Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1863, p. 4

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f I ____________________________ I ____________________________ I _____________ - a TIé ine cf us ari siglt oftU ¶ ver vfa are four ofOs, iryou inlitsad to imore, < cir f ne are' four e 1u r t.c u hum n i t riter lu the Chi:age Poit 'dhscribes ieh a ghoroteut et s baid atempe t-te,'Pols Umrt-:r-Iw < - 14 -<~Tise nièlmovning tsaJudgea cftii, Polceoq eolasot for man. 1 we nt doan andho eeýe4 eoordially. Salà é! . UL .le*d of th woZatfail tbfngsl2hs:d oom. plseda yro fai>~li, adud a prend of m. 'wus a proniiîg Young muet sud II, tisit Tison ha ofeflred a t1oast e "Quil. tyeruot gultyP"'Itrespondeal u a brief bat eloqu¶ulspechçi. seîljisg forth tisae lus. po ac f tho occasion lhtisalid semmeon. ed uàstcgether. After thse uual ceremon' -les,1 t t e ài~ty tndllr.' Johin B, COURh toilai thea oîîowîe>g ury. ticgstejais. la aI lhi cao -ýen5ue. Osece abUs on a 1leottiitolur Ibreugis Ereglané! ho wau iutreducad te a vllage audece lutises, terni -LAdlo sud Gntean, I ave tise ienert i intuoduco te you thea distieguiised lectuetr, lM. Job', B. Qo"bi, waise au addreus us on tise sub -' et of tomperauce. Yeu k1mev tiht tom' persace in thonigisite b.halister aidry aub J-jel; bul te nughî su»a. lian e a ur sAied tie lisrator from isever aise isoeain, we ope e v *tiesme ui-ae'cf Samio e puteal, and - eln- e ".frqiied ith s aler ro thpae ja-boe'e f a bauii' A .& Ritxîs* -ai.9..Wal, tbereasa row ever at out liore.' 1Whot ou irlisa tise mater, -yen litila sarpînt V .-. a Wir, da'u,allusk, uotlter's deëAf -anal tise cld c0v basge sou, aiaiget mardo ansd 'lu >irc*Y wbls thse Poolu, ale ival. lèr'4 a pin, and Lasha'i laoed at tisa An. rom ncet«1lia', isgotel èlisedalun taian. ;iqu. Tht sai&l ntisr.' t What'else iapon lrii,'-'Kste apht thse buter pot, an su lrohse thse paucakes, aind onoi cf tise- Malà itisgqt ur lad AntI> lb.umc- lunes à èp andlcoîlda't ga o uî sud 0a _00c, ce, ltew1slifryi1amen'é- wU.r ieiapouial- te lbe- la bit e! ai ag.' Tbat paper aya:- 'SIeep i s weet- 'buti hnst'ligbt for a aboie coMpany orctavalry te go te leop t tisesanie tima, aud hava aUiibeir isrees stelen, Thtis sctotiiauî ip. pdponaheotisar nighi t eue e o tiste Fa'd oral camps, thse ensmy . cleaing eut the. casmp, sud cesnhog eut ,si Al tihe rsas of ths e rwoy lKàoaddo, Tlsay didn'î louvre ai soltacy ng le uap neigis te abs pioceed- ing. -Th. leepers iwere, prclbiy Wide" Âvakeca cf 1860,i vis "sia' ent4ile ra.o. vered frot tihefaiusftiaaoicae NuZ zt eti -I senboer aileged te ho thse'Nana Saibi, tue nut te ho s gn rot, or IiIh prieffî cf tise Maltaatlu;ansd ho isce g*aits tise final erders oetgaveraiý menl~at fer i diapoai. Tieroiv' a goo4t 'dom orexoiteet ou'- tieaubljecI, nmre blueing lise govrnee etfor slowaig 't- hoaseles te o c'Imolal"sea lý;hl0g et %tst idiaeuluposition ; -oaniniaunîmiu tisaI lie pioner esemrves hanging for act. lig s s deca eytdiert L.tentien ira. tise ed 4î s eriouiity, hua-tu,, 5n of a-,boiler . 