Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1864, p. 3

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Dcqadtui Milrder.jn a Rail wny Carria. IIOW Tiir FEMeIALS RhCiIJIV <L- r1MUE. IW-À3YV'EflISEM RENTS. gît. LI. ---ii fi rish Ba3jnliriîîiy Court, a _____________________ - féw daysic gne serve liglît %vas<accidentally One of th(, n<iit atrocious murders tbat tlîrown oit th sysiein of -eglral ruecreit bas been porpetraîed for-lume lime oc. ing iii lrclandc. litthe case. of alfîankrupt curr d litte on ,StttutdV. eveuing, on the n&nied Elis art appîlicatioin %vas 8mle fori h a e ry S l Nnrtb Lonîdon ltiiway, when a Mr. "ho&. the assîstaic (cf the colit on) beliaif 'of a BrijgP, whô Watt eneaged in the baîîkng Pioor Cas-ai ouiswhosc cün 0F VALIJABLE estblihmet o M(,40rn.Robrt urtslittetiilsed to lier a chieque for £40,. t-ttablshmnt f' ecce. uboî (u ~ wiîih lie rreeiveîi fronthe Ainerican D and CD, Of LOMbhardie trret, was; murder (Govcrnmcunt for "lemigraticig" to that IAPtïl PIL ItULU TY<1L ou-'y jaid lrd-eandt irown out cotry. Ie îit <io% t<ldiCr infl Grint's T or iI1.4 The 'Flti uînfrnnatc eîîilenva i a (>ilitls <iiy iii lIil siloSucgave I wus l1wards of sixty years cf'a(e; ho ilas t!,eht- ehî îi ltie bilîîirttpt toi cektdi, liut .1 C lsh l) f W Ilithv. a fille, talete, 2nl ati, and residî-d lt No. cîlIv receivve i une-ll Uheiiitiuiihei leli t £,Clariton squîare, ieu li lilîîiy ('liurcli. rrl ii.leiiîg luuit in theic octale. ()uil e p:11t 'Pi nr~ asui it dlscovereîî 'd -- f11-i, rîmet yt due undt l litii the train arrived at tliielîiti, -wheIn uiili ctei i idt.idcon l h- conii fonfti fLîin Aiîîcrica 'coulIl pro-. itrior of t1111/ cîîiltpiliî t in îu iül e L It a4ly lie Jîsu'îîed. ltnftîItfe geIlfieînrai bailltrvi-lleIdwatt fruitdru, ho coenv 'i ith blc,îd. Not SieinIN"oALi: Ss.- OnIIY tie euellîintic, but the finir, cqidettaind l y1, îuîîc imc 'e menitined the filet %vitidîîwttwere bsisîmn vi iî h rl i fî jaîi i hi t<iiliîliINi CHANOL RY. solfie places thtlit iiwnm qtîie afih Thi-re i-idoiiir way Ilîeck te) lhi-ir honte-; in< 8 E iT wL vanas oi nd inlîl(i. -rri î,_,ca.gn f ils distirit,i, «tii- ccaoiiprîilodsco tlemain's hi, a waik, iuick, liil asinal iivttii<i oor îri.ehwîrîJurnes Thoimson, Piaintift, leather ba'. 'lie g tartdltt <inca ttii1 iley tv-i-r di ,ilhv di.c4_u,îd. tVil ince i chtarge cf tdo artiicles, and lie-Led the k-arn îhat iolstl 'sit h irty fise <'bliti' doset. Sotuoli es-whii wü-îre ,ihu' iad- l frumni Diflroijicî-îiriî î<iAlexanider Matthewson, lRoh- jc,în cip riionc then !cId the uea ifiîo ugîcscrre hirt Maiiliewsci.Agneis liles, ticiici ofthe ls.gîard Io lîthv ci inl,ie<Irmo cini anirnîiiiionjuinehth leni (rom t ho Jamesiic lits. lTelv-î Mitchell, th 1 cini-- hlîid bai c1urted ili1,1Ille Uceauup îuprparud tu r-itt- if tela,ini ~ itiin Mitiu-iI, LeviFair- ciîîfrieiîge îin- ùoii t-r di e$àecs i tie cf liruii.