Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Jun 1864, p. 2

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k Yeuw Aùvrtise n&4.IS Day Boots nâ os9msBi Dry Goodm à -.U -obae Boots as S b i-. Cochrante. To Lai-R. -à 1. Camipbell.- Io#--ames Broeoi. Slf«rLst-B. Glbiod. BoIree -W.. Puoney. 1 cela 9trayed-ii. atrick. Auction Sle-A. Boutbee. Rea4.tde fIlilîin- R. & J. Camapbel. Groddnle4, Boots and Sbaes, k.-R. & J. Campbll. OX'Y Si50CEN&SA TEAR %VhtbY. Thurslav, Jane 9, 1864, To CuaaaUScONamaS'.-The conartiniea. lion of "One Who does not stand fia,"1 yull only be inserted over is o'wn signa- ture. War Newe. Accounta et' detacîed engagements be- tweèn;tÜtaenies eof Grant -and Lea arrive daitv. but none or aitroneral or deci%îve character. In allV the engagemeonts of this kind which took place last w'eek the Fed- eoal& admit a loss of 7500: the CoiiJeder- ates.of course, must have bInsthenvily.1.nt o the nunîbei there ere no rel-ablc retitrns., Both arttes appear to be as nearly as pos- sible, resting on the old bilttle field of WClctnan on the Ohickahotniny. The fglhtlng on Friday lastixi reporteàd 5 ve- pay severe. The ioderais cdaito heave ta- tmen priseners fnom aIl Lee',4 c'rpq. Ant gttack wat made on the confederate works but the correspondent of ftic Tribune e ry gignificantly reinarIes IlThnt owing to the formidable charaec acecr of the cnemys works it wv de,',ntiq impolitic to continieihe sr-..-rlt, ind nt nnonour-mnen rested on their new 1,osi tens, aller making them irtpregntblu." The New York giork4 says that 41the noe frorn the tro-t is tint as fivorable'aa we weuld sish." Tt says: "As;we vs ~e isd, thig litnot as plea. sant a prospect as we would wieb it; but. it is time that the country understood dia. tinctl.v the precise siate of there ase, and csaaed to be deluded wvith the faîlse crie,'4 of"I vicîory." svhich recicheax us ai ihe-enrl of every itidecisive battle.'" Tt preds a long geige. and snyc: Tt L, idie (o deceivo the rowitnry by rgisinX hopes that th!&s viiIe scconplit;h- ad dturing the pregent sunbtner. if tbe rebel srny on te northh bank of the Cick . ahominy, outside of entrenchnieneis, ia an «Trong as te kesp our arny nt b Y for a Sweek. whst 1hope have we for mieit siuccessa if-the eneiny çl)ould 'an driven lac- hind the tttrong defences of the rebel c=l,- Ital" Ths-I5LeNiIsar.' and te 5rea. Tire "dufficuiîy" beiveen ire Tird ndlat Pountir astateairasu endeti, for the pretsent. Aften remaining acvay tires !cuy5 fren tireir places lunsire Reporters' gsllery ïblU merzbers efthie press heit l fid1 virtcl tire t'oiioving resoînt in a'te IITIirAtheirepresenratiVez of'ttIlle 'uns tire bon. tira 8peslrer infenntincr hemn ofet' rtire reof tire 3siioit., by irîn o eticr bey bave beet excîndeti front tiérerastinu; ront. . -Ts Traerving for a limte refrainet freun !%iug tireir usuai places in thi tali-F'y no! irs Homs in order te mark ttiein sent.e! aune-ote!disac.uriasy te tabici tiey Con. cueve iirey bat been neetitealy suijectmt, tiry fesi tiraithey maintaine t iis prot forta. auificiemt 'psiod to preserve tiseir otan fitelings t'fsel respect, andto itb'idîcàte tire.bhor oet'tisprofasion senrally. "Tisai irving, by ire stand tlîey bave hiren since - Teeaay 1«asî aply caisfisti *hba$tibey cesi pecciariy te sireir proies. s10e iirey conaiidrer im 1haîtscontie vb.a tirey siroalti s;aiu enter Oaatirahedis., uerýge eft tedete y ove tcte rspublic vJb oIlk to th ie presa, aeanely 10 repoet, -aidftbfaliy te comment cecu) tire pro C"e088 oet'tire lîgislature.C An ameadmteut settieg forith "liratiti senueoe! onulstëey choulsîgt 'rriatire1 membens e(thue Pne"froi nt ering tire galiery again this aesson viîb sire itîd'gni. 1t' r ic i be7 complulu rsmnainiuag UTe. 