Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 Dec 1865, p. 2

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Il g ony f Ontario, frouabeé, siR a thon, oMposed of the itraImncunjethe loto amiscrabla squabling, 11111e PolticaI trlprstriu oiba~be~elyqesli ûïtioe of b a orinbgtIi.givisg of a "iledgo"l 10 vote agjair1si *ouaabody, and for some- - l - Is i a 1e.iUgh *liefor the Oeuuy'sake1~sort lof thing vere doua i. auj wth. + Çh(man Who acaunot or bise. ielf b. dqepmMe upou 10, record au upright *Inteiignt vote, doas -liot déeervo to be, s1065, at trusted, W. hoe. te, once, moMIthelb . S, lu the co'aatY Oouacil oômpost>d of suc me ai b, arf h i i represet iii intllepe aud wwàth aftta -Qlttai p>9pef1y of, 50 CENT A YEAR ars4ay, Decmbr14, 1865. >TIQE :-A.n immedi- emout of Âccoutitt efflcoo 18roqiiestect s yet vary litis stir rtaect. ieômmgmunicipal letiaus ie Oua bore snd thora bears a mc tusi towutbîp'sud tic. cîhen sgbd te hava a bhlange la Our' ctlfi but 1itroilhoey ie4a i.' And ticats about il. me ttatiiicip5 ilat certahraIy tic. botter cf s cimnge-,mere dd lice eaaseer of il the Couney Coancil ce, cagicu resu>l' for IL etabhiity cf ticat 6n Seis,--serad a Mauc iguCatteic(oant assuraaly eut sendi on a iseif by daputiug krea vb.ick wny hoie ce if ýy tri s at home, and of vliom ve ead net fvec icsamed cbrood. Thce- tespeetabe rate- payera of the townsbips oaght lookoitu1 the muater in lime, ed aot fSud ticcsel. -vos taken by surprise by eud by. Figlta mongsit te Fenla. The great ruc Ya&nkee imposture cf lenicuisua is ia a fair wcy 10 comas te licat pnamaturely diagraceful end wbich, sooner or laler, la certain te ovartàeIal ucaer. taiirgr of tic. kind, hcirlug ticir feunda tiee sud existence iu lying, deccit, sud vogaery. At sasiou cf the d"Sonate" i icld ai No*Yorit, ou , thé7i intant, arti- cles of Impeacchmenct vere illicd egairît lice Préeilc nt of lice brotherbood, John O'5cIs- horay, fon ElperfWy and m'iifcaaance of office" Thce telegraphie report sys c are sony mintute rtnd volumnieus, vore scnv- ed ýou Mnr.'MVny, tice flIoving day, wth ticutce ta lu pI pes in respoumie riabiru twenly four -heurs, usîder penalty of havingýe judgcnEîut hy defeuli roconded aginht hiu. Mn. O'Mahony laviug tan auo3 st±4 emeet athe îicdicîmnentalainît bise, tic. Sarate, on tico th lit., reolved liseiif niosaCourt oaf Judiîcatucre, accondiug le tice provisions oi thce Cocatittien, and baving iuiesthgcted the chargeso, deciared themu proved, and deposed O'Mahony froua lthe positiona af presideul. A unanimous volé vas ticcu passsd, carling o n M. VWs. R, lRoberts te qualify by takiccg Ibeo oth cf ciice. Roberts bua, of course, tatoeu lt the oalb," cnd -<qalifled." O*Msminy bus ii laredenoocrced tbu taScaate," accno-; t it a ccompoasedcf ivinlehit, sud jicnildiceotan, alie have ,cause tiry a>anoa iue, asud rob tic i-p be asaItegnin lb. er;asc!satiun. 0' bîace udlt "'Cbnet,, kaep pes- on ien of tbc saplendid qslar leinUiou Id Square,- white tI. Stenateot eets ii Broad, vu ay. liacad of eue, va0aDov bave Ive to' 4ihtebeprablic"l in te Cilty' orfNew-Yorkt, po uuo lwar wvithie gaxon, but toesmt W oneaeotben, 1k the Killsancesama, te the oif W,.n -u <Of cou= ~tics- anbe5are StAtes righl aned ltmp oe uhat ail preteudd att of froua tie begiulcag tul therefore thal none O e l1 ùere overoutietf *bmueion poiicy oe whlqb-ltbi P>esl aud lie de dêa* cca4uey4b4 To carry it ont. bvftloual tgisrsîobahve beau qctp State, spd tbe smohere S inviled t a ssin