union .mith thse.tUnited States, [Har, her.L.The arguments ot bon. gentlemen ailointha va- *becauSe tbeyssLAYitis til oui nterst te bZjined wth tbo 800,- (000 peopleofetthc provinls8 vsewWho <ir niaissuss a hasmakot -fon our predasce, ison we have on tise otbesi~de oe i ne tirty millions oftpeople te tuiia us a markcet. Argumett et Liis kisd urglng tise ousure becaugeour materll intereist wli Se promnoted bl it are, tiserefere, arguments tor union with thse United States athr tissu vustiste Lowei Pro- vinces; but union viti tise United Statea I hopewviiinovertake place. iHai, eur.] Stili Icannot eip beîieting thai Liis is the tendency oftîhe ueasre ; fer vbeu vu bavesa iegiiature lu esch provinice, ailis mon, cotondinuito vististhse of thse Féderof Legialature -or -if netpoosing cotordînate pewars, iaaulng1 tise sans. ritîgsiathast to e lgiîte tapon sanie sublject as tise Generai Legislature-there are certain-to %ri"e dls.agicemets betaveen tise Loc'ansdthe (louerai Legisîsture, viaicis yl 1sd tise people te demsnd chaages that tnay-destro>' aur consuccison viti tise meât er cutry'. The Fo-derul charaoter ef the Unitedi Stateq ('overai- ment bas boon ieferred ta ta- prove tisai it huI ncreased tise prospenit> of tîhe people iîving unuier ut;1 but in pint of tact thse great snd rleiitiqse vair that is now raging th.re-tlstt fratricide1 aar lu whicis brother i9 arravd 'iainst brotsor, flliesi 'ith hîtred agssir.sL ench othceu and visich blas plîsnged thecountry lite ail tise boirons of the deadliest stinte-if Lie stioflgest commsent ipou. thie u'rIiisg . tise Fodorai 1rici;s-tise ,trOTge.it argument agsnins' its application taes'oe provinces. (Heuir, liear.) Thse Frenchisei- tuontAis Lover Cansadla iii be separated from u* lu Iis !ncaiL(e;ishsttio tand become le. îs nited wvthts u than h lais nov; sud therofora tifure in likela' iý tue dlsssgreomeist bstveeu us. Stili mare likel>' Io thons e ic disagreement wlsos tise peej4e of tTpper Canad-t ftidtisît this idiome wil isot relicoetises, of tIhe burdens ciut ipon tons, but. ,utise contri>'. wili i bjert t5em tea alegs- latuno thst wili have tise power of ien- =eigdirect taxationu is addition to tise bu aesimposed la>' tise biserai Goveris- meut. Wlsen îisey flr.d tIsai tîis pewer i'i exercised, aund ttîy are cslicul upon te centribute as msach' as tieforis ta theo Geloura overunonet. whiie titxed ta msintain a: separato Local la.g.daussire- vison thev fusd that the usuleriil qust-icr lid ta veigîs aith tIsemraitit ii lsuuk o tho otisor ide of thetisehe for union. 1 teel liait me nie goiug ta (n ilsat visicis wili veaken cuir cnectitcu v ith the Mother Oouintiy, becaîzse if y oulgv pover te legislate tapon thse saine iîuhy-ct 1 la botS Lb. local sud tise <cuirai oli- latutie, anti show isotste impose brut- lion upon Lise people. diuaZreenmts wil xpring up vlicts moutS uect-suiaril3 hav'e tibai cfct. (Ilear. ber.) Thcus againu hy Ibis echenso thisai klaid sefwie tii, cerutin things are te holi-gîilte-i uonou ys bocîl the gîsuerai snd telacsu' lelgisialsirers, and yet tise local higiuîatioîs ixitea ti sishordinate ta tise Iegisîatis'n ofthe Fou- oral Pariainent. Fori instance. csnigaatlcu aud sgriculturîe are te bucscijeet te the tise Federnil tegiiqlatu'se hooses o tedo- cde lu laver eofisavhsg enigratisan flow ln a paricular lîscality. oe as tu ebsre it ôsuhsProvince ulois-l do tunt'usen ti;sia expression te ho tinidoricusld ini itisenltire- sente, becinse T tiik tisît eîsigftstiou iu su>' eue portion yull benefit tise wicl, bust Il viiiseneft thLb. îatcuir ocality~ mitsch mono - ansi il procvisio, seu muade by thie (loueraiL legisiture for emigration oft tiat kintl, aud gi-Ms mare made frttis e publia ust-,)s hcarry ih cul, IL mutl cansge msach cîunplaint, as tise people vise are pîuaissg thse gresusesi pro-. pertion cetLise nivelasse viiticotise ,çubjeet.te théè droitslispon tisem sbiefore. Suppose aarfor iustsance, thnt asrrange- saoula are rasde tos ousigratusua te s partienlar part cf lof)is-r Cansada or Nove Brunswick, and n grant la made toi tise purpsevis I.tea sy wether iL la toi Fedeai lgiiise tisai hi&. Pro- lIounne upo til.'lise expeusuhtuie al tise bonit wotsîd lho ascairtl sas lJortion cf Ltse lroimnce Iyineémsanefonu fisa; wlslci-pa)ys tise 1geet 'ureçsotj(eî Csf tise sïtioy, anilgose awculd net t>. relievosi fionsthse diflicultrm tisai Isave1 existed betireera Tpper and Lrswu'r Cariada. This lsiug Lisecaige, thes r"oeiin, on widu tiit missle scseose s basesi fuIl4 te tise grossîsil. flcair, icaîr.J luit-Ibis question lui tjen of sonse SOiVICe.IL buais ableil ivi ta sertain, waaIoui debt la, This vo huve nover Hfomi. BROWMN-[Rlear. isear.] Why did you noe'ta*tist iL iretf' I? X%. M. . C 1EON -Wil-1*i dS ont desIgu