Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1864, p. 2

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Spaulsit soie Lathe . -JamPi Bain., Boots and 8She, -'J"00,Bain. Liquorq, -John Fkn~Itaé0l Itib Pteea,-do Cochane. Eckoov Ilaolais adai Statiofery,- do Cash for WooI- do imported Field i eÉ40HstuitO à Co- Cassh for woo,-. do Caàt Job,-C c. Ontario. Cash for V/oui, -C.1 Draper & Co. List or Lettea,-Whitby P. 0. Certiflaad Ltit ofqualifleai Teschers,-Co. Alion Hotel*'-Janês lBlack. District Meeing, -L. 0. L. lrock. bloio Sugar,- John -0. Bowes. Annuel Meetlu,-Co. Lodgje Southt On. tario. Mortgaýge2lýeed Ls)t,-C. C. Keller. Bible Depoçtory., Disaolnîioa of Psrtniersitip -ibson.. Yar nold & ýCo. Notice -911bscn, Yartqld, &Co. ONLY Si*-» aOeriS A TEAR The Stasmp thalles. Mr. Gaie's ptopoWa stamp dues weve allowed tas pu on Tuesday nigisu wiîitoat amendmnt. Mr. 11olton dit! not, as ho titresteneai lu do, taite the neuse oif tite lions upon the vote, but renerved the rigitu of moving an amtendasent, at a future stage, The duties appîr oast! b promis. sory notes over $100. Witb ra'gasrd lu <las objections to thte tamp dtet, il wiilbe remembersai ibat ibe raising of a giron a- Miount or revenue, frots tthe same source, bus been beretofore freqtaentlv diacusard, andl its propriety ad jutsasconcedeai by irarions Admiuistrallons during the pust <.5r yeers. So conviinced oif the equitý of titis mode of'taxation were thte Macdionald- tbor'op Adminiaratan. thtt tatisties were' eolle&ted (rom every puhble oice in thbe Provnce, on whici tebubae a atamp net. And baa ttat govermont rpained in po - er no doubt a bill would bave iteen suimit. te-not s limited measeure sucb as Mr. Gaîs-sîageneaial st. imposîi staulpi on every conceivable transaction, wheher strily c.omme-rcial, -pnaely local, or relat- ing t» the transfpr ot-r#l oaaste. Bille of exctainge, notes, draafts, cisequea, receipts, blnds, deeda, mo.agages, leaelçegrapit - ls papersli, wemr designed b10 h ie imeane of, cna-ibttiniz lb the genel at té- ,tenne ottt cunfre' Mr. (Mit bas vise- Itrrorldea* oberwlie, andl id& t1at bo yl eDot reuite sularre a nmmas sonil be nirp oa v sn' et end erslé mIensto materie ébica aent, hAtitucýe aI lite etnd ofthie yeatr. Ji, limitinz tb&,e'gati.r&i Ochefie tof tise qMedanadlaltrion govern. ienitt bo ne ,lauof transactions tie 'Fi. nance iaasat î bs selected that siticl eeau best begr the buraten of taamp dation ; ite bai selectef thse commercial transacttons of the coutry--end se tinit viseilysnd à Ouot-&a6u dfor ibeir value, -wite the eJppé &~a ad~mreianlý sio bau lte goofs, ee~ oainbl infortais te siaOor thi ha owes for titen. The cbinery 4io t h» 'rto .een &devse by vbicb st ehpaibperly uan be toucitea for lu*able p' i ttial 5&p tas, aa(suts ;-tp«(mt-aef the . gentoJl or generai pu"@ 0 * < ti t', the 16 n et ejgtendink Cti. psincpte o( stawups - tratsa & 110à ln MI estut«, wu àa1s0 -îtink thé ' 'en4neb aisiter 1bus.afle<l W15A1, l:alstehu snoqw<o b6cavat lte but-dons'0(?1 ôral tuatfon. Ifsa cout bouse snd 3p liave labe erèCteal, road& uaie# bribes ,bciît, sehoots suppo!ttd,, o Ibe poor sssisted, the aboebardec fsllu aopon Le realesmataIof ts ony ll estimistea tiat fthe reslsi ee~ot, lpper OeadaStoèn, eontribntez, anmw£yU, foi fo à txa. fasoeadala(W t~ -Townalxgîteg- 'I!Itamaîteva ne* bi3pyiagt te atlet- don cf tise Town Cauneil araeuof. gomach' im portance lu tise soI boing sud .dvanoe. ment cf Wiiîy that va demite eoesidsia. ble space lu a repurst f ,tise.- ps-eig. Soch questions mi t%e t-aitannl huprove- ment cf <ur teaIMÉ îree ai îb- ient maintenance uof t- gralSuta- aitcol, concteu tise ratepétiers o etIs bn Of9 Wbitby set-y tiepl>'.