Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1864, p. 4

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I I WISTATt~S BALSAM *oOest 01 Ibeir ow"fl Mes. Tho Boton Coen*W emys Ih 1ewell to bring foreard the ulualli sentimetsi or ixon holding Jufluomîlel pêsiloniexpress- eti auder otber clrcnualame. Mr. Davis -su certainly prophotic. Mr. Lincon vo Minds us ofHauioll the Syin, asing-"Is8 thy servant a dog. ibat b.e shoulti do this great thing ?" suad vwent home and mur. bir s hmumater. XXTRAOIS OU TRI INA1V0URIL ADOREIS or àBitànàx LixCOLI, MASO! 4, 1861. Suppose yon go ta war, yen. caumot flght always -,mmd wb.m mter mach bosu on both oides, sud no gan on eftbos, you ces figting, tbe- identiwa questions éé to torme o! Jtercourse are &gain upom yon. This country, witb its institutions, belongs to the peopleo ubo Inbabit il. Wbenover tbey ahali gvov wory of tho ouistiug goverament they can exorcise their contitutional ight of a auiending, or their rovolutionar.y ight 10 duismembor or ovrhrow it. EXTIIACTTRFIOUA aSPRCu OPr rR5ON DAVIS IN TUE 1C. 8. SeSATIC, JAS. 4, 1861. If 700 mil1 nol mako it thus, if in the pride cf power, if in coolompt of reason an, sd reliýnce apon force, you Bal wo F ___ l8nInt go, but shah romain am subjects to you, nmen, gentlemen of the North. s mer im to be inaugurateti the huke of which mon have flot seen. Sufficientiy tiumerous ou bob iduus, in close contact, wîih ouly imagnary lines cf division andl with many meaus of sporoach. each su$. taioed by productive secions, the people o! wlich 'ili give-fieeiy both of money snd of store, the confliel mutbuiemetipli- cd indeflnitely : sud masses o! men sacrifi- ced to ibe demon of civil war, wili furnimh hecatooebeý, such as the receut war in Itaiy did not offor. At tho end- of ail this, wbat mili you hase effecteti? Destruction on hotb ides; subjugation on neithor; s trosly or peaeeaving both tom mad bleeding -'the waii o! the widow andth ue cry or the orphan subaîituted for thiose penceftlnotesmof dounestia happineas ihat now provail througbout the land ; andl thon you agree that oscb is to pursue i. separaste course as beat ho mai. This is tu ha the anti of the ma. Through a long series or jears -700 inay masto jour strength, distresm ýour peophe, and gel at lai t otho-pomi ion whicb you migbt have, lied ar firt, hati justice andl tesson, insteati cf elfusnesa antl passion, foiiy and crime, diclistai jour course. A BCasv OsFrOQtmgct.-Western'edo. quence continues te improve. A Western reporter mnds tho !ollowing -sketch te bIé paper. A lawyer in Miwaukee mas de. feoding a hatisoue young mwoman, accuseti- of teWsiing gooda from &,'large unoccupied dweîiing in the night lime, andl thus h. - polco Jo conclusion :-"Gentlemuen of the jury, I have dame. Whou I gars with on-aptured ojes on tho untehiesa heuty o! tbis peerios virgin, on whome rosplend. ent charma suspicion nover brethes : uben 1 bchold ber radiant im the giorions bloom o! lustrons lovelines., uhicli