Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1865, p. 2

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ê * Iied e lace of gluss" iftIbos e lthe u.c i op*ecity bebroa d Rie aosYWêtWhl*aréOh týP1tljtednir béhead, ho 7woutd, moto wa hi& elhairi or bit bcd liet a drier poltion cf At the bauquet to Son. Mr& MooCGet A nt neettgRT cnett lc thea récîs t to sa"e fuel b, woud wlk, up Motreal, Bon. PMr. Gait, Ministerof t nltoetegRil otatt lc sud dowa tilt bc vau lrà', and thon wouid F inance, amade cene sreosariseon thse tusai tthe butis, lan Ibis towu, appol Moatiay ait vItis bitsesrvant iu the iitcben.. r- ,ect sf our trade relations witb tteictlited idà4t b. occasion beiug tise rltr match fug-sarvnt timo be wouid glein outhe, sosc ~ *i between thse Witibl Jnftutry and thiOah- lab atbis own tenantesud tbey wouid Sae fth otei entyecouragigtgaaRte. Li ea .eaaeit le > ! ore rain than tausi boblnd i to Bile.hutaracter.oues, oo 'leau te . ld mat. As thé entilîer grec Amongrst cuber good t1îiogm-He ssîd, pîat e la bw27,poie : the grecots inerti vicier bis *mornint ocçupaticn cas "hoiefeit ibat onthis -occasion ho migbt b etcrdbc 7pit: h grg t the pickiug$ up'of cips,'bousor -auytbiug permitted tae&&y- that white ce wo rein score beiug 141 for tho Rifes, and T14 for wchob couid hum'oa ]soep is"purso faror of a close commercial uio with the thse Isiaatry. On tibis occasion lb. labica W=m the oxtortions cfT a batclier lie couifi Uniteod stets, and chile tise Goverument vire turued, tbo Iufantry provbsg V!etoriý hirneoif kilt a sh*tp, and couid thon est wouid negiect neomuas for continuinfi lbe oui by ni ne points. ýTii.dey a~ saest, 'iatton -11ti the wbile vas consumbedi tmaist.utorebangoof their producis cith ours, uf oale, ti. hwiad areuu h In log no aiiowato for the docay cf tise moateili, if thoy .shgald desire b out aside ufvia en ieln , <lonoerulng bis perfect Iudiffoereco e I ho thoso rut#ies ib >,had existed for thse lait Ire in-empestaun gusid. Notctthstand qaaihy ut food thero are ii,îesances nurratcd ten yeara, hocasu sure ibis coasmuuiiy ing tise.dssdvsuîages, the firiag cas re. frbie are toc revolsing for publilcation. coulfi bu thee rsi te tura il&s onergies ini markabty gond sud steady. Captain Dant-1 but at huit nature nuvnged horseif for new channets cf business. [Iloar.) Ho ne,, sud Ibis 'Compa, 1L7,hl o ru fbesecontinualinseultas,sud tbe oid man sbould ho sorry te beoug te a country cf avbcory voreue f t e rac om.f auccumbed inte ofetgrowing coakuesa of with four millions of lnhabitauts, sud teofavcryneoeofterck om min'! sud body wbich preceded deatb but say, ibat nse verseinanay respect ait h. paniles of the Province, aud oser mon cisc a short lime. For montho beroro hie end becis of auj country on the face of the are skilled abots, attcndiug aimost every Jis- aîeep wau haunted by terrible dreama eartb. We produced articles of cowaior provincial match of auj coustuqueuce.1 of robbery, sud lu the dead cf night the consuimptien aIl nier the world ; ou Subjeiaed ia the score1 )boue ceutd ofîcu ring cis the cry, Il1 commerce cas regulated by the commerce osn.&wA 512915. "'iii keep my mouey ; 1 ciii ¶ Nobody shah cof the choie corid, va muet eek our taise it from me 14"-About tbis lime bie marktinl tropical climes ; ce must seois 200 V. 4(Mt V. total. came near falliig a vcim te n matrimo- them wlhers e e au cliange the producte of Sergeant Patte,...04U22 44103 25 1 niai intrigue. A Iitchen mad, nt chose or industry with tboe eof theirs, sud if Corpi. D:ckey,...22442 03403 24 dise the Oid mtsn often warrned himserf to ce could establisti that tradte we would Privatu Rlowic,. .. 24442 33030 25 cave fiinblie cen npartms'nt, bel hought flnd it a more profitable oee han tbat ce Corpi. Il.binsoa, ... 