- Tise stalsa of Brockanal Dundia att-etsi rendît-s tlseir rapa.t- neossy aI once. -Itl cennot bisef.s-s-ed.;t is roetepeeditareof a1 ilacusanal dollars upoli escis f tise streeti1 migisi go far tosarda rapaisiug the"-, Liat. parars4a, tise prasen% year. BaL nexi year, anti yeat afles- yest-, eontnuuîelY, Sa imilar expeoditura wostl bave te be *s.-1 peaîed, anal in tise eal neititen veuldebse t veli matie durable s-oaa-the monmy1 souIt ail b. spent. lu filhing up imapsashei mua-isoles. Te repait- aîd, improse ont-1 Ieiuig tieroughfat-6s rnperlYt mai 'plsce1 tisea nl a permanent alate, fit for t-ave,1, S nincis larger suiÉan thie couneil cantl sttentpt te ev>' in one year5 by direct toi- ation, sili Sa neceiar>'. Witlt e' a-lib- et-ai cutis>'ofu t i d f'(q Ii 5 gant tue el1 raid, gre deti anal macadamniiet SttWthe itbmsltt ail appropriations mWf éýmai'tt * tr- pairss wt hc o sumpcb moeu>frittes-ida. va>' te nu put-pose. Tise reqiid pertma- nent imprâvvmenls enu nt>' Sm effectiti, immedietel>', b>' a boan. Ar-e tise rate-i payera renast i upedge lise debentures cfi tise tesu fer tise parpose ; or ase-eis'as-i tiafie tu let uiings retïiainasu tise>'are,1 anal go un 'wsting - titomssnds' cf dollars1 annalli>nitryiatg tu mals-ee ut- 5t-euL paable P i#lIe t Iisstise queston resait-es isîlf. lu requît-es baîlitîe consîduration te bis satiafled t tisIte planotf permaent itrproventunts in ttihuibet as selt as tise cheapestý plan. Accordias;sutiste ver>' explicit sîstemînt of Mr. Penny, tise cuit fer tIie permanent improvements voatti b. litIle mus-e tissu four isunaret! dollars a yesr, extesadealovin a pet-loticf tvin-t> yeers, te a py oe 8.000-tise estimaied amoasit requit-d-sud tae internât. We ara nos p-s>iug tisai. or tour limes tisaI attennt, b>' direct taxation, fat- tempos-en> rea î ici bave to b. ranustie-es->' Spring. Tise progressive gros t of tihe bsn swhilte c bentures as-e mtariug soutti reducestie rond dîbt te a mes-e nanti- i ta la;visite t tisesante tint ornes conteras outti hase tas bear thymfais- ae for tise imprevemeata ,»b>' viici thlty outti bc ieaetttel. lih te alpayera tsflIe pt-e. nonst de>' soattialso b.cieveti fs-utatise ta mediale psyef r tan nis-tas bat-don, visitle tise>' niad t entables! tas pasticipate in te beg efrnh4jýmspIy t!uivahsle front -good nosala. Tiýkie ea rnq, et gisn;v t-îng r" wr orL6 tknep>'e taborsars, anal securing tbeis- ses-vices at ecesmmnialrats.B>'folosiug LIse ula plan apeestrcmsl e"e- pasai itsontfs eftie; aisyvisible f es pruvtert; b>' tise oth ite-s e carspet- manen e nal'ain1Iaprovemeuts, ciseaper in tis'e e ~~the. rstepays-rs. As4 îLe %drîi xtent au vitiai tisa lova of Wiîby usa>'b.esWled oapon ta busst l inte say of leal i provens wilI tiepenal smnesisat ontise action te he taire., by tb. Ceisaty C pcei,ati . ÃŽ içseuing selsion,> ite may hot. smsalI tg des- tise (enliser aiscasajun cf tis abaiject outil iben, A ver>' propes- stop lebu tt ise n getting l.th tmegéi.repairoal; suaissa enr isas Sema alreadti'tualong alee&t lWhbat abouùtthelbookeans! ladalrs ? l»ereport of tisa omuntLee on appli- eâtions to ôaies wusadoptei, <b>' te May- as- mutnin a emaým i re% eootdiug' tse eppointusent, of Mr. lioppes-, Town.- -Hall..teejset-, lutihe place'o? lte preM'nt <aceipisittAlexaner- an.p la -te fae tti lig Ï * ~ -tenassdi40lte Conneil1 Ln s ebaU ,toibave àameroq rMael 1y oflýeIk tionable., Csmorqq bu atridy bL.eeapan-i lieteaandi seeo 4aip a. b% >elp,'asde- prirad eoflths efEais*d ebW'éotsW leliithe cause of lthe'eapme~alefg1a bim a twnbll-itseper tuî;OaLett lOy .4; th lb ilAs kepVmW acj*py Sýniatis P oadero- " te; ie leisbiI*owly< 4onthe sopot, and attends te- ailt lls equtt- &dettes of«, Simd tki.preotg OurtI- îitons njure-ias-hrceholidatys t-u sast laý. Ses-stat prisaste tilla have Iscen sds'raceal a stagem, inclahiing the bill tc asîalgentat-e thse lc&laiit is-livra' uitt thse Granat Trusak, wbicis bs-sagh eu soîne disonasion. lIn comtîsitei <n IWays mutd Measatisasprincipal iteaus litre hein gene tbrutîgit, incloaliug tite atantp ta%. Tahe dutius as-eliitteal lu notes uof $100. Thea dcliii un tubacce have alncatiy couse loto uperalitan. A goual dea ilits- tisas.futhtie fHect vas oocaîpiia-< 'aà?,asrasmaeiv eaisg t-lative Lu tise pt-avili-us outhtIe irc..e4; an os-des- et the lieuse has-ist lae n;tilaS icltsdlng -mentbs-ofut ietat-a-.a, anal as-tt-.