Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Mar 1864, p. 3

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'i *'-.- - 4toa e1,t of France1no 4 94,43 éiaiin a nnual buideii on thé à%ti6n of $71,209,816, excluszive 'et thé. o1avë bi lu ne w $60,000,000e whose meof laerêà' t hasnot yet beeun made *pnb lii. helntrmi :)f the national dabî in nov $22»15,43d '-tre annnally than it wawbéü Lonis- Phîlippe' abdià'ted.; in oter words, theeuipire, uad Ith wWIand perpeinal bnrdeàî of the nation 1,jôI430, and in still incréWsng ibis .MIexIKtTt.lOENoS.-The Bost<Io 'commerial Bulletin Baya ýof te St. Fia. vian Copper Mine, that the rasuIt of the worklin higbly .atisfactory, the force of miners bas been i argelyincreased inoe lait faite i. oe tienout more tia pays the expeuse cf silding the fshaft, and it is astiY mated that thare are ever a thousand tons cf ore nowln sigiti. The Company baie beau fortunate i aiLheselectioti of managers of their property. WILIT13Y MARKETS. Wbitby, Mardi 2, 1864. C*-Thers is very ltte grain offering, owing gw acilly te- the disappearance of the ifiw Ptn* Xnceu eare somewhat lower. Fait 'Dt -10c.t $1. spriug, 750. te B8Oc.; Pous '5gc. 'Oats, 40c. JHay, $1 Io $9 ýýer teon. LUMBER T'FN DIe.R$ tiI 4,reta t-h-lut thle offe i thae Tiusiî CalrL, îîp t 12 a'îiucki luioniîl ;Saturday, Match l9th, 1864, FOR 30,(Me FlIT tOF - SIDEWÂIK ILANK, 12 tact Ilai it'gtii, iei-ta î ti iitk snd tnu lexi a teut$,-air uiretiiairi îtàliuîtut tin reilthu. Aise rert10,04>1) Fett, rnniiig snat NEW AYERIISEMNTS - 1ira -ïâ lid u go ' - ; -- i- 8 -, - - il LEOTIJRE'Lý A Lecture, inurd -f the fonds of the. Wesleyaaa Methodist flabbath Sohool, WiIi bc dolivoiud nt the MqECIIANICS' ]HALL, WIIITBY, ON 1tXt.day Evn'g, Miirch 8, 1 864 BY TIIE REVInS GEO. GOOHEANE, subjeot.- 'lsaud tiie Ite)n. Deouriqopen et 7; lecture toi commnence nt 6 o'rloek. Adniei§on 10 oents. W Jv oI ve vod remtous fori al9 WVanu Deusen's Worm Confectadon. 1--CIillrcs ean ont tlioin asrendit>' ai they do cadv. 2-Drive out Worms thorouglily withont 8-Clenlsa hthe tomacb corupletely 4-(' 're bowel seed toetliltlz Co1iîtuinta,- b. -ut.nt,l.e lielth unîd vigor -- ive lustre te tlie oye, culur tu the clieek and oheertutlilsita pu sure mi! get aniy tlîose tonde b y VAN JiEUSEN lOiOTILElS, KinfgNton, Ulster Co.. N.Y. ~t'r'lec 011)y'2.1 cti.a Box. JAMES. II. (CEltIlE DruggittW lhy. Wiuuaund ietill. O N Mocadi' the 2lud d-zy ofFebruar>' last, -ae iqI ~dmade't) A. (;o!. alu nfavor of Tho %at'nrm.n e maîieuy hae btaiju b>'ca lnoiut tiîts office, sud pnying expenees of tititidverttement. Wliitbv, !iturel, 2, 114 COIURT OF .ASSLZ E.1 a eaî ta (i Citi TiS heraly ivgsen