Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 28 Dec 1865, p. 2

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hot caro for lertelfin -, *hat eicihu sc Weil Marrlod, mo thâtabeh.was madeebhs, wlfe. But Us regatded hlmii, rnight it n,)t1 b.s dtsagÙeeabia te hlm toastand bobre the altar wfth it sdowdy cresture tn an oid Cm .À nd tho'n tu s te-cni tstlottWould it flot secein that >se.was thriWoWng lu ber two mtes publcly bufore th tN yca oral men, ais a liariaco ni it do It ? Wouid there tact bc ail Otentation lu ber wldowlcod? l,t ctaq;ioc cntinut t oflect Aibe ctttasblthouglit bu- hind iber. Ttlgiat Ibu sa tailtiof lier, but If aucli aing wu nntru, if the oll'ring wtqi Mildh In a ,itlon-'m spirit, anti not lit tbe spirit of a Phariatee, %woail ilrnott bc towardly to regard what mon ni giat aay ? étich Iraise nustlen woaalalînnik cone part of (lie twQ titex, "l'Il go his iteLver- pFool about it l on ontday," bleu mid ta Iereli as hfillglally tucked thaç clotiîcaa arouid lber. (Cniacinext week.) New Aovertseménîs 1111S Bay, Denots andi Shocs-jaïa Baint& »o. Ta Sioeni-ra-Ja%, Ilitiii t Co. Notice -Johin nwlvr tnstavnt Act of 180)t <areSjii 'fle Claisrcia ni:111.a inily Man? i Ciaewett % CO. Siîeep Sryd-a.Clcgg. Int;ulvunit Noiice-.oitm i Cordon,. Pickering ArcîrrI iccyAneiaei ACarti-tjociratiea UCochrauaa. Noie Laa--< i lilm Poaatpeîîed huacy Sie-(itn v Ingoilcent Notce-W. Warren, Jr. (Jîiiiswa Uniîtd <iraitittitr and Conmon ONLY 8150 CENTIS A YEAR ILIby, Tlîursliay, December 28, 186.5. JReesî;nation of lion. Mr. Itroivn. Ail nianner of conjPcture in induigeti in as te the cause of Mr. Brnwn's witbdraw. ini rom the Cabinet. The Glolke witb Weil atfecîa'd Innocence informes us-,, We hav. careiully refruincdi fromceiaî~ oe the retirement of Mr. Iirown faom the Cabinet, sinipiy beesumas tue do not kaiew k the cause of his retiremient." laIlcannaoî, Our contomjaortrp5&&yu-dl ipcniataoi n tecausts or tbe ruîaýurc witb an>' ad-ian. tige over otller jc-urmtiaso" -Ttis hoac- euver-"l in a p'osition te éstaie anîlioriai Veil thiret ruan>' of the KUZ'-.eaioaîs tlruwa Out b>' otherx are tutally withent foliada- lonYt And furtber on telle us-" that t-b. retirement ofIlMr. llrewit did ntinarise (as bua Ieen aIllgûda (rani personal iÃ"hsti- lit>' or jealousy, or *ceise of iajutticc, or perionsi! feeinýg in any nshapet! *'but ini pi>' and celai>' bcanbe Mr. IBrownc culd mi so th e .Consicientioudictarge or bis dOY-th b etaPfPle of Canada, talc.theue epc*ai441ty orut ra hicuu bis collesgues Lad i réolvcalullu." Mr. itrow's pspa.r white proecnding ta ianow notbîig atouut te roascans for liii voiréeettobserve-" Very truc, hibee wem leta l o a gsain$& -.and auntil th. etv'imkooca tir-eaouble eaouSis ta l teata héenjoril>'. Pliait cl tI îngs haveliasppeîaed hetaré; a-ad pet, ln the end, the one jruced te be 4riglît and the' ton wrofig."t And cuncludes - ilint fis polîticat Inonda ahbouldalundereîand thît Ilue malter n vhîcb las reaignead was net s party question ci -anda tirs uno.ýe in toblamo f-r Ipressingw àt te a deciilun, au it coulai neither baveO beau ey4ad r ardelayet." The Luudir-as tnub tasés >.that eil c ibis in. notfiug but boutb. It duets nte x. at acti> ibte words h says iiiita onef.1; t- And lte ibis;madis, in ité caven onalring n il aMr. llrowmi'é palaur Sint etirWw at sasdMi.lBron ste ibac. lb.ePaillitr> i Titeticg is se absuni ibai oeo ondors busit I *ul4 have beeuî written, Iriii cre trus-tat the trlo<'e real>' lnen noth- îog about Mi. lluoa rtiieuemut, h would ai aéve cs eu> for iit journal te lave auit notlig, chieli coulai bave beemi a greai dueli-betitr 0bts.n opeumieg dta palpable nitatenirt."e Oui eculumparar>' juci. queted gens on tir ebere-6 W. cai but express regs-et îhîî oee cio knew su mucis tbuugh lbe pretemsds lia lnuwn msiLig) nus net ut liberty' te Malte a fuit hreaait ai the whoie motter. le tle absence orfüfuter explamia titaus peojale cill nuirsoili>'ceme Io belieco tht stick a question ai théeIIecipiecity- Treut>' lad le Mr. Hrcav'# secersin; for nia Moet heu a nminai timt lb.cause oi is uaitlîenent cas net political in au>' semsis i. If ttis b. trima Mu. Brownu aiit bave plact]a hisesIiuna uposiion ircan chieb it ciii ha stithlenith te extrîcile hinsoif nithoul leav- sas sema."saru tg nart biu disiscae" The Haamilton Sjsecator .argues-- lea Wbéîhéî the duttreece lait relation 1e tas belemn e' . é titeatoi fer t. ra- n th!cfîe tract>', ai te the polic>' te b.t stpttsootea ll a b begat-et, itlai elear tisati w oulaiLb.thee cent poisibla polie>' je requrefuLer oxpianathoinathan bava oiresut>'boersgiven. Ouri lutereail i# lte showcOr banda to the Aeoicuusî If ne bave caufitenco lu thé abilîty sudantlitegrit>' cf the fluvornesent, anti espeeia!tp uf 'thet bentlemenr, Mesrs. tilt anal Hîsclaui, clii baia bees. itrîssteti nii th îe delîcate rieeoItWatcusbuind cerrled ou, îIl la oui bousda çatn>'tea maalquietil 'the Meet'ing e! Paîtuaàmout, wcLîcb, as k aili uci liIuei>' - aderplme Ountil arles tIhe1.