Ce maudià siavery, flespevtceg lice ~ai&sioci cf Southerccmberite coeu esshasayat e.Thea arnudmnent te tic.coulstitulien ho- ing sdopted, it wociid remaiu for the Slstes whocea powers have been se long iu shey- suce te trmince thein places irlice ave brnces of the legisisture, and thereby complets tics verk of restonation. Have it is for Sou, lellow-, itizeni of the senacte, and for Yeu, fellov-cctineus of tic. Houso of Iiepreseulctives, te judge eccl of yoo for yourselves of the lection, rezurnran d qualifications of youn evu membes." MIr. Jeffersr>n Davisis araferrad le thus It [is manifet thet treason, most lis- grant in carseten, lacu ieeantomsitied.- Persousavice are chré-ged, wiîh ils commis- sion sicouid have fair cnd impartial trialb in tic. bigiceet civil tribunal& rf tice countlry, lu onder tica theco cnstitution sud tae laws May b. fcctiy viudîcated, tic. tuth clearly enacblîohed aed affiruaed tiat tceason is a crime, thst traitorSsibould b. pan6bJed &ndý the otlence mcde jufamos; and1 et the same tinie that the question may b. judi- cislly aetîled finsiiy sud lerever, thst no state CUf itorI tibua crigict te neeoan. ce ils place iunilie union."l He ri for Iecîbug tic. aecisione efuegro suffrage le Iboeegverai Stas, syicg- aI pnyatien e mnl rIe,. iii seowtie n bacea pndlchpaiio i ei th whcile solr oiaticroagla tie Satdsinthlcar hrsic frnice tienaigv cthetates, ovon ilihcad p4oisote huttevemnt vn i ic.n public iratere vi*i hie ailpm Tei pube tereiStesviîhi pevidroe duif protection sud receles lrtho freedmen. Urâtîl îhus is ii munie vay aecmplitheut J aiere ino chence fe-r lice cdvnagrcOns use of aheir lebar, rua tisheiama afI II- succescill nci ersi on tliquici The lto-io-i3he lieoret cflice Se cretcary of ah. J4svy. la refens cçpnrovfug- Il teo c Nnety yard for the Gest Laies- 'Nas>'that wvihe at-tieCs ommencemenct of the present leucr tliere Wrd la comuaasiocc sul vassols of &mIl aases and daseiptiena, armait Vltic 3,000 gans, sud manneS b>' 57,000-men 0lias aunber ofrem alsncIpre. saut liComsesioneà119, riîh 810 garas aSd 12,128 men. B>' Ibis pffimpt reduac- tien of l'thcnaal cetInos, lice expenis ai tics goverament have beera largul>' dimi- aicbcd, airS a auaben cf vesseis purcassad fon naval purpoues frein the mendiant ta- nes bave' retueS teaIo peace liipurniat t Rile.tlb. aupprntsif c slive boilhJales Ourei' n Igcm c1cadmto téesêf sou0bk more afficient th"e » las ttbrouslea onsimilIs&etie.previm oi the. r.iclltcc. lice saggtslioc fon the eclargsse of ic. cary yardse, andi aspa- cially fon tic. estasupucit oI eue in frealu valet'for iron"clsd vesas adeerin-g c f emademùton,. M il alatoetho emr l- tie for ta 4irt vstlocation an4 more 4fbk taa for tihe'naval sedemày" 21rbé eptrlofthe $lerettty of ýWae'dis tleseaIbos. follhcwlug Isoe t p êp.ey# rde tsh iiLar'y Uablisic- tuent a pat. footing, compriaiug 50,- M troe pof aU armas, oas to admit of sanelrxmr,by fillingagp tberacktc scdrequire, a NaaIslicma cf lice sure>. Tise volutIchOr farce bua alsady Ibeet reeslby the sslsging frein tie ei c ofl coui' 800,000 Irerpu. ad -ahi deparnt in p 1 lroceaehîe; rpidl>' ira the vl>4 cffu<mtlii> t'déctçs, Tic. mat-as.- imtuals are reduoel froae.$51l6,240,131 ta $W,84,41,vblic ameusa, in tic.opinion a Girat slstm i laid oce icuesion oe re faoe. 