angeIic ameelnesa migbt cary but con!d ot eclipso, bafoue ubicli tbe star on the brou of uight grovs pale, and the eiamonds of Brazil are dira,muid thon reflect upon the gîter maduiens anti folly of supposing thist sn mach beauty would expose itseîf lu tho coid damp desd of thoeuigh, uben inno. cence like bers is biding it4el amid the 0 owj pUliows cf repose, gentlemen o! the jury. my feelings are too overpowering for expvess.on, and Ithrov ber inoa our arma for protection agaim4t the foui charge 'umion t1é00* oa treca,î;vss a..f Au.- poinîed scoundrel bas inventedte 10blast the fair naine of lbis boveiy maîden, wboe stuileshah li heboreward o! ibe verdict wuhich I kaou YOD vili give 1, Thé jur acquittai bar mithous leaving Ibeir seat.. BrOCUus m rnwo AT*7Cali.otlr oAYD ViLuim.-Tbe Loudon Index giveusa iai o!fal te veséels abich rem tbe bhock. ade St Charleston &Bd Wiilingtom frtirt. teon anti a bi.hf mothi, froua J". 1, 1863, to April 15, 1884. Ey hs la appeu.s that ont cf fiee lundred sand ninay aa temptiedtrips,foaur Asadred anid ,ioety ei g/tfuere ouccessinI. A large portion o! the vouse engageti in ranniug ube block. &d. vira fS66111 epturee, ram asore or destvoyei, lbut îbey mamageil b, malte fronu on. to, metenteoti succossflltrip, so Ihat Couoting cargees, fise out o! six eseape. Aithongli the number cf tripe- givemise 690, jelt tare were only 13.1 vesselu. Of the veqsaIs 50 were captured-44 lait or burot, I, vora out, 6 witbdrawm, sud 32 stili running. After the tables wcro ma&i lip, andi bufore the steamer by uhich it ami sent lefh liev York, -neveu more steamers rau the Wilmingtom bloekado, samely, the. Lucy, Young Republia, Mou -Minnie, Oreyhodnd, Helen aud Athamta, »&-one, thebo Rîhay Casîhe, imb Charles, son. Blght nom vessels 001 jet hàving mode a trip are inchidetl in the tables. Tii. m asucmful blochado rumnor vas the Ronald, which matie seventeen tripe in anti the sameu nuber out belter she was rau shore sud deatroyeti. leit cornes the Este No. le ubicb matie 14 lu anti the same-mumbor out bofore ah. vau saptureti. No subers resched leu fripa eacb wîj. TheBeauregard, K8F.E.Lee, Coraubia sud Pet, matie ime trips each way befor thoy more captured or destnoy- .8, and the A. D. Tance bas madl. ine tripe esch wamy aud is stbi rnnsig.-"Quite a number maie eigbt tripe soue o! vhich are atilbiroauing. Some, however,5 have met aîh bird-locki, psobalely - from4-te uneil!ulnoss o!fiii. masters or pilota, os 38 6ut o! the aboIe 94 wmuet acrecaP.. tnreti, but anti burut, ha t neccetedt- iu making ssingle tip., an604 l osly matiea&single tip- suecessiolly, abtil >01 more bseeed lanmaking one trp in andi out bofore ihey vers captuaie or lait. Tii. lollowiug oi'teteaotie e«port of contnu froua Wlmlngtou fà givea - by- the insex: eRit-v or C&oro rux WInxxIoON, nom JAJuAfIT 1, 1864, 'To AFBIL 1, 1864. -Ongavormet accont; WrDpn. mont,. ,37 hles; Navy ýDepaiuset, 2,. 493 bales 1 - W.r Departuenýte9ntracts 2,670 whsl6.430. On privâa'cocmu, 14399 bales.