-lPtcii! affOrt iW OPPOMiODit>'te metélers 11t -e claore foli>' amndihaely tirir poicyY biWbth nclove fer ils. Zen.Oe. Ihîcnn naeu oas6Lbut regreot lIai t o cult Lave feu i htneeeasry ai tl'is lixce t ult k r -fies the <Gprumaet, -andtihte special sanzid fulréecre ir ittaucté iieto Ibis tianu, eben w. icre ce .thee or cfse- eurlug Confederatomi, Wheat tuaspeople of' ALe Lovier Provinces wcro tnaking steady proposa on limat question, and thé éviden- cas were evert' dal ateerniaing ci a spoe« dy reversai oaf the adverse "deaision of Match laitwo canntbut (cal that ansui the onward progresa ct the quetîtical ticeplyIo tho deplored, 1Mr. FBrowin tu0 often declareal Ibet nuîbimg betté pros- pect of securing intereoîoniai union would bave iuduced him tu enter the gecermemnt, anal notbiiag but lad fath on that question on thé part ni bis colieaigees wouid justi>' buini niesicing it, iliat bis retiremnt mmew ni, anîd ne ferr nl, ho construcil by oprneuts of the echere mb a coldness cuiber on hma part or cii lb. part of bis coi- teignes euth refetence to ht." -The Quabec Neme reminda tbe laIe Pro. 'aident cf the Ceunicil tiii ci wben ho enter- cd a Coalition Govorinant, iu 1864, ho muli> uiiderstnod ftle importance ci tbe etep, andl he wel l neni Ibat Comfederatien wmis thu cal>' piaidiin tLe platiorni ce thei succeits of whitb bo ceuld cotofldenîip rLil>'." Anîd foruliedueothat 9 )fr. fBrown's reaignation miynot bave tbo ininediate cttect of "i eating Party' spirit loose in ail its llerceniesste' bacaue commua decency natula prervent sncb an exhibition. Can amy une vcrsid ia Politien doaabt, Loniccer, thait next session wuli bring a repetitien of the diagraceft party bickaeringa te nihici, we hîave beeti forar -aarccpcred ? They nia>, perriapatcint, a sni;wtli rrdaaubled cigiAr. Iu the ineantimna, althcungb it il said t iaiMr. liiraîw avisuf ..,-111prt the Coriftderaîlo,, jaolirv ofithe oa;nnaî the frienilu of Colonaial Union, ouîiide of the Miuiatry nînttbraite b îot-n, teçrair tluec wnio rniziaîhave become-cativerts wiii fand ilîcir Confiene eer loaîsip chaken b>' Mu. llrowmja resigataion. rit efetect ut Ibis aranotincemoint lu the Lower Pro- vinces maint bho decideaiiy injurions te the causé of Confýderation.' The News as.for tbe publication of the reniiens o! the disagreement beteen M1r, Brown and bis coileagneg, and' sapat that the public interest denandtiiis. Ins anoalier issue the Sacclabor sayé "Tire iaîcat rumeur about Mr. Brcwn's resignatieaa ii thrit the quatstion ci patron- age b.d mucii ta do waiit ; andal t thei main causei of disaigreeneait Lad rrialioa te certain appouînmeots require iniu!luroni and Bruce, ad in- the Couni>' of Itenfrun. WC dorâ't beliecu a Word oi it. The Cobourg .Sentînel epeakas of the éptit ini the Cabinet WîthI"feelings of re- gret," anid gcais on te 8ay witb flua ircny and siaream-Theaure rmnen anionget us, Càriadiacat, wchose services couid bc dis peaased cuti ait lue.,Courcits aofibhecounît-y, but the jua>n. George lirenaisil Coi that man. Ilis aboie tifo lias been chriquereal wîîb Iiairbreadtb escapes in lbhenvarices battie fic tis8 on which oui amibes have shaed gier' on their country, and lbis ciptoniatic <kilt lians ,a'aed wîr and blooead hnria cars peaietrauiug eîtatcsaan noul taisînbie tin tlle meuiLI of ianterniationialcousion Nu Wnder ituaI the country' il lu loirs mirer tue crueti>' of thosu doyven mniuwtia blind>' iraloved i iacir owu eish Inclina.- tiens, atia refuseti te bariren ente the wia. -ieom of the cmii>'statesman wb, hies lit'ted the countrýi te ber proeet prend position amoe the qaions of the carta. Twnaiî ycars ago, nilen be receiveal hie Wcii mcri- te riump'e, aftor the masanerofet iiUtn naa, ni'ia be laid l'is nîitoee&resies btit te lire gaies of our cies afler con a quoring th. savage bordas cao Lad rise. in résistance éaiasthé Cana.di4nBév, lie people coulai ieDot hsat e ae tyranny as théeiclven seniiiors bace latari>'b visiteal on bis venerable bead. nie nas a bhon prescnted nitb relits (rom the autrent capital of bis fiaetLer landl, prend cf its i ITspriué,tand al eigîd lathe ver>' lîartis g of bis people,. Wben ho wailaid, tb. lads fit wbisporeti, utîbere lie ile," ad atiaà4abung ni ver bis seli-sacriftcing careor cith conder ti uald delighs. aRice iben, lac bas grovain Dla in tîae mervce of lais ceuntry',lais baïr ir silîereal o'er nitb the serrows cf tine, id bis coice ne