Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 11 Aug 1864, p. 3

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there, apparently iwalting hie wlIb'is retura froux tbe bouse autPrs. OîJîlen. Cusack --being ver, 'violent, waarepeatedly asked by bMre. Mc&nnany ta buave1 but he persisted in étaying, bleGanu vil dtu get him ta, lýàve, and 44tat they cnae to b*gh words &bout it. MeQait, aeelng that Mrs. Mcknnaîîy wanted vcry muchl- ta get Cusacle OUI nthe bouse, tried at at ta put Iiex 't by force, as wu bave been lufoi W'hÃŽcb of the Iwo really inst laid ba nda on the otrr wu cannot julit 110w state; but at ail eenta, îhey got tu scuffling iogetbrer, anrd tusrtck took out a laaàpknsfe und tabbed McGaim inlea cure- ber et plàtes-in tIe dm, ira -lre breasti- in the lace, snid once ie the reck-tlre wound lait mentioirod coiuil%, withuîî a trifle *of being tvery dauierous one. lDr. Jillitigi, who was crillnrd tu attend thei uouided maiï- oai it ('aine vniry icr îndeed ta the jugular v'emc-.-At the timîe of this murderouisutak, tlîrei wure rc se-nti the boute Itue Iwo womprî, M rt. bMcAîreceity atir a Mrs c ncd o children, unu of Cuà.tcle's uwli, ed orne r0r Tozac a ttcxNoarhruaasEtiÉLvn-Âtter NEW V RT ÀüEN !8 aIl the croakitig that we have beard of coming robe anti decay le cansequenco of VÂLUABLE bail crops, v. hear nov mare favorable reports. andi we haive now every roeau nte sxectthe cnou rn openshlipsrcrlof tsPropei'ty exetthte urttowwl esharyif ofti quite, ara avera-c. We bail occasion Io O A E B visit a considerable part offHamibtea town. sbip lately, sud sao as fine-booking fields ot eprieg reheat as acy former coubl deaire 1 ' .~ ( AU1TIO~jN to see. We heard tew, if any, complainte '~ MLS il Ueluade ce ut icsect depredrtians. We are sorry 100fTotruLan, ituated, In tIhe hear tbat the prospects le the hack counutry are tirnt eagond as jentira front. The lasi TC'N SHIP 0F PICKERING blessed to rasmdoune a power o0 gtod te î'riîity of(tarinrnln Ieinoiel South maltaif Lot the root croprs, aaad yeng potafoessoftquiîc Nnr. 12.lîr1tir' lti rrcn wiu ilIlecsolul r> s larrgunize, have be fûtj saneieima for P iUBILC AUCTIi>N. nîniesa; previcuaîy drepo- sal irour sunarkt---Cbourg Suc. - ced ut; on slil - -*F Tuesday, l6th of Auguet next, Tee Catora IN c LDI.MAN~tI).-WO bave J AT TWU ,î'CLrICl< l. M., rit the ideligently ccquired ut aur friends tirroughx- LB IrgCku1?~- ()Ut thxe couty ris tarixe siate oati r AL IO N 1 - 10 "YJEI.L vei. ri -andwuarc plearicri lp rarn ihait tIre I yinld is better tran we exnerrted. raitcTI wlir.rt i, on rhe cvi-rrrge, goor nicd Spr-ingi,0owN O F 'WV I BY. ('uýsc-k swte ahortly aftoiru'rrds arrestedteî xepin stiirn' ,i i ai ro.ý ý ï -andl telrcritute aceN-a. Mienlur ie -war, 1 eitnuO i"5The, l- r ai ra it'i iltore Tlîrec e rt "f Steries, driven braiin up 6)rr ex ir u tiona idllol.. - 'fî'i rnur croit 4rs un thr'e hle rerriirably titi «r1u 0%er'ýisirl ru'ie.