'A. eawrsystein of revenuse mn e- ,eosmdended,,,àd au ca$1 roture tuthce b To &id 9pr IelQw-ottiseu ainthîe pru. - sý mameemu 'thl.e mnceary ain ont dsfto ot he OtiSti s V---D.1540- b 1-increISiOg their dosois. apeàlâtlon ù' to' výl by theo prolObIgitlifDOer parpetralor, for, fr6r Fi b.d uaeroer the effee4-t, WU COMMitt.d, >C e, *drive the, AeeRion cor barbon w 0 .0 subjecti had r mach a ciange. ,efore 1Iwuast'a cocaîriei te arbitration. Thes quletions itre of1 uucbmo1*cent, îicat thoy ma4t, bave - Cetamanded tisattention of the Grent oyers; sudare uta luterro#su viic îtl -Pence sud, irterests of ev ery oue of tem c as te have insûrean icimpartiali A80ii' 1 regret te iniforua "n ticat Great Bitain decliued tic. arbitrccueat; bat, où the other baànd, invited us te the formfatici of * joint coummission te saeule mutua1cia bte tho two couceîres-froua viciclithes fo~r tice depradations iccfore meutîoeied should b. exciuled. Tice proposition lu ticet very urietiafactory for u asbacc daciied.- The United Scales did not prasaul thea mb. ject as an impealacunent cf the good-faitb' of s Powr w hicic ras prolesslog tic. moit frieudly dLpositiou, but as inîolvln u Caca ions"of public lsw, of ricih athe settlement is esentielte !thae pence of nations, and thoucgh peouuktry repaLrationu ticeir injured ciliseus would have followed incidcutally ou at decision egainst GvenC.Blritsin, sacic compensstion wag not their primary objact. Ticey bad s bigicer motiva,,,cnd il mwu ira tho intercess of peace and1 justice, le es tsbtiish important î,rinc:pîes of intcrnatiettal la«. Tice corresponrder.ce wiliiha pleed belie joca. Thie gvoued on whicha the llricish Minster rriî ais jisilleation is sulitactially, ticitihemunicialatlaw -il s nation sud thu domestie iaterpretatîocs cf ticat liw, ar e lo ecsuro of ils dcîîy au a cearai;-,sud 1 leed hounci te deeiakre ml Vicion Wcora yru, and befccre tie world. liait thet justification cannet obc sîciced befons tho tribunal -of nations. At the sac, ite ie I do tint adrige aray p5CStt atterupt et reitress by neta of leginiâttiu, r or tba future friendahip belveen thce twe cociirîrie, rs t ouI the bascf Mutuîal Tite Mcnroc doctrine ia %hus amrfred f t 4e d o u rt of O C ha c e iy , t h e g e tl m a ho plaod th e boxai eontblidig 4 ý ,u . y in the vauit, thce kejet f wiaich lie add to M. Gwyoue1 the ub-treasiver -o .b th a - , Soci ey, to w bo sj -m w . ha ve l sidi he monay beloeged. Tii. art -ut tai mde at the istace cf tic. ecea aI liceLaw Sociey. Oc Moudsy tbarm sý" u n inves igat io n hafors t h e P oli ce ifagiatrate, aI whicia Mv. mellab promacut- tdsud Mr, . Biako appoared for thb. pimoe, vicen tha casarai potpoua.ý Ou Tcacsdy, tue uusê came before 'IL Court agaitif vheu M. Radenhurut *à committed for trialt but aduaittad 10 bail. psEcsi<r vSv:a'crus, Tvl Reinor sUa Fsyji Cysîuc a mtLÂr.-auO Stephens and bris cocoouspirators vara la>dg. cd in liichmnond prisou,at Dublin, awuitieag trial. A portiou of lice gaol selot'ted (er their conieomeut could not ho ePProeolcod without passing through a number cf irou doirs-dauble Iocked. No persan tai peCrmitIed ta île the prisoners, mave ticeir legs1 avisera and the . iIls Or the. jri- ton. Ail vas safe t- ite o'clock ou tice Qpight of -the 23vci, thon thea Wcrdeus madle their lut. rounadsu James Stephens wus saféiy confined in i$i celi, and lice keY@ ianded over to thae Goveruor, vico Lad ticcu deposited lu ticeir proper order je lice casein bis olice provided for that pur. pose. At four o'clock icn themoruing, lDer.ii Byrne, theo vaîchuau for tba night, gave Ib. clartua t a h bd dhscavered Ivo cabIet placed one aboie the oticer, ucar thu wail of thuo ovcreor's