Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1865, p. 4

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PulioXack to andl from'tho .'Cars. REITCEDPARES 1 A PublicIlhnak rmts.u-garty, on tis a atI- raial oreaeh train, f lîd isitatisa Wlut- stioni roin tise lh'al bite.aiaeliat Ail otliar ipublue~îsi i tomr. Familles îa- demmeadated. Noticeli left buf,:tueliîkiid at the "i.'l lutel, millI ha sttenuat tuiind 4lparties w lsilsgrte ciatch triiu, ptisîctsîeiîy cslled for ut tise aigi lie, isiai uot letpt msltIimg et Ilie bE14NJAMIN lIIIAN. 'Wlitby. 'dshib. 110, 1685. 86 THOMAS & 'IOULTEARD'S, UNE 0F STAESY - &,31), n. m, tor CUhioisbsim, Tluglai,âisis> ihetSoivis, ualla Mssshlhi, et- riie lit the hletecpn it 0,p. Ili., eolitiecting wvith Isle StmFges fur 1 lndessid istteuerýiiu. votuulî lststs Lit 9hl , til. ms.,- sIiçhhthJtmsh8 sisi t i sus> for otsdiiig triihusa an . T. IL., Ess,ýI. sisîl %Wsst-l,'sre frise sjliiss- w'a to Colisinhsîscý87$< s>iJ>to R.sghîii ii 0ceeits. ls rliuu Alb'.rtý7,5-ecits, $ms i 12,1, Ma-. Mel tS. lsaesi m.rs theisNorths etc Vicyci nthurs rit t Or4hîuiovare et eiuirea. h':xjrea lbîmis m a crsiiiult-Y t e ai- 0 l nmoito deltverd vih' tlihidtclt. Tiio pro ' rie. s'-kmgas ssics>c lurci s%.ýisleunifor lu ed., Vtitce; - 1 Just Received Epart 8î~art. 687, ~ ~ ou ifearer lIber, 15, N w prt 6 , A large Ilot oft us yI> lcprovet y.rimt <f W 47, Middle of eX3<il, ~~IRON DUKES, ALSO rTHE ARMSTRONGl As thse danand for thea aboya Fameous Stoyes, includisig thsa lniprevod PROTEOTIONISTt DAVY-OROCKETP M.&PLE ZLI&PP And stiirs of oxcellort qsiriliis Io rapidly itieroislng. A t)oarly euh would be. visebwo 0oalrg 1toke BOX,&PA RLOR SIOVES Of lte boit patteorns and lhevy motal. FURNAC 'ES, (%ca of wlic1s evory ferxaor ougJit te -baie, an tht>' wilt pmny for tlieremolveas in one -year. Ail thse above wifl b4 sold At l* Toronto Prices for Cash ~Eavetroughs put up- with Tron ' New Lisings put in gld ovenes. r-W Ropairlîîg proraptiy otttusc!d te At the 014 S tand, Brook Street. WM. BRYAf, At thea GIS Stua, lBrokStreet, Wliithy, Aug. 2", 1865. 33 WESTERN - ASSURANCE U1JMélANY CAPITAL 4000,-000 Preuinrt, 0Q0ux mesMm, B04, Vice President, Eozc. Jo ir M.Miaasoa4 &erelry and ??eaua-wr. __ '-I SIIERJFF'S SALE,0F LANDS COUNTY OP ONTÂMIO, 1 TIRTUCE 0r A WARLRAI<T TsSUED BY To Wit:e Troasuror of the Ceunf' etOntribearing date thse Twentlythfidy oef August Oteue tuousand 'eigrbt had dsxyfvm te me directod, for the collection et arrears mand assesaments duoetipon tise foliowing and», in the said Cuni', 1 hal on Truesday, the Thirteenth day of February Next, at tho bour et Tireivo 'clock, noon, at the Y)WA)VIERrrISEMENTS. CIIEAP FÂLLi& WINTER GOODS: AT-BIOUKLIN. Ohancery Sale GLOBE HOTEL T le a evwalko.nodostabliacte fo'nd .n ssmd raml teatend rsonallyot 'the wnis ef is goestss, &o. Visa press8ilis abeen aonvcnietly aud eomfolrtsbiy fitted up; psiutad, pspared, &o. witblsoserîs ofssoft watar te, mgi, sa