- I l' lat il rreterr.11,4ruxiri a crtfictt frtt Dr Iilliiti a pu o1 T h 'ie rrrotc c rlarrir açpeur tea eurd(14Iiruirrilos' irîter ltaIl sceuirt. n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l c-rriràeiot tr illrg Wrl u i 4utTei rntmthin lotiz dr-ruuth, anrd Ti nlrîluîrrîeu lil lia rol'I suIject ta-tt ffcttht letativs oi t utril ire aeirprrnvud mu(nirsainle irlate l ritr-nrt.1 Gelt 'iteurirni. irteret rnt tire irjured te béar reiuvurh yut, rurd Il re i fr1-1't rilt. -EDtinille Inde'pexdelit. urnr-ato1ie pe i rinent 'f ntllnitrstirircrrirur morner wcs totnataided L-ir1l to-rrnr-ow uri)tii i ti, rrru lnie nt . ltar t u et tbreu o'clocle. i - - __ 1 rerr ir 3terue-r o ra., N:rrh Larttvp.lfluaI - erin tNew Yank Siate haroe '[ci lu-r rVenit 0i lle Illirrctîaoe rililac a Th lurce nth ot etln al uspt'-nd rieonaccoonit ofthie pressure of -1-irrî-d at l t mn' iL( tuVa'-Y;ýAl"ged die4,i-.utr.r heai ar. îardu'r. Irle lie. Ilun-t i rîytnirty n-e îelt.v cir 'e give e.-. -- - - - lR'l'I. tir thei' la r-'irrito t r it urd aboutire e-oo t ii rirereccelrtei fo 1r -a eunr t tur At leegth it r.rn pralrruhle that tire Oru the 2urd nr, île wite utfDererar For ir-rtlner liarticdtars apply tu police are ils thé irîrr Of'îthe inrtlierer o b0( ilrvîeof ('nrtnwrizhi if a daculrîer. (IIIN lehsr uq Mr. lirig-gs. A. Gr'mr rran rnîîr--d l"rtnz Barruter, Toronrto, blur luIt 'rut ire lrree O! a cahuxnirr tt()rl itl10. ttm, ýltlegf .Ieermbx AIichG rI. 1'. DICKýON. bre Mr. Derrîl's a itrne. îrîîil'neh1 rutrtu Arct 1 111,-u4. elrl. p"ed 1as follomu ut BIia-tr»etCourt veiler- Tliri te rrrfiltlr roin ofn'nlcz. The -- ulruy - -> i ftr9t mlw if ficli Wlicrit wis brulut lsl ~YTd7~i 1 linow Fratiz Muller ; li'iea ait e outilio. -llirvtnî'rt-tepr'cnr rapidîri iD it. C. aJ. CU J f it Clctr; bis lucea 2.5, unîd fuirsoutre timu' md, lu r feu dayr., e-e miy uexpet ta Oea post i, liati;e lnir moni1led ace ui litct'- lti iertîrus ruaafiatrc pradur îbuyers. DENTIST, from Toônto, bnru il-hisuucriMesu-gr Toll n8nîdruru, hoirîtris iiiu i n î zrtul oud neir-ut for sîrip jE 1~L\ T f. uttirhe ;lilmço of Tirreitl rie' dIstre't, Ciy ; sr'rrn (il. i m-it hv rail le erur.i'ru miliers. Fbiti'tr' eof Dental Strrgern, eizrtcuînlr u hro errrrredto îke W'hé-rt SOitruIn*9c i Spric: 80 tnu90cr;lnreiit rniee'-ictaie eD. tîr> "tu-et. r-ex. by tiree nt't rne- Corupuîtry eitli (Dy sitrIund iril rs lier sujior litrrifle 1:1 rPea$s0"'Oi- us 40 ir45c 1u.-r"tfîrn hi . eoririiry pntierle, arrarxg ite e-ce inth îe hatit o uuigtaery ier $- 1,i QI 0 pr tan, Btrn14 iIo 1e 1"I tr i ril ()."Ilî\WAt. ilrietttite Cf'nxrior- Irmern. Mttltes-athuurrrr'e s--'u tr- uer1h r ire 10e ier dniziur ? cktua <il h--1t, ri e Ithil-i! Ttrursnlsny ai everir bous. ýintlif s teti ,five ver' % ci . v r Ii :El-111rînruiti. uî- it %W iil 113 . at tire Uuyaibltai, curnstarurial acout cf rhe irurchtree 01I ire '2f, to :7ýc r epair; Ducirs 1,4,tauS50e .