îgesa rans tise s-catiusngt-eoasa, s-ttal atAer tsveivedclock, escis day. Thae is--aoa ,f tise ptou in Quobec have talaun asulrs&e at, tise ligisi icastu apun tsent, analdat dnet attenda in the gecpus-l ga llert- tisafaet-nusns-oreven- ing tt-ent tish eetec. <Con euertl>' lh iais iesalyings of con IeZislate."s are loti anpablisbet uîstil lIas conte aeluters witis tise ntemtr4 of u te Veutu t e- 'a~ ~ ~ ~ ~~à lsssss%'îsTs thése oAnsal 1mçeeting beld ti aIhem ?acban:c5a bai on Fridika>' vesing lai.theb.follosin; gentie, me vr9'électtid filce-beat-sas fs- tise en- sala; yeags-40Rbeit J. Wilson. Bsq., Preidenit, lM. 0'Donovin, lIsq., lut, Vice- President, 0. H. Oastnml, Ehq., 2ud, PeAdn M. TIss- ti, ]I.»,Recor-d- Tmu«i ir L Fraeru,FEsq, ltbras-iais. Committee-messrs.johà Fergumos5J [1. Greensé ol ut iesiut, 0. y.Sm it, K. UateUoan, . is-pus-, £ola Ben- gesagi, J. H. -Persy, 0. Carmant; tn"d -MBlite. - Tise aucina repast cîbibits tise flus-ais ing conditimoruttise làtituîe. 1201; sera e.xpeidd dons-ag théeypar inawparing tise 'bildiug-à, sam5, o q -y&#waslaid out la tIse putchai. Iof calai volumes et baeks,* eascrmailag tk ise arry l 1006, Atlthe Pro-, sent. Tisenmbtutvlsesino is- in& toyIse eanuas230v.. Iboite sesisboesb4 fa 209 againSt,187 1Watyea- - W. sf11 mn>' snd mate mousu fer Le repor-t, Mdts!ite- 1 a« panying elaleent or eeeispta1;" 'Tat P9.ea es"?r Casi STOax -Oas-entes-Wiing-yoog lo*vuas,mir. M.iH Cacisasaseis >ses tifapeais b is 1tmvoral oasbis osaïaccunl, atIl athe Peo- pe& Cieap a uisStore";-thte tueome. new building, lasvisiels Ms. Bigelosa-ecOlit- Il' est-s-ed oe busipeos " Mr. Cocha-sue, fa delrtalietiio do bufitai, sud adpi,4 mtt- "Qefek reteran td lgtpros.t-'II Ho eua luge> varsletm e attractive stock sMt bm> ilII sou <ait l ié~e Pab rat TowuCssi SMouday evt ng, a T40 Ooàecil met sh stiy b efor ýgý o'cloek H. iewqmbi tise Mo lthé chair. Membesàill uest. Tise Councîl W.Ont ntO' Comuitîes os te tenders for pritî C rmte. e pfr in 4a Xrrn~4 îedr o o. e- iport adopted. C0X)ttU0TIOI5IFRND 1PeToNs, n'. Âyrtaifa miitato0~ r The W14aÃ"B-yn coi ecotInfàoi $3, amount damage d ne to 15, pïnes cf glass bruitoùIt is prdiies; by ýt6 ring cf tise caution bit tie Quee'a "Bitb Day. Thte Mayor elso câlled attention talte metoris! of tise Senio~ Coutt Grajmýrar scitool Tramtes, (priou ed copies cf siticit vere placeal in tenbels,bit4i,,) asuittgfor an appropriation to put thse building in proper repair, &c. The uemorisi rasài a follova:. To the Masyor, anu ll Ktacîpal Council- of the Town uet Wtitby. r, m Fî 1 SnObler? 01 Our- Panllarnent men. By su oraeutbe Iluse ofÀssatsblyq Welest-n tisai lite measbes o.ftbe Press are éeilded tr*ta thse tr*4lsioooeof the Legi-lidve &s.