Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1864, p. 2

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-ah~~ T? - - ?or ety ald Blckof*0-À "o J "Ctiphula -%et s ÈoumCo urt, i of aere 1 e mi os - %l.tré Stmppsm.m. hcu GnsumrIi Hol-O. hfeBide.A z Wo 8l i pondi Mark cf7,a1d-A. a. Fetnckm Day, TIse Soretesutie ef'lgarnet, ttp.1 Wbsmela l.Insst» çli ed vn that dem otoi er sapciéulvete tisé men»l. ime.e>? WmtrleV. DeYTla oser>' parti the agai 1tbiLWs é. a -Ireiau- ýdq wAtbef.udly thuegit on, andi cl.- bâmeiabyîit4 aou of1b Grossi le 1sO- osmdlmg te thein meaus, andi tie circuu aaeu la vblibi us>' - sa>' le placoi.' laid reellsetlem hopie memoriee.aid en, d"Smmgrsm.mbranecs vili l'evt i pos -s41. dwet upom, ani thougit eth *itb liaivarmtiiandi depti aif eeling vilici actimaithé ardent Irsnaurse. Ansi 64h. Day «anI li wbo onour ittm'vilI lie towse i maa> a festive b'arnd, viere linsueloquenie, and [ruishvit, andsIr[isi selit>' viibe dspmnenues sproinsel>' au tlia god shioon hs buipitabie table ass wie iih lb.sonsofaiS. Peti-ick illii «W" deta mputets. Ansi-- "LIn e.>'country whoeuii n limp .lml &'Andsi îl haiIca nn rT&ra'. h al"- wi i e sang andi<Leeu-ap tunofialy cvii. «W eri t a negleotesi ilivion b>' Misiiens al bern, ans ji jonn aroatinl distant aIMM..TesY u md b>' "àal ouen tac- b nr; 'Wl10 long Ba thaie.i poessiah, T)flue lthot gave ta .amy, Whetgcld coutlI ererhimy.' la Wlhtby greet7preparatious aremaIn- hq-fer thé. esebratien ai lie knnivermury. Th.m s Iobahdnier, on a guctis male Mt <lueBOyalhôtel, andi ira. th.enmbor cr tIcime iuiciltihe <esti promaia. to lue msrcsu.The Wbiîby BraseBansi bave bou «.ae d fer the oeso.ansi aHlthe ether arragements hase beenperlmew t t xmàew ev L.acn"mulsra> n ayueeable one. - - .F@ te ti ihmun in Wiit>y,oa il «"sd laff lesUnite in celebraing the Asenesar>, andi ber., St Iset. às oaa ept *Uber eigions caimauit7tes whieii ve szs*ai'prevail Je, îhfir iocalltlca, a. muWs mo cm"mem, itruesr Bad a ITAU i ve apuiibbed a l-flan ou e. lobes A. Dottaltisun. on th. culture ai lisoeoisule.VUt e h sbbvnt mais tm a pwdlal itd. sMd lit opinon -W saii"s - veIl wms'hy ee'e" usn. J«dcmic. That be <tmansi ion luIeol biyuit' ëar«Mmmve hve intiaputabl OMerlY. %l Myart Beotà# taiAt Vesesipubrw demmntration, istemi ih"iébe grovilu'oh Scx vas becaulctg * vial eeemiW,~' n -coaequotnce elepeessetmercil> -ud anA ure teeeetalutyof *o-' coteau suppi>'. le pu..?of tifs ti.-valise of fiax cuaverusi queti> qidm esi ies vsapodaoed st eêt.0be I&Uout in larelnceàuithii, iI 44*, te o i» lii.neemm at sppi>' for umhm«", la %,limdi h.-&Z me sou- tosme «UMsata muai mach m doe. *mmeOn«- d publieoopinica idumécic thia ftvI cf duMa b eland, aqi a>' *«,Chut B8n io lacapable ai do 0 obqaomlsy' slipAtpresauentmees ne m enct i.se0fer fortnina petia.- budn bouaetAhome,'anéwdt a broM4 au S q l. g a * il.ateenila cipmtlàl WsuiehseS.4 men'. Toaptme.16.ie VU*uligof f axI povis; CM>'appeer eécoseL - as4uî - .ghe, smu O. altg.Soeu>vlg oth, te>.teAd ma", fasesof dm air Rohrt Ku* speaint ILP Masp;GbcahAx Bir CANAL Royoi- There bus been ut'abl besia plama0,1 serve>' fer th. Georgisa yCanal, intemad ed tcseompuan areport or T, . Ii.fer, cfa àisrvey cf îiqroiite tato Ain Ontario bi va>'of IMaMe Sugog. moeure Obevel h Co., of TarOn&ta,- ar e l Wbllabers the. m, ad tb. ropbit vu prîcted ett lb 0009 cf tiih, pape, Wblle ve cas besta' bau-ty praie iponthé excellent mannsr fi vhleh the. mep bas been execulei, a&Misti aI>, vremuai eomplain, of the. ver>' nafai, va>' in whicii tii Port c Wh tby il dsîlriested tiereon. 