Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Dec 1863, p. 2

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J -r, - ii iih oLq er fe M ta.'Ilain. stei -or SMuln -John l3neitiey. Or<ift Mai-Geo'ce %ttetl The Canada Iroinu4any. Ontaro skatlifi 1ini-fl enba-d cette"o te tt-.t. llr Karnus l, rntns, &cet-4. R. Plii. Wotoo..-1'nar or Wood -John Siier. thdtaiti and New Year'a Gods-T. Rý lémdenl.oVines, Wliskeys, &c -T. Hj É'rush CarrantR!biin$Y Fige, &c-T. Ri; Ton (" od tCivmpae Wanted-P. R., The Agniieluaimt ltana Assurance Aueo ciation of Canda. -A. MfcD2nald. Whitby Senior County Grannaar Schooi- ÀUT S AL9. On Tint No. 31, in tino 3rd conestinnf Wlithy,.théa<nOpert! cf Mr. Frpderhck' Pinippo. n riday, Dec. 4, 1863, Thommin Meryos, Auctionoor. On LMt No.*29, inI thé let conerfflon tif Whithy, tle rnopprîv of Mn. QoG-0?eý Mstcalf, nn Raturnv, Decemàber 8, 1863ý Thonnaq My-m sAuctioneer. On Lot No.. 19,ar Con. Piokerng, oný Friday Thec. 4<h, 186.1. the properti of. #ru. Cawan. at Il o'clock A. M.-Alêg.] Thninpm nAuciioneer. ONIVfORE DOLTA1 A YE&'Ri Wh1ih,T 'IyDcebr3,1863. Or ]Rotcoronia "Conain%1" A meit rin liachrmcod'g Magazine, cf lest mmnth sari corne very d atim<einie tiujabmiou t 6iur Ranenrnun Cusiais qI" "at urges PEngimne Io taire 8cidea iti tine Scuthn. The, comemunts are nos. aluoege ra uindfltreet. andi are impoalmnt asfan fin. tiiestlon of <ha <novailini- feling lu En&. - lait. Tht-y mut>b henofinit specia fre.m shatieminz trouble. Ifs.mnsraqulmtu, tw pcif>' the mu-ma peouiinont and tbluarseriltie featare ex. lafited e <mimnn lic thaGoverirnent, pros, aud *pooleocf FaderaI Amreic, me aboult a i t w a sinamolese impudence- huuuulnee midi tramples on ertislency anti ddes eifefatien. Truhaina peaed fa osetr>' punnaetane h>'bava put fou-yard for thé jns<tifcaien of' <le van. Rmre. thlnig more than chance momsn"mc have Ruitie them in iloir unprring choire.of angulments that-.neyer deviato inta planai. iIt>', anti sasotions mast nover stumble on theo trutin. Glerying adituaao in the eeoof ettit-e en effort me tinbrom cff tintir siia-iiance fn"otGeat, Bnitamn aunlIne provocation et. a hr*epentny t-' lax-vo. jolsjag lu th in ifintof ineurrectjen prccia. flic -namble cf <bat unucin*sount- lie ,' on of lnde- fcir'vill tît vlcli-e tosin vas scomu pliWn sif tho m-magt clinaacloiîtic aud Mtouappliuffaititaîre in Feteral diplo- sese>' lad rant aImas hotfen ioanit .elieanery. Ijuonnt atilme cf-<he ofoundt. 'in nd u fe value cf thoir libnerty, sud .rýyte s.Imlitn aimthtle sirninocf an>' de. testsble and i nieluiidol <bat citioces ha geovenu <lie linon. tIse>peu-iel itin prcclaitu. lorIb<hir effouurte oenclave tine Southiait a Olbatle for ftmedc«i.' TinoAbolitionisîs àonoemce si becauiao've to nel sufficien<ly sympaîhmst viti hinCh'ri an aspiratious for lIhe extermination oet.w hite inhaii tsae of Iho Soulin. une Unijnies vin ire advorse Iu emilnclpatictu, novomîbloas tacun n mth mn sympo;tn>'vtin asvenolt.- 4o. Ail Partia-m in <bis meuit sordit cf estieus profam o b. outrset db>'Englanmd's bilflsh regfd ard for o vin nteresta. No et-eut or et-art ihomjli<y an tino prt cf Fr»ean o uets inSenitive poopîe te remenstranutea - na servilit>' on Io part et. r our cmiiGonverinb nt nidice orf tCi~terefrain frein tirosening te ponfain otun prtialit>' fer tieir santagoniste à viith 1mmediato vr. i Manifos<iy, ibo lament, visible -inàail P tilm la1luap<dnco, "pure sud simple, -Tise.9 la ne plmis*ily -lu moeeutlenue-ne t cen1slmieecy, ne fait,cn tho part cf tino sl,<oelaeertani, <othjintin th î tuer m lh ilhult irtier b..more &MI>. tinlei- Wbher-îe, preoti fre(tgeÏ,rg. toor sen.iters, or stomuip-oralors5 rom P preorcmpeope. <boy à re equail> istin. a uInot b>' repmalivo aree a ui~ il -sud iucouiaquenop. bh Vonteos. cirunitancOs 1the efl.bt pro- SI alueomigtt t, psti l tg bue ompoo & viiitbasluea aeintr. « i.