garden. The alajrsew&s soocc madle generlansd Steph en eus railund 10 hale esceiped. Ttc Oar free cesttiien, tbse cvilitiA wvend corridor dans, aImaSI important evideuce on huas l.ren convuised by rceeiuchons tu tics Of enteneeît of cemocnacy aad mancarcimv, but Lboas teasiee th*%tîhe escaesorcftlb.Headl as tirnauginail threse revolutions the titcd C'"rînevas effected ahroagh the. agency cf tJ States have ricly an imiay neloîed te sos eprsoanuidû the. prison. Strangepip berccr prpcgmn.i.asof itepabliasniFucn. tice beliel h ticat thce tables vone acier gà -i SuIc cfi i>'gnVrnintt utit(ta eOrusalalamrks ud el ccedhthcc, libut Itarni nevcnso ,ttonat usetn e being nu ak oeduo icton e cmaulon, ncmd vo have cacaîlît ,tlae', or foot pninlu on thet dauap vot lu, Qciii>'fehiovecî lthe caîviCOa Of %Washingt0n enils, sund cthe prevaitiag opinion la that be te nlcoaei t aonal>'b>' lie crefttl pro- 3erveitior)a ndlprulemit ît5eef lr ltsscmsSaspicena diai Dot Icave b, itle prison "ra -il ~ -Dcninlg ai tire ictervu ceg puniodl. lIta f but iîanough tice gate. (iovcemeut liasth tieliat! of breracca pocr% andl cf the Io«cned a rewrnl£1,00 for is apprebien, bo IJÃŽnictl Suties luis, nithe 'choIe, bcul Ir.n-l eneaic. Tmire, inrecal.ramci o te h sien, a»d £301) for saclainformation as lm invusion c oituie parla of Amenii. hi he ic iiLead tI. Ci iterceti f aavi&e pr-cvaileti -5.* f.-& tairaan' tcibceumnslâd edocsýia tu- ' e.lx u rRem «Alc. aumulicnath. ies cf t1ismtitin inis's- 1 cc a ust-- porlttaa ueli On frccU b3ot:uoc e n~ca e vyvatashie hlascf rosi estata,fil tho on e iteprt aritEuepesn geyertnouLs aildrg aesan'ludtv ththe lietiyaeai ut nraictcferenrmandani 1dm, *g4the prepanty oetg,vA. bra Inactil*sîuinenctc freon -IPcgmudim cas vMlart: dvrliid fer Ia 1» selce- the true rtaîe for stheé ce o cispbwce esi ataliepae8..ssvo Sigle£, thioto liches wQe havea acvxncc t ici Ma vexlthi amndiprare, braIw vacrelala in î unACo uda', lice 2lsi orf tus uonîb. q peoicé cle-ire sica nations cfr.llncpali Èe.s---- chebso lacin ovn tjycimticu ci an cia ihehr Lmcs Iurcrmm. inyst-mi of gaverrn . ibTis gortstent - ucmlrallera cac>'jmtiy riemniaci e corres- Tic. $tear ay% (kait Paliameaî viii pandirma >taalratiatn. W e aiitpnid igai'd probîbi>' ntcel on the 2Sîh eof.fanuury o r -r It mi ~ g'ttLelnaiiy te ocrseires. la tIreiOrgtnizad lthat thse regular business cf tcausçe of gnoal grvercmoatl 'araStetaheito ic eger IicOlReic S e 'lat týai p"ce of Isthe rt5, 5bd'rl ny Eucoean tetuiary vitla the e iiuvcTy Oef lQeor' peenchallenge ila.Asecien peoiple, se; Speech fThee qmti"n a raPriametal u i- cvre, <o lice dofrance of repsîblhenanisrn Imoeru m &avs ir.manàagatat;an- açaluthuitoreagti istenferee. %W. cannaI , dditiosrfuleéd s -aaratjati-bliâbel rt hes t a forceeacd Are unchllirag t tel ônsId« leviilaaa'-o cldeeby tLielatIegaie, vIh i# it oppmtnlante mgc reusmii: lhOcimlVOLSdescribvces onee cfthe mtataerufeko vîîsttcoscbinatieras uahiaL ee>, pretot ci'aaryyev The veatharcoeeîfui% acurielviaçairit deignsi lelunl to ou cr vri'boiitcroî5. yIfor afgovermnra Tic Unied taes Jila atàtecl liietah. repeorftjae Parust. edebirnota oct ici future as lice>'blie aver n ai>yC asia on etc htyvs viii ha aclec lilmrtoler. Tic.>'nouer Iviii drivera adver to buthe tranitaaf e lraIvay seseago- frocu tiraI cearmabut hy the aggt'on .c~mat tthe ib e cnet.t Emropean, povors, And va ely oc ';'1The iatest ofllal report wt regard t whglaw acr4 justice cf -thcon ipavera t e c~aie pqae e oltis initheiunssie. orespect ,tic.systeci etfecciutrlèeonerc, - is pàaeeéêtor g AlManticadseS t ýnielm cc taa e o: beau 5soctioed b>' W.