Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 May 1865, p. 3

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Un Pame. Riiq.-Týhe Xe*w'York NEw ADVERTISEXENTS. »W b.hefollowing in'&descriptionî---- or a prie Igbt Wb" reealy took plsc U Y'* y. bewentw mtinaid aissd un -Wu1ti>V-Races 1"Dwiag the trauîpiring of thes rounds e Vwh. ss vusterrifia. *Tô a novice it vus - inontih1bl. Prom a ~eesailow coi elon the sharply 'Çut lesînreis of Davis becaiue s@,y wltInblnod ; bis forebead wus one grhst blister, pjprple and b1QineÎlron i wllab ln an inâtaut, bçîween the rounds, the lsac drsv supperation, and ihe secondsevent out 14, blood. Hi. lips vere out P~n1iI '"llie S r ng Vleetinn' thqy Iooked ikote jagged edges of a basfprg stain. bis noie vas battered dowu 10 a or1un dul ee i bis ebeek bons# 10.' bisL? CLU ivers q,1e grovin cireby the i. >, dandONTARI TU F C B horrible braises whlah grew rom the mauy wfl, cone off ovor the Whln.by Cours, on W ess;hie Ihroat sud body vers ivid ju m.muy places ; yet, llke thre terrible spectre Wednesdiy, Thursday and Pri4Iy, of Banqua, whiab h0ry raie" in theatres, I,2., 22nd, an4 2qrd, 1866. bu groped bis *&y lshout the ring, exodiug a abooer'of blod- at emy expiraion.,» IRST DAY. i Thu(' 'îhud,1 vent the crahiug blovi 5'na rieIeta he u i ie aimed-aiwaysut bii. gary, oyes, and i li e îroviiienuîren,'otT.C. %W. wresls the mon tel l eavily, rising in thre $100 Purue, nuile hIltst, thrce lu Sie., porebes brethle, ,apouged sud fannued, sud " - rotig Pprc o I nr'ut roused tu Div butubîery autilie inexorabletieeor et 2.155, ruilopa eft l"Oe, litIlfve, owir- cai o& nt tyi, ,,oiiiu rei a 1114 iedate, uni mil f tite.,iecte t Tnroînîn. ilor cetor Belleviîlle SILVIER CUlP, furhklr me, dii of eambo's Idcas orpreeuloua. oetmuie, [F rontilhe i'atecaiaurg Evpcei.a, May lith] SECOND DAY. IRtler au amuiàiu incident acoeS in Rs$00 Trottang Parse, mile hienta, benit ainbnn.mne aontss f. am. mneni An.. irec Inl, vin .telnar:r3-,,oncmn o ail horaaul. ithe mrcliofa n qliiqme af United States 1 roo p. Th~etiegroaàs colated ou every (Amta vimnuaitie passage ai thre soldiccu, an&dn luunny inusasgeetad thcm vinli oîldeù art P~r ffi leure. Sittng upon a giatp post,npoiioof aitires firtus, traisa shap 1111 4a it nuietering bis tece taho, "lieunlie vwu îoid afbis freedum, ciiap- ped bis bandsa and atnooîed for joy, - ao Ire, ra. irce i lis exeiaîncd in aitcsîtacy ta lii mains, 1' 1ainni gvinc to rock de _grandie no more , 'caselIse free." Ruuîiing tua syouuger aiter, lho nparied Isis newly obtaiued inteligence, sayinig t ##You la free-do't pick uji nio more chipsi And apying s est laiiy stretching lier lmbin lu h'tirs nnliàe, h. reacirmd the ctimax liy screseiog < et-: ànÂd yonîs free puesy, dme' fIo&MtA eono re rais.' 1Wbctber"'tle' deligited ieliav veut ou addroeing thre fovî«, thre taitle, the Inagu, ae do lot lown, - but tira above la rettatem iu an atual occor- ence. Sacli fredom it alie would linthe cat enjay vwuld cuit ber ber iife, but frac- domi, ln bis md, IV"s theinooy rr c.vceJ lente ui hie Ilue. StlOO'INxo- Av Rit. - Q.