Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Jun 1865, p. 4

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t - .. n -JAMES HOLDEN, OFFICILL SSIGN EE,5 Comalieloueir la the Court of COMMOto pinaq, Gcenorrd Agoni, &C-* &Ce OFFleC,( ut)'itsthe, T'uwnRiall, thre dOrita ,orth ut'i Nlotzrdgel-.%ilutel. Prince Abert, Maroui 1, 1885. FffOWVIY TO TOAN IlAVINGO sriutiei rnsuuîswtli a fow tif theileiri'att apitaittttslu Upper Citnada, lit lnrsst tiicir inolley, 1 ain thercote Lpnraed tlu leuui any anontit on gctud îrnprov- c ternt, fo re <'o r ten 'rsrs, il a low rte nit rIl F i'u iicriaiso gent%r a Company, r wllo let ' tluy (fort'.,n yenanrt t pet eunt oLt-Furti lrolteniy. MORTGAGES WANTED! T~I unIr ,4uiu i rjeurdtri purchtise A1'lo~rtitt.'(,lFrinprplitytr JAMlý-(ift }u.D OiFl3'E.-.QUt' piltit? tht Ttrwii Hall, fthncu doonîr orii flWgrti'aIael.1 Prino tuu't, Nrrîu 1865. THE STALLION 'BLÀK 11W-KCIIIEF' Wili tinîl frtr mires thm prement mqcon nt the SU1ISCRIBER'S STABLE. loutt 4 -intrttl in t tittc rettirti er- giul * -. ,r tuî'v wilt becarcesti nA ite mna'. , r Ii .t1lit te ulepues j of w tic elliiru'e for litr. atto Iige eiu loupni., mutt le iriiiuaivîi4ir; 5scoi>n rns itt t tirusefiof hhtme>oul -, luîtirod. maitrcs tt,' itli J? Fei"ctiryn lýi trr rtraîstee bt., tn be pri I lii adouro ali ii 5ttm Ille Stri'k l t uftWit irtu'-nuunti ttin Mat uI N7rrîleC a l 't 1 MARINE DEI'ARTMENT. WWI- vnte Ilî ti rgrikiqt krthie asue r *'aitl 'n 1 l1 ra4km. for 1Ilh',atl i vottiitiu. uirti,"e' ii tret wi ttc s l;ilere 1 'a ofitan irs>t",11iei 3a toutsta' fr lit aîîy pet N. ut' t!iù L.t atd tiv i!r.. , a tiriirut tl là o1 ni ti-tt.ublo me -t lesiul fi ii j rlc ain t herîî s ititpiiiy iwi, ba teleilî rort 'V itnyi W*j7ttt'oi a J« ýw,& o Whttbl , pitI tl t S6. 15 P RIZEFi'ESSAY. THIIl' RECIPROCI1Y-TREATY. uEt," t Uli irIs -f Tr ait(roui, T -lartv til tl; tièuts, il tsUtid titatés ,ittit Maali, rta ell I iilDetroit iiJ ny nît wttiIt>tnr 41 i lpI'îy fo r il'e di -in" it' t ri--ct i an rcî1rr1tlag te lializ tl ti s451 In iu~l pjsîtts te titiiW)' tuti oftlitsUrrtuista retidor lIt st t itu i nt ti,4 t11>ttitluity .t.otlnl titi Tine ptu thl tsi,.". uTitm-x ftvirwa. tisi- fotrmatioIn ip1tttrt t t ic t tie î,fr tir tl u' i Pîrix" torsut'sin aor Atie o othA lu.,0 jeût RECWPROCIT y 1h> altrantiu-zrs ttît uth ii tat.'to utt',iJ. Fîtrii Pr>ru. ............ t.0 Tie articwt"rtn'nîll not rx.et"t ta>' seaon big ott r R r ttuîuf'îmî l'.t:ttRavît-w, an.1t tr h pittliaieîilri t, T"'c't. 'Rtiq Utlieluikrîlart.îke icte) îîtr rsiîittha large iittîbcu a lcitg tr c rrtn u t iti n trîi'tioim tl thvirconutMittnat. 's ssy tattent ii a"m "r t' ltt r- t hy F'RIDAV, JUJNE 22nd. 1866. 