Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Feb 1865, p. 2

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- -- - - ~ *~,. -,.-ef-e4~-4-~ Ar.~- 1e?-~n-~1-'.- ~ - -..., - -..- .---.---'.. ~ .- . - ______________ ___________________________ -I N:w Yosmc, Pub. 21.-Tic Herald's car. vers vs 10 oun4 10 natid la' vsrreu.uu .----f- - I ...h.în,,*kI .~.,niv ni idiOteS tarulCDOO o! i tic invigora- ?~r X4~I0 IS 1 DaY, %ots sud Bous4 ae To ConsemPti vu.- Information r.. To nqrvous aterS. vogoiable Bitta. Uaroal @ale Watobes e.. t<oto-Goo. Long JP. Faruitg Lt-J. AR. l)aualdcaa Feintfor sae-Jas. or@ag. NoDu.and balf ao tluidfor .al-R1 Quare omo*0n-oeuty Ontari o. xtiesoew ugnfcst 0 rodtors Spoatiititoa-Lif Association of NVibl IufatiryOompny-CaPtslu Dut- gbbulivand Rabb.r bottoed sobos-Jai. 11410e. fN Rn.-. .Wilson, lu oueltod I Insolvonoy of J. F. Raier-J. V. Ham, Solicitor., poalponed sale or BousMd 8bas-A. < Loj*ný olaboi or I-buodHl ad. 0N 5 10,QTMTS A 114R Whitby, Thirsiay, Febwary 23, 1866 >Notice to Bubscriberi. Agin vw.-appui 10 the sonme of fair dciing of liai. indebted .ta L mare a ttIiem t r Mqltssd- save os Sud îh.uelvqc trouble and oxpoase-. élobéceriers vhe reara tLe paper ýA out paying op -waro are anly puttig the Poet.offlce people ta unnOeceearj, i'roubIe. No puper wlli bestoppod <uui#5 at Oaur ova option) otit Il &arisais ubsciip- lion chat! bave beau disobarted. Subscri bers t. te.laie MA.u vh wo smatitatod the ClRONt11CLBtierefor, &ad who have otl jlettsîlomont yuibish!&Office, iaad houerlooek tg thts.. We Ld theoe Io thc teints of the. publie notice Printed Io the CEIRONIOLE vhen h repiaacd tLe Igi.-1'iOE'5 1;8octrr. -The utembors -of tic St. Patrick,* soclety of Ontario, 6ive k ln ,oatemplatian ta clebrato the A.uutemus y iis jour, by a grand hall. àumeeting of thé emmu ii.tlo be Leid St thROSyauHtel, onFrdyaero, Deit t four o'oloclr, for tie prpuesofa OnajdéceldIg opo»ithe malter, a.intg the uwonary armuioifetst. tA 11t u tedanc ic a prtloalariy roqaoctodl. 'whla'vry sincere ples.re vo annonceth appolutaomt of F4ward Taylor Dartuel Esq., Raineter, fatitor of oeo. H. Dort- Uali, Wq., Ilarster &0., or ibislava,:' M OeueIlyCownA ttorney for the Coîjt of Fiiw@tL Tb@ appointmont is s judi, tions M l b"s houawvol doerved, and Ivevo isatoro s tu viiiprove ia evrj reos bdvtied tO deliher alcetoie at lhe me. itate' malil,ou Friday eoniaf. Sabjool- "àDr Oodbmill." The sm umueenlt of br. Tàeer'a naine ln conotiaon viti any titemry suiject hl of > tse!f igificient tb ai. tract ot uppreciative "Oneao. la th;@ recpecttiectorbui asakcfaipleasing and odifyieg bis eceurst the smre tiats ad on the cougoalal subjeel af thé pure, iiam iole M addOliver Goldsmit, vo hua' mot. Thi, autkaandlis hepros timnocadrerme te pubilsicra, spead Woum W , niPrwse of mem. Lcoaud '%Ott & vc»heCoantenu the Wu'tmlnuer R,4c! for January a 6-Talnt Rtory of.iegilsL'Licotare, 'Tic S ole f LA"Muag, "Buam JIU letsllectasiDvsopemeai of 2 mm p'om inaPlaad; ,. Ciruuuti diei Ivdcaps"UMWhalawe, la lh Righ' taro.!' &o. For ltrns for lte Itvît MeRlu 'J - 101 A verd of, einttoalltmm lula r foreméeta lie pnoe.dinga *et tL.Ceint>' 00u00il9 là i ntueter laduo ~tO Mr. 1Mcl son, the rosieof iUoti, T* ila ic -o asceminai>'li nuquneM ai Raid. )Mn. CIelead'ilettert, sud, 1 î.v it fthe feel- ing on ticeubjet vilcivo uaderstaad provails amongmt parties l in tocet"it> Whon lbu report $ o hoametteseeoa Education vus broltup, Mu. Nelson usavedte tahave h aunddb>'-auhsitaliug the camnea evo' oY . dlieud for tal ai J. P. Ptaak. And rofrrlngtateOur notes vo Sud liii psuai lictheargument upaut vhioi h.ogrounded is emeadmoent, vas that Mr'. Celiauo vsm a usalana frieud ai educalian ntMdi iaoLebail avec, hn bis seai la pramole sud îxtead ia beaufita, prepret ut is Ova pora1incouven- fence, and les of im, id vhbt htearge, certain yaang mou for the Uivertiyvia Lad ince gradasteti lb igi boneurdy,ý sud vhaovie t tir advanceîaeai to' M. Clltmd's proparatiotiMdsud sruolit>a. Re. (M. Netaoa,) aise advanc, ed Br Mi'. Cicliand'm aupori@z <at"#iU anlsd euinent inomlor tia cilles, andi exîaitod ths roverend gentlemanusu Lofa; la ovorY resphtt eiluotlj quaifi5!d to- 