- Tnuradany su afray oceured-betveeci u udisin nearj -Brsuîfotd aid'a coraub!e, tba lildiat sîsb- b led ithéconatable vji a lnarp instrunti. rani co ptilées8 veotfrom lBrantford ta Arresi tbeIed bIati,. Hc amu. i utt vlih an six curoter ; tlnreta are danîgcroutiy wounudêi1. One cfihemnifired on inue indiati sund hk11itl hitu.-2pctatlr. À lepuer wriîanr ulules Oint the milanus on the BIn' e, hsd in camp-fi the scalp of&s white Insu ouîy fOee days oid,'* This la the ycnsngest manwe oner read alln:t. Tbree Circuiatu slaves, vatilni froin12 ta 0yenesof axe, viare a 1ev Jsya tince public;y uold in Alexandsila. Tine loweîî ;trica gintein va, 1,200f., se ni- ldgbesî ,00ufý- Forigepaper. 7-A gu)c, (ttseveranI monnîlis &go at Pitiu- hurn-,lias rect-ived the vor>na nniiit uine Of Bouce-h. Il arrie a nbalnof n 1,080 Ibo, lu veiglit san a narge of 0 rinunala of nua.r.iie $2&5,,rlrottiln Pare., mile hoaci, Open: io nul green horuca tiint noer von Punblie uîouey. THEIRD DAY. $100, liard h' hRe', minle et. heit of hinidIe, ilarue linet ix iiieit., ni- carry 111iib.j $100, Handicap Ptise, mîie hne, na lri le- re I in cti inny. RULE$ AND REGULAIJONS;, Iieltire a inline a f i,untIntes, tinu Inno untanni. lttmance teni ler cent. Thne ttli, te> i-t- be me -n, n'- rlgta tne ruloà% of thi'ie, Alil nftt mia i.- mie ia-l uwriting, wtl titdr * - hilîie $c'rtnr eore ine o,-natt' , nn t iîi liine 1VtIiti. Ino cach day'aq rn-n %V:i-Ier 1 iiit r. quieel ia.te dcc'. îi .l'cy-iI- e--r'l-ia n' thi ilt.. FvçIy P0-r.n v- It r eii aotan n-Ili e rcjiired tnî 11limii, neci..Tii- > iîgea d<îtlioin b lbu final inii al eann.n. vr ime. Inai lores ilow id nieil i tiiiiilei. lîtntm.e, aîay liùe titt"d at TIIiIRAS IIUSTI)N, WIiI-c FIagr %IllKINSON'S IBLOCK BrookStreet. Ntqwui' orNever., T0.1gr6 a-UO vANrTnCOTeINQIO rtIl iiRRRY UI 1? l4th 0FJNE, INSTANT, A 1« mr w - -h 1 1t mn, i('4' e i l o laiifor pur. *1r*i gl -ttm r il -b iun.i'ttnige a t n jt .mî 4mc'd Kitîi 111 TI7E FLJ*,lG.' i"ATAa ACut!orn.T AT Qmnî'M.< O a lb tn rry vIniItir l T en a rslaN iîin ! tt. ' - l -.,-'-rr-. utru-t, îtIt'rail mm1;1 ait ttonhy van2i iîihlloai n nnr lîureula ller- tl'm îyi rinotîna >mtimr it tnîa , itnye.0I t s %%l࣠îre- AIB K oIt[IN ~bo#~ticn~ccniretJ. frNICQnlirttt-ly tr Mri.celahtiy ~'m~~e-il Oi-eitîhue >tiwic îî-ichn .îîw iiî,i îlarine s apart gftli4e -parlisinucntaerv rcaoî tIknti, Ma> 14, 18n55. Rule lgn rio~in-De mrluis 1M10 ANDI WALL ATLAS. Mai-ota.