étorssilviwatTklholde>5, Sir Mertoni m tieand hcS h, b>' 1h go x tstuit* , s.Pet and Mr.Yorbosaade elboTaa' *.pproved itattîf te botic cocallusnta, 'Th.e, ua e s a cpoits apon thé condlitsiad of co-respondenca betwreat theic.ted Statas prospect of hep line, vhihb lb.>'rapretant- and ranace, ln relorerace te qalcatlOng dmi a etene ging. - - - vialà have becocce scbjeels of diRearalosa Liverpool, Nor. 23.-A raqilsitloc' 15 la lt,tvertltw vagoirenmontq, yul, &t a helcapsignoal Ira tItis - siy, £iLng tihe proper timo be laidbefore Coragrca. When Ms>rtctSl smeMing ta cocsider th. dn the ongcinizaàicccof car gorecrenit conition of affaira ira Jatealett.t cl- cardes tb. corastituioln, the Vrcident eofcmwrÉIe triai of »r. jianlier,, p a:tiiig.in- sj the UitedTSl.ts cdlhv'rhillr-lasgarhLondon, ut)dcr au Amaeriose Sdi oface. fer o.dïrets I icrhe n two Hous,&of1Cetiare. la.esCfumuàelly , &%Uultlotoatpe hi ,Ith -Jdi !Wib CO7wonci1. That in-fulfiluaent of tlb. dnîy e ssign"cuin thoeni éur èQmmittcmnct et flrooklifl, on to 27, s5f 3 u àndte'led awritten = mnt-*tbia lai tions, hoeruwth Silb. miltdin-which ai the utouahors Of the b1 sd, L uaîiir. àoTd-*i se, lis rrstrîcted Ihig charges bî ý ndtým hor.tO Lbheexatinatioi Vbeld et Port Ferry, ina ma ~e5 ',"vai'ýeo the S in' 4f luit yr-thnt in bis pub- ýlé, 'tblelrlveeîb lisbê4 lettfrgr, ho ùndertook to prove that mgpapr dhcussbe " popili or the Whitby Gramr chool,j alla, irI1 fobaxarnicd, upon which thy iu'dsgb -fomte werc o b x mndby ivhiceh ineans fte bu tru tc thoy had thoir papçrs arnd nSWçT, propatt bure that aPPeared cd bae>r. the Board mnet et cli, -awcl lcenld- j ait week. To tbat cd ln ths prcpsred work, as ir;it lied bdeo tâte the undignified the, inmmdiate result of IhDecccalc - y 1but le ordrto tio»;a"-Tlt ha repente dlY - nndin he 6 wbich it refearsin strongat terms, dtsFlIpremd acy, ir4ntion ble. orm be ïýtÉé7ofchrging jhàgBoir t, ov emeif af A,,c., .vhntever, pub uapF witl the> belc the mi âh it i a .n1 but Mca que pieg Wl or1 ane am; W L sesn me of et pri luciplil reau iulaad etter, wisiced tlà eouveytue pression thicaloue ni ils inambars secretiy, ?plier! ' é' Grcuiuasrsebeol at Wibyý ta copy of the earatloo -paperd cf >Beard in one instancei if net in taure, cr ice aba ccalnatien toit place; sud l, by these dishonorabla caîsus, net ly vers unqaalhfled;'tesclisilaruat pon 3Vouuly, sud itî eduationai interes %dû to usifen, bat tic. Wicitlay gractttian eeol Ievestad vita & itsimaclio te vhlh aiaifroua baUiiog entitled. That snobc lm1apressiona exisied, I1ibave no doubt, -t to vical extent, sard vicethet Mn. cCaice'a lettons îeraded le prodalea ht, are teutions!1 haie no iucliratinto discuse. second, lthaïl Mn. Mccabe eîod paictichy edged ta prove tint IIthtic pupilsaof the- aitbyý (;Irtar mohool chîaicied icclprop. possession oft? l ~uiecSn, Ctbict lles -e mina,> prnuîd for the use of tic. et miers cf tice Coaraîy Board belon. ticat Iy assembled"- rl ibat pupili et( tho icitby Grammar achool h-ad ie ticein pois sicen befori lihe Board amavbled, tTMe enimtons aenviiels îbey vers e w e etce- td,bl whichc meauis icey Led thein Papesc cd aesnoprepared beraiie heoard cie ail, and ltanded id Itais pc'epared o-k ale ifit bad becu thic.ismediale reanîr abte exacuhucîioci."y Third, ihat vlieun-nopporluuity is on®ded bse of iabstsuicating ithese ccarges -chargea in rofereuca te