'tieset," vasupatte tire voeoma nleton 4 divisiem et' 9 in 12. Sccusun.EsNasinOF oWurnsr ,GAuffa Smct î.Pt's't.s Amengat tire nsmes t uaciraers publisire lt wma eek, te vbots cetigceube base bean, granbtid by iiss Ouy Bî va Anvodthtie,'santes oet' several o! îïe #bitisy Grauaman acirool irigiriiaueti by, tire srct,antit'est osiers viro *pplued ffris se.oi.s btaoini md tire hiliboul ina tai lan. (luforts. ,e .ac hoisviapplistfor certidecaes, 51pgpfi~pselas ~sudoÇthz ire ~M.1 e ~PPPv*pi cf tirv WWhitby Gra. sa'bolstoet fisa, by -uearkga ni r.J. l>auiun, et' tire'sam in stiiuteýln, fteod. lu te bsec>nd cas,' auolb9r1 PO . cf tire WiitbY Graumuar urirool bld tirs fitsplace. Thirs is orotitaslq Cc tir »brool und, euceurging tote ~puplig.t B.-uaru.-We are ph'ases) so Iuut'u jus>, tir ecgci1icatuitute are aboiit le' irlalies o Ha eons rudeing tire sum. mec motis-ibe tirs on Tuesdaye'veuiné uw~ ~oi stetanuet vii v X e Trhe'grand de" Foirss0be PUlL Mlltuy' District ,Ree-&Auociation, bhdet Wai Wt. by, oun Fiday snd Situns!ay of lutsi weà, wau a Mestut useSftaffitir. The wute vws selightfoilly. finethroagbout bothb daq -vuni a dropï of rsiù"nd sc&rcely a uf eof wind te Mar the practise eft he compft- titoré. The geoauds selecedveeos Mr-. Blain's fana, about hàla-Ianle frona the tovn, sud avèe i utsadmirably adspted. for ibe purpose. ' The conçours of per- sons escb day vu qut. large, aud iuclud- ed a vsry fair portion of the fair six. The procemdings cernmetiFed ai nine 'clock ink tbe morinè, 'séh d4y:1 prize, $1 0, vitb -oae-fourih the, outrance added; l 2nd do.,, one.fouribà the outrances. 6 chois at 300 yaids. irance 2& $di Open icu ail coners. Any rifle viib Open S;gbîs. Minimum pull ert tigger a poltn<8. Veor this match iters vers fifieemuen- tries. The following is ihe score cf ibose competitors vite made sossu marks sud over. tiesit. C. Stieppard, Torreto_... 32233 ta. l'oval e, W. 5oBarrie, ..........$294 Il1. 1'rvat- fatti,'Pnt 32Âtrt 228 8il. tDr. Tcmpe-t, ............00 80O14 7. The finit prize was ihar-ftors awarded te LieLt. Sbepp..rd vho Ilnsd vii a, Mars. ton RiS s. CqW.3n Foremati and Private Bôon beieg t Rr1Md off v'wbkeitte Capi.. miasedli gthe d Bo i ce-rod an; outer, ialing '4abe ioud prise. 'BOo" voud. avetjeu fi~ Osi inlebut ouý bis 3ud s@hot mnade a bull'-.eyeou the vreug targei. wbicb lest bina bis shot. The aversee number of marks made. in titis mtch vas T1010.7 2. -Voî.vvs'cWst' MAcl.-lsi prize, $30 : 2tid -do., 4*10 ;;ý: Zrd do., $5-. 100 aitd 400 yards. 5 abois ai ach range. Emtrance $1.- Openta t members of Fifib Militany District, only. In Ibis match there vere thirty.one coinu. ptibors,' who acored an averagaoet'201 1- 100 markss cacha. The t'ollçving1s ib score of ihose %uho miade over 20. Corr't. tikey, Oshaswa % ite......... ...42241à ej334aIS 5 Sers-saut Park. tuavra Rllti ..............t138212 43814 2V. Pri,'ate IoteIs>, t)aaws Ries .............. 22223 Il4 3833 28 Prit. %R.l.. tr.a.atao- l............-.3822883 38 2 1 Corpt. J.eg, C'iay Jafutr ............... 84 à331 04303 2&. 'lvaie A. P. Carensr., ...wtt, . essa32i240434 2& 1 .....tr...........%8021 80184 23L 'Captus Yi sdhi, Prime Albuert ,fiuu .8.2042 324 40 2U Pru-srs 1lerbnOait Iiilaty............. 