411.lte offie ai Trume,*a bà mai . vod tiI-the Bloard w 't rb " ý ils preseuce. Agaiu Mr'. Nelsaa teld Loy mauy Young »mlOu vW *t ltn' uaiteti effarta,.lie advaatagem o! an ediil tutian viiei pimcod Ihem lai a ýpoitioa te. day, butL viuh aitinut It ncverend- genttleman,* assistance, ana lie intereat ho took ha the cause ai otacaîhon lier coul0. nevsn Lave attaiasd. Ho instanecd eevet-at cases vhoeobth Ler@ an 'la the Unitedi States, pamtihes a prepar4d hy reverend Mi' Cleiland, achhcv2d great suiccemansd euni. nonce in tLe ledtproieadous; and statedti ibt evea îicy ddOetualoag to thue charceo hvlicue e rettnd goatie mn u theurespected Putar. ÀAuotiur rcao,i muid, vlîy the nne»ai Boit. Mr'. Clelland sauld ho retained, vas tiat i ioolted lilto ae mghit', ul ctinghm, nov, sad tuat tie apposition Io lis came eon the pari t teurevanud-deputy rmoto of Uxbnidgm looketi as if thai lighl vs. .ptemediated. 1The aiaendnent cart'ied, aid Rouî. M. ,Cieiisud'a came vas eubtitaied. fSubsoquently Meutmr. Whtlerand Peuh>' r mcceded ta Laing the came of Mn. flot. [and erased, and tht of Mi.Plaekpottin ita place. Ticy gave no rssons for tLetu 8course in tuis respect, &on dih! îLey auteapt ta deny aIlliai tMi. Notiosa asta Mfr. Clellsnd'm fitacos, mOrbrotie a vai-t -agalumi is ropuation, or Itheoxcolcance ai l is appahineut. W. vese laid, Lavever, lis IL.th polet ta paru>' frieadm, sud liai by mis ýropreseatations, helint batsc, vttieL tiey a dam nDt opoul!aller tbeý saccoidod la ,£ 4baig p& z , -pert*isctd i' r rport;i but pNal te ttîllii 'atter o jnsoquance ta îLthepublie, ead ce aippetavor il ha f cruaacrihhug car nota. Muattars. lovvr, r bave inccu ranspired te rentier tie publi. Lcation ai the tacs es mary. 5 The Ottawa Buildings Arbltratteui. 4The Court ai Arhitu'tiou, lInLtheMaier ai ofLteunadjusted cdaimsaifthe contraclori ir auo aq-rchitecta of mhe publihc buildings, cou-, t 0 shuthg ai udgc ua É o ihuco.,1Joi% .. iii 169 agaunm112. e'. af HarryLAMarua, a"veli mîvwpçgiilçt ed Xi' , -vYork, va# mundoecd e a abp lia i,' sice byea f.Iiov asaâm Fier>', ln ' th go- tLe reepileo$lceof se of, o.mwi'e ta- Thecgerenqmtooos viaLled ta tice'nu' t"der vore biciy lieu. 'OallfoualsZest," ema sun aoec, matIe a bic.of$10 t" "Ms F'i'ry could tek$ vaY Obpistol fro L* tek* it ravay, ms.hLe ad Dot po nc. Fn on>', htinOdhng tiret Lsaar(o vuaunurei heu sdeppet op hobilet imansd plagida l xec etigoddirk ttam hcblowv liceaus, pifsn 'or. tvo l*rut#a, 'sniug, "You're a nie liU es fele:w, but I thila 'gk tio,- i'iievm s s rleaa&4 ,af ro7' lust viii. By tlie mamiig's to Lape « putobo, ve bora thm& lis ou ai ysrdey, remod b>'w'of-' Tue itis la the vicie ajatein of tender. iag vhieb nov obtahe la raoihcllj vroug. Hoelofi n. tic ralea vs. ta tender for the peltieg of the JouisaIs, ahol-adertis' ig Leiag luufm tble option o f tic uany dorkt, vit luilail>'gaie ilt e ià* cou- traiter for îLejouruats. Wbem Mr. Gay,. lie prmeelcurman of tic Printiutg om- aites wu piace th îcîoo, interesteti parties vblmpored te ia ILheusyboieme adtthe atreport M île oomnltle,I t iii ceamiraston for tic jounnals ahouid have aiU tic advertusig Tmuavsdoute, sud lie resIt o! thces lu i an, vicre tie con- twster, laimai anti gaI compensatian for ual getting au the adeioiiisiaaevm tLe cvi is ta a!tieChcange. This >'eur agan ha alevred inaslf 10 b. tumpenoti viti, and ru.oemstnds& iotamnt te b. msuced in buavieri vicro, aIH tie oaies lin he caunal>'Put togetier caulmi uol auppl>' ufficenau bmpukr te maut op the Aitiojsi ponti T m Couamitaus OuSarday tait Tenders foe eutlng lis Oonuty-pilntiit5 for iL. promeus year varo opemued st tie Oouuty,ýClerk1 offie#. Ti fora ai tender stuted liai île price for prlutiug tLe Jodt'i a auld hobe thltia ~omaipur page lite advpTtising eftih Andhtora' abstract utema mchper lino, Brever mosblanio, d thut ithe contractai Lind Liaumif ta detivor tic louaidis withla ato atonti front reecipi or lhe lcopy." The Tenders veié Uasfoliovi; WKK~V <~tdL..'1,per page, for priuting Jaurnals; 9 dents per lino <ai' advertimiug, Andit*Wa abstracet, (tie umnai 60 per cent front the latter ltent. "Gautta'-Spu page, for priatiutg Journal@,. sud 60 per cout Ofaonut oni advertisemeat of Auditors report., "Vindieator"--JhM caste, par page,, for printing Jatîrnals, andJlute conta per lino1 ýfor advertising Auditars abstruct. 