Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1864, p. 3

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s _____ M _____________________M Whmt Ib ' ebo eruII.V. c58thUb Whem thl Party noir ls power wsr* là Oppoition tlioy weve lond ln thé condoilu. nation or tb.e amont of Ooveruument pap bgoý.d on the Quebea Obr<lcle, .com.' monly called Foote Job. The E9ditor or chrog>l~e at îhut urne vW", Mr. 8beppard, wl4'I"m-e sandoomely pald oui .!; Ibis epu~ r, nd- defeudcd It vigorously vith, bit Pen. Mr'. Shoppard traraferad bis valcauble servies to th. Quebec Mercury, vhieh. on belng leamed te Mr. Blackburn of London, IlCWam ndootilnues the organ or 'the nei-oyernmenî rMr. Bla.ckburn succeed. .4 te the. pmp .stowed on. Mr. Foot, by their predecesuore. Thtis wus a very ns arran~gements for Xr. Sheppard, vin fortht. vith turned round and abused the. jobs 'on. vbich ha had fatteried, ile hf- kept hlm. self ln good ceue by participation in tii, sweetof tie*-one. Moreover, ho vws made S4Oommtier 10 inquire Itito the Fiuma. cW and Departmoulal management of the. pre vious Ministry, for vhlch ho recoied from bis nov patronus large salary. In ?4p !uble position of, usefuînes lie expos. th vii d onc by bie furmer allies and paymatcrs, butkept a'-losê. moutit as to thome of bis preeent one. The Public Ac- connu s owever give smrn@miîl itukling of thèse, snd yl cuable the People taoes. limate what an expansive luxuly a Minis. ternal organ We a' a 4 s e e ai 3W A(3T8 FARM TO '-RENT. T~~~~~~m ()fot.Es IyArso Lo0t No. 27 litlii 2n Co. Wîltq.1'ss,ù,sie Ism- Modhsrcîy. Apphly tu EM '50YONGE STREET9 T6RONTO.$ t> Wholosale Trade CiroIllar. ROBE RTlWILKES Respec;iulhIy oICichmthe ahtaleehoa o1 the e aierni 'l'de, Fancy Gouda Deales,,, Waechuuakera, Hardwae Dierchants, (3unsnuthi, Lump 1>081 ers, Droggios, Tobaccoalmes, $ta. tloncrs, Miliers, Cabinet flakers, r 5te largoead riehd stock wvitdie howov flurs ,11. Calladiai rade ni alh i e eral depactotnts. Xvery arule tif our immense apsrlment r. seiected Persouihllite f-oseigo marktsl, nuit cotherefore ho rehed U u.lt style. qualîlî and pre, as vol itougil. iuhbiug Bo1,1-uset sud close genend tauyers wlll hWi uer prie.su obecc. _ TABLE AND POCRET CUTLERY, Of Rodgcn and R. Wl s & Co.t. ma Reaid pre NICKE A NI> EC OPLTÉ81, IÃ"N AI FOIK$, wu supply ai a close uhvance on the stelng. Cotnths. Brniahes, Sa». Pefumer Raid Drsggots' suiiecs belli n largo ,,lnck and quolcd low. *DRX5s BUTTONS, PINS, NEEDLES, E,îîbroid,.rv eandSewl, g 1, wuîh sansber ft Dra- peril.' 'nîî,lrîcniî reât vuricly. Eîîglimh, Frrucit. Germnatl and Aîucrîcaîî t>sîcy Gouils genershhy. we hold pnsily the lrgest adsudti ssorird stock of in te j=îds.Esor Gstold and 81v., Wsiches Gd sîîd llsed.Jcurlery, Elecuo.çplsîtd Wsre.Clocho., %vaîclî Magerialst. (liaes. &c., un(ull asiommet.