le catch tise u3fsa.Presîdent oflbse Ceucil lnlutLie tran tht ije bad aid4or hinissel. tiloar, s.r,J"WO havenov feuîsd tisatoui Sat it 1<net ss se uaci as thal hoenora'ble gentiensan led us te sup- peso il mwu. ho fouteen or titeent mlillions dld net belcug to us aI ail. eut ý tise honorable gentlemn, mince bo hie betause clocéL>' conneatodail is tisose 0o d corruptiousta. bat dismoveed tat, iL l1 oui>' slxy-eoeven asd 4 h aIt millions. Weii tise non, Presideut oethLie Council1 bas i» saiS, anS las ackuoviedged IL tee,, lsît h.ovas ver,' muais opposed te tise lntenoeionlal Rlivay, sud viso tisej lien. Attor-ney General West maSe lb. observation tisaihoSeaiied frein a briefi pîatrspi ln a paper cafl dtise OI<bo, tbstessrs. Slcotte mandS'Rowland ver. abouite t ru, living scoomplinised tise eObjet of tisir mission, vis: te Liroe> ovîsbord Lise lutercooial Rilwa>', tise lion. President ofethlie (ouncii remarked. talttisat vas -a vorys>'ensible thin-tise usost sesible thing-, tIse>'eus 515', But nov tise honorable gentleans g iseartll>' astethis mater, ltai wl build tiissvrst saliva>'-miicish iwaxsas sensilM e tbrow v orSird st tisat i tae suS' th!nk ho vent sofar s- seas,' b wou.biIld -Ove. Iumerciouii a rivava K"'v \ siertierneîS isî. p~ M5'Ot? ai TA.uOrsoI BALE er vÂLukatE - BÃŽ,ieussrLÂORS tuiv rasomlis os Wnrov, Important. AUCtieu Sale of Rosi patate- 'im<e AKOL&ves, *c- ru anotser Co" Bulding LoIs-J. H. Perry. .- inon wviii b.l onud ans annenneesseat tien Farsa sud Lande. H.err. " f.Fairbsoký4uctioqsiir, Who huaéen. Ontario FZia MiiA.,EUU. ., ,: ' fivred vitis îputruis ifrom -lMr.-'Puryt1 Fai mfor Sale or te Loet-Misa. Woen. t sefthtie vainable tove property t1herein Sommer Bootusud Sbces-Tanes Bain. doscribed. Tlsere are ne botter places et Te Sioemkrs-a;mesý Bain. . business tu ibIs iovn tissu thie lois ofeored. Precentor Wauted -11. W. Clark. -iu tact tise>' are unnarptied. Tise "015d Cricket Mdeetiug.--Red Store"' migiss veli-vitsout a partice Nev âpiiug Goodi.-. amil toi , eCo. etfexaggraionu-be terme5 "îhgo Seat Nev Mfilii.ry-iamiitou &Ce.buiness location lu thse tom." Tise Greceries aud Pruvitsloum-Bremuer sud lad&'off'eued for sieoS>'3Mi. l'en> are, ht Ilîquissîl.fiiibe sein, - ailità te luinexcellont Wines sud Liqurs -tremner & Lrquismt. tovnshsips. A. Setter recosumondatien of V~X~itbp DYiLY 81 50 CENTS A YEA.R MVlihby. Thiirsiay1r pI27 8k Atus'îuspt ta evudetise P4viqtfA or Lee'sCaptitus 1We regraa, <for tise isunaof tise Unsited Stc-a, Lialearu tuat anu attemept'hai nom Soiisg made tao vaile tise Prqjsiv»of thie capitulation enteraSie tl U'Iitterai Lee. This course sauld umdoubtedly bave tisa efleci ot doiering jelulst 1r ~ CeStfeieraie c<n tst>w" i;J~ Lee'i examsplea nSdikuug terme et sur. render. Tise Sistîusm viiiscsban ili- asivised course, if persisteS i, Sadét reea seri>' cretIpii laîve tise "vofat affecta. F mataiS ui a ipeed>' poes-, tise blueS>' struggie viilbo indeflnitel>' -prolongeS. T'he folamwing la Atiarney-Geuersl Spee'à Fdecisilua on tise terma ofthtie capitulation. lu ropi>' te a iettcn ufthtes ecretar>' of Wîsr reiatîug to ttiss pointsetho decides, Firat. Thaitishe Cuntedenste cfficena mate aura-amdou cd te (bsn. Grnt hava no homes la l-oyal States, sudisaive ne igbftucois' te places sisure tisir homea s-ee lu' tht layai Sîctea ps-oi ta gaissg lste ie rbsi- lion. Second. TisaI peisonasis lise civil servie cf reoîsiioe, or Who isiveatisoivise given it support, coeurts-iasd aid, muSdvoe rosidsaent fConeeorate tenitasi>, baven rigisi to eurn ta Wahington under tbai stipuationl. Rgncisa or Vo;rN'-tVm. A lister bas iscen icceîved sîaîiaîg tisaisthe Witby Vssiuutean Company, viliileste 'Nigira at 12 o'clock on FiSa>', 29i5, ariving mi Wiitby Station b> tise ialtpat'O0 p. un. trin. Capsalu Darnuli'm Coumpany ail, we ùnderstaîid, tom onut te meicome uisir -1 cisapaninua lunaarme," sud ne doubt mac>' tieudisud-sweoiheart.svo vers gainus asay-siii assemblaeiltish aotsu to gire a eicouing aitser I t bolS, #sIiusnboys." IsqrEsTs. -Dr. Tucier istel>' isl4 imo inqueta in Pick sriug i oua on thai- I5Lis instant, os tise Sud>' of amasnied veimn, eaauod ElIen MtQuao, vise mas fot4 Wijdg de"s ti umus msoi, Q asime (tons ber ove bote. 85e Sud beau te -th* stoure ama usaS.e& me purchasea, a qunt of vb4atas amongss ues. ea. SIte baS beer mnisfipg nesîl>' ompi>' eaide hem'. Tise-jany econ- clasSeSmiai se came t s entsi h reugb issiempernuce sasd axpeaune. Tise otisor inquest vas bolS on iise)Z5th iisstu n use body' et anoiunkoWnmusud, vise SaS licou sacraon theis --tbsStrack tise ,reuceli,,g evcaing. lie appetned to set strangel>', sud manderaS op 'asidosev ippareuit>' visSant mi-.