'Tih or at, Omi the uap, vhuiit 0 Wf jb <tbh o barbon on thiiaie, vithont exception,I not even bccrmd vitb *?aplaceor a Damie Tii. omimioj l nan oatblandi al though vs do ný 4a*rgç ittahave liee, by defign, it locha iuapiciousty lune it, For tis. oeoùis4jýthé .pôbllubaîa areuna la bleue, vha, uag4ebV alneàdy saisi have execute iîbefr wvoA in e mait eredi table Dmner.. Anothmr lettue'idreferoce Io the nPoni. -'tien perionmetl by, r. Carson appears iu the CucauucLc i#. vekl. - Tic bat>' ut the imter pubhislued laut veek la eerlaily buflt ilb.the qP.-'b ' wnlt n;asthh.ailgu&. lares attachai, andI se fer DE. Carson il quit. correct. Rgîevat.-Misai. . h J.CamPbeli, &acn@gi-at bargaisis. It brouomes a maceseit>'for theu ta redsie beir stock presieus ta reuovieg 1nt0 their nov premi- ues, ou théehAret ai Apri«l aext, ce ti*& bey vili beobaligesi tea ller goois aactrifice in au-don 10 gel id ofaineu oae liai lime, andi uaks nanu iar a complets uîev stock. O>We siesir. tu dirtattention ta the i adtistemenî et Mr. Wilkes, Toronto, lu anaîther caotiun. AIl vanting vaîciies, table cuiler>', feue>' gooda, andi hardware, af even>' description, -ilii oonsult their ave imtersta b>' giving hlm a cali. Toià,cco. -Mn Broont asveitiaes the rsceipt ai a ton ai the genuine article. FAU O o RTn . Penny allers bis excellent fart vihitb e Corporation,- near the loll.gate, la reat. Cenrn>'Court md QAnater selaloas. Tii. ioihavingt ii m e ofen tih,, procedagg. .4The domniy Court buinot vas cauchades on Tiunidal. Tic Quarter Sessions lastiiuntll ïstuarday. COUSTY COURT. Timide>, Marri 10, 1864, I7a&M V& - Uidd)w&-TiIe vas an aellon brought tu rsevr damages agailist th il oiif aiàaDiviie Cmet for ihligal nemere msud sale ai a nesubeof ci ctît.- Veianvcifor piainuf ,$47. Mi-. 'M. Il. Canionnansi Mr. Bouitl'ec, fia-plaitif i Kn. R J. Wilson, Wi defeciant. QUARTER SESSIONS. . Tiauneda>'. Mi-ch 10, 186-4 e lttIs o'a,, o it suiyemr fae i ehasrgal viti tellsga ýpair oi boots. T ae.o"it cee day it vwinter lhe basl been seul spa an .rmw ».sMe disteticefron boie b>'bis molier, a ver>' poar videt- secepI marnéekt4su *Buéltd rOMsti"M'u loch îe boutai, inleei ratanî*q.îlusm, E vas aquit& -191. Rt J. Iloea, do. fondai. - - Lait WffyiT h~..~is vas am lnuitwat for Dot keepst liat part dMî ut la calle16d' the Ifmquan Roud, nnti ai <b. 14tli- Cou. ai Maa Wlibio la ýrepair. 7h. C*rpore. lien dinioi theïr Ily. e qaiand a>tdbd-tbat he-ýRS4 'Campas>', vers. :the parties responailte. Veritct gui1., t>'. xMn. M. C._-Coïnem.deedéd. -- lieQue . w. drlq.-Tue primoer vu indied î«o smllg iift>' bulels -of vluet inuit the grnas>'ofer fmer mer"i ng in-Uxbmidge. Et vos shows tba&,bu baé rspealmdSegthé puît feraii" thathe Lad eisiait biseva v beatani persens viitig is remiesa bad aennoue i lis blussbutt iels>'atserthe robbsi>' le teck- a laid ofU'baliielteGesood,, évertom litim Wct UmmraIpim flulelmsnsvco th w ilmeg el if, eab ic bols remaiug la rasck, nt tL. rane. vicat vus taen,- o(f dus and siapsé a utai made. b> 0vese.esdc oth- g' t-.. a,' "î Quebea, Mattch w Tbeii. Mtuauy Etectiati ommits.. .hav" vportesi Dr. Beasien, iii. sitting ' mésaber, as mlly eleetM. 8dm. hubilewee Ictrdoed andi athemaà fbrverW é s ue, sud statîcer>for l;ih?? beuscsf i suent. -but citer gme âdhqùslcn.'o vas allaes ta stand over Mr.leiiomgdf onroduceti a ne suedtgin n ees andi ou-etm e h. r ~~~Quéec, llrl 0 TW goge. lok h 4chair at ea'clo*k. Aftý'ýVttièbusness. tii. fllo*lng buis vv4Intoduced-K?r. Ferrier-811I to amend Montral coarporation Act; 1fr. f Perrier-Ell to confira î gèemcnt lbe- tivein the (irsnd Trunk and bMontreal and ()hbtmpIliQ Rallvay Companlai', and ta ge- cure aper manent railway citv> A'tation in in Montre&l; Mr. OlIver-BjIh ia incorporate the Provincial Wording Comipany. eouncil thon adjourned. 