lomnger tingî tbrengb thie mi sui Ui ton their Aged Pi'am, and ail thse Power fJumiecomit Save pou froni the wrrrtb of M, ec ot!end9d Joce. Puer Brown, hbve nie red to Bée Iou aborn cf pur glor>' U a s analful of landi lubbers nihose pulse nover 'et te the martial atrains Of -tise pibrc, th d4 wiuhenenyer haut'te rtcoiva îLe lac OmageoOf uhtgrcaýt rthe hbmioïa cf-lb. TI ted. .du *Ohc, it wnis pitiial, Naear a wtaoie City-(ai brind o ad ceeY But vengeamie, swift fo<6îed vengeance, lut scun ceertalt theaenuirao!.sofbis ronga. Thoe e, wbich bears epen ils te riait thé marks anad star# of blciip be elais, avili findal nnîta,,,. Aiasto r4ieliéilt t 'npee hisionoldr Utti1 Johi A. foDuiuaid Anti bis ieu asociiles 'are tirapped je te opic. anal periab le thé chasos lises proua.- éd. Bter tUat ,ce sbouui4 pilientier tLe humeer caf-that cbiailsuapiopepmt cite gives dreaticai, a span extsatifug te tle monta ifMe>', Iffl, thé.au lon Baonu's fuli ie tIraw s mas minstontqu"oqe cnfi, mien. -Aireati>, nie tiink ete e tle lest& -of tierectI imFiaibing tbavards e he pilt,. I temolishing ita Inîret crowndiebtéIt*5 aud toaaag ilis hemutifut ecîmamm W-0Itt~ seetlhing Sylla cf dia, Ottawa. WC joieu à thé piecemiom, ana l cuulgl> ' ,ecoanlt the dedss wnicirh ntîtîlizu thé aamer ottlis uiaildie, putilt, net pWlpanthrôpist - sultabie te, the Occasion, Nttiunh.i griéa le Dcw st ils bighéat ébb, and ti h culti h impruident for us te la>' the lait atra n Jh. popular botte, sefer the present tw Icava thls tnalanchaly sniject. the i. Oa-va Tme îênon nuderstued tu b. (Icvernmemit cugae,) gi-as te nisel>'ia>'ing tiraItile Gorernbet t ins, in (ail cunflalcece do 'gice. tha IttSoni. of ur cunlemperarles qteppot c ugreatly exercised i hpépculations as te the canae of Mu. Brown'& resigraticu, nianal tras laugel>' upen ibeir invention te landalt-beï n prescience. The bolegrim tu{ti Gl1obe ebieh cas pnblialbed pôtfiûral ouglal bbe an amîmnor tothe biatmptiea thai Mu. Browin lad un>' tetiai differenc citb bis coiieagnes-1t ii pne seme Il"m- portant question," 'tid bat ho declinedti a h. respensible for tbe course le hé takeu. The important questionniwastuisoaleaigtmatei buit tbe inféerence anal reference nias made te th. question cf rociprecit>', nas se in evitabie teit la. ibat ranminigb: rend. Tht suggestion about ltme patroaage of iua e anal Rerafrew is mumpi>' a combien for tht ttisappeiaatcd part>' le fall epen. Tht pt-osent ha certain>' net the lima for ex- plaaaatiees, nor are the celumats of a anews p.sper the proper place foi the expoaition of th1t causea chicît bacc led a Miniater of the Crot-ea l idran front the Cabinet. Wu' haves ne doutat, as w aaae befoît sînteal, but .batîinasallaine seasen the pt-c. per expianations ciii bu pubtic> muais. Uaîil iben ce reconinena ont- ccnfre-s ost retuin their curiosilo, amndlpossesa Ilici ioule in peace. Thc Port Ihope Guide bias il Ihat- "The tien. (hec. Bronnresigned blis mat in the mincar- on Tuesa lait, ecing t> snme diafreaceor opincion, but the 1point ai issue h nDot Io be auibet-itaiiveiy disclos cd tiliPutarlnaent meeta. Ramer bas i ltai the dittirence nus on the lcciprocit> tueaty, bul ne canet imagine nuail lthe nature of a difere'ice on taisubjr.cl nenil b..' That t-diable andi niat respectel of jounri--tie Kingaitu lNewcs attiges that -IWlîatit hkaien i leimp>' oi a nega- tivo ciîîmacteu, nftel>, Ilat tut u igree- mentl in ait in cannection cilla Couledera tien, cuida Mr. Brewn ciii contianue la support. It'bas heeaer, heeainiaicated ibat the cause of rutur-e us a point in the eegaîiaîis for the renewai r. thîe He proci>' t-cal>'. Official rist-rn-e precents att> ackila wienemntlii bst is ibathefilet but front nitat is pafsiaX ini the ccicet pretî>' ne!!l uforernc, i sari>'be fa-lt certain that it ii bore niher e oiint cf différence ic-i. We lecri i imenoed tbait Mr. Birowrn sonadsalaone et bis peint, hut tbal aerartbelesa Mm. Hiaaland,jenct-dit- ta gaiathlie conftidence Dit bis coantituictaîs. bai repaireai te Toromnto in eider te #-at- sult niala Lit leading supporters anal te lalte ibn vies of ibhelisterniparty chettier Nir. lIrowta', place stsoitd bo filletul ib>' anetiacr of Ille par>' or cliether the ricin- r>' cha o l.,tî làt 1 e ra-e iactiran of thc hedi tf IleCaibiniet. If tmiiinfor niatiort hc correct, hà!uitiiws thut Mr. Fheciaialbau bis ansaver art lu reserce, 90 Ibat tbere ie a bare ponsibiltît>'of fur bher changea in the CabîfnaI. 