- Quebec' Chrot-cie. illuthe yoiac-r, -;e'Yrge traîi caîi l rontî PcvIPii-r %Iiithsttvs(in, jane a- .e soli's id e dowîiliîut aîîy irme. Id TI O Nc.sruet-The Yankleie projiec clîffu-, Itoberi t iàclifle., James dicte rtsult. Maîlîltlie body of NMr. crec uIiniIiluPi, thill- lrvéfiil th it. i Mjbeon ct Eeee Bi ggs ui a iI ltWi iuiicieuiviu ii< lh î<lfi tjc - liti i iwsIti, Jouhn IC--îchc-n, the licefI)y te<hive iir, and stoker cf lino -v-li ibh-cu,în i Ill te Ylinkies ? l wan0 aZLJaneiie l-cien, the7'Firtiin, iiid oii a e %i' auil ilitiatl n fiePl a-iiru-d 'hi ilîu-y l-tve e tver wîiglieei James Ketcheit, andi tVit!iam fi wax fouiiiit i tin t ii. îîiihuoriuioato gettle'. <Ie i.vfiîl ctujiii utnine oîf Auc-h a Calaci -o K (if-iiiî, inîfantsuiî utr Ille mcii was frigliifi<Hy wivii d in i e h-ail elle, Tih- Yiikrirace hlttLjiI ifie f Jagi-(et INe»ii< y.iuiit-y)ars, ley -Ile seil ii in on ulplae -buin ii4bateriiin. e .Iie'îe- !Alitaq hut wiIl b,-cnîne of Matijîca- IL. V ioget, their The mînoy which NIr. lirli ,sbail in hic i-îîîc i liizini fhîîniy fCuardiaîn, I)-feîidauîts. lc--t iait t i-i i tai:oî, hbut his c ii-i --it- itioli yankees ? Whii il Iii N l'Il u "f"" i 'c, .... .. f the, Court nof was mising- -tii' vi ldoi for su-uin ngiîies îaîd vsoîd. --(ti-ii 1 '~ tAl8iuÇe 2 iv u tel 'hioe atrîilciol;i crimei' %vius cim iitii,-d e i iti iiii<-s, pliiiaiiîfîriî1hic acsu iastioii,, iî î Nit-r i('i to- sCuit ie -thitii), - tit betweenDBw andtilae-kii Wick. 'lie ailîalie-r solilshoes, fini] aient midici- traii<vsà ue iiife mîitaies afVer ieavingr nece 1riiiiiiilci, and liiîmlikitipiers, cule. Mondayl the- Twellib day of September,- se dothot UIle iîîax1ck uet ! jiîîîs-cbéen ticss «un î--iiilviiliitYankee Doti t, i ei wiilesuih lta diiuost as cocue asthe csrriiîgt-s ere ic f1liehC/nnilDe.qpalclc-i«jli -h .iI-,,rc N.citi Mr. llrig!'l expiiied tastiitighi. cc a 1-h, acier-s in New Yoik are organiz WT 1Tg rl quarter lii tev cick. l'lt- lit foundua sciie for highei- wagi's. L1',NIN 0'. W c I ±Ia , . in the itiiay rarcirege letr n t lute) le 'i eisamnoiiiln t oeh IleF1i- ht litcf iltiu murderc-r, lin. iiaî-iîg taki Mr. i - sanancitra tStJsp i ly f111 e --i tl t "v le ,1 FaiN1Io.2, l!t et îîrigs lia iiiinictîte.Mc, aceuud of aillenmuiders. 5i 7ti 01iî r cý>Iv-i il, o*t i. 6, <i -P -.LuîdirhaL >c ltiivtonhp TOWNSHIP Ã"F WHfITBY, Tue rea Jeel Icbterylu te Cty itiiii-. arud seventy-ei,uht real ct-iîly TieGra Jwluaioubrin. heCiygave lurth îo twiii daugihteric. i'iiOi'h liecreia - ~~~A lcanutiful Young lady vas hborîii ne] 'I"Io Thle tiaring andîlextensive rpbsry cf daath it aI 'uers bli iir clotîes takiîig 11,l , t itl, ie -e -. c teeintocl i nearly £5000 ccrh cf jewellery front the fire frone fireworks oni îlec4th of J.ly. - 1Ï.<1L O ' eta' shîip cf Mr. Jdhîrison, jev'c-ier and chrono- Tl-v - ,t l- L-ý,-t î"îiert I lt-erii. No. 2 Tittýadiec(Ioëtr>e I ifleiti huntini-ticizar motîlert wfere %%J; ; î 1 . -î îi t '-L C, d .I- tie u'cîitilii. tflhir-tiaier Xi. 4 i<i±eiticde sr-t irow uatctof î-mpioymieîtitnluNew York1. -;~f hrl dtiritig Suudtty ast, 'liiexeiiiig cticidera- Cit 4Ytheobieco tax. j- bic attetin in tbe city liticonsequ oea arc' il a apoEg," O D FC M O SE, cf the extraorditiary cireutustance con- l Grik il tHmtnEgw O D F AM O nacteti with it. Mr. Jchnson's a Op c- 1 recelîtfy soid lipr £101800 sterling to a 24 fe-et lu3' i .