'Tii. foal1owinebille werc Introluced:- a. Mfr. rving-Bi ta inc'îrporate the Souîth ,, Ib Copper Minlng Coopinyi; Irvine- Bill te incorporaie t becNiclet 'Antinny is corporitethe gtia4d andiubordinato divi. clans of the SSs cof Tempéranceof.i Canada guil. Mr. Morris moved, that the tîrue for ré- Sceivin; pétition# fa" private billis le ex- tendesIot the Blet MareW.;, for recelving privats bille, ta 8th April, and for receiving )t reports naî private billai to'22nd ArL (jarrie4. 'e: In reply ta 1Mr. WIebb, Atty-Gen. Dani- on Raidi the amaunt accruingz to the muni. cipotlities of Lower Çanaa, unhler tbe Seignotial Act ai 1859, could only 1b. ai- certained -vbenu Uic Soignlral Tenure Carmileion bail made thier final report. This was expected about the lfiîh April, and the.interest -teW vich the townships were entitled *ould l'e psid lmmcdiately bir. Jackson imnved on asidre,4q for a stateinont A! 3a i accamnts for pnblleý print- in&. book binding. stionery andi i4anks sbooks paisi by the sererai depairtuients s;noe the -24th af bMcv, 1862. Mr. MeKcnzie (Lamblon) niaved an aiendreent ta inake the. returnaenembrace the periad fronijmn. Ie, 1860, and ta show when the vont vau furnished,, andwhen the accounts lwere paid.ý The nmotion vas iudidesi acdordingly, andi carried as amen",-i 1fMr. Mfee mavesi an addresq for copie% of papers ln poqexcinai. 'the <avernmient in relation tW the dainis ai Can:mdi tvithin, or thes estaliahmentei postal or emifiner- rcual intercource with, the northbwcst terri- tory. --Carried. 1fr. MicGee moyesi an amdress for i. pere relative te the proposeds urvey ai, or constructive of, the Intercoloninl iliway. -The. han, gentleman epake ta bi4 nia- tien titi six o'clock, viien the fluse ros for the dinner rococa. Québec, Maredi Il. LIMULAIIS OUSCIL. Thé fiallaving bVila ere introdmced: Mfr. Currie-BilI1 respecting County Caurnt Judges in Upper Canada; 14r. Fengua.can- Blair -Bill respecting investigation imto shipvreckx. Bion. Mfr. Simupeon moied an adcIirp-,, for a atatement abawing the aamomînt ai sterl- ing exciienge purcbaaed ly the Provincial Govrnment froim he Bank of Mantreai ainces iciNoveuiber liut, bhe mauunt paisi for mach separate purchase, and imaothe amount ai the crédit af the. Gnecrnment viii saisibarmk on Moi,:day afi ch lwteek ainée laI January lant., Carriesi. A numben ai billîs utien reasi a iSnd inie ansi referresi ta a committee, viien the Oouncil adjournes. LIGIsLAIvs ASSaIIIT. Mr. Mceielar, isaci the Géneral.Coin- mitte. on Electlone. reparteiUthenaines af the. membeva appuintesi ho came in Ter- me*bonne andi Richelieu glecion Commit- Iie. Richelieu, Messre J. J. Rowsi Joly, Poilin, -Bourasua, [rvine, <Obsitnnun); 'Perreiionn.-Musra. ilowlansi. Blancket, Brousicau. Houdo, Farlane, (Chainmmn) Tbe (lloving bills enoe ntroduccd. Wllbrige-B411 tea athorize Upper Cana- da COurte th ltthe. lî. ion, iaci Ilamilton Foie>' as c llsmn*ter at Lwv; Bell (Rell>-Bil tareguate ecatriie. dmoscf public buildings, witb;a viev ta the prevetîmon f accidents; Dicksa- 111 t. en" abltcpayero todecde whether PAiowlQ osKincardine cuill lie tii Couy t0v irn B ruce Biht auaid tho char- ter, of Zatern Towrnsbips Ba3nk Ait' Gema..Dorlon-ii ta amnensi thi. Actte. lating tô eleeIon ofaimters aitho Logis- littire;Atty-. Gen. Deoln -lit l taiike btte provisions respenlIng the ratifica- tio f ctitI.. and oasiesof immavablo pri. ii eriff Mnsi lhltcattaa i prco i iaics ai-e dlscay;eend' thé. parties wankCing tieta. Mn. Mofaahintroducetl a bill , ir tbe Ocean tsta service, during dis. couion aifvlîich ii tr.nqpired tiat us'um of $73,000 bbhem tî, lhemed t e n gl in tWh bndî of ah. Unitoesi ua 'a' 4 n. ment' at Anielléanmailsesried ait yeau', ansi tbat ail mention aofie Sm vms omit. ted fraun tbe public aecounts. A bill ai Kr & > .. -Duion' te