Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1864, p. 4

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1Er.o 0Hs3lIorab't 9'oP6 P. (gis Excellency the, Goverpor-Generhi bus been plesesdto aneisJa0e O'Hsl. loran, of Coansvtle, Qoeesu'* oune.- Çanai' a ele F.b. 13,1 And ve chah ;alin ilk s'tire, (Un ys l ,,.cti e m'a Toue voie And lccep lis in ntoc. mur. Oltwha %aed lîy %s ilken eut,' And nothlnt 'to not' And Tmnisoinure Pli at tme gon If Omt "boula put ye oot. I'vt tnn m'luprt- mc Olt I1eoqid ne' triiit t ivou, AndIrnmferiIf 1Ibm r",,mmn Thev'fl «ime e o.u-ae in r.. Thoerlittie do.At a p;.ie I wttmt, And silior I want smair, Site whst'c to nie the mdliccn g.'un1 I like te euirr tuir, 011m, r'c tvont vote "Vitsamtcfie!tI JoItt, 611 fiAw auk0thse g t. Ot~ lemtrtdi tgft 'Forwd'bvetried the &pweetik o' pitice, And 011,,the%' e mwrct t) orcu R*,d.s u i cit t ie ntin w1irre.' n Tgied mv lore, 1brwt* ttroth,, ,For 1dn tîrrIi i kntthe lA a ,tl erdc, I got the mller In r mv iit. Nne crc14 WU&v1 ie , ThAy cety4 F0iqY 1ey. decof, A Lawyer Cowided by qu, Indignant A certain ytouciz vidov, wbose charac. ter hla sid labe %bovere pronchi, vM the heroainseterdsy OCan &flair vhlcb cxited flot a litl.e Let in bthe nelghbb< baod vltere Ji ee un\ed. For qaine titille put mite bas ben living a quiet aind virtu. oui life et a -boarding iotel on Routh Clank Street, where alohlt, board'ed, for the last day or tvo, a iawyer named Cam. crani, vbo la weilctmkown about t3wvn. Yeterday forenoon Ms.--received a note, whk*blieud been puched under the door ofber r . fd- which on being opencd, watt finund îo contain e very indeli. cste and insuiting prOpoitiôtt. lrou un- nameêd lrotmsîaneeî the attacbed suspicion et one wt Catneron ait the authror f the note ; and justly feeU-ne incensed se de termujurd te have r-parution. Notiing, unusual occurred during teafternoon, but whienGameron wai eeated et the sup. pet-table in the evening, the agrrieved re. cipient of thme note waiked deiiberatpiy inte the d*tintg roin id, drawinc ILr arwhide, smbed hint merci tesîabout hi bondadd ehouî4ere. The victimu imporingly he- ueecbed the indignant female in stay ber violence, but the blowB fell thick and fait as ever, untili ai lat itehwvu only toc glati te escapp furthe'- castigation by precipitate figlit. The affair wu i viinemeed by à lame number of hoKere, Rai- of wbonu seemed ta mympathizp. wiui, the hem-utce of the frs.-Clticago TINe8., WX991t:mIR G r. Law1- A Wsshlgten correspondent Of the St. Liui.eReptiblic au irrites that a portion ofil Gen. Le's troupe are enziil din releying ithe phsnk rosd between Fredericlcsburg and Orange Court flouse. Evidence of' the fact wae diecovered during the iaue reconnnissanc". Mn. Gec&. 