-.vlt Init* Kiuce enîuisd i-iui-iio- cuplies the cesi etorner of lHercules passaage,I London marchalt liuti' 'f a ueucdîîu.-~ii t Tiieru- i- a p-u ft'ud- t î' v t- uiu-'u e) te it headîi; te. the Stock Exeiiîge, aitdiaboie -- - -- h"i- iitiextt'uiitr. it arc a cuit cf offices, ail cecupleel by B; JR T Il . Te iire irrlir i, t-ledt--'t-c liii l ii-t marchants atidy4îrcieer, of the ighest ire. In Uxbriiize. ()ui Mfnday the 25 ihi ist, utarclt,-u - -111t,.ui o p e ctib lity .- l'u s ltte r a re a p îiro uaeh e ti th e ife o f Bru- \'îm . W h ite , f a d a u g b te r. In ueu niiifro t f i ie I t" f - ; - it u if - f ie --r 1 by a door in flerce8ee-îi<slage, whbich aiii l ii Tru.r-i - ir t--il.i- i tii .,4 . e cîgcu. ispitiid to andi lock tLe ld aere TiSct,<Iiu elt- 'tefiaietst, re. U e -d10' o f-e ratah'dI h iplce hie efe cf Mr. .iîiiu-s o-- f a scia.- lPie u ~stwc îplate glace citideos toteMA il Il 1 E DIÊi le:dj t-' - .elt- tii. île oee ceing lTbreaeloieedte etieL,-t atîd <i iiK*t ' -nthe I l th -i i . I-,jOt.III t,tI- le, If,t t-iio otliper iIlèeaes-puîsage ;the duirtîr ins tuv uî-1u1..1 aUI-aiM> s Il telOift lii- soahiig in the-cirner, the alutle Pl't C.r Xiiuet I botl cf the -Frtuuli ti'ul-tjIit-ilt-~ fittedth ifiiron el-utters, wehîîeh dî-aw up 'itO tfx'1.s\'\' - -, by winellae atid tluise .ijnie iutfi wiiu îilîiut o wuusIt , ut . t ~tii - ~ tu anîldu.orv'ay, rhiere is ia hue-k .pprîîech CVttviîý'-:il--,î\'tuî'-znîvt(<lide W ffi-u. iite r- c-i 'uat ilu the ciiotiby a tior citicli puis out La.if)Illxv lumotir. Ilavl u ii îIi, u-tiut-iiiu. loto the paissage tf the cutrtiuce <10th,- Of'theIi- i iut e f('latiîiittigloui, leMiss .îane t.i4. office Ouirlieud. The ciitirc prttmises, tL Mayiie, oftlîe saine-place. iOgi. sbltid hec clueri-et, helonig tneNli'. JuIitu. 1) 1 E 1). ~ - L.I son,-ebo lin he Colltîcl'tic i iuftîfihe sittp IJu VXiridý. aVillag, ou*Fridey, the ________i teck aril osbl ie~~itu iculer il 22"iid isî, Eiesbh tu'beca, inrant im~s T E~ impregruable te hhiiv-s andi burgiars, by.. ter cf Mr. il. 'fiua1icoti. agel, 10 moiuihs. CAUTION TO B TH R I having boh Ch iling andi flcîirii< lîttetiwilh _____________________ irtîtiplates, anti iiitrodtict'tig teeel plates -- - intt he chois h igih uilitratihif fia NEW ADVERTISELIEi'*TS. 'caiiceoitIu 'liThedîucr cas salluiae) 'd atud ixetulin auitiâno ram euh u i 1be MONEY. bull ofe alueîinc d rPutithi, but iowîh siuii i , the thiu-es es -tii an elitruiece i< i ii u c i'f ri!etl(,tjri ti$ int~fia hops Suacii heit-îisti ik i- Ill i w,. I. t.Corporation, of the Town of 1,010 cf thue e-k of jewettiry, îîttuîîd a i utlt.ituWhitby. -l £ îeU llltit{uSil>ict te Bay cun 'h'MTV wax caserpetrated. but as ta<o ' n - - I 11T EI.tiAS cinptuit f lis t'en kt:<lelwufuur int I-ercet ie W'sltuiz ea iaor ef letun 1AI -' 1 i P's lceys. Thue fuorce -appuiti-tu break irto i iiii ii j i Ti.iL 1fr. ilh sune hop must have bhein terri Niti eti:ure îïlp o 2,lt-ccu- fi c. -Fite djlnZthe door 11usd weuh steel thea i1lk. ,g ü LSTO E T R thsýtet;resorted Ioc rcie bars, anti hy e. ex . To àit-i 4u tif cl"citgclit vltî.Theii re - I.S F ETR truîcrditiary exertion gol opeoiinzs i t- e aroliiuirt,01itt- lit-'.gai1 iîi-itd