*nbly,Ountil -pfter ivelve olokt lb.ne44y. Th1 irt-paigitinesses> lte ,n.lital-,-e Supposed'. te have intel- lecualîy feasteieelves -by titat houer, vWte anpply ilber tise, rom for thLe ,uiutil and 4 i 1trangat,-5'..titOgentaIlpublie vise psy for il-are perusillet to enjuy tlb. remuants cf tite rapiat. WIIai cundem. meut asuteé ýail sersanw of tise public, iutd viso ienjoy luôt555t1perqafililcanad piiiegeîset thei publie expensé, vI truly becose.ubearabhe, by anal- by.'Týhey commenced . by closiug tite liitrary te Il strangersîi....ieviai ishte Speaker's CT. dît--at aix6'clock? p. ms. 1ti tonit cool- plain tbat '« stren$,rrs" nuit tise salo6sný- tise saloon is cloe atib eir, bidding; tise semoking roet is aext proiibited tl te aau get-s; sud nos lte resdiug reca om'isai agamnet usembers ut tie ProseIs tat ueti kesitly one voulal imaginastitat or Xment bers of Pailiament pai!fr iaprMatu buildings anti their, contents, ibrary, rendal. ine r'p* om iiiidaIl, oüt ofa Isir own pociteta, said octthose'-salne îl-1 Ct-m' - sb<asrt te' e±clude fron t teis- use. Wo eau cf contéeieyipathflttiiviti lis;deîmty Jop-:t mal, ant iemn cf bis stsmp, luntbeir botreor of btiag contlaaina.teil by thea touait'cf -- staugets" in tise'-radssag roo m >EusO conît tise>' afford lu conte into contact vils su muit sisockiug vuigartit>? Members cf mise Pt-mas keep off-mak a v>'fer your betters, aud dat-e nult tennishtise priei léeealskiai cf s usember cf tise C"iéi Parliiemnt. ssLs-e, w. have beau intructeti b>' a reaulstion of tise Boas-aioetTrustées of these enior Ceont>' (rsnsnar Scisaci, to memorialize younr arbtled>', ofthtie ucsiyfor certain i li rovomentsi anti ai. jert-alos ueite Scisool' Building, audti t pt-a>' tit Lye av es b easedlu malte siu appropriationa fer tiss put-posas. to-bel ax- pendeal ina siatavit- mtLunes-. yen Ma>' bas ive isilI betit acéomplt-mlu tise' bjeets vi bg"ve Isview-wicise:. toprovflde ratan onsigenumisen fiufppils, (tis e thad hein,,, irîady tuna muae rusalia) b>'corn- pieting, anal furnsihing ýtise -uppe iitar>' cf tise building, andt tes-nder tise preinitteat4 mure attractive, anal - betten adapLeti fur titeir present use ; b>' eetaing eaéavereti play.gnouiad, aaad iang ng a bell'iu tise place pros-ileti, b>'titié Building Cogmmit. tee " fer tisat put-pose.. Ina put-suancai s-f ttie instructions, wva weul endeal-ot, in tise flmt place, to abus Sos titis ns-as-sit>' bas aris-o, antisuisse- quent> to prove titat khe welfare of te shole susen sfl be prtomoied b>' yens- cste- fui consiatiots uf, and favorable- raepl>' l lte pt-a>'sof ot s-pétition. '1 luntrder tisaî se may b. able ten, akc* plain tu titase, sito me>' not bava pasia muait attention lu tiese-ubjet, ltai va>' in sietatisa tecessib>' bas atisetr-It la nieessan>' tisait se ssotld ver>' briefi>' se- vies tise isiùsy cf tise ScIsool. .' As aIl as-e probable avare- tise buildisng ssii -ot-iinal>' istectem4 by 4e Cuasiltteca cboaen tus- tirai pas-poie. auas apublie meet- ing of thse people eoftisas Tosasparti>' out cf tise pruceitis futsb t fsobsi-ltitms, anti pa>' by expmning, ont of iieir osas ps-isae meanaseéarn cf *,00 rmore, viticit, ioesetwua eventuali>' repali ta thîta, aune yeans atersarda, b>' yona pre- deesmur i office.'1 Titis Commnittee. lu deciallg ipon tise Plts et tise iuiding, io tat&Mddtia- ai roouaivonîti bi e1euireds ai no4;erj' dl- lautis>', andti"aly irn6livesýt'idd & tope, cnt! %tory', vtîicieho1 ý-_inéIfé et an>' limtata it beesme*nac'esemry ss Th biool itsving iaei todoW-ý Tans- tees ster appuinited< ieaeaetata ,t-, nul, itasever, at ;ny statea salas->, but simpI>'upoq l. n1h e d e iLding, t-f Lie fees baiin; fixes! by l-tae Pties) Le swu ta nS . evthe wisele - mot-f titi 0011 ' for keeplng ibme b.buildng -repèîr-î. Tise ressuen, vbv, tIèrseta-nl made teub -a *gtpemnt u .sst~st pt-aitbly hecaumse Ilsajacoenoratie' scjiol depeusaeal uopon tLe assmber aof popiisbe omigibtiattend f t, anal tb. arnotaoft t, O usesmmunt grant botS utfvitici seraeemaruy ~atils LieraS>' rende,ýl-t impaue l fûr 'titit te impIe>' a ýTeàcbemj ais; uÏertainazsy, tuait.goot! an>' deficieuey visicit migiti Wtis, fonète s a ~ privmatema la JuIvi, 1841, tiser Boaral llr Lainl matie an unsencemuillapplication tlathbm Ceunt>' Coasucil- ý*Uned5frniatise Town Consucul