1limily presented s pariof soidiéis engagidi in the 'vcrk with tbîrtr- seven paire of lovesm le *,y ber nWn hende. The noh3ecÏ of the ,i'bei Genermi in rcpsiring titis rond at ibis lime i% a mater of much specuiatintt. One uhinz in generlliy concded -that it je good cri dene e me a no notion of tiking, 1b baak AnuOa aidyd. wu% mssaking coqnte Jau vas called away lb, a neizbhor. "Saom, jour raient," 'ehe , i te boier dar bey, Il you'Ii ho etinz my juin vhen Pot say." Sans Protegied he'd "dis fu.i but t4se viites-of his es ta oled buagrily tovardq the t' ubîicrimiun. 4"4Sec here, faýia"i ld t'haonid lady, tslclng up s piece af chalir, 4"l'Il chaik jourýlipe, and tben on mymjtatare ii ànav jf yeuve ectn uj"go jaying &she psmed ber. fiuger beavl ovec the thirir lips of tbe I 6iATM D N VAWLKCEY &Ce. AND MANUFACTt1'EIý 0F W1II. IILL, rf RIB REMOVED TO TOUDS OLD STAND, 9 MANUFÀ6TtTfiR 0F ALL KINDS 0F,> B ROCK STREEITe WHITBY. m o Off'ers the following STYLE S 0F UTTERS' Viz: D l N-3-T l W &miw Cati g 'éat,:Folt iO ~~ FURNITURE ýAmerican Jumpeî', -Ofter«foi sai very lantiand excellenfâtamemt oai T1wo-sýated Pleasure S,1lei*ghs, SOFAS. BU-REAiJS, LOUN GES, BEDSTEADS, - £1... Tables, IVardrobes, CheasaifDtawers, Looking Mlasses, Boak Casas, Maîtresses, Par. t.'- - reiiiîfluuuiers Io ard Dawig Rom hati, Recking Chairs, Offce Cbairs, Cae.saed Chis oltTables, Towel Stands, &c., &c.. mn'g varmety, sud at B oh SIs>ghsg grestly reduced prices. Waru'nted ta b. made of the hast umaterisi sud warknsmip. He respectfuliy invites Alil of whickh le im selling at Greatly Reduoed Prime for Cash or an examlostion af iebstock. appt oved credît, Some very neat CARRLÂGRS, bpen aüd40ov- Every article is manufactmrad under bis ove Buprinendcnce, anmd<tan bc dependcd upon eti. whieh wM Bbeold very low. 'Two good seeond tliana Gigs UpIIOLSTERY IN ALL IruS BRANCH[ES anîd two sets heavy Bobs. 3 Cal sud compare, and ba sstisfied balore yeu go eisewhereh CIIISIIA &NEW YEÂR'S- AT ~JeMiLLN'S. Fresh Ourrauts, -Raisins, Figs, Candie(] orange 1I1ernon,&.Citron Pl"eels, r'WA LNIJTSe F f L ERISi Sx S,, AEIONDS1 rjTIj 'ASKS BEST ffiso the Largest -STiOCK t0F PORTS & SHERRIES In tl)e County. -Also a mnimoth, STOcK 0f -WRISKEY,' AlI of' hc iI~ offered ttwices defying e~i H. IcMILL4N. -o- Fî'om 1,bis date;we will SeII ail our H-EAYY WINTEII (140D&ý Viz -Oanadian Tweeds, Heavy Cloths,r Shawls, Capes, Furs, Wnter Pl ' isGoods, &c, -at a small-Ad- vance on Co'st to niake 'way for Spring Importations, andtora4~Cash, 0ur And everythiiig id the Grocery, fine -will be found tbe best value in the ' ouîity. An examination of our Goodi and Prices is respectfully solicit- - JAMES MceLU-NG*&-0ô.4 - No.,ým Laing's l3uildinga Wrhitby, Jancary, 1864.2 Withm a Jew Yard-of the Publi6 HalL PTivate Parlors osten.," The îeIJ*WP.qatcr. *wsliîiws the wormtte aberk asvsl~owothe epawn., ester;thebavk poucmes on the chieken, the estîs nci hswkte sportsman on- th.e eg!.; rogues feed on boneet -men, pettçqrmou rognes4, and sainon- - me rangement, Ibis. A joîime lady lsteÏy appetesinl, bp sitrettsent Batlimare 1 imalieattire, and en* oftxÏ eltots-.a ,ri) *e $s perfýect 1bti,. se ouid bave pased >f or a man, bat! the a his more