Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Sep 1864, p. 2

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Notes 6on the " k Rond Survey. 1 À correspondent senD ollowing Jresurvey[à i- rod la ommences at the east shore of Lake Couchiching, on the concession line between lots 12 and 13 of the Indian lands, in the township of Rama, nearly two mles north of the Indian village of Rama, and immedfately opposite the beautifully situated and picturesque village of Orilhia The hine passes along the south-east shore of Lake St. John, and erossing the inlet at its mouth, south-east at that point where Mtud Lake empties into it. A bridge will be required here, it will be raisedl crossiway, as thereo is very little current and onily from 2 to 3 feet of water, A large portion of the land adjacent to this lake, and also to Mud laake, is useless for farming purposes, en accoubt of the waters of those Lakes being held back, there not being sufficient opening at the outlet to allow room for the waters to dis.- charge. In Spring the water raises from 6 to 8 feet higher than summner level, and the consequence is that nearly-«i not more than) 3,000 acres of what would be con.- sidered the most valuable land, is inundat. ed 0uring thie mo3nths of April, Mlay, and the greater part of June, by this back-wat. er ; doin, an irrmmense amount of damage to the farming community, as the most de. qirable of thc land contignous to Lake St. John and Mud are thus submerged and rendered valueless.- Mr. Peter Gibson, the er gineer, %, ho conduacted tis survey, and James McPhierson, EsÀq., oýf Rama, made an examination of the. outlet, and Mr. Gibson is of the opinion that the waters of those lakes campba_ lowered by excava. - ------ i ofSpo he*iie of Mr. Geor Cormachi, of a q ., er; - D IE D. At Brockville, on the. Erth inst, Major fra SchofielId, agced 87 years. Ma;jo)r Sch o. field was one of the old soirvivinz ve(erans of 1812. -Thet remains of deeased were intierred on thef old hlomn,-stearl, Bastard near Býrockcville, bes;ide thesie of-is father and mnother, brothers and siisters. NEW ADVERTISEIMENTS. Complete otetof Mc-nm', oym and to barve ndivlue f*or thir noniey, cail tt thie IDFOLD R E DSTOR F1 l'avu ýn1a properly iat- te JAMES-BAIN . SPANISH SOLE -LEA THE R s1 IANNISISole lathe, ý0. 1 tlit, o sale ait the Old 1W Tore. 1in eCmi JA MES' BAIN. L ADlESin *wanitof Engliih innde BDOTS3, lueau be suniplied at the 01ld Red -Storei.- ,yAMES BAIN. ', 1 , PW bere I see la house well firn*èWýwith Oooks and papers, there I scee JdØ<elligent and well informed children i, but if there areno books or papers, th.e: childreni- are, ignorantrif not-prodigate.-'ýFýanklin. Temptation is iiore easly resisted in its first stage than its'secontd. Let reason go before every 'enterpris and counsel before action. WRITBY MARKET8. WhIitby, Sept. T4, 180j4 The market for [Jarley hias been quite excited the past two days, 83(: being freely îWn. 'Io-a there i- not quito s .o much enquiry, bu aes anet prices are steady at 80 a 83c. The receipts amnount to about 8000 i i phen, a 8e; Spring-, 70 a 75c. Very little wheat.coming in. Farmners are holdling back the wvheat, and1 pntiring tin the barley while the good prices ,last for the latter. Gats, !-> to 40c. Peas, 50C. Ilay, $8 to*$10. Biter 15 to c20. Wood, $3. TORONTO .31AIMErs. aarrkcy sold on-thitree mrkt 1incOn. sideib to-(1l tli o8) per bushel. Spring whleaLt noinail. t scarce at '38 to 40i! p)r l Pas un. chigd'Potatoe., 55 to G60e.perhnh. F:esh haltter 17 to) 200 per 11b; ant nh110i) i(. 14 to 15er per lb.Dcs 40 to 45c lier pair. Apples 80r to $l e(r barrel. 