Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Mar 1864, p. 2

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Newft Ttrl~flSt1I~Day I»hl ut erts._0oenty Outanle.. -eetu it nck'a Society'. licutce 0etuctiott sale. Court o! Âsie.-Ceutlty Ontarie 8teves..-Wau. Brysu . , Te Mot1tr.-Iames IH. Gerrie. Lecture. Ce..-Msjor Brasa Baud. Cgr.-Hiram iWindsor. Bargainu, kc.-Wmi. Bryan. O)ntaret Hote.-J. Reubottone. Moue, te loan.-W- IL Billings. Tenders for Lumber, -Town of Wbitby. Spocial Not ice,-Dr. Carson. ONLYS$150 CENTS A TEAR W'hitby. Tîr'a ad ,1864, The Ame7scen lVer. Tii . micufcturea o! tie 'Naew Engisut! sta tes are paying dean,' for tise Isuaticisua o! tiseir A,' tellys. tbeir Lucy Stonies, their MaiS. toves, their Creelys, Beechers, sud thse boat of restless, aud intoloraut spirite *baose love c! agitation sud iuter-, meddlltig le aIl tise social institutions not cniY tlieIr4vný but o! chier sisaur atates -o! tisestis, luat led teatthe present dopions. ble rupture o! tise Union, aud te the utter prosration e! al ci.e sources o! vealtis o! tho six Nov Englaut Sîta. Tise more ue looks upon -t4ecsanzuuan,' conteat ncv ragiug botween the Nati anti Seti. tise more one las sist'aed chât- it bas et lut reselvet! itsel! sçimpyinto aà1<'sv Rg. land var. tli . s*IAr nec sc ranch for 'the existence o! the. Union nov, fer shst - ope bas leur silicus faiu't! ae,, 1k.a fie e., d!nu s summer eky, ,but for th ise lanst!existence of Masachastts set! bar iv. liisle msrn!factstng nelgiabers ou the. map. Neani,' <ver,' manniacturet! ar. ticle useti on a soncheru plantation, froua tue rude, sut plain cloches cht ceveret! tise Negro ce Lite splendid luxeries that Onnaauentei the ich maa.'s trawing nootu a the it,', pait! a golden proit ta tie Inantafactutrer oc! 2ew Etglgcti, snd not - cl,' tbus,.hut tie ver,' stneuu of auci cies as Nev Orleans ar-e psvet! vitis clouesfrouaM .aaaciusetts, viile tie spiendit!mnsions o! tinse aoutisernnities are facet vith grasitte froua New Ilauap. sbire. ludeedt here vas noching tiat a Nov Englander cnit! nas. ont o! tise gronsiu, on mnufacture ont o!ýtie rawa Meal, but (cci S reet!,,asd ich mar- ket ameug cie opulent people a!of hesentb In fact tho snth W bat! t up, and! vas eonutlnagte builit>!anAha ndsu!pros- pitrrces people in e section a! country pro. terblfon tise rock,' eut! ncongonli tharacier o! lis sou. Proeocted b, ' ahigb tariitTue otier ceuniry' enuit cmpote lu th ustticru market vitis Nov Eng!mmd. rec-ipable a! aislng grain sttas profit eue,% for ber ovu censumptinn, the abrnovt!eu- (<'aprise of hem peopsle reven alevwedt! îein courage ta tlag ; butlch binlanumoablo streams, sud s igi proteting tariff ie far n cttippedoth ce oafta Le ealt aIl thei.sertueru agniculcea-al status o! the Iltln, ud AU iis veaicis vas poe nt t berlfp b,'the. geeuxnsud epen -asdet! people, vism erie presses, ber palpite, bar Sumuoers Socialistiecreratars o! tue Luce StooM scel, ceeid net let Alons. Tii. rotieus, as et! e iglit sa,' neuormeleie, -luiferneaddliug vici ttse domoesicitastite- tienis c±gattees he ve.lier hest caltonS- tas Set psoduced &Aisgest, sud a natural aucagouisua, uid <lien s teaned aanger &iat fi all tail,'italnaw nletise pN'seiiL rut- W. de net (or a moment usgiay tis te volce ei faieeoo çsiouidt! ne ho aiset! againsi aa llve isyscem, tisaI over,' peopie muâts asie, but let tisat voices honalset! lu tise mani,' sud libeai toue o! vich the example vas set b,' Ragant!, vios. a,'.- --patis,'fer tise eppretssati as exproe b,' tise epeuiaig a! ber peseatriu;, andt ie purcisaseof tie treedon 'of tise bond-mon et ber colonies. We saidt ii prescut war hi reoived hiti m a'van ramortisecontimiauce anti protections cf ev Esglant!intoets, set! su it bs, for lottdes ifsue 4hé es(aionable tethIe -Unice,-ansetti. ite 9ourlslsIr îcvnu andi villagas o!tise. swil l vibe. conte as poor ud' baitaeu as tise granite iocks -0 c sie bileare beilLt, Tip vs tam staies, h voulti appear. are, ilvas hé.i the,'4bae hen dravus b,'thse nmust r- ltag tates, sud are 6egiàniag' te uliev an oenaous neioueueas UtdÏrn tiei nffiltieut. Tisoy gi-amblàatastue fs(tsai ttise,'Luève sireat!,1 expenedt -met-t' lies: ant! mer.1 meMn s ti se. tatea vlIs >are more bave. Ah al evenis, t esta~ mttentiga mal' ho hut tisepreinda e tise tflunder lap, and if tise , PrêenSet sowen apdgo ee net predace tavorable otot ltise serti s more disatrocs tateofetaffalr amyen<- WUsràw' K n-ae;av SUu?g &SOuc*. -In assther-celuan itiere vii le fet! au aanoeuemuent et s lecture vie is lte h e eeéd aitise Mechisls all asn, Tuesdayevalung neit. Wl. nst , ré-1 ptestth. stertotypet Pisras. tisai , bIzoe lll es veil standos; v-~i eUg& Lacune. nyLivca-r.