Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1863, p. 3

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a ,iuillar te liw bich ezpelled ite natives of Ie1a (roui' their pommeeions sud their "MmOr eattftaî5ilOfll 1t551,On." 1 1 have O~eut mach tinte in analyslng eltter of lenterai Meagiier, becanse, altbough itfilu addressied te a pivate frleud, fi vas elqidout*lly vitten 55 an appeal te the. publie opinion of the. eouatry. Though à fsoverladen vith comalative epithets of depamatory invective, itis a production wbich lias evldently -beau prepared iwth emansd desrresa deliberate responte., In diresPiCt l Cct «rast vowly w lthl an elecîlon squib, recoutly 4restied'by Mr. Meamber te tii eleotons ofQefa sinoppe. lUon te tii. claits of 1Mr. V'allandighani, f in h'osé porion aIl the rigbtst whfch bu. long te a free citti1en have beas violated. Saéd, lýndesd, la It te nie te find, that oasicr eôMrdde, vbo vas "tce the. champion or hameac llbertys: baselieted him aunté de. feeder of etery sort or' tyraniaical usurpa. tien-T. P. Meagies', the young tribune,, oncelie hamp o ef uscoînîry's free. dom, bas become lie adrocate cf a syatem o? Govornmemit uhicli cardes imb cffect lts Polcy. 11113Y saspending --he vrit cf habeas Corpus, and îlhereby subjectieg <the per. 'tenal Wbery of' every citizen of the United Sgtalte tie caprice of a sinigle ruler or cf Isis.minions. "*'11y coercing litoito <1wratitesof te Fuederai arlny, through ilue ittatrumentali:>'- 09 c conscriptioin, ail who cannaI atT'nrd ta hse teir delivorance hy onit'îormouî .4suadbe driveil, coder Mite terror W nilitary «Posittion, aaîawilling conPcu-ijets --ht fields of battle vlîerir they perit or ai cause. which h- itot sane'ioiaed hytaheu approva.1 cff lieir own conacienceil. a mI> uporseliix the rigîtie which, uaulir te Contitîutiona of iclauniied Staaes, were guarnnteed taencti indlvidual Stasea. - I*tly, by fraternizing with the:tvrn menasres agafiât thc noble Palifgh talion, 4m ilas ota afurrMii, and al'.wiao abet hlm, tlie txî'craît'ie iii<amaaluiîd. tAlI" 1 that vu tonàld ever have wit idscbbackeatîditaetnhue part of ata Irish petriot i If aci bc terenuiitof Iteptiblicitn freeilaisu(go caileil) iti Aireri. Ca, vo stall seau Icarita 1obe racoaaciled tu the wori forma of' Euiopean despu. ÉI<ckerf su;Townsabip Iarl - 8turday, 211 t Novembuj' 1 Pt'i, The Couneil of' the Corpiartajiln or Pickcering met purpait 1 aajourimeiit SMotburs ail present. Thte Iteeve tead a commiunicationi froni J1. C. steail in reference ta tiot resident -yNtMr. McCreight prusainted a petiuien ftram, 9 epalen Gardiner and otiiers îîrayieg thte ,ouncii tae etablish the road betir4mis t 22 aîîd 2.1 i <he tiîrd ranage of tItis love. ship vheru iiî nîî is. p Mr, at.lslard n,4is tdtat the' Ieevi grt Ihit' order on taesuren min favoun cof - Sýylvester Mackey fuir lt'e aum tetfarîy dollars for improving tihe eaatern lova I>plxoai<tise sixîth coneeslsion.