t-nui dttt EMA 1SNG ireth te I-Jt tt teti at Whitby,H --------------uIll he frCtiie IL it- t-t icted it itiu ton (tle lien iofAugust, 1864. k ecige ioi theî doutrandiire» frauîîug nie S-jte i- jf ireue eillint ii's '15idui, iles tif the Aueratiiet, lingli Leweî-y, 1ev. Mr. which thay placed rrcnlied metal wetlges, l'itf '\%iiliI.V ! iîi oiiiiihii*trter at-ras of Fei Wheat, andsi atte, Ailani Mats-eui, Miss Mary A. n cuney degreeis oblaiiiu-d such an tmmseee-Ite tre- urri oie leuutue t is 3 cur, cIi 4 lukcii1<<t MltJ perM'5uton il, fiati t casae valualiy burst li.t -tiuîu .tiuil-iesloiscmina given eut Bredit-a. tteb Nu-arireat 1 ~ i, amaucheel everyihing befote ~itîmIl tu-i iiiiitiiter. Jirsici, Bts. lîsyîuur, Mise Jilet. -~~ Jfeuir lartiier jittieniaris applyt> te Briuuvn, Niss liarrici Jlohertsii, Wm'n. il aisecarried -away s large orusmetital prnpriaînr, Bi<ee,. N.P. Steiis-nsou, tSmuel frauna cf Carved i ou 1<and lcoking glas a P. B. -WHITFIleLD5 feres, ilas Btueîileusten< Jeceph ' <lh r. , hifépertcn, ?, iss Mary the back of the $hop, ehera borne twcuty Ceuntre StIret., Niitii Ward. whuttiv. -iockinaitt usopaslstLcJe àr tiey valuiàle Clocks wsre plsced on 4tgms 8 W l. 0C-ces. 1). SoiFad 0offe. Tineethy Thwuaimeten, Mis. ILL. isrcckets, and ih la a matter et atonish. 'Whitby Senior Oounty Crswfer4î, Frank Walticr, Mes. IL. tent&its hechoie e ra net ibrown forward tl>scllh, James Whiite, 'Jan -ga otoi te aface, seon uch cas the wainscotî. GIIA MMIARSCiIOOTi Peiuuiek, Ntto.viia zwC1ekJohn ingdilo Te urlas ttmped)Pec, lEzra Metittalsi, Cli. in dsdged. TebrFqs tapeiýSIME f i4hsiul e cav, Jolvii- Melnftyre, ElJtcleathý te foras open one of Tann'iu Beliance acfs I E CXE 1 f t!#. tttinGinou, Aez. MeDouge i, MsAmi under fie couniter in the $hop ; il exhibits T wil mmece ntîon Éïupfepiiy< Jllmnd -maurkcs of rougis usage char. efforts ceea GNDA.Y, ÂUGUST 15, 1864. W1',r#ieni clîing for. sey cf the sl>eve made te introduise the trowhcre, but in R. W, CLARK, M. D., whje1)s.tfirsvatSMdIT1 . M this they faited, ced vsry forteucltely, for t3eeeetaey Ù. etf(G. S. T. PW OffleWhitby, k<r1 tclit. 301 tcontained ism .rcee isrns Whitby, Augut 3, 1864. -80 ' auJ other valuabie jecuif ey to the extent u of 110,0001 beide alarËé quantty',,sf TN ESWA . EIDUCATION, gold catches &'c beloagîng - - t- - - - to mt5o2*5it Mrf. obsoi. rr Jln dinfrmathepubuilla, Chat -~~1o<ttseASoe-It l slatad thutoi. aýV! nCtlve,1af BollanicItho sapasere4 '"à' dolîi 1~XiutoiPsel yecra &go, Jiucotured opip iaga Perle 58 5 - J - P.ei'y LDr. u 4 woolibyre: m be-Ete jc1ianase Embss>'Bsal 141 ao,PeycreIti.omOWibnt fatther bcd teniad in Holande but, belng - O 0PAA Q STSh164 uncucemuful In hbusness, ha carne Ito Parle' flore hIg e c<soum aon failed hlm, cnd,U tqB I --aé JIN e lp M'L on wiigto a friand te slilcit a ezua i t - Ate?,rofea.cr of Measthatelu Newtona reply lse«! iosithe LIamon<ay yen asit Whty 1 5, 8 for, and s4d to iLt the photographie per F 13 . 