thiat 'l'uti t : t the Court ontdAtile iaîul Nimi 'riu., i>yur ntit 'feuîiicr, and Gec- nil Ginot tStirev, n'ttliaoiotlni'an u îd fer thie lamtutl mutt t he utliaCourtIdsse, lu the T>%%,, f u i onu Wednesdlay, Match 22, 1864, At ttue h-tut tii twets'a o'lock, linont, (YgDA.I~ S(DjVNeI~1~I N"C <uil id a tt il thrtttuît4tjr,ititd. slial= CIK AR CA ýrlINC,. J ) iititii-a utd g- -atrîlt tlucuîelves ooritingli>. *-4 x . .NELSON G. REVYNoLDS;, Lutubar aid iictiuOhig, b lie diecreil Mt itaEuril .> Sleriit'e bOire, Wlîitby, Mirehi 2, 1864. 8 J. H. PERRe. * <hairoian u Citiittceîîo 'troeete ud luii- Tus-tu of Wh tily NMareu h,«196'4. THE- ONTARIO-1HOTEL. BROC1< rTREt', WIIIAY. TUE"'lE îîderAp eiivlic.a Io i,%lierii'ate I.Ithtlie hsLank'ari the R soliç~lutta, ltsite kejit b'r. De s attruu'mttîVat 1i> tîriet __ ttentlt i %ltîîeeeandgti e i Wlte <i(.1li Sneste, hi' ieelliiig î frs-a t.. 1, alute ît1,110 ut tyo st o f lqie rmil iii li ar, ta nit-rit ln ,ottaré 61 pa.huiopîtriirigc. Vie stiiiing andt se-roilsof %etues-i'IOSrri ptlatî, nîd a icarfultiid l te.ittve 1341er ai t bc awnys 'W1iltby, tarh t' 18, > T 9TII. UNDE>lSO;ED lIA-S A FEW i.Thotisnd B)olieriitii iuvëot ùpon Ferai P'nsprty. iùl>teret Moderato. Wliithy, Mamhrc2, 1664. 8tf FÂ1iM TO LET' 100 C impr lb.t te rtb-halt eft the Tewuitp c f W hltliy -Excellent landa, 'wahl wtered, Sud ait (eitlt dha exceptoiau of a fewaoras or' barned brosît,> oteareut. Aise, tuiLet part of Lit No. 24, 1 iltaé «la 'ooueesatou of tise-Towiaiiîp of Wiithy, eut- brsclng uouafltd,s a în r'e ig i ib acre,w dratueisd ntvtd,- nt al ,utitd fer the est ,,t tsttre, A 1rfrmnce w'tl bue idvtei te-s suitt uta tenasnt tint W11 relit bath f'ars)», IApply ta THtOMIAS DOW. Wl.«ty, Marti 2, 1864. 8 XM.OR BRASS BAND. JOHNK D. MeOPIIE. ýZINDSOR'S QUADRILLE BAND, HILMAI WIND80OR, 'S-Gm, ;Pii Ne 1 STOYES!! QJEA1PR TIIAN EVFR. EW~LÀiST STOC O X IE.TEST n. ya~~l8 to Y es, Sto#eurult dnru, Titi. 'Waee., olllsoen ath, i i. heti 'an.ralgifed- Steçves d tialta&ah m&U PrioU.AI«. DIVISION COURTS FOR TRE COU N'fY 0F ONTALIIOS a.1 ht...........Aril40,l4- 4, t"diritjze .......... 'tý ri: ltroek ........l ........ws, 4iý!v'rtoti...........April 2Ctth, Judge, C. Om. NOTICE. OIEliereby piven, thikt after the. ex N pîratIon of Twenty dayR rom tii.date lierent. sapplication wil lie made tn uta Tudzo of the Stirrocaî, ort cf the Ccuniy of 4<inta- rie, liy William D. Ilapbun of lhe 'lllage of Oahnwa. lii tha sud Conntv of 0 ntario, te ha appolousad uarduan cof Blîlisdell Bertlett, aud Fanv Rrtiettintfant ehîldrs cf the bite Blaisâcît Bartioti, deeesmed, sud thaIt t4con- trot et the persans aud proerty of the satd in- fant childrani, înay ha