ýanani.i Place hewîBn lui. leading -article on 1hf repulse of les at Gettysburg 'il$ 1h. foram of a pins theulcsgiving. Our own ut wnpi demaireiues, tee areferoclous in theb partizanship ; and Indeéd it, vas earceir te ho expeeted that tlmey shouid diogniat thoir sentiments, or b. delilato in expres iniz them, atrsameriflcinq te thaun owery. thing which can b. csiied a principlo that they ever poooo.sed. Bultc l ubrlnnn sÏcb ardour bas been dispiayed b) thosa vine wsh voil Io the South. Thoir paritansihip ha been rather implied than amsrted. The gailant deedè of lino Southern armiies and ,Koeraia, *the nobledevotion.,cf the.8.outhi ern-peôple, neyer inspire tinem wt h giae. WheaWemadnessof lin,'a aà reprebendid, ol, parties ' are included in thne objurgation, es Illinhe Confederates, rn dofendlng ,<hein 'bores from , gigantic btiialiim, ýiré sharers in the insanity. The os etAlgrd preténuuiens cf the' Féde. Paleté are' jrvely discussed as ift mey were reaiiy insphid by seuse, or advanced by ressemïble buihgu. Thiir tneenaces are received in a toni cf rniid suhmissinn, sucli a* miglnt ho proper freni a weak tiffending State trying te deprecate 'the wratin of e powerfule neinhiour. Tinoy are hum]>bl reminded cthat weé are tr7iIig te lease tinea, anà asssnred tliant we wiii try stili more. When apecial remark, vo are gen- erally told nt tino sainie ime thai great allowances must be maile fer people i their situation. Wben their hostiliiy taires the form cf acts, or peremptory and in&dMisln demanda euforced by menace, thte final i4nuisse 1ee-Pms <oe bi -tecr7 and discover sdîe jSaictifidid fortile outrage 1which miffht relieve us from thie necpsily cf ,.esixtin2 it. Theon BBthe news of the attacir on the Trentl, we wPre fret entrent. ed te lceep cool, and be sure that ire irere ini the rirrhî cnneeeutny and uichievoum admiqsiong ete mixade which it va. after waid dofound rneoessary In rctreat-anid _in fsc-t, we seemed i a fair way of being drilled inmb subiiscion, 1;11 itvau fortu. nately discovened tinat, if ire did subinit, we lait betten retire altoeteîier froni busi- nets as a maritime power. Blut perhaps tine mocl prpoeerous of ail car displays cf fAehie motieratinn i wben we profes te abjure ail interest that ire oursélves have in an>' particular setîlempril cf Aine rienn affairs, and te wisin oîly that the pregrrets aid resait cf the quarre] mucy ie snob as vill cinduce innaite the happinemes cf or "conins"-tne cousins, bc it eh served, beinq always our afl'ectionate frieiids in thne North. After ail, then, Insu-ei Poiicy-in aheen impudence. De sure and Maite Jour lims extravagant enO hs'ina dif yen do iet get a&l yen sal, yen Wilt at lesat tuet liore <han yen had a ixht in expect. Ibuci> 'r a retu-action cf belierent righlus, andthougin uey May nol ho retracîed, yet hoe refusai wiii b. softened by sublstaniial eonceeieons ;and eveii -ho belligerent rizhi.q mai be s0 construedi as te leare ailithe «Anlita on ycur aide. %uh miglnt bucBthe Aeice cf sou». Federal