-Ai hetii iaieot. iug e! tise Tovu Council s meti aeooaaan i,' 1e as uPUAscti àpoSlqXa hIbetue au thse keepers o! Liver,' &tables. Ion, eu herse, and net oxoeet!aug fotu, of *15 i; tour and aoc -ex@eodig 8S, U, ashorae eighc $25. The 1by-lav aiseextdnda te tins. keepiog buggies, kc, fer unre. as oll as hommea. B,' chi thé public,a veil asý tise user, stable keepor, vwho pua-suiesh .alimg as a bsiness, are pntctet!. Tii. publicevise hîre liven,, l'impase! upon, or luaproperl,' treatet!ossu aln canaplalut, ta the -ceunri and-bave tise imas caken as va,' tre. diiabouesior ina- proper perse.. By is boiug bnocsght dit- rectl,' acceatttable te tisa ceuncit, ibrougs bis liceuse, che public bave tise gusmusee c! tie Corporacion fer faim treatmoot, ast! _ý remeul,' gslast su,' IU-emage on thse part e! ch.lilver, stable keeper. On the' ather haut!, tise'livor,' sts1ýloeeper vise oiuiged to kehotusan sd vehinls ofule Icieds, reud t ,e ver,' eal, day sud night, j sut lesupport ailarge staff c! persoem aI bis mplyuanilu Miod*t prmpen pro- tection againut h. mauth icson. buggy, visicisho job. eut ceasleusl,',ami tiss yil. isaving muothaer callin; et us ovu, and vhis e t littie or sic expense, 1iter- faireais itho belfVes,'stable hoeper'a legiti-i mate haulueus In meut aLlier tevus iha Canada, st andk u hclielasieenuels impow set ullveslstables, snd vo regard it sua ver,'rp tep oncetise part of tho Ceuncîl t srte tiselicoum 4eon ie, Wbitbyo moe e! us staxai. Ina frousse. -'Fe coiered ~jas',i in the. cm of th. Beoustisa bave fbuuid s verdie.t to lise uffN« ct hie e0ellii.a vasu eomioned b>, uste bis dlstaiw4:frYit*Éhe Iiliba; hiat- tisse heen sàIbeUi-boAtnt uAldeds'rcke aud tfo bai aer fto li lp ha utrol orery' afficer sud man di bis best te cave tise lives et(tiie pausengers. Six ,bodies verS fessa ont atuedéq, ad wtvemoM ee o. DiuTzor Q m oï pstsLarois,'a ,-, ,-~ .jj. 's'- .- - - ~ -. .-~ ~~1~ - - h -~ -~ Thi e wùdmetsut dopteda avery pmu.- dent teaelttié'làattii. meeting ou Mouds,' euong iËi uttu PSY noýmedical mon for endýàig indigent personu, vbhoe srvices 0es net dinecti, ordered by the Mayor. hais medicat gentlemen cf, Ocen ove é keo w t e b.au gouercus sud bumâtce ai those a! an,' eéther part cf 'Cansau..We, &IBO kuov thut tii., gise ne stusil share e! thein profetsionsi services ta, the poor of the iality getuitnensly, sud ve are free te admit that lu tee mauy instances thein valtabie srvices are inadequatel,' e. qnitod by patienta. But vii adnetting ail Ibis, il î lu ani ihtasd proper liait the corporation, viie psy the. mono,, should beid some ciieck aven medici Men le cass vere they do make charge* for profesical services reudereci Indigent pensons. Net fitisai, o uld tlins tor a moment couvey the Impression that su averciisrge bas ever lu any ingtance been macle. On the cantrar,' vo are avare that the accoas for profonsenai services have been macle onit at oniy s titheocf tiie proper fees viien reedered te the Counili. But the door vas left open, aud suycuuscmu. pul jus pérsoti might tae. dvantage -e! il. Lu psaing the, resoietien the,' did-leav. hng the. discretiou vitis the.Mayor o!fsua. plnyiug pbiysician'la nncosiar,' cues, the. Counucit pplfeit ÏÈë mupaOreedy. sud efl'ectnaUly elori4 P, deer againat .uyat- tempit e tak.e fioyouioet'thse Tawn treasser,' hrangb the mistortunes etftthe poon. Medicai gentlemen miuet have the sutizerit,' of the.Mayor in ancien toenrasure psyuaeut froua lise Corpoation ton prefes. nounai services hereatter. EXTRAsoanNsav SUaG[CaL OPEUcrox. -Dr. Armastroug aIf Brougham, vnites