. 7, J1. Andierson, ado.. 161 00 St anes Q;eddea s .o. 185 00) - 472 22 th, ataI ani te xpetidesi. -17511 '1,-( mienpc e aspendeèd aI c tbis du te i............. 18'07 O8liI $18888 81 0 - - JOHN 811UI litj Co. Eelhur's office, Ce Englacer, ha WhisLby, Jan. 2b,"66, et --- - - - - e , - t Ué iliWofiù'PRO14BONO. -z-ateri.----- jt 1 on.grnua d-t.aé 1 fi -w-a« I~oe. 7,E. is",dô.... -220 00 Dcé. 29, Jas. Tisessiso do. 212 00 J e. , 1886, L.- Louis do. 125 00 "4" Wm. ergusses, - (inavélÉâ u .....8 1 Jan. toi boil. uupaid for'- w-orS oans a ptcd... .-.ý Il502757 iv. .CEÇTBRiE hg TâuoRàU. ppptiation .............187ri 00 ?rliculzu( sund Eugiueet' 1 cem~tsi1O----------1047 AmI. te bï «M~ted.... 1170 St Sept. 27, pd. Wake e &M6- Oua1;, Gradin;, Ten-u >pikint &C ..*.. f171i OcC 2, ( e. Phulipa;, Dt chiai, Turnipikiug, &c. 8 'Od Nov. 18, BeasuinTnlpp, Taibot Brdge ...2e2 Nov. 17, J. Moilugis, Ttûirpiking, &c. . 147 G0 ,iNct 24, ÃœUcael Kelly Jan20n,cbat'lenex- -pandeal tclcdlr.j -$1,50 aut AI aute o <*ork aiTsbMrtB54 dgé.24107? --1770 83 nié'. e. cvBaTlï é"Ànix x Dg ApprpriationS I .,--.- 2075 00 DasMct. sud etsgfnade commission ...... 115-29 Ami, lo be eyanded .... I2909 71 Juil> 1, palal7. Mdilugi, 1Gradiu;.Tunipikiug &c. 90 01)' Jtaly 29;, de du do.. 98 00' 66 ArthiaI '1ary. 59 20' * Jul>' 20, Patrick MIcLu, Gradin; .... ... -.....ýO 00? .Aue. SI. Michael Kelly, 'lumrnpikiug Gradin; Ac 104 85 Sept. 1, J. VclughtîiTuras- ýSpltin;g, -ading, &C... -Scpt26, George Piillipa. ($radias;, Culvertl, .&.. 1(10S Oct. 17, 1.MoiSt, Gra- ding, &ce.... ....... 50 0OÃ" Oct . ', . Gealdes, Tamn- î ing, Drainfing,- curtis & steaîc on 5watmp. &r. 507 O' Nov. 18, B. Tripp, Talbot Bridge & ese:tt work, Mutas idIc..... ... ...2É" 24 N1%ov. 17, Jas. Fs-col, Çra. Umrdiig ...... 300G t>c .14, B. Mlotat, Tunîs. piking .... .... .....26 70 Jan. 9, 1806, M. Kelly, Turupikiau, &c .... $5 Q() Jas 9, J. Piedl, Gradin*. 24 50' -* ereniabs MchIu;î, Grarcîing .... ....... 15 O Jan. 20, bel u»expc4*de includilu; $108 fur wor let, but net completet.. 170 05i -1959 7h se. v. Bsaucz »AI)î, sotte or erSex. tpproprlsllen . ......~, 10 ( Ambunt tobc expeuded. . 1410 80 Jis. 8, Juo. Carrgrsiding Ili OÙ - 22, M. Wartsen do . 49,6 J'ui 1, E9. Van'lavoniluea, Jn. - f Jl>' 17,MIL Watson, grad- ................ e saiill .... .......40 0d 8ept. 19, John Carr, gnad. MILn.............. 590 00) MYWâqn, gradin; &c...- 155 00 OdI, 4,'.T. Blucuisu grad. iug. &C.. .. .........88 00 Dec. 19,1J. Gaddesciayiug gaud hall,- snd Clay'...288 00 Nfaancé Oue-peulded.,1060 r - - gxc.arsiai. Appretrtaton . ..... 2000 00 Discount sud -Enginter' Amouut tebeepsddéd,., 4888 88 June 22, Richard>I<oftîict greding...............;40 0 A. Gilroy, grading . - '0 Beuj. Tripp, Bîlîde...,. 710r0n JuI>' 1, Lewis oberîs',- gradin; ............. os(Ob J. Jarman, grading ...80 00~ Il. Millicr, gravllin.... 960 00 Beni. Tripp. gradin;, Lc. 20 06- (;. kihpatnlck, do .... 160100 grvling ........... 80 00 Jul> 24,il. Pay'ne, gravel. inu .... ............ 98 10 N. Dyer, gruvellin; ...150 00) Aesg. 8, L.Robcrts,grading 02 00 G. Devit, gravnll.ng..75 O06 -Au;. 24, N. Dyer, grndin;, 150 00) Oct. 2, .J Strong,gravelliug 4,1 75 R. I'qrhccte. do 8. 0 50 Oct 16. W. Mlasure do., 53 001 F~. Siuh. brosking Stone. 190100 Nov- 6, N. Dyer. grasding. 210 10 De)c3) R.L Nortbeot, grav- Wis,. Masure, grsding and gravelling ........... 72 50 L. Roberts, gruvllin..... 10 2.5 ~J. Macdonald & A. Ross.. 40 00) Jany. 20, 1806. Balance tanexpoeisc .iîcludiug abjout $50 f.,r work loi, btut nul, coanplctcd. 408 18 ---1888 88 sre. XII, cot'rn .1-4iE sorvai or >isxs.a.t Aplo#bin........... 500 00) Discount and Engiuec's commission............27 78 A Mount to lie expded.. 