wlcichr ho vroIe, ,ticay ire, uerionoul and delibercleëly mcads a lice aaahonity cf eye itvresdes prepareid tay time ta subatantiale îiaem"-hs roduceel only i ncabch ileesa i1lthe las uaoy cf ticis vite as bcd, reference tc niy ent of tic. pupils of tlae Whitc: nammer uchool 1I-ad tua testimeuY, suai ail wul, wuiaosbquenty netrcized b: e evidenca of sevenal viteses, vices resooce bafone thce Cecesehîtea of iravesti rtion vas tecurad by the, toemitte. it Fourth, that thhlîl tic. Boanrd, ait ht il rieeating' passec is reaolatioOc Ibm areafter nU paprs s'hahl ho Wacîdssecýon% cio ln examinatios, il bu-asiln-efol Ie de irablalcesi et ibisrraragemetit, an ais ocîybeen vithiheld <noua adoptii -oua a ceuiderslien cf Lhicelracreaed, mud tome mighl Iliir, nceetisxpoume 10 ti Coaecly. litouglat aIse te b. Ituvcilia kfo*e the , sî q ig to ek Place or Ith Cosemllttr appeoita 10 ceeduct lit, th Ugard virtaalîy. adopta4 tht. reeltatiori au prebabtle inucrdhae4 xptéae, 50 55 tu b blIs tin puttheb.motter n- léic a siuaI betere tic. Coanty (iouricil, as wriLhsotu dilocuty t. e"cre lii cordial cooperatiec Fîltia, that *biist lu 1h. edhicussiera quetions be(cre ilua Bord, ealita rces tei47ina divensity of sentiment, ai migl iconram u uasiflI/as toei h e tic.(icn gi don e, tiec. onclasie teelcd, 1tic. fisdinigus *rxived sp.. member *atempted te citlunmerited oic1 ce onMn. MoCabe ; but, ishilut theoanli, ikarti f«lt di sftid îhcîiicb .d a'as, thae prubie priastic s veicce cf charge, a* serfouis àunatre, ishicin uthe fit hu"nee a.stijess, ongict te bave biii hi bete c.Bort inscc. uinlis a g ospraulen te ali dhssalisfaetieu lunaaIsrest o r Icrua tbaa otbtiac; cci'anctli Sexcite murprima wlaeu h la recembere4-t tb. elatrges ialerred 10oocu e vee slag lob a7. ts1r4,plici 50 long u a$gar a a4445f bit' th4y e~' re, ruade, a ia dar 1h51 lice effortIolesubstaathate il vu so ridilola ortive mai4o sugw the oltI adage 14 r rusrùdzctn .dsn.um a".sedu' It Wiit.givo offesO I the ail ina bis Pov~ A& ilf ofhiéh (15ro- PPctfu The n oéir réi naalcs mel oreODt1 eu p4 rf Sécretary MCCtIIOCl81 spn thé iýllroo(y Tréàt Ains miore tt'Ob af ig A.uericau paperi deallug sWe Woregret b oudfin 0oa tothé *Beaiprocil Sand yet we are nc etiions couuacte e tb thp ,renentedby -Ibo SeCrets ~oc)IlUiýQfl. it '1hug Bap1 naindroo 'cvils prodàced b by odio (ais sylsteum-.0 ta added the loes of out tIrl as trédti th MAà-'lung surprtsed te100e30sointelil tical a man sb1 M. Mu views 1-1 1 ii. f-110ft rad with. ,Siada theSdant8ges Of th' ,m u hall îsaey reseaved5ro [colda c aeOam tn , . ..- o" 0 e nloatatiraîe tocitd cvrittieYourag fen of t u*1des. Out'. mai befrethaffc,-yth, haccrges Y~ tappear srog-'exîcumave sud difretymffeîn, by'ice tb nve eeu ak, sud ge & second tiuniue t the aieopc, > e r.ti g lter, aud reqewed ticu enquiry,wthst the profitable ta oui4t1eu yoang msî i (ted cordiclly, Itndtichecnluliy tic., Canada and Proa couîplled witIa the, requesi. of yoi ,ir .cern- seîlere,.,and 't bayais,6 mhtle,-Ihctt sevoril of thoni ve týhe 'dacîlons for vhicicvo ast mnst cIdeetpnon egv eaccc eek a foroigu malit.,/ tctcudbu ý?btained andtht 'ail Olf* itiLpossible ibat lif them n iseered rccidily, and, se tan as year t avot t ie er committte'could jiclge,, truthîcally, the icW5Ots vtrIers4cuestions pît te, tlaem-cna, iat, of cmmoditis antd set after as fuît snd as fairr a 0ôxcantion cas bqneflted ticau tic.*eIlèra ira the circumstanflOO$ youn comrcitteO Of thticawiicatley necquiri could ane, thcy bae, ino hositatior.