d avary Inodoenisupvovonent te niaise tIse Traveller %s bouse dris.g hi% atay, and theo Table bosutîtal- lysisîpplIed At AI, timea. ifave just rece'iv ed their Fail Stock of FaIl and Winter Goods, wlîich having been purchased before the late advance, they are prepared to offer at IJNPRECùEDENTEDLY LOW PRICES. Fainily Groceries, a large stock of Boots and Shoe's-superior quality and cheap. COURT BOUSE, IN 111E TOWN 0F W11TBYCLOTHINo READY-MADrE, Procee te tho sale by Public Auction, of naid ands, or so much thercof as May be neoeiiary for the paysnent of sucla arrears of asacismeuits, unleis theseame, together with ail iawful chargsi, be ooecr paisi TOWNSHIP OP BROOK. LOT. 24, S. W. sitgt 21, 1. 2, u, lJart 4 North Be Ss'ath of li.IL 32 &liOs Wtn. 1,sîm,çds, là, iB. $lsor, 3la, N . s 29, CON" 14, 6i, w. r. 2, 2, 1, ACRIES. TEAJIS DUE. 2, 1 ier9. l1i. 185 3 4 5 0 7 s02 84. 290l, issu1 60 1 2 3 4. 200, jt 6'01 2 34. TOWNSHIIP 0F MARA. 200, 185960o1 28 4 7,5, ibft 3 060 12 a4 10), 1858 9a o> 12 a 10. 114-529 60 12 4 1t00, 185 "4b5a7 8 60 1 2 3 2. 15 45 &7 8 960 12 60, 1 657 8 9 taIf2 TOWMUIIP 0F PICKEnINOia 30, m 18 780 1 284 1 lrs W~, 18S02 84 100, 18092 6 TOWNSH[P 0F RAYA. 81, Front, vu, 18-M! 7 9 60 1 2 3 t%, Front, 100, 1it5ru137 89 4012 8 4 Ir, , 20, le5 687960 1 234 TOWNSHbIP 0F REACI!. N.4 8, 14, 106, 1M58 91 28 4 PORT PERRY PLA. 1856 7 8 CO 2 3 4 T@WNSRIP 0F SCOTTI. 5,193 - 1S52 7 8 96o1 28a4 TOWNSIIIP 0F TII0RÂU. 1, 115 18513 4, lo 184769001$984 TOWNSIU!P 0F UXBRIDGE. a, 8 îsr.î6 2, 10 -.. 1860801 24 2, 1 1 B526 1 9 TOWSI7sIP 0F WHITBY. Bl. F. ro,/s Plan 0/ Brooklin, er) 150 9.a4 6.1 lu os 34 is 18-W9 0;4 69) 1659x2 84 lit 1o54#2 34 TOWN 0F WIIITi3Y. TAXES. ItEMARKS. Supplos.sd te le 87 8A0. i',sicrted. 46 95. i'atsted. 191 80. uto. 132 71. de. 60 05. de. 40 63. de. 42 1 t. de. 4.3 87. du. 3ftý 74. dn. 121 90. do. Suppeesito te 87 44. Ilutguitat. 69 59. 1atelsted. 73 93. dis. 62 95. do. 7 47. dso. 15 03. do. 43 50. de. 96 M5. de.. 73 70. do. 171 41. dc. 4008m do 10 7 P. do. 18 70. de. 20 75. de. 2"0 M . do. 2 22. aIo. til7 7t. de. 13 94. do. & il. de. 6 60. do. a47. sto. 46. do. 8 d i,. lyort<i Fard, ITts4o>'Br" 1Strce4 1 11, 40 1 1059 do 1*3 1 8.W 852 P14 18519 ou I 4 8b7l 8 9 Oh> 1 2 84 1M59 61 1853 61 1853 601 4 155M7 v 60 a 4 1859 1851960 1 238 4 l5.4 a6171 2 a 4 1(8V 60 I 2 i Da1 60 1 2 a 9 11. 8 63. 4 I9. D i. North TJre-W<,am Famureoand KdUW'as 4w.-Pot Loit.. lust Hang. Brook St. liock, do de i do " do1 wo»lIam Bilock X, do L, lOleoit de do Con. 2. 27 1 M9 60 28 4 xNort)h Ward-Eagi Of Brod. &reet. si1 189 00 1 2 211 189 601 4 2412 15.56 1 28 4 TOWN OF WMBT. Centre TVard-Fdmg of rock i$r.oS 7 1859 8 1859 4 leu 780'ô128a 9 2879601 28a4 'WaP.aco' Plan Part Lot 279 Con. 1. à 1859$0 1 à8ê 410. dr. do. do. de. do, de. do., do. de. de. ae- aie. 29 and 80O, 498. Fitanteai. 4 49. 2 IL i 93. 8 39. 8 111. 278M, do. 99- 9,, 965. 8 54.. M do. WaUoasPlan Part Xat 280 Con. 1. 19 0I2S 4 2 4e 1 1 82., ls.