-- 10 inr, toad Pen.holdcrsb neventy.tvo doltaFs Wd a t bîli lesqeeothe lmseor iuhtrrwlse. the 4~uebec Mcrcurl, In anc yeaIr. 1Nor lm ,0Lking GlasPlate in ail stzeR, 'tue a&l, ah vatua places lu lb.eccouttus LoyCbilwoe. Musl 111tîÎuts, taKichet 'y, Suid $44,33G6 cbargcd as paid tu va' tous , , îa, lils hD e lmssd hn a 'prsons for nevupaperu, advertising. prittl'ii L .aîolpaîcy B 1kcsIlnî CpPek &e' in. ,togrrnt vsrly. tisyerslssy or ing aud stationery, a notable iîîot -i f1Hl ht' lur. 'pîtOfeiîî, WittfiIl n( h hanage Io per. 'wici no doubt vont to gîsasethie whi!'h " î5wor lst rer îItâhmpne cf le Mecur andtii ~'lancah Cti oalI, lu cati. ex td oIstlty. of te Mecuryandthe intieia Comis. - OJHI;'R'r WILKp.8, 8no nge Street. aiu7ie amounla are' lrresjective o Tooll ireit, 184. t0 ver,"largc ainus for prinîling and 8tau1oi-ery te chier persona, anti iuutdiatchy follow. iug tlhe usny yesrs supplies oh' the hîîîîer ' afiecle lr, Foole vas eaid taohie, *pileti fdp inthiesmoral deperlinutns. 7 Witt tise qa" and theio ul wîa ere .c aqu gainat tho Fonie jobs, bo gond ."'- -onctgh teW*idiate titeir.liuc of defence otfN0O T I (E tie Bickburn and sbeppiard jobs ? Witt lmI lispeiad Wiuîtess"juprave the occa. foÇ î~rio, 1TShîeroiy giVeu. liai nt] [rsW t: j adjourtîed cloirt "f to piroee thât 'biadk wils blackIntititîer r S ol* the O le cie, i anti for tle thI auetiY-, 'but lut ite ilîder tc'oîlo' ltheri -11 bc i,,'iut thi 'Ooirt prmnetý W!iil tt ecaîîauy and reL-ench. îlio, ii",in IhieroVli f Wiv, oîs,01 Msent ment *41 us vint dot' "tnuis Monday, Mareh 28th, 186, .ornîiptioueeî taethoir 1uoitrîu '9 on At l'a..""l il, f' r tfiîlrpose f tria Toigwupa. .1j. NMhC:buNËr', LÀDYR Eîow'a Rîc'uiNî'n o ENeoî4\xn- ~î ,Noi1 14h Apropos of, the arrivilun.Ei rha10.t of Lay slinaLu1a ppr ae Btc OUSES AND LOTS TO LET. folloving sati refloctints:-â"Tir miso l'y 'vhoteoaide e l trther country siteuis fiar r W'1î)th tl"UlC aril hilton socre oh Luitti on -saay trout it novs, aunng the . niddvî'a. I lîriSir.'î. joir St. Androw'o<litirilh. 'drous aud.aaks of tie Ilimihuya. H u ',titalcirohiis. ioxseslot eh nv KIt î'itrute iVIl e liaed fl1rîa -ane more lu the. long roîî of he .Eîtgbish f volr"e,. 'irbo lie lun au Indian grave ; sud ahie obe A14jly lu .0,0%0 te liat of' tiose win cou. back, WILLIAM l<lhilN nevcer tu icar tic name of he iccosthy court. îiytMreî7,t1i64. try withoulthinking cf t ite e1.ffet lin vilchla hors by the. td-de ti af-tours, She survives ber buabanti. Her predeces: sur son luthesaloons cf Goventuent Hanose, Lady Caîînig-tbe graceful' motatinu, Calcutta, ithe acccmp1lîshed fiien't ofhie Majeîty hrc-dîed before Lord C tnings adding te hie greet anxieticît for thei) u IE AL L N S pressioa of the Io I int-uiuyvs bd lt' i i- MIE AInuN S reptraile lIs, Lîs41- CaiîiIi'e îredeccs' i'î-sn, , mon, ugit-Lord Dal*iousie'c ruîîswh ,1,ii,~dMri,14 ..rdepanled tuhile before her 'liushand. i îAilNfor lw ' ua.ef Ni Iul IL RPt " .ti>prii'sJ4oydisi, t"cllccyli ea any incident, cf dotoestc losseo4n f( trl'rý,t ttrlj 'nil.l - seter? Sie baid qehtd India, hiiged 1 t.Thli li'-,t 'helall leroteD o O te fiy trou l&s cruel amm fur beo- ito ; but 11il tour ltrjo," ail ton luxe. l'r hos>âàid <'uiglitlthe à."ersesli riîoàerv hI,.,, 1- l ot, in i il.s tidinge cf ber 'deatti at es t'nntttie hoarse "ieIIlmîdtî"<i .Llix i îilt, aid btotlty cf îe nwspacr.îysas he dueslin'- ritrîîîiîig Idu' Nortli ":1 oUtiî uill Eýt bavling o t eeaeýtiaa edoeali West, cot'-.s6etear h theediîugu.in, se iu the evieg alosg lie bStrand it Cal.- î,fti( ct t he iclity wilh s41crit. cutandi re.eteredl hie 'sace a louali, 3"lie ailflie lu' for a tracît in tiliiurvvyech man.tIs, n toterr4tî,v iîiu4t tmriiete a ltuitîîhdeâcrptiuo 4"'un. TeceGovsmn-etaeais sud140tilsroqif bv a Pnoshscsl Làtid urceyôr. lV-ice-queeona deeit s ftù e & ors-soch 4. 'I'eicieocPlaht beletie dollaratitacre, puy is te gtouyreîrspett sgges~d able Ci) thesait. il te glomy etropée ugge i y tlie . ,'rnt ab tâ'-r .lniY -(onecitdollar per ton arrival. of La4ylgla; thet le tie price l'e tiedo aîetuns xtruet,(ite thetu ract, vue pe; envIera h alid for tic cou. 1aa.jthlo on1 reinval front the Iitrie. try Tuhila oroitidîleli'n tîhc e aI itNtnitlanide vr w:boiv. vatee soti h ettre sud -sold milice.thf,-1 tlday oh' A prit, 1862, And oi.lit 'lie wth ut loo.1Iî,atol'theiralry i tî~uwo tand à a ltî pr 0, vîti o'hIot' ~ irgou o h.ores frui'thiûeiid. - 4 "lîtfi mcqr'eedl',Iwiihi pe ota proaert- àGitckv Coaî D)epolr.-TIseSt Cahef.' inlîîidiî'sîiie Çf Initierai, ~hc o i thie Immai nderstnds tht prop itièsIlove 0Coi"iîîlis, hb unt flot Iss tiraitîonec dol 'ian JorsJ udertanle hetproce~Ie ar p,-erelu mv 'v iioiip. flOul ýthe saine mav, been matie bagente autinrized by .. sti. tien ad t.Hcttuai ie tic NewYork Centrat RiIfW C f :.si>t îaî o oli e cre. thse parcsuse of'the promises ai Niaer,, ire-i h.. lrde tie cIrw o1 furItu fonurly kadws aste .CtbFactoies santi & Tire aluns reulatione do tiot epply ta grouds.Thie ostoasile design 'lu te <,an- e tîi îrc gs oi iansicosicu vt iIetloite a; samnmtlh Coalygsrd for thsettC1lOcre are ..îoellt'd. e>pply of Wesftern Ceanada. Til'h rond inmt WM. McDt)UGALL. b. aconcaompletod ta FartBris, by the.CorniitIeloiier. asistaance of lth. N. Y. Centrai, andti e North iI lresofloîefm neronaI d I.iî ii oit li 'coul in te ho transportodfroin lhe -m .ait'! on rite udj outîit iwlînudâa iic, on flic 111th can aide to Fort 'Brie foud thence t Naa- Nach " 1-8ls re fabLîîtu: ntiumfuîr w r. The intention ia ta Ihave no ciange af pcîfot'itoit ,t ond ttîôî,s of éslo end loca'lt, ti he ave remsàined lIable tu orfeitître ho cars m thse coul cars will be fernieti cseutic iresnttliane, tire fortlieî. uh ie t Fort