9 aeuboaî ipied tist he.çwu net, a ha bad bae'n biuwn up ma y imtq Çs Y 6 4ie ,thIn a' maLr-c st.maanbsexpio4iio liadn e cfftcîUPOî bhm *lateve. Clasu e is themddl ef eo-za-phy atatic ttp,I mi& a scisoolmaler. -What la a pyr. m l 1 e asaee& "A, -pl'of mou lu s çi15 naeun tep, cf tise cther.' 'Wbere*a 1ý9g77l' IWheem ilalwatys a.' Wer' Walesr E'Ali over, tis4 ses.' Vriwel. v tise schooîmaiseer, igîs t tisao 1 ôW b.eUC pecies cf birei tisaI greva al -over 11.1. ceattry,l, --. y ~Ira vy W-Ârctni-tae ' rapIniain 7 blocalshich Or niotter M40 elastîeo* day.t avites a rural correspondent "rage 1tq4 finéasa ~Vry ôod4 germon onthie, îjîc4j r cf vedl7 &hisug , tises ho gava notice : The pbrtes ta oijcaed luinar- r[6Xé viii presoul £iseauslves fte oibave sung tbe 225tbsJiymeu, boginuhug. ' Mis - takun u, thstad r i fsuvett.' à. liaeper of wal lm»iatxa at Celagua iu. ';ie&oùm8'fraends tta bte esft 115i tak- r 'tteqs*'-ph$, ne bejgAnu Is -per. f>~a~p~lu ud~oaiug-taaidutise besr, - ,Oo*eian iluf ý tecone aned tais,, s place of bnuaâ aliis bhe isiel brtveen him e eth. The b taiop a e (ltip -ibe greun4v and, I%"se'ntMeepar attem'ptîltaîo prevent Iw >ger frets pleklag it -'ilPa tise aimal apmn' forard. aeized isn by the'ueek, lIU itmuia m aloment. Bafona rriii f4(dj olld: ie ait'idrawn frou tise pIt lit vus fend nteusmary ta fire.eavensl isots eidd ýyon do-imprludant % t'hibsg ?, aèUà'rto ta aear cTaffy,ý_'4hel r q' ' 4d b'"sfor, mcrying a irl se t'~tht-éiTl~uflet cfor preO. v Wisa osîr, repli@uel.ii.bast ~'~1r ~'<,,t7 godtoiton. W olblâis lut a-plei, and as thsa' cal4 îilg, va theaightith'&î pot.- ý't M' tiser aculal liswanmer.- A 6' uTEsil' Yankee burecenily in- as I soicf poader ts&ue~. <iaann j.éIebis.pef 1eos iîrd ene«' e i - ..kia - bfaeh ssaisaI -i évTsa r' rCAS FOR, OATS. T prane If')rar.y quc4% oaoleivOta aeivvrod lit the Kent Mi lt, ro lns'oil a Jais. Frkttei"s lai ,Wooivilie. lFdo. , ïs8 P. FRANCIS & BROTI1ER. Lamps, Lamps «l7výiî, tiritt: ilTt 0qnual to ehe tmollt brillnntt, Ras for sale t fronti $2 tu 88 et (nOEQE 8 ul,'s. î ag's lialdjuge. lrook St., Wltitbv. 