338422 4 300a5 Privais s4trtr. Prnce .let5Xiy.....2218 34222 24 Elatkat'y . 432 20330 2L. .5u5.... ........... Il2 22Il232204 22. lPnvis M . ilkIit, Prince A.sert Inuuaut........25822 2 492 18 Ollin Rides .. »,...22 1 248800 21. Zutligiu Fnrc.Btoacaltit .sfr0'. -.ý..4... '22Ir2 280323 '21. Tire finiat pim vas therefoït . aardeti te corporai lbcksy, sudthie second te argeant Peck. Private ltavley' sud Richards ireiug îles4 abot off, 1M Stiom, makitig, eatirlunstieeession, a entre, an outen ant i amiss. Thre fauntir round svakencti muc i laereat, î*ben Rikchardsl uises)ire target anti Rowvie-cvas fgged a d"baliseye" iras acetiaâg abo ibird Prise.. 3.-Amstica*Tto os Cetars ao. $25 .100 sîd4Mysar*; 5 #bote poersai "Thie ulilaireg sthe for Ibis métiisvbsb ohibct <ts IL Pru.. .. Per . ...... as a Prne Jwit. %Rkl..se..... 4e M OupL W. WWMnc..Il Ueseevsod ta- .. Ues. Grme.t.... 8 u Ytt RW. ;J. Woeç...... t t ICApiasis PiouSe...i Columbuas Rils. A'UJeetce,...... vl 4 &"eki Ris .. P. Pranis . b 44 lames Rarad.... le O"a a littntV Hi"lur...... le as Tire Qib&a 4ihuetiresprcse tire victors. -Tise aberage nembor o! pointa stadiet nMan, i bis match vau 1710 100# said per uomptny 51 50100. -4-ate'MAru.-ipram al on $15; 2nd to., $5 5sir t 6 00 yards. Eniranes lu64d. 0Pen, te iem. bers efthie Auectiion oniy'. Thir "re eO,-cýpotltors u intis match. We subjoieletitheoe et'tho4sl ire mute 10 pointa anti oser. sb«..... > .......... -2, e64 si. %Ourpe ................ .21244 il 2140 10, Co4enai Sires *Wa'th.retore the visser of' tir. let prias. ,aand Captain Wrightet' tirs lut, bas-la mute a centre 'agalist Wiriîe's osier ou shootiug or. Tis estae "Oore in tis nigh *as6 80-160.-i 5,-8surs~jzu-Is~prime, -$i0 snd- Trhoseý - msnti6ed boeuder, miadle 25 pointa$ and oser. VoorrlDtclry....43424 288 80. SI , A i A..44481282211 2., C. SbeaÇk. -J 24 42,3 a3 35mà~ à. Whtta-............4448 338*0S . oe. ..... 2"a -2 $1488 ri. 3.Bnon...o......09884 4 I281 . 1 5Iro t.....08tas48 2 211 1S& Caps.W. Wre . 8 0 a 458 8S'a'l The firing; in-, ibis aea&tCh could. <net b. surpased. ààathe b igh average will in3dicate. There wers 29 bull's-eysa Imade during tfîe ton rounds. Priisate Hepbum-, ra et' b Oshawa lu!antry earried or ibé lit prize with thb. fine score cf thlntt-t 0 bong an avrage of' centrean Iwo ave ansd the best score slurlng the ivO days competi. idou, W. Dicfrey's score cf 30iecuned hinm tbe second prise. 6.-ýOrruîoa'MTO.4, iho. bal! ibe outrances added ; ô abots at 400 yardL.-Entrance $1. Open tb Offlcees of the 'Volunteer force ouly. Any rite of silitany pittern. Four offleers' eof ail raks, fréta ibe Brigade élajor te au Ensigu, competed berein. The t'ollowing is a portion eof tbe score. Ouptain W. %Y&Mil.............a'2933tI. Catmin F otentat...... ...80 42S'1% ..M~ ......... .-A... à pan 3. %arren..........8..2140 10. P. 1% tODWOIUU......:....40203 9. OuUnt................. 02...1 ajor Fatnlaiks ant 'Col. Densis used Ten , thVreoaindefirig vih thp., - eut En Id. (da'ptin W. 1Vmràn et ppenwood lrufantry carried off tbe prise, "dt hIt îbo-.etrne«. sntounting te $17. B.-CoRavTiAxsM.4rcs.- isi prise, $40;i 2id, $10; 3rd, $5; 3001500 )srds; 5 sbois ai aàcb range. Entrance $1. Open te menibéosf et'im aoèi&îiou For ibessîiatcb 23 Volunteers anawered the bugle cali. Hlereunder is the score of tbe winners. J. Wtet %hit%- ft.l-..92 81 Si a803à1t 8. JRowlsy04ROalfatfls.035a0 8 8n3o2à J. Youlig Wti, tet'lat2 282 213 08a2 a1M. Ca-ptain W. Warren alto matie 21, but losi in'sboeing off' viir Yonng. Tire fol. Iowing are tire gnoun scores et' several oiiran in tis matai. .W. Diclrsy I9. 