-Carrîed. M.Blrdmoves taI Jolie hanap Sanîd Jota PairIes b. autorised ta experad ite aut ofohonu dollar per veek lovaîdx snaîinig 1hîip Dendasi ais ajced tîad iaiirm iersen andt repart ta this Cathncil b>' the fiait af-rApril tiext. - Caraied. Mr. McCrpîglit moves, tait tie tevc' gratît bis oordeoaiethe Tressurur, in far of Jnsfiph Wix . ont, fW fte suo f$6Q!ý ta 'le (dTaly Mi *t theîb.Contntisia>nersanpý pblsuîed îo-ii-iendfinitîa aunt oan the %ide t-asdaI btwtptti lit il aaad 9, listi te ilt Conai -Ou miotiffn oh' Mr. WIiuoii, a 1)1.IWW vsa jaasied apjuintiti:z Mtiga Weir overueuaor hligbvatys, ittsteasd of Jamtes WVeir resigocd. 'Mn.-Iîaigh< bnoves, ihai thae Ieeve te itîoniizeà Ioocununic:uîe vitit JaesC, Stntal, in referance tt nisn'resietttax. dnejin lot 35, ini tte tid Conceasioq of' t7Tuvnulltip o? Pickenîg._ Carried. nmotion of' Mr. Wixoi, a bylair -10smued sppoiniliug ite-lolloîntg per. qonsite iunnlng -O8fcers for the <trt 1 en- t suitng Municipal electiotss vise. for Ward Alexander Fergffln, fur, Ward No.' 3, Wrs, Warren, jr., for Ward No. 4t-~Wn. 4lsjr, for. Watd Nie. 4, Jauce'11.1 -M r. Ilaglit mores, ltat tItis Ceuncil do ov- adjoutre, end stand adjeunated tiiUS. tnrda-y utlthdsy cf tceatber next-- - Cartieu. Watr News.- - I liVrgii-agreait laItIt It oari>'ex. Wniwlru.-Doc. I.- Ihomiotl receîvcal frointhe !trtny ai the h'ataittiac oip ta) Moua'tidz oti. 'The tratinu apttred mi iliteplstsk roasl on Fihalaayiii maial t 1l'givc cotttsnre< otmaiîl qItantit>' oh' fnii. ilittian, vhfcfi tise'Confialeraîcaexplok(I. T*Inuay alita c.aîîtturutlthe iniaîe,, 80 of l',-lIii te>'carried ataay gantikilieti flic ncînaiod. cr. rite treggon mtinamer î%'au iiied, anod Ili, dIriversi. vo cxcehtud, wcre cuaiveyed av-a>' pnitoners. lit relationi ta affaim in front on Settir. -d.iy,it lu ctaI-ed tiat tîajliglat mornr aiy, la>' acrou. te Fruaericksburg andl Orange taîrispike '-haAt, at ltaortso'sa erit fwe lvles f(rota Orange. Court- Th onfederato Ilits vere ligbt oîîd gra4itall>a.pasuie4 back-by Our skitujahs1w 'Tc oeumile anal s.bai ven I-o Mine rue -aPanui9p 0 ,h$atl ycno usaignealuti. soeri -l pial nd icb vas rwaây fur Ms, duy i oolock. Thebîre ig nothing very important. mate 'Yhsre-la, a vaguei, anal tinrollablo' report,1 tha~tflIme Ootvleaen*t tifIcrealàs everse At K Ksoxtrile.or.-Tti Soinptcr anud Cbasietoo airc stili.çingaliîelWo; lbutjtit4oea qlap. poân. witb ase>' .en$um; resait..- Label U1.u-Tets. oer ~le lez lp lty WHAT DOEs tr MEAIS i-'W, ld 4the follewing ithe Montres) Hred o61 Tbursday. "Th1e Hon. J. 8. Mmcdooald srrfred front Wahthgton yosterday, aod vil ro oeed to Quabe to.day."' Cao fib. possible -that bot the Pro. lofer. and Comntlsuionor cf Crova Lands Iave beau confemrng wiii 68 Uncle Abe 711 19cr.ly il vau enough for lb. M1ofWe! of Militia te visit Baff;lo, and expoe blit. self ta ridicule withoat gofng fïUrtir. The. Avierican papers 4lia * toyl'about L. MlýcDogall emiihig itto the *#ÀOAad the. bureaua of the mInerior Depat"easof Washington, -and -nedoubt -11111ob . go.. tlemna sprepi'lng tn gfve as sag#«t Wr. prisir--vict Parliattunt opeos. Bat whst could really b. the. objoct of Mfr. John Sastdfield Maodonaids 'faitta te b. R4putp ican capital?7 -Wus Itflot onostgh te wispur a word fn tbe est of the -Nayer of Bl'alo, withont ruitning off te Wamhlng- ton (ô blarney#the President?1 Verily ve have an odd sort of a Mlnistry. Wheu Parîiamuutt assembles va shail hear aH about diesu apecial misaines, for It fa rot lik'uhy the organs <are venture te tel l s anythiîîg abioutuheu. Thé Qaebec argua told ust uat Mr. MeDougai wus traelling l'Un rt'ciraaîit; but it tares eut. tbt ho ls On Gioverurent busfiness, aud perhape of a diil'rurct character ta what la represnted. -ailtaon Specialor. re iti nilto,, City C(oncil hare adept ëd a r<'poi tcfflite finance cenitittee, vhich reoîmided that tte rate in b. ieviedj for tute yer lSfUtshall be 20 cents on thse dollart , R eventeen ceents on the dollar for thpa payment of coupons a lbu7bu coTnu dite. îageîher vitih Iav aMd otisur exlaeuuaiae tcitred, end three cents on ltae dolilar Cfia geiti--ai perpose. lTe coin miîttoa- ala;n axlar.sottepir deep regret aI the actioan talieiib> thie Iaugiulative CQuncil in rs-j-'ciir, lthe bhll ta eoonstitate tîhe dleelai-iuae dr't of the cly>, aftêr bI.ng loi'en iuunctlîaned Iîy lthe Laegislatire Aseet. biy, suit anest>' tope thtai a ie ea iîi' ifoParlianient, the bill on viici oua' hoapes are laaupdted and etieiistions basa-d.til.ullis vhoutaî pposition. lThis ilatlta claaîac <as objecîod to.as a tote of a.-anî (i'rconafidence inthîi.-evern tgfbut 1li' O l'aitail lijned il by a large n4ority A dauhy felltw vWho wor.eef 1guulf ian the societ>' et some O? Ite I6w m of liaOtenî lasu vueit i o 10 e, ol;et illuuaofh'en. G-t'anotor ta k a luma nt a conifidlence maI, aam uadmyparties aire four tolarive Ileuedadollars"ne'5i A iitmfier of metbaulcsi ud al44i iron. tiit ba4elring ita ti. corpe of<Royal Mat- inca have tacen purnttd to voluoteer ms cctt aie- tathie lalitiaid Ilands. A gentleman hsviîg been ealled on to subteriba, fr a course Dietuedelnd becacWesaid bhaMy rey i.gives0»es lec. turu every tî tfor eothing. The syinjrthat #'%he fa smore pkosure in giîiatg titan receving," ta s sppoWed1t appt>' ciiehi>'(o -ickes edicine, aud ad- vice. NEiL.-CLRTiS..Oetbelités of No. rembuar 1863 hy ii. evd. Mr. Kin,,Mr. Thomaa Nuit oP Cornwall England, te Jiane ildesî daitghte r f Mr. Theâs. tor. is oritèacit, Ontario Cout>. errîîîEnT.~ Dmi)leîs'CrQck. on [lie Iit. ianot. Mari*., wvikof 1Mr W- Cutà. Thete ix sent inuch doîng in prodoe qt titia geunni ofthe Vear, exceptin iPork. Wlticlia riaaps$4,12J for primc lot&. Fail itou Sopirig n liait fnminal. NEW ADVERTSRENTB. Wrhitlsy Senior Co. Orammar c>. PUBLIC EXAMIN427ON. g i T e ir etinz ah' tlic lord ot'Qriaurr /25vituiaîr4 ahrîîtuige talltioilg teu< mesi th le Ptevi)t lte:n C"e-s-liev. ]Dr. Ttoîtutoit, 11ev. 9. jMac- laaîîtM. A~, 1 .lAiioéte,al Li#arg'and GepAiy.