~ - oie. .1~ do. Kello# Plan, IbaK ±Lot 20, Co m Il 50 1928, 5960148 59 $P1 w An 1 & .5 8 8 8 and made to order on the shortest notice, in the Latcst Styles. Tweeds, Saîinets, Flannels, Unions, &c., of our own Manufacture, SOLD RETAIL, AT WIIOLE SALE PRICESI Brooklil, Oct. 4, 1865. MýATIWWJ'N"SON, PLATCLIFFE & Co. 30 rJIIliE ativantiges offorosi by tItis institution for acqsiring v T1llOlG-1t PRAuCTI- SCAL. BUSINESS EDUCATION arc siperior te asîy Coin:uerciî College in Bri- tish Americus. Tise Branches tutght comprise everytlsirsg uccsary for tise Book Keep- er and Businoes Man ; tho>' insriuuîe- THFE A ÉTUAL BU-SINESS 1EPARTlff"ËNT -o-- ]3Y uVRU OFA DIJtBE MME 1SiAU , lthe suit of Notice to Parmers and Othersi GISN T'Se ANNES4 Will bc ofoered for saleoby Public Auction, with tb. approbation ef George Henry' Dartncil, Esquire, Master ai Whitby, up- on thse promises, in 15 parces, by L. Fairbanks, hr, Auctioneer. S&TURDAY, the 23rd of Pecember Next, at 1, p. us., tise tollowing lansds and pretnieo,,,being parts et Lot Ne. 28, ln tise lest concession et the TOWN'lSII1P 0F WIII1TBY- Now witin tho Town'ofWhitby. ]PARCEL No. I. Lot Nsp. 3, ors a plan eft1he, aiid Lot No. 28h, b>' John Shier, Esq., P. L. S., baariîsg date the 22nd day of Novembor, 1865, whici. plan wiii be prodîîced at thee 8010, contaîiig 4 15-100 acres, use or lemu. No. II. Lot 4, on the raid pIau, containing 4 87-100 acres, more or loim No. III. Lot 5, on tisaesaid plan, containing 4 87-100 adrici, more or lois. No. IV. Lot 6, on tloe said plan, contuiniug 4 28-100 acres, more or less. No. V. Lot 7, on the raid pla, containirsg 2 11-100 acres, mor rises. No. VI. la thse mes! complota arrneZmenît oe tlie k] d, being tsrrsisled wIth tire BANKS, a -Lot,8, on tisa saisI plan, coniaining 1 u.RCHM'i4rs ExponitIm, anud an EXCIJAN.'GE OFFICE, misicis arc open every day 08-100 aece, wore or leus. for tise transaction et Business. t2M Classes in TELEGRÂPHING every day-in PHONO- QRAPHY9 semi-weekly. W f'FOr Meotily <JUiC""fàe spoCC»nS OetITs:rr r-5c, asdreas <auclosing atansp), 1 MUSGROYE & WRIGHIT, TORONTO, 0. W. Fire! Fire!1 Fire --o [las re-opened thé. Carrnage Fact ory lately occupieci y DONOVAN WALKEY & Co., second door south of tizlate Factory, and opposite the Town li, Whitby, where heis prepared to NO' Vii. Lot C' on the Said plan, containing 6 57-100 acres, more or loua. No. VIII. 57-100 acres, more or lois NO. Ix. Lot 11, oun tIse saisi plan, containing 6 87-100 acres, more or lois. No. X. Lot 12,_ontise said plan, contuining ô 87ï-100 acres, moto or lois Lot 14, on tieseaid plan, containg 48-100 acres, more or less. No. XIL Lots 20 ansi 80, in tisa second range or Lots ou tise rcgistered plan of part eft<ha Nortis-ialt of aaid Lot 28. EX E C U T E A L L O R D E R Lots 138, 14, 29, sud 80, in thse third range, ou tise said luit mantionod, plan. HF, MdAY BE F1AVORED WITII. Whltbl, Apn-1 4, 1865. '1 ,WMI flnd e±cellent 811 