us an accaunt o! a sergicai operation pertorm. ed lu bis presence lest veek, b,' Dr. Car- son, of this towu, wiich isaanugst the meet extraordinary ot this kiud on record. A son, six years et age, of Mn. F. Muson residiug lu the &th concession of Pickernug biad 14 evere. attack ef croup, and dnniug tiie cilula. auffTeniug a membrane vastonne At lu the thinat, vhich, niess reutoved, wontid have reuted lu certain deaths The eliratien cf opeuing the. vindpipc sud the removai o! chie umembrane, (techuicahi,' temmed by medi.:aI men IlTna-heetomy") vas succeusfuliy perfornet by Dr. (larson, sud the boyla nov eut et danger. Socb operatinua are arely euccesui, sud %tis la the oui,' case vtiieur own knowlecige, vier e vorecolect of is bieîugreao.ted co sud the patient atrviving. It crtaini,' e. flecta ne emal degree a! credît on Dr Car. acn's skill hi viibisu deuitleau, lu this instance been instrumental lu saving aur friend Mr. Muson the. aou!o bis fineo iitle se. ha aevere fig4t et Weat Peint, 'Mis. aisappL. The siov movomeetu et Colonel Wanamies divioncudelayec tihe expeditien M" oigif dayu, givieg thse ene.,' tinaê to, ceucontrate t1beir forces. Gem. Seilh la reported to b.elwy falliig back tovard llemp&is. !rem Tunnel bill, FZb-,2qth, matIe taft ou Thuraday aigbt our fNotqraJ tresp e 1h11baka nTunnel bill, vbaeh plane villho Jseld. The rcopupeince vwu eeio~sacceestut-sud 4.veloped théi fact éýee na foréeat tltLOe importnt ceunIt ssd $o- have beu mýcoms- pihet vas thoe mceaWug o et va. - b.u.ue'ig ivision, wvJ4c1'aW beeo#- aqt. te reiuforcelGen. Polk. LIt retun dýia't'ueý to p ntic ei th e ggbt. Durn lutinelps The debate ou the, Âddros, vbich isiil drageËs lliength along" la the bly PanlialftattaryDW!.Iuhoti lii bas been ceeseneedin persenal crimninfttiob làut rocriminstion ; indeed uesnli b hoile ., tie discussion bau beon made of e suèis The damuning disciosures inade agrainat the Premier, the open bribery sud corruption, and the. trickery to which h. bua reaorted are perlectiy antotnidbi. T'bey are of' themneolves sufficient todâeitrôl the charset. or, not asie. i thepblie character, but the. private reputation cf sny mean livingsand ta drire bine frone deceut uociety. Yet Mr. Ssedfieid Macdonald appears te regard il &Il with indifference, suddas if he ha oniy done something I" smart" ini order ta kéep lu office. - H. promises a generai me. piy at the close of the. debate, sud vs -cor. tain4tfvait with anme Elincnriosity te learu what II, may ho. Certainiy il ean b. net. ther a song nor a sermon. The actnal business of the Session lia ont y.t ccinmenced. The. Opposition, w. lest-c, have decided net ta take a vote an the, A.ddress. Moasan. Caemro'l, tlnhanan, aud Le. Boutillier, mibemS ai .the Opposition are euhi absent. Tus Re Ustoç. -We big te remi1nd our readers in thie vicinity, o! the. entertain- meut te bc given ait tii Mechanica' Hfall, ibis (Thursdsy) eveuing. Lt is unnTete5ssry te say auything fertiier thau that the pro- gramme la the. most attracfie yet offered, and the. leadiug amateutsf rOshava sud Whitby are to take ati. Aucries SÂLo.-An Âuctin sale of Piano aud vainabie houseiioid ferniture, the. pro. pert ' rof Bey. Mr. Rosa et Greenvooi (vii ia about te remove), viii takfpiplce some day Frînt to the. 30:ii. nf tus moush, cf vhich future notice viii be givon. To MoTRass.- Mn. Gernie advertises Vaudeneseacelebrsted vorne confections, sud gives excellent reamonus hy' mothers should use tiene. STovrâs n»Tnse-WÂ,L,-lNl. Wm. Bry- au having pnrciiaed the luterest ct bis bmether John, lu the establiishmeut in Brock street, sdvertises atovesansd tin.vare for sale chespen than ever. Oficilai Appointeeuts. Rie Exceiiency the. Governor General bau been ploased tauneake the foiioving appoiutmonts, via:- John McLay, Esquire, to be Regisciar e! tie Couuty cf Bruce, in tii. roone of Nathaniel Hammneod, Esquire, remeved.. George-Thomas Webster, o! Brantford, Ksquire, to b. a Netary Public lu Upper Canada. Prospor A. Huard, of Prince Albert, Fsquite, Attorney at Lav, te b. s Notary Pnblic lu Upper Canada. [lia Exceiiency the Gaveruer Generai tis aise bren pteaaed te grant a% Lieau te Robent Folier, of Trenoen, 8squin., to ensile hilà ta pragtlss PI!ysic, Snrgery-god Midvitery in Upper Canada. SUCCESSES BY TH!E CONFEDER. - ATES. The Plenid expedîtion heu resuiued ini a tailure. Gen. Seymour, on the Sth lest., lat tacsounville vith 3,000 menuasud u about eight miles frone Sanderacu, met the. enoey 15,000 utroeg, atd a severo sud dis. autreus baotle vwu fecgt. The. coufeder, ateu hud pisntod batteries lu a piece o! --A.u,.aAd ther.