23222 00000 il berseif cf eecîriu g an affluent fukture by were noe carrying on." doWod,......03032 00204 14 marrylng him. She accordingiy set ber. Il is in this lvioc Private Hean. 43234 43230 2 selft te ork in ch w bims sch a remsrk the 1eciprocity tresty, ecd,.the ttsrests put Tol. ...........2 &hie delrece cf attention that hie cas loue oa ....b............ 2 cd by il, even t0 xnakiuig ber lhe coeted forth for its abrogatlo, Titsis te la .wltiTdVIFt<SY bier cf i. baud; bis relatives diacovered mttnlY wIIy te mieel the case aud. chateyer Ensigu Daovan, ... 44292 00400 20 the plot. however and prever.trd the o.me dficulty the abrogaîlt of thse Treutil gat on . 133 03 5 mentie denotieusr.fl. Forr ic crçl:s lefore might cause, Canada need subselt te no Corpl. Young,...24430 .32203 22 -bis death PElces tools te sleePiug r. ku dictition in te malter. 8h. cau, if nec Il Borrowmau,. 20234 341tt4 22 i clotbes'aud t lit hie asdisrovered oee051 0 Hatineenet ors ;Private Waltersi*..3222 23303 2311 nÃŽgltt inliedd'ih his choes onu bis fLc, a uuy seauindpendet couse....u.32333 23000 19 Oid battered biat ou is ltead, sud bis staff ber uOwn suad, bY seekintg Our commerceI iu hid band. Front that date a serutint in tropical chines, whye e oneu exchange Total, ......................... 1361 vus set te catlit limanud tlbo cars.tttl the pr:)dools cf our country sdvautageouely A h ocuine h aet h m hoe undresseild birnsf; ibut lhe cas si) muc ould iud lte t rade Ibus esiablished AthecnlsoofIomctear attacbed ta the other uuey It h li deaý raugemuents bbcg that the loosers should vomed to bribe the gutrdian wîtlt meprfital hn htcicic noy prends aa aupper fur the cempetitors sud mise cf "somethin, itt Iris wil." AudJ o under the Ieciirocîty tîeaty with thce noulntte fterfine b ac bcs died,-posgsesod of a ronstitution clicît,VUited States. Matera are vcry mucb an uainedtemierou teir'ed, he a With propor trainintg arîlcuou Ilfa)ttcbanged lu faner cf Canada ettd Canadianu b ireat ca hst ad wrt ocbeà would have easiiy takkon himu liroug n . b radie inte tihe adoption cf Ieipocity.- utintares w edy ndonre pilier twiity years. Ile lefi two fortunues, We rs.tvs.d dse meue ofcmuiaeieldeallourion. The Mayor occupied eue, cf haîf a million pouudtc, te teeile. thi7ioesdmnu fcmuia ie chair, the usu.l toasts wero propos. ià gltimeate tous ; sud Illeite uailedl esSaIes,1 cf tîc.u, sud ce raise and ecçuort mally corn- sud barifully reapouded to, and tise tt great value, te-his graud.ue;thec, suite .aimoditles uuowu te aur commerce ai the ms amnadgo eln rvie te assume, sud dmd tatire, the stames sud lime the trealy cas egctedil What is othmn n oo rtn mvic arme cf Earvy antd PETw-c. 1ug tI on al ides. We undemustand thse ciuirg 19 woold bo curions te foilow itis Wc'al:b there in preveut Canadien merchants from Comtpany have lu conitemplatlion a friendly e sangly sct-aped togeiher. But Sir 1 xotn otdat .iypoue n match sith the Brooklu Rifles, cho bave Blernard bas duntie tbe public, sud thse breadistufl,uec eipped ftom United States n god$tsci- e. heur lie eau denote te peusontîl relxlltis, ports ? And chat is tbore to pievent ormnyodsotam giem cucs is at att end. isupplying thse Maritime Provittces direct, Fxecution cf thse murderer Barreau. eulh Canadiaen greva breadtisu- New &dierstrîîe niht itis Day, .dae nlriuirs can d n Barreau, the Lanrairie murderer, was sii g atad ttd icial crie nhau"cd i aiMontrent,. cu the 1ltîbiusi., in ith tbe Locer Provitnces by tihe Untetd at Boots & choces ai wholesae - . Bain & Co.wfrnorIoji.10be ttelu Boots & Shus i atreluit - do. States 7 'ithat thre dîscontitruaace of Itle w f ront cf id.5en bore d up ta il>. lai treaci bogreaincouftduaceusud casrattnuded , Ladies' Punuelias -do. ra ccdinicupnuaprenlos tie cafdbyfu piesadsvmt re are fair (rom denyring -u but il inasoes. afl y orpiss n oe To Sboemakes-do. inun@. Ho ackncvledged his guttl, hoped ce are abie te survive, aud attichin i the Teesè-C. Rtoberts.ed ol euta*aagrl ior for fogivenes,andisid lbe cas net fEt te Family firerris-do. f!~tt d~ tî lino, artd desorecite die. Tes in -51b packages - M.