conv'enîent accommodlation. ,Withm a lew; Yede of -the Publi6 Hall. Private Parlors Lots 27 mndz 28, in th is orth range ef thse sud lui mentionod plan. No. XV. TheNorb-bivs o Los Ns,15 ansd 10, ti thoebird range, -on theonid luit mentionoal plan. This proerty is illuated ou,,sal South ef Dundu Street, ibout a quarter et a Mile tram tise centre et tise TOWN OF WEITBY,., notsansd otiEi Tluojpnrcaer le te psy dos j1ender or ber Sohietom, fit1 81ini eqsusite ane.tenth oethb chas. nuone>', musaitue balance dnet ivîthb55ia oe rdontfrou but if tise balance excoSi8&2" Liqutore IWhtlestalcand gtio.n&'ni 'y Proof, by gall on or barrail; McNatîihton'a (Jenlevit, do, do.; Ilampler'. Extra Rectifled Whiîlcov, du. do.; beet l'art. 8h orry and Cogninok ranr;y for the ,'îok, with à lint ut Lllior ad (Ilirof iliendOAbfatldP; A. 1LEXANDER. Itraolclln, .Jan. OTthi, 1863. 4 STAGE HOUSE,_ I-SAAC FENTO.X, B) EST %Wiiîccand Il q dirm; tnporinriicoom 1>iiiouatioil tortrave!lIors; good itiibiingtiiii attentive iiomtler. 1 ALION 110 TEIL. DttNDAS »ILTh., WidIITBY. JAMES BLACKC, EAST WINDS6OR HIOUSE, WIITDY, wu. OLil port ptotho townon.cfotrs! 000o.1 acc"Infinodotion for travolleir. (od Sitnbling' 0111 attentive ostctie. 22 VICTORIA HOTEL. rni,îic& tnyinr. Wi LmA Ni sco'r, IIIOPHIETOIZ. (Lat,, %tils. loitoyntnn'c. 27 T riI p crihacriber inso 11110Jup tiresahoya oli critahlfi i tul b, witls the vismwç>ftflrtiiss uver.o seconisusndsstioii t> tls> trisveliinsz prblic. cflive hMi a ciii!. (bol .itul!issn. noterx. 16 W OON'S HO TEL, ociiAW, 1VOO0N & B n 0T litR. North Jiritisit and Mercantile Fite & Lifo Inisurance Com'y. W. 1.. DEAN, Batik of %füritr ess.4 es s Whiii.Ybcpt?, 132. 85-ly LI ASiEMOVET) hi% Law Gile>to Ontari Cl'iambur.ç, Z O bi Docsr ontîs of the llcgi*try OMfCU.JJ Wiihy, Jan. Zao 1862.. THE ROBSON HOUSEo (LATS ioulltii 11 IKTEL,) DUKDAS STREET, WRITJJY, C. W. >GEOJIGE ROTION, ?ropriotor., T IlBonbioriber bestto annoslnetiatlbe as loncod the bouilltg fortiicriy kuownta Serptra'e lstol wsih subeau renovatcd, rofornialsed, and fil ted ap througshout, lutho boit of atylo. The rsuii r sesAtyait- uistosl, oppost lJi.loest Oleco, And In tiie cen- tre et -the Towns. Thse Itslway Oniniba uoliat the ITotel ansd tb. xtàgos frrUxbridgo sand licavertk>i im'.ýv the door avoryissoroing. foardOl perday. ü3EORGE RoBSON. ~Carefi tlsstier alws a atendairco. W*hitby, May' l'us. -20 BROOK LIN HIjOSE. Cýp' OALL AN'D SEZ S&NDY t-<I, 11 Elia t-iton the 1"lirookiin linst"I iireoklin Vili.g, wiiiro lie widll ho glail t,"Al i 11101 1id,11T0aprculsioAare Wall fuéd up and donvonlcnt, and tihe accommoda- ti1 sotdverygood, th tt,-ror he Iceas t tho tro7usau isid 1irsel linffelf. hiving b46U premowd te inds aall a. enttdd, lis DOW. At Sandy'rnike our Toit, CAn't otat l 311binton Tite nnijiorossi friendri cf gndy-.i11 Avikod togive hlâ housa c lireklnDe~ ~ ALEX. PER1UZ. abT l ueït Abe VICTOIA Uù ùOtlimm 15851, ' [Math ewso n, Ratoliffe e*cC'.RALETAE