1 Liipl he ilt atInvented lyet cm s r..i gt îdtndb every litel dotar. P .ot<fsupyn the o!cocnsumed ha cnly suet te cent per heutr. L«ntp# e vcry kints, ln great variety, etîti at ail liriteci. Wv;inil lanetd Retini at citespeat rate». Il fectrs, (la:mncys daIti iii0er iseep AL% 1twagA Si > i For St atimiery oi a1l kiwtis, Clteep ine Toronto 'fclegrepi. >fiel.iqaltidt1. l'Ait EJIts..I*%i tllftlCiap, svo., and note, bitle anoti icreu laid,, wove, ,&o.; l.Lh, liens and1 liojera, ZAF SOIIOOI. BOO0K, 'ril l i 'îp; a trdta, l'hIot,,;: rrt.phî A hîtt!î, t'îttti louti "s, cît't i c-se &c Ahairt tîtit VIOLINS FOR OORDWOO», A 11i' loi(t < i Iiîtt.. (1cl )- Citt orC,îh arrd. wQtl. i. Aie, l3uwa, Striuai. e Feaiey rîetitLtr i%at vti iai t *lEOlE ,YULLS, 48 lliekttreet. ftt.v, XYLOÃ"M*dg M The grea8 uuasqu&fl Preparaticus foS Bestortnig, > x rsttng, DsauttUy. tng,suad Dro*siýg the lu 0x tt.adi*ag K cItky. opt gaiiey."a4dâbeest i. restat tala y telrmd ttitea; qatekay "in$aea itàl,. ea teuiing thsail. el hpa4I< Mdsl siti salerwI "r tuLe anlit. l VE Fis leiatreàeeGCIAT RAilt. rT 16 NOT & T. prdýu taqasatly ndhish. li u ~ rloKNb que<Ns w lnyou~ natb. ai "Myp tuwxtay. Oit.ysseapemybal, wm"ur __gray. aM r 411,.1. IaMd Mm IL A. Alla's. Werld' laî isterse ssserdjl tfa »Ci1eea, aà" a»W mi tîatlr fi' ratt t ui i salera elr, sdehmbasss lu fait. -Tha.e Ziottattri 1bave feu#4 tU» beat sa ainai aposabta bair-dvseang 1 ba ve re0916V. voit T.ADEs AUiD CJimDes Z~faam m i n quaL Ifel we.s tfit la aicaom two ibmd At-e Soim by >Rggia1sttoqbt IsWold NEàWýLEATHER STORE' 92 -KI NU .fTRELPT EAST, - 1 aXILtNhiUet »r UX'l fi111E , TtJlit tNIt) B ý PMSto atrtunt hi4 en1saculint atihe BTrde ic fgellèratithait llitha opeusd tue araVUpregii-e.. whero ith i$ IIl»l 9 j large tnwidl cW tw etock ut Leather & Findings, jik anThreade, IilthiAae wilo wea t te i iouey ai rettîeinter 1. -92 KINGi 3TR5*ÇT: EST. Totronto, tlctîhet-, 1 h.401ly THE GREAT .AMI3ÂSSBUOR OF IJEÂLTA TO»ALL RANKIND. H1OLLOWAY'S PILLS A BOOM TO THE SICK 1 Tii* vans f agserVaaqçeneuiruall oeiat titiliad aecy*euaiea<ahmi(ner* ctoncbîab-su iIIEtiudemalgtit bega to lnform hi$ friands Tastid enoitormuers, thet lito ass retnived t WTirThv doci sait t fBin',t 8hIS Sra, th riie ecttai of Peri'y and Dnda 8ts wltartlilohaithpre rd Ictake ail ordera fer fan- "aabs 9hIhfyappl hhe samiinic. AIl A.K. RICE. Wlitby, bMarch tu, 1803, 1-]y 1310« 1'4PrTR8ONS' A$«rie(-ultural Workst -,&, Tr l2 I îT]3V FOO'J\Dt3iY, THRSHNGMACHINFIS Cope Reape" and Mcoeef, lotir dniérent kieduof Twohr Wheel Oultivators M loe n'Wl? STRAW AND FRED.CUTTERS, C.IANT GRAIN <iRUSHERS, Scotch, American & Ganadan pioughs, off varions iîtikex rsnd Fty 1erý Steel Plows anid Steel Points. - 1(llTtahNt; l'l.tws 99FANNING MILLSI' octieru, Cerrn sd ?ctatc Vtlvltorg, MED ÂAD TURnIFDRILLS, kEvery arlicle e.Iiîaîciltîdiiti l thebniuea- on-t 01ois taat. 