- ir a te tiaù àc (e value e declcning ltat fot aciueof tr ug5 ic -gvie xclhacge, îcey eý Mgos, scproc-od. lu h di hnô littho satutî- c~ie iepriees fsctionî yoccr conicitteat are ablete orZdi te ýM Canada, 'prodac that no evidenrce vicatovr ws ciçl "9r i e n d i r g t a lct a m Y t n b e r O f t t i i s i r e e t e n f o r c e d e e e l Board, iiay incpropricty, in -bthds- vicat difÈerenca h is ti ccarge oflus' e fficiai- duties,. orini OUy ihaiher tbey meet the cc mênstccre teaonnect theu Teaclier cI -the Canadienup lu tbs, or i Gramme> SSeirnol et NVIitb a Becl ti? B asmn tout cintnuly repvcsenl, vo believe, c c tice Canadiens et licet pet Lwtoicred cseliaf-ith teflc oloffcicas itcsottoa -4;.hi, lu peint et tact, (lie ienibors of we 9 h is Tiocrà , as w e ll as t îrta g en tle m n ,n iffic lt cnd e pe raive, w caie out of tje investigation' i tin ct tîe ju il as cm uch as. l'ha Cir 1sligltét icnpulction an their icilegily. breedîltM ofCanada as tNocýiceqnacoproif as as dtacccd tacicb-*our mcrkietu, oun conuur elcintiate tho pOsitiOn tien - l 'cpili; of ltm psy hriber pciees for flot a W laifby G r nîncnar Sc laol h a ii t 1h ir pas prod cers w i ii have te ai seeinbefore ic 1and âS. li t elcineftcCnda a q cîcctirens au eh ic la tîmy wcre ta bc ex; p t io o f he C n c a i 4 n in e t," o r tLh a t , -' t h c' y bl ià t e ? n p a p c!s m er bè tetsv a re t he y ili sua d als ers p rp -pre d b i o thél c B a d M o re th a n in i cr o r u (Y mot," or title tley J.lcrrdcd in i this pro- t'iaeitcometitioci ivill 1e 0 p -e d vo r k , n i if i h a ilb o ttaet, îrlo'le im m fcd i- si p in g ri e n eu t la g e ai 1 ato, resut ofte Iu exeîiinatici,t' o n th eit, ticr. d ucr border oti 0 al) of tîmern inci cncaoqtc, .ettaimoil ae porlatiora compactiescit ctAus ta i ti hch tIrey e r ot ititlfd. loRs of out Cenediatri, 'yI tW,. einr ectCion your comnmittect bog to jyddr-M4teeitn h cilite cattention et the Bocrd ite tie, jyd. uicgti.e0 ýy th a t viil tt Mni . l ! o itb lia s jiîb lic ly ta t- cy re a ty , a cîd f Ie e a c le cai Ihit 1i% el cîcinges 1vere sertoccsly and ied avavua pariaîcea heie i- delibercaloly tucdta on Ltce autlcoitf 03'0y- reclian. Heev la il pori t.. wltnec'ser. Propred et an>' tine le sub- men tbas le hélieve ihui sîIralniatu their. fho proal (fbu*tlti "iChh ibencicii t aat thos' vitnes.%, and tient tîce direct etcecWof rvcs.ne ios i tg ibis chnes-n elatetu i e only oena ftlie> s r i e in u e t m th S t p p i s o t h e W i i t i y G n e ' ni a r S c o b o l , - - rjss  a c -T d lt,lira trnt.bsithuc c!nisc lIthhhiSP laceràTië:e t ovid nc e dwi d îd # owvn't e c i nsigniflean c t O i l c , ( ra 6 dc modieci ilacat las bre:>ùameu, f bt Il îl ithcis fhiciy, fer Wbi it p artdc tl.%r , n crera iccd by L licel teest 4c o n y ing , M r. P en d la dt! reot a, of thiepersora rihl;itspecicili>'relens, tainingaà a liheral douai -asi a eloliecni. sýbers of bis congregatien i 1t Y ur C o rn itte o beg stili tirth aci'te re- w it ipleas re, aaît t e 1 w o t th t hilst n e proof vas iar is hrd ega io e pre8entcd M is& te CKLllisic an>' alIhe rgsiilctçi ddasdabsci e id e ce 4 c Ith e co au rsa o f tlir n v eti glt:o li, d i t r sssp~i~s4c..4M l's'..4AU .ettogetahrdtas rfi se wuasit Lc. arrase ofpipils'oÇtheo WV1ctby -pezsevercc, ina cu1< ,e G a cu a revS c io o l, p nin > ta e L ce e x a in a - p a rt o f t ie c e u r ela de p e tie n . le , m k i ig tih iB s ta es i eo f t, yo u r Su oc e Sa f M r .