duelation on a happy bomne, &0 hie own GREAT. muightb. desolate ict s ho hall cut short 1U honolir&lo and uselcel lite, s0o migbt bis USIALCON MENTION' own lifé, and the ives of i descendants, TO"E IIBLU) AT b. out short la their prime. Sir Guy 00w. ertsd'benetith ber cocrse,and it -vais witb dltffculîy that hie second hurried bleu from 0OrINING ON the field. He bd ta bide himsclf for the -time, of course. Presently ho learned chat tharee au-no such chance of pardion for bis AND CLOSING ON crime as'he bad boped. The childiesadow. fN S V . O c. w a &&or had tbrown heself i t te King's feot, Waewa 11141,h M a and Oharles, greacly moved, had praniised w" ber justice in che empbatic words of David,A GR N I CO E T 1 As the Lord live:l,, before whom 1 stand, A GR I O C R the nman tirihat hbdonec his tliing saah-F snlr.ly die.' Sir GIuy fled bis counncry and 800 TO 1,000 SI N GERS. look refuge ini Rolland, tormented alike by - the bitterneoss of remoicrse and te fury of IlI oilrso h udritideanay vlndictive lhatred tavards lte soverigril who isigIi tifbuli îr nt soule aceltrall cid Caneemlîjnt had refused ta treat bis quarre1 as a fair piit li ais tdurtiair the îîresen venTar nse Of the chivalric practice of private tlltree-tlztii i'sn(':V lILI 0 of t i l te i t ilIil iite iuig comatanddallt ithbii nt a a uel en trii t, lroviilue. Laifore diliiiicely ttcitd- combt, ad duit wcb hm flt nsa du l upta)ii i n tii he t etitercreiso, iwrer, tltes iet but asra murderer. ln Holiand lhe felI tle'iialci il eittiettu Laefsr Wittrieiid,,IîIi ii ihPontail exiles, wha, while fnot prR.e, 'iirti itieï lai aliiii,;vttire amuer tifi tendinigte lRalliae bis crime, encouiraeel lcind wtiriLite vî11)Iri-f and fostered hise bot for vengeance a ti tiSlitii ini.iii 'reIIIIII Vizei h'e l it tIai the Kiannst î haî socîet tl tiili.il itr altiar the Couler. the ingwbo ad ougt ta1iujeh It. ec e it e'vc-,rv wav tiatisfactory, tiley1 Sir Guy became the ,sciate of Puritans iAýIt eter-iiteitu ar~ry 'hic ct-iile ita i-e-1 mearried a ditîrhter aoneleaoftheir chiefà ; 't ttiti- IJ. 1I llape iei ('a t'lieu12401' and, while reIusit o i Pad cIll e f of an l-e aii I iJ lt i %v t ediittl tut t l 'i e (ati ,.iri airele, joined huai-c and soul a the vildest ' sta îWlre, 1Ile itrefl eî'iwattigel, tuis suûd t1a081,wicle ofaItheir conspiracies. Iiî.110î;i i l-trI111 Ce sial ittîgreirme Lilialpria tThe rebellian broke outadS u il it tr, iii îweKil.-iî *!-,,ataittîzrL-ti andSitGy liiaietit îl'Ulîa moret., i Neville returtted ta Engiattd, and otieiîd t rllrdtwii ' iac "'iid -letiîtd the armies of che Parlitnettt. ILic heltia îiîaîîît -f cueititiliîîrler NMjctls'ii birtla conetand in iii farce wbicli %vas operating ly il tlI4bi" I iizgitfiîi liliiiitietuttIandtee-iiti illll' MuIt' l Ii e ein ridjittc4o wi'r(e tite 1 in tbe north of Lacashtire. Oise day in. e'-îî uldîi.ltti. eit-ilii;îîi ut formationt%%as rgeeivt'd trauglua spy chat lti la Rd,lI-eiç-t.eietiel pi, e a, a ofesenger hed been sent, witb a neaunted f~îttti iifitr 1tîîttîati i~ii i ra a etirtiic'iîity i tiLititlieL ttirt i rt escort, ta coîîvey diespatcîtas fro ie ric -liatiirtec ii tt-ct ieitiîm o lrtîk allu iîreILý rtrclti'ti'.UI ti of t Ile unt tatli partisans in Lite !anme quarter bto e - ar.