'Prins Albert "Ohorvsn"-8 cents, pur page, prntng Auditors report, sud onâéJao eul, par lnfor" advortimiing Auditars' report i 0Of course site lum eotioncd tendon vu acSpted. Toea"y poison et ill oqualu t'e vth îe ost; of priating, or nomapapar umigee, tie teuderd of îil. "Viadicitair," a*ubi(Le "îObserver" i vli appoar incomprebonsmiht. -UgLIesata, per page,, <êe aboeotia, aay dO page, Bva, stltebed and pressed, viti ý pr hnted torers, vould adartely 1puy tich cost of fiarige on tLe papon roquirnd for tic varlt, aud ÎLefreigltt in sendhug the m aine ta b.' bonnd. Wiîhaiit giving do -iil tic uctai cou olt îe publialtr viii, vo venurtaru aert, h. aIl af anc dollar, pur page. Sa thut- fan Journal& for îhree sessiana (tLe average number ai semsions ai the Ci>auty Couicil,) vhhch wiil coin- prise, say 200 pagea, linail, the contructor, at 8 conta, per iae, getesaixteen doilart, as au acinal mutluy ta himaitîf ai 7',o- hsudrd doLfmrs1ITiheniniîhaed reasier viii opent Lia cyee at this, antd uay "i.- posabie".-"'Surely no ma in his lire sesouelvald tube mach a contract." The, îinitiated, or rather lue vithitîka le kos ail &bout il, vIiisuy, &"Oh i but îLe =trtreor geta aU tL. advonîisiug, and in that vay makes op Lia lois."ý This, if 1correct, vould ho a sufficient explanation. elu the préeet insancaco i la hnat correct fodPtie contractar'e tenudenr ut asif a Ien «par Une, arely sufficieul ta pmy lie campositai' for c.Utiug op the type. WLut thon ia tho expîsuation?1 The cunùractr ia the poimont cmaseiulit eppiy l î0tgao ht làa a yster. Hetetofore tic preintieg Wb$ contraeted far St loiVer raie. thu the aclait cool; u hem rnthe advo--ling Vas et the full Prim, Of eigu m Peune ia, and the onautor couid lemta upon i ta saure of profit te eur t i.tes. Wsmb tic éetisifit et imita ont per liue1of oousu, tic - mui "ieheut. J* 5, . t raeuw Onomt» w u v avs.' go miaW 0l" -OMet Pw :ting [n'&ahud.eefitPinsOjur5iuffEW*ù iameuad o ai a amore nominal .sua,- eiying, upoa lie udverlisig ai fuit rates tindempiiy es. This vo harely suc. o.de , na tvitiatunding the udvertiing, vas periape tire. limesas groat as it cau -possiLly ho in any o-e jour for e Iengti c f 1 ime te corne. Tis vo forost andties 1.goveraod ar tender for tltai purticalar . ear. plceong Townshiap. Cdanasjî Mouday, Fob. 18, îgo5. Ti* Coancil of Pickering 'net puraut goajournaoat. Menthorsa aiproeat. ,miaates oa li meeting read sud ap. proed. A nuaiben of potitiaus Vcereaau«ted, prayng <oraid 10 Individul perioas.. The by.law establiqhîng a raid on lota No. 12, in the 5tbç 4tti, aud purl of the Brd cq)ncoissionu va. read the third time and passed. .MU. Heîgbt presoud to*L protoct af' Jan Palmier aud athers againuathe m adop- tion of the prohibition bylav.> MUr.- White, secauded by K.Bled moles îLot the Boots petitloa Ris Excel- lency tLe Gavernar Goueral, prayhng that ho moy bo pleased ta ce tic veestern buundary of lot No. 14e sud-tie essieru boundany of lot Ne. 15, In the 4th »oes- &ion af the township of Picering tu ho snru-eyed, ahd atone or othor durable mon- amonts placed t! îLte front and roa4of the wesierly angles of mid lot Nfo. 14, und ati tLe front aî,d mru'at the oastenly augles af muid lot No. 15, under the. uthority af tLe Commussioner af Oravu Land's, 1agro. able ta section 11Iofa bap. 93 of lb. COn- aolidufed statutes of Uppfr Cahada, au behalf ut the reident laudhoidoig ta ho effectod îhereby haiug pethtianod .tii Cauncil aakiug said urvey;- aud tht John Shier, Eiq. P. L. S., ho appolated wI utale mid surtOy. &Ir. White, aeconded by Mr. Uilard, moisaï,aIthe Ileeve p.tittioll9j B: coliency the Gaveront Genorai pra.ing thut ho may ho pleased ta cause loi No. 18, in tha @th concession Oi the township, af Pickering ta be snrvcyed, andatone or other durable monuments pluced t thîe front and rear an.gles ihereor, audor tho aathariîy of tie Coomissiom'er of Crown Lauds, agreouhie ta section Il chap. 93 ai the Coinsaldaied Statuie af Upper Cana da, une hait ai the reident iandholdors ta be elecied