'rite Judgs emtil 1>eaiiiiiotld nët weck WV. B. Ct)}lHDIih (. MttutrcI lîMy til, i85. 21 WHISKERS! WHISKERS! D o itî walt îît iitalert4<or Mtustacrb,'s t tt rr'1t('tmnlnlltriîtdwil t'une thet .1g o n <tilite etarott.ist ttî' ti r cla, )r ltaI îi %Auls, itSix Wesks. iîrieoî *1.00- foauîaîr ut' 2. set,11ltoraiatîywhsrs olsl sî ~ n tit-iptut' jtitce. WARNERI& et)., c4Bo% lu8, Bnrokhyîî, N. Y. Wsîriaîli -l'heewgsta afite set nt'whiskeeti a tit,' ttnitittri' utorsa tatîuîui til brnt l gssy hait. IF YOTJ WANT TO KNOW. ALITT'LE' tFi'VY.InITIIINi 'relîtitirti the htiututn symtcitit. mite andt fetucoîn; Ile estIseSotl trentst'tri t ci ntI-ea"sn; the maiîri, Quntoitrieilt the une Il ; tr'-"'tei ni 'tri' wi'li itti a tloixectnd thtiug* tussor tnlti.titl bhorun, remIstle tdu nd tiAid th irt,itttîof "Ma outr jr uimmiW Str," a auions.tît titol ot eînh ;:us peoplei, tndua s tntbotkhor e inianttrv s. IN 0 îrti,rt'i100 lllitrainttrs. Pice 4.0' C"n- tenta tibia mentt (rot- n u aîycdtlrt-uu. BIrolti tIl"> titi'lied ut t1thi 1o to ator uwIt au sept ry ïnfial. 1ort palOit1 mmeipt offliqi pri's. Ad- E. l. FO>TS. N. 1. 11810 tnoadwoýy, NCew Yorkc. TUB CONFEMIIIONS AND IÊXPED.- IFJfCE Oh Alq INVALID. fPIIE (t litc inû, 4t1tuà$a tCAkU- P 7101< VtO Ï>UNC'MEN anîd uthutre, wlto skiter troo Nirveus Drilty, l'temracun, De' esy oait' horl, t&o., snpthvlng PLI;tii. same tlni Tua IMP.n rat.tesait Ciar. 117 Omitwho lias atrel hmitituccttir und urgulu,0*1iusldor- Ing postage, iings copines msy ituao to N.ATILNIÂL MÂYVF sq., Brokiyn, Roo'SEED SOWER, A.ND ]Eanur& Plaswr Distributor T FIE SUBSCRIBEft'A8 OOBTAINED A paItelit tan bhe alînvi Machine which he dcsircs te litrodue. te bhitiocs,o? the FAim- lng eomaîunîty.-> It wililsowi and evenly distri- bute all kiuds of root seedi, ini any required propo't1- o0, ItwMlat hemre tmdistribute manure or p1ast*.r, Win uy re- qulted quantitW. It wUI av and digtribute the sosd wihh or witliOct &U Maînira or' planter. 1.t Witt dis' mrinute, witItit iijary, piuler ot asbhes over f .ntâ wltt mthey cn. ettiroaîgh cihe igîund. t llsowgdoublte or 4inis- t wo rows, or une0 t a lime. ItdiU tt' worked tîy maties1Islohon, or by liurse eweri laluthe. mo«b romplcto' argiel etcthe klnd, aIL" onueofth le 57at C>. Ld4BOR $Afl?,'GIMENTIONS Tet brou gh lindcr publie Inolo.. p'ateut ltightb for Coutiles and Towuahlptt t'on sae. Applikabiu. to bW mde te JÂMEf CLÂYTON. Fioa'ng 4mplement Manufactwi'oi. &e., Wu tiny, April 7 th188S.U, Juut Reeivd FlN Mt IF LA.EU E'tT NîANiFACTORY 1 Citii torîa larges tiontmnut or Cooking, Parlor & ]Box STOVES W lîtt'l wî1i b. sold at low piees. tionu lu bbe beurtil >hnigtîri ana hean'y est- ligutcibis CookioDg Stove S 1Wl t-I a tiailto iiS t ifAii t ioli h r LGxý t-tiisà Butter, tattesn etA