-,Aiara t iei e terauit aIcli-t tti quess or Montrose, and Sir Guy, 1 ba cua' tti "'rttl-c tufta i ieîitvtievtt'îi croop, vas detacbed to iîîîercept bine. Lt .'ii'îît ii i-ititi litl ii tir (Iiil. B'W (Coxîcluded ti tweek.> iriiî icut itiîay ntatt 4sittt'lie - - 's 'ti "i-, t r'î t i lte cilt ll tere -iery i t A marriage tauX i pl a iduyac inslrrat utî tti ie efi free tza tie mairie aofte eighth arrondissement in iattili'ý t'il "'Ž'-itt ttiiti cîîtîîi paris. 'rTe hridegroom, antihoîteRt anîd i iti iî'i I-f%r ia tittd lperans. NoL duectrious locksiih, vas untducated, andi t'1 Ut i't t.t)lyitigers arc te wec.tl Io bett ciltiti On tua he î register, marlied t tr-ià l l tIl ittvitsiioe 1w levcril emi'tîdel t> u i]rtary readers a nsol across, The bridp, on Ile eanirary. ci "-ra] oof Musutu t attî ic Ili- tbaugh beionditig ta a pour ficmiiylbar] rt Ji tant l i ieirititttît 'ter ll j 'eftiirtva o 'jt'iCtt, Il.M., 0it tie 24ti. Il civedl an expelletit educactiaiî Ncverthe -îiritra tîietttiiit aiînatticcd tnc airr leeS, vhen the pet, vatpasetti ta lier, selleritîitîln trtrr.,.. aIea signet i ut riss. l'ho britlssmaid, a Ail 1 h-rc of cltiurt' oetietîiltn t 1 tît 1 fo'mrttttitl h - i ti'îwt,qi-at palUh, ta J. E . 1101 fomrsîilIllow of chu brides bavitîg K 1i\.SaL'(1, 8e'eLaiv tu COtUItqU, WitLlv,t expreaeied astonitîhnent, the yaung wifî-4'. J%. repiied, '49 Would yau bave une Iumiliate utn WiiLiî L. Ct KVEETT & CO. huabanti 1 To.m'uîriw I will commence VhtkI' A j il , ti.1 myself teaching hlm taot'end anîd write." A EU Alaoeblrzi saalît roke a wiel bonre wiîhAUR NEt~P N bis Ilhh'art's qu, ,n unIeIeieeiiiNew' Hatmpsehire. 4"Nijw, whls d'you wisl, Sai?,IC M A Y I demandtd Jonathaen, with a .trin of expecia. MARINE DEPARIXENT. tatiO'ai1îjwmlî 1 was,,haidiuin," rphied ch.e TILL llidtt(Cargo Riskit, at the fair danisci, "sdu sQeoVcory.f Ylîetaatiertinirtuit mir sa Jurusaleia i wlt wiah," ixclieltiJoa. aice greted ont Itlirisk-, lr ir hîbal ean or tirila 4wbn yurvoagee,onoeitail tureti ot. th# dliereuît chias that' Swhcnya'r hagItîdu a'111ff Lav. ut of sit Vc , lmttSeaî lie t uifd VUI tell ycr what 1 wiâb, Saily Iwnhyu-iyPolt ult Ltiîi Bcutgsta ielr, &.n vas locked up il) my arme, atîd the key wu-sProsai îeuo ieC:pi; nyb eit lohî.