iherehy baving petitioned Ihis Concil aliag mid survey; meatitJj)hià Shier, B-.q. P. L. S., ho appaiuted ta malte mid urvey Carrhed. Mr. B3alard, awconded by Mfr. Wixson, moles tIret the foflavwing parties ho aaîh. îhorîsed ta etpend the Iollowing soms for the relief af indigent persans in ibis town sip: James Mecrelght the &sou ai GOda. p.er vcek for vhdov 1Ëra*ui, d îs3e'r. veek for wido* Lynch, 60dms per woek for' George Chopmsu, 60dm sper veelt for Mc Cormuackt; and Samuel Gren-$1 pur veck for aid ta Suamuel Irine and vite ; Meusr. DÎaielu à Gauld, 6GOda, per veelt for aid to,.Widav Crop ; Meurs Daniel & Cravford $1 per vuoh for aid ta vidov ýIîurding; George Strachan $1 per veek fromu îe lsi of Jacry lor tht' support af Magnus Svansou; John Haight $1 pet v eh for aid to Michael Jaum, *1 putvoelt for aid tu Mra. EBuis, GOta. p«r veek, foraid tg Peter Wltenherg; Paula L**renie 4SOc pur veeokfor aid 10 Mm'.. ennedy: and that tih* parties ahotreaentiiaed for pro. vidins sonumce Vinirepurt t. Ibbs Cama cil an tI.la t fJouene noa. Caried. Mr. Wiuon 'noves liaI John Phiiiipe ho aiorid ta expeud the sas o one dalla: per veek far îLe support af PhilHçp A. Miller, aun aa&sdoe4 ebild, a"d »ortoi la tMil cauncil it Jutn t. « 1Csrfèéd. Ur % it, 'Lue movea tIret theCocuncilido n*v adjauru ta uneot *gain ou Mouiday the S2th Fcbruary intý a: 1aclock, 0a. land crSgetavar ini botle, ...tan a 5he aulu .411.. espaudentanys ltai a part>' ai Sherldan's tuvalry. canaising ai 125 meofaihIL.4tL >onaylvrania. went op tho volley of the lLon*n4osýh teealliai day on a mcaiting ixpodîti on, sud sthie on théir return Ib luta an embuscade prepareti by Mlosehy's-i non. A dasperate fikhinti med, uot tie f ueriitsmm er. so numerus nd so tong- y poated thataur cavai'>' vore roughli> uandied sud auIy nade gond th'eiretreat afier ligag umberaf kilced sudwound. id andl OC taken prisaners-. Capt Coffin- ger, ai (Ion. Toîbet's staff, vos capiured. ..Nmw Voià, Pb. 21.-Tic Herald' Wasshington spocisi maya-- There are ogaîn sti'ong Indications thai Genero ecl ruparing teaovacuate tich on, l d p lback. on -Lyncitburg or a% finalstad Âdvices roceivted, lu Wishlngtéiulule ,aiiel hol neori> ail lte yaiuabie anhio>'sd medicai stores bave sIready been reîuoved trainlte robot capîtul, and it la auliclpoted tLitls abundononi will tictir within ten aor fltteen doa. lisw Vos:, Pub. 2l.-'ite IRichimond EMJr r ite 151h, gayastaI taheliLîle urin> noer Beurugurd la yet auto. sud ns>' lest Sherman sucb à dune as Green lit Clornwallhu aor tthe suma rivaira ont swamps. If th.eF<aderal army cannai reah te Dutivill rad, titan iL iua>' have te weillstayet ai Atlants. Tteî'e l e ra- son ta holievu Beauregard ihaoctisig wuitli design, anud tlitiShermua n i ar ta eut of laixt iutpLa. Now Vaitc, 8'eb. 21.-Gnlfl huatalIon sioderth lie uwa from Charleotonfrom 20'*, lte prielA#tnigit, la 1961, lthe lowest prie. titis marning. Latent BaTopeans opeang ai tic noauS aloyau.., Lelvxi Lot No. 28 anti 2§ la the Bi cossionr o a ti t o vnship, ifi à r .enof a so rndfg 0 als concil auy lniorinatii v'wilci mu>' ho P doemed necesar! ta theln takiag action 8 C liorciln. Carried. Coanei adjoar»oî. I. T. 1HARRION. - - e lu, tLe LogislAtI!vO Counili ou Manda>' g 1mai the Îesfationa ai thec Quobea confor eue. lu lavai' of the Canfeterstian scitemo yeépao > a va'.c af45gInst 15. Tic faloWs'ing va is t'iuîalon, E Careas.-eS5I.Alexander, Allun, I Arumand- Belleau, Bonnet, Fergoson Blair, fi Blake,- boultn, Bosse, Bull, Burniani, Camapbell. ChriatIe, Croviard, DoBeau.P jean, Dickson, A.,J.Dachesuna>, P. IH. J. in Dmdbeian>, DmumaucitiFerrier, Fauter, 1 Gingrs, lGouuvrentt Hamilton (Inkor. il ain) Hamiltomn (Kingston)> Lacoste. Leu-o nard, Leslie, IMeOimea Mefonalît. Neas- ter. Macphei'san, Piatta.on, Mitlas, Panel,1 Price . BoitRenau . Ros, R au, Sh w, t Skead, Sir'E. P. Tache, Vitial, WilsonE Nox.CONTEW1.