Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1864, p. 2

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-J-- -New Adverttsehicfl IS isDay, Poslpono'] Sale Of Carniages> a-- O'Douots-n. Wbitb; Ges-tammi- schoo-Suttei- Terra -R. W. lark, M. 1). Fs-ita tô lient-P. B. Witilod. Trenders for suppiying Rlata, Beits au'] Jackets-R. J. Gunu. List of Lttuis-D. Smith. Citancery Sale-Mocat & McLenttan. Caution te Bsttuci-Wm. Laing. Angle Houe-W.il. Ci-cet;. Mono; 10 Loan,'-W. H. Billings. ONLY 81-80 CENTS A YEAR Whtly, Ttuurs4av, August 4, 1864, ~-To CORREsoNcuEss.-A uu-nihoer of communiealiona, pool-;,. &e,, receiro'] front, correapen']enss in Noit Ontario romain ovet', lancnseqauce of the large portiotn o! oui- space derclte tte pioceedinga at e Declars-then, &c. The Noble Tlnmulm. The noble Iriumplu gaine'] t; Mr. Came- i-on over lte Provincis-l Seat-tan;, in Nonrt Ontario, muait e matti- of prou'] coa- gtattulatiou toe tofeien']. of jirit; of elea. tion, man& honeest in'ependence inte elec- lors. Nover ha'] Tnutt,-Rigitt, uuud Hoîtesu; egi-est a rictel-; oser Falseitood an'] Cor- ruption. To retaro lte Provincial Secte- tsr;, ne means cou-o left unemploe'. It was a life on des-t suruggle cit bu for poitical existence, t10 i-eus-mchishl frien']s neititer steppe'] flot' cnupied st snthing. Tite; bengituau'] paid for rotes mt mono;, tire'] mli te tes-ins they coul' gel, sent emnisssaiiefi--un Tor-onto, atnd ter phaies, an'] erln fron Qaebec, int te Ri'ing, wm ita ldon s-l oilos, b; croie- sale ; ey attende'] muau.Mars, an'] ta- rangte'] lb. people in te citaict yard, lie'] milfuliy mithin the pt-eninlaofthue ss-cred place tst Mi. Cuti- i-fn wca'r Orangema-, ts-t ho cas the Ors-ugoca-a didatue, scnîieei-'o.lh-sdes-t tons cf tuit siande of aeîunîîs-lca ihels, resonte'] i.0 viaonce and iIntimidittinn, an'] obînineul. ire regret tnt mette, te asistance of Rer. Mr. .lnniut frcmn the iliop's palace, Tit- i-ente, fuir tai- candidate. Agtaintat -l titis, an'] aziiiiei tho inliunce ef the Ires. rament, an'] sgsinst te pernons- alniirus o! Moenrs. Brown, Mutait, and t'] aulu ua- ential politicies, Mn. Camosuson ta'] ta contais', almosi single bs-nde'], ielying uran the sarnngt af hie item I'aîesty ot uppoe, s-ru]dte gocul camte o! Tratit anti Rigitîte sid tira. Ant ite w r;is, ucepsaful. The vii tue of the lectoia cf Nontt Outar-io cas prou!o gieual icîptatin andti iren,, s-ut']hit good euse tritimpitet. Neern ha'] represu.nlmtin ies-soi totefeel pnoatier o! s oonsuiunaojth" nM il. v('arnof. tite eecç.ors o'Noru.tGOis-rie,# a'] ce gresîl; on- if the ama of tel'cinicesdo n-et prove hitiseif cl mrtit; of semunit noble deooîon. Tho Federsuto S-chomne. Nov ttlte lust of tse nt«&. la Netl Ontario is ori, me shal, in futurs lamas,lui-n our attention lu tie discussion o!f tsefédets-ioa actera., wmiithaccnpy- Ing me muet o! lis attention eofses-; of Oui- oenteom teSerab enunice. tiens on tsé -bjeett brsebeen reelés'], cnet must mien']ovri-for the pi-sent. Theo Teantail Right.. ThtioItmphats-l lecîles- e! M. cý. Cjo si-on, Q. C.,1asutse rspnmentstira tor tb. Nort Ri'ing, bas seouns' tse Ceast;-er Ontario tst tesm--tsHe oneitiPoltilas- for, thte Northt, s-ad tino Chiteti- Politiehau -Nor, ferte Georgian Bel CaaIl, tbroiugb Ostarie. 