Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1865, p. 4

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Koitli akto anifrom the Caro." iIEl)ICEDFARES 1 ÀPubie lo osrgtr nteai tA val ieetrnt d eWb. i,~ShaiLau, Iro t eyai hotet, and oaels a pubti 'In a uterni. 'Fultliesse- commodatod. Noties loft befaroliand et tMe iO toy it, wiiI be attonided te, alla parties wangta ostol trainst, punotitaliy catied tor litt, rlght Ue, and net kcpt matingaMthte Uâltion. gW- FARESIEDUCEI)1I-60 - 'BENJAMIN IYAN. Wlitby, Sept. 20, 185. TROUAS & rIOULTBARD' UNEw o:F5 STAGESY T1 ZiE pboavt 'Ull ()tstaîges lent-n CI P.du cat.3,n.m, s 9oe,ub.1um, -rrivton t iti 010wa in tisne for rvoilng trIiIase r, G. T. R., Ett ad 't-Fitre frotnît ir- ,va ta Coumnbus 874 cen,*ste 11ag1n-i .50cents. te Prnce Albiet 7.11cents, ionyat $1 234 Ma- tilla $1 5te. 1'aemuigerg rn ithe Nett are i-aveyed Oti hecars ut ttaw roc orcharge5. lxpresg buniucs arefiitty tteitiet toe sud uareeli. detivered with tdeprtii. 'rise jr,>nie. t-ns Mill not Oc e ptttttf ir aeils or -ek6e, u!cmsbooked set 1aid fur i aid- Ho! IYIIIrBY TO SI-ÂWA, (JHEA PFÂR-ES! t'tE atltr,orrise t te tsiii sCa stage Tourete Iletaircu 5lily att tO-iawa, ro - tir.t ttwIce (ltilt, ftrt le em wa tl, 1 te 0. ioouIlouse' 10 MrIErts'c hot,.,eluw o-tes andI firMhcr taitIcutar wtilabtdiily au ail (E(t %E ROBSON. Just Received A large lot of ncwly improveel m»TMON DUK ES, ALSO T11E ARMSTRONG COOKITN àSOVE j As the dernand for the at>ove Fantous 'Stoyea, inctuding the 1 mprovod PROTZ:CTION-ISTt DjAVY CROCXKET, MAPLE LEAF, A¶nd otesooecin uitirsrpdY hir~esî'n% ,An carry cati l l bo ad- vial;Aiso a large stock of P)O«X &PARLOR STOYES 0f the best'pattcrnsa rnd hcai'y nital. AGRICULTURAL F URNACES, M'ne of whieh every faît.er ongto have, wi týey mli psy for thernecîvos in one year. AIl che above wili be sold at C>'Toronto Prices for Cash L-' ]Bavetrouglu put up with Trou New NvLiningg put in aid ovens. SRcpirtng preniptIy rttcnded ta &L tise Old Stand, Jiroek ttrect. wu. JRYÂN, At ttie Otd Stand, Brock Etreelà litby, Aug. 23, 1805. 83 BROWN & PATimoISON AgYricultur-al Worisl AT TEZE OLD *WIBtBTPOutNDI2T K' efo nreesddelers ilUkinda cf «&IIICULTURAL !BPLEMENTSJ TIIIESUINtI MACHINES, 0oined Reaper andmimeru, Four d4lornt kiudo f 1r~4oeWhe*Pt* STRAW AND, E '0 RS I i COtTNTY OP ONTARO I ITE0 ARN ~E)B ToelV11>1'-theTreasurer of the Ooiant 0 o! Ostaro er date the Tweýty.thirad&dY of &upitnf one tbousand eiglit hundregd d Ixtyfive, aind te me dîrected, for-the collection of armeais atid amesanenta due upon the following lands, ini the. aad County, 1 shali, on Tluesday, the Thirteenth day of February Noxt, at the bour of