-MeSMi'Aikitns. Arhàmaun baulî, Arnmsti'ong, Bureau, Chufferti, Cur. i rie, FlinI. Leellior De. St.,IJual, MalLiai, i Moore, Olivier, Prouix, Reeaor, Seymour, t Simpsan -15. t lun te Assembly te queaîlt>n of Cou-v tuteratian continues ta- be discusscd ufler six a'clucic front day ta .iay. ont thora is s as yet litîle prospect of te debote heing2 bro.git toL a speet>' close. Memacra 1, accupy entire evemîhugu yuL sPpeeches, miny ofi tem ai remankiabic abilit>'. On go important a question, Ih lu Vit lproper thaI metobors sitouid hé llns'et the ama- plesl lutitude-. tla theur riginit i teirt tut>' ta tho.mo t omu te>'stand res ponible ta set farîli fuît>' unt freel>' ttei opinions, sud heur reas fui' ttc conclu- - #flan.aut whic t tie> havearivo. 1 .Tise bill ftahettoamalgamationaifte Bateila and Lake Huron Raiiwa>' Com- pany', viti thtt Grant Trunk, cause-t a gou dtaifai tucusaon antd excitoti tan hmaI amount ai internat. Mr. Wood inorudthlie seccnd ruading on Monta>' evuning, whicit nie ormly oppaset. and at six 'clock lteSpeaker loftIlte cLair, Mr. McGivttrin holding te floor up la that tlue ne mordtela epress his viewsata lengtbetaro a division s'as itlieon. . Ttietay afferOanI, after routinue usi- ne".', as ocenpied up la six o'cloclc, vien 1 ic Speaker loft lte chair in discusing1 -Mr. Woot's amnigamation billai theic Bufrwioan ,ud Lake H uron eut Grant 'I'ntnk RcilwqVs. Tita evuniog session wos lukatu rup ho tigeuA4ing Oonfoderutiocut r.i'.Lntrevîn spolie up ta ion a'clock, 1wheu ttheflouse ut nurnet. 1Amnugl tih il Istiradmcet ui'e 1he 1 oilaviig. Mi'. l'une, ha IncorporoLe lte Mectari.1 i Mr. Bore, bill tla glvd the Englisi unît rCunutian blining campan>' a cni'parale 1existence in canada.. .Mr. Mcece, ta incorporato tic Iish 1 +-atestînt BenevaleâttSclel'. - i-Mr. ýtcGee, lae'.neorprate tic Germin 1Saciety' or Meulreal. - On motion ai Mn. J. A.- adanaît, It -s'as nesolve t LitItle FRouge g loto coru- miitee ni vuys ont mecns on Frita e>'oel 'Tha fll)wing bulis woec veut1 a second i m e a n d r e t e r e t ul a o n î u m h it o O Mi. J. ,. Maconadt, l aller ttc loy PMo taa'ur atdta nogstîcle proeduumgs lu tactionn ior tLe record>' of tover. M. M. Catier, 'teaauen t (b. 27th und o28th Vie-, cap, 20., respeetÎig the appoint- emeni otftuagltiatas ln, remaIs partsith ie iPravumnce. i- Mfr. J. A. Muedonld, la auendthet con- ,. olidatt stattea feu Uippei' Ca-nada r-e 1specpth lcfe CouItaifChancer>'. Mr~J. A. Macdosuald, R.petng ILhe Canadim Xlin4g nd Mua4 norY on O Walhvtgn ntrtitiet seed, - 7rahbflifor theccntot f iitig Aoagst ti.he l% rut a th"'d tinte )_ r. Curri#r. le incorporulo the Orphaus' flouse tof the City o taiw>la. lifr; strl, ta ioarpai'ate te Canada ýdPrec lmriiMa'niySachet>'. ,2 Ttetllotssg privtto bilt pamsed lramgl .Mr., Waitbridge, Fan tht relief ai tbe Iruatl< andIdevime ni ttc laIe John ý, Davit4 Smith. andsud oenuble the said tias- c# tem te vind up-,lhe trusta oftheàÏtute,' aand inindiments, Uii Crrier, La Incorparate ttc 'Otlas'u, BuritPROmll'a tespalite o LordLas tatet Navotuhor 26ti notices îLhe;Luatd- tmrnenusnnt ovtib1fr. Sevard aehnoa lotges-tlis ca.oerlon ai tie Canatian gomvent, 'andt adOs tiat Hn Makjm.ty' igouernieni trusts ual ssci fauitrul co- aperathon llistheporfotance ai frientl>' offices mur Jloug continue an Lotiides. Tb@ fflm sPorts corespondentl pys, vbeu the, Trench m'nihter, Caunt Mercier, vas rrclted tramaWashington tho Ameri- Ifns vers lai ta udertand liat no nov agent voutîd h. acereditetunatif Prosideat, Lineln-iob ave îecogoieed the Empe. ror cf Iteica. Thtis recognition ba-% net beau fortiepming 4n4 thsre is no Fenuch' minlis intWasiingtoq. Thc vuite aîtdo, it in holieled liaI Mr Bigelov yl contine ta uct auUnited tateues Charge tAz7aisr lu Paris forn me trne. h th le Houasoai Gmmo ns, on lte Su, îL ais 4ýo ssy notho ili S-p.e l behnio t dvelpoiana h îînghnqffieei..f the bot fean0 coffe uDpou the Cbhilî t uystem éften à long drive lu tLe cold air,_ A. atranger, vlovlag theT iosdcd tablese migit vreli exclam, "Oht Lnd aifcultes and inria!, 'Com. The Uxbnîdu0 otrnsiup Comàincl en thes Editor offthe W/tifby -Chronicl. -. Inmy fgr;nçi'-commti.cation addrcosed ta you concc rning- the doluga of the Ubridge Caôunil, îure partl@uiali tat ofte illustrions Reeve aud Deputy, andwhich 1 regret ta se hut coused those gent lemen a id1eai ai anxieiy and labouîr, uy dtire-was ta ly thea mater fairly andti rutlîtnlly belore the public, which -1 did os comîetly 4s it wua possible ta do i an informai manner. Fully convincti thal iheir condtact had ouly ta be kuawnn ta muni wit h theunqtsoiied coîîdeuuii- tion ci tiisintelligeut commuriy. 