ý Totaloexpove, 20,828 balos. Value, £50 là bale; Goverûmmtt, £132>. 1900;,ptîvale, £719,.900. Toial, £,4, COtçlshumasMixPAMMGe.-A gooti story la going te round o e lailn roomué. I#la tothe offocititve qeo il vière seeW lut weoklooinae ir l ýý eWO ob e preftbetsars t J- ALF A CENTUP r, .0 'Wlth the Mot muoiAhInslg à nos ln trint I8wCoughae lo acta seneup 11w Throat, Im4su1enýt W26png Cougb, Croup, LT.'Or p1u:,Bp g- chut"a s, D1higltay «ef Noeb tug, Astiki Wgiaiand évery -afoectile or The ThmOt Lunga and Chot, cl >3 ulnuce c> u a -Thov Ire;aâet OnudlVlI& ual lu tii. eommiuuîty Who Wbo,- ly eepo »Mrlga esn, rom -.-soin. ouim1, bo*ever mliîgtly de- vlopot, of tho above .jmptoims --s negimt of wbich usîgbt Imasd ho tb* lest namot, anti mail tu b. dreatliat iemlu tho uhole tutmogu. The Power of the "Inodloinal gumn" of tb. wllti ss Cherry Treo over thlis éle Of m cmpluibt oti Jeilouknoov; B0 ,treatl19 the gnou it lias perforun - ced, andl Mo groat the populiarity It lues uequloid. In thAis prepuration o ~idestu isertw»ej LAt Cerry, tiers are eomnUgld with it etU>.>ingrd- dientt f lUké value, 9Li<reîiiag Ù4 value tex. f-id' aiforroimug y Reîaed y uuhître oura te clihe.,,t her, te rdei., and te cure ditae, ex- jta ie w, iter uudicitaa et idiacovered. Certîllcalc (rom L. J1. Racine, Emq., cf the Minorva. moNlFA4 vL. C., Oct. 20, 1858. &. WV Ie&Co.,Boî, ;Oeutteuno<uuit,6-Ingrexpertiencl th. mot guatifviiiit ret4idlt ram thuenu of Der. Wistar's ,Melar ti fW ild f'luerrv. 1 ian louluedtu hoex prosle tt great uîuuiIne lichi luse in its efitcaey. Fpr nigiu ruotho 1 was most cruelly rilflicte 1 wlli aa sovero andl omilnatt congli, tse comouuicd witlu actt pain la the saIde. wbich dil nuDtl ave me. auuurimoulndWintar. In iletober t@i sitna Iuereeel aloruninaîv. aui go sredut-ul wat t1tluat 1 Iieuld ulkhit a ruw4tu';u> autuit ril mine to1 reooer froin lie lait] all1 tutiue whieli moeslilit an exertinti oc- inr h aiulamn, fri whiteh Ifouuud iuuuntue relief, ,uuuîacter h ulmgosd four bottieg 1I use roi 1 îtely etrul ho lîmîtu. I lave lao uuel the ltalsKatuuilit ivuy mlîy snd adnii iist4rud il wo ny ciildreuu wîituthe hlalîplesI rmmouitm. 1 aun miure Ihat .uclu l2anuiianm ue se O the lauo can lont spe.k iliilt. faver. It is uà Prepartoo wIiub bas aulv ta hIo tried ho o eacknowî.dgmd as thcsrciedy par eccIJoff. Vuur oledîent servat. il. J. IACINF Nouîecnnuia unieosîgniet I. IIUTISon the . ",*Tl' er.1 i1». bl, Seth W. Foule A; Co., Boston ..,i for al'y UN aitrutata. Salut ia WIilhy by js. H. Gerrie mnd 0. A. MONEY TO LENi)-! - sut ~ .2 i ~ o H .