comnuiittcd te the said WtWilaiam.D.le'1pburru. * fatesl tweuty. ûti) la or PemIID . DI.U -Vandems sWorm tConfectins. JAMES HI. GERÊ1E lhen 3n*t recalveai, di êcat frnm Vandeusen Brothers, e pply of tlîeir iustly celebv ted Worm Redi es, for Sala *iýiotesale u i etili. J. R. OEREIE, lPamiy Drug lStoe, Whitby. Peurnery 23, 1964. v A LADY$ ClUIP, Stone Martn, ltued with sllk thie cwuereau hava the ase li>'arplfJl u nt thea RayalI otel, Whitby, hy p isgeagas cf tuis dvertimeament. FARM TO RENT.ý u.EPERRY, Alec. s euait Dwaling, in Paruye Block Byron strest. floyNToxysU HOTEL, <LAri ru*wo'.) surrounntu Conntli, tuat ieha as OPOOtbte Hottel ou William Street lstely occedlyd Jewett, sud as hlie laihad It ifittad dtrlb etd lu firgt style, visltera wllfibd il evety couve- nience. Wiues, liqeora sud Clgars of lte bentoallty. en inca. Lindsay. Feb.14,, 3864. euh nd uIe, O on l sud i oiire Witby, Fb. 10, 164. >S Who Want a TOI?~ A"! SET CF tJMkeeiy Sale, BETWÈN bbances Adaâlj Piaintil;i IEARFIJL*EXCITEMENT [N Neâriy as miich àa,14 - Mr. Sè-nifflps mrates a sensation at the lib)use of Mr'. Toodle.s by shewiùg the sple'ndid A-Wool Cassiincrc suit iThat~ lie pùr'cased at the .sigri of the AND UNION »ICK, 07 Brock Street, Whittby; necarly opposite U.'rocker's Comlmerceial I otel. Owiîig to another eheap GJNII hargaiîî, %ve are hiappy to aurjoutice a stili 13urtè4er Reduetion in Price. YOTELr ILIT IOLLOVS : J. "301% R IIINWOOD 5 'Von-her'iS htedrtor. h!w-bat aChaüpc ~IIEAPWEAT.!l AGAIN TRE LATkE 4osrtaluWhttby lu thé Butciertng lins!. naa a etetrmiltio ekeep consaatl> BEEF, PORK, * ~SALTPbI iii large qumntîties. Tîtere w'Ît bc une s- pizdiUe" Niwà3i% ln hie stop te Wnlt u pou tiofqe wii, t ai te putroutea Us. Tha higest pnice wl ho e tl i oh1JDtb AND aIlI.tSlN nîd tINl3Aitll SWPale btitruî anota cf lue etiîld ône dean Southlî(cf Mr. ltabinaeîî'a ltirdrstuiuug l'oomsi, Brook Strat, Wit I MXCIu)NALl1 & BOX. Wlthy, Dec. 8, 18m3. C U TRFÉ[TS.-Sonie vileo wiîîdiere havte b)eau pulmil!r W uîpon tth ulîltatensof ii.Caaas onîeeitls of in), dnii'eratal cen fore waru at i d'ltm-Apathcauiaest o tiieti ha vae;"taced a sliîiip tpn ~î,my emedleos, and have oliaîigeluilloi srarlpota1, tt go thnt nueen fuilto tase the diiffenice iictzen tie chai metathesuitts. 'riioercodealers witt coniql t tl,,elr owrbifet 1 b>'bi ing uit. utpre eiuialtyte Pille aO 1nme Cha n netuio tr" brk Un poae, 1 il-u ehiltin 0 thént ui uow 51>-hl.,a, t tîy us-n cxpeîîau-tla e Bill' t ml a tsyhie irei lit tein>' de.-it it bckfý relairîe,e me lfteoe Igt-du'Y efX êenir -- SIM.