1 i " '29P trell a l~e cpsIEmbcPO.Y oeu Wifln.r . remark the-lace Of Onü of tise strangara, Uélt f~ b.tâ l. myltuce of'otn sor QI TuBToi--flOF W ITBY. Th î srC tif1r, i W1Ùt Péfl5lfl1ti e APE oIOéna h oi«e 1. a L ' Ohanoery Sale IN CHI 't "__w -ADVlTîSNT -DR. (' .CItii~ DENTIST, from Toronto, -~ i Itil steci- -,iflethe leta ir. Frenets of BÙYrey rici. Imli i. the eurniit rc- - c<eei uî<uiituvnf hu' u-umitrY patit-its, trrittozr eCR .cii fliel-. -uu l ue1lie Ii 'liltr, i f ni i-srs 11T E Yicàii tu ' iit ifIlIB , 1uit ti.le ItjvdIili oit-j' Blarbara Wocu, Ptaiîîîlff. tot- ,lesulli iit tgii tire $sautl; -'-t- iit l th iii t-i'uiy utueutut ti Att iieeliuîuiccl cc-ris wiî be <ip biîrs Pl-l OcAsell Whittlik-er*, e ît.lit-led jatuî i- isvfeTIlu ti t. Torointou. - Paxuon, caddGcîurge Peuttoi,'ieiuiilcl Jemuî,s it9fg (by Bill,) ttsli i.li-e tei a isuiuîrcfe r ' i t uati .t-lii u eîriu AND .-î fo ti iles kIl fiid uip u 1urfetle éais- 'I'iotiac S u ase Elzaielt t.- î t'i l uu ue.i suieiu lie itusclluatgett his Wooit. and tthierg,(îiti'-"-- -it-fila pai tics ithe Master'i Office,> Pi-octiteuittu ANt S Ottuitt Lk~irv <ijt,î tt"-t . D rsittic~,& 5t-2L, !iteeu. 618418. ANI)BY OIDFI. ci REVVUR? 1 liv',î'1e-uulralu testilviuîmt 1w uî tkiI ii mu- - iilCt% ,- ' i I. '1*ii ;tiu t iiige t-i l itiat. <ici-ceintlie t-pv-uir luîîîî îy < i ii'- S ilivel thut Barbara Vontu, Plainfiff, ;n -tutm-<tlt 'i- utttîuiu r tînico ANti i.ti F-SPot VF .i, i. Lac. lesotitu Mcd. Beu Goodmoil Whittaker, tsi i.'iîi'v'uu iItieon P irtr îsuuuye~atie, Wiliam Stephens, Thomes toland s-Jwv imuuce.u icnu ti fin th Oe 1'axioit, atnd Grange Paxton, el u ugitui iif su u uît---t ptlheit (by Bill,) iitcr fiirrtuî ' t- Iiiiî - st kl NID 13-im. Jil. Cç' Chai cite M. Shaw, Charlece*iF I tse.ilietut-lu, t-n<Ctt- Rtose, and Johntiwi.slay Ali i tiir it-i iifthtui.c<uJ I. lstîe MeLeiî; soîn, 1iixuen'rix, amuitExt--n <uîu l Stiît, 4' .. ; V. Ai. 7,13-tiwti, FM.q,' l et-. .i.i t , Mi. A. ;. i-1 . Tit-rlurut) f<rou- tif he lust, it t-'t and Tus.- ii-. N ir. I u lhtrruekt-. i)r. st t lin. ijmr- tamunt cf Thomacsi<ew, de- 1 lii-c,"iu-liitutth ceuicet, andul izaitli \WuOuî, Baltimore Rafèeaces t «tiI cihers, (madu- Pis u 1.. AIlotIte-n. Ni., . )1). S.,h'rîutssr ef the Maaîerls Office,) Defei- i. utA Mu.cî' , ofu'iNttetiii iraput Thun Jante. 1 iliu-t nteniîu Nl,.Iicea; F. J. st. (orgmi, A. M[.,1 T. LE SCL-,DY'1). lit Praiceotf DPui .iSiirgcr>-. la1 pueflsiias cff a Im-cree und Finatl< -trr S-aha. luitdc by the Ueuirt et Clieuicti'n' -i t in l i -rnta'm iu. nliu t h uiuie Ceîc<îtain ihià ceice, tecritiigsc neu 'iý I-i,-f tust fhlu<,vhhitI-riui Liehue Thîiri dey or Jiwue, A. P-i u i t I' e t tht- t'i-î'ii.ait>u i I's.rt l'O c f t I ut 'riirtcti-iii>- -f <fane, t. hi. iof'fi. li LiEVI FAIRBANK ', titT T1-tUtLIt-II. I h uci fLtN theyoli»g4er, <tectionaîr. un n t e uIns id-Let 1, 49< Saturday, the 2Oth day of AUs,r7t .t CNI L, 39p-ii.$~tsr ce M . :l -7," 2j't.eUieu- t prauî. $4 i 5< c- A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~S a. ' tKitra u fieku t ft i: 4i 4, ti ilu. ; 5. '17 a. ; 6, 37 a. t iret n t-t- -ut ' a. 1; c ptirieu, $4 purr acre. W O O S l ( T E t i- -, . - lt 4't 1, 44 .;2, 4u a. U p e IN TEI& Islanud near the Narroies cJ Lake Sirct- VILL.01AGE OF OSHA'WA, tutùle 4tttïts-f id i- t-uni <li tc <<iiipro- HALF AN ACRE of LAND VILLAGE 0F PORT PERUY, A,-1. t ,u.uouuuus- i>f Lo,iuicnutluenc r Sity- --t--u--o OiS eh;t t oai îthei-situtuiuthcttiuthe 20 1JWS' l-> OP~~ i I ti. h '- iiiti ui' i imof t- lu. blc.uu lie- rîue-t T'wo Stoî-y IîoT1i4,L tilti lritiîtg Stc- uî fIlru., a uct uet uoc- ma M > xFL 049 -' 1ý.