21aS ttesaoul'] te bcte dram It ttM s-Wy. Our Asoiae. ýin Clusof-i-o!he O']itoIl coluus O! tiIsJours-s-, ds'lg as-cr ruent lie -a sigbî si-roi- lu.bisagmmqcls eon- te oeue t fMn. Kennedy, teprmes- i-ers of.Mars- an']%Ras. The saiut wmsbu&Htmt ho liusisacrbe'] ftî-tesu ad n'uspreroke']. Thora csa1hocevs-n, lào kickig in qfes-. Net bultins-i tths incutltOsf tse ms-s-WhIteseul'htegniltyu o!etseirat -mia ins-t"ihe casuit. uai Io lie poumhsi"u, ofthte aggi-avîe o! f es-es. Inferms-stlos- ers inedilt lodged sgainas Kennedy, and a a irmp; hase']fer ig ai-resu, muet ts ors-de'] hy the t-sêws- dise ,ýprnioa ltisa ima. pie. Ore and u SiIIsttMcTA osssv isePeeLoes hm]yni ay Mss. heappoeral l n itt omment18s isefontete areabl ne, th hl'] at- bractve adc'mutiner, rs- s of a s-un hlm'], sa'] meis-heng Ohoaumnde-l, te.nds n uhone-i-ytis frttur ap- sus . ciii apeis gne tanrexhibitin itl oing bc table, ']ia'] au' i-ne.ad The a wdajisi-in is # ,y 25 cts, aigud Mlind, aduci' f -si-ung-siPic-tc - a pent upcniberis ione tfot the sep- Mas o!imbs gros-t ie-uinsexhiitionar It bidefur hot boît ea ant îitc of ttc ndroer iteti ,u ti 'ri oflit couny. I\']r£ i-ti.Ti W. rognopie-piea t o li! taI W. SthCense- mo)ni torse! Pnamul teer oecan- full di]on Wenbiiada maveain b-muecu itis ofsdeth e et ertin hi r Ollimaenthose umpiîals-t inebans . ItTîbiExnfui r t i-th ma-n e ,%nt<,tng o he kis bee hîrei ta ns-lictfltheu Ruulient, Esî1îW.eM. Wsnter îtu1teP.RP - i rera'Met tleafsu1iat . . Asciae Corouerof Patui y I enu.fPtrbr on A. duuuon Wedie, el ecmmting lnEsut i bas -l>been .p-use]ni tri-theIîucewn tacirtpn% <'als cletz fSin i : i. M -Jmes Ly!&, nci r enM.ili, nesqre, Ruin'] Demnusîhenes WNIt.e, cLuan, lEt tutd tn-benttempi-use NIt1.sîc une s Lionse tCoititet-fuKeW.lîiîeafNn roc'],eiuui-etar ue n hte pu-Canada. tysue, ar urer;,fS-a idntfr;inr-tu to eisaerduui te rc lie Pcysi cf homos Ds-. 'Tumiitut y. Ma. Ertn'ss- -Wi-t tuas beeome of theo inaody o! Mr. Timuîtby Ha;, Who"e deatit front veentis, receive'] ly ftàWng undon os-e o! Brocs- - sad Pi1îébouiimoisg otsetinesa, as as-s-oucsruein sy;er coluimus Imo meekasgo? Wsmtoere s-o inqiets. lIeues itruli;, . ROCIL Thora cas ne inquest. Tese body vs- et in te ube Royal liuiil, ia Wb-itisy, te ees'dtse geihli4 no rmrasining attliat Plsc us- exiitioni. A PUs-eToete.-T Les-des-Prao. type, spes-luin uof tins rasait of teNY it Ostarioe eteettin, aMy& t-4' Wo os-nuot let tite-ppelnit; puaite tho retibi-g sa incident mci s-lai-gices-couinsfo! pc.. ttons inaesat tse Wterlsi-oo butlig wme monilits %g. Thora, mille ']elivris-g as- eloquent addnsu, te Hon. Ms- MeGes tui-oei pointodl; te the Hou. WS. Madoit- cihi, an'] virus']hlmlutpiopietic las-g- tiet tse Y is- gil caes eeer suis-a t twhoisb, iben ha met]]li a'] itmueif s- meunier e! s- coalition- esinet. An']Mi. MeGe. tien implore'] hi s-t ou e a'it lu ciii te forcîbhL os-le'-" tie peitiag doms- pioasisi,' "Yos Ms-y Socee'] ta. dmy;," id tie gifle'] ors-uer, 04but depen'] open- il yeocr n t-no iii couse to-iOrmw.', We do set rocs-l titi ncident iDns- viô'ist- ire spirit. Tht. occauion, ïusdthe monda spoluien "a 40s dsp eIpressiona Opes- &HI whu mes-opi-sent ; sad tse lassos- le h les-AI-n' aos-ne vitiçinonepoliticien Cie a!- for'] le deupia.,- -Mr., Simpson, M. P. P. for Ntigars- s-s-' laie provincial- suesta, met bis politisai fihndast Niagara- atocday. s-go and' place']itahie nihlout sie repriseue. fstire is- ueir bande, --]suen-ed' Mr. Ansimorr-niss s inu uusssae. ,Tie neslgnaios- vus aeePtel, s-s't. Cos-eur vs-iia t i th*, sos-thînene espedged thhsr soires. taeert over effort se proms-. ts leeso t MrM. Movnlicm ,N., ý npueuo tu-s bmeu ppohate'] Sesrots-rytf tinBr. u«---f Agricultue.u Limier Pi-ev'iaqos,. for îbepeIrpmoae.1cou- -aîduring tbe projest of 6,Iegilatls uniont .11 laine place et )~hoh t r ince Bdcs-r la sndl, oui TîîcidY,cse st ePla i mua r. - ICIK-- bU Fis-a AT n afir bre neut in telije taé, i ehWb; Mr. Jas. Cais-es, d]etro;l bo l1 eý ýte fourteesu -beries,an wasgons. elghita l iwanty 51ligb s-nd caltons, twartîy-flra sets lft-"rqýua, an'] twoait e'sdnell'ingi. Js-bl'ý4a s-bon rqnut; U, lte duI' electeti reprêessntm tise ton tte Nort Rdiug of Ontarie, ta serve itu the pi-osent P.td liment. tJxbridge presecle'] a niosi animflat,"] aetue throag-hott he day, flagsans-iul unt- iag flente'] biglifrein tue tnnsetope, s-ut' public places, an']lte st-aine of livel; music gi-cote'] the Parnet eoecrtlanu. Ttc etroots cere uhrongred clubpeeple, as-nleu ci-ocde'] as to be liteu-ully impassible, at sanie pimunts. Thitreo ca' ua tebbs ts-n 2,500 people assemble'] btfore the tustiutgs, ttc utsemblage incla']ing qoite a nu-miner of gail; di-esse'] ladies. ON i-ns-on-i-. Mn. Caîe-oue sccnmnlanie'] by Mns. Gai- croît, s-r'] iuir litula son an']dîagbuen, -env tiilt-oufuoni Wbimliy in s- covrn-' carrimire drain b; four splendid gru-ya. Oun the cay tht-y wreejoine'] b; numertias cehiles ai oser; point alcsg te rond, an'] on res-ciing Manchester, a regelai- pruicemiuout sasfoi- nue'], coîguose'] of about fuffy;canrin-e s att' beade'] y hybe Witiby 11-iss Ba'], cite nede in a lance open reicle dracri b; four iturses' Ai Iaîang the route ft-en Manchesteu- the pi-occasion cas jusinucîlau overy îurti, cross-roaand]s-t]side-hune, by tîroni of veblicbe, of et-i-y dn-scriptieui, irsan, sump by eigbt, six, four an'] lre tai-soi. doc to i te one hou-e buggy, cotu. tsining loads ts-i-Il dresse'] sp!eîuit']blook- ilng ueul m,î'] hauintsue onen, île benuty of-:<orth 0i,iurin. Meni oui orpu-liituk lue- mise, fuiu-ed Intgely iii the- pnonessiiun. At Utica an'] Epgom thilumaddluitin e i-er-r nunueuî, undili tetîce frntmoSuretitans 10 Cxbii']go-, a distanîce s iestt tt. bi-yond alun-b point the pniire.eiouî cas uuei b; largo numbera fraiLTlxbtidge, Scott, linon-k, Titoiah, sidcroit fron Mars- an'] Riuut-.tlle line sasorue utritkelu living 1si maini. Flaes nu'] Itetei it duutcutâ. fhuuuies t-aiycpanusuîîu.d, s-Id']decanate'] s'iib Co ors an'] miltei'n aitg incrilhtine, the niule tuf ibioo so-oerai banol. s-i'] which te string notes of ttheiHighland] haq llicl frequetoy;ai-ose -Icadest, an'] te cteens miicit nepeaitsil;matielte suaireuuitîig furte aIssgain an'] s-gain, ririt eut, us ecorne sqtpwsteoi re distingustod thaiu auîailuer joitie'] the ihi-on,,, ail coiutrii- nte'] tu ni-Le tte']ispliay one uft thefinest an'] meet enihesiulsie o! tise lin'] cnich il tas hei'ii ur loi hereuîfot-e uti1siuuueison an; sirnilan occasion in Canada. ATt*lt-,,IUîm's- As me bars uîready atiai, the îtrong o! peleîeasie ne. Nutlulug 11e hir as Cmi- r-îtoecWlnese- ie'] in the îplace, sad froirathe eana.ce o! the pruueemsinin thue ri &eslong oser thie bridge te Fuuct'î luuel, an'] thon s gatwtakiuug itdcircuit cf teiillazte, pas-a ing b; N. Gialdax, cheer &fîi-r choir cent ahi, ctit '* Uuirs-t titi-Catuuou, A&c., malst.lustil;. At 1ont h&if-pusat one otolocli-. the. Bs- teruibis-fficer, S. G. Re;Inolda, Esq., Shenhf of ite cucul;,asacendef te hast- ings, oit cuiciaIse, soise o!rt.e eadîng suppotera e!fhMr. Cameron, criud Mn. àMc- Dougal re o pielloi ctIplacesi. A nttuber cf ladies wm ores-a -caamedate'] iii $oti, Conspiciiots isaesel con Mins. CGueon, sad ber litdel dau4lihter ob' capie' proi-cti-nt placs. Thte Sherif bs-ing es-île'Wor eder, s-nd impnesaing tpon ail premlenu, tse eceiiy of osiring il, eapeew is-nlathe prfesce of mu0 usan;ladies. s-sid it mes bis dt; te bring te procoodis-ga tn a close t; ruts-'] intt the reliatsa esepolilbel']a insh tdifférent tomtaiht, s-c']dsca-ntsg ise elct.']candiduuae. Il mas, b.mi'], alW ibis pbéeinabis dutr te ce ugts-ats -ts oeler. eapos- he quetesas-']ovdeily suis-er la c nhiet tse ceetest mai cti-ied'on, s-c' treugbt t te :rsinaties--n']that lus k s-u butî anter instlas-ofo! hat te bs-i 1 e fi-eisal; before occason te commesui, lu inte peeple of Norttth s-rie. (Citers.) lio tien prosused ]tara-']theitisrniof thte poli lu inte diffent townships as foi- ,Notes. -MOI). Catit. lifrs am*tasa.29! 