>' bject. No lattera on i moe> entSrtonS on bis, poison. Tisa body' mas boirlisl>' nuîIttd, sud vas round on tiese ide of tis embstamibmet visithen he must have bes-n hiovu S>' Lie locomotivere ing tise usgis. Tise cov- cascher efthtie train visicis pansasthe place visereLias boS>' mas round about 2 s. im., bâlaS sportion af oiotlaiug sud sous. demi adhinin, se on ils a-nval st WhiuSy. Tise jury returned su open verdict, tbere beiug eo evidanco taesetisahe mtaefthue man's mimaS, or wheiber bis, Seatis as causeS lu> suicide or accident. Deceased vie about live test, tous or eheven in heigis; voie a Sask moustacb., anS impenial and seenedto e Sebout 48 yeans et age. Re mwu deceusti>' dnoueS,, anS carnieS bis blackiug a»4,shaiag- ippanutus club lmu. Be vore a black trecta ceaI viLS s sos-rt fosjacket aven t, viite i-st, Saris irousari, black square sec-lerciiet, aud sqmsn.ý td&es hota. BMsface maei ar Fe gmrn tr 1>' <om exposuro t'o tise auher. lie vua ilgiti>' SaIS, anid liaS spewhstcf miiitas->'appeAasuceabout i hm-X0 clue c ould b. diacoiered, ose S tat4, ý'i. douce, eiîiser on bis 'p6ts#n, qn s5 Lnvelîitig'bag, - ibh ho cieêukhas btut visicis msl tenu up lu>' ntW-M<Ssw covasctoUoIr. PrÀp efé f bpe aSe 4genitfor sale ut tissmauuga',,front 'mS6di 4by quatican bp e pI Vi bavo lOa-possoun,lb' 4i*s 0 fo ils excellence ofqai iý*, paaes ., hleb. mee.q*d ,4ae. late tof publications tbbW Suima Bov iwMmISati os -MB il on hud-perbspé' 4UV bave ssii on foo-as 8tso I1 b musir quatut>' soud net ne guven Imbau suas tise>' Seîoug taeNi. John Huaim I1rr>'. Ha as net a likel>' peison te inis in lands cf su interior qualit>'. Oviug w bis gond lncit, en lmbis revdueis, or bis impie pier. aemai! kuowis-dge of lecalîthos; or pAnbsps ta&i hahiue cambined, isisgaocl fortune lu makiug soiections ilecinaidered remaîkable. The as-isiafetpaymsut are very easy sud itieral. And more uslikely tabiaga have raune te aS tissu tist a turtisaste pur' chuse mn>' enrich i bssslf vitis ai tsil voleanis eai a faim. OviTatiaFLAI- Mu.s. Mi..111!, haiing chiale s-psesasion ofttissgfas i miiirous nh ess. Parteous, (mia on accout et thotri ImsueS -capital dtantowere' ebltgecIte give up buiunsim)Sadveit!rues his intention te casn> oattise business viish vigai, eus an eniargosl scale, (isaviug am-. pie mosi atai b comiand' for tise parpomo) anS advisea armnera net te heitase lu sevmng al tisa> cas, ,;a stlae> mi>' nov, dopenS upou a sure mark-estfor ny >quaniî. Mlovomentsetf rscidenmt Dama-s. Tise 7Wrbuttc's Washington epecil des- patcismsaYA :-4' Ihiistise opinioan oet so lut ormeS gentlemen isere tisai J0oe. Davis wiii ho aible t eraiiaate frcé et about 40,0(0 troopsinluTeas, vvrisici e v ili mariee nua Mexico, lu atb. avent- ut Seing presseS b>' Union irmies. OtIlCîat Appeitsssnsct. Ris Exeetienes- tise haverneauleues-ai bas becs pleasod te makze tise fslloming appointmet-um, in: George Wilson, Esquire, M. P., and Lus rid Hlomard Harislon, Esquire, M. D., FAaaocist e Coraner, Cesuty or etPrtis. John Cascadon, Esquire, S. Luý, Asseo- mite Coroner, Coent> of Elgin. 1 dmrard Eioribrook, Esquire, Amaoiati 'Coroner, Ceuni>' et Partis. Jaunes Wsynsa, Esquire, to ise Police Mazist-meownetsof Brantford. FDonald Suthmrland, ot Tisane*toid, R.aq. te be a l4otary Puble lu Upper 40anasta. George Painr, etf<uelpis, psqusre, FBrister a as , to be i Notai>' Public lu Uppen Canada. Thse Honoruablo WS. llasuen, ta b. a Membea of thi Cnnait af Public Iu- struction for lUpper Cassda. Job"a G,' Couvea>', cf Font Dalhousie, lisquis-p, te Se Coliecton et Iaiand Rsevejjqpa- cofttyotiAscolus. ' Scaes. x>ar4ve.Tise examina. lieon f tb. stpphis idsnsng Union acmbo 1 stection, iNu. 6, st Tiorten'. corners, 100i 4 ie çpuaceon WodoeSay, tise 1Uh The ansveninlutise varions sud tedi- Sinua aube4 ai-fiected great credit ou tise assiduis> sud talent ef Ib. pupils, anS pArtiailarjy an tise enongetie effurts, sud abus>' miicis have enaied Mr, Nenri&.in tise iboru spae of à tis mntesou., se fit tbam fer tise sevene ordeai vislch tise>' have Sqcýwevr bononabi>' udergone, The $abjectsetfuSoeoxamsuuimea me, ReiS- 'ing Montai anS Pmesccl Arithunctie, Wri- tiug fions Dictatiou1 Bustor>', Grammur ansd Derivaion, sad Geograpb>',<uatisema- tical sud pllîleal ) Sevensi Seà ntifui pi-lacsvoeebandeS toe m ntsi ervimag pupils, b>'tise LocalSepentondent The Rey. Dr. Thoruton, w'vil a ver>' mpjre- priste aSSi-s, cougmtialaied tise pupîla ou Lieir. upoctave atainmas.ms.Thse audi- ence mrai mou repaiS orftas-luatteedauce, anS if me mal' Mlles(rom isanumbun anti reepectabilis>', the intereas in s-decatioe adageSd as proue ineel Section Na, 5, ia docidddi>ofethLie mou: priaiaemortbl oharacter, Prom 5h. S1ftes. Chancery 0ipring Tergn, I868, Wbitby, April 24th 1805.