sage te <lue minis, ors cf ch. Nortin, and cloaeiy have tbey iiemed k. Mfeanenilo the Boutin have nover. been n a position te bully. Menaces te annez ý'sais, veuid,-frein tino, be unavailing compei cur ftrieaudsi!NpThreats cf van osild b. qqualy ~oei<n.speople' ho, have paMv r isguqs.d <lie diffculî les jIII wnich bieylisa" saiutained titsex. riais QU at-x lpa.If byevued ap<et ortune, inoalesty anti ms*éBi<n fn ecau wduet tli counefl, hbrav a nBe fiq Id ; -tb inooxiben, ita a irz (at in oependeoce mniek ' frnmatins e a i VI p profsmd Most tO vatl, cf A cacalan cy~ aud heneism mnaicatuieqaltoti; tinoen. r 4 Of ce itomcemnion, ceIminà itie haft0 clherfUluoes., sud tmoiabsIence -c i nititie. - san sthe deunutino South maires uta>nuud tins remoîts are net encours- fi te tine hersic virtuies. Nabot> ' vOr Ot. ou &othéta oouiws-noiedy sdi ssarls Smhflashet-u t$h Tieir clii o n e qearvel ame iroafet aumoe aigalivo 55 kritti of ab#tract s>'aainl inîroducoti to a- >o~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~i plt h qain.le-ituf il no meil tme b. setimemit a aout-but fer iIt appreefable acosa, give nes goot lit rarlum. sdeitin tfo s a fam t mat vo L hb ddbe wüvtu ite 51ccnfidevatiouiafanr-i vin i>' ine "r ovn fntenest influneri; ou course iutho qusrrel, tee resu>' scande-lai cawne hom te s.ret grmel>' soeposera ýo s to prp Bîe. ince vinen bas self. 1v rn4emt b.ebto sei littIe iborltat in ilu'lit 5r#aticial queicns ?-enrvinai sre line rmet priacipicu inviived in bine Americanlu roi, befere mini oh tinogood cf Our euti oe mirio ntl i nignificance.? j is tn' oý erail>' asseitthatulinS ceeffare cf. apar mCountry h tha fini tidmes. leglimate 'nu o, ideration cf -a, ststesan. no finet, i dc o ch boostatesmen exepitefono us expross purpmoscf.canxugfor finat vol. i tn Andi the cal>' incndanlos vwiei ho thb ho id not permit lifeeif tcokveralop, inubeo un oit cf li@ objec,irttino limits cf nigini tha id vs.eng., Ie muet net vinlt. Ji*, ixî ut e or equil>', fortN. saine cf justiee to -ne s untrymon; but tinalti, sIiorothte on-.. _Helatis l 5 .auam"lcarat Liona cf0isrlt B tanBO1 se-p o nt eA -ti - .... &gl e rvo Tb dYa"a $ arI erwcen or"'w '"por --n t,. n ua sra s. ilsdyec anm.hup-j, as - - - ~ k fb L.MsostI uILS. sasouetin ttint '*ted Anme~rein O f iý; ntifM1' tnotfai o ve ry epolhe o ny Rmend .M cenni pt~n- Ia. tn em.yo, c try is ontiticedt teprevent.-'Ttlis ian hairt, ~b- iqett .beinalfnt-theto nombenrs nd*bieèuda ofeth ýy ino gontiemien mine ntvcate tinise'raevGcïx to, E~cimri-riox.--ýTno '2teistrSe9îa s ino eut .1 E»iA 1'acet>t gp~,tla lise Amenloan te sec t1iiou-biackae eP ilc~~mn<oc bepupiiscfte aoud lbtimiss sid'ca e e on'andgeuf1 t nti t on.o Ui s grant os- ,adet, thab wem u ost riorly- rueoalloua ll. j u ç ýo s. 'Y' nded me by- ÇCppimtîDýa a i ad. eiudrepc-rya, bl saze- icou for tifexmuMeven ho 'i ndalgent if a,~;Mn. Prosidemni, sud G.?l mouen. ban O4uý 'tr tiefi A Ijoi$, ~ ly sokt -ta 1liori-ooscflnoîr <c" ~~ I, oui- ertwg Blfum0ltns. f~n 4lu e~ q~»i <~-is ile t'~~ ~wrof Iigenent position by cncn>aelifng '1 on gui- ru 4 pý yEsa'b<ýcOs.O 5e< O s 0 fto rna d f0jigotbi p'ilf soé y.a~o erul stsou tr fsal eutiprhv cijsitk& ùr t'snteumcc6n of f Iisihntuai l P1rsident or Viçe-Pre. Lntevnit etmni psktnthL oudufe ni il f 7 lm.Ttc rpa rad-e.a Ni ~L ,. 0frg"anoulcle prlg e s enti enes 1 b e ktendo& ,.- munt; Liat-blao Conietedss, -vinehave b b-. 1"ndr bis 'bait. J en , f ue t ojjîV > *lurPe peenain .L ctended.