arf tbiaty#a,smotnsof $5 ant i ibsoqtmdytt, a nppleeetary pote ot 895efor îLe Pupji o f rfur s-f sIW resr4rdmg thte building "d ps.mlss. lu Sep<of lte su4e yeerq tie-Soitoal bsmlasg bmen-céldue- ndera-ibe befer usentianet! ag«r4eme4 t tas-tbis-teats Ye«i andthe b.attenant% o ef itpile ltevring gqs- [y' fallen off-.w- ebomvd neote t eai-ý et' tisai lb.e xistiog esgageaaeat -aW# a#s-anaae, (os- Se #eealimd.by ý ss) ai ;At ltee .tplrléi u.. o wiclpetiod, - Mr Kirklnd -vioiaiso nitr Led tteter,' sas entpioyel, 'ut à ayf O pet- unuta, efdre tbli, itltures, belièl'tg jtto be1 veri deable .tbU iatssueaÀo ~~u,-which occurlea u, sity you sisoul -appropriale a suffl7ient emount for1 tb. put-pose cf meking sisosa impnave. meute. -Tise firsiet vitichit e, - Oat tise geçeral uoderstanding, ht4. lelimé the last Board cf Grammar scisool Trn*- tle resigueti, andal aso, al,ý he lie.the' se- c *,on cf le prisent Bsrai yts 'avuCounciil, -sascusfirmet! b>' tej *Uny Council, sals, titat if 1'W'83 uhe'in- 9qramtàîlr Scisolunder tilecisrglad1 t.,o < ae esasnecesear>'-'for1 ià, ùsnî:. Anothea- ieasaon fa. îLas ty ieut-ring tise ale unpert- ssot- f tise bldi4ng', dnt insus-tise onlia--poprî-f-i aisool,tise deelino cof vwbihsonil vit-y so 'oblige tit' Board of'comu scto Trustees l t-aie he ir obool ,rqomtai t a mach greater cnet, andI a1skta, engage su adaitional Teaciter; lise îxpentiitnt-a necesary, for 1sodsties. puposa, suit! thbn, il fa carcely nccessty ta remintt yqa, bava ta b. prcvided for, absout bn- tirely by tise imposition cf more taxes upon te ratepayers of lte bsn. Atiird reascu is, tiat evety pupil vhoisa in ~duced ta reafale sitite tuvu for tise put-pose of atteuding' thte saol, iiacreases ta nome exsuit tise antoanl of bsiness done in thse tosn, and teniby prufita nl lte residestas cf lte townu. -A fous-lb reasôn ia, that by sa dcQing, you wil[, itt all-probability.'p I t t in urt poser te suatain tise sabool vitiliDu any fattier sssisiaasce fruts municipal sources, AI 'fid ieakonl',ii,'tisat, - by re- moving tise bat-net- viicis now confines, anad cipples Ounr biaiterto expanàiih p6w et-s, anud plands in te .ay cf -an> futiser progreas, von siii reaster il postsible for us, tuo xait tiese maoul ta a position muait itigisert- ian il Las et-or yeî atîsinîti. A sixîli ressu isý-Ltauby . affring en- courAXement and aid -ta :heito'ls iatccto ttiicsny., yoa viii . .oing. .ýwbat ynu cen -tj îlovt-ae îise<stauda,-d cf !dduea- luon in Ontario, sud, titat tisat is necea- ary, les swilI ventuare Lu dette. Let tisose aito do su, itavever, cursider, seito bave hein thte, mon, svebasve sent ta erte sent u'is pariament-ansl then judgé, seietiter se bave an abondant sapply cf higitl> educateal min amongat us or nlot.. Waa do uaL moan to agsest tisaIttere are auneas t att,out- e tu t they at-i tnt>' fus iu numbet-, but mt-el>' refer te tise tact tisai se have gasjeae-lly beasu sepreseuted iu paliarnent by nen.residents s pt-ouf enoatrit*.iat tise intereats of tbe shole counnty sooltibe ve)mr~tsith romoted b>' tite multiplicastion of abisil numtet-. Yeî anetiser- neason la, titat ,by enabiiogni l49 prasvide for tise education et s langer uss ber inth ie Whiiby Gaim t ciool, ' Itei p-iaiît fmurle Ju rior -Grim ~t Scitots -being estsbiished svtitis 'o t>' sf11 b. lesttned, andaiatie sante tinte tbm aocreasedai sendance et or eieis01, viii entitie us la a stiti larger apportiolt- ment of tise gciverstment graut,ý nearI>'al cf vitict, togaen vils itbte Fise, are ex- pendeti in tise lova. We sill butmoItiDue more reamon su>'ycn shaulti nul toc hasltiY i>' rc;ect on- ut itiran., Bl>' auisting lu maintain te best possible aciseal Sittin your usas naunicipalit>', yenut net Dot 0Y mttract sont. adtional inisahitauts ta tise tosn, vio