îriuloi. A Physicien ia in cuscody in Paris fo r mueeigbis vile air largeiy ineuring - ler life. WÀN'I'ED. A il titl ir ýi i~lit i 'thi tuufoit te t L-'tis rmiti11V erittit t('Ittrcit of IVitlai. SA114ry po uîi y i ' il. W. CLARK. WVINDSOR'S QUADRILLE BAND') II1IASI-WINI)SOR. -MAJOR ERASS BAND. JOhN D. IteP1llE. 11101f EEDSOWTER, -AND l anure &Plaster Distributor lY1CtBER liAS taITAiNED À __or l bi e laîte elîii, ie, h i tle drincoi t ilrooleeta theontouof th ie tiare- lut ciiutiityiii. It WwiJJs8W, ana evenly distri- buteail in4ds of root ee4s, inu any required proporti- ons, It wil at thé mre time distributo mnanuro or-planter, in ýany re- quir9d quantity. "ILtwiii eav andtisltribtuete iti a ittivilor wthîoUt uy unaure or pis t r. IL l dis- trîtlo, vithuôt It tjury, itiacrirorali-es over - pi4i witen Usey colite traugliLte qoond.4 It willi mev 4ou or stel-t-we rave or oee na tltse. Il cen te worked hy mntal Ishor, ' or l>»' harxe power. It it tte ,no-t toitite artIcle o t In(ltt, maid one et' the- greatett C- LdCQR SA. VNg INFENTIONS yt1oiîthjt ggitider publi4zknotice. fur saie. -Applications t lie amide ta JAMEZ OLAYTON. 'Whltlty, Apul! 7tit 1865. 14 'IIi ETX ORdE - YOUNG FORRESTII"JL 'V U GFOIlIildiTEIila astiitetifor kpone- poure fuaretenru blaîtti slets 17 hands higi,, tark bony colon witliî tarkit legs, ltutaitai! tà ilhu TIIMAS 1OUSN laot 20, sihb con, Wiittiy, Myrtia, Pt. O. AAMES 1-OLDEN, JOUX IILuw, L St ng 1a aity ftli kitils afi liuitit-ti uatautily an lIttti U N 1,4A ES fu T v A K IN ai Lt""A hîcaru§tttua lune îtîl itaî'r4t itmi. (; EOUIE F.oniIMA!K. %l uo tl t y r r l 1t6i.4-1' WHISKERS! -WHISKERS! WItmnkertu or Montciicis-s lY 1rrcinCttttupannti wilh force tlsem toi ruuw an te attalstface or elîli, r IlAir ait ititi lie i î, i tx Wkà . Pa, $1 - Spttckntx etoc $2,00. lSenm lty usail aieywhere 01-01Yserl> ce, 0a1reSript of prmee. 't"JARN1tth!& t, Wstsgea,! li-Titeefin ec sel aivittaiers, s tiinc taiatsi-itn toc n massulih vuSl iasus 9&Mttc cari! of TiO.. CI"lu~J ailthler paru Otitiapaper. OL» EYES MADE5Y l'AMtIlhLEuTidircctiie' boy la speeiiui e n eVîtru' iil e utcuivuie up spctettn bl- otut iid u tefot tir Ir uirseietSutl' uail, Ire-, ait receitic t 4lii ettAidreesi. L . iF)OTm. D.. 1180 lOeiay, New Yack. IF YO1J WAKT TO KNOWe Atuo huunanétyuieni. malec anti fenie; thte ettillts andtrwatlt fdmusv tte tri i cit i9lipouîtusutti ttitigu tier itttllâsitetiefître, reauÃtheicre%îtueil anditilrgeti udittotu of u.MN uumetm Cavsaair'asuss" a ocrions tsaek fir cari à u" people, andi a gitl bock for uut'ury omne. 40t) perce. 0ltXlitstritTiotts. t'rieu$.f.Cu- tuntstib mhienl Irce toat amu edrets. iBooke ma*N ev h bd nt tc-]teok storçe' or vili tue sertj ii)i mail, Pont peuhon neipt ofl'tht. price. Ad- P.. B. FOOTF.1 M. 1). drn - 1130 hBrouadwayu, N'ew York. TISE CONFESuION@ AND £XPE1I. IueZÇC OF AN NVALID. T>UPi)ISHIED for tuje bollttît, ana a AU- V1 TON To YOUNG LiEb utttd athert, whîo etifter tritinervi o, Dnkllty, lrenatuee De' cay (Ir Nitiittqodu&eé m 1 .11 pache sme tins ~ ~ ~ ~ Xn Tmm Âso itCe. yo who- ilig postage, siiglo cWpits