1. Peck 17. Lieut. Mroning 16. Corporal Sires 17. J. liebantis 15. 9..-lanixezrsa's Msrc.-lst prise, $15-, 2ni, de., $10; Snd, de., $6; Sabots p 4Qyards. $ntrunç. 2& 6d. Opea te inembons oft ie- Assocition 0oai7. 38 co3mpesiteru fireti in ibis.Tire fol. Ioving are tire viunng scores Tordl. SenaibtsNs ................ .4342, 16. JaRpwlit..............12438ta. Captain W. Warren'irsavlnz alto mute 15, abattcff' vlthWhite anti Rovley, ftir tire foibovîng reui. JWhe......I........................4 J.ne Rvn............................... CaptIs A. ae................ Whiti »at Rbley ttIMS' secerthéis 2*d and Ird prises s'flpetiveîy. 10.-Tai eue Lacoas' MATS, lasi price, sîlveémacti; usd deo, bronze mestal. 200 anti 400 Yards;1 3 abosten ouai range. Eninance lu 3d. Open to suenteru of tire Association only. Thère motuls vere- lieenly cempeted for; but oving te tise latmnes et'tire day, thea400 yard rauge vu sdlpnsed vit),, matie .oempetltlomnfuiedt te rouMa tis 00yards.Tire folioivittg l tbs'vimueg seome I ....s . . .....5$14 2 I J.P ly 1wM ..... 3 3 es~eetbree belaag equal, abot off vitk Captsn CVrrea.................. 1 MOcha d edYoeeg are Iberefoi veanexuet' ire' ionoarube distinctionse liibeeuily prosidetib seBoigadeKajos, IL -(ouot£îsaw miàs-lat Prime, $10., lat do, $5si liàdo., $3; tb do, $2; Sib de, $1. 200 ysttu; S salst, Enutrauce -la 3.-Opu, te-ailcmptltmr vire have net taken a pfia3i q auMy of Ila ft'rmss'maies".11 .Tbe,.t'olleving ses the nmes thie Wieners sndtii ai «cee ie s & mesunotereag <Cl,mhtse sum............ Il. btaye iVh(el Elles)......... ..... & Fmls"u'*saflvbdb e .......... # .. ..tl A.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. teIhtVilBe.. .......... Caeoauemcirsude 11 buiattbe Oltre prise la uboodt off. Tb. lut andti k iosseersisleprise vwu irai ofth ie- -1 l S12.-AuocurAs:ey mxeu.--Aavat.ti' ta lrecoatpetitor mai the igshiet ag- K-ngagouussueipNos. il,41 . Thirs mu t astirsguerdo. of, the volenteer vire mate tire atisut t eg turing i bm mtch, anti llute tise lot of~ anti aSDwitbs thse Ï4ptln tbîey toceived 1 frcsatbrirlb as veli as the citizen& deeti Ibe ýBr"gdeajo~ tirat, negatirerlng ' 2.11i ire bau beu bonneetqd hb %o sucesfulli, tI sho jutce &te ir letlot hibe - muntr, r«411y tuact, su l Tire Ite ttrée I ven, ai ý 1me in,'Sm iît Ab hati ne -amali sirar. in ootri 1og 'te the succeusof a very loasaisim>ùjla A veord a! gtat4tue on thre-part ~~vin teers is duèto oui orbyto si'Mn. William Blair,, whvis se tdly iw ltire veny piaiuru4que range sei>toccai sien, aintibm ýdisposaiofet' .oouipeting companies. In addition' ta tte trle sud expens' o! tire tube-ingppr tire Wbitby Conauuies vonai tM tpese oet' prepang tire sony extensive butt erecte'i by tren aupen 1Mr. Blair's !antt, anti aIs at thm e coo a tituble set of frop tangets, coSting sire Ivo companies about, $120, indeperadent aliegetirofet'hie expen- aso et'm.atchr viici rse -trictly kepti spart Fit tNToaosTeo.-Oa Sqhduymernu- iug a fira iraïks oqtinl a carpu n'a 'sirop, rour o! Ricirey t«~rsce. AtielsWe street. The flame sxiiîd tote recarrdage.,faci. ony-el Meurs. Clark & Bfônbena viricis va aIse desinoyeâ. Lasairenut *15,000. No inaurance. About nid.nigbi on Tuesday a fearfui accident irappenes! aitithe Royal George Mlla, belongýng te Meusn Uip anti Rati- cliffe Whritehaeadi, brotirers,' vooleni anti salvare maunfacturers, Grtenflit, Sad.