en- creuie thoesalai itii 8he stifro liT Que-. bec anti Montesal met viti conaiderable opposition, ansi ýlJppern Canadiens vers taresi viti sioing tiint of vbicb îbey $0 inequenti>' ansi laudi>'complainesi tiemu. selves,-egislaling fan one section ai the Province contrer>'Ita'the viabesf ai majaril>'ofaitls rmpreieuteîirse The Ranse asjaurnes i vihout oaimag ho a vote. Tao t/me Edîtor of thme W/iby Ces-oside. Dulasia: lni an editSil article puiliabesi ly yon in yonn issu, ai third mîst., a Sungical oeratien vas mentionedt as performeti ly me, the. subjoca beig a cihidai Mr. Mauon of fitb concession ai Pickering. 1 cm not reeponaiblo iar anytbiag in tiiet article, save the iact ai the apenation l'eing perfanmcd b>' me, ansi of ah. patient baving neconcesi andi taing veil. la yaur issue of lbut veck a eter appeans unden the signature ai Thomnas Mason ansi An Hoatop in vici certain stahementa are mtit witti reicrence ta ithe abave aperation vhici are caîculamesi ta protiace a faite impression and ieih demauti a correc- tion. 1. Il hs trne thatviien calledti 10ese the boy lu question 1I"staiedti tat il uigit termimiate in l)iphtieria ; l'ut tbus vas a hull veek befone tie opcnatiau vas pen- formesi, ands several tiays befaro symptomas ai croup appeanesi. 2. I finst <andsi aceral ic>'. befare Dr. Arunsrong vas seut ion,)pranoancdetiii disesse ta b. ciaap, ansi trecteti lu accord- ingi>'. 3. 1 did not gire the ebhidup, but tiink- ing il a ver>' bail cae, vbeu thore, ou the i9th- Nov., directedti hat if the. chutti iveil tirougi ithe mgit, yard vas ta hase beco sent me in the carl>' monnicg. Bat 1 dit nat get vard frnt theai, tbrongh saune difficaît>' vith the mail titI the 2lst, vben 1 vas sent ion, andi found si liailm> absence Dr. Armstrong hati bee caîhesi in. 4. On the 21e- 1. mat Dr. Armstrong ansi citer cansiilaion, wa agres that an apenciion vas the ont>' chance of saving the cbild'i lufe. 1 tien operssesi-cuming 1*0 rings ai thé Traciies, ansi oiang an aperture îbrougb viieti le breaubed ; l'ut viien 1 insentei the tube it causei sncb irritation ut I 1removed il. - 5. Dr. Armstrong ansi myseli vere ai the uamm Opinion uai te ieproabbliiîyai tii. cbîld'a belng neer deaîh. But 1 disi not 44gise it op,'§as hapelis, »as1, andi 9Wl Mn. Mauan, roquesteti Dr. Armstrong as b. vws more camveient, ta continue ta viait the ohilsi. I l'eg tostate in retard ta the letton in your lait issu. mmdci- Mr. Mmaon'is igna turc, <ba t VI iMmd b>' luithatha 4d eut reo eois m pmpa.ths dletter,'but tht ltfvisàab ta0bis by Dr.,Ate sieons;@dl ready>'for ignature: ., , .Arn sînaond, iusistig upon bis <Mr-. asog') signing it. Mn. Maeom fortbit shates liai sous parts ai sais he:r MutIha»e bec in langmiaiten ho si'gneiil ie l ied no rscattectlon, ai havie3 beard &softahebmcontents vion reïd te ui t>eire is igntr ssba esito if. An%4, fu1 u ova lisi ',thet Dr. Arsa. atraong gave oult the impm essiia ie anyon- salhu ad nsbielusintercourss vwitÉ certain partiestibât hb.lbed peoomnesthe abave aOPOratbon, andi deelames i tIo bava beenl ,Svesulîy peniormeal. I amu ll>'pri. pAre4 ufta he , b. 'ae atatemenla ,by the mail teliable evidené@.ý I syurs r. M cl$ vitb,easnige paper, ansi sousoftheb fumé :venre uilked np lin St. Peter streot, obnd eveut on Lie -ice, an the.river St. c mei Chf plu amr bei Torrifie Explosion 1 BLOWING UP 0F THE ARSENAL LÂBORATOIIY., E LEVEN LIVES LOST. SEVERÂL PERSONS WOUNDRID. About hali.pasî cicsu o'ciock yestcrday forennon, a lauti report vas isard ail a ver the cil>', as if from ths disciarge ai a caunon, l'ut ýit createsi no uncomman alarun.