modety. lTediffereee >meîven ising 1 at 6 and 7 clp 9'ckIjai tbs,,orniôag, for tbe upace cf 40 Yita* sup<oii1g's man ta go ta bed ai lte s sie t at ht1 la nearly equivas- lent to the addition of ten, '"ma ta a miame'a lits. A reverend Scatiman vu gaing ta hald frh, '~ n air étIla¶ go wyint»is 'Ob, <no,, e never mention hbpe 1 bave thme Word of Gadi;n My montit I thbnt tbt dqiheu got ipîp puy bm'k.' Jones léotplained of sàbWd me)it-~êl tihe p"t office, sand selsed*Braonbshai eoul e f Bhùwdidt kw, btàugt. A eh ~ on gela, ont TMMNERLS YULLY'SUPPLIEDI And averytiiun the Undertiltlug lina ta be bed on the shanlext natice. Coffins kepl mttînl on band. WARE ROOMS, No. 4, Brook Street, aud No. 2, Caiborue Street, NVitby, 0. W. Wltitby, .Tuly 8, 196.1. M IL261 A, Fresh Lot, Just Received,' Younp; II son and English Itlaek 3s. Té Te 3s. 9d. 4s. 3d1. T. 5s. ALG,à PURE JAVA CGFFEE, No. 4, Laing's Buildlingsýi Wine.andS-pirit Merchant. Whieh Feb. 10? 186 4.,2 GiIEÂ CLERJM4SALE. AIL. ALHL UNI A luA ,j l ' lve c0en e Muof h balance of their Winter Stck t a great sacrifice, consisting of Flannels,: Dres-s tIoôdse Cloths, B1aik~, Ladies,' Bonnets, Tweeds, Sh~K,- ibb"ons, Hats, Manies, Flâwers & Fe<atliers, - lCaps, Cloth Jacke~ts,,fl'et Bordeà trs, Fa'n'ISit FI F rs a 'Great Baé gain#- A1lare S'ôk ,ofllý Af-- Cost--rice for.Ço ith SeIi~n0 f! P.DOCT0Rt,'-D A VlýI S cantinue tast f3itîls and allher'-X sesses of a private Nature, IN< SaTu mEsU, WtTH IYNLIiT- AitA fluire, cmem f fBey cend MeideiýSti, (UP alitcle.) Brltuce on Aeteleide St. He. bai davated jeans Ca the f'reatint of Ch. varions fani af h. Vencreai dliseases, sud by hie pe- cîiilar pneas oLltemling Uin warat @faites are subdued lu a aîuoparativa yabort ime. '-Secondery Sypiîlis, pronouncetl hy so msr.y physialenç as Ineurable, eau lie effectumai- iy ared bU hie lnftiliible remue dia. Young minu vmahave falan vletimp ta Ctioe dreadful affecta ai Onanlem or BelV-A boss, can recel,. imoiediate relief hy apptying ta Dr. ýPat1onti ai s distance lrauted by 1.1,1er, sand mmdielima sent ta auj part ai' theacountry an r. cel tpo asreasonabie fée. Persans wlsbiug ta conualt Che Daclar <an dos nowitb lte utmatt saaey,s bies aela.t "0a smniged Ibat it leale paseible for pAtleulta ,ce eaoh athen. mnemes b% consent. Advlce trou wlien oitainad et lb. office. AIl lettere mueljt be sddneeuad, (posi-pald,) &- Davia, M. D., Toronto C. W., sud coutalu a pnst etamnp if aitl awarý8 desîned. 27 Harris's ExtraordinaryiLight. ouing Gallery. J. C. HARRnIS, Laztely ,tram Lonrdon, Paria and New Yor-k, hmth ie ironor ta announce to tire iuJrabitants of Wiiîy, and strounding eauntry, tirai' ie iras ,jt. ted tep thine large, apacious and com. i modteiusorooma aier AMr. ,Toel-Bige. y lat.e'aDry Géoda Sgtore, ur..e re is peepared ta takte LI)rRNESSEç in, tire lateat cand fmail abientfc style of~ tire art. A.mbrootypa ait.! Pirotagralft fait. ent tareal lUfe, amd enlargeuitoanya i'equired aise, andi puarammted, or no 11, antirhe lozest pim.ible liviny pro- J. C. HARRIS. Wlitbyl, July 1, 1863. Y T. -.Amirotypea iciren <tieappr and alperior t to tir Aer leaise onu tii continenut 0HEffVAL 0 FFICE oflîbue Britb'h & Ameilcan Exprms C(o. Mont real Ocean Steanship Co n Glasgow Lioe Steamers. Remoîvêdd au duor soutj r it i Ie egiutry 0f luc.