-..wIiCLIIu o0 ihis rigbts in tise malter, Shooet!liane . eulls, or fa mUPPc4O te repretent, pur Na.. smcurovfnl relRectlon- at w u s h e ly i ci- 5affogo tbusc updot-ed mliimor -ticnsiity in orp iT'nof ihîei'. nnT6vmi_ io , 'eý ' f , , - Ç41llikk n_ _ces i.scrupuiloaly refrain frein embanrassing in gain. An extension cf tino argument St. AînirW's Diaimer. aga .Inst himisoif in particular. Pondeni le perslsting In a hopeleu ar anfrom the bas. wcild abandon oU? 1traders te the metcy --o a ifclls yahpyIple n est mot0iVes, and condncting it in a vay cf pirates. Wfl'dfiate y hpyitlor )jthait Caste manicind lxack tire centuries tc Buit as e v n la. ail those are but Tn nuldne ftn t .de' eiolgi t iefnec iemd varda banb~~ ~ ~ ~ $lOiàea te e6lete inon iïurnen - namne. Society cf tinis locali y.111881ceasth ma, ha, Puat s60M.ste0is herse, aihe Wad arusm., say, thon,a n t a t frveinuy baye 6 inborge- frenldeemys thatly ntne e -Y. Comerial onAsModay*ve oe hlinm bud let na ol cf sat, a6dI Y by JOinioigFrance in lnterv~Iein, we aftl, -te enfonce Wickadea cfOr own, it Comerc io mateloncf M o e ilo astndisnote A n f i> hd ompoac f e *ahbouId ralie <h. bloouado,l roleviour star- îh InhIý Imi. poiîîc inn us rnwto questtion lat Tenebrio tesociobv, adfr2tentnse bhd e 1. ling!Popton,1sd break op thne politiesi Lino nughtsm cfblookade toct ciceely' athen tireir invited guesîsinbrdaot 0 iocgiicnofh ci onple Syses vii sssso ig eaet anc rngiatdoctrine for 4th*e ta advocale epotontP'ond ît tinroagin the veair point cf Canada, vo who have dnselaimed ail...feeiings cf self,. .Gog oiiva s~ ioiadu i i otn n ne,"o haig-heir 6retovardi; reienocu ledbieqinair, on his nigint amisafe Il, Tino haif savage pChief adai sinonid lienot only scting in consonannce itortin n usigtinoulcu.CPeintDarnei ,Preietc ioS n h atnpao ytn augsr r iti nighta but fulfgling an Obvions duty bte tructtens tht me aîe-wiling to nalke Oj tinote:sacred nlghtsî 6f lnoepitality, Bai cureivt.~ ~ <~~ lac laadinterpu-elatiouc cf ntght dependerît cix the ' ciey ud nheietR ,aftr.ena panse, liTes, you are. safe il ' s à Seili, ve do 6 meaminispaet d povreraia poasibie oeeîr. But vre wil K. Macienumu. R. J. Ganta, Esq., M. D. became lis fout friend and en'cort for mat ivocâLe mmediate. intervention in econm n.1t&<vrli cd ânsC miiUb Bu- iL iàreal 'à ccupied .-Ile, Vjccli., ikciôngétt ino?9 mnnth and mile thereafter. Gentiéi d tien mitinFrac. Wë have popuneiy pet ytIisLat- ýI l F ngýIlnIeaa nterest trilot usne t ho belind,îbe âLm avago.j - ia aanpteials D oint, haroex jtendtLina ighta cfl3lookada. No. prd geots presseo vo. noticod.-Wm..aingEeq, I.".,ý,p 1. aserItht ail tineendat ,indicated moulti ho or theis iofferel ; ik je esemd asItndje- Mayor cf Whitby, J. fL. Penny Esq. R. B E. t in au I in oiy ssu ed, hl iecon pi 80 etedrou reoet.'oject eing e dey Putble- But O diPutOýiL Ttis tuM Very proaThmas Dgl is, Mangerstted 1spiflite, rites cfas d t o à.ne, arPreetcnetbigt dony iretarie ,utmetdisputhet oi rcPny . hms ôeEq aae atioptlî,ad lme o hiia rtle rlty cf self abuegaticn in this business. a m î,mn.hnohrgetrm Mora aiR rs, dependont on tin o olention cf onu- om BnILJWiloiodE5qBaanael hopte'and expeot te see eote4edun t rBat along wth that feebie failacy anothen omVY un litne cf van. But il iii aise true Cochrane Esq, Conuty Attorney, W. EL homes and gatnerecf- rounndcar fireaidij i, b5 appomred, wmidi direciy.adrocatesatblue t r ui.t more tbaWxotlier nations de* Bilîinga Esq, J. iH. Greenvod EU .q, Chas. car dparest ;i4vsaud! ce eiest fnioa< *bat PMr.DBrigînt oals' 4 ai am an d fieud. penîdent on curcohnnerce in Ljme of<ece. 