Erie. - Tht. looileè%ouîh i eir assigoims, providedilite hie rimer iiigmenîe were tmaide bafore tic d 'teItoreof, are alowed.ti u appiy tie payrilteîîý1 tîsi tus>' have Maide on as>' locationi, ovcr and auove lie MAR I-B IJ"iorâfrgt tiitaltacut. toward lie unr. M A R R EH D~ .,, tumî 1'tht. saine, or n ay nlior loutionu vil KELLER-MITE-1t1hahbh open for taie ut thie date of them ap of tbc bnlde's father, Wiitby, on thse lOîlu priiot.u ô have tihe mane 'J'sppiid but suait finat, by ilthe vd.- Mn, Cayley, Chanles aic thsee lssu'bjû n& Dw a Esqutoeis hlcit -lurituhoa ximtîg reirîihatlonts, sud muet (Cornelius Ketlle, qSeiir, b Ii t i the purîmenl of Crovu Lenfison ý8umea Elanor, second dangiter ,oh David or h..foi lte Firal dayof N veuber, A. D., Suiti, Esquire, Pomîmater. t8 ~w m. meiS. lots ________________ 9-6w. -Cenl.-11 WIIJTBY MARKETq. Wbitby, Marci 16, 1864. 'Theveru ittho prodoce of a&ny kind find. Ing.its vay-to market, in Conesequonce of the ba t sai of the rwas. Prku e main> uaonekge &amstIat week. -.",NW ADVERTISEXNTS. TECOMMERCIA, OTEL., EffOCK STREE>W, W1IITBY.. Travellera al If von wast teo d l- Wlx.u st Wh;tby-go t) Ue ,cmevrcial HWt; You'll ge odl Informaton, elntertainueont m iid,, Adtebéat er good quarmrs Ni- 10 LLE i.BRIDE. SQ ALE, A 8pI.indià 1L001of LAS»,, B sel 17,l ido s NOKJ. , 16 Tivand1,Inte lp ,o, Q lrimhnq Townhi e N IA o ,* Ww grolripg.4hltiite iu the. Pro- COURT 0F ASSIZE. h.ont~cfOuîanl, 8 TSieeiy givénla and Nih tPnlns, Oyer aud Teimner, aud Genosý nul Qiiol Dclivery, vilb. holo iu nifor tic Oquis?,>ofI'Ontaio; aitIthe court loue, lua the 1Tovu cf Whtîy,p WoçI=oetayý Iaoh ,*86ffl At tbhe ur of Ivolve e010100k, uqen 0f whi a$1l.Coroners, Justiaeeithle Conistabiesemud 011 otlherseoneierneI. vi] ek notice, and gveu'tsthemssuevib seeodiniy. NELSON G. REYNOLD~S, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE CORPOZLATION OB'ý,6E Townýship eot PicIerlg For the L'air endig14 Dc-.$830, 1863. Jan. DR. -1,To blancecn -btand................. ........$ 36 To Cash au account of taxes for 1862.2...048 56 To do do 186 . 239 UtINCMPÂL FUND. To Casi trou Municipal Fund.............. 5lW AND TÀVEtI 1 CE8ms. To Ca h from Siop and Tavetu Licetisms... To Cash trous Circus License .............. itOl-RLSENiT TAI. To Cash trou gon reident-tax ............ To C^uh fnom Commission on Cnunty rates ... Ta Vash trou defalcations trou CouîtyTrea- surer .................................. To Cash frous Fie, t&................... 761 401 665 00n 10 00 80 0 115 73 il 03 100 22 $11052 48 Dec. 31, To balatnce ounl 4td...................... $131 71 1863. IIoADU I RDU I IOLLNO5AIBfITO5 By paid appropriatons for Boa andi Bridges.$2746 'n 49 Coutfty Tressl1rer.................... 4640 97 di Relief 10 indigent pesos......... 301 6 U Teaciens, Municipal County Aismiment for 1862 ........................ 