- The Sprlng Terni for tihe exasiîon of witneosu, sud hsarl o etcauses vwu opemedLbefere, His Lordship, Yice.ebajý. celler Sprsgg, it thea Court House juthltu town oMondai laut. G. a. Darw.i, PAq., thse Mater ln Chancewy, seting a fteglstrar. There ver* .Is cases- onu h cause liai. -UOftthe Toront., Bar present ison tise court opened w'e oticed 8. H. ' etrong, Q. C.. B. Fitzgerald, T. Mous, lames' IcLennsu &0mD;1).Bttine squiros. Tise local Bar vas epreiented ' 'by Ia. J. 'Wilson, W. E.;Bliligoi, 51 -Coirrane, J. a V.HnC . A. :00nesJ. H1. Greuvood sud James Lamoo,'Esaquires, S. B. l'air. bînksansd L. Engli, ef Oshawa, sud P. A. Bard, of Linduay, Biqs., ver. slso promeut. Tise Onit causseareur a-BgLe g . 7ltoanpmo, hich mas a Bill fileS S>' 1r. Josephs Blgelov of Port Penny tW enfonc, au executian in tis-erlraif bauds agslest ý sus eqouable ierest of tise defendant, Aaron Tisomrsen, inicerta in laeu cBo igeg, sisic i alu iltif coebueS more bounuS S'tsie vmit. Pisintifi's'couussel Mnd. FitagreWad eilleS muS examîined Charles Nounse, Benjamin Cîsudehi, Samuel Pst- teu, Tisospsou Rilles; Josepha C. Geroir, andl Augeîuni Geros. JoSe G. MeNutt, Aasron Thompson (cousin cf Sefendant) mare'caIlied b>'Mu. MeLonnan, vise Sp' pemmiod foirmise ScIence. Tise case occupi- e5 moi t ftiseday. Ibis Loidihip resenved bis judgmont, Irmsse vs. .Harringtg»s-Asmmiii b>' aontg&gees agisit tise Mushcipaýit!eu of tis Ceuni>' ot Ontario sud the towcMsýp et Scoît, te et asido a sale sud cencove$ ance by the Siserîif for antanrs et taxes ou 4 lot et land lu Scott. 1Mr, Strong, çî' C., appeared for plai'Ltiff, sud Mn. Fitqe;îrald ton ahi tise datendasits oxcepi liasnnagîtsn, aigaint misornstIse bill mas-proconfesse. Tise pieadingt more read b>' couanaet. but ne evidence mas taken,muS tise ceevas adjourued anutil tise noxi moruing. SECOND DAY. Court openod au but pumt uce. frene vs. iaraigtss, as resamed. Tise foiesing vitnîises merecasileS toi- tise plaintif. JacMeoeuid, is a clenk lu tise office eoftise Trsasuieet ofYork and Peel, prelusced tise non-ieaiSent kle#isund cash books, viici s aewed tisaitiste taxes ou tise lo tlu question, foi tise yesr 1852, mare paid. George Tisampson, townshsip1 Troasurer cf Scout, produçed tisa non iesi- dlent assessmeuî, sud collector'd raIfs for tisai townsisip, visicis ssewd tisaitishe loi baS becu reurued ai nonresideni land rom 1863 te 1860;-,sîcepitishe yoars l85; and 1867. George abson, mag ex- amtisuod ud ènuehexsmined au gresu languis b>' tis ebai-noS Counset. l'i#sovideuse vwu chie11>'in relation te Lise. tactcf tison Seing Sistress ou tbe lot, Suriaig tise yas ton visic i iLwui s-toneds1as nnreaidant -s lange namisr cf vitnessis in adidition te tise . ssmed voie examinod ounSeta aides, aud thise lsased Ceuse.1engaged sdrvaed ushelsauaof et irs nepfetesil> clients misS tisa aiity anss legal sceesen. micsiai vl i<ttnrasbes tise. .Ris Lordabip resored judgmnst. Pitteruon Harrison, sud Pattes-ou, more sqlloitt fte iaplaintif, a Il. J. Mscdoneli, for tise defesidant. .uier tn. qà Ab-tu this cmaao nea appeas-sd fer tisplainti, aSdth ill uta &6isSseâ. eus.s.Fitzgesrsldi and Coci- lie appoared for ;the dttenlant Jacob t Tise Oons adjomned umaitl tan next Broum . 5y.-1ili forn tbe parti- tion ot thsae st*f eof 1!Ia ý Js ýqa: ti bis sui#ie1ugadasts1lâmLru1 th1prs0 a linSJii5t5t. J. J. Wilsomn for fTmBrome, L Ms. asdMms Spesîs. C. A 'Jaunes Limon, <or Ifs-, maS MadMr. sud MMa. Chuie, 5 toi tzecustuns etAustin. jouoed untit usai daotmil t*0 perpos.etorheanlug tisa Coctel ou the constructon cf Jaunis Br-omws, sà SAbrab TRIIS» DAY. Tise court met ai tan s- tu. Ms. Bretonvumai mn osIO&l ai cousiderabie Ieugtisss dIaims ut' bis ec'lient, qasouhag fies. C. A. lapes for tise Dr. graton thse plà atiff, ropl>'. D flsefer admin nefereusce te b. Mai staiW vaions etquiies. Cb.am oà sa. J>gole-v le Lbe Paterh6ra, asd itr te thse Coboou'< aittiags, ansI tinsth lb isies.tise Coutaitd Europe"@, Wmsiiugton, A4ril W.-V ldet John. #,un basappelutis d b datise 25iis et Tiseli-su Ma>' uext, La Se obsemod, 'vh.rverinluitiseingiasi," ve Il*iiîed States th ag of slI.docuury ma> tise 12u5, l b.1 respecta, as 41 of be( isénih ai n sd instant, arr muorniug. -Mles Nem York$ Aprit 24,-Bues ies lu is tail, thé troc cit>' vas enerali>' aupouald ontise aurivilainmd the reb efth tie uterai eoiue. - ' ' ie tiei Brosawy u>' mesaid te tise tnctt-vas pled1 by.'rpiople éaihstInsaissesIbotise t cee*sd.0C esc, anS tee tise secipmyiag esori. aven, s pelf ?h tosnts quiet'prevalledeusnt-e ote, araeit, of at *âd isodens e s e naeS usicvereS beauen ê7tse, ai jthe proossile sleviy vuead iti *&l'tgo offeos1 m o ti the Ciy Hall. wmurs-sua' t Ose housaud suners .ang a meunut lte iso mease1 its-& as tt rwà boraelfis. temporai?