- ROB E RT E- (1A MtBEI,, tuzeubt. A LSQ -Ottice 0 aI CiB ELV.S l)NIMUS iLIN E. W ii iby, A priî123, l'.8q2. h? FIRF4T PRIZE SEWING MACHIuNES- Wl NZER's COO.UIINATION & Il Ei ONI.Y_ PIlZE 5witd.l fr, lemnily j. SeitLaX*Oiit D v the Jad$Zçt4stCte ?mayimiuial Exlltiii,ti i-.d In Landau, 14ept. 24tiii, suit, litm sud fu7t, vilsgi voit taIR. hM. %W,rr&deCo'àg, Tluey tao tol tte ttraCprize for Fatiily .Sowiuïg Mitchines it tB.' It, wauzer & (ea Couîb)iuitii, nt the iun vittoliti Fuir lie t Tornt , 28, 24, 23 simd 26, l8A2, sttd vais e' pzou, warded te tmig Singer for The FIit E-rraPri.ze vmaSIoIrituetefarNKom. 1 atirl 2 ffiugen'a Mamu'aelrlni ldaeltltte. Wemitr'm & c'a 'e4Feuliv Sawiitmneuililue amni Wauaor* l'oât sSitlýestsatna.eu i otiiers, hy the Baari af Artesud Mùénu&c- tuire, tte XerblsiuslulTra They aime took Firt Extra Prises at Che *overia Comnty A,griceltlral fir-at i{atutl- , Pe là aît lI. T ae, Reatua4ville, W Il t- bY4,aborgî ,ààùmaîvulq,'lIntaet, ieny place vitne avae ituuxhiÇmlted. -in' *Rszer &ce.,s$£'ombiluttion nsid -Wauxe &ças ~lneriî Kxcel autei CbsC ever vere mmin' nun elle ttè UnlC 8lata-1 orO n.nes l.M. Waiizen & C.,, bîve piteccee'd iti uni lngrthe iosvitable propetlçsof the Wboe-' et. WieansudSInerMachihas, at.d neinan' fiui lhitoseointe vwiltîtw ere nat deitirabie lu s Vinît 4 1s,Ieitouetie art cIe, by ading sane, ime#-lnventiouu (forvbîcb lite y ltavoeeurcd s -patert n t lmda>bhavesucei*ded Ila produclni a perfectS4*ing Macitine, wieh bebn cîimple In- fà liteipe astly tndotood, reqatlrIig le hin-rdiîtany ainounicf ekll ln It apenstlon. Itp aconurate conntruutIoun enders itlt1îte liable togmettofrepir,a tmoi esL ly sdjugted. TheopýIb1Ia, Otm exinlnation, %vii hi concboced ofîItu adventtges aven ail othea nov in se. Every fauueliboul d haveasWatt sem & coa. camhlnstllan smlly mieliine. Aorhe enme WanseR X anzer CItMslamlss -Agrent, Wlblt.y. OYsters fresh and of the boit quallty RAW AND COOKED jAlways un readinese at th. Oyster Saloon, BROCK' STREET, WHIT ,BY, Nearly opposite the Montrm'slI Bnk. O, FELITZ. Wtbiby, Dec. 9, 1868. 48 The Colebrated Gerinan Oil! MiUIES mils, bruinas, frastitIes, runnlog icanbes, and ail kinde o!f len votimde. l le the greaaet remnedy kimavu for liesllug-, ail kodenaitwouuds sud cnes ituman and Iut. Tha remady là Iifllibla bm rellevlng n-ormes sud catlle emîfferlng tram pain. 11 Frama thouans oaf teatlmanlaJ» as 'ta the efiicscy ai' Ibiainvammabîe rem dy, the follow- lu evi e-beamu seleeted: Il1 haveueed jour ail the lait six jean, sude nrn sqatiidfier Chat Il le nuaqualled for beslitig lents, sud curiigfraat-biteg. ls ulltfcacy la eqnaiiy gtaabtappilad la mmori onl>Cst.91 -JAMES (GREIG To A. Kteovtesi Es q.'88 Pickering, Fab. 12,181 "li jmti tco )-Oat nd s s dul I ave the puiel,ltbimk lt right ta reelmniend jour calemted <4raun 011. My lîttie girl gat mie- varein ss fdeeamuci mia, Chut ietr reuovcry 11. c!u bluithy te tiutulb applictoi o yn cil 14ite lemtov uutpltltuly cnred. MATTIIEW S WALLOVt, Jr. l'lekerilz,January 17,1881. DAK Stn.