'lhe proba. îiiiîy, brînecer, in thut thoeenuli beo n adalîîioal dlsane, ince ih is iriaced Ihai Mir. lironin'. tient ciii moi be stareal generaiiy , anal beace it i.fait tht Ilte Cabtiuet viil gotaasmg vwr>' ceil, asi h nIll continume ta enjos> lIéhe spper oi the esigmisi meon cmthe &aimnportant auner of C onfedoation and cas the general prinaciptes cLîih made tise pele>' of the goccrumteat. Oýur oca epinion ls iie~m Il tbat Mr. Brown bias heen, ai Là buai aleapi piact inaeif,at cbïte-cuiaist in the Cabinet, a neil as cisebere. AUl specelatlon maid irmîes, arec ul>' sncb, anal muât ho ce- eardeal ut their value. As te Conservative arbo2aaice-avb'n aid Mr. Browa cr bis iespapereveu doecrve k ?7 We ibaillson 1mlai ave schah ce- andl that'.the sumicg 1P cf ie .malter. OurIgAuuîtaipi Etectacas. if le w e e no a bacs commnnaiisîmubers, have set thoens- Ivos teoncrk tolugel up an -excitament in 4e tenq,0amat tc mra>' eigbr againat igiabor lu eleantien etrif, andtomoil., 'heir atiention h1mai reis morten I«potial> ireeted î to tb#mtb ýWaid, chéraltbe> tigine tual théir cnning wdli provoeue- sual lunmkIegdopes cf maen, cime sonld. rm, bard expemieasee kauni botter tbami là. sn tu thae ia-eles. Tie>'bavéemiaver pl eeu suecoasini, ama, tiotavbtbataniiag ail air iianaisbimeela, thé>' are a i itle litaI>' qw to acceott àa ever tbe'y nére. We iia litîle lime ago1m limai Il ou1d b. for. 30 interest cf ltme tei l e eoteetid o mnnuli, W. Ibinsaho stili. Dr. Paunn denel ati r, ni.Blar, 14se beau selecteal as rspuesentatics, (ot-ime centre W ordtere -place Mi-. Po j, i r (lune. AÀ botter. inlectlon 11ea,, yj ý posaihî>' a mde. Mi-,Ma4n;'ît1 a large' acqnainteuee vita munic1ýi ltas i no man'si nféir. r . MîcDIa largge lmadholder ibuththé?wn-oue a thre faim- ing cus aithin lime Vurport, hu, coasideriug Ibeir waalth, amm16fâo aes t4t>'pi>' bate but enjupeala auup cit- e tentation bieretofere. Thé>, l l.taMf. Yarneld, a ieading tmorcimant, nW ot. imotfadmiurable reprebontaîlvos ici' thé Contre Wardocf he teon ci Whi tbp. 'rbelr eiection b>'accimmatiemin.aaU, > e aili be, silî b. -oe i ~A consiulilaasLuiî iîaticonly<o e aba Itit le n lnoa', ciîb mnui îéinetaneé that Mi. Macilneil bas giceu Lia consent te bu a candidate at al; andl Ibis baimig tie caue it le not te ho uxpeetedal uabli aili tuk0 aiy trouble about secnring bis enin election. Ver>' iikelp 'ha neuld, cenaniltin ghm bison cenvenience, prefer to ho dcreated, ianceet a ceaicat. Bu't wtt appreiteard ne contes' ; ana L T. . Mac doneil is nec a min chose services, neither, the Cemntre ard, uer the Ton cr'Whith>a con afferd te loue. In the South Waîal nihetat the asiscbief makere have been bus7, thora is actanali>' an efl'art cumnienceai té dis1îlae Cuptain Iloavo tlustead o! alect- jeg te ver>' dirgible, cou qualifleal ol4' cunecit, sente people aho eevoimalté tîeir appearanceen Cahîe surface except il etectien lime 'Iwaut te Lace a change." And se at a preliminar>'nmeting, bata the G rend 'hrunk botl, on Ft-ila>' eveeiug, last, ne loe than ine candidaîda noee nminated <fir municipal honora ; nilîliun clijeet, of cour-e. To a gentJemaai ef Mue Gibson's standing, anal lis enexceptional kinahi> characler there-can h. nu objection. Soins cor>' favorcd represenîaîices cf the South Vard comilti illimigly'-anal are wili.rg te gice nia>' tebis approacb le niuricipui honora. Naither noulai tbe vote of the W'IIT13Y CIIiONICLE be kepl bait, il necr-ssary, fromi Itîrmiaihs Gilson ini tbe Soiuth Warai. Ail 15 Be kiudi>' atur- ed émonget ita,.. hrenght forward inî tLej Seuth Ward, cil, ons or tave, perbapa,1 exeptiens, ibat thure la eething nocessar>' to bo saial. The 10cmn il!liéo Hippy ailla -tadr r-t 'Ta,üc iài ca-trcr c amer Anal nimbont pusing the aubject famihtr, ne malis holal te cay that Cap.îuin IBosc, Mr. Gisen andaiMi. Thew, cuil e elceti ropreaientativea of thte Sonuth Waird. PIr. Bon, (foiJames lice.& Compemi>'> Whc wenid have ne difflicuit> ia being electea, bas matgnaaitnot>sIy gicon place te the tlréo gentlemen '<vuhave naenticîed ; and, wiüi tLe assistance of bhe g<îod mon mmcd true cf tlae SeutLh md-ltt' heniJamees Ron., anal bis tamillp,ssih lina Irish genmp osit>',havé havi Leipeaito ecocal, i 1 j tiVesmi lIiti., pst.>' .aaaiu, va Dis abietl wcinte isters; here caih b pre- nooiuprvkeucaltlfu diffictit>' about tise etactuon in the Sèah aa ndromei Warti. Thse Jnn'gc'. Letter. Thelqw te2*ry et TIseNew t-egstryAd, laanctiier coîunWCpubliis , e loer ?oU8ib)r'%~tv-mnwV' ~ . j uelSetu anti gooti-nainreal Co. the lait sosabmof PatIrlimeut cil! tS"L C ti reicrenc e otme ramants nie unîcersalpaffect Uppor Cieaa s isa i e t!