nît y lela flt atitliuai. NATHANIAi, MAYiIAIlt, Enq., ilrookhyn, Kt;tatuN. i REURETO eamelets Icefl èe ewim'ioWtivs 'iag, Teo-l ai .vogile M re tl.il l iti seeltes ewdftDs e.1h a end a '...tii. iFarm UFor Sale. p AItT ai Lot N,1ie.4 n'1o4 oucaiul Pikaring cortaltilon - 'fAres, abolut 25 OIQarmt. Tite and ila of t i' bet qoaîtty, stnd l»u ve"Il waterod. Tuee runas e r>tueted wiitî n about a tmile oufch.Villai orAI dluiy, anad abut ux umies Irtun cIe Coutity Town of Wlitby. Fuir terits &. (If b> latter proîai,)~ Wtti .O BRITISH PE-RIQDICALS. The Londen Quarterly Re- vieW (Caneervative.> The Edinbarg Review (whig-) The 'Westminster Roview (Radical.) Tne North British Reviow (Free-Cburch.) AND oelackwood's Edinburgs Ma- gazine (Troy.) T'he Amerhuîu Piitauiiera ttuee t epriwnm ec atauve tismeti Ierit)ialls, lut c e t at uoftlntg han denhiliipîucn ufgupareu ery re"ind ujtax- es, itih& luetemunes, etc.. h.uesly îîurtas.'tt the% ais cîttpeill in siwatà te tLieir teeils as fitiitra': TlERMShi FOR 15. l'or nîy tutti tf tiletiRvinys ......$1 JO l"ouir ythe-tefltheiteiew .'t.100t lo il outfar ut' theue{vinwu -.... 1, Fut tiiwcl Magaztite .....i.o Foru ttlaeiti'tscbnaiute Revlew..'t7tt Fot laekiuci ndttiait)' 1%%»ouofmis tteW%%.........t.10.0 torc woi aîiknad sihre o tu iec lteîicwg ... . t....130 For liiackvied e iifur Re. .qlg vtr ittBiish- - -civse wl eli t4tttiituem prite tintti Pcturen ut'Caitt arr ailouttt, u ttad ipet its Oauis ferc tia e ycar ltu c% tilee 11. iS.Dtti55e.t cntiiiiitutwt The,., ttue %il t ir S i'tutt.g itnn. alyîtpntýq rit. waertn vile ttie st4c eait vi inrtti clsare efnper sîîlvn»diti j tenuahr/reui t te- auie!uay gi'ec e-lttt-lxit oe,.#hallu't'ttittiiieteuivi fatlt er gneerctfou emtiuer cha ulluit t ut Ci"" tul .dil n i-te lie millier isîtit ie iti )t C1in ai iit. foru. thrnoctuentfm ar -ibel.a thu,ge oCcer efîlîse omauiitng itrruditn .itu ii nsi 'Cn-isaMcwth te ekiuîvcf t elcritutileitmiitic weiîet ulte prrertîtpretnleumutcnrsild wutttidtIe. aitout 0me0la l'eur otiupricita 1015) Ar 'etaluisultc4m. Adin nitie tue tfact ithai vie meti, ent sittiml pi'ntu'uiin tue tc attmih ,taieci' -rydri ut 'îîct lut Go&l-$c c-etutuuuguas at this ulule 1Jatt -.tesM) ticari> $2 60 in eurrntîcy-sevu Inutltai uit tuh' "aie we baeve sut qucu%%%e @hall tic tuitreir jq*ltii'ityt>' tu ut- tertiq-ie autt ite u'eeciug puite.ur T i Ia-cet ttelnetlinienhs e nAuieutu'cttk cea- tins l tber esutni isu edasrC d in attit, 0wuetaie- lines uttiged witii pyreJudilc. tctsy a- %it 'iiu iîg liteir geusi ,tutity sicd tthe iffncu>lltonitt1-tai' Cr. v iem w tttet res nc w Imtsth. n t.d atituuili s%11U tdvaiitage 1,yLthe People cuth e untry, cevery crueei TIUE FOIJR'RF.VIEWS IMOR 1863. A fî -C te a et atintuontbonutandti lie f)lýwac>nf&fw teol i r$2 tir aty (me. WC aiu piitlti te FA RitER15 GUIDE. Dty lieue>' ëinpbrott5 of'ldianut, antîe tete J.P. Nlerln. ettfysle cthnnse. 