WitttMart. WM. BRYAN,1 At the CniSbtd, Brook Rtreel GROVESTEEN & Co., PIAINO-FORTE Xânufacturers, 499 BUAWDV AY, NEW YORK, THE r Lattention et' the PtîtAli "id cle .tradle, ih. invite te<o unr 'ew Seule ttav, Rosewood Piano-Fort e! iVhiclinrvolume and punity anc Ur.rival- 'cd by tny hithrto offeracinlutitis mnarktet. x'bey contain ail the tuodem îaprevencentft, FRENOR' GRAWD'AC'TION ILARP PEPAL, IRONFPRIM.E OlVRSTRUN6ù BASS9, 4'c, c. Anîd eaclo inîrauent being atuuder th. p.rsonal supervision cf' 1lR. J. ILGIIOV'-ESTEEN Who han lîd a practical experione cf ,)ver 80 years in their manufacture, la Warranted in every particular TII SGROYESTEEN PFlINO-FORTE," Receiroti the hlghest sward of niert over ail others at the Clehrated Where we"c rxlibitid instruments n-cm the, best uakers cf Lindo't, Patin. Germîa- ity, Pbiladelphia, Baltimore, Bston.and New York; sud aiso at the Amern nscIuftuefor 5 tecceaameyeara, Gold & Si!ver Medals Frolah o if' whldt osu b. e u~r By te introduction of improvoments vs mako a stifl more _perfect PIANO-FORTE!1 And l'y wanuuectriag lam ri, wlth a strictly cash àystenî, arýe,.nsblid go effet ltes. Instruments at a price which wilt N.1, poven Oet8tve, round corners, Roswood Ipiain cse,$275. No. , "en Octave, round iSpnm-, FSewood)beat midiuc, $800. Ne ,'SLe OuiL»-,àn'ý ae& FLAX MS.lLL!1 s it I h 10uohsâ blIo , c i che mas sof t Fihxfrôtni A.Pi's i ueti C an Ics l bo prepm-ed to psy asciifor, aui q titly of nig "' tha frnera cepot lat'"slae a br.sdth as poabl, i ukldivi.lt sa ir L .a; sbould ché t sssonb.at ali favorable It *111 ha a Most pro-. o Italty#AeMre 23 ,865 raoh are d o salcu o ltearo i ofnc TUESDÂY, JUNE lSth, 1885 At the heur cf 1Il Qclnchc uoj, of wltlch aI Jtstioeceot' the peneo, Cormnerd,, ongtahles., atit ailàtero eriicerlititlyl taLaolesO0, sud govertilbheuelveb seonlitgly, N ELSIJN Q. REVIQ)LD$. Pet c. Nevmz. WhlLby, May 14, 1865. 1 Il' this is 8o, ivili you Profit by Wt? Du. DAVIS, and thehi' n'idOt oîmpuni- ule n stîl iitii s hiend, l PRIVATE DiSIIASES As t lts 01 iairtr, < Otime Beysmd Al ai ttle streets*, Torouîti. C. %V. Ye"rineprences nnblen hilm ta titre retent caideii lui aO'rtn shntt bina. '1-1,.igoritg es taâedtialilut Mort'in' u',d i; nw*rrtiîld Ille*olpWho wi-i-. tit outuiiit tehoétr Ca,,i Io se iVtbh th.eîîtîneest'e My reintitlse ire uansttcertain, awtI -,au. To trecd uot atop WtrIî c'?eian ,,ir t dtlîet. ('.Il un te D'tun; aiy RAlong nâa. tti îtati. [le eltanitran q1utilts fr 'ail'.Iec. Nanni iena'tuts oi cuIt wittî bretut-tho Dist!on 1"e0 tuonsi. Young iin ,io fiat-e (iIlsî i nhtim it tiiccelhhbts saitl resrouaît l elti ha pjtyiîîg te Dotcten. 1 is t em eld t>foeon M eddi. etanus sent t'nss fronitintrmgéi' t itiitity, lu ail parie or lie w"-rl'l. &f i)tl" hîiu(roei ciltîu the murine unît tigritiute oltdot. 