[i. cochratie. faoiwi'teta hs ol eetie here cen. frem 15,000 te 20,000 Boots & altone-do. upen the Americau people by the. abroga rsn.Tomiiayplc ettosery - do. lion cf the lrety cculd hoe a permanent *uad ofthe 3th itegiients, cis losded ne. Tiero is thoefors neormasonte feel Dry God- de. oarmi, sas insido ube jeut yard, te preservo BL. Âedre's Ball. d.ascouraged autIhe prospect ef the abroga' order. No dîssurisauceo tek place. ctto4 yan-T. H3. MoMllan. lieu cf the treaî T re la ceriainîy Pallier Vil1 toueee saceudede iopiatform lmnygoe&- - ~ - nos ch qasadia seceasb t h tise celliyiandusaidt, "od bien leu, s,~uad - lusero e , Soert l e s «the drop ftl, ,Barmàot sog. - Bc iagJnte .Jacob' Byu- Tron Pulse coeking toves .#.Bryan. Scotch Bacs-de. Mouey.- Jas. Hoiden. AKppfic-iun on Pnriuret- noietNotie- Jamea HoInden. CHTANCERX SALE. Coavau vaJ&Y et aI. AUCTIOX SALGS. On Tuesday, Nov. 28, Farmi, Ti wu Lot., noiel, lise pncperty of Win. Lantg.1 Eeq., aitIlacis'. hte,-I,. Fairbanks, Jr. Auclionper. On Tocae', Nov. 21,,t, con Lot Noý 1, '11h con., -Exst Wlitby. Fart Stock, Tnt plemenli. Furniture, &c., the popemty cf Ur. D. O. Fcrbe.-Thoumh Myoms, Anc. tioncer. On Tuesday, Dec. 5th, et the village cfj Masetcmt Stock, Implements &c.-hlex. Spniug, Auctioneer. MY 91650 CENTS A YEAR %VhI1tby. Tiiurs'lay, Noveiber 23, 18 65. ~'9&NOTICE !-Au immedi- ate notUlement of Accounte due this. o&ce iureqxiested. AeSuT Rs urea URHS C Letnc.-Mg. J. C. MoMusLt, et Oîllii., sd Me. P.. Boss,, of Lindsay, have bhoua ppcinted itgoMM la tiseir respective. loge iities, te coileetatdsudst for tise CuaOIscs.s, trous ubla date.' Parties viii, oil tis adami tboasselves; trouble sudcoite by mskieg a settleimeul citis btieo f aceounts chen pnesented. Yàstsstuot7 cua dvrtieed to gile draatie epinze a.WbIstiuj, e oM Ada, and ai 0O813911 1os Tuesdaj eveuiag; bet àwii to appesi. lu eitisen place. Tise'e bu lbeu .=ch diseppolttuont la couse- q1uee- Atelegrarsi wu ivedt Ib l isa eMRce hIr .,don, ontMouda', anuonue- leas of il, petoniug tise Whitby reai. jngs leo (ysawu itsfl wcesdon; but, es Bef~.tae,1r. VwAemuiquf tallai te ciaeluCoi'mIraim. Tiste etlemen up plesici gopei u oupcr bee rmeei vosIeretote ald treat-om issvennst egoisetismouis t.Iomte MiSnie Cioled 1sd neeOr t ne iothe Sth a4ndmiCeneralies fr itesoa hnefitin triQa'sta Th tlenAt as reqites i a o aeno thfull isu otieet imortte thrai gviti b rians an appoithi rComigifemissinbvets geeaencive.re unde&Iusi htret lesigee eg ocseningtheb oForeignt lu iteretColoieso eno powr sginfater v sis tiseus, oWhat fties orcir oai houiedt a b ated? ru h ouieo imporact re tstt i rns mn Tis aites ftie Crt of Cbnemjs h foern bis towu eou.enoean htheonmoc, ot 12e oice a bae afo isLrasbicailse Ciss oficolot xeteUprCnda.Tise Mstrlu. Cn iuemoral tumhesi ntup 'i ise follov- Th Ce tat et Caofsthmd e CÏt o hne 1 aticsv Richards, Biaise for-Pltf. 2 Ceutices vs Courte . QbeRvôod,, 3 Atty. Get.va(Christie, Miotnan , ,4 Watsou vs Ham, Grocuvoods, 4 Angilova B. A10. As.,Oo,Gya, 6 Esvda àvs Cartie, Gren'rocl, 7 Coeove .Corrie, -Q&e»vood, 9 MoVdjorvs Stewart, Causurcu le Dicissen va Croe C rombio ,, 11 mm-sanaouio, Wilson , The Ceuaty lourd W. thid.dim wii ieresel i <%hofis ansi, se tar authese eci .d, i ait l-ýhe ufO ail th1 e (solsieer, lîgi ich i rs. M Socety cf: Wiby lateesi ceiebmaug ths Anstvcreany tris je»r by a -Ball, paticulars collions. Illote h. eue ci tise grausiest &ffaite ef tise ini tirat bu a taiu placein a fong tisse. Invitations bave becs ex. téoeadtte Beous of St, PatrieS,vise, ca. trust, ciimtter in troiz terce, ansi neciprecate cith thue Sons - snd te i)augistesetee-ut Anis Sceti t ecome.u plimecnts ao tneueiij pe-is y tbem pes- eues at tise celebration efthtie Ânvnai et Iresid* Patron saint. Tue MeKTRIasÀsKIDNourreitsnglteAti ox Buat. Ou Tueadal Mm. Jestiee Bad- gely, detidesi Justice Mondlet'. crier, terbîdding hailto thie kidappers, tae-bu augatory ansi voi. Dring trial d es snd noeconvirtioni eft dout of th ieir guilu ; ansi, alttongisfereigeers, îbey vore