-e'st' coses.veni iasg plane wumasis1 Th ise =4wrnuf th is aL 'Pc-misnt ,AnS e to rhieS loft Liverpoo sud Qnoenstovui i;ved ber. te.ubgbt. seaidvbessor et mSies isetva.. tSi 1 o 5h Da tise Iê* Jséen,'ot lanu, kad 1l Elagisbisfor Joues sud Mn.. itogei, Il. Cochrane The Tragedy et Wts.hiigten. TRTERDETAITgCONOERt4NG rrI 5TATZWI51T OPkAN 2Y8-WITNU. Tise New York Herald gives ' b. stat e- mont of an e>'e mitru, Mi. limes P. W*ei. gusson, vise vent t te tsatre for tise ..fsPt-espurpose of soeing Goaeu. Grant. "Wisen ise se cuiseneoe ibhe third ict btAf'sa piW7ywvuseacised, Ki * eritison .us& (maidiogsiedýy lohas Wilkes Booth Wulce iss5'maasleng tise drees cie leotise 5rpfdentt. box. Of Ibis box Mr.,Forgnson 10meidellent vev, bohnÈ "aetqi in tie MI irelé just oppoite te it, next intes private boxes on tise otben side efthtie cir. Ci. Tris aseat ho purposel>' chosirte siford ibit cempaulon a goofi viem et tise Lieutenant <Joerai, sud vas nannomi>' watcisiug tfse eutranu ot b. Presideutvs box. "Mi. Ferguson vatobed for bis appear. anes lu tise box, desirinx te see wvil Ã'ta pini' tissaacter couid b. ou sacb inti mate terme i vils as e <el maà rranteS lu tatringstncb a liSent>'. Wistbeî Boothsihot thse door et the huile corridor or leit ht -*peu iseiind hlm Mr. Ferguseut <eau te stato posively; but fr-ont bei era'. ed of tise door, sud <sun iessoui iereafter te ho stated, belleves hoeddt! abat it. Thse sisl mas tise nei biug 1fr. Ferguionu .e. niembist . s am tiesmoke, thon per. çted Boothi standing uprigisi itis bçth isalsaiaed, but ai tisai moment sv ne meapon or anythiug else in elîher. Booth tiset ipraug te tisefront oatie Soif, laid se f a t'b ltq railiu<, buit mwu cibek- 1u Rs a'aut, eviâentli 4h> ' is o or 'it$s5eiug >iaRin usometsimsg, b>' oftr 'belS iack S>' somebody. "'Mn. Pergusun and Boothslaid motinl tise afieruooWansd ceuveised, sud mare veli acquaintedmiti s saab thsor, se ibsi tise- trurnen immediatel>' recognited hlm. Booth stoppeStva alepe <nom tise door, leok off hi§ ba, asd, bolding h luibisieoti baud, leaned againit tise mail behiud hum lu tbis sattitude he romained for balif s minute; tison, aiMa Mi. Foignacu, ho steppeS dovu one stop, pot bis baud on tise doon o1 htie liîîle corridor leadiesg to tise Sox, boni bis Itues slainst it, tbe dooe opened, snd kpt 015 ruired, sud vas <or the time iidden tjj nuIf--Fir, tiou'is Agt. "A peut lu front obstructeul tisevibeto Mi. Porgosnas, Sut Boothis see changed bus p«itnn, sud agatu vas cleasiy aesn b>' Mn. Feigisson. Sa nom baS a boite lu bis nlyhsi band, wmi'ci ho alto laid upon tise raiin hss ient' ho had alniady helefI, sud vanlted eut. As bis legspasse5 betaveon tip telsis cf tise gsg decoratlng tise box, Isus &pur misicis .ho reoOn bis igbt heel, casglt tise draper>' sud lreugis it dovu, ieas-lug a sînip mus h . Wheu ho lot go tise riliug ho auil etateied tise 'sbining kuife. Ho croncbed as ho feul, fallung on oe kue. aud puiinlg forth bous isanda te recoover an ereci position, mhicis isedid mus tise rapidit>' sud easy agilit>' Of au athiot. diHsfvlug TeeeiereS bis eqniiibrinm, B"Iotis O& de armastihe Stage te tise finaL entrance. p-asi behind tise acter en tise stt4 <ani>' Ravi.) Wbeu he reahed tise oliser aiSe or the-stage, juter. ho Se came invisible S>'*p g angute tise efiuiaMsc bu looiseS p, asuM. Fergusen baya'.ha iseard hi:lms>, 1"I baie dons i4," sud tissa lest sigisi of< hlm. diMr. Fengisson visitei tise tisestre Yes- larda>', sud, -mus MissHaias, tise lady mise vau initise box miiitiste Prouident, lier ftiSes-, ndge Oun, oethtie Criminel Cousit, and Jusige Canrexmined tise box. IlThe ptslingisole lu tise unused deer eor tise beir mass dosai>' scrutiulsad b ha> ie m~tarlso &rnýee ,% "la wiiu a'ttiiui..Tise i*lextracted ftienstise bosS of the Preaideut ih of muais lang-er diameter tsan tise hoie. Tise edgae 0<ofise hale siom tise marks et a kuite biado ver>' The couad- ast Tue Ruemcxnnoru an va Mev Bau-ia i 10 s a..fer Mtmeaa-nas io reVaminsts'o -TSere vasueo aignamenisOftmachfoi SiFreeraltBruce te gay, lu 1Of tise 14 l r OpreMieu4 bis cisdenlaiî, but vhaî mas QS C. O" -t5Ul proper t e esaiS ile uev mieuaîer put ins - yrds admirai a bcoien, attise asaQte S vison Y7uuiifeeling, tise Ss-icacy anS tis. tse wlicb M.