1 lm. agie tai eraprote f ia tatemunts ain m a ecposo heiii, necessiîry, îhey ora satia factorily furnishud by lte preciaus epistias of tho3n t4apient counriiort publiihed in your lat issuie. ifstvinz àeruully cramineti thaso productions 1 hava faled ta flîîd onything ofeed by w-a>' ai apology or defencu ai thithr ,nprincipled uand dishbanoabla con- Id<uci; and no proala af the incorrectnes c ai a ly ai te ch rg es I hav e niad e, 0 for te very geiod îeason, that tit- acts 1 eitd a i icontrovrtiite. f tiose gentlem enu hm a'imma tito their quibblusa nd lechoinal abjections, or I titat:iuiing,,gatu siiîg wili hbctLien by te iqitellilgnt electors ai this county, or of Illxbridge in ri tictiiar, ag prootit af itou' innocence, ttc> ara iaboring under a delsion ; and te soonr they becotne-- 'coit-eiou8 oftheitatact tae btter for hem- schves andi nil concertîed. I will Dow tricty refer to the iery impotent and illo- giai dafnca siet tip by ynur correpondnt wlîn wit lus usual înodesly itou aubscrub el iiîr,-teit ',Uxbriîige" (a la John Tor- omîtA>. lis 17,1notenougi ttiiiLlia ahuid have s i 'i ad i h uror utof his fine m ulni- ciptity. but, tu add insut ta injur>, muai flt er lir namu 1 Wiy did lhanu'. ut once attach thetabru:d suai ai tha corpora- ton thereto andIiaku it 3prciona thing off ic-al ? N o w Mif . * tJbridg " salrt a afl wh the tadetli itai ha ever declaredthalt bu watt not a candidate fur tae Ruaveship tir hat hae evr expresed a drata ti Mr. Samtgsteitr should bu Reue. %Veil, Sr, tiis dnal oeds n comutent t(rom te, s thera ara numbr-, ai rap.ctabtn îpeople bora who have hard him maka Lic salte- ments refurred ta. Nexi ha reora 1thie Public mtcr.ho convuttd for te purposa of eelectint; a Candidate ta take thie place ai ite -irimg iieeve. Mr. " UxlritIge," airis Whelerc vry carefully rera-is ran htîtîrfing yor readunu itat, aliiîougiî it wus wcli unr.turiod tiat ha watt wilimg, anti i. (oct otutt tau opjlce limlmitftr tha ptublic %weai t-y bccomimsg a candidate. ltati tcwastt nuL aectetlunti it was iourtd toF bu impsible tu saccrea aiîvone else. - 1 But I d o nul Charge te.gentleman w it twÈihihng ta comîceai titis tact, a- t h may have .ip Ilt treacherous memary. Now, as is suiv twtddie ancrit Mr. San>gstur'a deund toi' the Reeveahhp. WhLh a gs-eat deal ai apparatît gravity, i. aska yoma. Sir, "who, umîdar sucit crcunîsicuQtt, vý ouid f-vote for Mn. Sîmigaer" ? %Vll, Sir, 1 wvald 1 sk Sir. W leler, why did lie resgn in fa- vai' afieM. Sang4tier, sud titen tonte imt 'for Route, and vote fur, And conluatiitu tu te chair, apparently iin the molt Cor., 1diol snd fiiendly inrer, tIensacknoy!l,., ;edging NMi'. Sungstei"s citim ta1 a jouI-, £' w ou i d .a io s a k M r- la l r, b ' w ltt systont or elthaes wili hoauttempi Lq jilsti. fy lis glbsequenLt trealmet ofaititat -gen. tlemnan?Bllu he uost atdaciamlq îiuhog 9 o al1i lab r. 1Whélsî' s siloilp W l4 tq ai tlirce-toiirtt ai tîsu people tors, ofaiti .polilical pirtles;. Nqw, Sir, 1 will Tenture ta ste tas qivo raputatioO - toi'veracit>' agninsl mnvting ha mo> alïssait-tliati e- cannat'iq Iut oîqr intpfihgeni ind re;peet- - bic muen ai any* peA'iy, il, tte township, W h o Wtt> s ' l t t e o t p L l a s u î t li ) O ra i ' t a e n t t h t-s conduci but qu ibheenctiti'>'r yil h-de'ý qon ç*4, bs 4 y a. , But the violu doelece ai -114e aniitiqas goolletoan ha 100 moîn- atrotusi>' bsundt ta ha-discueetIat. -> 0 e a p p e a s ba a v ae f r g t t n l a t th o r a ha aytuuiug - ilke mrai principle itîvolvut; ase s trguI ia% ttc id"tt>'pinniclu w hic it te as elev eteî iti se f, ub ects, hi*!n ta thee aricaoe's llset mmci [leur- wtlh ber>' iluel>'te vrech is immature judgmont-. sud endanger hie mnvai'tit and misafo pinciples. As for t hopan- teona podion ai ILe Dpt'. l ;,ho hnîetplyed - ls ore Oai b iscae phraes, e vaît aie boon unanavura- b l. Ts e'udto enîleousu appoenita, bavre lie-rnaitina aonthle aulvice. cîrco ti Tiefonatleiuîi~ ai ilie-porl>' ho pover hi~ 1 ci ý ediblà fornisbed by 1 Uxbridge, 