'If LIno laies iàemrsolvescaim tino p iy neutraljty," e the single grournd cf a Tille iglits cf bloiciade can cnly bc ex. Roberts Eaq, Tinos. MeMINian TIst. Roit' viiege et holding bigla festival ciÎ lina rfanihe efjtret o s Li ad teMlid at the exponse of ieutrai com-n Campbell Ecq. JamnesCamPineli Emq, J(e .1 cm peculian day, tine firot cf Lino comir I inum atauoy exceas that tine Feleral uavy on rce tuetarfre pvn Bigelow Esq, J. M. Loves &q, W. B. yomr, viny sineld vo neglect any opportun perîîalîy rînw fer titise po.;suibie futuriie nd- Governinent may commit in the exorcise va rilacre(. Bail s. th nut it wcuild ie rnn Pomell Esq, Messrs. Nnnn. Station Master, ty wce nmay ho afTonded ns cf eercisin o f Icelfigerent ighits, becanse, in tine pre- ù rîîir;îe. 11astîne strongest cfr ail it.i- Davis, (Toronto) Revdl W. 'R. Roms Johun that saine privilege by vinich "lieven Ange] servation and vide ietenîretation cf euch fiiec rseraire are butis.ablie to druer bhave boon onlertainssd unemares-." Gen a igits, me, as the chier maritime Power natr he Ui îrceîss. righits cf blscamdo tlint D. Dow, W. O. Eastwood Ec-,q, M. D.teehevla fagf adu sud commercial nation, are pincipsily a,- [fIilles -Cirat-eL TIi- i tictitiouetens-inn nf Johun 1Asderson Ee4q, -A. Kennedy, Eeq, tenbancod by theo ineartinee auud good wi *~~~~~~~~ teeîd 4oytnn sn eat1hilIca b allreficbea enî osOuigecr sorengti ov c Mars and Ramna, IV. Gordon of tht doueor. Jtidgkiýg by Ibis esndtrd 1 Ianthrupic f4Ilà, le éobated liîiro. fi Triîin-xch Bhavn':aoîîr et onuliercngtiî Oth oniac ing be iputi 'te W arF.Mîlimiîiri-.irug te<lac tra -hî-e. Eeq, Major Wallace, D. Dow, Eesq, Captaintee, a 1iinen aeron1 opo *~~~~~~~~~~ On1F 1i-41 any hvug us isîtd leU. ri d thir iantiu nartinue povrer1). Ci. i'orhre, Win. Goîuria>, Esq, Pickhor uf oun receptieunlixere, to-night. 1àIrit, t asisertion that vîhere n iaw foîîhiîe W rfrî e jloie ieicienry In J)aSa-for -cuch re-uuion may bie constant, -ud tit 1muet net punsue our uvu bensefus.. me unîlelI ii-iic- n- imuliraiiver i 1tIc r ~, foting, bMesîrs. A..Ale.xanîder, G. OgePtiti, IR. finl elrg hrb vkdpreu face abont anud tet an îargumt wls hr,,Iiihi s.-viiî1 l iaut trelia -ti iui it-r Il.L a-wdcr'i, iBGihuoii. Itsht. Yaernuîîd, aTeBjîenMg Sx a ie u o s.timms<ba in 'urvui. cfonu cm benoh iclalall eiiai la te ur a<iii Trio..Juo. eitil, Je l i<tlla (Reteeof Whittbv.) fromniteViee-chair te whicix Mr. R.J vo muayenirgome ouu<isef am. îa-Ls ii'<li f.iiay tit vînt wJcn hnh Jamia ir, . P omîsit, Parke lia- Wilsoun gave au cioquens., and Blirrin 1 Sncb isjb reality, tino. rgumeont oi the i110w tril ietaciamrafter coibîeîloîl tterefîmrc i- W > Fgentlecuai mIn, tundor 1tfic signature aif <<îirsltlin-t hia cfigeof %%.ar. uit]1 jpecr i Montrerai Bankr, J. S. SpnowieueeçonRO. Aîaîvla are tualud hauve a right to inter- 1Gen0. Yi Js.hI .W Co-&&M.1. The Lanid of nur adoption,'$ rcspo)ndt liitotens, habu taetaken to lecture <hoe ;~Frm-atnmndje %vilsa îuxirorivi, if.i1 yleju. ' .W lakM.D )hy MNI. J. I. pernry ; "The Cimcîîsy FI Fpublic on iuterrnainal ai i.s, îleciete ! 