- I.gibl-ieanl. (Icjnoroi tfereiao, tmnd iluiaa I -- .m Cimd, Lowai (Iaint.edn, N ew irni.lp*k, F'ait wbesît...95cts ta $1 07C. Non-oSC<eitinà, a-fn-I Iii aF~aa'lail.mê,çn>11 prg...........8508s ta $1 00 wtn-nita ie iti ig îe lIaet So- Prey. .......... 60cîs ta 7Ocîi. tnnilirrmll ndnrticrmîao.----d loy Canra; Pst. .. .~ . 4ffcîo. hiietrttild ly rip udeinru ,- - nbraciliiq mIe' Pesi......6au.ta Oais elole if hrîtimui WNo4inVAuni-ýriCe the icAt- Pe ..... . t 6et. lînotlt v tt leI înoi thowinîi t a j3atter ......... .. 15cmt.. Enies of the 'tial <îeinStceàtigl.pI Egg..... .tcia. ilutgln ime î It tîhe st. i.awl-ae, vwîit l Ê- tatoes.t.. ...25cns. ta 30cii. M !-oinel loitg îutalîce PI'itain liedav, al Bay.........$9 ta $12 per ton Iront New- York, Bos-ton u ~d 1tlatiJl. ____________________________________ lit tili. 'Crol Ito t tînalitia-e-tlvina- cf ]MW ÂDVERTISEMENTS. tli tt atlini ;cl tdrami»,ociitu I -- lii mmli i'ronii.c flic, coo ltiaa, t4iwvnaLîp, feilg- uin, c, havini, inter ang ti, tte end su pikticipalund iînigiterinieô, irsiinve yeau M OISE 17i-îpit îaud oveunul rIbt"dn WSeil ôogronto.l un ciii coh a ri-ttît ueel iiMte* vti runiiAheetai Minie, a-mita', eroing miper nntety eollnenmmd, pu V) a ai iaIa-aetittrs p'i 0&ii0ty 81 !riches ; equal ni iis, tl. sMd ciin 1operty iu thetiouity of0'ntigio, a-hure tetielomgeta aanv (lliratînti teîl'pte uap aofilieunt ire* tltlae f >dstprtatLe . - ilan(-ea; a-ilie i.-couipleted the latter part of - i. .1. MACD-ONFLL. I iile year, iadi niriedto abeer4ibera ila*aar- Vlulb~ ,y $tr oilomr; tCourt lin".l ia couvetalent, loi F'ie Dollm, aiyable on DoliW ~qT~~.4.sZa'very êzily, MA$iIOTlLPRICE 0F MAPANDCUAUT$ 50~. PHO~TOGRAHICGU LERY in- [n nis.e wllb% cmne- mn WLl41I-KSON-1 IILOCK," lIl6et o t t, ti i A Wall- Atlas of the Britiuh miiitin eror ctlteehoyo Galle a-oel il fe.t a liiees otat anud veu, 4 feet uort ansd' 'Jj~rj~ 'nbi, tns'ta i jow'?~emoi aonir, Set CanadinAlruan, page 1>. Tpioit iithe Puic te, sud Ren powpyita iI'Barh 1h oillu çiita t1the Pvlicts~eta i-iiimp epacl Agonte râWift gl siIon u brltln, h M w.ueeD'rbini'ten-ro PHQTQQU9HB. &MB»ROTY, firngtou, witorloct snti--Itaagifla 4 1afwkJ Or fara; other maode QfI lie My419 tArt, w ?ri«# PuMr M~a a l' r y Myi E BZALLION -- ~BLAOI I JIwýJIWl? nIirsbujmt t ddod anr stoecor AWi~W MA E IA S Wili statnd riýrste p-egit a non at tuIt sd ueInsthe SUBSCR1BIfiS'8STABLE.- (Ev lraW-tii;rum A al, d uelà TAJ44 Ta ' eoi -single e1A PtifngeTt ire gmussayf ý "i, bnte ueh"n. crxasemon WIf. inUai1Lc'mat - *bitbv, MayU2, 18el. li So l V IRy Obeap forClasuh, -- 1ý7,xVAiI 0f Valuable Real, Es'tato, Fi vt. cIass Business Stands in the Townof Wl1itb1ysl d 'Wid Ltaüd% 9farnýs &., ', q S$ATURDAY, IYAY 27tge- 1865, J. H. AM PEIU, y)ESQ-0 w TfOOFIER FOR SAL.E, TA PUBLICAIJCIION, Pm Th foI],wýngro, erty iuàted i tliere ~r, O contra of the buiqleiLwor. ortloî. of thre TOWN SLoi 1. on il e coritur ot lrock sud Dunda Si , dut 24 feet front. OU Biôd#et. imul filot do ouit Duda treet, to s liaine 12 feet wîdlt, e r:!i ntwcocrii- patidil of Mr. .Icelhfnuve. nlte re lirtil of$8$10. 