- dievonti. A4talI sud masuive'cirimner, lu proceset' construction, fli t'euaitrstremen. tiens crash, burying ln uns irree cottages, sud occasioning tire louaofet' feven tram taoa lires. '1 Shocking MSurder near Toronto. We learn front tb. Toronto papers tiras an slageti siockiug munder tobk place on 'Wednesduy evening tlst at 1Hegg's Boites, a uitile village airouL-six miles rom Toron' to. Prom estldence adduod'uî'tbe Coron- er'u investigsftion, lu uppeati dtiai ivo men numtet Celville anti OBribn, vitir others. itat a seuffe lu s taverà, andti ta virmu Colvilp vent home, O'Brien foliov. et anti vitir outterrible blov et' a stick frscinu-esi CoýViesa sbul 5se thai ire tieti isanîiy. Ç-Nroner's jury reounud a ver. diai o! vilful munlen. 'e.Wî eqeest attunlos-'te tise an. nounesmeot o msLBkJ-. Camapbell. vire bave oi banatipiondl saetueni et' 11121wc'9c.wgeoisUahable to uboe s essois. Trs ueaise sanimmense steck cf Reiýatyras*eelotlalag viicir iey are di4p" of t' a mpseoderil 1ev pries. poolsut uoetetovu, hiver, ben lte roll"vas catiec lugz ceeves anti depuîy iro,n&mages. Mus Butten, ocm , ujy, ifaigititeuit reison, - Penny, Rove, arrosa, Wbiie, Wigiri. Sa théb peoe d.veeasollimst tise mag. A stama of Dilàeor tI$e lomussu 'Tii.e 'bile rasst jury orthe S oif tir. iloosdy embat vu wgerl Iseras.. &vam t'O mei Thm e ndoete lotn ieiOvl'd tisree Rasing Ëm pet et u m ceai, is eo kr tinter mitie ou Cesi <ýb. savs E-'n gineen in 'ilyIbe 'Oisse viti -dar ter f viat manua tievu " t h stathie Lndn 7 wis,.s aaet'e ueitb at aticle tba rdes et' via is l, ubat t' uccommodatiol Ormt' iu fmaeu, tW Nons yuonl Couc, ireùý net b.eui-e fp leeir t-tii. *ttiou ef tsits lo tirs nlOe.909wu, asul menbvu hla prsit. - ali the mamore tira Cond apom sert bat buis &vitiront ixpeu Oettinnçs paeal5U01 tsa 1tir asd h aseapi or thé «urnat-mect <o ire adopled'cohnsi cai eeea ry et' aunfon of Holatein ud six Sociurn gisee '"aol eonmsnltlsà ofRuiuleswiff tsalemansand ' r- wra > Buaxtos spuessTacBLA.CKt Rîva-Üsea. oJAS fBAY C~ArA-Pircsurq ror GRAND 3U[tlr-ACOeaXODAsTuoltvoit - Msuusaa-MoszTâs S5 AL5O S' -"NoN-RssIDts'r PJ»», raS Tire Wardou, iu atdresuug lire Council, naid-Geutesnen, since ,tire jannarynM et- ing o!tire Council T bave receiveti s copy ait a résoution passei by tire Ceuneil et' ti United (Jecuties et' York anti Pont, iraviug refenence le tire construction eft ir bridge ou tire eust branch ofet'hie Black rie, bet.veen ibis andtihie Uniteà Coun- ties. Tins'resolutien veuldti irow tirs bIas for dlay an tis Ceuntyp antiT ana ai a bas te' understanti oiresil spossible tirai ibis Courtsy whic' bas beeu repesîeiy nrging andi previding t'on tire prosecutien et' the r ' en inl any vay, ire respousible for inaction in tire matter. A gooti deat of delgy oçcurreti in tire publication 'cf tire eport o!f*r: 'eeer, vitir map efthie route through tire County for a canai to conneett ira waters et' Ibm 'Georgisu Bay wýitir Lake Onttaie. T 'b i useems, lu part, teiave ari ,seusfî the n~e-us cussity cf' correcthag ibm lesels s p"at finit talien.'Until'the"erepuorts vote in'circu. lution, I deentet it et' 11111e use t0 attend ai Qiebec-to asnge upon tire Goverrment tire importance o! a survey et' tir rouie. But baving receivet a communication t'roa tireabairmauo! tire committes sopoiniet iry vbe EHouas et'Aaenthly tereport thene' ou, lsting tirat if any deleffation fronthtir Coupait attentiedi at Quebec, ire wonld mn tisas-or tu, get tire com mitie ogetirer,'-and bave tire engineer examineti viih as litile tielay s possible, anti, as the session vas liiceiy nat te lui long, tins irat better ire doue eta a ly dey. Having there!