-, iî. rl,, ir iicbi i f ie, c neý rte. il> bat stîicli Muller left.iti tIc le t riy car. par pair. .iliu».., I eri t ble tggive aeli c iatir' triage, and lcomspîetely estctniied iie u. -- -- trr'ioli tr bt urey inb hi tity. Muller calleil an tuliiewsefan lire NIEW A.DVEB.TISEMNTS.' AIl]r-rineritrnl vonk e-lit be &nt Up bi An- asat limte on M uday reecîr, and seoi _______________________ oiurpiir ied e-euk-ni i, rt it omcus 75kn 11stthew'a wite ; drt, i i b cniud Cam em i atd ict îunT fferrnteltire publicathre folicwtng the wituees) he tioIr a barxaOut tif hieTestiueuiitrl,, And taercixce; pocke' atud pulîrd octut o it a gel I chaiti) ANTED-A irat-cla-a Chsmhtmtd,- liig e lied rrtsir ue nail mysi-f of Dr. which ire saidlie x-luil paid£3 104efor thnuîIt w appily At tIra loytnl lîitel. Crnrtr'r-iOii it I-e ritxuels pîrsuire ils e rrit uioricg le Ien ixei thecluaru rrudJACOB BRYAN, îestilnucirît-rlhi- ckrllt. nbIred h -rfn'crdqatit- wateli, uid gave tire liaextu My child InnWliitbv, Augruat 10, 1964. tintro rritýiu itr% îrehus rIe.s--rrefii play witir. [Tire boax eas pneiduced arndl-- ___- -.(tNMCLL l ltrdentillod hy Mr bleagi, wru bu'> e8t ietI ifl t; 4,W Sep. 28. r -18r02r.i CrllgeToeuto as the ana e -whic l ielri ci i re -i? sd lit. . 110.Nio vw7.Mrh 8 virle] Milerthen- exîuilîd ating 1 tiriç<u Iîcapure mu ts ihr ine trr the ekilsand îvhieh hole ld onbis Iiter, anmi uirrr eas - ehitit'-. or M . IC..1.lu'snsOtrgi.rxer Doitipt- simsilar tQ tiieotie dracnibeil by Mn. DeauhisIs ircion Itti rirurcr iii turetrraduitlire Muller 1* begari ta complairu, rryicg lairhu.Irstiseri nic emtimfuucrioir ;Q tire prrctice Ut had beenunfrrtunate ; lue iad heeru dore-ra lIE Peurbsnriher nu-l me croepr 1ilirhn Inn J.AMES ItOVELI. MA..Lee. Irgtitue tin. ta the City, aud a ca>' bavicg pasard near T trarîr-. frr a iitir rfnîtiWRIMJIt' BAY t'T5i7T. Feh. 9, tîs" bis tact lho b.d spraieed bil a sele ; hire ÃŽR<'S ilit 'tlise lr arvunt tiratul i t le ivitnrg icuuiritl mirl w rti>' 1terr then said, 'I are gaieg ta Canada il' be airr iur'tt. ic httr lar ie rîtitir t , n-Ietxi trn eerl "iis r1 eu rrrttnrirscure bail even-benrtuttiheae triice. 's'ho, I s re iletehiung Cîret iOeliceeblnin cirit .killed poic hvevelat 1.6i, Park terrace, ereirrtirn'nt rf rl-vitjtr. i od ower fle 4e.m D., M. IL .'S. Thelir r Fard, B te logersne-letine Muhîci' o4d lelt 11-v. .1. Jnrselntr Lynch, ixeou atlio- Tire filcos iirer~rxated lad er l l i Ir ucrtitsbireatitri. A isi a large rmcd gr-od lie 1Il.Irogr of'i'urautu; ery lieu' John tt'li.ir houi namneil Gaudein, ra Gertuxai, %ho Snririr oft ticir enral ;ft. t ulet Jin-t-lotm )cbrsr t siiiii that an île cight oattira murder !rbulTned rsliad îetu 1n>. urne-at, ('.. ,tV.A- i. hl., Esq., 1er came btrne aitaut elevn uo'clecb.atr iJ-i» Jand ir I.l ,rreDrM .;lnJ . Tlirlr- I t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tr.tîir. Herrtok-:).-nutr r.a- appearu.very mreselacnul'ured, e- icrlaireo ç ur n i-i.î Iy isd<irntir Sîrlt atsu& ei aecaunrted hy sayi-rg hIna d met e-Ith a -reElr' ln p-i-.a i tIeFret rM. n attacare Jefreaqes; sovero-injury lithre ity ad arui il spruined lriifriittiiu -i ItmLAustrîru l. bD., D. D. S., l>roiessirnr i bis atxkle. Tha loilger pradueaic psîawc. Eavetroughing and Jobbing lctas9cn-1arrrî hoar.I)enttrv n-Tre.» ticket vhicir he raid ;lie 1usd houghi rult î,ter' -oli ini'otrei-e oul dt Ail we-criè- tiatix A. M., F.M . IPttus ro"ra*lA. i.,c MuIter. Tire tictuiet relared tanthe gmrtd Marr.