êtt lot1 upocito maieen at ceeks ro- reapecling Registuation cf Tities. ',1m" îLý1'e apiritural desiutioniofciprison. bll sIee oere the alion.anal ceunir>' er CtMdin Le Cont>' gacI. The tbree peurs, anti haviug heen reierre-1 t O er is'C cy ritteu 1c te poituot mn rioeu ltaitfouiseelect conicuttees, C%*err vii ear apsa ehv priseal ai practicai nmen, sceli acquaink ~committeai rfspedtting îLebotaids '#&îtiste cih thé carkin8 af IbLe liC Mna> ' ,,appeitaineni pi a cbmriu." Non, Ibifs nithout toc ntadl exeggeiatiou, that t j wn nber tise -objec nor poupon -cf île uno n laueaml>' As perfect a chapeas bumnti'icle. W. coofesatt Icnh ignoance cisalon ecult mate il. la glieg greàýr .2f dis Iaw te derttike ils duîçuulietiaI secerity ferrlcgisîam-ed tiîuas, Et becif6# sn>' time. But tberc ; a as imebeaucaWiedi nouastar> le mauerUyaipchange tise n*4tme a tlaligkléc tcm,s<4iboe ut w e Cceght te cf registraaion. Afteî thé fluai cf Janb*aer, proféda le havaei >ain kiuedge AI. &Uin lstrumehniaimt- b exécutei i pin 4- leasa, anti bich, as ce undeistenti, cste, et ous aid tire sanie lime, b>' Ail lt& anti dsirati tee co>' lto ur i reatiers parties anti ail tho citaises. Ou the r"imres clergymen, cisether- chaPluinS dopticite for registration isla teob. tticaaalor net, taeek cil the ceak anal erring the illiaait cf thé duoeaxeotiezi cf Ilcaanti sieful cf outrracesnihéraver usa>': instrument. 'Plisa affiavit cfaxceiqo, e>' iste -feuti, anti atmimister sncb ia addition to chat las oo reqlict, out at pirital conifuri and oitscrinie asU state nihetbor the citucas teénone or their W macei m> reqeima. That tItis hati ceeue, cortii not kan lb. pats-.tot-he net been dtie.fui tle huies of the gaci, instirument, Thé signattre cf ilhe citoa cas brougmt ver>' pruperi>', te ligimI, by thé lt le afitidavit muit hé susbed Iihiu publie preseelmeel of a Grand Jury,'m uit von h<ud-wrilig, ania ae new clu la ailt iit anal 111 tes appeas. te ua, sscI a Part>' " e thé instraumet csem s rbealeriicticu cf'Chriathan tiaty, at dé coneelva witues. Sbculdti ier. Uc no u tolioiîs la>- ruat imnâera of the Gospel- matbi salexeet tti te cita tirsWbat muallereti il cimteér an>'offici- orignali; the, b>' eitadbing thé isqulsite appointaieat voue matie or not 1 Woulti pruef cf oxecetiou, - tbe original caniro 'as>' clergyman Lave iscea rqfuaeti uamit-- reccualeti ithottàa tplicate. IlreTuentsICI]iCe hY tire keeper, iflhe bad désredtotc tutiedanti executatihéforé théeBit of '<iii thé intiates la'ia t 4 ninltéiat e-. Janiar>' by proaiucing the neqe!ssry piol pacit>' P<'Tit.negleet cf w cimiel nt. e"a ha ecore itieie throsagiamemorsials, plaiDee cas, tirai dalla ilcasusAnmach ci viten no ammrial oa lii pratiaçébti he odaty of thea çiergy le -pimivide deposliig the original ia ta. Regisir>' for thée spiritual vanta o f thase pour cfice, Deais tof' lantd âçItifor taxes, or people, as for tlaose wcioad At ated caler an>' civil pro" e rv, oora Ille pý Iliair 1Cimreheo, tbel, uiruitgeyo u t of lb. Act, aisibâ t h ecorledthina coeueglected le do no. - 7ley, til nota vieil y.ur aftor the passing of ta.e.Act, ad ail wsckedmes iiiraMtstc , 90eatv0r'l siia eth rcaiter resae, muai bc referai il, -lbaite(t mets, cornaiandaleil- i-et-ded nithias six mconthé, or tise perties dren, upon man>'ocf 'chets thére au a fai cbîainliitb cdeetis cilii le thir or ity tisaneS of sMainlg, at AUievmntl'mpiesslonsa As, ageinst à,bcliaflsipurctýi-, e ,,.for the btter,. cltlint altbor- orut or couperaI. seul, ,canon ha.,recertiet on, lime pîo-paymoeî cf inenty-f*.cents. W. neeti not adal tiat cach f e!the fore- goiag sg etlacf anaimipetaanee hi lUner- esteti in réal eouate. Thé «Whe, Ad aimes nt ilniking a Regialry ciice1 i hut t h onla bey viz -a perloct recordi (or evar>'îie. W. perpea going carafuli>' lhrongh th# Acî, anal, front uimno tu lime, gliug ai iongth snob portions as mure immodiately iffacîili prcpert> holdari. A wanmton attitok on Mi. terrir. Theé lait issus cf lthe ilitle sheet publisi. eti ai Prhnce AlLert centaine a niest san. dalons and canten attacaiou Mr. John He1m Peru>'. Thai so mach unpruveketi sonîrilit>' cliihé contiemuet b>' ecerp rlght-iminPLng nian niho tuons the gentle. -mie aqseîied, anal coudismuet, toc, tenlte cm>' that it deservas te ha, wne oaletain -ne dcmiit. Mr. Porry'characteu-paiticamat ptis'aîoe-reqnii3 os nedafonders.]le cnt>' iaerglms et th.eil-ratared, umiti '<r>'hidi>' critton icribbliiag cf bis ieabio issaiants. Thome ltte people nu>' have au ubject te, gain in tibelr pettp aard-petitica bp dragg- ing in Mu. Pcui> i ne i!n coetfnotieu nith the Wirdeanschp. But il ha a coup mnu anal a pat>' shit, anal a ver>' dis- creoitahle une le ieout te. Ui. Per>' Lais luneocm>'preooed tLe attaot. In coasneoîe cla ibe Wardcmamhipci Omtareo avedai nctt heiant e cay tut Mr. Per>' hu ntotcca Iroughout titis peur ofigracé, 1865, 'openot i s lBp'i, sc furaseho cas personuil>' cenanernoal, te Caie sulînu>'in- divialual in ibm Ceuni>' uospeîieg i. The nrarlenship of Ontario-honorable a it is -contda adinetbing le Mi. Perp's