îdh Lin,, Nos- York. AND ~ ciard Wells, Alexander Home; intlirop Jobhuiton, and Carie: Defendantî.. q'bh ofln purasucç oîtue Deorce ali,- or Fla va or "tu, tonde -the taCourt o Cbîiubery feru l aupi la lu titils calme, beu- igaerespoo vlily, thbt turtiliday ef Foh- Tuaq 188z', air thle twepty-scyeuiî day -.t Janttîylit, ' ru"w11,1taéipprobntioii ci eorgeo Heur± Ditnii, Ieqttre, Master or tus t-taîiarata Court. t iere, ut the Officeiai te 1ati! Master, Bric(,k Street, lu the TOWN OF 'WH-ITBY9 At te iaur cf Elev"tîiof tlîe Cteck lu Vie fore- Ùioon ol thé rourteeuth Iiaroh, À; D. 1964P Levi Fairbanks, Junioi, Esqiiire, IN fNII LOT, TVi valtîlaible fraeliot ae iiperty,,b.inig ail.an4 singither, thtt ertain parootlîr tract of lnae sud proiiiss, ittuîte, Iinîg uand holug lu the lI'TOWNsHIP d? REA.CII DI TifS COUNTY 0F ONT-ARIO,9 And ltrotitae of canasdn, contaiîîi-4by '*d Be theune aroto r li>--biîg cîîîPosed cf lt eti thF itl>'Actai ot LOI NUM)EPkEIG;IITEEN, Ilu lhe 11ourte-nti ctS%o i t'i te salaiTows- illl bfi E8nch, InYln1g eU axdu-'pitlg tlîarco11, titree tiicre%;sifflriltodl slutii-iaz:-iî ,aeîcing iîîfrottanti themiid iarteihetuî mleiCo- sien of ibe Ssd 'rlwuship oti eicla, ut the @outil wegasglâteo liesait Loin; îlîîuîî norîli six- teeti; deureep*weioh lgi iuiitir ýt> -eigîîî his; theîîee norti savent y foulr tlegret-A ust net ur elliîlîiA ,aeentareuilin ke; tieîîceoiitîîlîlsixlaru dtugraen a t hie iitlowuia tutice fruoitl it<ru tii of etaid couceiou;' tîte liiîti e ay.c degrceawat tea place of bagitilîing; lui worlaitti oruler, a gooti DWELLING HOtSE., tiud out-lînil'tings, anti aboat twutî>-rive lîcrea.1 of ,lecre'Llaud. The sit i. c* f hti it q uiîttut% nt iitiituite uesntart ciîool. M(Oeiîgilîîîî-e aîil utt (bSec, w-lth a gond rosilt-iItie prusiîiuuee The purclîaeiaralat h Oe tinia cf sate, psy (1-irwnt te iendor, <'r hii Suiittr, s detîiutit su thea proportiooaf taitponîedi fer evary utîa tulleit ed nlida of thé p arôtiasu uîoney, alî.l suit Ksy the balance s kthiti aile e uoiîtlittire- aller, t ihout ilitertat. Tic ptiishsea fiell not hoentitltt to cait Wea tim rsulsctlonu t suiy .itIL., d e sor copias afitts e ther lima illiodeaths or oople.4 theiastn are iii thue popuae-aiosl oftia Vo.îdor, a lieat tif w:icdeuils unid opies wluli e proîlu od ei tha titue ofalet. lu iler restpects the eîîditions cfsaile ara the slaou.'ilg coutdiiotiis 01the Court ofrGihan- r;lribmr pwtluculars sud ooliditlous et sale asay buhâui frolnthtte Anctioneer, sud aetih tas' 01t0eoacf J., hanter Ureeuîvuuod, Onario Citabers, Brook ,;rtet, Wlîiîly, Vandersa $Sicitor ; or ofMeucers. Blauke, Kerr snd %Watts, llarristers, Tfflato; or cf IL J. Wilson, Es- qaies iariaer &b.,Wiiitiy, anîlitrainthe snndrsinedMaser f thiait onorabte Court. l>ad1 tah ln day