(va tStere. CONDITIONS O.P SALE: Tie juurutu e t-talt1 t tu oit f sale, rt-v ,kleu c it-J.4le ip 1,1 nii4' îof k-lin four s-verv £t1110 îf ilui, puehae it mu-ut-, t4.0tlhe la- iturýr-ulter uteuieit4ur, auuîl ch ;--t u r e mauili- Jet i-t tua î.e ias u e tu , -with. iuii,- ii- nu tha day o> t>,itii, liiut&u etît-ututar titgeloiu thic-itfler. 'lic Vt-uu-luîr etituliti-ut tuac-mii tli- is - ducS <tv oiti stet ar n atieidatan 'tit'i" tc in heru-ee-iei Inll cttnuer re-.pc*r, sut eueluct se att-v-e, tle condlCiens n< cus ara e sauin o, tinci j oufis af It tld Court of Claiiièry. Tiae eonitiinne eofssIi', anifurtitur p1utiilu- lire, trsd suier.htainei'ii et thceiun orn c te Mieste aI i-'tr tthse LOi s ftostf Jon l1h nut- hi1 iit-t utter ut cf C ocdhr' ran..tl-u>-ui Oc luac a. i fte oiol l)cteit -,th Ji<ly.t!&P,4, GEO. H. DAILTNELL, S. tB. FAIRBANKS, Stove and_ Tn Sbop, la .till theuplace te sebete lite COO0K STOV ES! lRe hicson baud alev'sn diffennt pattarne te sueet. fraie, euouid btii for eicn, sud nuitiry. île ceelti sy te it fricudie, il sund examiine bafora pureling lt-teclierti, for ha la J eton- mnet te selchecp. lia' liaseii1, ant i cii kaap eroetntly on hund, a large qaautity of TisutedPrewÀ aud tJapecniedWIfe. Particulier* attention Pe4d te Eivetraegitiug snd .iolblioi ,au il 't ntae urraitedl. IW"eeumber the place,- a littia Seat cf Mr. ýLsisg's OIdStand, Wîiusty. RICHARD HÂTCI¶, Wltby, Juby 20, 1O NEW LUATHIER STIR e)R NEoc H uR(ili s n xE rTO RO~ B tasV, aqnaist hl*1?rends, andthè, sead eU elecwud toakof -Leather & Fiàdin&us, 1 uiu<dri'a or Puu-rtuatig lictail bout 45 Nsîu.r -- saiiut-f-<it.<uiicliml, abolit 19 a 4;fala nueit.tu.tiigl tîsabout 28 s. UCiv(ti o icite;uper st-re. PIîu lPjiil u tvuî, Ouiîuuuum iltteof ni ic, ah it s. Uý'*tIPrie.-, $240 fertile ishAnîl nl*i '-.1Y $4) for iucrrivauents, 1rnvtded tilt) 4 utier ci' lue- lîilroveniunt,hoie utte pstrt-iuituc.r t id -t u-i. TO)WN$lhil' lOt ORILLIA. SieStnd Concessint S. D. l '-r r., 1 (X) it W Ica ice TO W Nt-S111' P>YMl-DO)IN TE. L'i .:Aiii<flic Ill Il'ent. 80 a. ; W. '. Lot 24 it- L tu.tt.lt .ip>it prit, $3,1w pler 1.-i r, S- . y'ifrSsrthi itreet ; Lot 7, N W. n ttu 4'-Is tir o-t t0it S. N.Qcf*ie>,Waeli Street, laut -., \. 9E, iuialettr tret; Lo)ms4, ô aid 6, W ce(tiersl Mie-y Street or Frett iitrett,mote 4, 5 andi 0, l9.on tiaraid i Aley or yiibt.Lo'uruet Conditions of Sale. Fenî btte, 'ona-flh docu, sud the balance b> t'our ecuiia iiuaittt l hneilitu, citufrte.ruat bvt,'iosetàe-iulritt ulilto, sudLembuec at f) pier tlt. A iteei ît 0 $1to tfinia esJ-rtiof lte fluet ilut-ttimeret cti-c 4rt-fi irti-itte tic pa s t ach pu.rtetet 'lpiud Pha asCutuigc- Fttrthar piurtue htsuti iim bIls itinfufreni tuidîit iJfleTarnutto. - D. S.1. D. qeebte f220 t J it a 1864, OF FARM AND VIAGE PÉOPe1Rfl DOY PUBLIG AUCTIQN., M11 subt u ieicAuctuon, nc hIe Bonis of Be-stance