enîlîlesi te equai asivantagos ot lac cis Britis subjecis, sud lirdai sigbltetabail. lHa fixed it at $1,200 for thomstves, sud tee 8lmetica et $600 rcapcieiy. O'Lsuuity, rue Dtscntvs, che gave evidotuce in theo kidnaBppng casetaiMonut. resl, cafne te bis doast nocisvilîo, ou Satnnday lasteunuder the folfowieg tircelus, stances. Rie bai beau tisene ou business ansi cas stopping at Pieela lavera. - Beinug sabjeet té fis ti fson. kiud b. bai gaI op ant ef besi duriug tise nigisu sud tait due. lb. stairs, sud ho was se fatlly injursi tb*4 t henhver spolie after thse te- cideni. lie dl., ébout 2-oepock. TOW ExsRevOcUD Br Fias.-The tocui of (Froe) St. Pierre, Ml;quehe, cvu destroed 4b>' fien he u tis. One bou- dreti ansi veuty 'boussq ce.buneel., a -- lisais. et tise C'ouuty Bossu *2 Pub. lpleudid Uanqutto'Ros. air. Né" On Wsedsy événins, tIbstblit., thse fricads sud censtituents cr tiseflou. * Tissti~ frA c M e., mlulis t Agl'- culture, entertalu.d hlm at a maguidësut banquet st thse Si.L iwreneo sali,bMo tfwlo Acàbaguitise lavitedguestg pnu.ut<sWe lieu. JIohnaA. Msoonatd, sou. 1Mr. car- *tien> lion- 1r. lit, lLon. Mr. Verrier, ffeu'. fir. Caudisou, Heu, 1fr. Wlo lit f. Con. E0aMltoa u, oerman, Ris Worsbip the Maior, don. John Rose, Col. D DdC. .Irdgfàa, 4., fis 1gopor tise Reorder, major Cassidj5 Sous Rtegt., sd about 250 Oison Jlvitet peta . Is neplying ta the toast o! thp Ouest, len. Mn. McGsolns fiseconnes of bis romanis, sols, ju bt. gfea , j - satà as Mialator ofAgn*cuture sud Emigrations as Miaisier et Agriculture mr dettes as ut prebeni defluesi are, tleSsoite tise Aclatnis tratilea ettise Agrienhinrat sud -Patent lacs, as tisq stand on tib1m Itte Boos- viricb, T hiuievo, tise Peparuseent doos pnouspi.y anti efflcieaihy, but tise spisere of tise Minlito's duly, cisoîler I Occepy h cm suosiser, wculsi bean, 1 tisinis, ceasiderabie eslar'gement. As the Miister charges! witis Emigmatlon affirer, ail that T eau do ai present, sn raiher disesionan, tissu de Ouned, aud, thenefore, tise more a mat rorfe asxieiy. Ttunlaislfactory te b. ab ta gay ou tisis boas!, tisat tise aumber ot e Igrants usiug car renie lun1865, cas ratiro oves tiss unmes tise average et tate joars; but it la tise reverse et satisfaclpy tu a«e tise targen bell efthtie ariyâes, alinresi bl tise reponted biigis vages, bui uninfcnussd as to the equaily high coat cf Iîiiiugmais- bttg uhein cay te uhe Unitedi Statcs. (lear, heur.) 1 thiais ce ougit,ad 1 helipee shahl, iberalizo Dur sysieus of disposing cf eun public land&u i think e vonoght te have somne substitute fer tise Hossctead lac, wchsattractasegomanj bottiors te Ibm States; bet e-o fer as tire lIdeofe more labour is c,)ncsmaed, I confuteseIceu dis. coeo no prospect et seriouily diuinishittg uhis annuel efflux, until ce cee isegun, or s.be.tcte begiu, 1thoue great verksa otpublic utility chicS vo ail capect tea cccstpaay tise asivent, cf a clamer union of tise Pro. vinces. (Ciseers ) ln reference te tise officiai toast, Mrt. Cisairussu, lt me aIse gay tisai I eau bommity mciprecate the cauafnetion jeu havo expresse'!, et tise resuit cf the Canadien Represeaiatien au the Dublin Exhibition. -Aiheegis ce bas! very littie time ton prepumation, sud Onij a sisonsunsipnoundisterling ta #tart vus, I 1 il iil uought te gratlfj tise. aiho teeS a I uucis arger ahare le the preptaticus tissu 1 did-my indetatigable Dcputy, D. Taciso, tise tva huards ot Arts -andi Agriculture, aud Dm. Hlunt, or tis eooieicatSurrey, aciing in tise absence of Sir Win. Logan, -te knec tisat Canadas attainesi se isoncr able a place-sa ninth tplace &mn&a811i nations-Ktat sl xibitioq. (Ciseers) W. vers henares inlu ur Depashussa tison, cis tise presence etfusauy iseusasds of visiters, trous -Ris Royal Hlibtos lise l'rince cf Wales (eheers), and ihe Vieeroy ut lneisnd, decu te tise suteadlssg emignent i.borer,-and se fam asnI1 ccuid lbars, grom tise press, au ths sp, ot .d treus pni. rate report, the impression lett os aIt cor vlisîors vas favorable ta tis'Province, ils proapfectaansi resc urces. If, 1 ecever, ce sos te ho represeniesi at Pani in 1867, as ce hoe. o be, sud 'ir 1sirt4d have sauj tlsing offlcially tee eoy tae i rtugcunato, 1 shoai endeavor t aetaesi " giraW amel oncegis, te poteu bbntr luibmh -- * possie peint, of v* 4.e'gtise _(e,Jhur.) 1 feel, Mn. 