'a c ePil s]] -v aw t vre land jîerai.s.v-1 it- Francis Clarkre, C. Dames, Jacob Bryiant Ouaîario' '-resoguded M) by Mn. Shier, an; Bine ailm judicial etyle ; lie wmutes roffian ô' r:uar ,)l'e 1) *icni- Ily the AA au. John0Ageew, J. Prondfoos. Dr. liant, J. MN. 1i, l-iw. l'l'he i3îr'--"T'ho esc alealonfa nmîjedfon ia ]eti ps . a ît. in f-auLr igat <it' ll V. Ham, jr. bMichael O'Tbnonaeîî, tcni The Lradiee" 4-responded Io by Mmr sionus of<the-grovcIiiix cremel, sud fiom n IlaI!îg I-i rai abois. itiant.ciall wbieli ho- railasurvey tine tistorical laiiizruu Cormackflfti, Daniel Lamo;a, fumne Lamon, rese.Rve obeogr, ei appeis Bn o specia to an extrais.commensunate wiîh ige<lire, ~ eaiîc, oîusîi iJainpe <Gordoni G. T. ii Fa. rsurdfnhierîgii oc tenient of liisi'igînature. lie delicrerîs --iTliîîîaiacMîmemm, Thnoas Kirkmmid, l'rhîei . Sre-iaxilisnemnieagd hiniseif as onue wiao m-ouid say, a- 1arn Sir l'lie <6î0/>< or yeziernday. aniliotiace% illat jpal Wilitihy Gi-auîarSclxovl, >'îaompsoan, uiii tise eveifug, (tad timeWhi;by Bandii Oracle, and sixcu 1 ope aMy mouili let ljin liie.1-Iiflie ndiaun viNIici-lof Farulîiargin ) i,î ,> C, id <v s'hr hd bieneiaaedfr<M' ec-o 10 iae'rludîiciiinî-dovet usic fit intternatis. do ac" W.i.n it-.eîlc sbowid s-nein ui i-ii lu liaaFor ils ims J. Caneievi, A. liieresiey, Ci. GordTheJ ~diiiuer vas eue iofthIe bessattenîiei not uranaturol isnfualîtnce of the îaay inaliait h., '-iii- e'iiubî Il i u1ri'siau iBliack-, serîr. JMilack-, Jr. Alex. iiie, iux point cf uum4srre, muid1 bhine yes. aii-il mnich ire<luercicari4 vert maiutainiig tiret i ,, jýc 1 Ttimaq Doer; 1hi, Tuvras Lumlver, Vni - placé, iraWhieby. Ail tho arrancgements lorada, look<uirther publicnte teck ; th- !' ,I7 l, i1Ali aiKilr l hls5,81,iCarle's Scoît, Alex. Mriqox, w ftel palapiayo-ltise ictexp * ' airi 1 ii laI g in Te ro sfLtinoiini îtiifAcmory rncioriîIm- psniaenar e'pssmsid tiga,~- 1 t - on Ins "ra) i & Bue diînucr ulintht culd bai desiredîr ind imýas Imey e es sqitnaîtr ie ine Bîaiiî ao luîd ted --aln ii-flic,îtrOiîiiiAdoc4> itmsBiele a suiunS.i nrl-' ("tfîîte i9îpant eiac tnlic ndîe flotazed ira a ;raf hv eneiiiiiljt~~ui104,,h.I'ainbanlae jr, (I. C te deciancdti tt ecould fiaîd tho jauet 'uidc tciiliirJon. anto IV il.u g eH s, &.,miqthe maray othergnd îhin;agp]rnvie tin ortio xt-cm iîlamer taieiser. clîaaaFie1ei2b. crn4l&(ed an XiI kc 1 <lue iifaiiug d4hagi&arîd Scotchuga.n tien for aneTinx we'ecorna'sixauroraynnt unirqîod. c No, hrear owanofvf iioiAmizvis fu 'ar the murda- of leirIz.tieih Armer tho remorvual cf Bie eletin tinhe- r Tee neoet ioCiur ynny te 1aled No, boe r <o ea>- ifvawaugrYork thie v-iloi-<f I<,,Court for hIli IîbPeiî-aro o kseue îciîgml uing tsajiiythe suriteuil nue ni' nu, bncokade. On- i.4 ho regard it ai iai.du etii * ieit of Il rliett il laig ltdon an biIufici tnI taail m-snkiîieihave e uil ute7hDec.,, be0carried bèen acouxjlied mitn, he.tot rtetoQuneeu 15 aurmsevnxr mt.v 0"a.IlpieanaattstS. ide'cvný,sâtw au intereret lu msîaiaing it, raid all who taVia. D ilal.sCniaiictc reps nI <li tmiiirieod auret arnsly rnepotndeette nememben. cnutraversie iara c!imin4a. N -aira] rigiat a the s-i affIidît bearty chof-ri. - lu collision iritlaitsu-' 10 Io e se'. uaid. - ainue ce-ex; ýne rut of coîaixuti.l S'uni', l'yDr. Clarke ai tht Queeu (led Durung the eveniiig,, tin o felowîîug ,lune- This is tino doctrineo f tli, Aîuenicaîî miain tuu uiinîu-sîa;auasf<oirlife iiia I>oniueotisia llous er." mnwitte'c for theo Festin ai, ivono rend 'hy lie eter, vho stgmnaiise-the. efforts of pivate '>1 ' ' 'be rinceanalPrineshrffWiters eutPremidunt steculalors ta) traile viîb il).