* s. reate a.pani Sne, t e engage D.Qak- Mr. Laing, (thse, >laye)r,) atatod thmt Wlitne3isad cahot! upeas Siansd toid islm aient the case, bu, tbat ho, (the, Mfayor) neplie tiiii .Iasd uno r4'ol lui theisemater, tws' tves euoe t6t isoald be lettQ the .Connel. Captaim Boe..la oaWsta asnln Wbithy, Ytaday eveuln.i b-~9h 1864. r The Coïnci1 mot"t. hodn on luthechi.Al4mï6'e oxcepion Ps"bes, (wi t eeioetcaptabvn, notao t Tii. Mayor read s cemmknicatiah ýfrone tii. Secretagy e! tise 'Board etSpinal Tmusteeos, enccouiug s neqtiaslle frot,tliè Board i hat $1000 b., placed, te heïr ýredit. by tise Corporation. And snbseqcuoutly, an- maien oIt Dr. OGin, ueconded b,' Mm. Breww«tii. hsùin 1 $1000 vas placedt!atethe cr <tp l3aardi lu compliance wlîthoq ien~o. The Miyoe aises utated Chtsjle iaÃŽ e. coived the. repart o! theo Auditora, vith a istatement o!ssets sud iabiiitiea, dtaiied utatement and abstracts. The report read as fohieva diThat tii.,'bave examined the.TBoks mid Acrounts o! ycur Treasurer, fer the year ending 31 *st Dec. 1861, sud bave came!niiy comperet! the same, vith tie Vouciieresud have mucb ploasere lu teeti. tyiug te tiie ver,' methodical, ecoqnecq, snd neat mr.nuer lu vhich yenr accounutshbave been kept sud yonn voaqcborsansd peperu arrauged. Oc motion o! Mn. Brovn, hqcoudeil b,' Mn. Campiieli tiie Council vent into caine uittee an the report af the tnding-cene- minte. au Finance sud ones~et, ~Mr flevenillinluthe chair. Items t--~63 ta Ciiewitu & Ce. fer statioueay, $4 'to J. 4 -Otto, for beekbiudiug, aud-tltt to- Dr. C. Clark for atteudance on MWi ust vere adoptet!.. Witii rcspect tae lu et item of; $10, te Dr. Clark, tnae Mayor exphaiued that h. gare instrurtions ta Dr. Clark, aud that it was for bis modicai attendance on Mme. Fuhenua. Tii. committee aise reported thai tiiey had under conaîdeneticu au acceunt et! Dr. Clark fpr medicai attendane on a man named t!Raa i, w as tuaken i i e the bouse of Mn. Ira tVhitney, lust Fait, sud that, withnait reconameudiug psyment, the,' sulimitted tahe master to the Council. qn. Broya, (Chairman cf the dommittee ou Finance) stetedt! tntbc vas neut in tie Council hast year vien ibis matter wus brongit up, sud iieving ne personal kuov. i.dge cf the. (acts, the ccmmittee (con- sidered it isteter te leeve thé malter iu thte bauds of the Coucou i shunt au,' récura- mend tarn them one way ne another.. Dr Gunu, deaircd chat Hie Weruiiip the Mayur, migbc expiain vhiiac iutçions be gave lu this case. H. consideret! it the. dut,' af »medicai mec ta attend the pour vithout charge, alciiongi theromaye, be cases vhure sncb atouisace ougbt te bc paid for b,'te iii Crporation. The medical practltianers o e i.-love,- h. ad no doubt, vouidt! actvih tise samo gene. rouit,' tii.,' bd hîtherto doue lu attendauce an the pour;-,h. (Dr. Ounc,) canaidered it their dus, te de se ; but ifunue vere paid for bis services b. tbongbt al ncgbt te bo psid. Mn. Penry, explaieed that i' hi this question came up lu 1841, eoe- iie aId Opunili, an an accouait froua Ina Whitney, tise abjection miade then *as that titi mac Rovan vas s man of messi ,asd couuit! psy lis ovu vasy, sud tIsa he vua per' sousaI fieu4 cf Whitnee," on' a'iit te bim. Wben tise tacts were ascetainiedit tutued aut that Rovau ,viule.