-luItucihîr e, van, um nd Chu-pnb lie lIt gencra]. 1I làinc It riidlît ta reontmue'id yauir cuhtilrated Gormtu (11, for thuecpure ai rltt, b)ruîmes?, Irait hiuem, &e., isuî.quwtuy 4cIScs- cl-utis whrriîer applled Ce man or tIesil. Ppiiiî î. I[oovri(. l'ieheeriug, Fabruarv. s. I)EAR Ste.-TuIn tece Co yomi, nfl'ea t ly 1 ove to tht putile, i tiitîirt rigît Co rucon- inontd yottr ceîebruted Gernit 01, for Cte aure officmit lîhîcaz, ecui, brulsea, aud 11t140ofai'orée flng statnding. TW11 Il1 utft,-d rutom a lied ruming more for iWu yeume wvilt lthturimtlomi. 1 wmtsit dtctol ry« voir 'cniahrmirad cil, antd sm nmow comuplote- ly eirt.d. . AMES YITZOJBIiONS. Oia ni' Chefitrat 'medical mgtu in tChimty writi', IDKAn 4r.E-rvhe.aIoveru lieworid ynm.ttuI ltrt , Gerumami Oil dpmrves ta boý k uîown. i t ,u ut prove aitiuuuiug btutui- Itiiil. iiîavred qclb tin the cure ni ,itmubrut-ý rua, front hitpu. &c., and aiuaamin unres of tomg uteti lie t blita iecur ifa'ii ta ueet neaitre." T.. l,. lied lit l )rllrit, mnd et Chu pr o- ci-pil pao, u ii il ite irorivce. i. A?<n THE IRITISll REVIEWS. -'ru PLoN now QU 1jATEReu.-,(Cemservative). Tue EIntrrnueuu ReVrew (Whig). TuE NoRTre BRITISmi Rmvîtw (Free Cburch) 'rue %IV neMmwSTeIC REviw (L.iberel>. -B#,ACKWOODStt Etituur.it i zîe(Tory) Ps*ems not ta be increasedl! .,Postage ta be reduced 1 Thte irices wai hil ervtchrtoforc, vit: PER ANNUNI. For ttv one of te four Reviuwte.....3 0( For al two of te four Ilevievu ..... &)0 Forattîv trcea uthftefour Reviewq.....7 on F,,r ti four of te lletiews......... 8l00 For ilhîckwnom agp'l!zilte . ......... 3 Fnr Biaecw,.oiltuttdaime Revietr..... 5 Fuor Itlatkwoo'î ,.-tn t eclTwo .. .... 7 ulf For Iilackt<ansd tltrue Rte-w,.l u ý0( For lackwvuid simd tii. tour Se4iewil... 10 il( 1loW ngii'r Chu wltoîe'ive Periadicai,. otîl flItysmixcatt?&e y -tr, LEONARD ScoOr & Co., PFubliheras, 83 Wsllkr St., N*. ISSUI1ANÇE Ilin1PANY MARfl<E, DEPARTMNT.. W tiLT.Cke fini! sud Ctiru<o iiaui,nt the iu. hlmpa iirtq ni'pretulni; lueur. simca grttntud au lii! risk-e, '1or Chu' esaonor vormtwr', antatil srete 0f Lwanty par catitmml Dwed aum-Ch, tatriff faictrga preminfa ai' be cssn, a prompt, iteral, end honorable mottleutent ot "'1fjustiimRsnpon aie Company, tsy ha JOHNu un. .01WBLOW$ Agentt, rort Wiiny l~0i1c sjoîtltgJe,, RaWe, &Ca. W hitby, Fsui>. 25tb, 1862. 