- Englis tise eccsie*s sasgestod. Tise expressions uvOe the of coudolsaco mero nolubar Oer wnotsîgbs CMin>' sethoti- nornseey itoruted. AnS me camis mlil infuii, aS uefleve tisa it wgg'wli'h no feineS eme 1tio fere Seau! in cf sorrcv sud regrettSat Sir Fnederick tratlon, miii Brce CaliloSPresiden; Jebnstona notce Idblu> tomait e tisatIinexps-ouibly pinîssî episode in thé, openiug et bis mision-tisai tiseday cof 'as -laid olves- Preidînt Lineelu's Sdeatis vasths dayý WI' W 'a" ,is ssed for bit fus-mal proseatatiema ss tise tisi tOcSpe- pqrodted ropreaientalhve et his serelgo. Ijure. Tii. message (roe ler. Britaissile bajeas>', - chSthesenn islter vm aiirged to Se. liver n tu ub.Qeen'mpense, wvesImbve beets S4. specially.grate4sl t s-s 4scamise a 1,~ i Ap i i frotthe 5e ndly reipense h wvuseà ietgsd lit Io n on tsi gietebis forbeaahIng sud forgivlag' on the 1 ît polie>', tisa (nom Lise confidence misici tise laie Preaideut bid FeieSuIthat tise rbroar>' 23 de.' Que0s' "é"à Otis egard- &ndý'gps$I eGoyttrment mmil'e emnà adetdly ilore; andt ls5,fI"] adoais.'t Ap g5504 hitso "'EsM ajuuty ia4 n0s.kIî ed, tU a euimatsorsaMt burt thausiraiîvte rs-istIl thse msuk ypr. ausbt> sud goosi unuerstaasng batmeenth L_. vew iiadred natiops ef tise United States I _________________________________________ War Tfe%. BASS U'ÂGR 1EqTBETWEBt< GENLS. JOETSON AND SHER[DÂ!4; FOR PEACE. MeuAtrsudum, or -buis ef agreement. muSe thtis tis day ot April, A.D 1865. nrDurbs 'm'a Station, la tise Siate et 1North (Car*ihu an>'sd betven eonseiul i J. E Jobisuten, commaudiug tise" beutode- irate Army, sud Major-Gençrai-William T. Sherman, ce'nmandiug thse Army>'outtise !United States, in NTorth Canolina Sotsh' Prisent lit.- %hé couteudiug armien'o iu tise field te retiUü hibehnstau queoutil uotice is giveur b>' 'the Ceîumaudiug <Jouerai et auiteu e te lu eppoueuî sud reasouabie timosamy 48.heurs ailomesi. 2nd. Tise Coutedarteaismiies novlu i existence ta b. Slsbfi#ed sud conducted te theîr sevîrai State Capitale, thon. ta depouit their 4rmsa nd public propent>' lu thbe State asenal, anc s oseS ecen sud ian tg exoclite sud file art ag-reefffeut ta cesse aul acta of van, and abide tise actiou ot bath State Anad Vederai authonit>'. Tise number cf aimeansd munitions of mar te ba nopons. .5 u tiste ChiaI of ordiansce ai Washingtons clu>', anbjecste future actinonfethtie Cen, greenmoethtie Unitedi States, sud is tise men- tine to bo useS soleil'ta mainîsin peace and onJer -vitiistise bordera of tise States reepectivel>'. .ýîrd. Tise recognition S>'tise Exeutuive et the United States efthtie aeveral Stausu Goveraments, on tisein Officeri anti Logis. laturcs taicing tise catis. pneacribed ba>'tise ,eoligittat o f îIbeotUnited States, sud vhs-ne coaieting Siate; Goe rumss'lamuvo resultud froni* tise mai 'tise egitimac>' et ail shahl be suisusitted te tise Supremue XUrt et tise Cuiteul Stsutes. 4tis. Tisa re.estaiiiisssiuut ef ai! Péderai Courus in aise scierai stases, sis powera ss defiused b>' tie constitution add lava ef stongresa. âtis. Thoeie le à isX inisabitauts et ail States ta hocgesranteed so eranas tisa Bic cutIse eau, ali rpoiticai igis o f peoon atid proeat>' as slefined S>'tise costitutiona of tise United Statess ad et States îe"pet1- ively. Gus. Tise exocusivo sothonit>' ofthe G(lernutent opf lb.UnitedsStateà net tu distunb au>'f et iapeopie'b>' resofaitise lite mai, iio long as thHisele lu peace anS quiet, abs tain fti es caof armeS hostilatieu, sud oSe>' tiesein l existence at an>' place of abeir nsidence. 7tu. In genenal termes, van is te ceas., a genarat amnes', seof.r ns s e exs-cutive et tise Unied States can counuaind, eus conSuitietordisisaudment et tise Confede' raie'armies sud tise distribution ot arma sud tise resumption cf peacefusi puraiitu b>' officers and mec as hitisortua ompoing tise 'saiS amies. et SeIng fuil>' ampeered b>. ens-respective princepsîs te ulfil the terme, vo are individualiy ,and othoisail piledge ounseives le prompt1>' obtain tbe necesser> autlaorim>', anS te cari>' tit tise aboye programme. W. T. SHE19iTMAe Miajor Geaieral' Cemin-u'siing tise Arus>'fethLie UnitedS tates iu Norths Cainlitsa J. B. JOHINSTON - <Joerai commandiug Cou- fedenate Stase An>' in NoitisCarolins. Tiais proreeding et Cou. Sisermsanvrai unapprovedton thse tolloig, mmoeg esSor nessons:-.-Firmu- Itmwu au axencise ot aniSat>' not vesteS in Genenal Shserssan, asnd 1w faceaboya tisi bp$s ýesudanSJinm st-on, i mev tiseh, Ga's. Sheriman, baS A0, anthoritr tc enter lute an>' sucS agreemienut. Oet 4Se robaieenet. 3rs-.Tt underleois te ro-emtablisb tise raSai Sîste Gevennnoigsa t la,Qeu evenîhiomu ai uhe sacrifice et ten>" oyalý lives and sur immense tresusu% , cd Plcd armeand.munlitimo f et mmc-lutise iantia of tbe rebohssî at, hoir ivepectve 'wapital visicis uigisi b. useS ai sono 0as tise sushea 0 tise United Stases avare disissuded, sud use se tocasquer andSauludue tise loyal States. 