'ILie lot i le v ewr. " l i md Red Binre" properi v. t ]y__ l opjnorieeiio l inle.oe catàli-1îiri 14 Wm. ftliýEm., id, i.t l i i 4 th on or W litb>. Loti .. On lirokt Street, 19 'cctii! ot, tad-l jr iig On theNo Nrihi, lo one' e lis ils ocee in i-ior Nir. . OIb. ae a foeur and féted etore. SLot on Broek itreet, 18 feot P iU ou Z., rIpteoib ve SOn thre fouth, and .or. (3 l. tc, slv nd Itlerelwsre t ~ u ' li oth;fow lu tire ceflpetiu if OMI- 9 L t 4 .,. n (li hc e, r a iuirn t lot ii n r 10 do ;i4ud 1rnlhur >tore, Aild méI. lluîes , OW h1innk of Bricvk uldm. Lotit 2, 3, nad 4. nie encli V7 fo.et dep, ýo aoperi anet Vid nnIetlCOI aq (t, irtnnnn:ndelonor It 0 c*i precingl ffxain.cioiot~I o f e. u te ey litztu of'i ,I m d, ove de>eiT 'v, oupe lu lu 0,0ui~~ dîne and ore for ag~nulturil purooseri, and In odasld M tbrlvini uettcinente. N(rOi34 Lo% g, iln1t1o. )Jari, lo0 acre*i. let 2, lasla cou. Ma-a, 20 acre. South 34 t, 1301 COu.M Ma100 nre, 'LtIBCon.6sa, 100cr,à. B4 I Con. Raina, 100 acrem. 15, 4tr Con. 1<ilu,'200 deret4. ;jnet.hi, Ïrd Cou. Eldor, 100 acres lit, 4th C(on. Bexley, 200 acres, '26 Northm W. iIey, -Neley. 114 do. 14, I*tl Coin. SOUJEirvilln, 200 do. 1, 12tli Coin. Somervillo, '200 do. S(L'iili ,3 Lot 9. iliii Coin. Mars, 100> acr,%, - about i#- ocre, ole'red. Log -Ilenua Barn , &c ý gittllliM- About M nilea frwu tîna WhiP>y roAd.' Thnom, 1, -akiug fo r frine viiidIo vell b t eiun- lue tii - jîroperiy I>lore dey ofeale. Ont, 1--'nhofthn purohaernoiiiy txbc and] lu Cap , , r ,stactery noitei not lnin. 1 o hn.nunn-fth puclea.nnceyto it n ,ni>lç inI0D uit .(,Uàdamnimalinutahuenta,ooiî,iu laitt moteln, '196, vil: iterc-nt tLa trate ofvtýî - ptt*eet pi nnpaid prinrelpol. tqrsinouid purellaiera deoire 1te;înv the rrtnse moîacy inuit fof fle, inove ti;ii,., a aleduion*0ftii per cnit Wiilbu made from thîep!Urgheac. -ine meu 11take jplace ou the, grou sid prccn-îeli t bile u'rI1ýk P. en. ;W-'Terina oresale lfur the WiIdld 1.aiih.sud Faurin, bouleab uloowfl pruleriy. 4aYI FAIRJ3AN S r., VUS. loicr. aiMLoitTA.i? AuCTION eALni <nr VAIaXADi.2 Btsmnie eu..cues ixTut t TowNm or lWcnr-r Pity Anus AND J4ci,&c.-In aun 'oe>r (oiinvir wili be fond an arinouncenet from Mr. Fairbanks, Anîctioneer, %V-li Wo. e oi avoredtî ihi inntrccîtaifî r -. Perry. 10 icil thre viluibie tovu proparty therein describcd. 