~ o âw AAifUSANDRtU Af S5ls ie br 1 O0r for SIbs. ot SeBUtier. JAMYES. BhOOM, > Schofield's OId Stand. The sBuhscribers have on hand tlieir usual largeoana varied stock of 8HELF AND HEAVY BAR MRON, SALT, PLASTER, &c. They intend sclling at mucli 1IEDJJCED PRICES, FORI CASEV OR APPROVED CRRDIT They beg most respcctfully to îî,form ail parties purc=igon cru-dit thtat, oîi occotînt of lîeavy losses sustoin. ed diin he p thîreo year1î, on proice op-r.tution,4, they must inïimt on Settlemnt and putymnut ofail occosiînts 0o1 at October next, then riînuing otr overgluie. Froîn t hi. <lateail parties 1trcbaing on credit, aires requîested to bear in minul, that ail accouats andi notes mnust be met witlî ptnetti.ility alîco due ndlîpayaoble. YARNOLD & Co, WIIITB'Y, Juîe 21, 18f,4. SPCALNT* Ail parties indebted to te late firm of Gibson, Yarnold & Co., by book acteount, note, or otherwige, ires re- quested to malte an itumediate seulement of their indebted. nems; and ail sncb accounts PtLt due, and remaining însettled by lat July nit, will bc placd for collection. YARNOLD & Co. WHITIBY, June 21. 1864. 24 Splendid Suinmier Iood s! F RESI A luItVALS AT "TII E PEOPLES'CIIEAP CASh TRE" (MRI. BIGELOW'S NEW BUILDING) J~I. IL. COCH-RJYME. rLw GIîEAT BARGAINS IN «Rl QR IS Sugar-Olbs. for $1 JiEice-251bs. for $1. iest Teas, Good Green & I3Iack from 60e A l arge stock of Mens',' Ladies',' and Child- rens', of superior make anid finish. Good Mens' eaut at $3 25c. SCHOOL BOS A.carefully a nd well seleeted stock. tiouery of.ail kinds at remarkably low prices. Sta- Please try "' Tbe Peoples' Cheap Cash Store"? Eouse-keepei'wilj find what a saving they wil effeet by doing so. M. H.e-COCHRANE. Whitby, June 1, 1864. 21 LIQIJORS -of alkns 0,f the beàt quality, atea very low flgure, H1AMS9t BACON,ý. I'OT.ATOSI fiT( LATI8 DONOVAN, WAIKEY E& CO. AND MANUFACTURER 0F vQ.a.IsMeiOg]a, auoe'ymrmimm=t, C. M- HAS REMOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, -M BROCK STREET, WIIITBY. Offers the following STYLES OFP CUTTERS, viz: Canadian Patent Front, Rolling Seat, - Anisp.ri-o nIirnp UIwo-seated Pleasuî'e Sleigrhs, Portland Cutters, 7 Bob Slfaighs, Ail of which he is sellingy at Gr-,atly Redaced Price8 for Cas9h or appîoved credit. Soine very neat CARRIAGES, open and cov- ered, which Will be sold very low. Two good second-band Gigs and two sets lîeavy Bobs. -31 Will find excellent and conv eient accommodation. Wîtlun a Few Yards of the Publie Hall. Private Parlors Il - - n~CHARGES NO IIIGIIER THÂN THE OTHER HOTELS IN WHITBY. JACOB BRYAN, MANUFACTURER 0F ALL KINDS QI' AND HOIVE-IVADE. FURNITURE Offers roi sale a very large and exrcolent ax.ortment -of SOFAS. BUREAUS, LO4UN GES, B EDSTFJADS, TablMs Wardrobes, Chouts of.DMawerg, 1Looking Glamoca., Book 'Ca8, Mattrasses Pijr- lor mnd Drawing Room Chair!, 11cking Chairs, Office 0 air, Cane.seatedl Chairs. Toilet Tables, Towel Stands, Uc, &c.. in grcat varicty, and at greatly reduced prîces. Warranted to ha made of the best inaterial and workmanship. He repectiully invites an examination of his stock. gvy article is manufactured under bis own stiperintendcnce, and can be depended tapon ULHOLSTERY IN AL1ý175 TBRANCHES Cali and compare, and be satisficd before you go elsewbere 1 X>' la JEt. 