>.Asitnany maupposdi ilWv4caused b>' artillen>' pracîlâ, an the ice.' In'&'tev seconds, boveve'r, anotiier terrific rdport foltovesi, viiii hshook evon> bouse in tbe clu>' la its fandalon, This time tiere could bla no mistaka tbtat an expia sien lad- takon place someviere, anthte traces oaithI ere visible in tho abatt eresi vindovi andi braken glass ai ahI the siopa along.8t. John itreet, ansi tis streets on eiîbtieaide fi. .The -repart ipreai like wilifine, tiat.tice magazine in the ortietane warkyard, near St. John'd, Gate,, bcd ex- platietiansithe vicinit>' vassoon fillesi vitb an excitesi ansi tennifieti crawd. For. natl>' tb. accident, sadi as il is, vasuale ai such a magnitude, an ve migit have been caieti an to record anc ai tbe grccî' est calamities that amer too)k place in Canadia.- On procceding ta the spot, viicb vas alreai>' ensel>' crovdeti, ve fàunsi Ibat the laboratary aif the arsenal, immctiiaîely in the nean ai tbe Su. Johni's eGae gmcrdibonsc, anti hot tue magazine, bcd explodet, -ansi hhat some uvelve or fifteemi soldions vere burieti in the ruine. CAUSE OaP-TUE.ACCIDENT. The cause ai the accident ba@ noti 50 iar bien ascertaineti. Tic mîlitaryregula- 1 tdans for aie prevoution ai accitients in arsenalsan magazines are vcny stringeni, amîidîa lae* coulti l'epassible tiiet firei could l'e comiounicatec in an>' shape, it la i impossible ta unsienstand. Tiare wcre, ten soîdiens -nine ai theltayal A-rtiiler>' h ansi anc ai ths lmi, umden commandtiofl Capu Mbin, R. A., cmplmycminluthe la- borator>', mclming cantriulges, cuti drawing the contente of loaticti ielîs. Bemuies tiie sculdiers and Capt. Maban, ticro vas i MT. Hawkins, forenofaitle yard, anti a- i aoîsdier namet Doac, vbo vas cm ployeti a a laborer. Capa. Meami andI Corporal Brayihaw, ai the Artiller>', vere1 thc ouh>' tva vin eccapeti. We icari h statoti yostentlay tiat the fmie vbicbc-ansedi the explaaoidvasdravu l'y the conporch via escapei, cuit, if ao, iid hapo-sible marne i ligit mc>' yeh b8 uirovo on lie cause afi tic accident Tac scias ÀaR aTHE EXPLomOSI. Tic scene vbicb taak place iunmetiaie- Il' citer tic explosion can scarcel>' be i imaginesi, muchi leus tescribed. Along i Su. John atreet vere crostis of terifieml 1 unen, vounuanti chilin, ranning iîhsert andti hiber. The shittenesi vindwm aif nearl>' oser>' bouse tbld ils ow 'hale. Al reporu bcd sprocti abat the smagazine v& t in danger, andtihle crovd wha hati rusicti i te tii spot immedhateîy citer the accidemnt. ras iun cvery direction. bian>' of tîhet resitients of tic Upper Tovwn emovedti ci families ta placti ai greeten saiet>', soMmx ,aven' croeming tb. river ta Paint Levi.I Imuesiiatély citer' the concussion, tic elarun bugle was soundesi in the - artihier>'1 barrack squasre, anti a fatigmue part>'ofaift>' 1 mon marchIesitaulthe spot, vba begau tau wark to chiai- ave>' the tlIris. The boitet vas cutaehesi ta theehysinant et tiececrneri ai Se. Amgele aîneets, andW&vmakept playingt un the ruinealal dmp, As annnae tim u- ber ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~n an tnsvi lamtssstihe nîutilaîed bodies aiflthe saffirens beijan ta i tscorereil, thes iight presciteti viti a ahmacking sidodasi elu nneapot vas faumîid a !m, un an-ot1er a- heg pieces ai llcah vere oIckml p a distance oa i ixi>'t yards, ciaer nd m blackcuied by lie pai- a tien. One man Lad bis beA ansi legs c bî>wavt aa;, tt hest 4 jiUvr andi entrait. t oai oîbar vere pleedout oi themaie.- Thé bcd>' oiMr. Hawkins, the 'foreman, i was the lesat metiileil of tie lai., It vas foni yieg' uer tii.angle.