148 74 74 1er - ii19 qà tI&55 2 he, ateo.-Gosteoce,-sisge Thie deciloetelsetim bsvis-q bts ii qoeuted le d" s tonltBtheenrif %ai s-d'resss'thle mmmbligs, -s-id utste'] -lii MXrý Golalsppeu-ed us the, represeotitve of bl. MamI-sug&u hmine-ta *sbul te prn% s-sd'] a r a s- p&t bur -liig for, Mr.Gos-id. i -t -ta.cuaxej'a s @PCE. u- [7geen bad1cut up in,_prej ce. e1IDQrAnTsItS AnmrvOP TUE POTOMAC, 1. -A fla- of truce 15 fnoirpleva mig, L narvy has fronc-4OUt- to' bnry the dead ~ in othe %woutided. The Iau Mnbers ý presotited uad eili, quile larrge. tie Edilor of ic 1110 JVitby 6'hronid!e. le platrue te stayed-Minerals isc out- i Ontario redeeemed-Cameron in X..I, done men of Brocz--lThorah Go ;eslike tmatr:inîoy, am the Scotch- (I dc'lbie8 thaot phraaeis, IVnra'Redltesh- Suils the Ex H.lP. ean explain away - ~ u Ci ws ii fic uy'~OWutiadît~ 'îii ~ ~aliilginq1 details or bhis Minerai Sec. onio (ai~ltc,)-aillte "Chistian ll bîhcîîqaîiaiu nrchlin-adic]lichMr. Thouîis lulster, a'Iiceiî-m.lc >b o h oerncd by ouiside d ac l t Hoi t ris myarce a vdisitpopuli-- Poliîician-.Mauch lauAitter,) am i',s mnd îhem than ila parry sae Elî' -i jic']h r liaitWit Ot tl eeîiiii. l.ilîî Lasiclrcuîhj>WIIh' gatdas;wIlscrclonddinpoulrh other prominent pîîiiticians then prescriu. Flic people ha'] it in their powier to senti wlîilc lhi ifathier waispeaking lit 0ne of tir theîrii'] dreception, anîd was over auJid l~ oaiy sgeiria inj' lie wal; represented hlilif It) o¶intias 1 menIo lurel)resettthefm %% iW) oîul ittîiid his ulection irciciti-s. OC r uguco adute'] with cheers, mîî iie huîuiin. of the ohjn, trai eii the Honeqt Pol itician -(couîi nuaItd htIo Itle ilitersets of the jpfpI leisîtgail f rfsýfh, »V,,7-111, R i.(Ig f'reîiri'. Duriti' the eellîiiîîg Mr. Calneoni îî uuh Pr,) as a journail which warmiy eîpporîc.d loeir owci, uidl 't them OiOW dot . i . Ili l g if Oîîtaio %was cbîired îlii-oith the streetsas %vas u' icl. îc;.JPIY 01of .the ' EX'-o u cf ailcm hien, (the Cuu"iî)very hapîtilv eîid- r.icuciMr-MieogulW ho eus oi- cNr.î o'the Mayortuf Whitby. fI Ja oIly adhi sulý aosruSçd e, t -A Christian Politician for Sontit Ontpriot, uc ost îî.oûi men oser elecied In l ,iI, lMr. M. tC. tiunernn lah ehv hda oaccientor 1isar. îuch a fored iiah ge, arve -Slîallwitha and an honest one in North Ottaro- to rî'pre-sènt a fre eopie, North 0, the boo- t'r c;resitîtin-M Volt n laria- >~i' avn î or thla eura hi fsc a4sicîsy ca ,rr' pn twlih wa dont sp)oil the ieam"-(larso8 L uriuot' d ien tli nt voiiein this ucor. Ilithat saine yer, tire lion, Wîn. ing uhe demotîstralion in Whitby,orheki, cha Vosdize.(wch a-- er,) ain']the elrectirs of Northt Ontario diletociio, fuit -lie hope'] thit oilir-r Counictiaih' c- e1rsn;tr i iîieiîil utedclrto.Al1ad a wooeznq age ik- e a Sadbyier a took tiiet advice. (Cheprs.] And] titIIjeiCcs wcul'] failîw, ntitaithe go i.tr0 (i Çi )ri fciilUcliiintia pie 1clf iti t Ilb ot marine 1iouiieactoid or.Jalvjo bm -m1eaSqr n lheyhad the geîîîleman distjntnziîîshid Wolîi Liva.i on-e Leoun. EChecirs.] 