of" Febrnary, A. D. GSI>. Il. DARTNEi.L, Maclter. AIJTION SALE Leather & wFindinç. u OF YÂLtTABLS REÂL ESTAIrtE! Mafchini Sillk anà i ~read Whîcît ha aili Z as af>' cotupeli LEVI FIRBAÂNKS, 'uxîOnt, g.Att AIUMTl0NlEI., AT - i.BLACK'.S IIOTEL -""f " ,ý l 19TalcB1EAUI Ffiay, âeFou p a hyof Marcb, 184M AT12 oOICC14O anle s P er cf Sidab"ntsî àellascertain Witby, Dec. 8 moaSrgemmie bj>'Imassoy>, thte feilowing FO R itohFsh t# OfLot tumbe , lài theiard on. et rOW2eT8R7P 0-RE <21to the 11wotant>- Of Outar'o, cnttnng Fau1tav psrtiular May hotainoutones plloiou lte iemijaald, M ah i.Uftle. 90A 1~ôiôiti, ilea FMQunny,îo . - . Wittby, Ja.1 RW Sdil At sieli pnteae ;for 0UABII, te wtîo *auî tà save niettQy ull )2 KIixo STREETiÀSST., ff at Gant fr<id 5fictze. .rds, at JAS. B. GÈÀRIfrà O, 1808, rit Unie. 8!-tw BES1~ k o~Â?BST -ifE GREAT hMBÂSSBDOR 0F fEir iiï.TOý ANID A l'ARd1 fO IIOLLOWAY'S PItLS Thr- wani çiý sierinugmediellnan temeut-fhisa atnd' éqiîirety fre routi dtîîerid iieth deiinoos pari- oies, wa% sevetety felitt ibthis salit poearuilîcti %vas usherîf110tiew*4 HLlwxsdv~nL PuaI., bave tîccee t itnuueîo.x i EIaf ait iii- tillio, 'rlieur attribete le an PUhVENTi et, ai; neIl gua:iiliyaiacia the asia.ou ILnTe'rr liso iliiaptaicl-. sud thah aai~ he hiaiien cuame ,fdiges.e re. lnvigeralefititestera the isireetieugiea of tia sym. tact. aasttcg litura iii ber task uvi~TktiîîîdleScTIaNq. Azy aavc5.MAT16S. DYS rEPSqA. Thagrea acourge cf Iliial ninent ytelîia qiickty 10 a curge oclieg aliiteplial'il$.and lthe ilti' itV r. gans nirlret icitheir pioper tleaittiemater il) wtlal tidll haitthia tîydra cti diseine exhititi self. his sarchauieqsod îiitirng reeudy ttst,)erauais l ftn th ptitetles> atllu. idenarail Debillti and Wenknea. Frountea±ee'rCaiiae. OwsessOFe, cla, anuit att î,iher stu- or a îtlietaed tiver,s tanhier digatgaiiza- lion cf -goioeq. ans soidete eueulcal icg ifal- ene cf ibisail pewýdrfuaaileptianid ilotergual ramn- The piper quantum sud ui'giît cnuioirlia ie toile LAs (o mouecuteqs imtpoceeete, tiheiiî'lîh of lthemila fei aIis ,lat4 e lhtsl expet% tht, tildet accls en i te cnmptl lt.ddrenidtrIîail ihýe fSifianad aereiien<,pvayasitIucl eehliaild raaeâllaîig the vils. fltes~ b ot Shoutîl lise n3j.ita tn ttyicg a rew dasea unti. re- Itatetùigai sfréceiîpitingramedy, wevbtalver nsy ba mrOatos. ' 11 i lfimiii' 1 dîuiiu> u i nueuuay borne- te lte ieilth-gftîug vies'Mtaiitlèstniîy.raîîd cet. ahanaes ine va re'l'vlsi5pg ellîie e te XIohe utidenaleneous i-rthteirf1udtaWorttl. llollmiïag'a P1 Uaareýtkad î.dmai4 laaown in tu. iettiîfs* tAs 'olouiinq diuca.s Milta. *, l>rrhoSta tifiliem, hiowaContpîitit ~.t)ory, uecza,. FE)eebZg, ca sd A 