otbersté vaulti never ecrne aI' ail; -but, ycn yull pt-avent mSny sWtô soalti otitet-ise do su front gciog, away ta Beeki aii edueatioonubtainable aktLhone, andal t tiusaimretime, iypas il:l-aei sasperior esincatio n sithial> titisresus of thalse, Who, on acc otn -ftbeim mure straitened icocmstances vouldal ot Ilsé *»'M&tter Lw az aiuasy te ise>' t e tsre i$or capable te>'- uigisi bc, of ptofiîlog Tisai von have nul vît-y mucisgpor te fi-el disuatiafleti wiîis tishesanenitt4 cf tieselanasallil b. malle suffciestly maifest by the foluswing bs-it sunalysis cf ofa pat ato, àt,,Ol iO-at for 1862-af thé aupetintendant of Bdacw Titere vére then in' opettion ilVàWaù,II Grimas Scltool-39 osly of whiéIs veto net uniteal wils commun mscole aad SUaeraLt îLe inen4stanées ho <Captain Ro eý) af no resson, le change Lis :apiqian, ad i« e e ola nul t e-votinatý Dt.Gin ti fi'1efet-red' to the, iemèroushj' signedt! eition preanteal to ltae connes! on itebiif cf dlimet-ci, sud ssýii tisaisu se. spectailsielnealg pétitions eaihist olvaigit iu Camerau's iseiaîf. -, Captain Wasî ixipresseal bis respect for ,tain Rofe) 5pa5 usru tu dobis duîy; Se 'idt! 7t4eaýs-uv -di , ch oge tisaI dnîy, said when aunaillit- cof tîLecorporation tabuseal tise *cusfienase ut tise Coaacl, as Camrton Isat dosae,lise (Captain Buvwe,> bis osu couoiencpe. Mr. Gibson wviie agreoiug ititD. OuDn on some 1pointsf, as lu lise -etition, stateal Lé ee -imot-e titan oue persans>' vbô Isat signid tiapetitian tisaI tht>' Isats of-no chairs against ý-CamerGP -W béà tiser, aiud (,~nd 'did' tise>', ~1'lsg~t vontl notise basisn oisîaiatd. Mr. Pet-tyasaid tisI il Cames-en isal put lu no défenceélutisahécitargesm ade againat, bu ,il sas not isafanit.led, lie ukeal, tise cammitîse taken an>' stops lu bsing Camet-on isefore tisent anal give i est 9portunit>' cf dafendingisesf? Dial tise cmlusttee etlopt-'tiat coursei if nul, Cames-un contd ai adly bas blasueti for nuL t-eplying ltisehéchat-gîs. Hoe aioved, Oinat Camneronos pertaranet his dutiesna. Tow' iatlkèeersatiatsstoriîyi hi (Mr. Perny iselievEd, inevety-,public offices- dointr bis dut>' conaimaîl>'; but ali-froii ist-tot-, sd Canteron sas ne exception: lie ised, 'ioWé1ver,'bise evrs'l1 pinislsîil alroady 'for istiîransgsressions b>' ieing. dîpriveti cf tise office offaitief constable, and belieMjg. isat tiselessa n wbich h biasa t-ýee,WcansIidto s a1v'arning lu bits (far tis ltdrai,h ie (MNr. Pers-y) s as fur netalu- ing bis ses-vicia, at préenst. Caplasin RLose replied, aaaasting tisai before tise council sas tise propet- place vas nul al] uîce-gssry for tise aummittes ta sumniatal iim before tisent. Indeeda it appeat-edto i bi-(tse Captain.) lu Cern, eron'tq cma(sse a t-ttLtaie more faulta b.e cammi.ttual tise etter bo sas liked ; b. m"s nu mmprosemeiit-lthtie mafn. Tise clans.cf tise reput-t reaumntendiug thte appaîutmenî uf John Happer sas aripoptan a diivision uf 5 las 4. Yeu- Mesura Rose, Gbson, Devenut, C amphelil, anti -Iso Mayos-. Naya-Mussas;. Pet-ty, Camaiton, Tises, sud Gano. Thte-report vas adoptet! sitisont ameudment. Ou motion ut Mn. Pers-y tLe couatail sent itot committe on a cettain t-mnaI lioni te appropriate $ on att-sets sud improvýemmulns, tise present >esr, -Caplain Rose in tise chair. P(~.les-s.y rnanlcet! upon tise bat!'Con' cýlti6oncf Break anti Dundas Streets. A large.,uxpenalitaras, ho seiti oolti be r.