472 22 iDec 2?. '64.» crj. Tripp, » 177 10) J Willctou, grvelil;...60 87 N. bMcDsgall do..104 23 Jan.. 23, '86. Balance wonk doue net acceptcal..180 52 2 472 2 App'ropfiation. ZgnOer00 commision27 78 ï,o the Ediftor of LireWhiib>' hrmi"' th. houe-r of bclng éueosod lu a Bepoiiér'd box,) i have beea n attenlive- observer ai, tise proceedings 'cf <Via Ciuuty Counci'l.' Wil YOD, îhrcugis the medinum of joui vidai>' ciroulated coluni, permit mea te ÃŽfake a few én4lsirlies doasoinsmalterq tisat a llé lfgist mal Proîé asaful 10.tisé riféfia eri of Ontario?. Tisere vas a report prédenW c of Ih Shier, Bsq. Conut>' Engineeri for tise pros.i seuting cf visics, (for 1 rosi!>' know of. néo otisor vork ho doas,) ho ié*ceiêvs ont, of > tise Couty Treary$4 ayeux ;-oreabout1 $leOý,liuêfor adding te tise-literatura viwçi tise report verts tisa Mouel ,petitd? or tise past foucaY-ra 'Joli Sisier, V-54.; Cant> Enginear, isue acvad four 'thon- sanal dollars cf tisa Cont7 msie.>p; viai value, as Count>' Englineen, has10e ive tfon it? Th iselt Year 'cf grce,1»5(10, whleu John Sisier Esq., CeOntD% ~gineèr'0 office vas not quita a siuecurs, vison tisat gentlemen, for tise nencer ih > a 11111e te dot visaido wvoSud? -Tisat John Siir, Elsq. Coanst> En.-incer, lu-addition te is $400, for tise eujoymeut of iis; honora r>- position, raceivas sud la paid '$584,19- for enjoying tise-patronaiga of making tise eXllaLditureu tnder by-lsw 127, durng tise latter part of that ycar 1 But Mr. Shier ia fer ancre important ceun>' cisaractar tissn ail ibis. ninlapnivilaged we m8ke contracta at pleau, gr rastier givu ordera for auy'amount in faor of w-hem ho plous on tise County Treasu>' for gaol supplies. Wirlsoutlisiiti or exlent,in fac, tise count>' functd are lefota the dispcssi cf John Sisier Esq.,-a poerson who is in uo w-s>' respon- subie for anytising bu does te tise peopleocfj the County. 1 men, sir, that ha is Dot couîrolled b>' the responsibiiiy cf ah elected represcutaîiveocf tbe people; eor- ducs tise counI>' possess any socurit>' or guaranîcu for tbe hbon discîsarga of bis duties. Wby in tîhis irresponsible mnu enînncted with tis eaxpenditure cf-thousanda of tise pcopie's moue>'? 18 it proper tisai bis individual centificata for a butoher'a bill, staîionar's, account, grocer's bill, peintura bill, (which, by thu way, must be a nice milch's cow te tisat A, C. Wilson wc sou ilourlshing lu jour colmua et ever>' session cf tise Conucil,) sshoilal- als eho aufficient te sudionizu payuent. of tise Couuîy fondst te au>' ameunt 1 Tise wbolu systeus la wroeg, sir, aud tisa Cont> cf Ontario in tise cul>'onuelunVise Province, w-bich adý.pts il. Wisy net contracta for gant supplies b>' theseomîuhlfee ou Ceun>' propert>'1 Wisy net dodune tse- Conu> Eugineer's dasties lu snch a way as tisai ho ssould not reecicre six isuudred dollars or no lu One jenan spereetages lunaddition 10te saunnail salar>' of $40?7Agalîst wisat value doua Ibhis gentleman give, for tisa large amont of-ý moue> w-hieS ho gets (rom tisa Ceunty ? And aluastisera ho nc plan isit upon te place tise disposait cf tisa Cont> tunals ln tisabaude cf those, entrssted and elected btbuse peoplean sd let John 'Shier Esq., County>',<gier,, 'elqoy sud drnw bis $40e- a leur (for aoiig)wilhout burdeulu; 'hm irn tb cuber duties, le tisa proer performauca of visich, ho le aiotai stratiger. Your eandid, iug thse diff*reut scisools, AS il vwu optioQàI *hetbar îbey beesne candidates for ega- mnation or uot, and as al of thae-has ocholasefroineva -uchol did D«mo&Ï6e theniselves, thora couid no t bo a féir se- presentatiou, sud peveral of - he pupils from Reýnry St., naigisi be rsnkeds Young dieu sund womeni, instead ofbols and -'ria aud wouid have more, cograge to gudergo~~~ a strict eïanaination, aud tisough bc e ser4#es credft for thse pains-takiug manner l4ywisich bo shows ÇlsP tise wc examina- î1it I hi eury 1., wu liseé mncet successful,_ yot hé , ery carefulil avoido mentionlng otheiftWO, s aisici tise result *was quite the ra*erse especially the ana <o rmurScfdo l ia sips,.