'P A XK I IV PUNERÂLS YFULLY SUPPLIED, Andi everthing, in the Undertaking line to b. bail on the shortest notice. Coffins kept ronstantly on bandl. WRE ROOUS, No. 4, I3rock Street, and No. 2, Colborne Street, Whitby, C. W. SWbitby, Juiy 8, 1863. Woofll WILLIAK TU261 Woofl Highest Cash Price paid for any quautity- of good Clean WooI at No. 4, LA1NG'S BUILDINGS, Faniily Grocer. Freh. nd of ýthe bcst; quaIîty, wiII be found, Skirin' suprio puri op, Laing's- improved purpie top, Bronze top extra, Aberdean X ellow, White Globe, - Imported by _ _- FOR SALE, TII FI sanlh baif ot Loý No. 7 in the 7th Co. of blare, Counîy of Onttrlo contalning 100 sresq. For particolars apl, if hï latter proVid) to S lictor S &a -~Tornto. tteb.18 104. -tf. STOIYES!! 1511 LARGEST STOCtK AND GiEATEST T Varioty 1 Stases, Stase- Ftirnleuire, Tin- mare, Etc., enha e en at the Store of îthe staves <ut every style and qnality and aetal Prîce Tluepopti1er new patter»l Stove huis boen intiodiieouîainoîugst other varieties: THîE KINGO0F S7'O VE>S, MRON DUKE, GRAND TRUNK,- PRINCE ALBERT, DA VY CROCKE T, PROTECTIONIST, oc Ja id C alnduîSte. WILLIAM BRYAN. Wlithy, Marîlu 2, 1hÎ14. 8-Iy * TI-1 UNIVERSAL tCLOTHES IVIIINGJMt 1 Theocony Wringer witb the COG-WHEEEL REGULATOR IL Saves Timo, Labor, ('11othes & Money I r listhe original cui noirreliable lVrioger hefore the people. und coinliiioes -Mohe strellgtlt f trai'W, caî.ac-ity for pressure, mail power ofalctioii, thai aîim otlîur machine niie. Il wl 11 wenr for years wlthont repair. No Servant enu break lt. A chîld i eght yeansolti cau operité et. No caution or xkîli roquiretlln itts use. It gaves ita cost in Clothisgrevery nias or lwelve snoulhs. Every IVringer wîth iCtg-Wheelm ln Warrseoted in every parlîcular. ThletUiiiverei Wrioiter took the FIRST PRMEMIUM, a Silver Me3tl nl , Dipimà. nt thue New York Stai.. Vaiir. 1882, andI wos pro. îî,onnced sîlperior tb al atiiir,4 in hea Woritil Fit etL,>1141mn. 1lS02. CanvaumaermWcmmed in curry Towa SM Canada. ' Pergonts rusidinir where tiieret lsn<n finnnnp aîpointe.I, i.v rdomlttinu,. the priee te)vus sial refoive the Writigerhy Eucpresmt, pra-pd. W. H. CHILDS &,Co., Hamilton, 105M. <leneral Agant& ALEX. -MARON, Agent, Whltby. Quebso Govermomnt &gency :o:- Business eonnoctad with tba C1IOW N LAND- aýnti othier. PUBLIC DEPARTMENTS. Securediby the uboribor. Adltreasprepait . 'J. CIIESLEY, lad laid Gcneri1gmnt, qoebce. IMmrgh 8rd 1380. . DOCTOR DAVI1S, contlniuegto treat gyphillIsanid qther Di. @eases of a pivaite - Nature, , * nïl tSxco. wnàtiLIXT- . 1 1 O 5 200E55z. Ai Ait 01 M o e/wOfBay and Adekd4,-%, up tafrm> FE AX SCUTÉýE1N??f MACHINE O NE f Rowan's oew-paent FIer Scutching Maoiuus, ;uiuuuti t Itheîr works, BeIer relutid Tr-oumachinîe cairoui l aet the warehoome of B. E. Perry, âeq., t Wilitby.-5 Âjuplicatlon, (if by letter prapaiti,) cailbW THOMAS LAWLER, £i]LR&Rqu Whiltby, April 20, V AndJF j 1 t'r Co J"Es ROWE, 18-tf. WfItby. AGENTS WANTED4 A 0 T O 78armantb, *and expensospad o AT81 mli r INIVEBSAL GIAIN SirPAl1A- TOR. Apply, post pald, and miompu for re- 1 C. P. CONOLTLY & CO., 19-ly.