20 Feb. 1865. To the Ediior cf the s iAby Oiaronil< I beg loeeatetate for yonr ovu pronal inf'okmaîioa, andO benefit, tiat, if yon are iiitonding ta publisi the corresporttcnce ai tic Reeve eut Dopai>' Roove ai Uxbridge, -autiL. BevO, Wm. Clelianît, jsvi av"t paa ogenehes for the Cironicle aH aven h counIry, ns tLe people are rauning frein~ d o r nd o o r, h og g in g afo r f ' tie Chrooele, I have Lbad occafdn teta ilc notice oati uaon ou>'traveiq istly, Isan sarri',tiat y700 dtoo net ke ipic i>re of the iacmm, omit giv e çme e-caumision, s 1 knov 1 cout baye tabou a greah-?muny .orders, aud 'mak'e poney at tle Y on h. ei-ut A TRAVELLER. Troitng Races. (Fmm 114dsdr.) A Spinrited trotting match f4r a pune of Tiere ver fouir ent Mazeppa, Tam-boy, - oanoke vas tic ao eà tt2 lte "oi ae Ticý trak vwulaid- liues, ali t ere joekeying, sen>' ble groant ta t'aouie,1 ruce ever seon fitToig la tnhe firat bout, aI start, Boanolto unît nocin, ii Lady a veil op. WLen thL stretci -Tom Boj'm Smi oanoke vwou îLe ho Tam-Baytrd, n&tieL I Wbllsbv Towniblp C08110it. Ail tic esembers pressai. - ileevo i; îLe Chair, Minutes oai îe lut rmooîing redandot&p. provet. T4it'v eiereportedt'O la tii. Cinui vertuali>' that B>' iav No. 311 ant 314 La- lices ecafiuet, unîtklat BY.luv Xa. 312 iat net bhotu cuonrtuisîtby te Cluinti ThceItacro aholaid bhoare the Covnai4 a but ,nav hofore Pailsumtatemaki Reevo, unI Depaty REevae IttW*l by. i' direct "vot iîe people in Lipper CaU& da. The fliaving. potitiotuavin sddîâaý aud laid upon tic table. B>' Mi, YOUag, af Z. W. Willammael proying teea oîn~uhted Collectai': Of Ifohortihutioan, pruyiag tlabc *ppoilni et ms. Qils .Matbowsac, pnsiag w i appoioteti Asgeoor. B>' 8. à[ Tiomas, ai William Maibsi son, prayiug taoeappointed Asmemot'. By J. B. Bichell, ef George 0xtM uraiylcg ta ho appointed Inspeton i Of Richard fleetin, for alem of~ R.oad Allousuco beivi x i Lt. Nô. 30 aM si, on îLe 6dLCocaeossion I- 5 OifHeary Francis, proyiug ta b. mJ pdlete8 Asmosor. Ou motin ai Zain Dryde', smsîed bi Willim Yaaag, the Couicil veat halo coommitlee aifitheu'iao; ,on tic Bil, ' unake Restesand iDeput>' Reevec .lscfv q >' lie People IfuUPpor COnada. i, '. S. M. ibumias ir i echir.~ The commiîîso repori' the <olloufn tnemoltion ; Reslioti, That lbe Voue -boiag Lsd liee bill novr hofone Parik émeut, ta maes eeveasaDti sgy R"e b>' a NEW ADETISI 0F ~eal Esi ýpurs-uanue af a Ne ta cause of fME.V8. Wl Aut with tc batina Daell lEeq11 --i , cie Mster, ç at-. Lth>', w'a tc ledotb>' the WN TEE COUNTY OFO0 anotter direcîin-in haultili tY tOla BauIn Oiattics. Titis ha cougenial avork-tLathea ,Punitan,, sud ut Black Repubheon. lun thç Unutet States wu findSgenatot Haloe, msking a moveuneffl. --ruai thi ehow.-and ii atbur isililutqofititr tin, educudtinbrucmltRîefit etmilighod ltbe g6s. titiO le oui jet ta tue vt4itatiaa iid Iinspecion i the t Justic. otte ë duunis Courti otite Ditdret ni Coloi. liormii1tettftbem oor the ou7mitu aimiheDI.; inim oftia.sletiter Biouse aorCons, r a sa alther unnunilte aiColoiress Ii teftber Mluse nuay sbookasihelet rrs umid preceedings rfi (itm m fM e -cy g l t ail duo,# le Z biu 4 c t ot hetc ex - sm ttittsd la peetitia tfesd orutice ni a ci ti 'Reveldsy 5!oitnota.n oaiMryland, maved la strilthle section ont. lie uid. 'iliumh t ilugu: mthe weii lowts cluaieter créle St,. mer. aof A1srcy, their chiiitfasud eievoeace, their de.. vnied utiirsssaia p 'siet sud wuwssoldes u itld Stimenta full cot,&tiencc. t*c di d no tee'ne'- cossu' ffur thtu provtiln t i cbil.". Mn. Halo rastlt dthea motion' unt muid: "I'nliq j ad ns la nau pr.t:ln mite5sters oftbîorty iii sty 6tte-knaw uni recoîiulzoibirutn- mies sam voie.lutstmionglit lias ail ;haempulic in- ainil.gos ishantd le sutecmt t, exunitsitan i 'hIbe w' Mn, . Jotnataii sa-it iare os'ai a 'elswitli tse Biteroo o? Stsrcy, hcy wr tnutas. lut miu;t.d wit tiie word sta AMv. Murrili, ou tiînu rtaituet sud soit- "' liera was nolaito ttitutim it he .whou tworûJ ouuteolie lDistrict arcaluatîls, lsîng thiecare mi conitait tildrea Itiîtismitonne, litait wstoul subjeet to viotatirn." _Mr. Johnmnn then remtrketl-. joiTue iuetittus iwoutd b- .ubjicé, i ftanis, tlst inade