920 ou tg Touchers, Monicipalities' Fond for 1863, 761 60 dg Non'remidenl Slci 7Tx ........... 41 87 91 for Survy................... ::*»**,*« 48 01 ci Salaries, &o....................... 725 60 di Printing, Ststionery anti Postage..... 59 69 " Sundries ........................... 75 17 To balance on band.......................... 731 711 $11052 481 We have examined the above acco unt, with the vouchers therefor, an d find al correct. ADAM- PULLARTON, JOHN M. MACNAB, Âudilory& TIQUT & ~filE On fiard, a lrge quzinlity ýof Primet Seed. Aiso a choice assortmeit of InîMporUed EGardcn Sceis, No. 4AT iN. ,LAING'$SBUILDINGS, re no w offering grreat Bargains fpr Ca'si, i.> DRYGOOIDS,9 READY-IYIADE 'OLOTHYNGS' AND GROCEIIIES, As it is necessary toreduee thieir stock as, much as possible previoiis t removiug to their own p remnises lately occupied by lames Mcelung,' &- Co.,» on the Fîrst Arl where they intend opening the Stock they ever had the pleaureë of showixig.' LPWrry 8 Brick Buildipgs, Whitby, March'16, 1864. .Just Re 61~Tt~ Tft CAMPB~LT.~ 10 1BahefSOIS STOYES!!i CHKAPKR TRAN EYFIL UT IiÃ"CK AN 0ATEffT vere,~ z hoeu~s thlIe $tore et the stéoin vea'vry *1 leamtiqueltv suan&ettail Pnb,. Thepeputlar nev palier> tve RINCE Af..rÈ, DA rV CROUXNI 4C 111 Mac g'e. S, li. ERTAL Brok.aL, Wbllby. S-ly Fimlly »rq ShoaWbtby. Oh! wht a, Chance O[I~P ~I4T! 4ÂAIN TUE LATE MACOOÂLI &WBox ort hsard16çhtyl h aeari » &WdoeB>,P.kepQoAt"' iiusnlg15 &sur or a torm of Villa t I'7sfJâvlle, i es-tm WhbY sud20 ,mias frotlie Cl etT"arntô, t6 proporly>oftboll-tHO11M 8LARKIN onir- t'In" 115 acres of Lsnd 105 more .ocloârad, sud tr.Oc roui 1n,1!4é ant i t it-ehas tate if ouîîvsîon buîeernls"0 tb.re mire TWO DWELING IOUSES, on. ewof<rine, velI fialmhod, Ivo Iarq ?rine lBarn , io large Frame htds, witlî omfortable %tabbsattaohod, 'tire Orohards%, tiro Wells, &o. -Pmos iglvoît on th. firAol day of April next. Applioatiou for tonna, *h o1n b. md. ho the uu4qriInod .oars by Iillrpoat- RBER? BRENNANo Dnbarton 1P.Oi Plokcring. Eouos PATRICK '1ARKIN, Grccabiînl, P. 9,# Eesoil Majorvillo, FebruMy, 186. 9t FOR 8-wMLE. la FIRT-GLASS OMNIBUS, Or vill be eceAngcdfor a pair of HORSEs. For furtier petiotânli& P$ ali nrl d, ExpresAgent. Whiiîy, March 9,1l84. 9h' NOTICE ! DUIILIQ NOTICE la hereby given, tist tii. IGorpratiti tî tIi Towshî? et'eîc.rang viii e t. u6Ïxt tneetULg to b. b. J iii lthe Town Han, utUe 16th DÂT 07 APRIL NEXI, rcoto pu" as ll-law 10 citer thc $Ide rond beîrweLoU u d 18, luthe, tirokeiî 'Front Corcoëmmun oti4e Towv»hi i P!lNkvring, mn me 10q4* selt ailot 28,Ii, acoiti. &nes vith a uertîsltiplan andi dasciption of arlti Bide-roat intsi. by JOHN SUIEI(, Esq.. P. L. S., u the lth day ofOotbor, 18U, nsfol.