-en age4 t4ing araftIo Quebfc us iai ke . hi Wluttiey happeneci te meuti&ihsst thbe Whib ttatibn, snd teck hlm, ta bis hanse. chat che. dises"s umntsd eut to be tbo muait pox; thiat Whitney' procred' theii. evices of Drn Clark, kept the ixan lu is beouse,' aut! had hlm nurset! sud attended te, and tieoby prps puprevoet!the apresul of a virulent dises.. aver the tovu - abat Wiit- ue,"s fanil,, luonden tu svoid theien fée- tien Wst tu e aveelrhoir cahome,! sud tisa Whitey,'bat! te Suffer aIl tbe. a4sao, aune, sud boar ail ithe expeen o! vasbiog,ý- 7î Iboarer o! the louter. But va bave hbat! us commuenication vîti Revt!. Mn. Lav. per. soual,' on the. subjeot, ai su,' ime ; > nPr have v. su,' positive Icuovletge thet-he vas the auther o! tise letter. On tise damant! of Mn. MeMilîsu, vison 14~e letteofolhat veek'appeanradve gv un the tacts, telliig him tiat ,'oung Mr. Lav asa tise persnsoWisvo brquetrgs ustise lettons Signeëd 'Clti3en,5t sud vo et >,thse same time informed!, 'ouog Mi-' La* liat w. iad glireu up bis name te Mr. Mcii- Itau, vih at!a iglitte deanut h, ssieg vnltteu a ven hie ,ova-signatuce; We re- gret Lie persoasi um he malter bas IakeIIta su ini be jIpd if 8ailparties ,vonit!nov slliILtaedrop. 7'o M1u Editer cf the WhI4it Clhrcnide Dcâs Sa.-I have cbseev'd ie. ,'cur nespeoting ch. St. Ant!rev' Soirée,ait! mmssosq uaêetîQgý iu - vih Icsn,' usine hb hoen aeet! I thiusk it due te mseif, su&d chose ceunée !-vitÉ tci in ireetiaIbà tise truti ehoult! b.e et >a4lished, the,i 1â- xgg.r et the Saies lkaire beocassýileti l themoat wanten mauttor> b,' yar anotp- mous , courepoedeat, visasppears; > at ou4,' te saab falmé assertions- but pe ,rsi1l.s temti,' cepeut thee, -ho sa's st wvin nt ns,' deiirs te roture thauka ha tis e cici.,.thia I ,poultivol, don,', sud fuli,' enàosue Mn. hlMilIau'loUeer. W- " ILLI4,m CULLEbT. Thé -toit CtniafS&steaimersa --f 7. 1,I 'latter rreleased .Wh -itney. Ant!thon -let tii.suggestion o! Dr. Genn, itis viich he, (Mn. Ferry), tul,' sgeed-be fohioved up,-ciiat hereafter ne medicai atAee4ance upon destitute pensons, unleis erdera !b,' tise Mayor, b. paid for. Mn Brown cousideredt! tat Witneo, deserved tu be paid for bis aerv'lues sud uit- tendance just as mucb as Dir. Clark, set! b. vonit! go for pa,'iug $10 ta ft'Iotu ' s0. Mr. Cameyon, agreet! vitis Mr. Brovn1 aýls ibththist Whiinoy - h thse met trouble* 6q.erved ta bd ptlt!ad 'WtL as Dr. Clark. If the. Doctor iisd killet! tbe-tmsu, tbeu-W.hituey, pigist ibq Ioi tuà iae; butchat vas nat tiseae, (Leuùge Mn. Thev, asUe ceutended that. Whitney ougit ta b. paid-'if auy oeue-fer ihst! the Mocst trouble.j Dr. Guen, ex'sressed ataishment at the Caunciha passicg aven Whitney. B,' barbornug ibis strauge man, in al likehi. boot -Wbitue,' ssced the -tevu l'-m tise epreat!ofe! ttterrible sérbngo-tie sulahiý pox, sud bis dlaine te comipensation, eiould buc consideret! ln the finît instance. Dr. Clark, io felt sure, did bis dut,' lu n'tend- aug the pour, sud h. (Dr. Guan,) believeci fiime te bc tao generous a man teask au,'. thiug for dciug 50, to whicii be vas nos Weil cutitîrd, and lu this instance he would go fur payiug hlm, if semethsing venu giron te Whiitney as tise same time. Mn. Penny, replied that tise. mac was, Wbiuneys friend. sud that i! ever,' mac, an the townu vienetentaîned a friend vers to impose the hunden, 'fciei ssial, upon the Corporation viore would the matten end. He dit! bot..Agreewvi ths Dr.' Gunon thst beosuse Dr. Clark as s gene.- roua mac, eut! gave a great deal o! bis ti me witiont« charge tg tise, por-as he (M1r. Penny) knev o i.dc-iifees aenît!d bc curtailet!. To test tise matter ho mov- et!, secondet! b,' nI. Campbell, thusthe eue o! $10 ho paici te Dr. Clark, provideci b. exonerated Witney froua ail labilh- t>-- Tii. motion vas declanet! carnet!, sat! thse committoe rose aut! repertedthetb re- port snhici vas tien adoptet!. Snbsequentl,,on motion et Mn. Brown, secouded b,' Mn, Gibson, e resolutlon pesa- et!, that beneafien thse ecaount o!fn mdi- cal practicioner bho pait! for services te the puen unhess instructions be firat bcd froua tie mayor. Thi. Soirese galu. lb M Editore f the, WI&Ùby Chrônide. IDtat Bis, -la yanr issue etoI-ast veek respoctiug Ibm §Oiree recenîl,' held iwa- St. indréw's Cburci, I beg ta ast at ieh doca ni improve bis position lu the lesut b,' bis attempted defence of hineseif. Wlti al -bis duplicity-aset! ypocnis,' h. bas; faileil te establisb bis-,l'ae sud. nli 'ous nmter n tMons; -cor ha is ecceeded lu couceshiag hie