Crocker's Ilotel XeLs ONS2RBETff2, T01? o Aboya fRing Street. Tl Httuisoirlber bcg te ntumaut tose in se liberaiîy patreuiad isin. visule imnîtord et hue Coultmerciai Iietoi, Ot ha ehâa auSeesed 31s. 1Ialt lu thea bote]lno 4ong Lapt, b>' iim on Nelieouit5, tarante. Ilssvlsiîg apared nse xog lit littlng up the Rasme, te icolire counfont te thse who may pattresuizo hlm, ho vOwl hac pleaseaite sacbs hi. od iens houenlu tisaC ty. TËooto,sTanl iS, 1864g Brookliu Dru.g Store, flous! lawmou Dr EALERiiisuDrsulgePatent M6flaTnon t) Palots, (0ila, J>ya Sfs, c ion. or>', Bec. '1 à9orscef -Caille Mediui e2wqa oltagd Brookliu, 0. W., 18s p2 COMMERCIAL HOIrEL. DBROCO STREET, WJIITBY. Thucl4eiged bçgstonusunnetisat ue %utad by iI, aus(ice.t s ot ocorueoda. tien golusg, witl circill tteution, uil us aiy bc tousd. (10oo1ci aîblinir, enîclosa rdasateie Ostiers. Chasrges axtrousuiy uuodernet. 22 JOUX SIILLEEt, BOYNTON98 JIOTEL, W . YGNTOIÇ bc" te-'ifellrun isî b- W isehlfitiesf tlisecuusty et victîsrsia nut sssrrcomsdin msgtistiems, thît thuiLs apoesitise ibid ou «% illissuin trot i tciy ceupiasi bv JeWebt, and ac he lias lsed it ilties ansaunitsml;- ed lus fisait 1stylis, cleiters wiIl tibid every couvoi- iuiemico.- W is, Lis1 duors and Cigars of tue Cei.:.cit.tteutlvo outli uaima>'. lu tttand,. anc.. THE ONTARIO- ROTEL., J. REUBOTTON, propsriater. Tlacs oruits riasd m:atsroutiditi tisu:kat flint lisa ili1hacihappy te attend teo ll or dcrà cstruîcte is ois crs. Teatis imosrtasion Oolsi, Silrer.or Vuleanszd Rabisar Bese. sa i us ler. Ps.rtiesslar atention praid 1etthe regilatlen of Cîiidrou'ss Tatth. AI! mark mas rantod. 51 %ViMEu . l. -D C. DAWY.S, --PgoO'iciETOO. JJ AVINO PUIIC1iAEED TflE ABCOVE -LLilotei, lins rafssrssishoéd tle promisee tbsrssieulsomt, anc ris ilshued tise Bar wtls tise tibebacat LIiîioru and Gîgers.- Ejvery ttoistiosi ioltegueitstiStesto anS tramt Wiitbv euh djisl>'. Carefuil Osileri -alwaya ltsatteudance. i 2 CASH -riFOR UrnES AT TITE Stone Tâahnery, Port Whitby ROWE'S STONE STORE Port Wlnltby, <Sot. 28. 18413. .JOHIN SAUNXD1E1S, oubsic, ohtta ,BOO & S110E- STORE, OppAlt tsa oya lssIl, rok Streèt Whit- 'ntçînrslul te1, etre d ÏquuIty ry g~Alîtrdors uttànderttewltli pntpettellt>'. ?aricl,~ttntlutpssmlte eplnig.A triel s iiltdfreci 1ai I minus decro s a *1mad eayi.tngboot ansd m.lsae. .jar Bouemn.ber tIsae tldrois, Iumal toj 9pp AUNDE~ReyI-l Wlsithyg Qet. o 1865.Roal 'notme lncihôýb I At hi. PrieUusng Emta Brook Streot, TERMS$150 PEI ADVERTS A IL. ul.iroitqucets o irtin ju Speoisi contraocmcdo ii ID-%ar or otliarwico- CAMEIION. & IAC B &1MIISTEIIS it NI) AI f.îw. Sîlt -tu C lsc U X. 0 cnT, .O &s 13 ItiPtEOW. ATtuO] " t11 -WBsri ter i-1Ato cert, Jily20pSCL 5,Il1oCET J.AN! BRMTEGIZd)&,ATTCR SoJcta ri ¶urritiir udi'l &4 V,>1citera litididdds>s>uy, N'i 0~fleo-T tii~rsiaw'c o' jtroot.1Islitllv. J. K.)itaio OtiIX "ARRISTR &AT'GR ig 1 . 10:7

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