44. ]Brooklin Drug Store. 105. W AWUSio I) U iÂERlulirau , l'aInt Madieluos D l'iloist, Oilms L t> îifos, ('iîat'etit- et>, tL. Horn 4 ~Catile Medidiw ray# omAud lirrt-îl.liiiC. W..SO'là DAY'S rz>COIMECIÂL COLLEUR t (Forndenty B i5rau. Straitrn & Di.wy's> King ttU-e, TerotC. W. Fid S-e eEauS of WiepausBook Recta. (il)NMICTED AOWOIIIf TO BRItTISHi VIltEAc*tJit'E ih tarit iucitlcstumag sit 0*1 te stbe$renutraiotlolthto beuls omme- Toatug mco npre.paretîfiorlte pruclai dutles et tl*ê(2oliulungflousie. and ifor c seat tbu!i Ttie Dourse of'hntrulin anuln'oci'a eraani- tàAs .reouBatk lt.k-Rltiur. Mita av, Brojkar' Books, Commercial Càeatcoin, flea1ethea pt".opie .e t4 ln*geh d4.'enpnei" 40se a iuaêpA,> >ntaslp Tltrauh Staff ofl'eachers and Lectureris Mir. DAT5 listnattr Inthie Science cf Ac' csontu, Con»uenciul scltien.,=4ctaimter- cia Corr.cprnd.oe, aud Leecîrerr on ilta nec. <>eaxttu. Un. IK. 5tJLIiVANK.A.,Ihrtu5 *L' et on Commercial Lai'. Ur. B"N. fi TsiYlbGilet (pensttor iu Mon- tresi T.I ttyiuCopuny's (M5e, Tffouto, ta- stairito' iInTePjeophy lit'. DATbas toit lilSesuro lu ererriiiiCte the t'olInwlng gouileinsti :-%1v. H .Me mot Aiea. Murray, Esqiof tntil uray t& Ci.,A.Memacaer. Emq. t Mcelisor k Bo Georg e MinI e.t>; Dvid IkchnaEtý'- Bursar UW*uIyi hl.lostntiisst Ial-. LAqi;u' -U SBl4I$ih&de Cn., thauin. RP.P; R. Jeson. Eq.; Adaai Brow, &cq. ltnltwu , 1'b. Beli, Eeq., bitroal -W Tns-nt Eaq, Newiarket; lIev. Ur;r**n liigrn ltq1ane, t3halrmaur of Con ty Ito.r f Foiucly of Lendotir Etigbaad N. B-All pmrtieaIboldling AdvertbilagSdp,~ >igcneul by Brya4 tr»Uoiei& CO or Bryrnutt $traLt)u t sy ~licoeuîls toèi y Jaue. anal wixlintlaco'niptet or reves tlîeir cocerm cf sttitalls ciii Bic Day,, are notilled lhrthhey Dan dose sîi ln'F t e A ëoi Chargé Ur~*ke's IIpteI L&ÀTE ?LATr&s,) SELÈ4,7N 81RExT, OR O1V20 PIIING IMPOIITAIIONS. t of Tweeds, 'Peints, Cot- hawls, R.ibbons, Ladies' iôts and Shloeg, School -,,THEý-LARGEST& CHEAPEST STOCK -IN TOWN. Sch ool : Boo ks, &',Statýio nery, Groceries-a large stock always on haud, l4Ibs. of good CuPrrants for $1 00. Good Teas ait 80 cents. Whitby May 3, 1865. M.:ýH. CCHRAE-17 FLOWER SEEDS.. The subscriher's collection of the above, jusi received, contains ail the novelties of the scason, imported from the best seed growers in FRANGE AND O'ERMANY, ByMr. Itiley, the elebraied 1Horticulturist of Montreal, inluding-- Asters, aIl kinds, Globe Amarantha', do. Calliopsis', do, Petunias', do. Whitby, April 19, 1865. Balsanis, ail kinds, Calct.olariits', do. Mlarigoitîs', do. Coîîvolvulus', do. Dianthus, ail kin ds, Iberi4's, do. Carnation?, do. Stocks', do. CROBERTS, SEEDSMAN. SUiMMERBOOTS. Just