&L.tede. 1t.>.. , îPrti'. o u retc a e o n-ui urieery. cbait- Muller neceived frmutlin. 1) cii, ard T'î rure 'i e'pu rAl iiriqurttî ut o wbicb Mullerliad l 1ledge-d iu a pae-nu-ebop %ý0 lg 1, n'rrini1tit"r m L>st niirirl, att)9o'clack, Mr. Inspecter RICHA.'RD HATCH.  S A ( o1nur, M. Deails, mnd île cabtati stars- Practie .1 iliraitli. A SU AN E iOMA NYI. leB tram Eustoo.aquare fer Live.'paab, e rnti, AsgtnI.il TM ouetr New Yrc, l'y ta-daiy'. Anneettiat MARINE DIE P TXM '. tuait. Tire luspctor e-ua urririrde-uwit TUItE Ex'EN't)PD TO swarrant grautel by lin. Herry, for the MONDAY, Aug""st lôth, 1864, 71. ai le cCrî iskruirs opfhea s tMullrn th ie charge ut Fouiict i-snt@en on Ilxi rimkit, for tire sesarie er 1nîurceraend ire aise carrniepttera frute oisg' aie a ritto arree p een n .srlasllvedo Mn. Adama Itite Exî.cutiveecf Nuew York. j{ V 'I\1Gi T ENDEI~ lR S unrpromt ire riu nhonorbleanimotetesn 0 It tandbytepoieail jutitett% uauon aire Coitpgy, anay ire lisat Muller aaiedon 'irreday lt ram trehleulupon. BLW teLno1Dock, in a mailing 'sI C> tire JOHN ABeOW, Victoria, lbsced ta New Yo ku A pote-r hIo glirphie 11k liaesutfMuller 18 'nri te laids ?"[ W»OffheS djlticng Jas. tove, Co. af tire poli e, arrd Mr. Dearli, the je-eler, tWlatly, Fein. 2btb, 1862. at once nec oiulid it as a ponrrait et thae'- - mnweho batil clisege the chasin ut bila FOR STUPPLYIN J - HOUSO and Blackamith £hop ehap. Rs,t s%)-a- . a0 .1To Lot in Brougham Mtiitet uett yÂàLaVER-urxýTFNuCeuiP ])IC4rTtf-At the Aylesbury Aseizea, en Tuesd ay, WiliHam Johtî Stevaa-s u-n dicted rr the -eUrder Ot Atnnie Luesoti, at Bluckinghamx, celrtxe 27tir ut Febmcary. Fraux the staIemer.t ot caunsel for tira pnoaecution, it appenireil that the prisanar andl tiredectaseil (e-irae-aseaursnt lu. tire erepioy ut a hutcher at Buckinghziam) were ntl nly near--caibhrs, but were lovers -et leaat, there e-ere sutllcienut pruel on the prisonrers sie ut a very strng affection. Tirey useil ta meet once a week at 3uckitiglam, webre ber parents îiv4â,ted e-hoeeho lotigre-itF. ber par. ent*94 )Jn Satueday, tire 27t.i Felrruary, abc, -SVng thon gene home as citali, e-ut out w-tub a'pai ta tire putap neur ber par. ent' houeeV ôttd befare she cocîd re meare of vhaî vas shot ta appeIr, the prisonc r, vixose stev lied bre n.eard le tireiroune, wss Mn0 p ueout. aftr nber, s3ying tome. thing te hbrt sud lmrnediately claap ben round-tire aueck, ud tintie omeîirig acrort ber tbrnoat.Thre poor creature gel ae-ay tram hlm sued eaggotred mtobehonmaster a @boap, e-be, to bis hornor, faund ber tirroat eut. Sire dieil in s feu' minutes, tire prisouen lrsving in the- meanwliil'î eut bie owu tirreat se, severely as e arl>' ta die bhimoebf. Tire earued coiusl for tire deteutie extmined--tirecharge, aniltire evideuce li suFpport Oe ti, "sud atten scars- fulInlvestigation urged tiremaine1 uay, tire onîy peint in, beirsîoth ie prieocr-vis., tht lb the Woffronxy ho vas bu frai, ,fe510t1517drove mbosbide himeh sud jeta thre coammiassion of tire qreadfi a st. Thre jury, atter a short deribeestion, rettîr. eti Ino court vitir s'verdict cf Guitly sud sftrr - their.uisoisr had been calietl upon in the. usual vals. hie lgt'dblp son-' tence.d hlm ta demtit. THgoo li75r WOTNINtX$3-Mr. h-da Hfarbine., lot No. 3, ?th lino, tauwaship of Weîtminîter, hbu plckoed dévorai f#ne, specimette cf EBoe's fai sheut tram bis tirm..1rhe beedsd ttlesl fose uturW. bil" ,&Wpot; jieid fnqn 4117 partiu.