-Southnas di. "ii14r5satnee u crnap'd t ~tif the llîuyal i'mily wmail te next - Wt laiave lufv titi, litiid "Î-r -k, ut lust Ilavunitoi at sises ; -lmice eian#s» a - s hnoelFUr adiii !ur,1ftif iiea it boainoiiansd disrerptiatie. 'aiuia Mr.Adams "i, u uduly tlen.lIiiuaaiii int ai iu-t rs a iiie t bcae ïf'o Mhîr f oiy u iuterd tui tFain eara iantheo entiary. ivremyaadNay, rcIhL'nis ..- Biiiialir n- lm duc.hioctad a-n e o oicbt George Bhnasat, seiètenCe n th ie laeeAanyC anpunn dartîellvine -ecouded ialîmlIsf.irBiîrlua i an article of religi.sn. 1Taûea-isan elevenlinime as. tînt tome Assiies watones rers- - isVfimr-uetala' ipl iri' iiieiiîe evne comnmandaient puo-mugated fruin bis le'gs- 5.tots. i vory itting ris. tinwihgv hu&alnttaeibpited rd, 2u3cd I-eb., a mui -tfor saune« (Japtaun farsineil, iraeu rpreseAin4j the ligil; ruimm"miua' î,l miic- tion ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I miisastnu iatntraeitn riai inaviîag hotugranted -ie Commi-<Bf.iA, lr1.IV'- îlot-, tino S;Ouhn. Sometlîirg like titis is mitIiedrd ee.iîaîînihofe-in estuived onthaaie rariahaitf A nî.uîîul tigs ieî.t e in-liei âiluin.r hy Mn. Chnarles Simnaerr chen hoie sys,- ireatfîu-ore mneh ho reproscted, sait ti Wt, Paie if ii .I i ai Of course. maic trayal Proclamation eui1 lie deerds o h rn n ays efr Ami-1 ttîe rury lt.s4ait le. change rung auto ri/lix, or maire smch La.taw',--nr.' ave beentheu fitwint sr rnaiîîvyek e fOr n"aidt teliuinzi,t.îivl iair Ialim tair-i laire. husotqocîeris tnsi iier.1 Sme nqtieted le stase amat in e Q"ue cf -qita o ovu~tnrforle uy A!1îa'l ilUp tair 1,be mair t, quencaiewseflitinio aI Sue rqifi o ian teseouar Il lue Vella. ertv uuine a1re 1' (bing liae 'bieleton imjalîed by Huston thnebi-i cf Bine Mecinmcu'âl ttse net hc- atersa, aîad lu doing su, eho hped <as, tlusy 4ttll ailm. um 'vorii.bamt (pinie, cus minen hl icieamas h. 1tcaunot lho &&id iuîz reseyth ie final lecture IIIlak îîae uid nutlienociaee-d wvia <batcelebrated analtm-a- ilar tinat th~eftnade te Narcose u d Malamonas ce no« t1 IFiuImisîa oh4t I,, îlb Corps cf tint beginuciu tif the proserut Fin t i-aiaiaku à,littie ,oia und 41q.iîglt harer.- net surnonetet viii>suspicion. > f ho-(t, e leuttc miesae@olé duty mss to asgenable 1Lot lacla iv-e wviC i iiisr iiti-ht, con I tat<hee mai udin~guflm fo re anuoouned. oceta Jean innbobtadilcanlet coltina sud J l-u5m - <ik1 hi c J eans mgo mor ~A debato viii taire place I in e Lisrany, sbiaing brasse ieluneto, and gel gloainnsly Tim~7ttcu aiar-1ur1vl .~ ipEsvpe b D ame, are4-, as UOn Friday evem1 g. t 8 o'ciock. drarinaitever thon iréauda-afteamt-I'aTht <ver tili ll 1y rasmiiifnuuir flg, - lupng fas - eibjec.-. el<?a JiIlimrheen Yeomnannv, tine Terrrcu-of Bons *aeiavalasBiurlike dti muitentiai itti. the parte] ' Ilumpere, jostîng apat't, leasrr elel sa aaslî"iir lal ts, ýA M'fornmeo-ccreiderutioa for s force i nucîin Arîvmamaiirtuifa 'luirle, - - - i, Jnad tueirbecame cne cithBinisîttatienx tuf mat-i mer metrh--u iait' nelite country. Deepen tiniltrs 1L uoy. amliiik ae-m. Tinal is one vierm, bu. useeelftno, 1aonaît!hWnon filvBia i me speaker, lhace Faîîiu-t~eil tIodi~ai!~ i Iiii n mmci a lookoe apoarsas se uriai- sssvin-Jrite use neiviflelilon of tînt VoutoonBlirit- In whicla b-ounaEnglianet , aidon urimo ed tino C'J.i',u'î1complimentte IoDr. Cm. BIlts'uon jr. ti--ate] oeil te ail çxcept thc belligerentiEglnahl floe heCier erfrou-cees am in o i-et faîi iul, e1 ,oriT,&nHJa.t.