4uib. B>' tisa ustoration eft tle rebel, sautiort>'in tiseir respeclve States t'isy sevulS buc tabSlýS tu re-estalîlis ilavon>'. Suis- IL migbt f4inlis a gîcouri of te, spausibiiity b>' uhe PFeil Gusveiument te pal tise nebol debt, sud cerabunl>' subjoct 'lyai ÃŽitzensofethe rebut Stases ta tise Sebi monaumpasted b>' tisea ebeis b 'tise naune et tise State. lits. [t put in disputie tis exoistÃuce of 'loyal Sttegovenumeutusuad tise State et Westtrn.Vis-ginis, uhiaishaiS 'lieeu recg- aiseS lu> eyidopas-usent of tise Unaie 7ti. h prnucipaily abolisSeS the confis. Cation, iavs', std veiieved rebeis of svon>' degiceseho adst ieu(Itered our npeople fmom ail piains and penalties for tisein animes SuS. Tt gaysve rmaithat'isad beÃŽdé- liborateiy. repealsdlys sud soeol>'rejeci. eS S>' Pn.silent inlnI, and, b.îtte. terms Most pe'sierens coniiosn. 9tbL Ju formaeS uo se asatriea. ndat- Tisa Liverpoel Pog sasys et the piague ihbas isau .aied usemueS ilarmin Ouro- pe t- IlAn epidemmaje reacmblitag lu s ifttaliiy uhe Agiatic cbqlera bie tonrso uM-nui devastatad thé"leterior o(ItüRusla.' Ap. parently tahug itaYoigiu u in iserla, It Sas gradslty svapt dowun sou thavard, spneaud- ing'more sidiri>' caseliser aide as iid- vrices. As yeu it bas aom 'plusteiy baffleS Lise skiffcf tise Ruisisu phÃŽsiclaras, sund of isasarotessors et medicine-'in bave proceded' from=(barman>' te sd> is a>'uptoms. Iu min>' respects tis epudo mic resemblea tise cehaisîsted Piaguaet Atiseus, aisicis decimnated Assica lu tise 5s'coad' sud third years efthtise Poponnesi aia mai- Libe it, tise opideii belonge te tise cImes"o'erupuive typhalut dimardena. Tise peison seized imunadiateî> deipaire of recovery ; h obsa s enior>. sud hape .altogethor. Lkeil , ton, tise Sibos-hat foyer la actasupaaiet gcnerall y V>'a ibourse ceagis sud-violent retchiug, s 'ud tise viculun eldom survives Scyonsithe- nisitisdayý Tb.rt las aueditît'ult eh otaining a ié- fiaisle aceuuit oe ise mei, fer tise Rus sien officiais, novPr very coumtaiticiâtive, Sars endeavared te coneesi tise existence of tise disoaie. 'But fibisa toucheS vut. or smo semus lu Ausiri and Pi-usais, andS ragea at Si. Petersburng, Tisedeatisa lu tise ltten oit>' areackno'mledged ta amanst te eight>'o on e uitndied per day, bati lu hla .spected tise>'are it. limes ab sume- roua. Tise diseuse igsAsid te bave assuma- eS a muigated tors ina Genuian>', but ver>' gréat atariniprO¶aiis uiros±,iouitisaecon- tinnt.' Mess is.peîl ahîsttihte À iaie ciseonstihast greai sco urge ottisbua- man race SpasseS aws>'.,but ibey suS«,- Seul>' fnS tiesesova coa.troniing a pesti.., as iia tise caïse ofthlie Asuati ciseon, pi'. dispose$ tathe, Sisss, - tg "A plague otiis desicription'ragiug in «St. Ptaoirsg cannol bu long,.absnt ,<ras otiser 'Enropeais capitale. hIlanches 'iatadi>. sud sur.lY. ýAiroaS>'il& rouie ta traceS by deatis sud mourniug, aneS its fu- taie tiack Sasliseee, pointeS outs lu subi~ a cas quarantine meutations are nesîl>' .sseleu. I<a pl agne vas aven ' ei Iepi tvsy fions Oui shane. b>' elsyil5g '-8iiip troun ai inféected part ýai a distance ris tise barber. Tise foyer may b. conveyed bu a lester, a baeetof geodu, a waul' or' itîs>' fs-oastise hip matieS te tise shores. It Muay'be tabou up by>tle mieS paasing over tise dock, sud S berne mysteriooasly' Seapit fe e&H1 precantieus te tise cs-omded somma. plyilcians unsy diapuste whetheritI ila lusta5ctSOns rcantagiQus. ,Sucb dlscu- sieIns ma>'hbc inte@nting taeLise professai, but tise prastîcal irut id l,' btwhetlser a plague.Se conve>'ed b>' tise-air or b>' cou-9 taoti tiser. isanu meatis ofet aaing ils pro grise seau>' anS' vb1his h il't u -he b wvii ortProvidence tiviaiwiths ac"is- Scouigo. . ciW. have Il la ur os.'pover, howvemn greati>" te nisigate the virulence, and , 1m*ost te ebange the chas-acter efthtie diese u sn, a4180, ISst vhat we mosnred t,< and d maiS tise 1 Tt in tino along 'vitis Mi. Whitelo exton. ai 0i Flouriug liii, and Woieu Fsantory, wihiliiisiortl>' bi in operatioui ihere id a-s gooti tavera, ivo Biackauith'i 8hopa, tva shoe mala iers sp% so Wag. gonasers' shoplç, etibinet 55014 carjs.n. tei shos, cooper sohop, -Tinsiis isopj saw tsillsa ad a largo comsmodiona Town Rall. But ne haruesa sbop saiistted ins thse article re<erred te. I merelï- mention ti i u cmSn>'parti«a wiiiiss &lOSl te commence tisat businessi mîglit be.ieo "a Inufact mi 'opinion Ã8, It vouid- be tise rigist place for a h arnas makar." sud a good Iiter, if tise>'bildtison i branches et busineuas dded te visat tisis- bavre aiready h vwonld'thon b. a village et _itoeif, The usait'iimportaint omissions ot tise whole val tse'pimalmsg milis, mouidinî d<ser aud sait acter>', Selouging -w Mr. Gilicriat, whieh 1 tisink deseives . 550 p ciai notice. NIf o teMr., White'g, W4ila ove" et tise malt i mportant branches ot business iii. the sToswnship, especisîlto tehie building communit>'. Evesy tii lurn qp wish nesînes ansd deapaîcis. ind thse çontra0tý for visat le d*sîigsed teOb. tise largit sud best uus~~bo i~si ts en> wus given te Mi. .