(içs wua theo sost tisorougis test lise Séholaî.s w-ose oves put-t,) W-hen John et., nbOUol csrrid od tise pal M. common-scisools, parisapes epreseut ~ woul hountiolyta offes any resnarks, osthougk ki. lecortel tis hitaI a parts of tbce Town would M~ beequat>' affs.ced bi it, iuaÏÏuuch msa PIdce IBm ours, ]Yi 's, scattored, sasd-the, schoola »seremoto fr-on esUs oiso, sctinaldiffiulfi es wold ai. w-a>' exiit - yeî if after.duo eousideratiou, kcouid, bo dearli show-n that tho interasti of edauialiàw-00d 'to prosoted, aud tise Town ou tisa wisolo ýbene9ted by it, 6Gy receiving n s mucis value at alesi cnet, pe more valuaeaitishe saine coat, uo particular objections nead Ibu made, sud probabl> tise uuw law reiating tu municipalities subsi. dizing grammar schso_4 me> givotise, îhiug a different aspect. r But soomeiisig ove tree ycars -ego tha mattar w-as ver>' freel>' aud abl> discussod, at saverai, me.et- ings of the joint B ard. ndenqutrici made at soveral differoent places, w-bure unions did, or had exiatud, as t- tiseir working fluancialiy and <ther.wise, aud nfter being pot liu possession of -ail he' information that could bc obtaluedl, tise conclusiqg s rnived nt w-as thaï, on tise wholo, thèeo wtld b. put littho or no boiiefit derived trouilsu ad> ti lisus.î8 gement would bu attanded wits consfider. able difficully, and oiýIy one mendier of the common scisool Board reanied la fa#or of il, sud aItisbai lima ýtie Grammae- School'Trustecs. vera needing fuuds,, sed sigist hava bean materiali>' lenefitted in &bsat respect by a Union; jai 1 baliave tise- irbola Board, (composaed et sirgeutlemen, wise, for tlium edqcatiousitulents-and oai, perlena, osa well as their liserai sd udrco, préhensive view-s, stood -second te unoelit tise Count>',) otai1 agalusi it. 11 espectfull>' jours, M1r. Cntrdwell eos the JauîsmltcaAffair. IIs a recent speech te Colonial Secrets. r>' thia aludad, 10 lthe outbrosk iu Jsusaicw sud tisa. Governuseut inquiry concoruiug- it ;- You iaelal awne cf the anxloîy-whicfr tise great colon>' ot Jsuaica lies cnnscd tu, 'Hin MsjaestY's. Govarrument dur4,q tihe last few moutha. 16 tIse middle of thse month, et October, sarloqa distuîtntes teck placç nt Morauî [Bay, on e êsocths ausof tise island of Jaînaica, . and - conuîied for forne days. Tisay sprend- te a place ou tha asci of the Iaiand; and usari>' te Port , Antonio ou tisa uorîh of it. NowF, amoasgst Alitise controversios oni ibis fiaw- jedt,oo tlsissg bu nover beau dieputed,aisd tisat la, tisat b>'great promptitude us aher T end Appropriatilon-»i-*** Disceni andl Euglsccn ossnimaiguu,#0.,- Aiut. te se expaude. . . . Ang. Opsld Jorduan isuitis giavrellin; ........ sept.?,1 Vm. Blo m ding, gnvellîug, L...1 Oct. 7, J. Shtans*,Tm- pikintg, grelling, &c. O4ct. 71,-J. llaiIbasît, gra- .Nv. 9,J.Il Di cl, gra. vellas;, ........... Nov. 18, Wut.lMotMt, eta vuhing... ... Nov. 13, Thosm tuics gravehliug. bnaalaèt.g atosnes# &Çc........-0 Nov.1$, ltîcioa& Itoculu,' breakini aloses.. Nor. 21, C. Dcatong, du. t>ec. 22, Wmi. Jflwsn, grs- ýVoliln; & Drain.. Dme 27. 1Jab . i.0 Jeu, 3 , "ýbol.un- apr1n...- .1le... Peus.....- Byes.... Butter ... Appies.- 0Park... .ne Geesa. Wood'-i Sisbçp ai )TICÈ bp.iil au, owne.rtilio uniaree. in lq.w nexiosn Ani te sas-vc tt, un oaa Xofoputoele 1'iitioperw Wsii lie luy theoli asau 1 i -- ;Ir

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