- lot spot. Mr Bae JI ae s W5thire i eropi -vert e ésr-b»tter sltaço bce Lest cen., ...madfui'ng bis abéwllaveagetwo, 11ats, L£sp 1 t & J ac ketS FOR TIIE FllLE BRlIGAD)E, 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY. AMPLES a bF0h e seat i t'îe oaie ierM.I' Irnrur rr, inace fîru V. littrV, e-ir itirurnîr einircrl, &cn. Tcle. nu g l ent, auder fleu], tta ireunder- 'lritiei.n, lupt, MONDAT next, Auguat l5th. At 12 u'clmck, mccc. R. J. GUNN, Chaururaux Cinntunit-te on Fine snd Wster. Whutiy, Augea.t R, 1994. FAPLAMgTO -LET" IN THE Towrnship of Reae!h; IN T11E COL'NTY OF ONTARIO. B KIN ( part cf Lot No. 4, ln tire 1]th coau, oeston, fer a teoran ai 8 or 10 yearsa Li .ridns termm, coctaieinir 100*sues, 60 lte, grrud builditngs,, gom<tu llt. and gsaali>rctu. ard, kiauwe as tire Irvin layon. Forteme aplyto J. B. POWELL,. WiriiryAagut ~ Praprieor, Whitby, W ib, tm a 8". god Fraw Iue ansd Sinn@e Bleekamitir rnihp, woli establiseol, anad duln' a goari h1lts1eeiia tsrr rusinirci!lrerity fIsLitaed le thre "ile t iBroeghfacu. vilil be '&t fon 3 an 7 yeurs. Heurt imoderato. There areta&Set rof Toril* whlota ill b. lez witi trepreniss.Appiy ta THIOMAS MIDDAUGIT, - BrooghiracP. 0. l3rorîgham, Jruly 1l, t1864. 27 8mn XONEY. '~ONEY te an o mod $rtm socurity A J.J rueerta iibttrot. W. Il. BILiINGS. 80 Saicltor, & CREIDIT SALE &e., &CO AT DQN<WKN'SC&RRtIAGE PF.MAT0"Y, Baturda yo 8ept»mbpr831Ãœ liF,,'greM %&loie Bugies, WaUgon, Cut- ~Jtera1 4&o..,viéb X Is* .ple Contbe80*4 Jeuj, hobeea FAIM T(> lENT - T Rs T omoo orescec Pxcloeriuagg eontulnlnig 60- sersa The land ta of exelteut quallýty. Thxeroe aes a omftoale irons,, geod hiem, atable unfi-d orehatrd ou the tfstre40. L .naa ir 2 teles eof Frenêliaaaa's3â, s d 7inmIeï cf tho g~ Tovux-ot Wbitýxy -- Four sud a quarter mores cf Fail w ho.t1and tire strav grave c" tIh lorrctrI, yeuor w! làt with tb. proise.Pc.aessloa given ou thr e W cf ojtuber,.1 1 praprictor, 1 Atignuat ;8, 54.iéi i a J~. ~Ie. * Vlianeery -Sale OP VÂLUÂBLE Trownship of Wbitby. Hf bpli5euk fo dver4a6d'tttsrg. - D. ailWHfil, L focst 00n, btbý, Aur.U,IPft4. EDCATION, M ittemngz. UIiM1ceP~ gaIe OHANCERY. 13Tia-EsN Barbara Waon, AND! Plain tif. Bareil Gootiseil Whittaken, William ste.phoeno. boinae Paxton, and George Paxton, (by Bill.) 1-19 CHANCJERY. DETWEEN James Thomson, Plaintiff, AN!) Alexander Mattbewson, Rob- ert Matthewson, Agnes Piles, James Piles. Helen Mlitchell, William Mitchell, Levi Fair. banlica, the younger, George Peter bMaîîhewson, Jane Rat- eliffe, Robert Rateliffe, James Matthewsonn ccd Rbenezer Mnthewson, John Kfctchen, and Elita- Jane Keicirnur, James Ketchen, and WlHrtan Ketchen, infante tender the age of tietty-one years, hy Matthrw R. ViinIrugiiet. their Ouardian, Defendwits. T N pnreuamnc- (of a dcc o f the C'ourt of A. lîrnSr, truîrirg tilethu (r'rrr .Jnce, 1184. withtb ie a ' nre torii(nr l l>crtielt, M..rrter or titscourt ut lritiy. "Il Monday, the Twellîh day tif Septt'mtier, 1384. rnt 12 rr'clot. nnon, will Ire '.'