11. y 1 10 to $12 lier ton. Sfide$ 5* erct ' ONTRLEAL AuAK T _Y1 er barrel r)fpro r 7(0,ton X ity braid U '50 ; 8Super. fq groud.] $4 15 oA O; Supe r etr ha,$41 $415. ' atmeal e brI. of 200 lbs.-Range for Wheat, Per bulsh,. of 60lb.Aite more inquiry, but no tr.msïactions toeo Ashes, per 10(0 lb.'-A lot-of First and Second Pots sold at5 ; and so-me Se. cond Pearls at $5 674. Lard, per lb.-Kegg, 01 to 910 ; barrels. and tierces 8c to 9c. Mok lperbrl.of 200 >s.-Mess $17 âo Butter per lb., 10 e1 Cheese, perlb.-G;oodl Dairy abot te . EW YÃ"RK MIIARKET9., F;Z Your, lsept. 1 3, 1864. ts 70barl mrket - s 8 ,00atebri orn i10 to n10 15 gistrate. The conviction was forriuns driving, the appellant be:ng taken up on view, andf inéd in the penialty Mr.. Wilsone on behalfof thee ant, songhte 0sustaiàngthe hefollowing ound iJlThat e cou iction did not *tl(O*Ïoname of thÏ appellant ; that the .6iorin se tforth:fo be made.under the public ack' and the township by-law, whereas the bylw was passed in 53, and the act in 185î. nd that consequently the latter supersede the former, and that con-. sequently there could be no valid convie. tion under the by-law. Also that the con. viction dia not shew compliance with the Statute, which required thai it be made uPon the oath of one credible witness, and that that fact was not &et forth. Mr. Cochrane, on behalf of the respondents, contended that the case was not before the court ; that the affidavit of service of no. tice of appeal was not sufficient. The ob- jection was noted by the court. The case went to a jury tipon the facts. Verdict in favor of af pellant, John Plank, Ap. Same Resps.--Th-s was another conviction by the same_ magig. trates fo- a similar offoee. A verdict in favor of the appellant was also entered, CONVIC-rIONS. Fromn the'poiit where ta Bo sects the Bebeageon r aetoB village, i 23 m iles ; and ..ego Lndsay, is 26o miles j;o thtrat ionp f that from Lindsy t te s riaouto th e Monck Road line, the distance is bu 4ý miles .- Information Wanted. - Prince Albert Sept. 3 1864. 'Éb the Editor of the Whit YChronicle. ,Can you inforiDme whether or-ot-thé Hon. 'al.d arou ýgall's'trunWý have taken their- opar;r fromn Mr. ould's residence. I heard ift rported that they are re(Ïined for bodarding expenses incurred during the conitest. 4 YoursCRX DEPINIrION OF -t SMVE,-:The New York WForld says ,.-The definitionls of a 'l slaveý' is that he is% I"man whose bodi. ]y toil and fruits of his1ý i are the proper- tiif another ;'9 and u der ted ca o omes every man inth Uned§à.s whose labor is, at thé* present time, mort. gaged, and the fruits of which are confis. cated daily at the rate of sixty cents on the dollar, by the swmndiine-procee.sses of this Republican adrniistration*s nancial systemt. nROM. •rLANrA.--,rhe Richmond Ex. rzminer of Sept. 12th, contains a desp-atch from Hlood's army, dted Sept. 7th, which says: Yesterday our advanice drove the lenmy fromt Joniesboro, and recaptured the hospital, containinc9ofurw nd. Lshr'Sh Cninues to draw back towaL ' utan othe purpue, it is reported, o a, the works on the easter napoaes tthere nrdwill cover the battle he armny spate road material hav -, re- mnove to Maco. fBeas Aso it Baos M e.-one , ot*ek, a bear attackdd and killed à -lïo nging to Mr. Culiss, Big bruîn, -i a ',bull-dog, aprong at and la pecand hu '"ed her neck with his fore.paws, atndý-tore it to pieces with hise bind, ones.