poai, lion ar ubaracter. Anal ce fer ai Lis fionda are ceucerneai. bis abiliio are far more usefu! can the loor ai ibo Conicit ;-more useful te abe represcnîatia-as, anal henefii te tise Ceuni>', inmIciadiasg thon ciîh bis long expaîlenct, tact, andal iilit>', anal se dirocaimag the Ccumiay allait-s. Wiîn Mr. Perry's aune bas bacon prepeseal fer tLe Wordenablp, analonec, ait temt, cithout. Lis Ownunish or econ consert, tLe reeces anal depuaies nere eoent>' dirideel, anal the grentleanaiei.cîed, titileau, oui>' took bis Bout b>' Lis ô wn vote. Blut tbese mie mat- toua on cbicla ne cen allaidt-a e save tLe spaco ne bave te apire. Mi. PerrYli atiegeai anmit>' ote sTreasuret- is a base- leus fabrication. Mr. Paxtoni Las ne weutnt or hator 1publie friemia. Do %lianse pqeopie cIao write snob fiaiseboaes ferget titat il vais Par. Per>' eho sucoedea ini bagving Mr. Psxten's matir>' aiscîl fri $800 te $12001? lac>' are but ptaciog Mr-. Paxtienhamn unwarraulahly (aime position b>' tîeir miarepreetatiena. As ce have 'aid, ILere muet be an object in - his aitîclt on Mar. Pory-eiaher te belpi Seieolia t.ciad purpeeocm jerbapa le lb N. W. lirue0a, I8. flgtrETEiriSIR:lê~ufb we, I wlýe r h Weithout dtichocneeof the ver>'bont iciscol eximinalioni ciluassotin ha iitb>', cvu that cfltme Sapai-at. Sbeeol leib is to*n, presideti over b>' Mr. Meipli>, helal un liai Titerda>'. Thore nias au aptiiue fer practicai details& bcuglit intc reqnisibcmi lu everyia>' 11fe tuat oeasoltionsi finals. All cas prtae anti useint thora nias ne show for lime sait cf m nilug an exhibitien. Cbilrcu ai ton pears extracteal the square anti cube, anal gavo the propor legicai, ci pot-Laps ne shoula baive said -truthini nia- ïhenitat reasen- for doiug îcsatin cimilairoaslittia (animer adivanetiIn goitre disptayod a Iceonlealge cf Canadian Googra ph>' -smwing net atone lb. iengtb, breidtb, aresanaiaiextool cf torriter>', tLe ris. analenibouchmrent cf rivera, ih. aime anal aitution oi lakes; bat their iengîb, hcreudtL' anal depth-aed the latter nt ac- tuai git'ig points. las reading anal nuiliag anal the odiet- usefal branches cft a com- mun Engliab oducation, an equal tiegrceocf anecesafel mal-aneenI nais exhibited. Du4Gn'nn, (ne Jncompetentjudge,) express. ed lîlméoli atenishedeti ttha pregresa cf the pupi!., anal unst deiighîed nt the uesmilt cf clint Le saw. There net-o, perbape, moue thon ocau humodrea pet-sona ptosent- uit é«nlicatoalanal iutelligent people ansa ahero cas but coegratifleai expression of Opinhon aamuatheni m1i, la !s ver>' pleatng te ns le b. able tu record these marks of ipproi-al cf Mu. Murphp's tuition. Ho ha donc e a ot dent ince bus advent ine h.teaivaof Wiibp, tenarda hleping those piaceti mnder bis chargé, te a souna, néofiai pan ricmcmiEngliali educaini ,anai anai bis suaneaes bas surpriacd se main>' dii nié cannet refrain troin osing nihat might eppear expressions cf exaggoiation. But5 lie desercos ialianti in eaplngwciti ne bice, ave ara but csupiy perioiming au met Orijustice, ascciii as one o! dut'.le aies- erias alîl e- enracgeent- bieliais eatn ed it in faL-that tais grent onricdesa as a Imut reoiitlcts liii toi The Ottawa Timinas asnrking ts taow te the public ',iteists lte constitution -ont labo pcak, places bhe Britisah Lin rit iî.4 pt-en anti curricia ati ilamnain the Maplu Icsi and Bciaver." Woiail citla pleasure thse ativunt ci thie excellent journal, pobtiatheti anti con- datcted b>' Mr. Diviq, att bbc Cetitol. '[lac Tii-sew avit, no doastt, tnke ia laice in thte fluet rnk of Ihutiiie, li Cita-ut; jualgiaag fromnt tenurohers ne hanve rceivea t kil'- dosaibais aireal>'donce se. -Timero are ma>' diflcuitics te be ocercome in stt- in ai non journalitate nitch-ttie ,tniraitiati -are étrangers. Tîmosu difilutias bthe Timea# Las atreari>'ocercamne, on it-q fit-st appear- inca. Tltc-elics o! our new coîaboanper ut-y ire, 'Inu are giai tale y, rncanpreae- héamgly Conservative." flot nbile 8a101tisl tisae it -ill b. formncit in tbe adcocricy o! Ait noecsfiry i-dormt, WC. iai t lite 7'imneséubitsaatiîl iuccceas. t'rceulumtttcon to ait., i<Iikléna of tIse Whttby Grammmai Sciaoise On Frida>' 25tb hast., prapihas anal xar-e pila of the wbitb> Graninar Sciscol, te tbm nimber of 130- togretmer cible a urge> tunibeof visitois, min>'of -eboîm nce front a distance, itsonibted Ithe graumwar - schoci for the porpe of piasenting an1 ailtrots anal testiinnai tolbros. Kiricianal Esq., tisa Baud Maisir. Tho atteudac cf visiter&svuiaihll>'respectablo, a nal enibrîeed a large sprinling of roverend i gentlemien, anal cf thoe. heteging ta thé teauneal proftstions. Gorige. IL.Dari.ucli, Reqaire, Chair-- min cf the Board cf Graninau Scoec Tratea ca calei t ti. eti r. 