2 vile. Royal (,tlart, tIWO juges maui isutitunf PRlILE $7 ki lu, ttc ustlumOes-'lir MaiLjsttst tatI LEONARI) SCOTT & CO., Publilter& -uo. i38 iValkr Sitre.; uceYork. VINEGAR ! VINGAR! ' hIE UNEIIIGNEIe BAiS Fol. SAi512 T'Niie g r aIl le t qusltty, maufactured e uîtn.!t dýor wvint titi' 'citltt'i ititi'ittet Sl it iilarge andttigsîîaiu qttantîtiîc .whoilewalle end r tati. Bi$ui.a eientt wctil reully geond tor- tiîe,-att artitle t.-undly.i>lemcutests to lie heheei e'enpron ii t heii to lov. ihilIAF-L SCUNAPItALF. per aittitin -ti GROVESTEFAN &,Co., PIANO-FORiTE Idanufacturera, '499 BROADV AY, SPRING IMPORTATIONS. Cottonls from 10, Ùup wards, .large, assorIn1ent o-wedPints, (Sot- tons, Manties, eéeawIs, Ribbons, Ladies' Straw Rnatsi Bos n s, ehol Books, Stationery. Groceries. &c. A LARGE STOCK CHEAP. BOOTS & SHOES, THIE LARGEST & OH1EAPEST STOCK IN TOWN. Sohool Books& Stationery. Groceries-a large stock always on1 hand, l,4lbs. of good Currants for $1 00. Good rpeas at 80 cents. Wlîitby, Maty 3', 1865. - M. IL COCHRANE. FLOWER SEEDS. The subscribèrs collection of the abovv, just received, contains ail the novelties of the season,t imported frQm the best seed growers ini FRANCE AND CERMANY, By Mr. hiley, the elebrated H-orticulturist of Montre41, ineludiig-- Asters, ail kindis, Globe Amararîthat, do Calliopsis', do, Petaîtias', do. 1Whitby, April 19, 18635. Balsains, aIl kiîîds, Calceolarias, do. Marigolds', do. Convolvulus', do. Diarîthus,' ail kinds, Iberi8s's, do. Carniationp', do. Stocks', do. C5ROBERTS, SEEDSMAN. SUMMER_-BOOTS. a- -o Juist opened a complete assortnent ol Ladies', Misses, Girls, anrd Childrens',- Boots for Summer wear. Everythitigthat is new in the Shoe line, will be fund at thcaOld Red Store., Rt prices that wvill astonish bliyers 9,¶-EMEMBER TERMS STBIICTLY CASH. Only one Price. James Bain. NE~W YOR.K.T IFl ptteatiomîof thse Publie andti h. T tcate, liâ Ivitctu ur New Seule 7 , Octave RootOne hundI' Piano-Fortes;! Leather ohn Wlich for v.itnneand purity sre ur.rivah- Shoe Findinga uerd by numy hîlîherto offereti ire tiis marktet. iaicy coatain &Ilh the nmoderne itmprovemntse, FIWNCR I GAND, ACTIRY, Whitb)yApril HiARP PSDALi MMlu ,js-' av'eovn'ao BASS, i1. c.1 lAn ',a is scrttnehvn nu ne te persuanal supervision t Mil. -j'OB. GIOVESTEEN Who lias had a practicai experiance of; Warnted in everaricl ti GROVESTEEN PIANO-FORTE," Receivedth igîls stm4 ward of marltover tbhe ot takersi ofLondon, Péris, (ér:uaý ny, PhUad"elpliis, Baltimore, Boston andi New 'York; andi msoa t thie An&rcs 'hsU jtefor #Duc"e a rw 3ir TIIE Gold & Silveî' Medals Frot te b f etwhiçlh Can 4B.een tiacr ýr4rerwm -By theo Introduction of hnptovemeit vo malte a sti11 more perfect PINOFORTFj,!' Andi by matmfacuring largely, wirih ýa Strlotiy cub h oi4m, re enaLbIed te off Ilsene iG3$rs ,eý t a prise wlicb wiUl prolutl. catpctmhion. No.1, eee'Oty5round c orners, ltô" o paincute, $276. Ne Oc2 evn0tave, rouend corers, RO6ewQodbery mouiding 80. No. S. Seven Octave, roun~d carners, 1RoeoodLotuis XIV style, $826, Shoorn akers, fred sies of' sul)er*or Spanisti Sole id, Nuinher one quality. New Styles of 'Lajsts to ùue Tbread, Zinc and Iron Nails, and aW asortfi of at-the OLD RED 8TORE. JAMÈS 'BAIW- 12, 1865 Fire!