<,re asceniaifiet that Mn. Keeter vas. in attend. suce at Queb",1 ai once prdt-eeded te tirs city, anti aitendeti- viii bat gentleman ire- fore tir comiieN wbien tirs questions put were se f'oraed' aste emhody' the suýb- stance o! it repent lu tire replies gisen.; h aIe Îoappeared frona irist'eter evidence ti tire expensa of conairucting a canai tlrougir ibis Counîy vounît etie more tihan oee al! ihe cast cf ilisconstruction sIte mnie, vesi o! Toronto. This fut. t4geshËer viti tire ibody o! tire report vil1 iherefore be phace upon tirs jeurnals et' the. House, andti be etivantagea o! a lins tirrougir ibis Conty cannet, in any future action efthie govorumeuit b. iguoreti. Has-- ing obtnalu nin terrisviev tirte Cous. missioner et' Publie Woru,t'or tire purpose et' nrgiog upon tire goveaumentsinl accord- ance* vitir the rêéioiion ofth ie - Concil, tir, importance et' baving s' goverument examnation efth Ie route, 'or, a suificient snrvey te-enasWsauestima* te 0 #iqCost to ire matie, Le s tatedti ts tire attention of goverumeni i sdairetdto tise eecessily of some commtsnicatiloo betwveon'tirsLés, sud tisat, ut ilheproper unie. thoeclali" o! d tI at hrSeub titis' muetys <iitenat e te aaiti 0 tb. bel. a neseal ut À ôm nulatiost '-fron:thtéteProineia nýt4 S t, doOnOslt fBiWibadt Beoéretary's office aàc knowledging thre re- y v îttbg b. me inu Robent Walker -Mfr. R3 cipi eof the -pétition forcootredtilig the GUv. j SI 6cugog Bridge iva read-aao. Mr., Wrigbt, seco.ded bT Ur. Grabami, A communication frena Jobn A. Donald- usved tb'e'flru readitg et'fte by.lav t'f o sop, containinz a memorial ilbrefereuce viicit bgave 'notic8 yeserdl eeofrm t te the"enultut%ýof-fax,- and resluestiug tbhe >cr AiebyW passed by ibhotovusbîP et' 0 0' peatof th ie (onucil- Beach11.- or 1'ulceing op a ceriai rond allow. e1 T4tese, côncludèd thre Wanden, are 'itheasehicb vssca'rne d, -sud colmotion -di oniy anatteirs1 whicla came beforo tue during for tito second risdintg. tbm recsss, snd 1 know eof neo ohet' par- ' Mn. Penny, anosO ý and sald th6tOVel ticular business ta brnug under the *notice session -there e»M@ befone the - outity 21 of, thôo Couucill, beybud, tho usual rau- Council applications te confiras bi.lavs hue, asudby ieail e ncipalitis et' ibe coOtTlle8sOS EqUÂýit4TIoy. county. TirSP seimbe rs of- tire Qonty Own otion cf Mn., Perry; seeonded by ÇOuuctil(eXCePittoe - ftpreseatàtives'tif_ Mr; Neison,. tfre Conucil proceeeded ta bal. tii. township imtnediately interesteti,) kuev lot fer a Conmitee cof saon membenfoi nothing Of thte mir-er, sud,'thai tbs4, by- st.e.puirpote eofequalizing lb.e ýassessamut iavs passed tbrougcocmc asamte .rails et' 1863, sud 'repent' therson.. Tire of courue, ant, wiibaui neceu at!7 squiny hi Warden appo -insed Mser. Wiie anti Bick4 bsiug matie t airocit bimn 811 8 ibose Olt te s"t. as orutineru. The ballot re. lby.Laws *ère becomnlu more nutnet'Oit--, sultsd lu fayotot'Messrs. Biekell, Brethour, evsry yeal', tiiilvorîire tsrbl Elaight, Kennedy, Nelsen, Ferry aud courst r, e Jiaals51 ascn Wright. r0adiug, te the standing comnaittee on MIlTTIONS5. -Roatis and Bridgestain' ardher tse . exai 0f K. Cautern nand othens. inhabitants t jna u acnan vprthen ofîbe ine of Tborab prayingj t'on aid on the Centre, 0bjeiottnableha uypottnea houu road-Mr. McNab. - tras4l tri asg.TOhe sisiitt, 0f certain inhabltants of Mars