îcritsd rthr Mi. Uhclelit aise dessignà ui ad ýpiépsiOf ihe plans for tihe sane, sud uet Mi. Wbhte as slated lu your remarka. Tire veil ,,îocked store of Mi# Mcisee, la net tise ouI i>' euenu hit-vsle, as Mr. Perteous- witisin the lait twelve mentiss bus esta blished s and i iiga zgood business il, tile dame ine. art4wLshiug te viait Whitevale milI flud it siîssated un a brancis -of Dufo'ss' Creekassd i55t01105thse Bouffe. B>'~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ note iesto uvour vaijsablu 'apr yus iii confer a lavour unon an. 01BSERVEII. T isSbarian Pllattue. Dl!am"FUL CLIARAOTER OF THOI SCOURGE. yÉars be4ft vTry prevaient samong thé Poz Tb 4qpqor Fiorenepublashse snbjoinedde alhgiias b- Dr. Timer, pis> dicinq ta tsi Gsnd Ducheii Maria Qf Ru-. pis, Mreltioeth ie msla L Tis i mtiay app,,eà ri to b. netîler forer of au intermittent or continaoui nature, cor jet s simple typhoi.d one; but c=rtInoylav qoirleunt 1.SIsdailgeroni. Acrig to thée o tnfonS of tie Enias -as observed for the. gi! lime li t 1tlo in thse yesr 819, snd donomlnafte4'in that,- bonr>' thé interittent e"r, trow th~e leugtb cftise ibiermitte.at snd Ilhe Prelpug. ed attacti. IP!h.' (sur fiansbered ln, b> cold shiveriug, alternating vits vemavkable heat -«(rom 40 to 44 degie.. cetlgradè or -104 degrees Fahrenheit), tise puisé beating 130 f grest prostration -anL disorder ,are tise @itîs cf tse ental taauliisi veanaini uuaitered, <riquent, pâwïs are , tit l1w bonsd sIndhis. xtGroat pin itamIse (ot un tise Tort hypoohdndrise reglon, and exami. ýnation oethtie palpitation ,ýsud Percusion:i prove. ti.sple«%ý to bavegraiinead WuvolBwe. Tise"kin, le' yeilov in color, owing te thse liver, Seing likevise affected 1>7 tise miady, The initimtory attacc of the foyer lai. row e Bvin' taeoigbt day., snd terminatea wilb a véri copions peispi. radlon'.Âfîer the finit paraxynm an lu- tentaI ocuns of' seven or eight day. dur- ing vistch the, Patient appears.aiomt ~ad Veli ai evor, but at the nîpiration 0< tb lime a second attack manifesta isacîf likd the lirai, but accompanied with s sii! greal or Persiration-> sTii _ -contincos .. klio about suvnx day%, terminating, like thie other wlth Peruiqe peu1piration; -Sgrme. timoN a tisird paroxyîm déclares fiuait atter a -füthieî Intervai et seven Jaya, oee0e the symptoma bein- 's buruiug îlsfrst, aud the patient eba ie tiste umoat profound stato of prostration. Thse 'rate etf morts. liît> i. -8 per cint, snd tise victimo(et' ie malady gferal>' die ,di,ýfg tise seoend, attack, usual>'. <romt a kind of gener'ml paralysis, or thneugh severe deraugement of tho .oenvons organs, vus i MI dcbmpo-. giîious of tise blondiand, aun- normnonsin. crease iu tise spleen. Tise', iÃerbecome4 greati>' eulangec but the intestines, on tbe other baud, -are eltiser found bealthy> or else hard>' oongeâted. Ever> tising bai hitiierto <uiied te shorten tise dunation of tise fébrile attacks. Saltd of quiniuo< givon In large and sisu doses, lai. bienu quit. Inelfectual te evereomselbe. attacki charactenistie of Miis mnalady. ln.,tise seccdsd pd'roxyam,- a icisehr. is iu- crenssd prostratici-of tIb. forces, the_ mout povertai stimulants bave beau administer. à d sumai e lcoisol, ether,icnpi,&C y but tise> produce litile or noeect. Thse chief cause oft f is disease lasnspposad tà b.> Lb.arrivailulà S.- Petersburg ot au im- mense nuniSer à of vrkmeu <from tise neigis. boring provinces, sud evèn from tise mosit distant towns, Tis said tbat ubere are- juat nov lu tise capital- 43,000 wonkmev more tissu the nous[ entuber. The.ccon- sequence oci tht. h, tisat, tiey cannot vront a&ndir n blirgetf te lîre iila oaletsy oc&- lities, sud te live apen the black 'breaký- vhicis containsi, ls 7emr mnChf m 1ore bonq- ed r'. tissu in -proviens years. I hais been discovered by eetical - analysii thisa Ibis bread contaisiu e per cent of sorno& rye iu tise geur with vhich hit is mad. Thus, ever>' verkisg mnuliving on the marne me> b. caleuiaîed to est- ose bou. dred'grains cf isernel rys per dieun. 13e-, aides ibis, the. ogen, noms, sud other auuimals,-t.aing neo longer aiasghtered in. Sr. Petersburg, but Mi moicv, visence thse meat. is'deà patche-d ready pnepared, tise baud,' hoots, týetsud intestin"i of ibese auj bais, eici rviu;l 'rqed oeecf thse sapie article& of eetmUanic, -of thé poorer classes Ona ccoulit Of tteir cbeap. boss, are nlonger te b. had'- at !i. Petersburg, sud tise poer are nov cona. pelled te luve aimost exclnaivel>' upon tise :nentiened bread, wbviobs centaines usnnous substances, Partly contibiSngte' rodttce tise disease iu question. The, ilq8sian ,,goverument bave lbe.eu 4tiqprested with ntiste jzret sortaliti' tisaltise>'lbve nemi. atdacommiîe- ehcb ta iustttating tise 4 4j Tl J. 'Ne' 171 4k çQrý A FAl No.! 1 an'd MMEO , 1 m, 0 é 6 4 épl-mev èWýmrfve-fi .Oeeuw 0 ýé à v 'Ir n -Y )lui )TOWb WILD Eýý