- 1010 the" -W it. seay --Cur enciîîg on the NortLerly lmit o tgo. Rali lot No. 2s, et th. dis"tne Idfty links froin e.6 suNrth-esaerp angle of lieesald lot, and runnlng thonos s$uith mixten degrees twentf4hlee minlutes, Es ev.a$y lv, chaîeland lg;yhoeIiks t îterbeethe west.rly lhaut or th allowiince for rati ut th. uonhtherIy igit of' Wharf Street, lu the vi of FaRipov4, thte Raidirosdti t. ione *enwz sui thea boçe deanrb.d lins to ba thm vmaterly lirit therof. BECTOR BEATON, Pickering, Kmroh 8iý,~ 4 Jr 08T on Brook Street, near 1he Day, on JLjSuudsl lest, s ible ; the pirmnotuv foed t,.seoe viioblige us by luviuag lu M7 Wbil bareh 9, 1864. BARRIE WI1ÉRE.COTI P AWiff1% wixhtnt ta, porche" Wi rs Coth igr PUInî,iti Mlhle, ';r other pnrpogloo, eau 1é attpphldatt - BeesaWIle luth Il.ssthac, 1y * lha Oe4aatole, snd oitaes resli- w v~boemuopunitvamlinay Maüoufaitoty, Bok 48,. Barrie.Pt fic ~e. Reference t. mdwAi Caldwell, Whitb$rW; Thoutes Zrnki:lEstQ.,awvmý eu.,FolwUàry12, leu. S"in FO~ R SA&L.E. QBm sud tielng Bouse., lu the, Village p of, ,(Jouuty.o For particilartspply toYlUN Balmain P. Q ODr, I by W.114, to tbe pri)ttrletor,' JI ROBEIIT DODDS', FO0R SALE, P l -. TROXAhI DO*,' WI.ihy, sou 11i4.ity T ENDEUS vili b. reccest t ihncf lis ruwitiClorki pup lu 12 o'clock, ucon,on 1 etlu'ongthl 4-lW*1fîik anîd net les than e,-.;;r fmor-hiff"eiIn-bncdti. Aýise ori109000 Fèetf riitietg ma CEDAR SVA'NTL11NQ.,; Luqi:bcrtr.,I 4cntlnqobpl, vpMrei et lte TOWN'HL, HTY Nos liter tia the Jat 0$ June. il. . PERB.Y. ialnrtlt iil'îîîn11iteon Streets sudItu-ý làOrtl l" t-rnlca Assqgt.e Companîy, TL SNiX>,f1"'la YDunerPnft ti Tird mentoh .ut prt - atitda. i3à PITAL £100,000. 11918r.11101. nt-ctcd on Bulldingm aua Iheir tlnni, ix >ufor thse Seseorfon-Pntt. JOHIN GNRW, 'rrg ihîlitt Agent, Byrgn Street, Whhtl. 0NEYT~L~ND I ~ j' if-» a A MGE-STOCK JAMES JOHNSIO1{, W-otohmàker snd J#welkr, iwe h8me t, h. Oeîo6cn'5t¶i,'îbg8~.. Tc1ilm W'i eE 9A COG-WHEEL ELA?1 TÏ ti he origilîini -suid 'oly reltsible Wrnlguîr"ý -lrngo f fntaisiocapaul*y for.pruseore. pcwee-0cf atii t ltan àcîlser ïmchintioe.. l It Were çcrsW t torpai.. No servant eau break Il. - - - A chiId el-ght vearsold eauoaaeL0. , No cauttoit o! ekil h'equtred lau t am., It.saves 1p oul h Clotbing every ainen or twelvé oiethe. ' - Every lVrtiiger' *1111 <?g.'Wieelà ' Wiritanted 'fni-very parsmalar ..é'sé The, ttsiah nngntoku lIS't- l'iItEMIIJM, a Blver Mel sud Diplome, ose tie New Yorik Suite PaIr. >8.tnlw itonn uua mcurlr iô al lises~nts I Casissre W*tms* las v yTown lu" Canada. Pensons reaiding vign*e tlero [,n :'vU4 e appointeti, '07 rAmhl»tfMli'ihec'tonsssi"" reecive lise Wiinger huy iCspres>"w '~ed W. CEILDS à Go., Humilthea, ui 16.6. . Ganerul Agentsý. TrHE nnderitied bas >ust réeeee a 'froà§u- e>pply ot- foi, èîli e heapuser lin& àqusulty-, nunôrt .ClL4AeLTON'8 Favorite VINIWARS', BOT E l ,X,,go BOOTS JA3M SMeC W? ~ît ~Ula -W lu ýy Il

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