-What the bear could not L dev at dininer, he determinied to enjoy at t, etime.;. but alas fOr rhe best laid schewes of mice anid men l' The -boys' in 'the -tipterval beal erecteJ a scaffold on %eih-,tIby ore _Qge perched, anxiously em0wit h ionaeun Peieyat mahof George Benjamin, E 1. On Wednesday, the 7th, inst., the sub jeet of this brief notie departed this life, in Belleville, in the 66th year of bis age. The name of Mr. Benjamin will be familiat to most of our readors, in this County, as au active and useful member of the legis-. lature, representing North Hastings. Hie represented that Riding fromn 1856, nt which time the late Han. Edmund Murney retired from the constituency, to contest Trent Division, for the Upper Housa, un- til the general election of 1863. From 1834, at which timte he settled in Belle ville, up to the lime of his laie fatal Sick. ness, of eighteen months duration, he had been more less identified with the local afi faira of 1Belleville and the Coeunty of Hast. ings. Through his indomnitable perseverance he secured over 1310 miles of free macada- mized roads in %hat County, showing clear ly what a single spirited individual, even withi comparatively limited means, can ac- complish wYhen he throshis whole Smd Quarter se@snon--Conty cokte HrS HoNon JUDoE -BUaNERX, Pre Tuesday, Sept. 13. 18 CTye Court f Quartes Sessiontri, opened at 12 o'clock to day, before His Honor Judge Burnham, presiding, and Ira B. Carpenter, Esq., J. P. The following grentlemen of the long robe were in Court. Mr. R Armu B 1wmnvl;M es. R. ""WisoG.HDartnell.J.H. Greenwood' W. H. Billings, James Lamon ;-as wer' also, of course, the county Attorney, S. I. Cochrane, atud Clerk of the Peace, H.- J. Macdoniell. The list on the catedr arcerny. The panel of -gand jurors hav. ingc been called over, the following gentle. men answered to their names and were sworu :- jnns Aq oNgw,EQ.FEiA. Robert Allan. John Grant. Asa Birown. John 1101:b7. lRichard Carruthers. Samuel Ilfl· Danald Calder. Jmes Johnaton. Riobert Dickey. William Kel. Solomon Fralick. Alex. Knoq,. George Gray. Geo. Knowles' Ira Brown. Hector Law. Jro;.'s CnAGE. - NewAdvefIsem,28 IS )gY, Wnter Boots-Jas. Bain,. Spanish sole leather. B»glish Boots. - Sewing machine thread, Mfanchester Fair. -marsala Rame Agricultural Fall show. Direct Imp ortatIong-R. & J. Campbell. Fat Goods-R. & J. Campbell. House and Lot for sale in Oshawa. Amction at Arklansd's Hotel., Boots and Shoes-Mattbea Colline. Trunks-Do. FaleAssizes-Co. Ontario. Noic-E undy, Siy cow-..Wm. Stephenson. Steamboat notice-.Thos. Lawler. Pianos -Grovesteen A Co. Bonis and Soes -M HI. Cochrane. So tTde big proclamationt of Liticoln hias collapsed like an inflated bladder perforat. ed with a Pin. No more inckless substitu. tes can be got for patriotism or greenbae s, and there will be no more drafting on a big seale The consomption of men in this war, in so short a period, has no pa. Iei in History. Since the beginning, Lincoln has called out and obtained 2,. 402,846 tnen, as follows: In April 1891. 77,875:-,ageain 660,971; 300.000 in July 1862 ; 300.000 in August 1862 ; 120,000 in June, 1862 ; 250.000 in July 1863 ; and 700,000 since October 1863. As an ex, ample of the of the decimation the whole Of these troops have sutiered, we may here state, Ithat the 77th. Pennsiylvaniia r-giment has just returned home to be musmtered out the service. It conisted, originally, of 1500 men, according to the Plhiladelphia papers, and since thecn received reinforco- ments Of 700. Out if these 2,200 men) sent to the war, but 180 survived the rskand have gust returnied to their homes. With ONLY S1 50 CENTS A YEAR %hlitby. ÃŒIlrsdaylSeptember 15, 864, Mr. Cottinghnm has wxitliirawni from the cntesnt, so that the course is clear nowv for Mr. Simpson. -A rumnor reaches us-that Mr. Meredith, cf Port Hope, is aoto be broughit forwvard. Mr. M ilnep, of ow' maniville, is also spokenl of. Capt. Rtowe, of Whitby, has been solicited to comne forward, but hie will not consent to run on anry accoun .t - In all probability Mr. Simpsoni's election will take place by acclamation. Veery son alfter the proclamation of President Lincoln, rallin- for an additin- al Draft, to-the enormnous extent of 500,.