- quit-et!un Bt-olt street, tisé present yar- 181000, at«)oaut, ,te begin vils.. Duindat Stt is onît! Alan requis-e a large appt- priation. Buts tisose att-mets éctilal requit-e a machi, arger. appropriation, tise prnit I >eé-, 1Iban tiseeanu1 opl tu ,d <eretofore ; tlten tises-e as tise Base Uine, anal the Itie, ward expeadttitwicL' carne np ta IWO or titre. isunareal dollars,' for emt *àrd, 8;évea5all. The ai5 spitp neci tatslsea m tIse absais aslsi¶toforpe wulý4 nut b. -lissa titan tise large- ms ut Of3,000. Titi - tn.aa léhqiia5....flV-Botkand ttDanaa>. tite Towns traesry, after Payiasg Off va-- tbîing. H.Re s,1ieesai, iilined tlu be- lÏive~j4h8ýe iteadbnî Ccming te thé tovn- fro eI'nontresido0tandi ta sle, bat lust Iember, anal lie amounit now se- ecruing, adaleal tiste sumsisicis vould ise roalizeal under tise new 1ev, for laxes un ppeprty stotiteretofore aséed, vould b. saffcient., o cuver lte vitle cf the, counsy rate payable by liete ova. As lu débit; vitlscul ils pressura bcng faIt, *1Mr. Part-y referredto th ie scisool debt. Titis he sait! itat been cosintg tisa totVit$400 year ; but il e d~be t, ingubu 4 , , September nexl t ttbe *lat 'pyabit souli baum tiut a& vuldb -,-Pai&off. tbey sisoulal nul b. ancreaseal by tise issue cf ,deberttnres; vaw wonld, b. replscing te aiool debt by-atosa debt, o tise sante amonnt, anal va vonlalhave Ïn mt-O 10 pdsser a roai bl.lss tisuape- sent. 'dur presisut but-tens would not- ho incrésg. -Titis evening,terefore, ho would. content hiauseif wiîb ýMcving nominal sumu for streets andai itprovementsa -entMe -ot-k bad hbeen aire4dy crdered-tbe levelting cf Brocit straeL foi, instance, andl orderi isad bison iven for émaIl ns; tsitis vas nul quit. raglar, ana ltil becanie neaîsry lu make sente iannsdiaLe nominal avfii- prit-aions io th. meaentime, belons final Saction could be taken, ,1i order lu have 'everythitaea eL. Caspîsin Rowe (aitairmatit,) aked vlsetis. et j~ifcitair-mass cf thte Commiteca streets anal. impros'ismittt,' (,Ur. Perry,) ltouglis%it teigit tioussansaldollars- voala ushcausimize six miles cf rond, 'anal he Saluô.wanted lu know bus it, sas ttat tise .Basse Line isad bison left out in bis (Mr. Perry's,) cai9ulaions? I ,-,, Mr. Petriy' repîti dthit; if thse rdatset-e ,a nev ,ronda, $8,00Q voulal not bassufficient. ,Bui t iliad Lu b. boiue lu minai LitIBroak slaeet haad a firttrate rosd.bed, in addi- 1ia's lu whiiritise>' isadmetai on isandati lte amoustt of $500, viso woold go a iasaa wsty in rapairithlie, street. Oaa' thtý western part of Denu si tt-setîIsey li6d aIse a goslbt-oad-ised ; but tise castero part, hma sdmiteal, sas in a tory had isais. 1Tbey itad net isowever 'te make. nev emt-e, asnd for tise.rossons h. cosidenail tisaI$M00 migit ite autllient. %Vith. r rgard ta ise Buse >Liaeit 5 -as no,, b aasd opntvaySpealkiug, a leadusag îtooag,fare - certaini),net su's a Boo 1or Dunta e sree. It vas au importat ronda, anti deuerviug every considèraýion tfrom t'tIe Connei", ist t -ssnet of 'tiat vital importance tle l t bn as 'lise-'utser, att-setci aasasa. H. dial net ant tu . be underatonal ît*î,bcs tnderv&lneai tip 1B1ase 1Làe-fsr fnoa n t; bot ile wanted titis . mailler îu b. lookeal at, nul frorn a sard 1Point Oif view et aIl, but as rîgardeal ltas 1goual of tise taîso, as a wfaole. -Titi fit-st streeta te bas iaproved -set-e Brook arsal 1Dadatu t-céoa, naltise Base Lina;l- th' Lstations ;-and in bis Mr. Perry's,)_opi nict tese set-e thes cnly leadi.g ltot-ougisfares -titi imnprovelneot' Ofwiicta rôuld jasatify b. eyîg tefre is ra:epayers a bylas ast . aI, l coancitasion, after replying efutlier te titis enquit-es cf Caplain Rosse, j Mr. Pet-ty sasi tisaItte expeudittire on sid~e~ts~assdaroeing waldcotpouî ofi ,lte serai appropriations. y z r- Brown aaked, teteit iss i,. .tOuendidtitati tit-a-pproprisatious 'to.uigbht 1sit'onla b. final- or temporary,_ n~~~ ~~~ Mr ersih pe 4-if u nt already toe e ettilai 3prapviistio .3o-ni ght % tess'pa ra~y f t Al ibat lthe total amnounts uâ cL - 1 IY. Otinasagt-eed sis' s ,reai eiic'i- OO95M7m, -Ta XAuWI SE0014 NIILS. On Ï0u of Mar. Ferry, the Masyo0r, Capt'-_Ré,e, f'Gunnn,Mr. lCfapbil1 eand te« mover-, sera appointed a conititteei b examina tise grau; siscal building, a&bd report upon iiicost ofrempairiig , funi la- ing and' flnigbing tihe se, in acoordance with;be~peito f tise grsmammr scbéol truste«.