tfor% -lurefernogiteàat ilte haCn îyw like porpos-Mr. McNab. Council Must bave sOrnS object nviw Of certainratepayens of the township of andi that objèrçt aPPeare tu 'lhin teaire tireB Thorair, pnsying foon a junior grammtar exencise of due precation. in passing scbool ai Beavetou ,-Mr. McNab. tem-H -emr1s.b.si i vrenetf orthÇorpsira$lo 'honsf~ Made-0 any hoatile* spinit, ire et' bilas purpose r. Mn. lab. ',ï, -koew of, no Objection teayoihbyav 0f certain intiabitants or mars and Ra- h a oie albaugvebt ee ma payTgfô- idt c tete* tbeiCeqn, y tiarev oui the suggestion in order tirai r tre rndt-Mr. !MeRse. ~ ore ifreui fro a tira feret'uortt Of gertain' inhabiients of, ile' îownsbiîp -might. bu obssrved, ani ectte6 bubà n! Soitpreiugfora grtîtto-tintnt~ ~lieved te tinte bd arniveti'for tire aîdop- bodr c roaihger Btlack iv e--n.rNt.a ion 1o!fmonte plan'enabling a.:àronsminuta son.dg i'rs h lc ie -Netnvetigation haLo this clnýs of by.laivs. 0f ceittin itahabitants ef t' Uimnde, fon Thre by 1ev wa.thotrer reand a second t an appropriationa on tira town' fine soutira tnt. Uxbridge village, towands Basamn-Mr. Mr. McNab obtsinpd leave te introduce Bu tton. s by.lawil 'ôf wiic bchagavaeunoticeyesl.r NOTIES.day, vesîing st certain rnd aliovance In O! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' bylwt ofn yIw The Trns in John Cameron. On motion îOfwnship t Rescir esîing 0, thefor the second reatiing -- towshi o Reebvetin acertain 'ronsi Mn. Kennedy hopetiAbet Mn. Perry's silowance beiveen Lots 18 and 19, in th. ugsintagibaotd n arec 7îb concessionet' ReaIin Beni. Craradeil ugsincgtbumott niriti -M. nlir. ioeSeret. As au instance ot' ils necessi 0f bylav ta confirm by.law Ne 5t, ot'tf b ai iraibebeti piiieulubi tire township of Tiroruibi siopping rip part han rt cran a.pq'r ! hr eof tire rond ailovance, bstween Lots 5 sud santteeIsn a isirsimvt 6 in the1aItth con. andi Vesting tiresaine in t'on by Mn. McNab. oic é Jebua Camenota. -Mn McNab. Mr. Sangsiur cousiderat tirenoce e 0f hy lav te confina by law No, 6, o! qluire'f by law quute sufficieut. tir ionuhp o Tora, tt>r ,~ Mn. White tidti netsutire. benalit of thlevtowsip ft'enra e foeen stepplng pmaiing s ne«e nuls. Menaberu, b. ssid, lu tira IOîb con. et' sid towîîship, andti had anOpportuity et' Makiug their objec, ,vssting the same lu David Gnsnt,-Mn, tiens on the floon eft'hie Council, sund irad MNIl . 1 commutes of tire vir oie. On otin o Mr- Bckel, ecoded. b ýMn. Onlorson vas et' a uimilar opiniony, On mtio e!Mn.Biceii seaudti y ase bsaby-lav of tire counîy' Mn. White, ibe Councit aijurned t aq allegiitg lot ~qnaattrte4 oî.lock - - Council vas a mersiy c'tnfinmstory course, ont anit ivestigstilag -recesan sd ibat 'an - investigation tii net lie viitin tse pro. SECOND-DAY.- vince o et'tirs CnueÎi(1) - -' Mr. Bretîbrnconuidered that 1n"1ilcases 'Weduesdsy,Joune 8it. the oleut CÜoànnaît sugit te bave à stand.ý Thre Warden teot tbe cirair sirnîy ing committele, te, vbom by.iavs -for sncb' ufier teu 'coc.Ail tire memuberu prt. i eoatmtsra peigsd clesiug sent.'- - up ncadi4 shottib. suimitbtid. le gave ~ asceT. ' u illsîratof et'hie closing et' a roand Thte repent o"et'tisCe. Engineer Wald some ,tirres yuas.ago, vitic i hWall niov preetîetiant ned fonaiii chir,1~sought te bave rs satabiisbed, in proof Ot' set fenti t tai irîce thé,llut meeting ofet'tire tireconveuience wiricb migbi arise lu Conascil al taecccssry supplies 'for .te, ny casesa itirout due investigation. Jaii anti Court Heam'-irat beun procure4 ' Mr. White.bad nn-ebjecttio tirte aaM- anti irat itirte conuo4snee of be >Vtsr,,milles ou Ueads 1and -Bridrges, butlire con- tien sud chairuiasu of the Comnmitie' a -stieeby bati alreà.ty eei e e Coutnîy Pnopenty sud Jail matla,îemaut, antat tibere wus- ut seceusity for imPOO. nom5e aligiri aittrallitns bave bèesemate i. %.altý e-,d$ On7rV ou ibem ;fite tbie'rOof Roorfor';iro.