Tivelve o'elockr, uo; et the COURT IlI0USE, IN 1THE TOWN 0 F WIIITBY, Proci eo the sale by Public Auction, of said Lands, or se much thereof as May be necossary for the paymcnt ei aucli arrears of asesemments, unleas thc saine, together with aIl iawfut chargcs , bc sioerpaid. - TOWNSHIPa 0F BROOK. LOT. CON. 8 . W. Part N. Part 4; S.i'Part 26, N. 19, 19, 2, 29, S. 18, North &South of IL. IL. 92 & 8, W m. 1uuîsideil, 15, ACRES, YEARS DUE. 2, 1859. 1 ri. 1852 45 478 9 te2 à4. 219), 1859 l 60 1 2 3 4. IL", 89 60 1 9 4. TOWNSHIP 0F MA. 20, 1859 60 1 284 7, 1852 8 0601 2 a4 10, 189 9 6 89023 2, 185 3 968902 2 00, I 9 on7 2 8 4 100, 1823 6 7 9 60 23 &Jo. I52 a9 6 1 2 a4 TOWNSHIIP 0F PICKERING. B.F. 80, 2, ~: 1957 s9 CO1 2 9 4 19a58 18ri8 62 a 4 laîta 60 TOWNSHIP 0F RAYA. 819 Front, -99, 45 yrt)nt, 100, 17: 6. 2w0, 1858 7 8 9 00 1 2 3 1 8.52 3 7 9 60 1 22 34 M89 3ai6 1 9 60 1 2 a 4 TOWNSHIIP OPRACh. N.. , 14, 106, 18.58 e61 2 34 PORT PERRY PLAN. TOWNSHIP 0F SCOTT. 1E part 26 ,193 Ibs 7 8 960 123a4 TOWNSHIP 0F TIIORAII. 5prsi 6 7, E atou lieer 1 ier 15, 1 4 lu12 19 895o9 2a TOWNSHIIP OF UXBR[DGI. N W lent 6, .2, 3 1859 64 Eft of %%14;1 2, 70 18156012 4 id dtseofr i, 2, 121 8M9 01 2 - TOWNSHIP 07WHWITBY, B. F. PoiV~s Pl" et .BrookU&in r,4 62 64 18V1' 82 3,4 1359 62 8 4 11964 , 1889 62 t 4 153#602 TOWN O0F WHITBY. TAXES. ttE3AtKll. Ilappgerd ta le 1,04 50. teco. 44 83. l1esnted. 191 80. do. 132 71. do. 005. do. 40 48. do. 42 11. d o, 48 87. do. 80e 74. deý. 121 90. do. sappossed io b. 37 44. Patentant. 66 09. do. 78 93., do. &2i ÇA. do. 7 47. do. 15 C03. do. 43 50. do. De $5. do, 73 70. dei 171 il. do. 40 09. do 12 »J9. ilo. is .19. do. 174 32. du. 275. do. 2m0 IMs. do. 2 21. do. 57 7 1. do. la 94. - do. S47. NcsrMà Ward, Wua t oBr"i4è rabt 208 209 222 2u5 253 aits 349 1659 60 1 1859 foi4 188 0 81 I4 185n 8 9 601 1384 18591 18940-1246 MY8401 9 lffl 40 s 1 24. 4 19. 824. 3 84. do. do. dio. do. si0. do. do. do. do. do. de. o- do. .lvorts'&lr«r-Walaoe1%maellandm hIa Pan-art .LMo Mds . con, 2. N'oMIh W"r-sgailof &~Ock &8mw "2 1 69 0118 4 TOWN OpV WETBT. Cantre Vard-&s! of Brock Sarft. 0out1/W*J1?dnss*aPf ilitRa e Brook Eulcek A, de de A, ;do.-do -D, William st. D, Bloc k, de tg Blck1 B, do y de ie, 07 1819 2 4 TFWa-ilee.P4n Part Zot 279Con. 1 10 ffl 89 6 1 sa4 &~ lu$ 801 11314 ,91. PA 2en8et& 449. 