r*Wallld, OUe .LGo., Klng-street Wednsdayl, the iOth of August nexts AT TWELVE OYCLOCK NOON. lIeder i. poWer of eIeact l i a. mert. ragesfro's Wiliitn Burne, and elfe, ail andi titgitrlr, that tlertaiu phreel oti uat- tuf land and pnu'uueces luite, lying stîd bcbg luelleu tece tif Whiltky. in fie*c4),uty otQ'Otieîio. sud cour-pc-swcl o?41 ct part-euLot tnumb.sýz icei-, flve iii the eccd eeocsou cn f he tecnship tif Ï'hileby, lecown sud olScribed rc à plsan tiereef, mati.byJ hh -ier, P1.8 - esvib- luge uni numer Sa lnodrai su ad #ifty-etx, seatfBreak-stret,'Oc nid -4plane, onu hlxleidl Aipc ý sJcr c poweof sale autslne in'tac certis olher noruçege, <rom john Cook ced ctwfsi, Village leots nenabars Eight and id &e, catt -f te ver tlredit, n* ie ill*ge of QGIunwIiltn, (formarby WUh Tui urg)lthe tewiship et MEeslg, in th-o C ittq t id- tOn, buug &W ucnp»dof apat fm dy an f* lut OumiuýgTosty- c»,_lu t Great CERN AL 0F TE 1 S AND- O NNUUK.if 1 Trimzod 'and untrimmed, at half-prîce& Wines and '.Spirits. IIAMILTON & Co. - 29ý CÂMPBE'LL IIAVE ON lIAND A LARGE ASSO1tTM1rýT Or, in black -and colored Silks, Baregres, Delanes, laas c Shawls, Mýantieq, Faëtcry Cottorîs, Broiid .Cloths, Tweeds, Straw Bonnets & Hatsjineis, Sheeting, Gents HInt.tnil Caps, Ribbons, Paras.ols, ToweUIings, Curt.aiî'u,Collars, i rcs flosiery -and Gloves, iDamaaskis & Crpets, Uîîder,- Qlts, rcs Atnd'an immnense stock of READYMADEC LOTtLIING Ili meils' and boys' Coatç', Yests and Putntse niade up,.,on. thepie. mise, thîe fit and workwauîship îinay- bc depéndýed oui, GROCERIES, and -a Freih Stock of Swe(,edishi Turnip -Seedi ust roceivetd, all of which thcey oller at a similail~dvance k foxe Cash. R& J. CAM PBELL. Whitby, June 8, 1864. S1TEAMBOAT 'NOTICE! CILPT. w. T r. nENwoo6t, t WiUl commence rnoing LetieRchester on Lb. b'-4th of ÂPRIL,,,1864,.~ Frame fëoleiugeIPQrti; eai' M4cy, Wetl ucsday anit Friey, leaimtg Brighuton AL, ....... ......... 7 e. nt. tn fseameru..................W0st n.th N.'B.thf e al...........n on h ame rete fl(ICIEthe, sti'rrinie<slfwih er ttint for0 ti. m.dibct fi PortIdWe, nd tha k.roeu mhtiae cf ittus tcnneeligend Wcthe Gon fernu siitorecfd<tuthRar aiSeaer N.th B.-arte Rtentieg irt. on tht1 cama, - «reuein tîbs tÏ itha site oi lest yeetraut*. Preaqa'lsta laubiet extta. AI] ereandyasd or. dy u Shrdy 'tribhleresIt uit haresRayaiMtteaer àni Ate atMues&sosI tYilo* t , A men eh 2u 1664.otL ha-turru Root gower, t22 nShoriû!'5 Sale of IandBîý C0?% uvtutio g-1i8 T4JIZDIA, the T013%il, A. D. Iiit-s tulve 0a'1ctk-fioa, wflPhaeoil <ey i'ii-Actto, t meDe, - ýiitic thee-brt loeue, liin, t 1,, zoi.of etWlitby- ho thue coliîity ofu- Outienicsv tb<e right.t1îtto aud inuercat- chîtl Ite iïn4éreratiottel Defetdeotît_ severc.1ty poesseâlite i)enjototulande -<)tt ueticttstiiren, uîged tn' m, auliee <Ritily virtue feertahu n zte of 1llssi )icie. -'la 4h. CenfyCou rL Samnuel Davtdmou4 PIAintift-- ve, Charles' Stewrt Jewett. Dcfed1tn. Ut nunhar Thirtbén, ti -ise Wllsgn ef- lu nthe Iovvmîsliip of Euiïch, le the Cooaiy- of t-tarie, tue astitumi or lAid downons la n of suild Vîitageo, rude b' JuoluIn c,tý Es;q e,' P'rovincial bond u1urveyoert- ihaith *l tlditîga and orectionus taot. - - - -lu lieCouty Court. t -John Bradfley, tPbî4itiY >'. Heniry .St1b, Vilagse-Laot nutnbaeoaueliuuidred anti ighty l teNrhsidaet18h'auly Stuiiét, asïqItocuî -ejo a plait of the Viblga çf Port Perry,lnthue 4loaty ofOtrio.., tise 4QueeWl papah.. ~eIainMeIesa Pluint1% v4.