- Campbellibo-d, C. W. RICHARD SNOWf BIAKER, CONFECTIONER, &é. ir MZMC»V ]M m To Brook Street, iSanth -of Blaok's Hotel. WhitbY, July làth 1862. Brooklin Drug Store. D EALZII in Droi ,patent Medloites, P'alots, Odm, Die Staffts, Confection. ery, &c. Horse ef Caille Medicine alwaya on and Bro6klin, C. W , IBO8.: 2. FARM TO LET§ OoACHE-., Comi iinir the I'Trtlh-lalf 10 of Lot No. 24,in thai Brd concessionî of the Towttahlp of Wlîithy '-Exccellent lard, weil waîcred, and ali <with t& exception of a few acres of bhnrned brusi,)clearcil. Also, to Ut part of Lot No. 24.i the 4th concession ot tho Towniip.,ot Whithy, ~ bracinit une dceli, and comprsïiniz 80 soie'1 drained n:d i Jivted,-nntl weii entedUa tlhesot roif îu-uîtrc, A pruI.eronce wiIl bc givou' 20 a sîîittbia tenat t hît will relit both tartis. Apeto A lyTHIOMAS DOW Whitby. Wi.itbhy, Match 2, 1864. BIRYANT, STEATTON DAY'S lKinit 8treet, Toronîto, CI. W. First door East of Wedq~anBook Rtom.. « .;TABLISIIEI) In cnnetion with B1svàwr E SrnAÀ?o & Cola. hain q? Intcrîîîîtio;i Comînnorclitl Caloeg, ltit in fourteoi o the larget citielq Ut the S talag1 un-I Canada. Yonnir -men and loas..eg preparoti for the practical cltiesi of them Conti ne lions., or for mnatiacirtheir own, bnsiness with avotam and Thfioretleil Départmeat. Inîlîls departînent tdetsrecaivethonngh inistruetiun b Doubla 'Entry lio,îk.keepin.. ClomrerellCalcultitiont, GCommerciai Law, Coromeini correspondene Anidlenmanship, Prîsclîcal Depirtment.,, Iloeatheomt,îelents cnten's lno, o etnal haId- oemm. Each stndpnt is forisheil with the cne - ehas Eah toden t mnoya and sella-merchan.' dite, sitocks, real cagtmte,*etc.. Two Banko havet heen estnbhiioewith a bonafi Ie cash cý1jl which enabliem the stotient ta effect lis W changes, malte depositg, cetl bism pro-ti eunoted. and transmet ail other bustInes ioli- don tal to a general trmcle. 1Expeame of course. Tui ion, Text Books, s.d TuIenk Formsx. F ifty' four dollars, Unitedl 8tates Carrt-ccy,or ftty.' two doliîrs (Csndia Fiundl. Readiang resom andti Lbrary. Tonne men and ladies poirchnmingra tbeliolar- Ai'wilI he p remontai with a Card nt' Ad- niionto the Ra*dinutR Uoin aniL Libr.' ar3y oL tho e ehalao' ifinttute. AIe. Murray, o.q.tf Mna,îaît, Muirrv Mh CO., Ai. tM. 3cateo of l r&- la- fh&ws; Tfims . Kes, n11s., C. P.; Xise linmo Buehitllsrt, Fsq.,M. P. r.;,dm Brown, Esq4 Rich'ird J lOn, rsq., Itaiwltoua Toeelers. Xele; Priflcpml. nnd Chif iltrueur in Teahe f pencerimn ?eflxnmmablp-A. W Bimith. Lmetui'mra an Comîmeavil Lmv-b. A. 'flot- Pison. ltsq B. c L., Bmrilmptr; Robert Sullil. Senti for Cabtalogue ai'd lter (mnolodlag BRTYAZT,STEATON h& DAY. Toronto. The Oelebrated German Oq 1. (-11TIERS cula, bruîmes, fromt bites, vunani / mores? and aiH kindo!s orlci wouudp. It là, thé ?otust renîody kfinown _for hmallng ail kinda otwoun&ds miores in man mmd bot. The rouumdy ý is ntaiJfible 10v tmllevIng herses mmýd emitlee maffaiing f rom pain. il TQ c

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