- 000, men, astoniide>d the Northern States from Maine to Dakota, th(> Choonte e too occasion to doubt - the sincerity ofr the Wasihington Goivertnent fin putting thle remaining physical strength of the United States of-Ithe North, nudit vent to suche al fearful test. From a disenteresteilpoin of view, an opinion can be formed mre clearly, than fromt a spot where that Opin. oniin sufrounded. and more or less influ enced, and bewildlered by the bhind cry of Southern seqbjugation" a t the cost of the anat dollar, and the last man." Vielw, aqg therefore the stupendlous draft, called for by Piresidenit Lincoln, to estry on his war of anjugation, it looked ve-ry muspici OUS, to a disinterestedl looker-on, as un effortat a big scare, than ohriea such facts as these, whbich occasionally fil-1and eege into the work. Mr. Bwnjamuin ter out through the press, notwithst:indi",, started the Belleville Intelligencer in 1834 the vigilance of thePrvtarha, it is and contiuued its publication up ii1.q Emma Sherwood, against whomn a true bil had been founid for larceny, was one month'1s iprisona end s'lnhenarceny v.as the theft of some wearing apparel fromt John Sawyers• William Lawson indictedl for horse stealing pleaded guilty. Sentence defer. red. John Saundersfonind guilty of obstruct. likg the railway track, %ws sentenced tou one month' in e atConnty Crown Attorney prose Court adjourne-d to half past 9 tO-Morro)w crnul. War Newx. ere is Comp- a ter •g, thePrin A P tipicket line?%" t'a lancock in fro P aug Tlie New York World sa ,ca Confeder- 1ates were aseep and Our troops were lnto 14en rifle, pit*s re they knew it. In the cm uousin twê r three shois were fired istdthart w4S,aýl. Sonte,aertillery were gir, 4 aro the bi19, but did apo-damage., Our Ne.owr urning'ie entrench- t tir ëownadvantase.Aboult 13 :a r" of Contifedèeleree heard nio wonder that the very liver of Lincoln when he sa)id his establisement Lto%1,, e IFS 1Hono11, i'n chargfing the grand jury, mnelts into whey at the saoro his own 1twel its4 present talented editor and pro- remarked thast the Sherif's calendar con. proclamation, and that lhe would adopt aliv ta tor Henfilled sey ltral local otlicesim.s , - ýprieo.H " • evrllca fie for this Couinty, of personis charged with exuei rte ha temttin reasatisfactonily to the public, fromn townsiip effences ; for heretofore it had been, his dra ft,-" to thelast mani."Clerk of Thurlow, up to County Counicil. ple ising duty, at the openling of Most 'Ycewitn the abo)ve the telegraph 'o n adno atns nedh courts, to congiratuilate the grand jiitors itftmns as tliat a dra i hias heen ort er d d adyd tewsfrawaee upo)n the ligthtness% of the criminf cal y cf)uýfor this couuty.rThecharacterhÃ¥te.v in Moule few districts to ril up quotas4. capacity ho was placed hie gave the whole fors, however, wereit! not eous. iy R te umero mn skd orae energies of his mind to the work. While! larceny. Hie noticédd cases retu or comparillivei &. Een snow it May in Parliamem the was placed ont the Prial..lihe graver chalrgeï, arson and ho 1 tuin out that thore is another hitch in iinr gimmittee of the liouse, to thef duties ignz, one charged with the for lise Wlly..1- IWO wath th" latter crime. lHe d ot i se way. o~~~~~~tf which he gave the whole of his atteni- n httera hrce ftoecs l'on during the recess. It will lbe remtn ibursmv'hywee te PmwnoEic- o.