opened a'completo assomiment of Ladies', Misses, Girls, anid Childrens', Boots for Summer wear. Everything that is niew in the Shoc line, will be fou.pd at the Old Ried Stre, at prices that wil astouish buyers jArEMEMBER TERMS STRICTLY CASHI. Gnly one Prime. James Bain. To Shoenakr Onie hundred sides o. stiperior Spanish Sole -Leather t>o hand, Number one quality New Styles of Lasts -t hand Machine Thread, Zinc and Iron Nailsand al sorta of SoeFindirigsat-the OU) lRED ISTORE. JAMlS "BAIN Whbitby, April 12, 1865 Fire! Fire! ire lias re-opened the Clarriage Factory Iately 'ccupied by DONOVAN WÂLKEY & Ce., second déor south of islae Fcýry,,and& Qi*t te Town Hall, Whitbyr, where fi7els prepared. t EXECUTE ALL QOIOI£Rý ýn MAY BEFVOREID WITH. e~y Et~i 4', L, 18ý - ~. 4 .~ ~ -m 1No1ieetoMeroMnt~k j. ~ Li~uo. ýWhole sale,:and- .ýRetaîl. R.ý-& & J. CAMPBEL Bgto announce that they haive reatly eltu e terp eie laanicptin f uencresed trade, afd avin vrc'aet Iblko her GOODS 1O; CASn, wilI be able to ofterCAEctSO RSte CheapeîatGoo, as well'as ýthe Largest Stock in the Coliny f ntalo. They, woulda direct aecial lattention to their DRESS GODSprtcliIyte laghlao Chles sud Delitues at 16s or yrd, oea a 2tis Blacok & Col'd. Silk.s,- Parasels, Poplins, Hoslery & loves, BhalsBonnets &Rats, MantiesRibbons, Linnen& Cotton Drills Cotton Warp, Curta'ins E* Carpets. Cottons and Prints ate: gr eat-Te duot on lu price, and ejil worththe attention. of tbe cloisoot buyers. READYMAD'E OLOTHlIN-G. In.Mens' and, Boys' C oats, P a nis, àad Yestsmade up on the -pre- Mises. -The Tufloriug Departmiet st -ndoi-t tltsuperintenidance of a irst'olass CJutter, and al garments made to order are warîanted. They have opened a- GROCER1Y & PROVISION SIRE, Adjoining, wheewll bc found a choice seiection of Teas, sugars, Tobaccos, Hanm and Bacon, Oat & Corn Moal, Cr ackery - Glass-waré, Table Cutlery. And a large selection of (Garden and Field Seeds, Sait and Plas- teir, &&c., at tbe lowesl price for caish. The attention of Counîtry Merchants and -Pedlatrs is requested, atbey cas always find a, largýe mortinent te s3elect from.t - R. & J. CA MPB13LLL 1Whitby, April 19, 1865. AT GREA.TLY, REBUCED PRICES The subscriber hasdetermIineéd uponsotl-, ing the balance of his stock of HElff LýIv% Ulmslndbsigrooîl pàat Steel of' ariotn t rùài Plowg ani CroerisMines &, Ljqutors, 7 411 of wivhieb atre genuie articIes, at get3 Reduced Prices to make room for- Spring importation.s. ndiu>tslt Hie also takes this opportunity of returu- 1n"- ingr bis sineerè 'than'k'ate bhis friends- for their liberal patronage tei ý' tirl ljestowed lapon him, and hopeste hàve a firther continuantece ofn Whltbv. 