7- JOSEPýfI F.:R AI NER- WAREROESÏ, WHITBY, C. W. - - ~~7~ZE ma liefauud a fine inôn l laIn and -rnamêntal Çees, ftm6ý ,.,65, 7 antd 7X. cttvea, ntanufsc- tured of teheu&04 seurlei,, sud prnuauucddby lb mail dlstingaisbed AnIeN,.ta ie ungur eedby e4treonglsd paeritia!Toue Wl id enthe mot reuatble têrins, sud vaný *auledt l suan aj lltnate. Qrdero/rm c& part Of me Wits*r5upreia"«.eedtol. At Cte Provincul Exhîlbitlon hel din uLondtm au 14 la 2e séotenuban. l61the lm frat ,wI,ta0 TU1E CELEBRATED STEAeL-o1L ED'iIOP tîeplibliao tea i.ove itnporl.mtt inven..,, tiati, the nfluit orwitliuiime affore for sale pitimer fer Towusllps. or Countite Itdepeucnt fi - Ie itttriitiava'wrth wortbi, es Labour-Bav g nven. Tt lins imio the fnllbwing -sdvaütsp'es:-All- Icittdso i linimner-Itin OcirMaple, Beecit, &c., <tn be ,maud lu the oanuf"e o f 4ut,e, ila pà; sud tliti., frnihe soarciWty t limeotdi- qary spuliop muatermal, 6lisaDuinsll -reoin-- THE HOOP '18 STRONGER And ili i mt langer'timn tire ordlnary hbop. 'A' Cooper cao mnake tram fourlte five bsrraiué per day mare titan wilh te ordlmmry split-hemap, ONE - THOUSAND IH0OPIS, Witt omeke et le"' Ë ront niuety1-eix la niety- e!ght batrrot»; ir holda barre!. tigliter aud bel' ter for, Sblppitig, &o. Wherever te. nven' lionnbasnibeaiu lu mmes, it bas gvatt thmoëat C>C-OMPLETE SATISFACTIONI;.. The propr ietar ets up tht a hltidime nutiiiz for lits owu timoa:nteau tk.to uney until lietem Icco m ploté workIng order. "Fitaliy, thte Steaim coîied pIo p le of a' ieý wouderit ül the aga, asan ltîspe to lQ wIs1! fy Amty praclicai mail. RFJF'ERENCES i Aîîdrew <initWelliiugton Sqaare; %Wi, Gardner .iC Merv SteC,'hanit ituer, Cliflu,. Rîupemu~mîlIrlgt W &J. llogg, Yorl Wititevi.le J1. t)., i'ickmrinje b)ctobar, l1818. a9 .PIRE. AND- LItE1 INSURANGE 'U OMPANY 01? ENGLAND.I Royal I nrue Juildins, Liaerpoot4 Bo. 9,Lombacrdi'8te«4London, CAPITAI, TWO MILLIONS S5 rERLING- ANI) LARG(E yESERVEf FUNTItI. F I R E D E P ARTMEN 1 This *cttimiy 1,tre8 Bi-iilding». sudaiili utite Phaiîo Ilroi.erty regtIe la ,e#or Paif)etqr byFv.e, on tuamt tra er Ail jii 1souprtrytIv settie4!, witui lt4de- Eiti id. . - The litrgc Catpitaul sd jnioemngut ail 'd titipuy lrtguiir thte toant perteat ssf4-tY. LIFE DEPARTMENI',ý Litrgest paniitcipttimn ai' Profitb ccausierent wirliitl ttnîhipI gsnirity, omd ever ýv beitefit c.mnlra;iic t.dl Iestctieeit .Lfa AmaU tntf- for-led 1-v tliuc-Ttoya.-I li.ecoipt r c w i>uiiei :1190e in ix inmtlit ni' h. pitt ear. £200,000. STERLING! som rotal ~iree lIr1859 Exhitttttugau 'uncresue it aime year alane ot £2ô,3489. The iumIts i't bind exceeti £700r,00 Fkliititti., St itilt ruin ne lOayeuraiaecai na~u£80ý(OOO1 1 Alan;.Cottrtnz Ilotime Calenders, vitIt nntl-ioAit fthl ( Ctmpucoly'j% opertitieae, ai eviirv ncecer2 n'auut'o riitahied attie' JOHN ÂGNEW, - Areur for'Tmsotlîly Witth'y. April if,. 18e2. -- 14 T 11umbeber inT-umr 'apatfvors, beiZi ftu n raM an he Towu antdemrraà tlit ho viii bhithppy la aei4tu aaretetedto bis *itra.- 'rertl llierted on Uald, Bilvf RsbhéeBase. Teecit filiud or extrnected lu.t mnautter." Ptttnlaietteatiln ,-ailI taa Chilldneu'sTeetif. AIl'vorkwo 41 'Un h, FIRE> --. LOMBARD icollipet ition., 1

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