'Tfiere' are min battent Inacene of busijnesss lu thine towii thon the lots oll'ered. lit. fact tbov are tl niiiirpassnitd l he Olid ASînie" iniglit ittol-without à particie of exaggeration -ire terincd "tin th i'mtt buiiioana location un thP tî%nr." The lands offcreel lor sale by Mr.'I>crry are, Il null 1o weeu, ail Ritu1sft u riegrllit to%%nc;bipti. A botter recoinaaieudstionu f their quality couidni ot be glvecutîranu thai tey bc-lenngtu Mi'. Jobhn I[Jin Perry. lie îlaneua likeiy persan ta luveut nt ulanudsnof ain infi-rior quajity. ttwiiig to n bas goaod Iinck, or Inint hrcnndnesa, or bis amîple perBanal kî;oW,,cdgc of Iôclties, or mnrins toail tlirte couublned, lus gond fortune lun uking aclectuonu lai conisiderin'e - tnark-able. The teriuns n1.ltayî:aiuî aâre yory easy sund liberal. And miore unlikely ihiln b ave corne to pass tnsa Uit a firtutialo pmirclnentuay enrich lîlinuehi vitin a 1ev ont vells es a-cl a$ sfaim-- WhQey (nkeûnide à%. i$dirwt stcntÎon lu lire exlcenniv salie oftown adsuria-m praperty a-hich i5 toaîte place li is rua-n on tIno 27mb instatn, n&s. ilil teeceprn by' advcrtieent. Mr-. Fuii-liaukiq, Auçîîontrec, 1>eer n ertd b>' Vas, irolîrietor, .1. I11cm ?vr'ry, esq., in ditipose of tome ai the besuIt i t he tan'm'le Wb te* t flic-,laigiirtnt binider. 'ibe pi-moent will aflord a i-src opportunity for buâne iot ~eu Io Pouucatnistlo if ti.peioîr buglnSam utrdsThe fui-m lfrnds are highly siîolkîi n 't I. lin i offered are liberul. lDe msu-e itit attend the ,sale.- WniQbe Goute.tl- j int. lritl(y'uItS mii JOF ASL Enirr- Mr..John 1Jumn 'ri-y advertifeê ini pur colulunip, <o day, an extensiveetaillî,n sale of i-cal c itnl differt-it parte it. i tks County Thr mâleie nlill ake p[aecaee WhliiInv, on $eteîrdiey. thre 271th insasnt. sonie nifine Tuown i.ot* offered'oaisnpni the-irest, iiî point of buailuesa Ilocatiomn, lân ie "(,%Iluf Whitiy; %hlile the f3lih lnsdore sitiante lun-the ?orîheru por-.; tioni Of ibis nnidtîne a(n eaniiurî Cfuiy. inthe litait afin r0 lln cli' icounnu*y, viîcirla liaing î'apidly o;urnncd-..u!, esild mflis aluna-g j: taieunît s iiîr I V9rcgowi - p rin tg profit b hi îlisoitW- - itaio (Oberier. - 1 ren.pnnttmd .i frand NEW A DVERTISEMiFýN'TSf Oshawa rý 0ver? REMNER& UJQUe 11R1S 1LANVS. AA itinim,mîf 1.ioilt itt, 'onh.ointamic4 mua-, At ai nm.4.lrmto iunire, nitmthe wtitlnyUarcitem, Brooa$,cire titmor biuth ftire Ttennrtry. CA I I it EBY. < T RUN KS ALARGE St* or of nic-madp nfruk#, OHE4l> 1FOR CAýSHi ALaý iny niamin i tock of~ Sad4les, &idles, - Whips, Opposite Laing .and For NEW A DVER T ISEMBEN T F!,e'sI: A rrvo1 SPL{ING&STJIVIIflERGOODS. -~ o~.