1lIr îVOIIîîîî îopp(rl1rt uî.ti;îtuli h [- îi- , l-î iocmieî acaîiîc r itsfti r E( iruof tert MBr'orn nnaF hy -h nLveyOfiinigCeo sd-re'] lt i hvre liaîd bhoiî no enet-t u. tiuii. ' uI t i - uitcttif), and tht-- iii: Camerentî and lue frjends. ie 'rn ot Washintrîton Maclougall, (Groins) IlIT inti h¶le unionit, of gr-eui enmîîitaîc> it îiîîce ally înîîuîîîtir îav liiflint le tn ,-tlîutet~itî ruicî blitbr liefore tîntm alo-irniu M heimpîfirui iîc lii i lut w uith huit justit t h 10iaceiii- tin - tr .ht- itrnt i)îîji;iiî -r Mr- -&mCricatflvar. ii(leiihosu' aaCabiunet seat of North. r)nnaria, and of bow mach mnroSriti Otîttiîî. Air attinilt e a-imade atnd ii, itiierfulstltos iCti .tc a xs.i rî~tyi-o h x ient waus the risent elArtiimn. [Choru.l J i lictir-il) the ilu-i ri t li lîuii tcl >gtiîgtiluiuit(J uai.?l- Tu neiaea iethi jek sIfNrî oruîarjI -î tup fa î le the absenee of Mr. Macinugzali, whîî ripff -nttti -t,']-(rive t-mo' ~luiti I-r)i uiW 0h1 lMr0 Carlii L nîîiiil eiînra aetdoren-iemfthelr1 Muîuotnub'o a" Veky ehalîr ho [. .Campo.] regrette']vilas ual pio.rîiI if ljudîing l'un th(-.ýi-e-vpqsin i l iogothitiik îlsiriwst manif loth hiiie 8 1i h ]Oein i l,iiie )&jni. lttîntiodis- senl. h-e dl]titu.di-sire to use aîy tenWem cin .-l - tihe.t- -ai -i Ii- CONisimn i iIlva -iceyntfîorheh:ocneî,î lic -hi-g-]l) noklaeiit-njlongeJ îhat mtght-appear ocil-rtisise towards hlm 1ii']eîre lu i man, ini uhonu they halusd oli. ii. No.iltuuîgrlt.L'-hli s-.Ys ouir ti IIiuqoir of 1 Siîie * tlefîu.. h.-li ,Inus. a nelîher did ho ice accuse him weuh re ciotidetuce, to flotihrîir til netin hlm ltuii l-l. h1tiîrno'iriqînil Il tl-iiireairriiw. uîtr ad ata piablican proclivities, aS the ternti sî i) t t-y cd it 4,me îiidiliiI'd olylîu t %, iel îIYhi- ýliot s5V sel i-i il a 1 li' tî î-lii g,-s cee lookiiig foir, ati 0;!rwfra rtti C tilen au'] ata- familarly appliid ta lmntiilît mii', andin a Slw uthe toîinz oftiré c l i îuiî, lit rttitilii î i iiIil rî .Iîhî i îithii,, i ,;, 1 f dtram, uî anda îîh <rldeîî ,hereCoe- te a-hicb ailu.-aion was madie on sori iane !i'] i - wt,!o nail.--il ntin tu do thi 1 1- suceriiî ,,i"ci filiaisctliielt- Iiîfdremuoan] tîhie îîheaîtuto :ueCon occaions. ejihut arîy distinct ilîial CiIon i i iii11 yO iuAil u u),î iIul î îîiit<iiî,,îo pie .iu-i--ilît iî-i t1iul]hot Wthosrvilo-îriItu-r e alesee ol lu k.; ls- 'nTICQu" ii Gint ' inmno itiTill.îri-iFîst jastlY îermed II a sclîiar aîd a gen - lnoliiud cittu re publicuii lîrîci ples sasl i Ir) F iihuutmiî 1) ii:%-, ini iihiii MnCuiori:itîle afc friui r. i," etiit q ad befo a ng th orfl, urliîai:a']dmsina!etpotca stiîlicipni tai i lut', public mai, in l. l'- I -i au rn- --- 1-u liîteCOit, Mr -..i l .-îii-ghtibfw i rdî-. r titeuirlatan. - jiica t-ves cf theb o vent r of-lBritish institutionin a iii ililiîulï illtl fil> i'Carl iii îot. 'i iiiîîi oî ,iî-î î-e]as atIcits-ti t 1( rt )i'"i tt ancs w r on' ly, y ibis c(uiuîtry. Wifli.îMr. MN ]iaduiiil! tOcs diothe elecuorslit Nor-lth Ontiîtuu oclou irt0oeicso rhOiie, tafi-] un S100r']uîy tcas hare tt itSxACMR~ ayoulue i itaer, a aisctvd] dc-muîruti ii i ij tIiv refi-ili) sîi ricil, L o o othiOnutrlIhtsi not niiiiiîrn-tîk l iki andl , ti' if ithei' juilgmo-it h eo c:lI(if ai y se ft f i n rr te) ulliiîîh. i. a iriiss o osc ordr t' paig h i e coîîtu-mî.ateidc-rger-s nos aiiv'ictitdal i i'] ant i- .t. i-l li ulitthe ulîf ivi wîî lhI ioi lc tiik h im ta bu-. irptili ssr-IJJl> ututgli ti lu- mue i ou C-uiic t ittn a- ri ii t ii u-ililratiîo. ~ -ait'] îiilih h:lit. î h. cwas rccl, h o nlri u sO1,1t f al nOrnr.aiv i- is i ltt(1.Tc5 exrrt-li i.itn i it u-eti ili îy is cah- exp)(,iion sas ibn signal for the Ilit. Er,î- inlkellich, N. C reoi. ( i r-ti f ilcwa v t liv o o ýIbs, at l tr n-r rrqhi tt obsCI. dirchrtu f esory piller, of artilinry IhrIt Iaîisirîrilitd in fiii<lthat nu 'iotic lha mIte jl.iîr e - i