'CiairMaa, in tise presence of se manj gentleen te vhom vwe hope ta listcu, tlrat - 1ulgisute ositenatat auj tisanisu and eme my seat; but Uere is a suts> et viih lma oceupies! al gond deai cf publie attentioni,wclub vicir Myj Damebas bete muei mixai op, et boe nsd abreati, and epon isicit, 1I hpe yeu dili stloc me te te b., as iboe simes demansi, expliit di dmaphatie. If iis beo jeur cili, gentlemen, jeu cils graul mee lb. latitude Montesil bisa asillowesi me, and 1I culendeavouir unete aýbuse jour indulgence. As te tise uefolem et tisi speeches musai oon, orsit Wex. fard, 1 eau bave notiig ta say ; 1 tlragit- lu aeccsany te show ml ceautrymon tise reverse etftir. Ameias medai alvays glistatng befoe eïon oes-; 1 oudeaveres! te set the trestis alerly betore my e-wu teins!, andi equaiij se before tiseusu intentions cere ihe beat, vistve tise Tenaui. <Ciseor.)Ttlu$aednt apicesant report for- me te unais, or for a galber country îIoIheur, Ibat for secmauj et hem cuigrantis semeersay sud degecracj, bas provesi ideuticai ternms, lu vas net s pies. Saut wobjecetulesketchisîe suerontdaeéà gogues, native sud Irish, ciso bave mtade iisesselves-tbe mautens etflih, passions ot TE 'SIIENAiADOAII' IN 914GLANDI. llé ise ty f imdoa c"hîlis annvetiea, *Nec-Yer n u ise 2Otbis, ngi nelatest àTise pirate 8hesassdoait annived lu tise ~Memseylieuis,- seul'ndsorreudonod f. tise guand-shaip Degql, sud ta nov lu tise F bnd o te 'avl àcho*5Ze..., .oa Bpo a n d publia. tl'i héB Tis< te pub,1lut u otai li lise Suiismc uloeiupnbt tisa muet bo tt is euitof, evory cýeusiîsba, viseb huaisard or rosi of ihose savieuna ef tiseir cooanîxy, shovîaog thelr sapacity for tisir womis, by ahboutiag tisoussl ve isoanse2 attise crezy peniode etof oen1Mr. Train i 'âr. Ciarman, as _1isalls làtsodntued ibis subjeat, chsnot IndirecCily *otsrni ou>' selves, perbapa, yoe cihh fdntîbar vritbi .nI me if!1saY suobhgdu ieei arelationaî tu tbe attitude ef the TrIs ai bomne sud Sc abroasitoe eEmpireunuder wch ioisue i a tise ai-rgenOrhaf etr tie. stili livé, mélàding la: ïbtisaiptf, be e lrôvlaeu, ocfcourmse. P Tisat aoexhibiion cf auluglesi kuaverj 01 asd fotty ai Phîladelpisi aedmit,làsshieij ýol WcléIei te. iiere sdes ,frt v excit«e sesussrîion.fer. tise sopas, sud-, iadiguétfý en giitishe deusageguscou-G cernai lunla.Wicu e ses boy dolusiod ut ibis aiidethe Atantie begots dotluion at tiseoîer-hew ltb. sti ' rale profit bytise plunden ofise onfidlsg ig, 0 noau,-cbeu we ebec th. dupes cisc t' reaily rm e nts are eggod on lu Irqiansi to il tiseir rata by isuavos cholie np lu choyer w on Maunhattan hcan -lshou ce gelatIishslà patrietisus paj'iag 1ev e paheie la taien Square-chieu ve e tike ineacberj thai 'bcurajs tbe accru brother tue montmsgcdt Ias,-cbat e. e au as feel bat indigna, t ticu agnistishe authors of inumadu, aud micery, and iafamj ? (Cheers.) rbej I n tise 'athora cf a ibemattiou of frehansi. e Tisey lîberate Xeiad i Wiy don%î tbey ti liberste tise Ireianiexat tirir ocu doors, tram thse polacons and usmderoua sur- ronudiags ef ibe tenemeut bouses cf Nec YenksuansiBosten 1 (Cheote.) Why eon't (beyj userais tbielr evu youug Irolanel trom eanltamy detructin-thit Ireiand iu Ame.t ica, chiais, according te tise Nec Yorks Tisses, contribntea 88 per cent cf the deathe ofcalidren, on the choIenunmber of deetise in ubat great ity 1 Th-?y lihe rate frolansi I Wbj don't îhey liberate those cbildren of a langer grocub, corse tissu foiherica, visa are scepu daily trous amen.g shem ta tise fan West, thoe" to undergo ithe fate of cbangelisgs aud apas. tatsa amoug an allen people?7 (Cheers)t Tise New Yonk Pneteciory, establisises