reui nomne, and clianecter. For, the. Wassction e!f,'onr anonymeus carreupon- doe, atid in order tisaIlie ma,' ne longer rémain lu darknesi as te my ignoranice cf vh i he l, as weiT as for the eake o! let. tiug the public kuov tiatI have net been cvongfnhiy accnsing "su old grey fhaired gentlemnuhovisaàd neither lot ioe art in the. matter," I will 6ndeigvdfteta ive is ,rial natale. Aud aui rtipettaile jeunes. liet I Cl tapon yen ta sas,'Whether I sa îigiit or *rang. 1 charge au ex.Reî!erned individual, by camne LA-s, a resident o! the North Wand lu tise covu o! Whitiy te hee the- persan f«i. vone yen, Mr, Editor, inserted a commnnicationun lusor paper et the 1l ths of'F'ebruan,' st o;a çor tise signa- ture o! -"~A citizen." And! sîtho' that venerable intividur.i-votierable lun,'eers ociy-has attemptet! teasiirk -the respousi- bilit,' unden ciuak o! an irresponsible lad r-and Liat lad bis ovu. sou-lt viilnot sufficietl,' atone for.bis avn doasbiet!d guilt. Net conteetet!, 81*, vitis belchieg forth the ful vengeance-*àf bis vratis sud malice upon the. Iead oa! nudesenviug per- èensb h. drages in,'his innocent offapnng- a ,'anug boy goiug, - tea chol-to rtand hetveen hlm and the public as tie suchelr cf bis productins. But, Sir, tise ver,' lettens tiemoelves bear internai evidence the nenet conciie o! the truc soure froua vhicis tiey havse emnatet!. Mark, Sir, the course o! anseviho professes Chris- tianity ? Io it ual ispecritcit andst!disiion- onrsbie ? He aima a cesandi,' sud duard. ly l -inluthe dark designed, te ifiiet injur,' upon bis poiglabors, sud tbeu lie seeks ta escape b,' tincwing the- blame upon another, wvie.yonth venît! abieît! hlmâ froua accouniabilis,. Ih was nt an, desire to trouble ,'onr colmua again, Mn. Elitor, viti a nepi,' ta your sannymons correspondent, sud 15 le onl,' froua s- sens. e! dtny, uintirer te expose e vol! lu sheep'a lothg-chat I sa impeiledtu t do so nov. 1 do net wisii te ans- iyze "Citizcna'" iccler inasmucli as it 1would a waste o! cime ait! paper, suit!a drav upon ,'aur patience. An,' attempt ta refute tise aliegatious o! a provet! falsi- fier vonhd ho quit. supenfinons. T. H. MCMILLAN. Iu epi,' ta Mm. McMilhae's question ve de>sire te sa.ate tiat the letten o! tise 111 of Febmear,, as broaazht us b,' Rev. 'Mn Lava san. Withbenq ueing, ve toek it for grsnced, et the time, tiat the. letter vas vriîcen b, tise reverend gentlemen, sud sisal young Mn. Law vas siaspi,'the The steisLaip haa, frnm Li verpool ou tlte 13, via. ý(Ïûeem-jtau - e l4tb, arrivedl hore ycsterda~ eom"rninji. No stiditionel dgiting lu Scieiîog' ;âreportet!. The Wies continue,- i reinlaree tiseir aune!, sud are collectiug, bancs for s lsuding ou ciao iiasnd o! alsten. Thie Landon Post repeats tise statemoet chat Engîset!, -vichr tise support cf,_France, "Ratsial sud Sve. dien, bat! -proposed su' a&reistice, Tii- Danisi cavair,' bad, netiret!inteJutaand, sud the Daulsua vesseis-er-vwar were hogin. uing to enommit depredasieus on Prussian, commerce. inu tbq ,Bngliab - Honte uof Lards on tb'e hltix Lord Russeli meiutalided bia refusai te pro,-duëe tise papera lu the casç a! the atesairama, sand complimentot! the nonthere geverument ounis course lu pria. cases. FRami Derby, claimet! tisat tbe fomeigu secretary. bat! been governet! lu this course b,' the meuas ocf Mr. Sevard. Iu thxe Commons Mn. ILayanti adhened te hie etatemeut tsat ne message bat! beca received froua Mr. Adams in refereuce te, tise capture o! Rugliais vessels. The resa-- huion caihing for tise puapers vas floal, pestpenet! Tii. Engiah pepers centain a fiter, chat eue o! the fgatstetcrew stea- mers afloat vîas- aient tu be sent after the Alabama, ettii. expeuse of! tvo irst.claS Englisb bouses vhn hed enlleéret!b,' . the doiasgs cf tuis vessel. Thse Manchester Examiner gaka: 1"Cari sisiebe arotien centederete dot!ge VI 1he- Queeu of Spain was eafely deliveret! o! s daugbter jpu the 12db of Februar,'. Lateeot Emmiopetu. 