>cTha Brown Ist.-Whrues ii litexpedient te mica eby way of Loan, the sum (Àif wenty- ThîcousitntiDcllirs, for the pur. pote Of tnakilig, imnprcving and reairing the public ronde and, hlîivayts in the tounty cf On- tarie. 2nd,-Ant i lreîs h. wiîî require the euea ci Thrc Thcutsend ico Hundred -lulirtc ho raised'snnuclly, -by t4pecial rate, for the, psyuîénî 01uf cclI ban, and the interest tharcon,:at the rata of six per centutît per anntîm, within teei yerefriîîîîthe tctîth'day of Oc. teber, in te year cf-Or Lord Oneu Tbusand Eight JiundreL- nUdiucSxty.4,u, as fcliows t:- Thuree Trhîucand Twc Hendrad- Dollars in cci anti evarytif thea .ycre 186.5, 183f0, -18117, 8 1860, 1870, 1871, 187',18 and 1874.7- Srd.-Anul wlieeeas theia mount cf the whoie reteabla property of the - (cunt>' cf Ontario, aucordicg to, the Iaut ruvisedasseesinent roeffl of the aaid COurîity, le 7,Dt08,087 dollcrs.. 4L.-And wheris for paying the intoeet and crcufing an -equail yearly' sicking fond, for paying lise Auli suie of Twoîuty 'Thcuscnd dollars as hereinafter mentioned<- IL will requiru an equ a anoeu a uipeciul rate cf 0404 6052 parts of a ccett in tha doillar, id addition t6 all ethàr rates In.ecch eft he saiti yeers. Be iLtisherefore eoaicted by the Corpration. cf-Lb. Conty 01cfOntario. Ilat-'st it shah lie icwful for tise Wir- d cou ofthe,. aid Ooutty of Onde- an>' Perse» or'persons1 Ilody or Ecties ýC0'orAte?ý Who May ber willin g'ho ntv<ice'the Ramte Dp. on tîu credit of thfe debutures- hercinutîr uuetïtiortet, aSusm -or NUIIIo f tîîosey hIet 1exceedlog ln ite cluole, tise soiof Twent>' rhous;în4,-IDà arandetîtitecause tîje srn e h1 p aid nlo thnIs luandu cf the , trcsatrcr cf tisa iîele County of' Ontario, for Lbhe P .urposes, and Ëciiithe oduct aboya racite 2iÀ.-Thctfor thalaperpoea, IL c&hall be latful p. thbeBl ir<t-r cause or direct a occessary DJuf ber of Debentur-es L&be made.- ou pfrsýclhsa'a, of mrnoey a - nuM acÉýorne n easary, net oz. ceetllng un the-whola, tise'tsuui of --- Twertty'Trisusàn'd Dollars, but-- . ne debotureto-be made'out for a leba a um -tIan -Ozi -u t-I ai-.,- t Dollars, aqd tat theaid 'Debep. t tuies' shall 'be è'aled vitb"th > 't t ration, and bp mlgned .by th~e t- 'Warden- ofîte Côctintefr thi ratoion; ~ ~;. lird-That the "id l-obenures shah .]b lu'tere'st-,at ihe rate or ýsx- per et Mi atl 4th- That fai t and" aboya meelgigasci teals. NI IE.N i~~ - . 1t Wgg0nandDoCat IL Polt Sle I )twih Wilitby, Jiîly4, ta:4. i-Ew TON D COPANY ~ yLa vNO, maie by uaqy of Loan the- d~<uit] Twenty lhou8an(l Dolarg, for Mhe Purpose of r2na/cing, imyrovng and, rie pari*n;q Ithe ptblie roczds i~hay ntMe CYoî4ïz- ty qof On tarjio. EýFaml.y i-ocý-'t Wliitby, July 20, 1864. Re.&J.l îrî~ if-e uit-t, SuiS 4 tuvî, t- anl O! as il . ' _ -ve. - 1 '

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