sm. W e li li )e t iIli'tri i 't - î-î(ci l-h rt lil Il-, iîi t Iotu ulione i triuýe i-' h , andht).']fn I e i1 ke i tua itsu. I te Jh-uus aT-ltfiltsilun endîIi,-ilraî tIi inî-uî xorcise uit ilut liii iltut-l thîe iur i., of ilho-,echangus nu toNi r. 0iw-a- ]iiir hitnivii e u'] -it li, Ott"r.T ll sto' l-uheu' e itc e e f;ot. The o funi wAsipmaîtto ls-atu-tor lilie-ntîcf i cetef - lu-iul.ltçnt- i otiOiitariuu, o-etreNneti fi. le iTciofas mna ttiii-1 i it Vilaist iuîiiuu-y, dupe arlviag-e ý_ i lott i i Wo l t nuite p an a tri) entrait the mauuui> etoftluchit uruîi i i-andiet-ches au'] arîtun1afini] gofimitlltanueoutly uhîut it seclnýn' rinoîlua biugt(itn -hy lics ft hai-ste oniC whpCiSorr or lushî t-iuittry, îlîink undîtfr t henurihons l'eus of i h- umi- Tîiî-îiîîpliticiatts in the tht- miht luave bu-en dischairse'] by the chu-st. Thrite illu liil cas a hatîtlîng n.4i utit ns, atu'] uttachtroirt tà Nionarciàicill 1tu us tlhî-nf -il i on.jutu ut NCuîtny, ui'] gainu tueiîîfuiene ofiupl oluian litiuyand." cf tire Iboi. Davnid incsor, M. L. t', g lriiîciiîles acre undoabte]. Ili, 5115w. ho aîî-i ia aint hey finfluugeticed ofee-tePIThicanndi, n-ntsitaIIe îad Ii nUt crtua te tn-iish a ndICiuu pary utuîlInhi-ntutu lOt- or- t'luc Itnge 1iriiui cf thr, pris chîuise lim finiornouiu at] nîlvt ry cuti h8 rt-rs, -4 monta, atti19 litats. 'ite de- uapon buniioîf peusoîalty uts thet itutrutnt I - ltsufaI lais nul i-citrr-icgand d,-nit i-l ipct-îais ncnlotaheti bid -uls as îo rf-a f cfi- thea.l] ad I cOtie -of tue inllîtfang ir simot uineced -ns he rpreusuiatir ofa jusl tuige- --l ît-r ans bu~nii, nttuo luly auti']u-îsr. [Greuat cheeriîiz. j i 'enii-ive, an']d îl-rcie f nî']-îthertltnd -itiivain luraîritues ltch hoy. -nas -th e irs hot'], ofa vn tîuîuî h ICî-irunu lies an' Ilit)h ";'])of]hake]tlet-linuo]<a1caîcu )trmuuitt"jdiiins uteretithe I - 1 ,iii oFi.iihne hm ta-e 1ri 1 linFit sltaîrcîlsigna of discuti of the brain, caulle. He tuht-e ion tîaînwerlfia-îdttothi-ndaif ofrvhie e b1u-îbru-hin theConfe']eruu ot-Its, foiof - nnss of rtuie loins. and saiky knces, cftI'eleciors, âari-cor thet gnettn sîrul tîtîin uite l~fur tliiicommi gui)'],1t elfe anîd nhillitîni, an'] sai'lbe shoul'] ebom ir rotuio- tu eore met !iyui saltyeokduprasn.wthd exetiIus i d t- dfe~î îit intha A iuiilliifcntus ai'] gitul Cîiicriiin nwayn rememuier North Ontario Ih be ýiînfuîulrateswt odru ie.tloto.Fi oîn inhthfr Ijasi efuiIe, sujIto10force aipon th c ibel'] thelcame ves it tbeendu', fin the. crti ndeeaee ae a eietThe cornespondprit contiinuesm- uetth, prcutonitory syratom ere notice'] hecase ie as ac-. fi-ien- ut'] ouiul ciîulr~s eaian' hinu îu biscon.l"The tinoapsadrrce'] un god ouden 'as thut ils uluYs inn-ne ilii-ered, and] tie beas ewssriBrbr n niricýuty eladad-aiucement. [('jhersTm ouvciecschei]gree far as ihe fi-st liue chenu, bey rcceived a .,carsagasrodsef ;r/usmBîd 1 Th mos voiférns ceerngprreecl dalîuuost its aîîniîi0tion. 13), timeîy 10Isîlutotn,werre rosai-led to, ail undersuortil li thîe rote of Murrianat' Rama, Mn. tbo closie of Mn. Citmeroo's speech. gaIIing fine îtith cheeke'] theni, an']daii ioP"r"ylielteCnîisonre th lindiuuda jisfileucs iinun.tto 1i l--ar i raieruueu0C11ifeusie'] that lie tas dis- .Cal]th pli r eafo naltlitoagb qule a otutrihti epi 0on adriaru- t'iid i oev, au] thely ife niasted fo t( tawîIIhuiiýqoaf Marani n'] Ramei. floti applitiett'. lie acknowloulted bis ti']i-ht rîliutiali, ho he stil'] cas callo'] away cing hie grnetr portion seemi t become jOitrio M 1r. %Wt. MnDcuugall, auid the tltibtîullCail this. titi-elecuons ofet 'tîu-ss fii core sta-m fri-eituls uchua o coi( lt