'i ý, ! sïatamshp '-re4sens viic t I4ew-York on ch. firat lest. :ve leanthat, tie seizure o! the Tuccalooma at the Cape of Good Hope la couneet!. %fligh gales provailed on tise Ruglish oat. In ahe Hanse o! Lords tami Rusaell pnoved b,' comparieeu o! dates that tic gdvenmueut's decision as tothe Iran ramas eras ntnfluercot! b,'an,' tepreaentatians o! Mn. Adames. 1,- Mr. Peacocke, l inte IHouiseof (bus- Mous, gave couo!fneotiaju ns te tic demande for conepensatin made b,' tbe JUited! States for injuries dioue b,' Con. federate cruisers. - In the flouse of Lords, Earl Rossel suit! ln erenlce to claines for Aeamwges doue b,' the Alaises, that thegpvernmeast coan. aidera itseif lu no va,' nespossiile, sat! ce boe is helt! ont for changss tIhe polilu, reapectiug tii. - C,usloÎï adraucet! ou th&Sth to 91à. Tise Paris Patrie assents tisas Auscria wvas willing to sccept suscraiieticte on cou dision tha thtie Dins evitcuatea Daippel sud Aisen -Pmussia efuset!. - The Deueerk rovolutionista expehlet! tie Danisi officiels froua, Tôniug. The Pniv,' Couaici reàojved te devote, ch. viole etrengtis o! th. nâtionte recuver Scbleswig. Tise allies attackced tie Dasiai intrnch- ,meut ai Duipe1-;montara 'are placet! toý aboli tiie Daces.- Tiie Prnssiaass occnpy Fket!erick Fort at Keîl, tise bay e.ntrauce. LIVERPOOL BREADT-C FÈS MARKET- Heevy auit dovovard. - 'lour ver,' dm11; -vieusî dallent! eesuier; vwicier met! Sa5d te Se5 9d ; corit heav,'ansud 6d lover; mix- et! 28a 6t!to 29s. -BuRaLs.Âsss.-B3etve.o 'Saturda,' nigiit St! Mooa!y Morni'sg ne lesqt tiai three bouses su d the theatre le tisic -vre ountgned b,' bungiene, but, it-lonnuatehTheap. éened that cie,' vre disapspoiuie le ne-. e iviine mucii mcney. Xhe firet Place, whicis ppears te have ben visitet! vas the. prnuing office o!fMn)ILr., iYauge- Street, intôo viciste ii., ffectet! au ou- taace cimeugis s bac -k 41indov an tie second fluoar,'froua the no9! o! s shed!-is tie yard.. Tii. rebbusrs tvere evideaici, nething betier tisse "nianies"lu cin hoir: pr*fessoas, becanse if thi, nsderstootthein business lu the alighcest degree the,' might have keve tist as sprintini establishment _'ý#@W anâ Swift Decay.-The ouly The times in vbicb vo live teem . vith *oie- * Klot4inxg soome impossible i for thpe oiltis f oesyear boeme the commonplacé evènigd of- the noit, -tight' iîing presses, idâtsadAidieouÀ Ã"aom~tieon between the. mont distat iOnM. ald in. numerablé invèntioni for oompresung~ time, aud for-curtailing the processos eto production sndd manufacture,ý are amonst the 'marvelti of tbi marvellaus ors.' Un.; der sncb circumstances, vo pMay, trniy ho Àaid Io live as'"fo t lite." But :viiether' the vwhiri snd, rush by. which wvo are. borne! Églong iu reaily conducive te car bsppioê - C~ertain itlu, that thoe aveoges dur-&tien of human life la decreaaing in the midat cf this eoicitement, The modern phases of, diseuse seem la puzzle ard baffle tii. facul., ty, and with two remarktable oxceptiou via., HQO#ll<y'fPil. sud Hllowa.ylà Oint.>, ment, "no;-.medicité appoer;tô make the desired impression Upon internai or exte- cal disorders. These tva celebratod me- medies are said,, hov>ei'er, toi bae -scola- plishing the mostvenderfni cures thrioe;%., out the. length and breadth o! our land. Liver complaiht and diseases ýof tthe utc- mach and bowelu, vhich lu s. .majority o! caues are prodnced by ýover.e.eÊrfion sud oves-excitement inu-bbsiness, Iyt-I'd te tthe Pilla viien all the-resottrces o! tBe.dmng. gist and apothecary have failed, aidd-erp. tive sud sorofulous oomplaints's.ee teb equally nnder thé control of-the. Oiutùhent.ý W. cougratulate Dr. Holloway on lthe snai scceaa o! bis great needicines' in thi cntry.. From e u, _eInI w oo! the man we have no donbt- that 'îlii profits, deiv ed fontbatancu" illafford him' far leas satef'act.ion -than the kuovledge o!' the gond hie remédies have effected.-N. Y. "IA7itercan."1 ThxeGazette annonieos iti e r'e f recent exainntions iby >the. boarês of milltary officers in tii.1respective garnison_ tou.Fifty-seven have obtaiued cortifi. cates. 'Thé fclloviu,-ý are the, succeasful candidates lu Upper Canada - F'irstclas Certificates. - Lieut. ý-CoL. Bonker, Ha miltn ; Brigade-Major Deni. son 1Tooto; ,Major John B, Taylor, ILen. don. Captli-R. A.Becket, Afe ae phell, and ýHcnry, MacUe'a, Belleville;~ Jacob Bueli, Brockviloe; H. Goodviu, Toronto4 -Iienten8nt-Arthnr Coulsen, Toronto; G.Pappl, Hamilton. Second élas Certificates.