'uraitîgMaeittellreitairctl ot naiItice.I E'rartblttel i;te abcîra busitîcia a¶î.tebd le~~~~~rn lttpttuîi'.An u AOn ais ble ternisa. iL1RYANT, SIlAlTTON & )A.Y'S Kitl tree,crou1 t01, C. W. iri dooSr i iof lWetalqan BokrRoom. 8TAN& citin of lîtc-tiiitintîsi Cttniereini tJilio.e. ta i h, furtcrai, t4 _t ie laget ctisa .îa lte fttSuIarndiCtttt yonn, itlnand sud lhita jrepare ti i i prwxo louite ol,1t h,Iie atar ce. or fow lrn t:ire thîct tanhunawth iviratt llltritetitii i, ttîemb »u'IrvBolghîei,. t"t 4j. *iila ilthint. t m r'ih Law, <nîtruriluitrrî-1.,tiiiauCandi l'ellutitji. Pactacti Da'partaueat- Mar iathp ietterislé imtroai sttail huaîi- nai. F.Cl, itg qt Ifurethsld ilttiotît et teaisar)y sinotit of @*%l id vt gere4itîdhe 44a. 118004 gari *tariideh 'tîîyala iipefla ierehtar.. duze. fatoc!c.-'rr'ei tlat, cie. TWo o hrtkmboive l ti'<t îstliahsot ith it haîtifi le -lcash e -it, *Ihict ltht"lit e ,talent t0e fiaet L1'resîàî» chtoiuî'ts, tnaiie leailta, oe i11%peper dis- en'ieitf d.f.r ail Uotltef beaIv4ta mful- deital lti iat" et'li 'îtdr Expeue e01fcourse. Tu*i*,tsnnTt-xi Batica. moi!d Illak nuét uaiftv four thuuisetg. UtitateliStri-ti 'trrî,t a r Frai!.7 Reudmag toom and Librsa'y. Touatî nrtsaandti uies ytqneim s -It-hthr- Pthl' willh4, prereteirti wltta t-il 14ft.îi 14, or lithe lAe-iliinaet nnd Lihir- skek o..lt Ailtthr ovktttttJ. Is. mreriv- V ifMoat.Mari C*., A lIcin eai' M1' . tf ,eMetrA- \X sieteo rltand oîu t Kefeorit; (..:'t Il. Ciuteroîi. Teroitt. vhan Eiq. l A, ai4.aula. iinloa RSeifrt liehtri.andti 'ter firnrîtrin terfo 'Itî fipag, &c. Whterar ite inîrt lion !wban bis, i ta lîs veu the nnst uDttilttéavesiii comaip lie wcrkng celer. rianaliy, the Staam Ceil Hep ilaoeeofte wender. ni th -cgie. ma u aie5Aa.1Ina fy auy presetical main. 601r;o. nge Street. Apl tiste pa-epli È f. 1- JAI I ru A LA.RGE'STOCK JMSJOHNST(fl< WaWntlnak.r and Jewellour, Brook Streit, wlitlty. octoher tli, 1868. 39 Talidrs, Ihoemakrs, Ooeage Bui1ders, DretisM z sk, and Heads of Ya, Genera1ly. (Juil et W coZA ls(5. .;wlnte Mnelittie <fo.W112by.suil tse t aicsarîet of Yaniti anIi, ftîrîg~P W'ithî larrt imtprovcttlruts .na et lita gîiceti. JAmEs H. QERRIE, Met-ci 2~, 582. gent fate Cctity Ont-tri.. 'THE UNI VEIV.SAL CILUI 1VJUNGER1 The only Wriaiger aiti tisa OOG..WHEEL REGUJLATOR!! It Saves Time, Labor, Oe ITloi fi*A ir'îtl'î'wis -otilioi sI re t't rit a i eq, rtt î ~ u blira t i of ir t u itj i fi-,îhi" ~ il wili wî'ar loiryeasai tt. Ne tfservant îclan breiukfI N ci %ti a ere'ldi It cateri t 4«toraliaeq vine. 1lnvtsla riqet <lit - a Wairrantin ' iery paria Trite îi, -'îi ýl Writttp'(r 'iii Ihlfl l!1Ij7 a t . sher itadau : - ià a. nt the Naw*iorutrit lp tiIit, huro 1t'ai, nt Lutti.iitu. h1-s42.» <innynssera 11anta'd in ervery Toseýn ln caanadea. lrPiStullltWhr'tlue tl w>(a ý nviatse pitd $raîulttinz 0'oi.prioc t lui% i iail réC;y ï1 ree')y E'sprci.,. - a- i>",d. g1IF>P1ER TIAN EI'~R. ' l AltGatfhTS¶Ofl' A" 43tlTi- r Witt, &..t4, li e veu almtte'4taf tise tOl 4 of -"f < et yle and q.u ttk#l at ail Priesit. Ttrotli twpi-au io h ai% beaneni i1neOuI atniut 4 tthier teAto: TI[£ 111*U 0F 577 ES, IRON DUKE, GÀAND TRUNK, PRINCE ALBERT, DA vY CR9CKLFPJT cw"'cal andi lt-e. Bol lhiil'as.,Witc And1 a~îT~avd ai fltiltUý Tet it, Co fées ri, ofBuri naRe tic tiatti,e utt e 'o tîtty" re,& o. '1~Diihlg ailtt Iiuiomer veir.t afuil ul- ?1 i e'eattlttr ii ualin c i Are n. J.É RËÉBTÀÃ"NG & Co. B. B1IYAN, AGENT,. OSHAWA teir ow1 itiapaitt8ora, wihalilthe Irove- nI].nts alalat.ad b omeke them endurathe itroug flire@ inluthin Nortbern clinitte. .1. R.A. & Cos. St)oes ed rio puffli, p, as tltey have ittooci the test, aid have got the beait of rputation ail ov-r Canada. 1lnteatditig pur. Chiqaiera en get supplied et Cheaper tsariPy teritouqe in the (lounty, At Mr. igrownis Old Stand, Ilin itilz reienald the fiovo Dtepttrtmneniii ,-ur f4vor. The Titi and sheet-irott busittews wili 1,c eerried on by Ii isti i ixu. ElAitwa. 1Jgris. 39 iuiti h-ci flttuwaIqt ofimi-tii tue tt.uh1îuuts ut Ifoîre rr il i..A.iîr.ec.ri., &e«, tii-t h irai,1'"-1-i a -iatilrîptauit- rer-tIua>t-. rttihttlra'L t.I..t r. Sri.n&-.aatltî i"atrtaltOt'a 5itl' hdIiiýýtatt a-tetheaa tht -i île iid. rI lthv W -. Ttair"ie l ir aIt'rau îii ci tiltir titi. 'ti-trl'riaut-ritawi'more. ut rlet'ills aciel ttattuiiit, à,. I Catitaint i- t-tut f,-r tîtir ttcialeIzo-ariita 'Oitlu.tiu-wiuu lihattie il.ht%~le uOnlu irai. if' tht-i ut-crtiintiti t-r keiu pi-tktgu-,] tuti uîertrt tht-t fuir ni-i. Mti t', ailtt'11Noiai-N h'ai--laur.sa'.. ral.,-tate ofaae IlOiti.ttt ay 4'fN"îrillr 94-11,it 80rNAI en laitue, New 'ork. HOUSE TO LET. Il i Piii> " *,.1 i'a 'V ilî.ia itt. tir.u- li t .r >c i ,ii l li iifi îttîoi.iCîtan. ut tâb.uit etutt iiiit i. 'r , a t- i .el iut. i.- Lieat it i-ift~.t il il-"l --it. lui-an t.ov ecm - i astte t, u-tie cs lt'c Ryrtiuu ISiauactlut-ar iaies. ti-',uîlh i titi 1-ur tol i t,Tr i l'itt. l firilihÂm,'rictu cmirs op ' uijiat: 1a tsuritîlter ' .ut'i-lt tir.ilat u i ti' ud tîtehe a ~r Trait<,1huijrratgen1'4lvraàe Coliniluty tit taie i hé c appytd tal tti te eIl'(or der" eîlri 14t ui luhs ca-e. - Taietîil itaurtedi tn irotti, fi-cc'Vtcatz Rshi'ier eihase. rT#tt tuea 4e? atýteactetl lhithast posAihIȔ - lthcufWrtttenon spnaîitte re«uisia#Iom-îJ Oisiieau"!e Ali &l orkva atitadu. - 41 W. i1. CARI). MN)RýYTO LFN4>î WFoei(ipliaraatoi Wild Laud, -lu' cii ~ ~ ~ ~ 'tet Q'IlenI)c'nees i~#lirQfhihote~ph~4ll,)t ù~p~&ittaiui en l~cgst~v iti hatultil88 W1VL TIL] MA&NUF&CTURER F  LL KINDS WINDSOR'S Quadrille