- P e u tl a - 0 'coipîulttec dccciiit jusata h> cal iaI thé 'place, tea avery greal pt'O1Jbl!ti thu~ e épupilic erne snctf-,> tlaam every muc'ces le gular In tÇiis rfect, candtthat the snietalle ive carauotbut pz et reinvst.nnc LItI pat ticom ni rapeinesion ue e.bi1dpat bh t - a* a a o rt ita ra ot h d i 'q éâ tio tas , alac e d c a c -' r g e t t e r d p x l d , d i a t e s s f rI t t b e r sc h o l a ls n j i - W eq p u b l i a l i v I l a p i e s pu meuILofcalike alivaiigo. In xpitaatin addrs, -«Iich ibaba- encit he nianrarit w laaI iha occurrence 1 D9111u -MISS PENTt Look place, cvtsiraly le the casa of afoiw emotion vojearu- thai c9 f tue piapils cf theo Whitby Gramaucfir leave as. - - '1c»eool, and net aciikacin',tle ie ff our kiccduosa and.à il pupill cf ter iciccels Liroagleut lte- e d o u t , y r d em u i t t s c w e i a d r e n i n d t h e t u m s jc a a 1 i e r i i c e s e t O f' t e B a d tha~c i bt th e a q ie ti er a u t se d n a I t h ei. ac e e d i g S e b a t i, ( cst p rov ioý e cx m ti ni n eP O th e a il e r . t he m e th ; y o r ua ew Di s i 4 s a n ci de o est ilon à ' ct Lw r i u ae d n e t h( i s ox - te n d e ec e . o n e a c b i 'v a > v sainantier. 'lThe evldence taolit icconmpan- 1 Obroluicnaof dli foc stîla ep oat a tt esi-'th tt a yotis g I t e yourm ell) ; anud yo ni 11'* whe sttedddt'ce Fail exanmination cicil ta l'bthe Suday 0QiqI, tly a vy w nith hi i cfo f t e . gamatlion _ - s ao ba pa e t vicac, in dis ribu tir,-a thoit Ã"of ah gratifca to nl. : d d ap i c a t e î , m v e , w r i c t ai 4lý S , àiv ç ôn r - c n o l s e m a m s 4 l e tn d t liâ t ster t'he xa ita r sio rt it te Y u g e t z i o n a ç )te. 4ili w nte <o vna s cM arly elt h o qu estions mc l a p tôeso*êvly t l m i ra th e ot te > p,% 't'q. s ho -ant d w ô h èni ïr l by the unobÏW vice ho tîtendedithe saie examini(tiofl coua h4y b.jWore, rea# Sait etier-ard thta list orfailthe qu.ri5 le lg ii t ionis Iliumobtainatt vas given Wta apupil îtndering otn eiiiae nCO of (the lYhibir raisca ch ool, the >pro ot sire but tlad 0 Iterar ravauu ~rwarrant bis y: , maris tbat téo' the ay the uar asud ia.i@P, rmuit, b de, with Csuq4a, el Mlried; - Wb re* gent aud so prac- stouilcéaexprs ai wl ê4tsaliahsd iistfott have uOt ire been i: -fa*O iriets, bave -,bac -vaiucbietbir aeraliy 'far iesd id èfthe sae pro. socuforced la rai, the. putchasera rvices are mord s?1 If (ho valuer ire wertnfot grestet Or that vicaithei evideeîly vouid ut As to our purchagi. ate fri. wicieh ÏÏ tgi foreigu marktl io Ouâr prodûCerd ompotition o o aur 1 te foreigu mar-t the breedistulfi Of eriod OU theo ear. roua the veit le wo bauecli ulveet até eS[ciuded f roma uers Witt bave Id car, and 'our.weaterhl eucounter.tié'C~ OUS' Ms iu the 'Europes i injure them e eu ur)arkets,- beeauid o mou ( oit, lu the 'ris andor trcauhà . - ýil severeiy feel tice rade îhey hbave En- :rude vî-Il probsbly i weafter je that di- la ,ertificial ucsrity .; ac who Tender theux raby 1,11f a Rev. Mr. Pentiaud V AlberQ, yesterdaYi bitby. Belons lesv- "ived 'a parue cou- .îêCn, froua the mqua , We lern,aI&W, la'dies Of the Coup.r sa Peutad viirhan i place cf *11k for ËA a amati saont or ij hscd Mm cd I dd vishaa ieumbles -o ocose benea Ileupite Were as th aiaxsà '*d tateofc e d, tbey jcs feet llni' ticat n~f 'dom lice bi - bcoderate, i lice veau' JIng le esat fc longuesva biscait WU inth lce-àd1 aioon diicovs %et n I..L escla4 one i nI ont ýers, 01 1 r-,- . 1 b"u end- wh - c, 1

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