-. - LOWES & POWELL, Are reeeiving large additions to flieir already large stock -of SUMMNER GOODZS lu Chlçrens', Ladies' and Me ns', >traw flats, Parasols, Sjlik .Nlan ties, Shals, Ilihbons, Dress Braize al(Indluslins, White andI Grey Cotton at '30 p er c'ent hess than last Fali's prices, anxd ail oiier goods equal. ly Iow. LQWES &POWELL. Famlly Grocery Clhe subseriber ha -s' rcmoved tohi NEW STOR.E., (C. LYNDEWS 011D STAND.) Duid-as letreet, wheîe hls lcustpQmer.s and 1110 public wilI tiei a litrgeý.nd êxcejlént 'Stock 0t GRCRE, RYsIoNes 'and choice ,pUl c LIQU ORS, froia Which' toea-~a Cati-andexamine his prices?' tbey arqscb as clefy a<i-il oiýpeLtiion. -Farmeots' taken in eXc'hange, <md goods sold at LOWIES¶I J RMeMbJr t/w ne<n atore iwiTttebig10t114mw8. >H. Hu Cosb, Wbitby, May 3, 11865. Tifoatmdiine lBoforc 'tire pulilufore' pMllung Vormà,weaaetiiciro vpi Iforlnren, icald$4 Plilpa, Q.1 ara,à flaiedur Sorse i>, and la fa It for ail pur- posesci for vhniphl anOliiînment ihlu oud. " IMPORTAe'l qTIiCË*à- I yots are troublé'd Siltti ler.tlqDîzili-' neen i oGlddinema cf tino b8ad, Ifdleesnmiý e1, Rrrrptiorr-of tte Sikn; erlinsr rom Imlpuri.ý tien ni the l 06 l o n'ne ' tend glebox of' BriSgtIndieniiegetanlilea Lii. ila,(,Sligu ,SPECIAI, NOTICE. F 01 a gplierai Liniment, for IHornidu cattle, 'e voîal nie for the Iluinuan Flesh, ;r'. ,=14 reconimaund -Brberga' Black 011 las one aith# vary lîcat renuedieni ypuean 4.- TT '-'Ç plîge aluso r elief inthe p tlning oi à Soi tay ailidealers lunMoiichncs.,. A ' 'A.IOIEARAL7 19 Travelling Ageilt ONTARIO FLAXMNI-LLI,! TBE<G TO INpItM' THE' FARMERSl j.tînt 1 have Ikurcfiuaedtu te Moolcinnry l10< tige auftnlhiie of FInrifroun- A.; PliRTIOUi§ & Ca., ond wil be prepared ta' puy cash. for anuy qeanntnty of Deliveroea t t mi1;î1th, Paul., 1would,ý urge aitîîofitrineruto putîn s lrge a-brsi41a ana boisaibll, annd ivo i finir tgiY4uhonold 1Qi seaau'lne bc t cil favorable hvii h e a imoat pro., Stable crop.- 1 roprletor Whbitl!y, -4pîril 2., 1845. 1- AuCT10N MR. R. B. GAMPBHLL M ~N ovene&nn -Anct:)bmî ROOiý tet ln couu.gnionnts of Merclrsnelieb mnd tlier effoicia to be i-oid tg1 tino bfghqs bîddor.' Parties'-eiiîý truutiug tiueir prôperti 1o ara nnay 'dépsnd -a gting th~e Worth 0f It arnd Iri r rinht echangié bonck, %vith . -' er'v nuoderate. >. R: E. CAMPBELL, Aeioci bd Agent, WnnyAprit l9tir1865. -1 DBrooklijuDrug_ SÉare. EjALi29 lu Drangai, Paieatit-1 Madliiufý IPalota, (ill,, )ys Stulffs. Confectioni. eryj -. - -- - Uo caule Aetonqwols « a Brol .lii, C. W., 1889 Jus t Reeeived Wvhislçye Gin R u m Brandy.;'@ UNA1)ULTERATED WINii28&LIQUOISfLY ýqgar nit a reduced prices. M»r A tri E 1 to r 'e - 'et ' fora this Hotise solicited. 19 Gibbsis Bloc1ç, Qsb4.wa. The»' ,Y, Sem. tO'-iyn el Y wc., w ,tf Vie oi tue thi-e rebel moen, nu andt 1 ien uf var iin to mna d the. ia tmxe4 )Y the umnalon0 laulimI bont Jý erhiorougI4 ire relï ýit»' lhave tirisilly or 'Yelîiled ic ,v lqw In ý.ic1hcoin 1 ti 1 1-

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