-hecontest in, heredl what a temupest the Grit papiers rais- ordinary classA of cases which " td this conitituency was not a very sptirited ed about a graint(of $2,000 miade to him theen 4b4fore the cour t. Th (the one, owing to the fa thalt"both candit"4 by parliaméent for his services ont that Comn rand jury,) would not have a ve dif. SHM mi;isýof itee bt Ile wre er utlreterus vfcu't dutY to dtscharg. The ty wer nerl ofthesae sad f oliie. mtic ;butthe wre eryuneneoul n Attorney would give the 7 Col. Hlaultaini, lhowever, runnIing ,ont in 'l retcnt on thle fate, that throngh his dilinceayas.netth nae, he ndpnetticket, althou h hI -le %". 1 nt4industry whjlechairman, he Saved in t bexamined would É n broghat. nd upprte bytheGrisvt the Province $500,000 during, th,-.t Par the back of ih.3 indictmrents, ad ul 'fbrouh theaindeendent dodgand he thleir duty to return true uoi lirlari cilîéývatan hnt. 1those tient before them where th V.idence known ( tuenrvatife nenie . e cur Mr. BenJjaIm;Inhad Massy local and 1pI hvtts r:ita tf.41ItIwas their d me-ely a lrg nube ofcoseratve ots. iscal elenies', as Who will n'it, Who endeia- 1t tv wh if.or the evidence w et i-maj or"ityover'Mr 'ry, is n ude " varsi to do bis <luty hnstly to, the publei, to su«tin the charge against th ,e- thity-hre, wth lltherea tonshpsboth aathle teditor of a joumnl and thewhhr there wa4s uileent e needo he-ird fro)m. It was thu ihv ithe irImtr f1ad lcliep4î;but end""hem bfore a jury for trial nttoe: consrvaive wh supored Cl dadtin motr o leain ca nte is; ,ente'r intoanly lefence the prisoer that hy uinitibstan- ni ihr, his frieutà!y aYvicethave : the investigation before Sb being thatby umosuse m thy wuldy ta i an sistance, like that of the laie lamen(-tt- e: pr t RferrimZ to the cas@ 0 meanis, kevp out Mlacdou:,àll ; bult as Mac el11.Seesn ... e rne(Ir h onyConAt doual dd nt om fowad.man'y who I w m a ever ready alike for political that th aicase would note would have voted] for Mr P'errv. found friend or political fý-e. Lie was electA ed sos.) That eing . the-mselveq ndr lm eimtums tancees, Ple- Gransd Mater of the Orange Order in nutleesy-frh E*d'" r.I!altanandths hs scc". 6anid continued in thataoffiee till 1853, whiat novel character,--it when hli. exprenedl a deaire to retire for obstruction, Frominthe Grs. MeetIju& has pullblishied a le»tter, the purpose of bringing about a reconciia. stood them. the Party accepulng the nomination of theê Chicago tlion, in thse matter of a dîimonb which es. saylndhe train f hadte so Convenition. As a miatter of course, anrd istpd at that time in the Order, and which up ir ode. t aoi 0pssn what ought to) be 4etxnected, be il; vehement m sat he quite familiar to many of our lin law, hie ap rrehIlende:1,,udýer in his trepeated: expr-*qioins in this% letter of readf-e.- panlies' r'ailwa-act,--this WU his deivrmiination tois in&intaini the Union Mr- Bentjtmin was born in Sussex, Eng. lion. The OCunty Ci O'n AUt A ha hkethee t.,- 'ough t h, ri .ver, j ,000) (at a sma of what = tre munauiat W aa na .... ,, ally on -that portion lying close by th ' lae.The country through the townshisp of Rama, with one or two 'exceptions, in level, or nearly so, mostly hardwood lande or limestone rock. |C-jntinuing our courser we pass into the township of Dalton,, going through Young'd settlement, in -this townsship,abot Il miles from lake Couchichi ng. There are about 100 aes cleared. , Thelàpd is of the best description, being a fine Clay soil, admirably "adapted far farming purposès. Those partie4-lving in this I