0e, lues-saitwaehuasa Cbrjt iýiaut e nalte Con:Lt- tfi r l~eauvcese jbailis, l!nUrOlàj~ 0uadî-re crions sdGaet os '4tiiC-'Pie arag îalintesa watai -1 JiIctit"ayt. Jd4e Yrkm) . reeL e aadeeeemr. houle ai;s li"'q,tnîrk in averyiaeafoftheaiiicufiiirec.. ltces aroluid-, lit i ttir box; the aMme mi> lictiteili, 1cccii b>- h4fiiîiina lui tote /light..4 A acittme te. Linîja M%las mt,1,' îllite delecnaî ofeiy arly or pauîce COtrii tltl u îiîilieiiîe, or vcu(inig aile same, 9* ôd i îi t- ti. tiglinétoree fPtcfeaeor ileLewÂu 111lihaen lits. t"'w Yerk, sud by ail respectable . tîe i tiii,'tîere ilu-Mediie thueughieut the, IluStalaoitit he tivizef warud,, lfit hoyea ai-25' cenae. 63 tiouI. n1,11 $1each. X3tJne 1 i-iittîalabte auvuig hy t.iiig tie ta N. B.-Dt)raultilts for.lte guidlante of patienta in asarr dtioril r are attlxed teu ach box. W1871'AR7s BALSAM il ý IlsAm raIEo ion NEAIMLY HiLL À CENTUR,4 With thie neit-stoniahing aeuccaitlstiiting W-7Conghs, Celis, Uarseaesm, Sore, Titrent, Inuftna,Wooping Ceagit, Croup, Liter Coniplesînt, Briaont- -chitis, Dlflittty ofBrattia Jing, Aathmu, sand avary «Éfection of, The Throat Lung9ýa ad, Oheat, Tharo a eareay cne tîîdivid-. uinlu be cennunitywli10 fiol- àos'eaui.,dulrls aAî.sOu, frontî sdnlsÎ ana, liowaeýor altgily de- výloîied o f the aboya syînptonis lxïjdradod diaea»e ini lhe wiiots catalogue. The polar of thu. .1mtaicintil gunV' of the Wttd 55 ClVei+y, 'le over ibis a"às f ûcet4pltinta a <allà on;se ggaa;is zie-good it bas perthrm- Ca, latid se groit01ée tbcpàrfty ii lias neqnimod. dîen as 4 la atw, fla sinerMon5q id. 4mife. /ee1 actif feeefy v eie' Aoe e tar< $eMa, fiA"s, d m anesdkceupr a eas i Cr8at troînt 'L. J. 'Raséin'e, si. lot Ut4Éihe-rya. lie t~.kL. c;(t, . 2;iüs15. à. W. e 2O!ô*25 L. JAMES .JOIINSION, Brook Stretit, Witttyl', Tailors, Shoom'aikers, CWrriago Buildersi, Dre à i Makers, and Heads of PtamilieEs Cait nt W ANZXU b& Ctp,', See#« it jtio fiiea, tiittli>. ruîit-t- laiurge'a iî"t4oriV of Fi,iui>îut al bi iti fie[ tilit'Ir sEFWING M~U Wltb Wtutet îprovuîîîtiîi1d ut iow-prsecs Nînrchi 2;,i tîC tgon t f'r Ceui>'01utnria' THE iUNIVýRSAL CL.DTHEiýS WR M~ER y. Tiseeniy Wrin3,ewitithlie COG-WHEEL 'REGULATORý 'I'osr, h c t iul i'îi l £e,» Ica If wf lI weur for yeadri iriltiouit ihjiàir l'o Servant eau break itt A chîld i t ilosàri olai cittoparatte it. *Necautloà 0-orsukili requikadin-1tt usaI It gaas ita ceaIt n-Clotiiï aeef inn oir tweiié*M'c etits., Eveny y 5aniger -wltli ogî.WIaeiai i Tho iiuatu Wr'iiirr.ooktc tlIiiPlST.- PlEMIUM, a Sleur Nltdol.étnil Dip1oma, lit- ihe Nues- vork Sithe lài. 1962. sud sns p ru.- tpnced iapurior tle ai o ers -lb lie Wàrld'uu FietLondon, 18t62. Cauvasse iaîs 6Va iiit 1uevexy-Town fin Canada.