5oprti the marnet JOHN, FAIiQIJHARSONS8 ~ WHALL'S C. 1,1G5 ~R1ÂGE WURKS Naît Oaeh, n Damerintive t-w. TL &Machiti. tocworking Butter for whIch bo solioits theo attenviOn o4 ail tLose ir the trâde. Bc daimis for IV 1h. sunp.éority Gver ""y othr proces now ini uso,ln #tcmpilhlg thi. xuqlh deaircd.object-of thoiou&hIy nliIug thé, dlfferent êlrs nto one' un crnà oolor , bsiîisbln1g tnilk and lnpri.iItbot x làh mauch uIr the butter uow, brougclt te arket; hance o to .arm<tr, It'ile- oclacs asefl ltiu te the merohant, u tiiiy mu anwovkibuttaer ftcm th. cln from ome, pou~il to fortypaunda at a Urne, lu à short npùéâr.ftlma, iaudno ipill i, salust un)der lb. operatlod lu tii.buitr. It will ýala* mîuhe Itlulto lîOctgas For roferenoe-tlse prix. butter workecati ba seean Ila imait dally"jperftibu ut thoekor.ý of Mr. Lewis, idu-k Whltby, whra wI.liba reo.lred, anâ exseabti prou >" yby ti ur.derul nod, and %eut to nmy pLttt oftlas province. rd e Io* go suitth tigme. JOHN silÂwl Whltby, Jan. 10, 1866.ubourr Jos. >ýFRainer Piano:-,]orte" Manufactu re r WÂRUEROOMS, W1ITBI(, C. W. 2gW IERE ma> b fond a tun Rssortngthit ofPland' FoFgea In Plain sud rnttlmabtal CàÉ1cà# go e , o ,XV 7and 7gotao, s,~e taradlof the b0#9material# and prcnounced by th. most distinguishod kr 4t.,W .unsour- assed by strcgth ad purity, ofTone Wili ï be soid ou tiiî, nomtresaOabetrins, au~c AttcPovni lxibition 1ie14lu London on d4 go IV sçpqfplb .1861, tVie t r i ls awad ,cd oJoe h,. Rainer ftb l. uperict ed In rcgaré1 te I ?olî,ltInos .ualt2i of- ima etcd DaraU2fitzofn uonsd atolwo extra prites ror the superior-poIIsç?iof thç Ingtrumeut. il% alsotook the . ftsprixea atthu ProvincilFaîr, bu leSt tndI1850., The l'ianos otJloi.. L'ltalir were pisced lu th -highetît dace and a dîplornrta wsrdl tbem. ir- Ruiinsr'enin l a well kuoa'u go the Canatlltîn Public as c Piano-tna"nfsct rer, and roquires ni) farther co111nîc,îdation thati that wlîiclîli is insitrumelits s,>justI.ycamaol. W- lut orderinii, pienac stete the number c Piano waîîgd. or ty.e _*ove will haro it uaru'ied o» under lbe super1ttnuleencel ot Mr, haineras Fornmn BROWN & PÂÀT2lr'ERSONÇS' Agricu-lttural 'Workst- AT 1TagE <LD VW!ITBY FOUlhflRY, M'înufîîc:utrer8 antd derniers In ul] kinda of AGRIOVLTUL4L IEPLEoENTS, WIrERE WZLL BE itOinlO THRESI1IIN GMACUfil CombMned Rapers nd Mottoa,, Four dilereoit kiaIs of Two-.hore Wheel Culti'Vatoro- STRLAW AND FEED CUTTERS5t G AN T "GRAIN ORVSflflES B. l. rot 'later l To Consumptives.' ' T READ)V.iT18Tl$ttlSVht<tJ EN RESTOS. "~8te eulth nea t'ewPaes. 1,7 a wvsn elqul i'einiây. aster htmvttgsbga'f*.5 cWlha 80'4rc 1 iaga5eeiIle., aedthtidrud diuse Cnisu do ienn auesto maLs Lw o h â eh ultw.ssumlsr M-, 1 . 1 )K.. (

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