_Fe! Fire! lias- .re-opened the (Cirria ge Factôory Iately occupied by DONOVAY WALK$Y i Co., sépônd d4or sothl of bis late -Faetory, and opposite thé" Town Rail, Whit1y, w'here ho is preparedto EXECUTE- ALL 0 ,Q iRS HE MAY, BE FAVOtEJI. ITH. Wiluiby, Aprit - 4,1865. OF F'1l NEWGOD!NEW_ GOODS CHEA -TGOODS T. H. 1YcJILLAN & -Oo.' s The subscribers beg b ainoun<ce the. arri- -vai, of -theirSpring Importations, which in etent, varieýyj eMish, ane elegance of designl, surpass) anyting in thiis 1 maýl'et, and as; for cheapness-they defy competition. Their Cotton GIood, of, every Unme are imimensely eheaper than elsewhere in town. Good 33-inch Grey and White (Jottons from llcts. Good yard wide Pî'ints fcom 124ets. Good Delanes from l2jcts. Good Ladies and Getets Hats exceediîîg1y cheap, and'eotiets for nothig.1 Their Stock of Sp-ring and Summer, TwoQcIs, C'Ioths, &c Doeskilnsq Are superb, afid are offélè' t about Manfitturers Pricee, A pre-miur ot' 3 per' cent allowkl, TERMS STRIQTLY CASH. T. H. McMillan, & Co. S LL LIN G'QFF AT GREATLY 1IEDUCED -IPRIC-ES TVhe subscriber lias determined upon sel-. ing the balance of his stock of Croceries, Wines &. Uquors, 411 of wvhjeh ie geniîie articles, at gî'eatly Reduced Prices to make rooni for Spriiîg importations. Rie also takes this o-portiinity- of returîî- -ne' his -siticere thanks tu bis fîiends for thit'iribera1 patronage' bestowed upori him, and hopes to have ei-'urthier continuance ýof the saine. HÂL'SCARRIAGE WORKS JOHN FARQUHARSONIS 163 King-'St.Ws' érn A À large variety of Carniages on hand. The proprietors ol this fi. Eslishupeit, possess fguèiltes for manufacturiug Carniage's tht enable ,themto defy cqnpitit4on, cithe npie syeor fns.Cai anJ aee for, youi elaà 39 COMMERCIAL MEN ýWitliiua Few 'Yards of thie Pbi al.'i~ arlors Notice, to Merchantm &Otheirs. -for lîtl lic solicitga chu attention tof al chose ivt' tu rn ed . l n da i n s fo r It th e stp rlo r t v a e a% fy ôth îr proess iow in use, itg " là m np ýii it e m u tt c i d o u uîir e d o j o u t o 'f t i o r ou g h l y 'M i n a cite dii~ersat c lor ito one *iao[for o1' batà iiliilit mmlk azlnd'iuotie chat exist la mnuait of titp butter nov 'brought to markcet; hetce ta the-tanner, It is, no leâ seful tin te Liteinercha»nte, à autbey eau worIc butter trou, t o ch iur fr n c oz e po tttd t a forty pou nd aslat a cime, in à ultort Apace ofcime, can nottillk co exist utdr its peratioe Ina ce btter. it wili also maks