qeehl ouediell try eoaie ;pr fthiutkn - itlicoso hedynre SNorti tariîîno îî-eived île~in iii']epêiuit-if-ce i fur lîiîîi-un autaith ue tide. as 1 t ti-st ubcbi on dtleî tinydmîanizd tepartf theni kîgiIsiioeî îi-ujrs ftedynre u>Oliuîigab-ntg n]aîyscu-ie]rfg i i otn1teblanceruuîîing i-iiiuul Wilithllfe- of the sicki muida liv îhuuin uai']uoodeuut tint Il e tha Ct'lhutl pandti-Etîil - clenzymeiu I uhicuiclu iiîu, repene'] lanenleli-tîce cf Ihe to the- r en as fast as possible. bllîtling. Ts-uî prrolinged. It iras ely. (lite iîiunegrity cf thte franchisef. hwasi bu. trfNori nduIcaric hlïi isibis thatîis, Sihl îî]Nt.Ctneur)si1ta i.la'] The MsahetsBrigade, rgen. l'ai-t- tiotrerer, a tîr sou iAti], aith-ough - sait. ilui ptrustirî bn cuites.-a luy Iii- opocii.llu- tht er. Me31. Bt-aine. of Brnook, ilent jumpe'] tbtte heach fli-ai, bu' cere -ulgar itd abiusive inii ils ongue, la bc- n-uv as _,rentr an inter-nu n Mn. Camerori - nlr, crtcni'oa imctne, frora itS pretensiotîs, a Iuughing suîfety of a p-oploýs ightîs. an'] lte foinda I swhui tx-etdiu4fseIfsiit-tdly ln the Ils an~ y tî!1tei- eîotor, thtthiourus nowbhi I .'t witstuc ta I 1ii cnidrb stockho t- ens- bOs-iiithe nillsî'c, and] ils lionî cf tlu-jr liIiî.nmiîs. Plie elctiir hi I cf Inn- lujrock, sîîuîîch- tndti' rai' cins i Curnursinî - - Ohy alid hwve îiîek a bribe. vîtIdbisn eieic-h-alwanç i nlut, ai didii iîî Scott -neutrii-i ss-hastius u] ît - un !ousete ; beat llwie], hoîcecer,-nemh urekrsoo nI'riietfiî i 1 uu ulue coul']bhc uquaily affucle']wiuh ihonu 1y a-]to ve fubts ubcucsfltct oÇi-outetiitnccs an'] joyous lutn Who alowed bimIecîf tri h" mtly Weil, altbhnis ii(NMr.tt i') NrCamnei-oiIs actiiôoein parliament In lijure'] hy tle exposion of the mine. heartsi, ,aw t i; nîlly lut rn-st, und its fuiter-- iiflueiice-,d fit the suke of pmronni ladran luy îlî-re thi.îyean, amui altere'] to a-consul - deihieco'M.Mc'oua1,h ine]The irterior of the uvorIt ser the mine ai ir.vas ttoided bv ut teswarisetf tagut, and] uîgitinsu bis reserttii end asi eàbl mteassTh ohfw erbhesuu', uo niun ]ciaf"bi u (Ioas o lagbci.) uta as o brkof gn ai-iaos.cTheliîur l tigl.Thet fterofhe commnitted a wrong< agnasitte resu. teb.wrasocinigina agreat Crient1 te anh accideilithersntor.)e . oaid a bsdcamp eluipages, moands- ofeéaiti an']hobut- atling, the lion. DavidiReotevr cemmunny ; the honeit tmoailt ii 1ot4 i b. h. ,get-4 Alha*speùed, 10 a .wai-jD -T p geteenin.h ad a ae a'rde.It h brahwihlo vrhetenl lqet vdiml accrdinc fcncine f rend,'Nli-, .¶nclaîr4 wiov ialesyslotn a a bi - -thisa -t'~lange - pli-,thoutanul fdeetuîr aes.utsa.o J0sal an'] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~a aubae, rsapblchnfcmndd-u ata ehoos a' roe evcsregiette' abat C>nserivatm-eî did tbe - hî~a n']ehu or wiî u tah geus auffering, an'] 7u traunly <Ceetu) ve-yhîtatma ta' i flltlolihuslm.11 iio t tîlink proper to sapport Mn. M4caoûü atbu>se frein a rew fellows of thé village, lit-test iii'pnenving te pnniîy of the 1 in sayit.g titis> mean ta utidenrate tltservi- a enuc-o ta oeine t rii-chc ulso t , mýaoy line effna bveshir ic eIus aiitaDtle tinchiïe, i catt, m asulri-utty recan-e'], ces of bis maty ter kind']friends in Scot, Oba ltcaârit Ititb sd beksan] - ca dis b a enildiit ire0 teitutowre ,r toi-enctaîui0ý e]r-opeiins and the safutty of their liei ticsi iforïtth ta ahom lte neturnne']bis sincere ihanlos. - l'wro ît3,n hws ndwsrwescae. lle trigdvso ik,-itae ntecascllclto pepeientrsb orltlt tem 1 sach dii'exceeditigly Weil, ait']- bc a-'] cithoat any, principle, an'] t wc as ncutpe. lto tnin g ir-ion mllsiuude h hecasitlIcaiy oite ib otecîs o uibes, n