819, do. do: do. g7#a do. OJEÂFIALL &WINThR GOODS AT BIIOOKLIN., .MthewsonicIîRfe #c Co. Bfave just rèceived thieir Fail Stock of Fal and Winter Good*, w}iieh hWing been purchased before the late advauce, theY, âre prepared to offier at UN1VR MEDENTZDLY F in-iLy ;ro, ies, a large ýstocki of Boots and $hoes-superior quality and cheae., CLOTHINO READYMMADE, Tweeds,, Satinets, Flaninels; Unions, &c., of our own Manufacture, SOL]) RETAlL, AT WkIOLESALE PRICES, Brookih, Oct. 4, 1805. MATIEWSON, RATCLIEFE & CO. 9 TIR advantages offered by this Institution for acquiring 9 TIIOtlOlWti PRACTI- SCAL BUSINESS EDUOATION arte superior to any Commercial College in Bri- tish Amorica The Branches tAught comprise everything noesary f'or the Book ICcop. or and Busines Man; thoy include- THR A(TUM> BESNADPRIRNT Is the masticomplète arrangement of ils kinel, bciig lurnisiiec with tira BANKS, a MERCIIANT'S EMPORIUM, and an EXCIIANG E OFFICE, which arc open cvery day for the transaction et Businems.- kr Classes in TELEGRAPHINO evory day-in PHONO- GRÂPHY, semi-weekly. FEy For Montliy CIacnz4AR, specimens of WRIeTIr.%, te., àâIdress (enclosing stamp), MIJSGROVE & WIiIGIIT, 24 TORONTO, O. W. Nl.qEW- ýGROCE RY STOREÃ" T âEeuscriber w*bul« r<ëpeetful1y inform is ýold friends and' cýustomers, that lie lias again stnrted business in the aboveý line, ini the 'OLD CORNERL STORE,' pposite.. the.eobsoe.Rfiuse, M Du ndas Street, Whî-tbY9 .Where lie intends;kee ping on liand, everything required for Family use in the qrocery lime. Lýr Dle respectfully ivites au early ca lanId a fair trial. CASH- PAI-D FOR BUTT"rý,ER The the highest Cash -rce'pd for good Tub and Rolf Butteér;, asCash paid for EG«S. BF1ST ÀMERIOANOiLEESE FOR SALE. JBest Corni and Uorn Meal always on band; also, bes a fyFlùt' for saie. -"OU-Bariy,,Oats Peas, &c.,Iboughtlas usual. *hlb Juiy 12t 1865. R. & J. CAMPBELL W ouJd direct the atteýntion of cash buyers to thoir stock,- being decidedly the largest in the county, and v'ery complete.-in overy departmeiùt, IN PRICES THE Y GAIN! B!DIA! AS THE Y BUY F0. CASII AND) IMPORT DIRECT.' Special attention of the. Ladies is directed'-tO their Dress Goods, Shawls, Mandies, Furs, Hats, and Caps, and of G-entlemnen to thleir Cloths, la thle Grocery depaî'trent they havere- ceived a Fresh Supply of TFeas, Sugairs, Fruit, Cod Fish, -IIert ring, Crockery, Glassware,. &-,,, &Cr. R.& J. CAMvPBELL< Whltby, Noveunbor 8, 1865. N. 1B. To arrive in a few days, ex-Staamiship et. Dazeid, froln Glasgowr, 5,000 lheavy Twcedled Grain Bags, ludt flihbon aend Buc-le, Factory aend White Cottons, Blankots, &c., aend by suceecdin; Steamer, 700 bundIes of Cotton Wrrp-reli nunîbce. MULCAIIY & CASIIMAN OSHAWA AND MANILLA, llaving enlarged our premises, and opefncd aàfranch at Manilla, we nowv offer our customers OVER $30 000 WORITU- 0f the Most ca1efUlly selected stock of goods in the Couýatye Fit-st in the list, aend finat in quatity, style and nianufiacture, stands our Acknowledgred by the trade to be "decidedty the BZST in the Mlarlict."1 