-Lent. Col. Brigade Mlajor Shaw, Kingeton. Captaina -Ativood,.'Komoka; H. Hamilton, Stor. ringtosi;i Thomes H. Inice,, Torouto; T. lXelley, I<igstoc j Aloi. McKenzie, Bai- rie. Lieutenat-Askin, Biggar, Irving,- James , aud Ritchie, fHamilton ; -W. E. O'Brien, Birrie, John Pater, 1ingston; - J. Ryasu, Port Rowau. Eusign-4. LBn. chanan land J. H. Watbnttaniitou ; SidneyBaàtit, Ciifton; 1Charles- T. Q il. mer, Tcre~te ;-Jacksou, guxondville; MoDotgaîl, DurhameCoor.erge~ Cairne, Purham; (3. C. Fister,' Te Jamesl Wbite, Woodstok. Who in site. Thù[ Detroit Free Presa, of Satztt&y, haa the followiug " Yesterday nloruing cificer Tritten se' restedJia. girl dressed in hoy'e ciotbiug vhile walkuag apon Bruuh utreet. There are many versions of the iiistory cf thai girl and several uameasassigned te ber, yet ouý 6f *hese, Charlotte Lovings, bas some corrôborative pointu wiiich Iea4 te the. belief that th*at . lajor Dameor,.&ta leaut, thhe n e out generally ý ansveree-te, Shpvwbkk ti,.epavement cf the. corridrin the jail 'like s thitug cflifl an sd bas a very happy-faculiy of appesriug graoful lu ber.maleý' apparel. -Wîth bauds tbrust into th e -oêkets o! the. pauts, snd a rskish style of weàrinig ber cap, shee exhibits a very fuir countorfeit o!fsafut Young:mt cniine1 Tle varions atories ciulnateareý ýo 7hosanda uitv d clotbe i ,i cop be BY-s.sv ne LaCENau LtrERY STABEKPeu. u Scaa .Mn. PerryA-nsmoduscet! e i,'isw for. che purpose o! Licosusiaog Liven,' Stables, &kc, ant! an motion tic Couccil veut loto toua mittee ahereon, Mn. Campbell lis the chsair, TIse report va-c rte nde!sut the bill pasard wihu vc aimetuduaet. Tise byles provides chat even,' irca, stable keepen, set! even,' persaon ietding out herses sud carniages for hlm. éhall teke oet ii lice-ise :- 1aying for eue, sat! cnt eX. ceet!iuisrfour herses Lte rate o! $15, aven tourisud -net oxcesdiug el-it, $20. over éigit borses, $25. Penalt,' fer ia-' ftingeanat $20. Oneeotieu o! Mn. Penny, ueccadet! b,' Mn. Bravai. the Treasurer 'as instructet! te vithdnav fran e ebooksa cf clueCoun,' Treasurer, village lots 267 sat! 268, West o! Brook Street, in ch. Nerti Wand, sud te candi'l tise taxes for 1858 eus sait! lois, seoentîrg to $1 68. Mn. Penny explilet! mvw au errer vas, msde le ciarglng ciose lots tue Mn. Arnai, sud tisattie taxes bat! aireat!y bec p-at! b,'Mr. Anail on lois 21l uiud 212. On ' Motion of. Mn. Penn,', socuent! b,' Mn. Capttrh5lit biaso t ie. coals micuean Streets a-tt!Iuapnremueais vas instamcst! ,tue adre atise 'fer fafty cheusaut! (oct c.! Lunetier, aind! tee thilassrut! et o CearanScatlinÀ. Ie reply ce Mr. -es t heei , h. ayon ittated ciat su aokuowltizment hat! been received ! bhm froua the ProvinucialSacore- tan,"s Oficeof he! iireceijit pf.the -coma ticaîtius eouenastqg %bc sale of tise ~ .and Hanbar; but. ne epi,' bathon ne- - osivet! frosnstishe Miister o! Finanice,'i SA goeneualeamvensstiot adaraslurefer- once ce iii. ippolctanent a! Tovu sfali keepsfn; bmu, ce tise - sggesion 'of - Mn. Perry,,,îis,mstter va9la l dto,,drop, us tise stsenSo e! 'Captailt Rev e,techai r- mats e o!ca-consmichee. - -Thé COcancli tlienadjeurunet!., Bacus Jajs.-Oc lut Monda,' niglit, 0erace Barber, aget!17.Jsviclg til tise Br'ck£viijli-ontheiprderor a-mais. siagbteof b!ils fàthenv Sedeor Barboný; sj~Robent Marvin, aise aged aienut I7, sud comneteLd fta,' staling a cash, bit' cotasina*-£150 .l'roua b kem in Prescott ut tise Dameof Wali, ma eiir escape., Young Y1arie u apupduc os, a thII. bý proteainenud.iiidon tru'ob '01 -ndept at jai bneking, -B,"' ilse aid et a a6 bite!f mon, bîrekez-cia poker, h. picket! oer broke aÏeveisl 1ete.. Once lu the l'jil yard, wictb the sssisaceoe, Barberj, ho >tmade a sraging of snme cutcordwoodJ and coeventlasg thiir ljlankýtâ ito ropes ' botis ascendet! te; tise top - e! thi e aIL 1 ffsvitag arnivet! at tise top tise question eti tiseir dcicemýt à, né i of tise simplest Iint!.

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