- 0 tic, vaillt 09ecievr~upbtitoi ii-ai NaNes oOr TEF x LL. We are I*ndebted'tt~ ieindmies aif ger- geani Major Perey of thbe Royal Ântilleny for funisiiing us <tIlb fte follovieg Dnames oi tii. kiited ansi 'lotftYM,, bieh lau carrect as conisi be abtule4.: Ounnen D. Lewis, 2m06 Btit 49 W. Bexten, "' 'tg ohn Tiiompsou, S Tiiomas FlannO- " Thamas Burr, t " Gea. Russet, 7tu Batt. ", William Bruce, id Henry' Rimer," Pnivate Flanagan, 111h Regt. Edmuiosi C. Hawkmins, storekeer. Patrick Doolan, iciorer.. CaPtain bichon, R. E., Inspecian ai stores, shmghty vondei. it vas noportesi citer tb. accident tbat ho bcd both bis legs broken as una usdyiuir condition. Subscqueuî cuquir>' proveti this report 10 l'e ernoneome. Ccptain -ichon -et tbe lime the explosioni took place vas cumng amt ai tho labonator>' ansi vus stnuck b>'a portion ai îbm falhiîg vaîllansi knocked .oseess. Ho bcd noani>' recorerei lut Corporal Bnay&bav, R. A., bcd a unira. culons escape. Hia cycbrcswe andîsiakers were burnes, but be recoived no other injur>'. He vas cî vork cilltho cfter- boieî stiug lu the recarer>' of the. Giunnen Menant,' R. A., vas severeiy injureti, aud bcd ho bl'ent t o the hospital. Prirate Porcb, 62nd_ Regt., who vas on guard ou the gaie attbe emtrance ta the yard vas knocked davu b>' the concussionî but vas flot athervise imjureti. LATEIL. We bave since lcanieti tlmet the expla- ion vas caneeti b>' s fuse in the bande ai Corpora Brcyshcv. He andi Capi Mahon wenp in the yard outîide mhe door ofi the cabmratory, testing olti fuies by burniug them, vbeu onei 6ev îbrîuglî the wimîdýw, and fil jutoa cserent>' pounti km aif p9v. der, wbiehciimised the finat explasiomi. rhere were fifteen balfbarrels aof povtimr in the Iabonatory at th ii.iii comîuaimimi abouit OOOîI>s of powdeur. Ccpt. biahomi and Corpanol Braysicv sareti theunselves by runuing loarde ltme gale cuti thnaviîg bcemîelres flat on the' grounsi. Tii.Carnter vill commence an itequcît on the bodies tuis'ciîernoou. The investigamtion b.tre the Coroner asted seven ticys, vheu the Jury ticlivereti tho fQooing verdict. Quebec. l2tb Marei, 1864. That on tb. fomntb day of Marcb, in tbe yean uforcsaid, in iiie Pànisb Commît>', and District aforesciti, a certain building knonov as tbe L.mlonctony, ibhene situate ands con- .ainiug a large quantit>' ai gunpowder andi othon expiociçe matenici, accidentall>', :asualhy, ansib>' misiantune took fine; cutd ébat it so happenesi tiat l'y the exclosion of the great quantit>' ai gunpovden anti othen explosive mactenial cioresaii, the scid Ueboratory btew up suddvas compheîely destroyed ; ansi that the saisi Elvin 11ev. tins, Jobn Tbompsonf-Jobu Flanagan, George Russell, Davisi Lavis, Michael Dootaï, Wiliam -Brune, Tiiomait Bur, Thiomas Finu.,. Ja.mes Ri1mer, ansi William Baxten, then ans i bere hein- preseut, te- ceivesi cacb andmi mer>'oai then, b>' the falliiig ruina ansi mncueicaio- the Labona- tory aforeai4 dierq-inot% bodil>' itjur. ies, of whicii aaisimontai "badly' injmrieto, receied as aforesaisi, tii.'.te saisi Etivi Hawkins, John Thompton, John Plauaa George RaLisett, D&risi Lwisi - ?Michael Doutan, William Bruce,- Thomiaà 1Junrr Thomas Finn, Jamea RImer, ansi William Buxter. then andsi heinrtiietie, Ansi toe huiorsafonaseaid, in saying epon ý heinoah acubIt Éel said leii HavIcins, and otiiens, in the manuier amatibthe' accus aforçtiaiti, dcidtieaiy,-calry, ansi myri*fitulie came ta timeir deaîh, ctmnnut refîi rorm expeesaing Ibe folléWInug opi!n-* ons;- 'Ansi the Jurs do se>' hltii. practice tiat liasbeen foillweîi ion acassiencbte oiîigth of time ai d.sîrqy.ing fus.b>' fli* Usiotlu Dublin-Au IrishBRoire -At an immense mepting beisi aS tue ino fondai Dublimi, on ibe evering ai the 22Znc $<ehncanm, b>' Tii. "Dnnaghme andi ir. Sut. livail, of the Nat io. ho protest cgcinst <bu onecliosi pf, a atmlcto Prince Alberttin Collige' rýen. Tii. Femlan.Bra-therhood storunedi tie platiorun, noutei tic chairman ansi cpinntee, ansi citer a desperate figiiî : of fifreeer minute, iemaiued masters ai the grond, vvimig a .flcg sund flouihishing a naiceufsieorsi. is alfegesi Ibat onne of the coembatants vone the Amenican umifarm. Tii. excîtement and ti tmàdttere terrible.