by uane sud gondi mca, te dursçsuisb tis eolohen vola.mefor Iis vagrncaucnd jutenite crime, bus esled tire otiser.day fer $28,000t te carry ou their weris-ther ila a cisancet ta IiberaWe a part cf Trehand at ait avents.. (Chtera]1 Wby do't shese lusatiate Ps iiots lens a isandi tisae, cisoos îiey eau beore use? WViy don't tboy tri ta 11h. rae the lrisis labourera la Nowva~glaud, visere ihey rankisnl the social sosie beioc tise negro, aud isardly abova tise seass tisey drive fer tiseir Yankee bosses 1' There is a vork for ubeus ta do if uisey cere ouiy iseneci, sud if tiseY ontY triosi; bat 1 admit ibere le onueobjection to ut, asuperabte 10 ise Fenian mnd ; it la pracicable, it le possible;-,Is.,erefore liti aveidesid ndd spisesi. [baoud Checra.] Thleite liberators, MN.r Chairman, are, beisi ont by a portion of tise Amenican posas as a menace te ns home, lu Canada;1 sud li t iegei, more. ever, tissutise1 bave many ejuspathizens, if onet actusl associates, smoug tise Irish population setihes ib iis ide of- tise tine: 1 ltis tho> set dovu tiseir feras iu Bri- lis Amerias aIt te exact figura of 4ý5,COO men. Weil, Sir, ai I dan auY la, that if the resi ef thein figures are as near the mark as ilseso, hey sos a Véry formidable bodyofe nîmes-lo ihe Tuütus 1 My rever- sud frieand, ise Arehbisbop et Halifax, (ciscers], visewvasoesthse othor dav as- sures! te eniaulu. cas entiosly ankuoca cutii bis jariediction. lu Lover Canadas it bui noisher a loals habitation nul! a osaise1. aui tiagltas I saIsi et WozIord, tisan-" e my o oss f tise spoelea ous. *b-ea...au e "', s.aistce tise nomben 'ot foots, ce are assurew4*s goudsi estinty, le lufinites (iughtflsm], et c eeparesi tes gréat,orrj,4.binliiu mass of the Provincial Irish, îisey are not a drop inlu is bucleet, nom a buciset in Lais. Ou- Tise Hou. Meusn. John A. Macdonaid Cartier sud Gait, nephies te tise toaut of "Hem Majstj's Canadisu Miatry"; Mr. R. W. Soutt, Mr. 3 .Majîsu sud Mn. 1 lurpluy, ef Parie, ta tisat ef il Our frieuss trom ae distance," Mr. Tlnvdgea and Ilon. r . Ros, .te.tisaIl -Canai " .nte .- w qI lie Instruction.- ý me. Eduo,. of the Wbsîtby C1sronid& b1Àt ix ut t-5bmreportiof thea Spoclal ,o>1tts ub i n lu our lutIlsse ni e ise dor golm u l e, thediactioa fts euBai sae itiereci.té ste c 10eabal c@2aracteras, te'ati for smo notice at My ibands. 1 iaigé Chat tise' report la lu direcdt opi- postiots te tifeil.vid'Eredoived by tise committoe, lna latiag tisI tie second part pf tbe3olfoct"g cfiarge cas net provea, via £f "i11b&t eimnadates from ti«,e Witby Grammar Seboi, ise presentesi tiseasl. oesst tise eýsolâatiou et tisé Ce. Board, boletsa pont P'enry, innafay, If8#4, (1) badin a ieir possession befare tise Board et, qaestions upon vbicb tbey core boa exsmiued, anti (2), Thot auscirs, tUe preparesi soe.tise Board idot, mors îeturusi te Ius. Stamiuergu, asilet bad been tise Immodiate nanut of tir. Ex- .mlustion.1' This assertion of thse demmttteetetus88 notbing cf otiser evidoaco, le made iu the fae cf the affirmation cf oeeof tisese «udidtte, cho dociared before thé cous- alîteo, t/sut heo/ad inIAie pvm*q àIt t, examination, anssuers -( prepa-ed before the Board met,) to questions tlhon giron hhn, and tisaI ho used therse au#soe rs wreparing lhi# apes, and retitred them as copied, te lte Exraminera. la verification cf ibis statemont, 1 chai. sange tise Commitie. Ie lay before the publie the Ilminutes cf tise evidenco", taison5 by it._ The pubilà le niîied te the c hoie0 truth lu a malter so serlouiiy aiffectlng pîb4t lie interests , As tise eueneund"mconsiderà,- lion. .