hît , irýc éase$ n romme'] n leCnedStRchl- le oxic ia t.rpoeiaiesctr i atet omnsitip frl i e ri r edsfoncar'] an'] joine' bands te end] theimnd'u tue nearin-n tcý li Cptaad i Ttc e- esesoi castnattownsoseror ueir'] hinc Il te rea, tat nothing living cotUd pse et tc, c.d1caiaau]mu pt07 so t t a-lath unpe'sactm-ia -adh ieGoettat NrtvOia-il'hoitatesn. Caenrocu' o i-candaftr bi I*ai.taottireo'loka en p-r. an acquiiion le the business moen stacencues o tienis tta criap iass- ae Cnirvtie i' agna']t'niuityndMn Ms-']agiî a']tae p it llaultî wtclca lfiuntbi frttuthe mchereuieee -li us--td if a a in linnp tCbens) lHe srnrued ahe lit iras onlv br au accidentl that Mnr.i-s'] ,ue bee. u.1cau- -. T ,tefun sable toi moveowin tu, te ib etking' Of pd;g>.--od trie'] fartmiug-vary- pOying esuait mes-ns te obtus ti ses-t, te dssemiu.ate ituef, ore 10 is-ta lis-rd , -Cbérs> er lz <oIi t- ý W1stbychedlte] e r. tor ttt'hsn, of -etnslvaa>t-ita, elitoeil. ilhestigar'niorkct iluscoinpetilti -- coul'] nover liit up hlm face asn. '-Vi't otnsbip. (Lacu îlot.) RHo attende']a CrcstbfrM- rhzn&.a" a cl14d ut, éd'i , 'in'n*'theeulIiIia tlJohn Redpnstbý ýpfu-IsJu*~ t for liteor ir.Bdeazo tuSan asfnthe arist. bis ipnt ftie, n i fîe-payfng bOs-i4t3 Moe raison, ibetefore5 lue ail', ho flfoufr raeeciugeld b; Mn. MCDOU.gabl in Plaiik-s 1the pioceottinut terminais']la intee' u rthedftc f'h tt.adat"I i)krr" being pt-on'] of the position ws-bletb.now totel, irea's teïtld] tiose pi-osent ustqit-t]o-e ~---, -bis oef-c Alnaîlscsp~wesn -aaaI k r~ti îtlas, ecupe' blos tem, -Pst-snsl;. Mr. Tmit ,wcul'] et1.pi-revei, but,_ue was aaetIirhwator i-rig e o itmeepoitout Gn. es--et Ob.o npi .1g- fuc Cauern eul ltst a rgrtt']M ,r.Mc- l1auglie'] sut']jeero'] s-t b; Mi-. Mctouucalî1s - .- utinan lest eksipeioeon..hesetîseiops,«egîuu>uuie Deegalli. defsst, but tliit -wuiasneceat'y fiands,'tltebaeids-ltsttrhecol] Ibauaeny ou leoaemienM-.deeics,-bu; -eoTda-i Rcrandfblllw a i s18bt fer 'tseîntei-outs of tecunutsy, Ma]meçetmalire "y boadirwiqUhilin . tUxsb neen-lné isdpatae, Wht-(Qroeastls is- ealutfit']u esi;et a's- oe-r'] A ns c oi---1 lu tit b.eul'] db. dofes-te& Refu'rng te Laoghter.) TitI; n meuh'] bebievé itiirat titeprocessionin~C~g t-t4ormesw,î sd -c']s-0 empi. - c- tu- -- j onoable gentlemein, setles- dawcit thet tii. leiter ci-itten by Mr. MeKeliar, sand Butwret-t as-sthe fsc -? shat -bis rote of comnhe]t uahi thmNoieuICnunms hs a.A o làt' ilsutbttois bie olttat-dVwur. ?ès-d fi-on h usti s lut ai "nscongnatu- 115, cf îs-aqpar, isd,,thle y5ea gne up tw liendis, front ereuas fuar buuck as Rama. 'it'd~iision bai moived, spd and ]i3i-d ~el O~u~bl ~-~ iieg Mn. MeDoutgalon bis rietery Ovri-212. Se that sfier s-l, ihey tad' easo a te aUslong theerote, tealte front, hb. wuae e 4 t$. te bitghî t nleft, anld ' caO4 ' - HON5;EMR'r iii. "-Ângl Béxput;roM %~-usi', be gscstefel lts-t i.the ttmwu hginaittg te g e(s]!~t ~ie~'~itm nau1~i - b ok bssn. aa- 63 1'5 iippeàd,~l bals thsresuit ov-rovebat, itad the tel1linux4ride ý. Thoe va y144-usic, l.aintsOf fisarmasan'] chils hac pàe eui9 ussh.ktVjy,,a - Bt 4raiand "mil ei exertioqes»d At thsçe rt*oîtîsst, township e teg.g tlu- c .aià e"hur~rah lfq <_4u'mt-n,',I>o* gkept lil at'Ilts' 1 -*fnom th à-M., eto. proiionsijàui11fr5k basa ten midi.1dm main,4ua amatbsidhé a cshan. laulteï tsr7a le.Mn. Cs-ns-oea.N cutt itntisslin. éuse e tiseïk *it orm,îtorîan*&#i1s. ds , ____. m sr in8 il Vu.8 nom. Hia raj*sty sof 104, ho Mi-. Cimreon,) outsldsns'] quits- elai an']1 Tl interh sent deer. lui thon man -1it Tl - iclu trait Ba inM quai -Brigj Thes

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