talta bave a ratron k¼ndara to however, advise t em woen* a legal oJne. Afier stating t necessary that twelve should a finding ;, that it was the duty Or mnan to endorse his name Ou, Ris Heaipr ceasha y aaba sort of flanik moveêment on the. common sense of the Sn)uth)-.a kind of strategy, akin, il not a copy of the nbative aborigiinal 1 Ides of warfare, which seeks to frighten by a hideous paintinig the esp-ny that it cWinnt vaniquish by main force ; and we 1 secordiiigly pronounced the President's pro. Ilatuation ,hssorti of' at ail li h rd4, unhin ese would %ansefy land, in 1799, from whrnee hie emaigrated the war Democrats. The people of the to North Caroliina,anid fromn that Southern Nord, îl ok upon the coninuance of the a nada. We believe that the dis- U afact nliecessary to their tsSe Mr. Ben. eên:s...i... le :.-. . ..t.e i. isremarks, 4 trý aitras tag rn th a massd a re O al AI th bindoo natd --rom Mr. Bain's were an'y of the steetpdc triaytop o h alodtwo rmil e Victoria onW deda ror o ah ne radleup, thy arenot e e ntone wuld beinclied to which lhe had to addreissao therrotun iouib of Btrbr.and as w iis tig Th tebolr fan xra ng eep n on t readyfor te irreable decafr re eoft e t tjuto han e w ba n's to do.u t'ai ermé, and het-felt that to t .I of liait tell days pu h ihleftaat rof. phr.,,mres thearn h niet ics n o 4mã it b n oi r n Di un. Bthie i nn y bbeer d by rathe e n te'adiestwarent l wed 'ata o .eeP r4gad ue to- news fternra.H i ti er a hr eteet n n h rc o wnyrd o y (?) t at no l ss than 50,000 Dem ocra ¡ic pary, thatt -eiencgrnaodM eur-ilztein it.ion tolsupp y thern withllee als nnecess ry r e rai b r t a . yoa.nehea hood the en ineerK earney thenditan, N a in e no n s h a e b e n e n i te h ie ll < tnec p e f r e h f wr e r rh a n n z m : n d whsn e t e r a k s m n , a t r n gria m Bo o g o t te a ,w l eu lt î i nlmpro ie nd y r Ee. ut. r.ladisanehas a compee aw -Ted rk ont n îe a r ét own. This istoy be e -;0f ie r ms )) a nk r fo h ut . . . w r c n try s nce the te prlma tion,00 storain; and, by anth e clasi s a enooffoit o evry ind radeup f e ofthePaxrv a l.nx rn oe et and tht herfoe, n h pinipa ctie paceatanyprce.th b s t maiteial a nd rkmntu sl heu i t t leonC n inC rznfr ifi . T e1ch odE qurro teA na, Cuty A t. Th Ohto, and the western States the draftf 1r Ipeac e a 1,fstin 1 a per anen a ce, t wh d evea, t r h o th i xe.îp w e o! ho a tu nh v ee ni r hru h u h impau r m ensuit heoout$Hus , c r. e soa vetses ade' nas Aosnm ' comnpsletalmn, d con ,th t th xe uiv w -nc o iilz tin! e -1, W ell Lidol an Halee , afectd a theholing of he urtr Sesio ndthe ·A o . n r ld ow ,i Tefra f ho im p edacfine of $2. p3i . itgorttd1 iethfrlb anolthe le rr.ei teIc n c me isltteo est h ptbl roe , q uarte r iontend tie The t proclam ation of bly im res ae d , y b t er c a g reeip a i r oed in bs o f e y rm th i r a e f tion T he C r ise d tthiam ad u Gn f r ifS'l l e ym ou r , i, ( ntim a ig that the i raf utmo w e l I da t ied to a r l un1u9.s s ~ . Jndy gaeat iularefrirthe" ricto ct -ae ut i pit e iprvd p ear brosmte rlatic,an ortowanh Mr i. d neof>j urictiton i tt csean e wld he a nrdeditu in h 12h iand 1. dThe l ui ¡samble tid*fýf rt pin o Thro, nhn0i . soufhldtn o f t h N o r t a de w o , P e pev a n e o f t a t p a t o f h e c o r t r o rn i m e J ae s aBa in a n d h b cx o v ic T o s . lP a x h e d, J. .fWils oem oii t fi , Zé à fr1n " " " ' a rotil f a d p .La k e -, h r e-; t h r e l i ts Ma c h u r h o t iw m n a s s a e s n w l o t c n Ohiote the Sou h, n t eidateylio r nt f t e B ncheTh us !es , e or M r.. Jolhn e1nti J .ire w od f r rs n wr al r ilet i e ot edh ae wcith- oic ,s chooIk ll h'0ous neian taver W e sent ran s m t rn a a y prc . T e n dth e os e t e fr t io, wt e t blta.. the ok as e ea l r thn aovrt to the old(sod. C onriction offJoh n S tokesfor se4 gt sI p, of'l' xon I they ri se splen I d al n h*e t em . A a tyor6 0 Si u kas nde illainos saltpere ;butd e hse risedpor'e telvemaceemov thets, onaundas-l thitole Mr.e4 ates .urpe." what. rossHeadRivrrd.mik1 fr datred e e oafthe r arin nuhi never hard tht it gae in h f ' hoel keeer, of chawaapperBth A sarting point ofa ot is plce a are a vid e i i , rt o e e r l e rc a s e d of t h e i n t h e oY o rku; , d ri io n . t h e 1 2 t h i n s t w e h a v e t h e f o iý i n t h e G w e pe Liénte n to Leln, r, lie tdahe dng ot e Qdock eisSplac od , nd he ~¯~c'ony.Thee waunorespnde0s A a enanese's oing s ientruei is one of f Lk Cu hching, thei: 1cun'ty is h han t;tadoet pa nhrbo bd itio I sueb g b t n t n t eý -r s nt W04ý , cou r o t blt a an ed- er . C U N Y O U T .dioty of thts if. A t2ldm le , c os G ll A ety se si le maid iden ra il re t ey ay, s le itimae in war, and tis tble n thi artof t *** ~ ~ wod fo plantffye confe)reince ittinæ is a djou!re t d u t,!be stdlt, l 'e sso a utr; oa a se s o xrse eie ta i re d tvasa ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mpue grnida euiry A eia, ipde et cutro . hs A n beR li A on:tpr Oem . P rtr s W lim&- cio n pobby beas D nsTpehotnir e goabet to t- 1'it, sa1 houdno le e-tehue fmorig ad e woul d e quel hed hr eelmaion f 13 armireoi e h en m vd y M r. m . r o- the a n alF lls owoatins cetticoyo e.V rdcOf rpli tiffoa e v itnwn c ss r d c me t. p Co inunlo e riv t h B b a iho t drn ingo i m m ry al1h Jul gv priu fi s e a r.h e p aop -o f td ay ate ofe.unt ounn'eeil aBi adnd werer Jo&•------ Wri ; J-HCienes d o. 4t e tios oathrear omllrgylerig oge helo ever, prdop teleobthe . inn iallyudinedfrthe acm od.Been-eaF a-Orradrhrer- Cor peeTth.0a..JhnH he Nw PrussceZ itn!ay dcm rveettrr ubttteboeruPug epleto ut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s btcm veynascteigte esin whfrs2Tweb ist. ser wil bsei, la &rene rs Wlcrms.nns-Vrictorp topsfomJulndbfoen eni1. h stleswecme s arl, ong dviul hm ehoe t el e i yo reenback co rd, th ais the ceas t asumein il surbesufeehmch b estohedthag rnefr linifR.J.W lsn o df sin rop fo te uhisis teefre nl_ n m nreusd to sinthaigt lf and~ ~ letr ttst h' , ic n e ie ae om e -t a rrg mets. y I)th i dnn n ee en ad o rci n f J hn %lke or1Int. o b x e td a . T e e m d g e tyeae t t e l ' gretertenion ,an a t rg ana- themdok ampl e o h e i boandh n pomssoy otelV rdcthorphfloontneroare etlý ed Roawhe Crompsletd, ilel:1 p 4 robly e yhfre s vr160 ldgso otl tio n wer clled n to exisptrence ithw e th e rasemi circl ll eic e. Tspace ilu ia kq.a ni o oes corsceand fIle r oé32.0. Imeditee e utio n. rrsscotne nTenead eie tb es r!oiaio od nte avne.Soxna Ltl MsorifnJuy 3t nest t bersit this bgave proclahmarti fon f sa e mi-, dring elrthe Se ody aertiea riy o figurpl e. Cin o cha'n't e o r nti oThe o b r e h ndscov e hte m , oln. I iloe onr tpeetbtti. H etrydi m ne qaniiso hi sh ul theur-ino mreliyrad ad anat. o Concl, e rovde wth NMewy-s Lod-itinge poxmor tonsu& . bastted. It wil oaso oner geat prvison an popety ' ampt a s rtch ra e o a s t e or in th ewh wa arou d f rthe i ani -tr.