-R@v. Mn4. ARa1diet <amareu. a amlsL-l1. Ite"ali, 1,'a'Iigah Iiferuimr..P. Il. Gîhion, B. A. .UiudIetiis Iliotorjf und'Olpaîwjn*G. .ILDen iuii. Feq.,Ji. J. lîsal, Ia ArltdefY. Sanitia. yuq, ÂAê1bnit- IuaJohn CiL Y _aIt R e-lP/a lss ya A. (l n , <$eeisir -- 'at* etOMOdB. jA". . D 'lrai.a Iadl)rueia-Dr. Clark, J. fiaier, DA. Y,a Tih iisit., 8111taltl utittle inti tte fI- 1tu e,itli 'saaayireela. ThlPIbla l't afiaii taa ci-h awuirditi Rut Prizo.t, sill coi" o(4run TflI111a; iA Y, I7tiî iasu.. nt 2 1p. on., nt tIlauil ot the Isoietauljica' Ilituite. lIEO. If. DARTJIILL, 17 Oeretar>'1R. 0. .T. roen p9oilCanvanime WaIId F0% 1'. 1te Ca.unlv aof Ontario, for ont NA'TU lIRAI, W EÂ'rIl~ll.NDICAlulf. ' rhIIs114 onuecihe ue at chanaesa ever o*ated to Ageft Wevttalognttol>tf- ont kliud» of' iookt. Afpl Lo- 17-2v. T1.o]tN a AS8VU1CE ASOCITION, LATrE MID DLE8EX VUTU4L.) NJTÇIgliertbliy girn, "ai1,u 4Aua5 13mdof )ir rx, ontie prewfiu notes of m pur celnfpayale Mthe ob.nyA OO Ait day'ol Zanuazy xti Kda 11ke Aatunenson Ail lw.mlen l#s ioni No. 12,824 te No. I112 payable on cdr )effre th Ix 1151asy otlay 1meut. eitdon, Oct. 27, bOA. s A t, s _____________________ i - t I NE~W A IMWTTRUVTM I'- I -ONAMIO SKATING RINK CorBer Of MarY aud Ash Streets, ,WIIITBY,-C. W. T His8 link viii1 bu open ta Sub sctte dur- ho g the $osaaQU, frte IOn. in./uMntht 10 P. jewad hi Cteink,,llttuntil leOP. M. ?aitlly Beyson iTicket . ..s.....*5 00 Snl edo ............ Or t itnl eaîn tu t the (Office. i tIe rila, I. UNOHARD. Wtl)Y, Peu. li. l1Som. 47 - ÂTDOIRSTLN stheîteaimonrlt l,,ut No. 1,8t Coli. Us. bridge, iheir ('lieTn1c ae n rosiand ciatîile lielfer, rissiiîjtwo cir-a.nl. A> arn i Ilfà-iatn thait wll tmi alelarroe>', i lh %itiltr<waral<ad. etee , UxîhgNov. On, 1808. 47 BTIRAYrED. c AMV Mloit ira îg-iîîAaî-ohi Iue slii ii., f. rutIleii'a r i -Iiit ayeirm nid. ' aaW li er h&rque t'O qca.cdil uaii îd lorovu priprty. l.l~'4l'Jîî.a iaul iti li' iwtt>-. 14la lc ll timi ,#'D tT . lao tiriaatu a e *O'Iii-iîletu'pat"îuiaa Tuesday, Docomber Sth, 18631, Tihe lwJTî,iiaeia tiihiagiaaa lIa GE41ORGE MEýIF'IICA 11F,. Ill Iiiah . 1 ri'. S a-la- , t' im anceal2nilc o» i 11. ilit i'l t , lia pisarhîotarins h î~tir cfIluaa Ttlalah THOMAS MYEI.q Witlt-i' Na-. tti, ICila Aui'tioliccr. tThe Canada Company" ai tVIî i. apl7 eAt <ldi it t rWjiia fe lit'.I'rcm t'îinel I'urluaimaî-taîtfor e' ciati Ain.iiit0auu au) thIseActâ relatitg ut tisa.t 'Iant. a-fhfle tflea, Il.-447-i Saturday, the 6th Dec. 1863, COTTAGE TO LET. A ICILh . t 0TA S, O C. M. KELLERI, (1E LJFMAN S PLaAID> LO*7T,, )tel'e-l i-a 1,glaI la ith 1 deaI Lo t o t M~ite ror.aia] raa-a, vh th Iatiarwir à iuu t t hisla5M. 4~oerear i F'ARMIEIS' HARNESS ~I~'O tala~a ttaclioh' lar adnaae tra Il lie miJJ ah AtfLslrcd f spleiora i. cuitato rsuii euejpiet, silai TRUNKS ANDV&LS8 <tIl'iriiag lov for Cash. A large steaft oio<l OU"WIIALE4BONE WIhLkb! Iw for CKAut. J. M R.PILP, W l tzil y , D m -. 