- P'érsolis rlugweehit rot i a s apointac, it, b>'- ramiz t boprtca to thi,. hnl. receuve thetoW iiuger ly Eicpross i-iiusihLi. - ýLX.MÂýSON;, Agent, Whitbut FRJESII À1AU1VLS L. supp1y Teag, tC,,vbtIl b. olfo Bdi JAME ]a. ERRIBo BENTSTRY 1, "'H ubscribar in lu returnlnlis iathanits Iforpaitfavtbrs, liega ý t n th Le inhahi- taett of titis -Town asu i rroîiliug eCouutrY, thet ho will bha îppy to attend to aIt or dari eutrutsîed te hie care. Tectiî lîîserted on Gold, Silvar cor Vulontîîzed Rlhar Base. Tutti fillod or extrected lu the beat poixible mauner. l>rtenois attetion paldte the reicutatton of Cbitdreo'sTo,ttiAllwork ws rnîtcd. 41 W. H. CARD. NEWLEATIIER STORE 02 KIN(4 STIME.T EÂSTÉ, CORNER op, C1UtOlI STIEr, TORONTO Çy..À&à B o Z seilodalut li4 riands, sud the ETrmd adeit nrali. hat bo bai cpened the îive prçemusas, *iere hu wtt! keep a large, ma 1, m5leelata stocka of IIeav)y Workingu Patits................. .... Ileavy Workiîg * ets........................... Splendid Black Dress (Co;sîs froîn......... ....... A Fcw fleatvy Overcoats Ileft at .................. 50 ikit Ittts at. ......... ...................... 50 Mens' Caps,.... ...................... AL.-wool Caiîadian Tweed Under (?oats, ... ........ Silk Paris llats,...... .................... bilk Vests, from« .......- ........ Andia SpletiîddAasortnient of.ScoVch Tweed Pants. $1 65C. 0 85c.'- 3 0 3 00 0 l0e. 0 50C.i 3 00 0 70c. 1 lo.-. ~A LA PEG TOPS e-D P OSE TE FE LE. Alter' donning our style, wvho ivou!d wear that other kiîidt-gain. 'HIE NEW-IJUNDREARY SCARF IN ALL PATTERNS. Paper Collars, Shirts, N'ck 'Tirîs, Drawiers,l Pay us a visit, and let-ive ' 'ow al appf! Hlappy, Happy-. SIGX of the WHITE FLJG & Union Jack, Broek Street, Whitby,i nearly opposite, Croukeîs Hotel. RE9:4DUCED IN PRICE. A -large supply jl4st recei'ved at Nos 4e Laiog's.- Buùildings8- 6 Fainily Grocer. Lamps, Ltunps The great REPLEOTOR LAM? Givit on a i'glt Iiualto tisetniost hriltlint Lang's Biidtugo, Brook St., Wlittlay tl'us Lunîpla ticatinvaulsol yet una st01 1lî,su rionul be-a evry Ltai fon,. il.a oat cf aUpplylng the cil conued laeut>'y about oe ceat pet heur. L4nipia olevery kina, lu #eg l'atansd Ai &Il prica-. Releters, Chbtunaya ud ail other lsntp STAT*ONEuRYnbyt pneaugctf - 0Eoitu YtI151t8, pApxflfSi-nietoq1scap, Ove., aend note, bina éAnd are aid,- wove, &o.; KIrkap.ae I~SQIOOL I30K.S,. Wrsppiug Papera, Osards, Photograpli Albums, Pertatenaýies, aar caS, " c.ÀW o rsùt* *ad Ct ads d, Musie, e&o. TIL o CRW0 i PiEelà fV o em'éýfr u q1têd MONEY TO LEN1) 'o. id - .4 L.mwýýj 1 . .ý 1

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