or charge pre-etMa. ni tîugt ilàs:s uff cint Te lantmiatnwmeustla tint n:woald dafly .1"11 If tite Parties ~nsesïaglt~viilgeclu.ne la eclouite sdai Ï2.1. andtalgroyance mlii inigli se- mait ltere(rum. These reinonsirances vera mseless. -Thi_ motion lodtrike otitwne rujecle, asitdîlà biii vas passed, as reporteÏi.Thte ".u"zw's rntmkuattis record lthe occasin ta decturo _a=ty in popwr,twil a iile i.Rumnau nthola ln brut auhîe roi asîgmotu (com ,(rhiWvotssie." The **r ýxpresu" atta -a hope tin wticit Wa liril>'john- 66 V e h o p e t i i a p a rti z n îîv i f h e cam. Nui long aiuuce thc Repîblcai journais hune assailet the Commun Couin- cil for lrgo and specimi upprapriationa ta Roman 0-ttholic Institutions. We trust ive araeflot ta haeaycarsot sectarian stucf added ta te misenes ofail! sai'b>' ny- iegisiaijn, local, State or FuteraV" 1 I nt Jocine-. Iés- I H io. ea the Sth, unît vblcliarritoît aI New-York on the 19tL luit vo leurun t MPurlianieul vas oponcî by Rayai Comminsiaus on tLe 7thiis huiThe speech moiti ber bMajeuly remainas teattuiiy neutrai -betweeu the contending parties lu Americi, anticult rejaice et trienl>'recoaciliain. The Quecn u a tgi-ual aaistnctioo in giving lier sancmionritheLeuputerence ouet iug ai telegaies fi-r tho Provinces, as- sembled ni Qoehoc. Tic reoaluionti vhich acre adopmed foer a closer union ai the Provinces coder e Central Goveru- menu, if ap-proved by tLe Provincial loegis- laînres, a bill viii Le laid butore Purlia- ment l'or eorryiug Ibis important oucasure iio effeet. Markts. Liverpool, 7tL, Wieat tuIl, ont lî te 2d lcover. Fleur tecihuet,- 6d per barrot.- - LATEST. Tic Tlmes observes ltai as uhene ta timo for refieciion> g cau hard>' dout bal ththe iabearing ai Loti tLe [lrhtici eut Canetian goveromeut la ihicanvince the Amuericam's tîLothe> bave no cusmeai ofrée:., ondt tat a polie>,'oai retaliamion viii b. as unjusi as it launvire. The erhveiai ofGu. MeClcilmn in Eug- land protucét a nomier af preas encoin- lama upen huim, but h. quiîlet Liverpoot toc, spuctill fanan' ensrtiom ta h. mate lu Lis houai'. The acquittai ai Burublo iii the RZappa- hanoack cms, colletl forth s-tue sovere sti'icýtue <rm thîe wsyaper. Tht Daily Nsws aays ltaI aàjury bal meldom in ;en suti ' hsigna ai prejudice. Lt cuhis toi' the umendmatent aifrte foreiurn onlisîmeal set. The lImes saoatiat lte ocqaittul does nout negative tie tact SbhAttte r s'esagrass violatioof th ie !av. eToliif Bai-aile vas uho lool aifailera. ' - LATBST VIA. GREENCASTLB. 14 AI.. tfL , m A . . . 'At the hour of 12 a'eIaek seau, île élawmag irrniiuo4 hoisîg ç North Fglity-tree A s, two tenprrcgio l.taI-iait el lot- NUMBER TWE lu thse Ei-ghth Cotosio TIOWNSHl? OFV IN TuIE SAID ;U'UNTY 01 rad da t fanrteca perche.', i quiultit'y Ca l Jlant, "as cez satdvi id o eil s 'h ii ii4o - ale. Tittett-l, tctoti spon ï gond Franco J109m,0 21t1(1Biflt bildlings. Ticre le au acre ai aicres a ngtod Orclt>rd >'itlLsl c'felurd liand. rThe --41 it e Itiur iâ t.eeh snd miple- là camped of the Wust Eigt s-li.qaity, anmîli]iiimai puraci aise, s clow.n ntihe ..u sait andmiietuat.ionutre eat u s'ait watued. 'There are t.o i Partcel. . -, - Pi'irtel OuaeavAl bucfftred t -Pieof ua,aoo. The puraltasur avill i av tte1 in Plîrcel Namber T wu et Poruel Tira, (providuti thu pi ci1 1utinaer ' (Ju t lcut L Tic preulssiori'purcisori One sali i tthe tintaofaiad podsfithte propomuonof 1i» 'of sspfha-sfeand ma epîite amaie up tu um oa four avealsframuthédsy fita ei mortigagn foi' ihe itisioetten asoney,wgiti iuitcrestaislUlI îlus e'ceqauti îitustlueuis ta sun 'extib(diug -ov.;r a peniod nul itd t a ci franctiste dx>'4 nitsporcb.tr of ParceuTwo e1îomit inttifi prlpcrt.mi af '10of'aitic purehtîsemoule>',U vitiu fanur wLckâ Iron the 4t The puri'h.ier or perchise, agrementui lor tise utnpleton, Tle Vendos euli net bcel en>' itie Jeots liai lu lii.' posail The pmrchssei' sali isîko tue o*i asrenby ths eglstry 0111e paru tic decda asudinmortgegu Possessaiona ilI t.. giveii oui April auxi. Furtiti'particaitrauoy bheh - reeus'ooîl Votidor's lEiair Whultl.y; sigued Muster nf tis Court. j Dsîcd thua 22n ctai tels'ér

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