- nder the iolve nt An Ct o . Vedict fomtsirpaintif, for $Bi l aBerl i n e io cilp p r i ee e ce a o n1fbe ei n th o n isAfV c,. ew orl sidwoud akeallth wih dawrs nd ilupp opeaton n te st nst isolentdet. laitif. hatth intrutins hice eresen t shps nfdam- haneM rs n te astnamd1itismaelreasyfnrhenntras.oOer able ofbtdeed men ,of nth taNortafterde.Il e n accommodai n:f eg a d ate1eig . r aewrq ird togve n ietrough f$2Meek s atde fr s Te cinZ i n iTheple notenitari te at ciennaof w e r ounty.ke T h tlers t heYou's ,Jo 2, 000 pier so aebe1uree n te ducting~~~ur th;gd h rpld ndth meafrwo et ilbepa aaaGzet hircrdito S uto ths as.e sfrec% oeyo ae. h rwnudit h bjc f h eovr onsin VcoiaRa etlmnti.Plterot n 1 o teAknss1h phisically exempt.- ternedcoutaoreal fath e d. tcen tre arta se c n d & tJa li o m e e i e n lcsi e ee n danle a eas e ontof p a o h of r th Scleswe'Jig ifo r em , sysi ste a o g in to Li ndsay, w i l ind a ucas h h a at eso th S ok hila d R p b aeth Licoltuesand so dde ýttr s a, the e place, ie fth a e Cr n det , to . InteGa tr m ymaea asg met La ntifad itt ed. edctfor ppla t . ,a nyo h upsto f o tinnaktfrterprd c t A hry r lenF rls é 300 0 w rh o ro wouldh y ontrators commoate our m mber Anain · 1zete ofSatuday telve sucR. J. i lsnan . . ilig or ;i- the rabsence of resèrveion,,oDe nr's anrt oiMathose iilae s being w o t e ntipe ry d estr oydo atrd eie ,0 aveto ur thirarm t th eush acom odaio i e g a JotCae l are'giv e e tloingprtieti ffo SHlCcraean NG H mfod . T e ac sgret o.ilsnerrhha.Liday]Tioraawllhrson50 uesad.,00oxn cong ot of ar ebellit hom, andel a n- r wetytfothrpe.Jon ‡sIglsBrntor,-Hery Wis.iedntlBvaia ofiia jural hilwih oy aloionee wththeMskku-aolnia the onag eoes the P toieentsmb r f o une clormom hef r so n, Brnfodti'noJa. Fihe, Thsco clddthhb sies eor ideandho e the in t ionded inte re etween t o R o . N t one. ils, cromss reo f irtL e t C a esTAe ,1 t.N and-Davis he kn o i nqt- goh.0000 t, a d es, a chdiffcoae ren r .m the ot h aeJob S iram edgwik,biPe t ero g ; ortfouer tre s a vesb itdnot fa7na ewllaeo ã ti óaiy m se hesrie o-uigc ne pu % d it o al b r v s a ilr o w e s a n d p l ay t h e r e t o t m e m b , cy ; G e o., J .dP ie k el, ,nB ell e .re nig n aA p e a ce. c o n d it io n.n àr o a d.7 VT he6r on dtehs urth ey edn dr e a m bte ,g r e ato sd eynl ar L ineo lt srodiin i m etrortea b t he il u na i e ra. ieTahe riew a riem et v il e John C ap es utaMc N iaug t , it. • ' Srynot. eitfp at..1 181. Th ePerian 1u1t1telegraph cabes r e odtorn xt imengineer w Mr . - ibsont ate subs dnsteat n rco ir. ti eof g - ac al t mebrs im edi tely e infr on y Re y.and o ., ot eal ; Stro b ut ridg e l2 ,0. ne s ne es• ll.J. . bro k eîen, adouhis assittla s ur ni i s a q., P :Gne n saist4 a!rd ratN for a sp ren datio n, a- ct . Ae ri a yt, y to ech th e¯ T e l, ma e i at. e ry T heo u• l s o o h s oi t he fisoll o teng ýc t-- or lan . f r .$ 4 Te aEngl t ish cn s opened oq u ent s. tt e de eo ig Uo luagpg y h iy eg ii g t e t e a . rat, r ev" a tein o ib- Rgina eh.eurtliao.c- O 6e losolhr eil. wr an.;....e t eror adAbo2toiesourths ft rnRenarian i.i sdrtoesr ."B rÃ¥ r utsa (RKETS,. ard comiWn, ut l m fnnet eperienced duiring for. the phyNsiamsamina for the a g ms favier oessind,' l i uue eatoehr acampaign in the ranks ; and so while he a' i , Inthe members of ihe CountyI is adY to hang on to the p'rofitable Part rqCoinco nai: njybcmn n Of the war stenggle, ei eust cOMMOdastion for'their delibera. conde te detine fth in, wich h tn ions. This, also, we Understand, in to be etill insists '4 must be preservred" to the fledvee ihtenwkn fmtigcl protection of Ifogroes, Indian8, and-meree. o laptoi a it t.oalepes naries from#1 eentriethe new alteranion, ubeaeig nuie rom jwI cuctres.about $400 . FA conaRssroNxster, at Orilla writes.-The1 Fal Wheat was an excellent erop in this ny, Philad Ne, Afflriffl , _NEW ADVERTISEE1 •JAMES LA3N sa Ouceover Chronliele 0 POêR SALI House and L

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