&gaiu, Sir, 1 cautend thtthe finding of the Committea on the Orb raitcf the abavo charge, ii presonied in s foruMcst obljecieuable and discreditable le a body bas'iug charge cf interesta se important as tise educational unes cf the Coanty. lu vu ail -mus before lthe Commitcee by one e'tishe candidates (the Young lad tuentioned lu tho report), that bu bad tiegis under tee certificates cf the Board, that hcocbitired a 6laisecls certifieate as the examinatien len<plevton, chule a fee mocs.s before ho lied cniy meceiveci a secotd-ciass certificate, sud thisa! toztt vs/ne tersd&, of the quesions giren bthte Boar-d tqý tihe ltucers triro presented fllenus't# foi' exasnieiatios at Port Perry, in Mayî, 1864, score inirodsced r/sroug i luimnta thse MWlby Graminar &choc<, sene tinte lie/ure t/ret ezamination vuas held, and tse lais and oes' Candî- datesfruma /So / ol. /sad been wrkiug upen ilese questions for a lengIls of tiere frjore thoy Isare examinhd Upon Isentb tire Ceuni,, Iodi'd I Nov, Sir, jeu- citi observe iat iis fnill eutablished mj eief eharge as pub- lisiscd lu jour colamuts, and ttnat, chule I said ucîhiug oltiser lu my proviens ietters, or lu the chargelaid, befome the cammite espectig the manuer lu cielsh theWypils bocame paessed eftuhe questions, I char. actsvized it as eu impreper possesition, and 1 novr hold that fi desorvod, et tise bauds cf tho ContjBoard prompt actetion,, sud the severesu ensure. -l1%c did -tisa Bcard so s euappmiscdcf ita ci 'i ll e made to appoeav as iC pallatissg .the gt'oa impesitiopt' sud bj iicii a certifieate1 "s1hatitsuds porties arà ceii qualified te teaeith gve svrathrrches of a commun sebool education," ,beccoses party te lise uzvreag doue te tho public, sud te thae" teachero cire have bhoulsly -earÏsed thiss certificates., -rpr Havhalg tbus fan 4é$#-*it epr ilself, 1 doim lu i-ueees.sa t bigua -a foc romanis mspecîiug tirai wcb, 15isa*liegei teck place on reczivini, tise epoti.. lu le stated, tist in tise discussion of tise malter Il a geucral opinion vas expressed aàîte' tise imprepuieîy cf makiug cisarges go se- rions luitemr nature, ibrougi tise publie press, ciss il ca s cthia'my Po wor te bav'e broughl tbe matter-ai. a mucb tailler poriod before tibm-notions »f the lRoard,'!, In replj le ibis, 1 bave te claie that auj position u aoee cf defonce, sud net of aggreseiou. h cas caly cho isemes *W-'J0% 0it lu oScurbornugis1 UV. Poil, oet tisstoca, has iandesiunsel for pubhiea tion the followiag lotton,chicis oziitsitetf. Ver aoice timo putI ce have heen hean-ý lot ibat cil lu Soamboreugswucauanassuresi faut. Mr. Hellveli'a enterpriso ciii seua 1)cAs BRovTIXS You vilknotcdoubhbe imach sarpniai chia this informasjeu tisai I bave retimnuet front tise QuIlreginset Peuciylvni, ai on mat ptobably faacy tisait am quité edofettt )e0Q1ifoer, sud that ttheo<attractions of home are fan supeurbor te thi netowr.si Poîroietituetf P'stisv1. But iul tfie 0.11 ou tise brain" bas Otmy inceesee, sud I roura mach doigisici 10 fnd'ams opinion quite -pepnlar bers tilat Oit exista la etirauctîcas quanti. tics-bohiaatis oontec ohot. Yee, evea a.I HîouAXn CasEz, oahy a te fetfieloe car tomy ceilars, lasieKag Petroleuta, agi',qgtô dote forth teoves'erdle' hÃ"ko-fat andsi talîce, in Our vi lniîy. Ye4 %citallj thru'itgh tise sausi bans o f-Scorborotglr s. la already Ioamiug in bis augrir teho re. leasi tram kil -adamarmtltiu prison. We kuow t;. ce puilt.velj seo IIooeuiug ansi bubbllng forth lu aeemistg iopplicatioa Ia en"mk iid, entemprislug, sud perseveriug fricusi toe holleraeesifrets tie-servitude, cf tise solt. Nec dc'teIci rois, Wtrtby , ei'4bbmsi taugh, sud turti jour boette ta us~ *îih- su idea that - taiutle 'a 64ptayed i 'tl'aycu can't s600il," &c., but coe il$4p bore, suacn d lswit cluItajoen 1 yes, 'rha _signa cfus.heuhaltbing, 60 eton't express à oflesyiise tdoubi, but cO ause tu t face viith tise living facl, ansi if jeu are flot blinsi jeu eau see ilu; If etot paralysesijoun au fel il, ansi if yau bOve a nase leng cuongis ansi straag eaough jeu eaue urît; oniy give us a isearing ai a ur meetings, sud venture a sigisu at'our sptiigaa, ansi ce clii givê o eevidcneea ttisai se$l cuvince jo t tisi e bave it in quality, lu quanîity, ansi in -Highlnd Crteki, at tlita. Ansi wby not?7 Whjonot bore es e it s an tsy osopart cf tise world ? Have net car fontusors ans