'h theoizer, bi eor, heq tid ul(cane 1<1 unt Pis POeUP lesfails- -Se inueli Ù16 Wurlie f)rer iafjItla." Sc dl-twoeld appear frein îb.o Charimi'i letter that the Special C initte nmade ne report, but thiat te duS, meut'peblisheci by yen sucerai Wces anX~' wut mafacturcd on the spot by iii. meeting. It ine ho defenco of. tus, wbicb thte Chairmami mne deubt Ioei won raller a vulnerabia article, *wben takemi in cennec. tien witb the facta Of tbhecase, and upen whieh I feIt it te be ni,- duty te muitnd. vert, that he bas rusheal te the reuey aniord in band, nitîs a lice fatal resuit, a@ bis prototype ini tus respect, the 44 pueip. ous Demi" in Lais fanions contest itutb lb windniilla. 1, bacv e ojnclinationi te felleo revcaend gentleman fnrtbcr in bis ur- ed assertions anti ln hid equoli 'umifoumialca jcxnmîuatlloe c(r niGmmar scitoel The Ezamining Commitîee for Grammar Sebooul- Sciarsbips niat for husinessaiat îLe Victoria hetel, Prince Albert, on Fci- day, tbhe2m,îd 4st.- Preeaî-Rev. J. D. Gibsoas, of Uxhîrjlg, lier. J. Camipbell, M. A., cf Brock, Winu. McCathe, L. L. B.,- Head master of théi.Uîomi SclaooliOdbawi, H. Raazie,Faq, fenad Master cf te Unionr School, Mauilla,and Jnc. Thonipson, A,13. eiadMaster cf the Unhion Schooi,Uxbriclgo lu tha absencecilla. chiait-mma, G.H Darteti Esq., Bari'istei Whith>',) Ravi J. Gibson nias appointetichairmami pro tem. Mr; MeCahe presente isa pper on Englisis Guimmar; Mu. Thonipson one-o Oîîliegriphp aaîd Derication cf Word&; Mr. Campbell cee on geographyl anal Mr. Rasin une ou Ariibnioii-ahl of nliich, after heimag rand, diiunseal. ad a (on un- hiportanasilteunions nmade, cet-o unmini'i- cusi>' adupte a s tLe triaipapora fourItîe ennie- Examimatlon. Beaidreis hcte crillen examinatieus ihere cIt b. exerciàeis in rondiag uaidwritiîtg. l'he seomoluiy nus inîborizedta tegel 1000 copies cf ecieotfithlse papgrs priaitca for the exatnaatieau. Ienias aise insîruct- ed le' apieparo nà circular, gel it primteil, maid disîribaleai ameng the échec! sections of the Cont>' nt as cari>' a date as practi- cible, se as te gia'a al the' information necessary te titose ache in mtedt ifscn.- pele for tb. Schîolarsbips. The exani- ion nuiaaîîir tea te take placeun Tuestiuy A<at-ii 3rd, at -tus Toani hall. or otiier muett cencenient phacelheur ithe cemat-e cf eace township, - the exaialieat te commence ut. 10 e'cinct a. ni. Afler alloting te eaeb member bis apprepriaite part cf thé exuaniiîaioaa, the conianitîee idjrined te meet again nt the Victoria LuOe, Prinîce Albert, cmi iho secondtiMon- day in Aprit, ai i0 O'coeia, a ta. A nimber ci ihe Uxbriclg Ceutîcil being asted b>' a fr-.lien nembar ta nove thibt the Council do non ajurn, sine dlre," nwroithe fotiewing resolution, anai placea iti in the Lunds of the reeve, ciz: "Mr. -, secontird b>' M.-, noces flinat this Council do non reljouern, resine, or die." Ed. Fiact. L:C'We admsilttis w6ek a letter ironi Mu.- MeCabe, ln reli'tthat of Ilc. lMrt. Ctellamid. Ant-naît certu"inlit îsuait! ho the tsIt on tite subjeot that chat! bernent eut- redrs im titese columaîs. 'PLot-e at-e, ne shouiri in justiole ten1ev. Mu. Cleitanal mi>', otiier partie.salto reprezentet imuna ilais office biamniaibie for remît-icimade in edîrialltp referiiigîto thes subjecu-. Ta 1h. L'ditor of -te lVlItlby G'Irozicle. Dtan Sir: 1Irerlt iat 1 nas cempeifea te ask spaco te malte a fa-w reniMarkst-e- spectiog ite ver>' unprofeessional produc- tion, cliicb aîîpeamed in the lat issue of yeer jounal,- cyeu tho signature of 16Win. Cteiand, Chairman, Conmi>Bflerai ofPub- lic Instruction.," - Yenunit observe, Sir, thut lte verbeuse report ncconipauping peur corr9épondpnt's lottar, anal chich. is aileged al b ave been drawn up b>' i, nas rejeeted b>' ihe Ceçuni>' hourd, asti pet, aotlisîuasdiaîg thus, il appeara te bave laeui senit te yen as "anoeturorpout cf thie ourd'cf.Pub- lic Itttracin fortllis Cotintyým andl the 11ev. Mr. Ctoland actuaily b h& eaffi-on ter' to ebad-bt as sncb. Wiîb regard, tg th!* retport, la il not lt ne, that the ra-cenal gentemen's, celilcgue un tîte epecia cent- mitice rofuseile c i-,n il, hecauâte h cas contraft->'10ecideace? lea Itnt aise thé caoe, tisai, on (bis greOuni, it t sîracn overboard, b>' îLe gehiienian'scoti.aguest >Muatîbt net-have been striting>' ovordore, egregleal>' nueng, te bave rocaivea snoh a-itaimp ai limai (rom te CountypBoard? Sncb heing th. fautt 1 muiÉt citbconfi- tience leave the* subjoci eîbuonifuriber ne, tice, di. cenalemnation cf Lis producionm b>' the-Buard being aàsou ~eut.