-1l by lrt eaid Muster, rit uis Chamnbe-g, on Dý on Sitreil, lu thre sid TOWVN 0P WH"TIY lie fnlîiwinkVALtTABI.E FARM. tirtr. èsai il, esouta » areptaoftrot No. . ller' 701 col-cession.oi tire TOWNSHIP OF WHIITBY, Conasnirrg by adericmrureirrrer-t Be thee srrme more or le*& s. n deribrd rau tI pleediegateuthe snid cause. Vis wholoet' thre above propert ' rletcleured. woll fenced, sud lie a gaod stautu of cul*eaUoii. upuelire propery tirert !à A GOOD PRAME flOUSE,. 24 fret by mk, wttl. baci. Kituei mcad com-no- ilions Véllar, aIse a zood Betrri. -stable, &c-e There ie n iprinitet i nnr wrrtcr close tn the lîrr , end ait er- clletit orohuirt. The purchlaxr i ete paN ruwn utalltiret-neof t4a]-, lirticte ruporrtlrco vSiii for every £100 ut the Irlrasr'p moirer, ai.rthei tinire lce i. terirlifro.rrrtire dart of aimlu ntire Vrtiinr, .r iI 4.,lieltrr. '17le h. er crroi rriusale tire tice tasidiirg conirdtions of tie Court ot P'iissessiirt 1,qfot te Ille rivux ta perraaen tilt Lele W dur r"fi>ret.., rtigist rdate of sale., and tire tenant 1%e abc et libuerty tc, reruiree ativ olàs .oriîithirnîrli tIregruetrd up ta tire tat ut l)ecetri (er. For furiler particularr ajî;lv ta Umses MiiW %T & %IcLleN N %N,%Nr'.r,"rrar~ue and %ire. V.'NKi)U(i'sT & WA14NInILL. Trrrrrand tire Mauren tuftith Crriai J>awd thts Ibtit day of Jly, 1864, 30-4w. bluster. CAUTION TO BTEb Corporation of the Town of Whitby. w IIEREAS ceumFlint itssheen Lil belbre une, tîrat persans are lie tho habit of ex. rasiug therrutcleas lduureely, bathlîW uesttire wlarf. Port Wlrtby,, coctrsf tu threprevipiens of Bv.low No. 72, Sc. lfi; TxsIstrrtene vive ^notice, thut srrY person apevurîa Stioind bauhltig, or 11iduesijtly erprng tîrheir persuess At thre î e.ld whrf',Or eleewhrïe ithin tire Il- mire§cf tigs Carpouatirre. wttl ire prasteated; sud run cxvietuou, will tee purilsxei by fine. nid irir ifl5reiimnttas pruvideil b> eùtin 2o Gsvri x cder iny baud tIi r tIret day ot Aug on6t. 1b64. WILLIAM LAIN.G Si) bMayor. ANGLO flOUȣ, W. JI. CROSBY, Proprietor.? HAVINO Leaed tire aboe sliatel, lé"uga Inrniiheïd thre prtrmiue throaîghtit. andj frrriihed thre Bar Witte the CboloxaàLirol and Clga. m. E"nr attentbrre paid, te grite. Btse to and ftrmWhitLI&y colt daily. (?arefab (Jatlere ale-sys l aadnc.80 Zoot 86wori and Xapure and ?luster Distributor. ,T1Iiaxi1onjs'hre uotalunet& aivent for Ttire m'3,au'aM-sChltl, whtrixirho dmsîrer t6 introrlucùtat the uotinneof tire tarroieg commu- uity. " bt vîlI sov, send eveeby distnibte al innis ot raat 0sensluar»rreçtuîragl enoportlces. it wilt- ttsu4"e tstid ilitthàti t ,ttur,> pltstr, ho aun$ eqired qatity. It wivlb 50w atnd dietrlbidte e 84d-wth cerwitbliuîstthy inimera on paxt-ar. It viii distnib)t6io Wthaut injtlny. planter or aihes aven pbatnta vioc-thuy orune ttirnng:te goea"D. 1tutow c e or mbgle-ese resu',, or mte, ar a time.J It l0rij hoe venked b>t tnsnai al Ilo, or-b>' horse posr -4)W itnpiitho rnethcîotxg ta wonk tirsaa hl iren ilii neDt roquired to dietibtte ulttaîùe. le lx tire mt oruroplateo atiolo fti kIdadaine of thre-grerteet rLBOR4SA7ING INMEANS y tbro htut nia oor es> o xibe-an ét ifNa EO ULAYTtoN> BRYISION COURT , ....... .toI . 