~: ~ The rLord Biiisop cf? 1ordsto ield s Confirmation iu St John's Cfireis nt Port Witby, on Salut-day liii,, èt 3 o4éloéü p. ns. Thse cbnrch- was quita fillia witb an attentive congregatioat, -*ho bed a. sembleal lu vitnu etiLayiùg où offteus., Tite singiaf on tise. occasbcdt *as rbelly gdod, and au excellent sermon <«ai preacis. e 0.b'lè ' CB. cartwrght, wiso ta L- - ~cumpanyisg t'ho Biihop -on hig îour.eb- wau procéeda ut ie vnyoi ai autistes sure cranfirmeti. His-Lordotsip bas long p dea lteage allotteal 10 uar9 --but still reteins much of tite igor cof former datys, anal bis enitnateat adaireas at tisecloso tif~ ~ ~ ~ ~t tiesrievs itndt itit ma'rked attention, ntany feeling titat itsas pert-ips- lte lastoeuioui on vitici t liey would l6e privileged toabier tise:sot-du of wiadoiWl front liii lips-Com. IIISTORY 0F SCANDTNAV[A, fron tbôii eatly limes oif ise Norsenien and Vik' ingas tl the prejacot day., By- ProfIes- *or FAut. <0. Sasossa, et Copenita gen, Denark ; farmerly Professeor ofthe SesasiainsoItLngungeat nal litërature "t te Uativërmity oftîse eity, bf.tNev- York. Seventh Eaition.,Pittàburgit- W.S A m.'1864. Professor Sinding'à bistory cf Scaudins. via'suppies. a waut'tisaI issu be long felt. Thse- noble deedu cf tbe Norseman, and teVikings have long bean celebrateai in sang anal story, but it remaineal for teq istorian cf tito present, lua present thota tu usneui tiés oiter -truiis -cf istry.- Thisa 'Preféeor Sindiug's' vorkains#,L (rom tise est-liest day tuaLite pt-osent lime., The ceuse of te presjent war betweeu Denmark,1-mad Pt-ussiasuanalAnstria,' ia fall y tes-ted of. ý:ýTise bock contains a good inea, of Scandionivia, sud a steel por-, trait or Qusen, Margaretta. ProfeasorI titi Royal Motel, anti is'engageai in oblain., iaý.subscribcras. No libaary is-comàplet.ý silsont tisa work. War Nei. Telogratus announoing flank more- mente >y gencral Grtu wh<o appoars ta have tanen unable te force UJeo. Lee's poi- lion-between the Ncrth tand South Auna,. comupriste tise greà ter. part of lise ver newe te peat wcek. Prom tise latest accounts -it appearà thaL %Grant has nhifted taseau- ward cf Rihmnond, ad us nov oas,±isa olq Chickahomitsy gratind occapied by Me. CIlellan. On gMond ay there vis a fight tise Confederates baing- the attaclairg party. , ýA, Iderai victory isclaimeal. Tise OIetails are Iuscmplete. Butic's. forcés -ire being usansporîcal Lu Grant , viich wyul- leuve Besuregard'stroopa fa-i tjoin Lee, a w. p<pueasî tame, ne saida,- uam Desa sa ,sntallýblion te theil; i besities label -conîdisas be ubtaineal spon econemicial terme. Hat'ts-éfes-éd a bsdgac eondtîioniiutfDuniiu Street,-.oas lb.ea<imt ans- u;!ýqd sisaL-tieConcil ouàa eglu<s'o tu an>' réaom8table cout-i10 pot iLtina pr slte> - -Ai\er saein ees' ecàtius 1ý!a sesele atien vas repus-ted sappr-priating $600 cr Bt-o.k sîreel:; $100", n Duadas ,airait ' oflten, No (tes- usa miss- 'il àaitait Irpm bridge Bs-a le thï a spoars, aiu sts-ougluià tu te sadi Titey, tise ail admire of Comme pan>'wsas pisS from tus reps prs-étI>'fos- ge.Thse andtaiesl Sea-t. H P'rince ut aI famil>': dies cf Ui Capt. jie ta give Pl .,Tou muait ladies of 1 yeste-tis>. table tisat d!ance ; u festatios, qucitiug, 1 ses-able el of viticit I tibm; ab:)% Iu tbsat -concert, i --all vas 1 ThseBand iudeid. co -organizeai, club, ton, esxceptiag clais, telm ansd thzsai -tIiing ha b. beerd j t eves-ytbteg the iladto tnde in tli saute usa> retns-k wi The prlu eser>' j ititvlij } Siace is sequeucef

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