Baud', aepreporeci to furnigh mn9lo* l-nis, Soiee, pa, Concerte, Bla roason Their collection Of MunIe IR'chvr. u _etngjeý nd he-autandmuait fastionable (ýxauýedbyçhýaür1iIcBand. For-tërms-'ud engagements ai4dresà the Se- AND se1Yi-NADEFURNITURE Offers foi sala a very large and'excellent asorî'mant cf SOFAS. BUREAIJS,'jOIJNGES, BEDSTrEADS, Tables, Wardrebes, Ches o f Draiters, Lookhng GLasctr Book (aise, Mattrasses, Par- 1cr sud Drawing -Room Chisa, Rocking Chatra, Office Chatrs,. Cane-seated -Chairs, Toiet Tables, Towel'Stands, &c., %c. in reît vartety,-and at greathy rducet! prices. %Vareetdt1 emti f the hast matoril sud wea-kmaurihip. Il.r paclfuly invites an exemintathon of bis stock. avery article is mansifactua-ed under bis ewn superintendence, and cain be depcnded tipon UPHOLSTERY IN ALU iTS BRANCHîES' Cail and conipare, and be satisfied before yet go cisewvhcee? 'TIV. > X L MW PA. 11 x IV car* FUNERALS TtTLLY SUPIPLIED. Andi cveryththng hn thc Unîahrtaking line toe aeuoit the shortest -notice. Coffins kapt t'onstantiIi on iiand. %VAilil 1(hiMS, No. 4, Brock Street, and No. 2, CoîbarneStreet, whitby, C. WV. SWhitby, Jîîîy S.1I1863. WILLIA TILL261 Wrill find excellent, and con ve ùieryt accommnodation. Withîn a Few Yards of the Pub1iirHall. Private Parloral f~CHARGES N0 HIGIER TfAN THE OTHR HOTELS IN WHITBY.' JACOB BRYANI, AND) MANUFACTURER. 0F 13VGG.kMim, Seg. OTT E,ý. w RAS REMOVED TO FORD'S OLD STAND, .ýU TJ'.S'ti bu~ nd 1li onstaintly hnumnuiftlriu CauUeus, $loighql Buggies, ol 'c. f th'elaîesî style; nuiel IMost tuppuoved patten, froin thet bést matcri. ais, and ieest werkmen; and Itopos by strictaIttlention'te business to nmerit b 4i1are f'tbIl atronage. C~~A few good second hand Cutters on hud. - 1 DOOU DAVISIWfR& O' eem'tinue e 0ti'oat' ilyphiis aud cuber B. -Die~TP<It ecsaesor pîvteSEWING MACHINES 119 Dotic sxs. vat UtiLitît? Irbu ltiderctekd Y"sr.to t eteuuet cf lte v'ria'ni fornms c4' tae Venou 41"a, and 1*yaisP&- $cued; AC t J5:g7:4 r> msuy~~lasneura è, tul- Ct lyunrid by MA infallibho remedica. - Teinng mon vite have f&ll£,ie lct tm hO t dgasdfcul 01atuapf On a bum or réepive 1mmeê4ite re l 4'i~- dÏLbns Jst~auce tretiuiti by letIe amu-.d eu p îet-iq<tAqspý c$uhof 4untry e r- i- - - 0FO w t T le 'n Ah tii> ~'Nexl ONE n Uine, flret iusert*on, &laabAý-eut itceertio -Scilcontracta t-(s~e e.t lsc 'liam thla'itipg. - te aidat ITIIOM GAS DO W. BUJLLIX7 W'ttun o trki, 75 1 Taun JOHN»D. MoPiliER - Whftivaile. Aunt81, 1883. 