04 Il 1~ ieOeaveilo ;~jB~l4 27 Pure Wînes &Bran'd.les For MediciniialPurposes, Veiley fine, i ote 4per dz ce. ~ Family Grocer. Thoma sS b a w, Elizabeth Won. and others, - (made Pste iantl ethe Muster'& Oic.,) Defendants. AND ST oRtixeaOP' sEVIVOr, Blarbara, Wtxon, Plaintiff, AýN) B3ue,, Goorleel Wbittalcer, William Siephens, Thomaa Paxton, and George Paxton, (by 13ilill> AND> Charlotte M. Siaw, Charles Rose, and John Wesley Ahli. sect, Executrix, anrd Execu. tara ofthe lest Will and Tu.,. tament of Thromas Shaw, de. ceasei, and Elizabeth W'oan, and otirera, (made parties ha tire Mater's Office,) Defen. danîs. TO BE SCLDBI)1 PUB.Mlg AUCOTIONîq tIîrfi-lrret of a Tmer(.e nnl Final Order fer 111:14,1 tri thte Court lit l ry'of utUppen r nirr iiilire irr'e nrrinttate rUýp0etvvely lit 'lii ry"t trcA. l". iriC2, and Itire -,f Jjtr C u n"f.rre, A. 1). 18e4. by LEVI FA IRBANKS, tIhe yurriiger, Auctionear. ou Saturday, the 20th day of Angust, A. 1). 1864, et Eîsrec ef the Clcek lentthe WOOINS HOTELq IN TOC VI LLtUE (OF OSHAWA, le tihe ounty of Onutario, ertulia freeieotd pre- crisest, tbclnr HALF AN ACRE of LANDI IN talc VILLAGE OF PORT PER1RY, Ai-d hinirr rrnnpreed eof Lot. nuixhona Sixty once atî ,iae-te-o, or. tlir.- errxtli %Mif t7tfî P-er~rglisuk t a.. ilil arksd or.t lsplan ut Villt.ge Lrr*s leIr out un lot number Nbrateen, lai th ir Çxt r coeeîî artiftIhe 7OW0JorP 0F JL&4U1 In ic Couirty of Otatarlo.'Upon the promises lei eructed a large andenreimodIoris 'wo Story HOT1EL WII ivi aeg SierI anulBerr itp"nteu*t errîreilbu tMr.Neil Sinclair, ka aa ,%peet eui be 3Mr. Browai, ua aM CONDI17ONS 01P SALE: KThe purchtr ahal, st tihe t1eqo sale, Psl donadepoolte lentirspropriluxi c. £84 fix eveny£1)0 f iOll iepurehase e l, vlta tire ;en- dur or ber Bliçitor, sivA sih Y Ither"main- det et btus t*oltse xouey, ultlx lntsuc-sl*o the. day ofi-sel, vîthîn une calendr montir ThreVerrdcç ii! t-nt c ie eopelled tb pro- duc. aîîv fortler or otîrer deeda iban thcoe ccv I lier prisseatéla. , -e, i tir resecssnd exeept as abave, the. oaiiinecslearetirte standing, oek trans ci mâle qthe sal44iowt of Chiraellr7. Ti'e conelt"ne et i, and irlerpiu jarsi, uury bir oxaned st thre Chambers of thre Moster ut Wfsltey. ait the (ifflesof .John Zdi- l inÈs. fiialre, Prince Albert; smuelIR. Cash- nana, Es4qai, Whiiby; sud otfglu. Veudor'. soliletar se Osiava. I>ated SStl Jruly, 1§44. - EO. H. DART&ELL> Veedor'si Solicitor. 29 1Whitby, Jnly 20, 1864. HIAMILTON &Cou. HAV9, ON-ZAND, À I4LRGE ASýàO1ViNTF.OF in IIaê andcolre Si1ki,;1ape ges DeldrWanes, ÀIpaca,'c Straw Bonnets & He.ts,Linens, Sheeting, GertaHo±sand, Vq.çs, Ribbons, Parasols, Towellirigs,ÇutrainsOollamr. -Ti es, Brace, oseyand Qloves«I)', aiasks Carpets, Under Olothing,, .