* Froni thlîcamn'lester Ocandien, Fol'. 24. Tii. Rtanda ai tifiti Wvu iadsam Motday uiglit in response (o au ativertise' ment viicb ' 'ppearesidii soti aif file local pcpins. cclling upoi "Irlish patioaitstaas- semblo andi protest egainst 4 îbe'reeft Vaté ai the Corporation ai Dublin, b>' whicb College Greens bas bc'en assigned itfûV King William III. ansi Prince Albert, and the stctueoai lieur>' Grettan excimiletithen.- iroin farever."l Tho foiiaving repart of the proceedingsi h taken front the Free- maîaa Journal: Mn. Peter Gi h aving got an the table, endeavoresi toa adrea the meeting, andsinl the midat ai tie greclest noise andi comiu-. sion lie vas midratntot sa>': We arc asseumblesi bere o-igbt in the rcane ai the causie oai re1end --(uproaanct iuion)- we are assembles] ber. la nesent deetil>'in suit, ansi ta resmimt tiie outrage'on tho icel- mars ai thc ini'iauts oic l'eggaed-miaii. (Laut icheîmm.) 1 beg ta -prapose ibant Mn. Jeunes Crotty do halte the chair. <Cheers.) Mn. .t'aIutd Cnotty tien taok the chair.- Tic O'Donog bue, M.P., who vas receiveti vti lausi cienrs, uaviuig mountedthetictable, atidresàpdth me meeting as iollovs "Mr'. Chairmaiandi lelIov countrymen-You catii ver>' casil>' suppose that if 1 tidti ml take a very tisep interest in this mavemntn 1 vomal tinus- ecme front Kerry ta l'e here this evening,. (Cheens.) I have aî;e,îded several meetinigs in ttus rom, anti I vens- lure to a>'tht I neyer sew crie so glaonos and so ma mîîrificrnt as the [reneiit. (titis cheene) 'l'ere is aome appetil which 1 vault i nke il thie meeimmg, ansi that is t)' support tic auîl'anity of time chair. Here the speaker vuasitmîîrrupted b>' loud cries (rom the body ai the Imait, iroa mie galter>' and froiu the pliîtforun, ai 'We won't l'ave Sullivan ; "We ooit Iave Sulliran ; 'NO morp ai Gaule." 'liae vere cao appesasmatieor i on rader" cand ta the I" chair" from saune permami'tin mie Yieinity of Mn. Sullivan, but the coumier- ,cries ai"1 No more ai Gdula. &c.," aoven- bore tiem, andsinl a icv moments tie en- lire mass ai the meeimgicame vin>'mucl agitateti, andsitie grealtest uproar anti c"n-, fusion exiausueti itseli c uittle. The 0' Dnogbutî saisi: 69 1 refuse ta believe 'abat the cries vhich bave just beon matie repire- ment lès? feeling aifmhbisuneetiig." Here the speaker vasà again inuerpted l'y Ire, mondu3 thauts oah Yes, lie>' do u ;'1 Ava> vili Suliiva,"i-aidl athen cries ai a siumli* Ian chanacter, uinglesi viti ssane comnte r- ctîeers ansi iissing. This sesueofm disorden anti tmmult cmntinueti fon somne titme, during- vu i anc one lnividucl caulti l'e heard. A' atigit lut) ini ai&storm iicving accurreti, the Rend. Mnr. Clarke calleti ion îhrc cheers ifnrMUn. Sullivan. 'This,- as ne. spond timmou î hshouts af -'Na Gaulas" .cecrs, 'noasansi hisses. The 0O'Domîog, bue a"ramî i- sayctituadadcresthe m'uecting, aîîel,cmiut utenrupismns, continueml- &"Wheu cmîrparciisî,¶'li le cii>' ai Dublin (chLm's ansi iise4 1 iînýnetiiately vroteietn> .Meusi Mn.Sullivnim." At the. mention,'af abmhs n mme the amssfaitic peuple lu tie liot>' i ti. s~chn-anti1 man> on -the platiarm seouinei ta have 'becomoeild i vtb exoitoment, amîmi agaili vere, raisesi deami-,, iug abouts a GnlOGalf'tul vatn isa atraitar,1'"v> it l; ill counter ,cheeri ansi ýcries' Ort"aler," "tChais,"u Tii. xcitoment ai ticei-lt mense mass vwbichttiamiod the hail nov, increasesi ýtoa ,a ieariul iexteitt, as <thii.