&tW uaeid.mos nanadet(a s peciail cean- 'tion or-IbeoOUIJsr'a,, ' etelo he be sppoined by ire"Ward. Tbsv~Ae4uoAJendiug ononn" tittttoae'hesien"cs. te .31 -o! May.-- lit, the Jailon'. bolct 1, r UM N*el»iif.,ansothen, slhow tiat 34 inale pisaone â'4-/ ,,feutale ,cs rae h haveu hoten 6hfiued Inlujail, for pezéd 'onlet' a d.icring u ldetthC55i' n05, tire varniwta!front 2 tu 103 days, ttam n t s ioning vo2lt:, -i e s.- Ir. qon eof lhte'"Centre rous of tile .uunry t" 'Ontlarie," aud fnom- Mr. Perry, in mplanstien, ithe restilition pasisd vithogt fissent. - 'l' Tire usual commuinication frota' 'rsreiret iveOi!d aud reud, sud st 20 min. past tvpilve the Connoil adjeunet. Parligsmentsry.- - On Weiuesday the -Reportera didiBot tas tbir places, sud cousequeutly ne ce- pont lu auppliod cf tire doings iunIbmeLgis laisie Assembly. Iu tirs Leglilasive Couucil4hb ill risi. tigý,tûthe Conhy towu of-Bruceo v o'r eredti te .2 inted- as amended sud ie- eonsideration fixeti' ton Fnidsy. -' l'a reoly te, Hont, Mn. Loeslier de st. Jus., tHou. 8ir E, P. Tache statot bat s eau asu the"nruait of tbe.81 ecion in- NortWj Waterleoovas mcdo knovu, t lireHn. Xr roiey téuderet isris'rsigâàtîouond pLacud> bis office ai tire disposai ci Hi& Excelleuey.~ Thie. Gouerumeut hati siace taken ne actio&,' viratever li, the metier. '-2' Ou Thuruday tire second reatiing cf tla' Bennine.Divorce bill occupiedth ie greaier- part of tire aitting et'ftthe tVpper lgouse. teveral Lover Ganuia memberu oppositi ire bill on conscientiota grountis, assersiug irai in their epinion'auny dissolutien 1e!ftire nurriage -vas un-chnistian. Afien --tiebate ire m uiio for tbe second t'Oatiîg vras- scioptet.- C-ontnta 34, uwt.cDnionis 18., Tira nepraseutativas o et' renu adîl i1ç- terated.i thpenaselesto day; frnmthe ý .- ionier' .gallery o! sire Houge of Assembli. Duriug nearly »be vhoie of tire at'igruoo[y he Hougsevas engaged in deanting Mn. )ietsi>-i's motion nesipsciing -tire Conîyi Town o! Bruce. ýl$ Fniday- Mn. Daitnn presenieti a1 frîn tire olection comnaisiee declariný Mr. Wri4hi electeti for tire-Couuiy o! Ottaw'a. On motion otf Roll. Jebn A. Mactinatd vwo sittingu 'rthre-Hanse venre oretie- W sbli aon.evMryTuesday, Wedtiesday, snd Ei'iday- durina; ibe remainder o! tbe sel.' sion., XTereportet' tire commuttes o! oe whola.on -tire nsolvenicy blill vas receiveti, anti tire-billondereti, for s third readiug, on Tuesday. Threbill relative te tire psy. ment of' mv taxes, andti ees by stamups wuec aIse erdereti ton s ibird resding on tire sme dAy. Tira House teck up thseitvs-. 'igation as te sconduc et' tire Reten. ung.Ollicer in tire Essex elecin, and is! deputies. Aflur ibe examinalicu et' sever. aI vituessesi, andtihtis bearing ofLM. C. Jameron, ceuuase1t'enfr eReturuing Off. rer, tire fuiher. cenaidenaio 11- of ibe caee vwas posipouet tili Mor.day." , irhe Hous gave co.ncurrence te tliem.' Solution on tie stsmpduty aepon-rt o*i:tnr the ceomitte et'Ways sud Me4ns.h.e Board et' Audit bill vas ras a geeO*nd' time. Tire amendtiustsmatie by the Le.

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