itito r olis, llrbt obnu. - For rforn ce-te. prIze butter worker cemR be Acc inlaamost dslly orueracion e li tesgtore of Mc. Lewis tlouck Whltsby, viere order&a viii b iterciveit, ant exeonled proin tly by the urderuimed, manti sent-to a, Pet of thîa ie 1e ow 4to au i lthe tîM es. -Mentirîa Ccuer. J08S. F. Raine ]Piano- Forte -Manufacture r WAREROOMSn WHITRYc C. W. - - - 1 EE niii-ybc fond a ftn VI ssat-tinent of luijonc Fortes in Plin anti .trnamental Cases4, frama 6 te 63<, 8y4, 7 antdi7X< octavon, latnulne- ttreothe Lit e tntater&îLs, etîd prolloultcol b1 the moost dietingitiiahei'Artist4, ta lia ungur- ýE .qSôoIh by tr Çttgtit ettd îîurity ofT one IVII cde tah,-t rtuouble érmas, andi var- rauteti setîinti ay chiumîte. O'iorifr&m nyî Part o tteCouetry prompt4aiel te, d it. -At tLiteProvincial Ekltil'Ution field fi n dou on 24 te l2 Septezubcjý, 1861. lthe fret prîze vas ewarertt occ1ih F. Rebuter for the sopoior qutehity ot ii'lsImitIios , vticoh "Uere tae-t od ut ;reitinl Toueh, Tain', Fd&ait 01 f l sicao tooai îtîzsa etho Provlic8 i!r Ia 188 ad 1859. The Pianos aI Joui. Fr, u tiner ivero pla cecdinb thi liihtcc"acnid a diplomut l wilrçtpelnit Mn' Pain4cer'm nitne ia veil lcuoitm to cte Canadtmhi iie n a t m auîaitend retîtireti t3 fqirglheridcannetietiamt thiîî haf 10- li in riering,ît]eane eî ttate t nuiter a Piano wwmuuled. JOSI P. ~ANR Wlitty. Oct,. 3ciJt M1l .J V. IIAM haeving bacOo imeproprie. or oftît hae IbveeuvliluteLarrieti oin nder ho iprncnineo Mc. Ilsimerad Poaeno --BROWN '& PATTERSONlS' AT Tl 4E OLI) W11Ir'ry Fo U "% JfltY,. M'immfttturers and i enieris itt pli kints of AtGRIOULTTJPAL EpLEMENTS, Wrrztte WILL BaE et~ >Combiced ReaPers and Moweeýa, Pour dilliarent kintiea Two--hiorse .WheelOUtivat - STA ND ?EED CUTTRS, GIANT GRAI4C C11~gERS, Scotch, American & canadian I»iolghss Steel Plows'aicd S8teel P1>itts, I)TUIIflGc PLOWsu Suilrtanotd Pattlo (ultivecors, -EDA,D 1NIP DËLLS- Ever>c aftiell oummecieteci -teil" tiubuslIoln I:ept aitbaud. Tltr(islaiii- M a mi s h o r t n o tic e . g e lun e m u nl i i re i h in'ryhtu t i0mitve ieusipcee cîitonti PAAND WINTR OCà 1OTH ING.- PLAIN & 'ANCjy VLOTHS, Vu'rFaIwn'd Witer- Wear, evary 1xloeOof 1111moh ntiln suivoteW vth it m ore byfonao I) lidmad ..t...m, tgondati ely conmit$ of. IN ZAC] Brook Sti TERMS '*1 ia-lanti ohirgs in, fiitinxertien,j aIbsolscenti uertios special ocntraà tsà ýêyeur or otlierwt* '«Wsra o diseéut belli wËttîg. CAMEROUOI ARRITE1tS, ahni trpoet ' Tum Nkiu ORJUSO BAPIRISTEMt t > it CW D Ofe--oppie th 5. . COdaeeIEx j 'XUÃŽTY CLOWI 1 n PhesanI frh j[b AUR[5T A chancc, the s nuAr" .ea e he C"itrLtoaasoumKnitUaas aAgestp , &CeP 4w thewTo uiî tuisINFORMÀT arcit 1, îsMasTO NSERVOtJI sy, 1 alani ateor- f autouait ou g-ti nero1 t afet UmIaaW. lým - -- - ý au il& a 1 worksi 1 Whitby, Feb. 14, 1865._ 1 1 1 1 is 1 rut 8 the Pm on Bank Aciriemitura,