ilaher. ers corketi sud tillesi ou lausi fer msnj 'Yeas, living on tise lan thereof, aud 1 s'eating ansi fretting, in tisein attentioae t teedi.g le iseelicils aIl"ihu aoCcs.ary. 1pravender 10 maiesiut fat sud proihsctsvo? - Of course thiy bave, , Tisen eisy aut lsy asie ti&isbau, usîcholesotue, pociset .empiyiugByetom fer a tignte, ansi lire est ,the lotriser ce bava votkesifor 1 lu more? la citis acet festand i at thisani e neceessrt tlov te t-plencé itmottgb te Feîtrcleam's ocisy ceil, creuse isim (rom b is letistrgy, sud let him belcb fomîbnu .fetteresi, ansi tuee as tise air ce bretie- distrahattng comtori sud cas ils ste - iansi euergouie libenstors, sud parit!amly te tiss baving iots of disses, butl cold 1ne even cith spe.:taoles ou, se a share lui tfie 01u Compay ilttaiow.i" Bui siso,ý suad visOn are tire sertetof mse, ' vite ina ivettruo a dollar or tco te, fsinm tho Sad 1 tisat coveritise. stuobld cf ibis migbtj 1 Pes'o&â iels tise ùaunife tUseeaf'crs.oun - EÉrtit at midntgt ? ,Who -do yen .iisiuk 1ÃŽ4t n te rpiiug ansipceoevernagadvIt& P ue tâ roposcd the scisome la Onr )part of tise community, and nec guis te, 1conle citb tho tultinltentioeucf earrliug e, ut bis plan et openatioa< 10 or ie vory l eftton?1h t isnoues on ertIssu Ma. #. rEu. Utttfrf.t 1400,o*, leth ie choie . ,of i Wiitbv .jlump 'toc àîe êdeiua etisaf: t Mr. Helliceli-bussgot 14 Oll6 thé. bnaip' e usucncb ectent liat bho 't betincm 1 insane. Ouit no, fer if ibat bd thé cms, & vsý are alItafflictesi, adsud eauilful fuses i* hi b bbeusenegnaîd I<n4tic Asyl. 'umg, und I sisouti aivise ycu te, ma, wviere yenuaare. But noe; "st mibacis, boe,t t alarmes!, ce are perfeotiy ra 1tinal, andi ath i & saiemmd, t againu asure yen ibtia ce ae bave Otise Positively gossuine,-tise rosai original, and tise reguhar Simon pane Ftockspcil, la tbIssnoble sectien et our eotn f rY a'ivei asin Our ieais; *nd'Mn. HBoB. t ivel isle he tuashovis etagingteodit.fOr It. sr afasat bMucletue e ýfcr& >th.publie fer cx- eoll:g W 0lsc aneaiafled Irom eijtert' A. GOOfl THIN0k Wlfob-r Bornte, eldo, Piles, olsi oretNi fLatued uce Bore Eyos, sud lu font for ail<Z poses for chIais an Olul Mont le usai. BIRTH4 tJAMPB1Ëtt.-Âi Whitty, ou Tisurs. Iay', ýtise 9tis in., lise vite cf ,Jamea Çatupbeil, FA1.tuereisadi, of a cou. Verj Itie dolug Ifti ue wa bmarkeoîs iste romaina 84folices st Foil Wheat . 1.40 al 6'~ a eue a5 60c- Peu ............ 360 a 5et# Rye. 45cts. -Potatoes........ ... sots. gay., .. ........8.0par ito Butter . :.. *:.s 2e .&pples.. 40as 50 Clidisns. - . .ecopor pair. Pers .......*7a s, Turkesej.. &... 60c. a 75c. Gesse......, 40c. Toronto, Nov. 22,'f The Toroto _grain markiet ramaim~~ Cheuged au about' Wiiyprics. bringi' fremn *10 te *14.60* SuBtter frout, 22 <to 21 sud 30 cents. NEW ADVBRTISE&MENBT&. APIPIENTICE WANTED. rANTF.D-An Apprerite h rstu Applyntshp Officeof Ibis faper., MONEY TO.--LOAN. T r I I nF . e s i n e P r1 % e a g d i P e o n iý Igood Ccntmcfsi rpour auet Potdates, BilWer and Gieenbaçcu bought 'ro I»otti, prl%te lusdit, ou iI»pravOj odfrusse ejumity, tàt lels~iank issserort. 1 àîn itse Agent for tise Preehold Pl'srtuene Bulutla itî Sclog Betety, eliod in-us)', ai 6 PER -CENT INTERES'i' gud.. Apply perdositilly, te Ot9eisl Asgetua, Iisuiiurtnco' usitie (uersoaAgent, &o.- e lA'themvs'ea-uMlilu'BWok, Brà~k St. Wltitby, 22tsd Nov. 1865. 46 29500 Va ô dASe IIARDWtiOD. dailUoredi tfirs' And otb TOWN Tise E Canada Ca:atte efficlli chat.tI, cd t4rougi tihep Chbiotea lit, oui trous eaofthte be, blotitrpeai0 te. Pemi Hoe,, E Grand Vnju h la tetase pleo' liai Society, Bt tise Thursday, Eyx Tiket4, sdmlttlugir taebc ,ubtaineit IL L acdan, cou 0A9&liy, J.Pnu aUt. A. AlexandlerJ k 44 WBSOLVMN istise suatter et J AMI nalleudeifeetstt%ýn Iresto fssrttAl 1011s titi& date citis tIttit plccuriiy t bey Itoisi, if a 2 and If noue tatinir the **-W ILI fitIe Villuge ef tic ess.lu tise Coulty t VAUI PICK ýxçcabe-i

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