&n an ~ieýse gtock of . In menaW.ond boys'ýC qats, ests and,Pants, made up on the, pre. nise, te f~ a4 wr~.4îýshîp maybe dpxde.ýi GROCERIES, ad4t' FesliStock o Soe Drge ust x'eceived, al of which they offer at a smâna.adyaxiplor- Cash., R.&J. 'CJAMPBELL, ,Whitb, Juge 8, 18042 i8 4. STE 0 AIIBOATNOIGE! - TRI NENI F&8 QI$r Z% 8~eritf~ ~ ans Conntv cf ?ntario, f WSTRDAY, the -R 0 c H E sTO'R M 1Ã"EiRe ~a W T GEEWOD, li t vie urt !sà,lanthe rT et rfVhitby UPT.W. . dà,91WOOD Inthp-Lirnty ut Ontankut, thée glt,titeanut Will eommeneoe tuuuîug toI>oRoeter on - er th t nerncioiýrQna pÀur.r.as _ 5 th -Thà'f'fc - I Wb1~by~ Atîgusîs, ---Il ra- Ad- ver. net ,on. rese>t Lý-ighï--Waggon - ad-Dog Carti For Sale! V ILîL be uold Clitri frp irîr '1.,urlrr' lWI aitreint,» liglet eprir.g , worritlr iliso a uraw Dog C.rrt, luth'ntry vi. ApprIy tri Wlrltx>, Jrl .l ,18614. tat-rw By- Lawiv-Nô. 7b raisc ry wcty OfLoat/Mie, - ollar-9, forthte cl/o f pa iJU . nq the public rioal.49 a-nd hiqcray tihe Uûu,î- ty f na-û- lu.L-Whclreis il kxiîlrrt1 rimI citv or ftu:tn, thre Cuin ôfTVeiî.t Tlrrisiirri lillrit'c. fornir prri i . prýe of' l1ttrcliir r n-o-lr ;rin! IIiui'i;iiw lth lic ruielîf f> lin -îrci:rh litef-tît rrrrit ut Snelilen and. hit-the il . tuvf,,t tîarreon, it tirarir-te <ir si: p-i cuLrs-ilrxîrr it ritt.1y iuîrn cmrî' lober, iri t.ira 3cw if inn boi -t Tirea 'Fîtlrtiand i'r Il tidrr'il 5,llin " ) icx mr 1il ;rr7, 1 filr% 1869, 1870.j7 -~1, 1872), 1731 - Otire i:t'illt 'iiî oîr f 111e %(llt)I tt ' i ttut rt'i r 4ti' i c the i, Iretr,'v!eisr'iJ iii enueit !rM at-tIre trîcidCounty-, l 71r>so dollarsr. 4~b.Atî.e-leî-crufor praying tire irerest andil ci'umtii, i lrg arr r - îjiiii r rly- sinking . fur-il. for'a. in4tg ii said bsireof Jîuit-"iinnrI r dollar, s hr-irit' îeuIirc - -it wilb roqixirLo"aur- r-quri'a r iinif spt.cril ratea-ot (144;1il2,itîtis or, ar cent ie the dollar, ln arddiion tua cllotlicraIrtes in unucl i li Raid yearu - i Be it tbîerefore enacteni by thle Cou'poniait ut tIre Couity ot orturriî., lst.-That it sha!l bl Iruntel for tîre \Vree- don aof the said Certunitiof ai lrla, rie, ta naisa by wriy'o a iin bru, aîru riC>'perueac ar per-Aalns, layi --Boucs iCorjeorate, %who may -bu -- wiilirmg ta a nîvrxco the ruinxe U'p. an theacrulit utftire dr-.Innturce ltercoinafter metionedl$t sero' ,ixns of rnietr ot oxveedelit , tir hoîeé, ilàs;îra u of lwexu the - txIj -tedl 111A'tr-e icrîda utthe-i rYuras,îror of -they ~nsa i ntar1' ' for'thu' Pu oe,.and'ilui Ileojbtt 2nS+lia tuf lîlu purmnose, it sbail 1,, ..,btr of Debottire ori iibu tuadIo- eut fr o 'cl auras cf xxieey a layrbeome aîecetetcirv ' nat ex- Tuvctyluhausand Dolars,blut- Ùo debunture ta ,bc0îeadc butfo4r Poutâr8, and thli tbes îdaad n -- tures ehubi boc al-iidi wthet êOoi'orite Brli <f < e 5tt.- . uio, ' e-b.- hîgtteil ' v u il', - Wardcn- ot tire.. tJuumey;for the e t oiübjzg, and-,utnmat-db Gireat CLEARING: SALE Trimmed anid untimmed. at hali-prie. - UD7Jai I41v eiWines and Spirits.^

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