Our Stock of ks, without exception, the largest held by any - retail house this aide of Mfontreal, >and as they wrnctnianufrecturcrd teo order during the Sumtner eonthe,. and purehaseel long before the irete great Rdvanee ini Loather, aend Boots aud Shoe, the trade aend pediars il find theni now fully 15, rend in niany. instances 25 p er cent CLIRAPER than Moutrcal Wholesale Prices. OUJR STOCK -0-F LGROCERIES are now ceompl ete and will be found ta exceed. ia Quality rend Cheapness, thse hithorto unrivaeied nanie of the "CALIFORNIA MAX." We keep none but-the BEST BRLANDS 0F LIQUORS, and bave now in stock ovor :%r 100 barre' s cf Domnestic Whisky, '52 1arrels of Toddy, Old ty'e, Malt, and MountainDue,,Whisky. Ilenncpsey's Besat-lirandiios; Grahanae Bout 1Éor, and Dismond Sherries, iu Wood and Botte. CROCXERYAN]) GLASSWA«RE, in great-variety. Our ternis arce trictly CASI, rand in refurn tre offer yen tho fetiapeet goode tbat stan be Oshava, October 18, 1865. bIIJICAHY & CA8HMANP, OSIAWA. & MANMLL4. N. 1B. Ail partie s inacbted to the luîte flouse, ,wi lpeape eall and aett.Ie imtediate!y.' GTJ0OMIMAE RVCC1AA L WilI flnd excellent and conveiueut accomm.odation., wwuu na T'Y Yardàs f tte Publi6 Hall.rWate Parlors zaoc~ U~, OtatI ', respeetr Meore. GALT & HROBKN, SOL1OCITOS ltsuxC1çAxCEjt' SRoyal lueuraca Buildings, TORONTO, C. W. TigoigAs GÀLT, Q. 0.UJAuunHos.t~ WEIER 1NCORPORATEI li, CAPITAL400,000. Preaideit, GEono M h!xmm, Esq', Ylice Presidke ]s oir. JOUir X'cMuazicou * eretary and Treasurer, T I ndersignod kmn been appointedaen fe~r the ,ibovo Coo>peey nt MhitÉyeAenci 06awa, en i prepared to rceive proposails,- iznd renew rL6ka nt the iowesat iaes. - LEVI FÂIRBANKS; jr;g 0,couu$e'ofOntario, hJ~ieroby atw5i raI Quarter Sesloqn of the Pesos, sud Ccuu!v Court, in sud for tue Con$y cf Qntrrlo, eMi ,)a hotd- n t the Court flouse, li the Tomai Wlitby, on TUE$»ÂY, DEG.e l2th l166 At tie l'eur cf 12 o'eiockç, noce;-,cf whic lel Sustices cf. ta Pence, tioroneit, Coius8abihjf anud oidîotiiera coneeriîed,'wllt taes nct, an, geverital Caeii-ces accerdiegî>-. - NELSON 5hriffi p4 lviby hN> ovoiînber l5th, 18d5. MITCHELL & GO'sf DIRECTQY T HE abova vonk Tation, to e spt lat, 1885, snd wtflec aud, gro*,Wt cf the( tsi- of.thiuarsaidents eocessilon u- t 0j ces gtdl#aldg aie I boier, A bumuiness. -and Towns Vilhi,0s, a tlan of' I., uflhn, FÂre!f -99. 98, 1 88, 8 84. 48.do. Wallzwe .Pzan Pàri Z0»s28t, Qn -4- I18960 1 9 34 9 2 18fis 3,4 1. 9 1816128a4 1 82. .KW,t Pit4,-Part Lot 20, con. Il and made, tO1 order on the sh'ortest notice, in RIEADYmtIÂADE CLOTIIING the Latest Styles. j PROVISION 1

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