-rapi> le b,.aisA tira é ut1lntan' f. oarndr YCM proîl>' buodcia'om cf thea Tccn citha ser lanet more (t-oqmentlyi tbeir miniateriai caps.i cargeabte igiest u chulal net b. agaieatf uither igainit the Cou sconer ippoinletisaCM Intice. Sudh person1 cou 1thé egeo ol emtd pobm4jksimnie-itmad sen tbeOIpre issemble il linsu of s eWrihips noathori>', thée fficeri noci b. requured tolu eut dlons. Anti I aim ief ire ressua for an apjo part cfOce eug>', fci btctoe b eld reiponsi 1 ai taiy tiTi TEINHÂTIS]a Êngligk connut ai tle bis bouse a fev Huyl Bamave, lime rebel ci 101n vLg'Ge p lim by fo ad thei.pa poutoe iOn taluen ou ce the iea shore.1 inenceal te cmeak th, conesliebuse, iana tauing ovem>tbingi banda ont To finis1 up by pniiing don hi stanipeti ou il. buard thé BuRdlg,à tain chat Lad bean Salnavé uslaing wcli repilidthat chat bu sica., and--amrxhNa mandeti satisction, a'eitioui. Ab une dL-ce oena I banve chalilnoet i Linte- preduce th., minutes cf lb. ovidoace tlion b>' the élacciail coanmiuice anad 1appeau te -yen, Shr> nihather il contai net Lu moeoin no- cordaacri cuLbis position te de sae hibu « ta uttenipî as ho bas dene, te fraine a decisior for thie public, cuaich Ihave sbocn tLe evodenco culiraot narrant. ,.- Ias concîn.îbe, I ihaive oite cheve - itit tIse reverenal gentlemain takes upuai Lin- soif te aumi p and Jecidtha îe wolts ues- tien muid nithoni aetieing furtiar niant lie se grailuitoasl siy suiames, 'itit mn>'e nm i>' n îei im u Itît bis producabatia peau prefof etLis iitiess fer anytbing qaîiaiaîg the possession cf goad' soasse or' propor feeliaag. If nota semée c f justice' te alLers yet anothor clase of fcetings aoe porsoau!leaLini.seut< uhari haiva preve-miteal a clergyman, frein giviasg thoenmîhorhîp cf his positive assertion le unwnrinteti cOn-i ciusaeîis." - - WILLIAM McCAflEJ Decetnber, l9th 18C,5. 65Tor-y Irititaegamî'l mbronaf, 1ilit! neild tlit evlira-a t-a adift weaa it i , a .re -ac rial s itiri cr ais l." Tàkotklhnî1i t crrpI' eca- hatal brick-no, iiuitea-yoan aie, arccuaitaatle pour frieais. 7e lthe Edioosaf the IJ-'lby iÃ"hronjaier Sian: Om'sdiîa>'ovininr, lte 191h inti Mr. .Iairnn McCimt-oll beiler knaticaa -Ferr-y Ftmaegan, "aiel! voed lis, eeraited lectureoil Tte lieusethai .Jaickbuiti," ini Ptani<'à hait,1 Uxbmiahge ci;uîîge, hefere a largo, trirpecaaabto andai btetigenuat ince- alce eviaiceai their appt-eciuaiatn b>' repeaieti il audits. Of the lecture it is aimes%*f, aaot onîluel>' eselsform ne te Su>' ; fouri tma-spapet- proms, nirevar Y.i eari -bacs lectnt-ed, abonas niais emmendatory,- antices cf tite iiîeraa-y norias of bis lecturo avhicit arcquiîe italVacitit te establiabhbi* cliaineter as a- lecînucu et ne toan aitli- ies, as mue cf ne in2easiderable nîtain. mnaautd a a Flautisi aithotit an equal. But as tiaoiu notices, ia>' as aRn>' notices nuitatulsortiofi ainsg bufoi! justice, I nia>'h Leparmîî:r't te -snggeséîtate loae *lc' bave noi yet ibeard bita, te cio nmenil-the iret cpportuniîpài fer bo tonal be board tc' Leb appreciateti ou underîood. In bis lectureu thero la mult te phase.,- ani tth inig te mur ci0anmmcy. Titrongheut tho wboiu, 'peuh>' flttsfhac anai epart!ea lilela. Encralal gens" att it-a g'olsi, cburniing ail ache heur Lb., anti el iliiing tLe atrongest approbnîer>' semon- stnatiens, J Aihonida aith genr of thougit arai exparesaiemis'AÈloî, if ece r, met iithin an itintîrant lochait-eu, Prom first ta lait,- ut ts ai >'anal- eloquasiat, pungani ant iin- etrutive. Lite aatilîful - rullitl cit Lis acalpelý, ha, wch iL bis facile Peu, impe'. bure tLe énesa, ast-ceai anal muscles cf uthe- faibles nnd eberîcominga cftise viari-w "Jiacce5" Laihonors witb a passhug noti~ An cami. hoapnulîua ite hobau, enil!j* anal hoaling, te thu accunda ho bas jutl piobedta te Ieir mtimoat deptb. Anti thusir b>' a jutiioos usé cf the pen anti probe, the bain anal lte cii, lie nceode aid cur es altorate>' -witoi an apparemnt effort lu' do cithor. Grand mu thcngbt, anal equalt>' grand in expression, lae nover satiaias, he neveu tires >'cn; but ypenn heurt cillinb- trusivel>' meli wib regret, becusue hi# leature m'a ceming Iocaacloue. Prose ia l Puein>unito uin muarmonie nenibers te entrance anal enilirat an audi- ence. So ceomplote a communal Las Mu. MoCarrcit caver tLe wngea Muée, ai8nWail as oeor Lianieaslsggiah eonpcee,tbît Le 'la omiableai te combine the assstance cf tLe lave iitis ineffable cee)anal captivate ecer>' intligent lacaror.-- - Chailt ,iftar chaplet of cni-siuning pcetnp hé flîngi befdre bis heareft, as if' ihe>' neveu cour a thoaigitr -c a offrt.- Up amng the. stars-be is et- Jhome. iownt.,- b>' tbe river aide Lebc imihome. Âud"l~ wlether -ccurerng in the- laqar strate Of- cf thongit, or troadi'rg'aletig ise ampng tLe mreocomamen îhhi#1 t. lire , einthe~ saine pure, patienti nit, tLe acime eleav,-

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