> aayed to ani Ina -onti(M-, sed viitiiin the Walis of that oïaïn cethel- building. Lt vas not 'uutil ý 10j o'ciock ths ibthe O'Donogbue ansi other gentlemen, Iwho leit the platform net 8& o'clocr,ý andi *the musses vii. filhed thie Roaoida, vere ecomplotely ztt out of it, even b>' the ,' nsistance ai the police, viiose aid basi ta b. evokesi ta vins op the proceedingu of th. meetiiig, sund Ibus terminatesi tbe'-"m Ister meeting" lu the Rotunda.- IVar News. Tii. followirig-e:traeb fhons iii.- New York Tribmt ,are Ibeo t>' items Worth votiug. 3 Thc Richmnd si 'g' ai'farcfi 9tta a *thtit illi take n'bout awqel<more rebnilsi ib te railroad ta Les ar*my.- Le. bas sen's *oui bis cavciry in ali directions ta seize e evenytbing s'n tbe ubapeof foragean su l. i sîstencé for bis tops.--Tbe' circ'uitoan4- )routa îhîatteveryttiing, bas'to coin-'Orerè rutradru'erj it himpassible lo'r Le-rf( sectire ecugongver 'tho lincto keep blia f rin>'front inoeenlng, sud tbe farmera ii the viitity are appealesi ta--ta e3aae for. ward'wifth provisions'for the-îroaps. Lu aIn article on aour repuise ini Florida, the Wldg adunit that the rebel force vas twice as large as ours. On tho l9th'inuni, a sergeaut, sud eigbt men belongiug- toa a quadron ai thec1 3th Penusylvunia Cavalry, Ibat bcd been scout- ing sune -mi'es . hcnd' aour lunes, nir Warreuton, vere ent afi' from the rear ai the columu, uecr fluckland.- by a Party, of rebels, and . Wiried off in th1e- direction of Thornuzhiare 1Gap. !The i tfrtil1ss-'bcd been Iying lu aiqbush by the ,otaVuide, and snccecîicd in sprngiug épon im 'prînr while they îî'ru a short diqiîcucu beb'insi -the rmst eotihe iqunadron,'asud geîîis4e dieu Svii>' efore iheir irieids baid an>' netisie of wbat wàsg4oi!îg 0ou. Ai .etpeditiou wax laqt veek selam tien- Butler, ecnnsistimig aioftwo ne',#jrnt;i or ciavairy>',a.Kiug andi Queeu Cotnt>, the, lacauity ai the uiurdcrous attcck, on cal. Dahlgren's commanîd comumandi. wbicb de-. fccted andi routam -i vi severe lois tbe OUi and 9îb Virjziuic Ccvclry, .dring them from thcir camps, Ii linga nunîben, and ccpturing twemmîy prisouens. Ini addtion aà large amnoumit of grain, supplies and mila vere destroyed. A dispach4bjrom Fraukford scys it in-en- derstonsi that Gor. 'Bramiette of Kentcicy, bas memnt tathe Presideut se earuost remion- atramuce agaluet the .enlistmnent of slaves in that State. The dispatcb indicates.ibai the tone ai this remoujtramîce is ver>' like- tiat of mi îhreat. The. flazrof-truce steamter leit Fortreas Monroe au Fidma>'evenez viîb 645 rnatal officere and prisonerz ta l'eeanged. Annz hem vit-S the IBebel Geoenal Fiz. Hlugh Lee, son of the Generai, saisi W b. cachaugesi for Brig.,Gen, Neal Daw.' -.Advicesfront Cbattanooga ai Satunda>' eveimmirgayc>'thon. vas théonotbing'uew fmain the front. The receipt of Etelg1 doserions cavem-aured 30 per day for tiep. The negrro troopi ci ffaines's Bluff made a desceut a n Yszoo City' on tbe 28th uIt., and. citer a sharp figbt, occupiesi ibe place. Lnsa chant 30 killesi ansi wounded. Information bas been receivesi irmimithe. Chesapeake gacy thaithie Rebels are pre. Pa ain îabr piratical expedition Irne saune of the amaîil inilets of the V'lnginia A Wabîhhiton paper itates thàttt cond imiomiai ten. Mecde's bsahth is sucla it ha Hemnat tenter .upoma anothor cm- palm wwiththéiArÂny ofthe ?otopiasi. The fliing ami Charleston hès bsiet dis. comimînued, uahicb is a virtual alsn donment ni tie soim e.. RumoireiAbýletis nof the Qupena., Thé Prince of %valet Io Chaun.the- Tflroue. Washington, Marc 8-lt lArumo'resi in di plo *matic eiWeesa ~dy that Qneen Victoria la about la abd'cate the. tirene et, Emigiamisd. ii. dvicess bythae he of et~ ibel Sue I irm thoný ai tii timuti Tum aevmeu 'w. Ils - versa ina a t

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