1, 18 . N A ,4?lo k NOTICE* TheudéuedialecgisallruieTtdrcul 130 «C.9rds ofWod Tenaru nla$#equsîltit>' elot 4 <tfret eaI ae ~ieu ilitajfbe acen. jlwlia1>0thea iîuspeeled, and qnaityaiwWeiliàs-jarl &Aadàld. era i ucoptiug the Tender, a - - - C< tytleer. WlIhy De ,-05.-4 Just geÏved! Iave just recelve,4 aý freshsUpply o.f - Which thiey offer Cbeapfor Cadh. a New D'ess Goods, Shawls M~andIes Ladies'! Winter Caps, AIexandré's Frenîch,- ICI 0 Kid-lGe-,eM c c 'r"1"c> '~qJ& Candieda-Orange Lemcin & Citron 'Peeis. NEW AVRIMNS AT Fresh OurrantsRinFg, NEW (JLOTHS AN» TWEEDS, *ENTS (CAPS AiD P*l LA*9S,>% Al.so made up on the premises, an extensive msortnient of -3AT-fi àýOM. In Mfen'g; and Boy's top and body Coats, Vests anti Pants. A Frcsli Stoc'k o f Groceries! 5 00 lîags LIVERPOOL SAT, Iii u6arse and fine, mîîclî botter fer curing mnt and butter, antd coisiderbyceprta h Peî'ryts l3rice.l3ilîliîgs, Wliitlîy, NoTcrnber 2,5, 1863. IL & J. CAMPBELL J. tWeCluiïg119& Co. Invite t1ue attelitioli of the publie tu thoir large stock o READYU .MADE OýlsOTHING, Ladieq' Capes aisd iffI<s, &C., At loweî' prices tlîan "aîy other Housd in the Ccituty (if Ortgrk, The Stock of Staple antd Paîwy &c., is very Complete, aîîd.worthy of inspection. £rBe sure to cail at - No. 5, Laig's Buiidingqu XIIITBYl Nov. 25, 1863. 46, JIAMILTO Bel; te nimse at the' are nov ahi Dress Gooda, iBroad loths, IlauiosTweeds & FPlanneloi..ev Hoisery&Glv, 1eanider's id Glovoo, Ia~~of 'Ready madi - ---eWTHîNo MÂÀDE TO ORDEIL 0f tbe Yles, lisaSBonnots, Ribbua o wn% A LA1GkOKF#A1I <ortinnt o? New~ TWO (<ASKS BEsT'ý' Also the, Largésf -STOCK 0F 1YORTSS ll8IIERkIES lu thû County. 'AlsoamE ànlt STOCK 0F WIIISR.EYr#' MlI of whicli wii 4, offered at priées defying (OheJombil I1863 TIL HMc'MILLAN. Provincial Insurance Oopnyï I'1oif 'T. H. Om. MP.P, PÊmàsîdent;i Lz*,g MorFTA", Esq., Vice-President r~iskecrierhai benapoed A get here, ifor the' rIakfor it, on thoir Usual favora em~ Whitby., No iL aig-s A A choice assort ment, prMs CO ??O D4 dtock, ot, CheaP'r Cash 4/ iaaa- I a~ t, alita. endV iiovu ou pitsýity1 n,ýe ehsi 1 is nt% s. Ir. ealiti more pur"e I hem oMa". nething-4ut prie& .But mratiada tha mes tat ie (lice agalni- )eat. An Id siaçi'- pe laditpro. iv or tietir Io their tCa '55 int iIeir ripe. The.-a ce thl aWord , thst it PCUTOWS 8NOTICE. und ora ajigàointeIn h relîYgîiv , Intttctlt li parties i obtei to flié iic i auo r Cu il ea~st tiClitt I l fdiil ebc 41hfi l t i iu or <r tlitigî, wîtlî,' , îý uq 1dî r dat é t n;1al 0ip at Pi 4çI, , r wIa paibt li III FOR>S I E~ F udfAt: o areetitutgd for C! uooulrlncy ttîr A' Clii iitj< iaix hancery Sale The Bank-kof Mtreui, plâli AND * ýothers, defendants. U(ii 8l JÀ$ rd M 11ltit'ti f 10 attî. Te:tii da' f. eitii abear laàt lAtIte lc tîiotlî flTig I4 iîtar .D tlOaq Elc-Aktlaa 19-0.t acrA'TE 18 pl- 'niey Mefitrat: InAl e ô idottoer, d-JAlfl àwiI< i ' pln0Lnrr lniiii akJe,ý c ;i st tlso;lit> tartntolof 1375 de<tijd Wl 1 am e , -,Fille -RéÙM

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