8-m ,Theo<' Oelebrate4 ',Germau 0S1.! j seôrtisand ail kiod fda. ees It lo the greaitcsl rainedy kucan -fer healinl aIl kinda cf wntuuds andamores inman sud beaaiî. The 'remedY h inaillible fer relieviat herse andt!atil iuffring faon pele. ,Fromnthousandta cf timcuial asW the offlicyo f thiisltvaluaible ramýdy, tisaifollow. li have beeau aeltted t 1, h aive nacti ycur cil lthellet Ai ir, u at aatit.fied thet it la % anuldfer'talug cula, tandti urinig frost-blloat. Ia eflioaô - equially gi est eppileti te mnai or beast." L1 ýjAxES CRR Tn À. Ke<cwLE, aiq., I Plcleeriug, lob. l , 161. "I us tate 1t o n sd--a a dnty1i catisa public, 1ildht e ~rlgh teb rec-rmnenfi yonr Ceelthrated (easl 011. My uifle gZirl gcî me. vercly iscalded., se mnch me. that ber rae'overy wais (tleîbtful§ but by th& toi' f aippication ocf yoîtr ou iîc IIOi mtfie Oitiltelv cureti. MAIE 'LW i<VAUTiLIY%,r 66aIsFii .-lî tîtie tn ynaa, and tlaa pub- lic itî zcuteriti. -1 thîlula it rlizlit te roeolntnianal your ceeltruted Garmaîi lli -,for Mit cùre et eltta, býrptem, f ritlb'ites. ' clam«î~ etci cloua, wlicie ltttr itpîihieilai].a<01or et 1iek -itfi FVtrerv.ISO Dt:aStî~1tstaice.e y'în, Intl'iatdtîty 1 oe ute'thte public, i thîsut it rîtitt t« recoin- tattit #qur etîlebrutetd (lertoci, 011, for te cura c0f fsrti i tes, lts, hîruhaoca aliaIe cf 1acres DANIEL IJOOVEIC. P'ickerinag, Feh'ritau'y, 1882. 1 t iuftt-red troin: a hallruntîtng rsora fer twaa yettra w'tblt t îtatustiin, Iwai inilceil, ta try yîîît eelhbroted il l, sud cenuca ocomaplce ly ettrt-d.t JAMMS FJTZGIBBîOXS. Onîe of tire flrai.tueclieuLi immmý the éoluaaty wites * 1-' '1 IlPArtt$î.: Eu ovl.re, al] overihe tonid y0iîr jt114Y coicitrtîted (*triu 011 desie tea bc kuoeaut. , mit tiroe a 1 luileg 10 main- kittd. I bltei-l iti'tlitecure oet ntai;bru>. ses, fromthiltis . &e., and aise on ilpa-os ot,Inug stqtitti-hhnt .ththila rtevryf4ijeti tý et'eot ai cpr." T'. bu htel t il i rigalmts, nhd attheaprin- elpil pltiu. sti t ii the J'rovv"cei. 6. BIRITISII eREVIEWS. NV,,V-V»niatbeit f, tiause enowpi'. Priodli- .'10a ennînelace .Juty, 19893, they cipiaprixe TàÏ Eninrivuti uRdtviveaw.(W ii.t Tii NetITil BII;Tîsi Rovziw (Fa'oaChuÙreb Tuai' xixar srw Lb IIÀ:WesEDIiIturliMAC îiziç (Tory) Pricu Bd fta 5e iracreaetd 1 Pa.a.ge, ta bê reueed I Tle îýpicea all h- auaitlaràtctora, v' d " t, PFILANZ;UM. IForîttuy eetite tourldiw . 8c FoaraSiy tata ufttiltcfouriiatlews ........ SVoe aay thueal t e t4r Rovlow ....... 7 (00 Fô Àllfônieoftluhe.ea . ..86 or. hekota'Migiit. ... _.1-8 60 For [lacokwooti lî t ee loviet.: ..... '0 For 13liwea aitial otecs'lw. 5 4(jl~ For ilnkwoo5 aail thtucEchas 7. Forflltekao d atituline ciw..i P'ostage for ltawliclc lve Perloiaosl ly LEONAIJtSCoTT kdo0, cuti, f voîa9 cai ihi betq"aauistuiar. ie ,ù vfîà âbtmaltd M. D. 1, CAI 1 -N. G. RIAN B ARRISTEI AN<D ATFO l)fiee-tp<itt h 0'-leM u tn% , 1 tti4to fi 1 Lai

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