-We iundeat%nd LiaI màainsgreat chango in 'tihe policy cf iiîe or i-ea bciîlilin toimaiilairuions et. Europe, snt iL is duo<btftawilv- . Oua Wotiîsdav 'everanalis. Mu-. Wnn iounlit flnotrict it. lus <nuriratigra resta tirh s ii îia. ,Ootwnplatioahy tise mtaros u iepesn mea ftn atil vuan fPic I~t Masetetme ^,giet iln ucrs ieapbi c lase- ltinsWhithy hafipuy Company, te gin.ve oulet nowv hoeuu- alujbut- for thatïmooe. n.a opnt-ry s Ppe'rvcsl i egisai.hu n(uc.Public iaw con. â -e lmet jpê"rëiù à i ,edos tr tuehelîmgercpttheiso iitt*eqce.î at.voiobto îL-w Dil àhs toniant , some finie nient. Iu anciont days il vas tin-o ast e.nmvl riofs paec suda.Tnr au *urtiacu- thontiy ueges.ire unplaceneI- vou!nosns.qhhe reofconcenel ncnfri nitîg ;i;.tt s.-csd -- - t~tL -- A car) e teomen tal Gie thjent baspi of lu ttcisit, lsmgintenan e' -eb ç lie "m'tu- emplcoed bý' Rùa in lac*t.'fi reaut Peimét Unuter,-sujot~n. 1d à jn ý fe lnemo nsay seuble .tinofc. tdiffforeuee-,ib ring ay e-, a pi- idy 'p. ini- bly r s, lie [g Ils iy id le serve to rei- n d el m e f the m on>' mai-m frients 1 bave in Northi Otani. Tino insription n tino cp as: Il Proene t IaKru, Wm. Beyn ton jr. N. 0. . .<,Agictltural Society b>' the' meini berss fn ende et. thoe ald scetyacIl tkenf respect as a citizen andi a pro- mnater f Agriculture. Nov. 25h. 1863.', TinoSupper as providet hy M. Wm. Q cott, of the Victoria intel, aut me' need eaàrcly âdd vas iu eveýrrset credits- table to ifs table, sud geodthaste. lvfsinmen uid tho Civil Wr, LETTER FROM WN.. SXMO'iRmiE., A m e of he P bin Imisin 01 iiiùe'to hie:f riend, Mr.> P. J. Suytilu relatid o te ielvil, var in Amonrica anti tino puitcn cf Irishna-in reqâanoi tf.- itla is fttau in repi>' 10 a letter froin Genem Meagimer, o ettioedeal an>, sd 'con tains murin sunt prcical advfce te h.1 conntryunetiat wo iik mwiii net ho tinrlwn svsy upon then. ButAVI:MEtNtUSsI81.lcssm-v siTuEnvRts. 1u 1 cannet calculate aI lemss <inutmn xaindniîd tinousandthme number of Inisinnen eîlio have already falien -finxbîls horrible weou-fii-. Tineso mou have ballon in tino -tiialeofrt life-in tino vig'o.of Jeah and eitiengli. Hute they <allen iu contenting for the freedonio etbircoîmtry tînoir mem- ou-y moult have ineen counsecratetuinlime annal& cf putrioliinm. Thein nrr n meould hive beon adumiret evein hy those mino iate ocen mation - batt ras.incompois niee nay tinat <testbrave mou are nom regiardet ans more monoonanies, mine, fer the sane cf a induful'et. dollars, efflisî, laeins-elves lin a tru-ft, tn olui object cf iîcît fa te determino vineler oeo mmd of tint chtiznocfthoemIates chali e -geouned cctrtiig tle <ei- ova fu-ee eioioe, an saui ho coorcet by force Bn atuhinit 10 a conticeti0rianduitolea goverumeunt cchich îiaey reputiaté ant ubinor. ifal nt ut<nquaine howmmany cf imuse ir*-hb ë a yoia bies ev-liacduecet by the ohoqu- mmacî ofi (;eiî. N Mern Bnfling ihemeselves Tito al ]xin-tlu-e rave, but 1T fel counin eail humw, ac ii luth -hat if tho Ir4shfaOIn unpd atin iin Aîniurivr lied tinnotun inote irit t-f tnci- influence fax tin seule in fuavor cf ucande, ille oaB-n-ttf mon, min bhanne do. utntedula g î t:te tn yeane eîiiîc en. jotet ilgrenIer anmrunî t.finuteial <rue. smnfty thrn amny îi<lar laorjetitn ote gloeo. sigt). u linBauîaerteit. " a1 fuit ilte i)e my duty <o tire i-asae m-ilai Geîla. MeogImer ou1 tînis Ponta, immovil- aterly after lie finw. oratieun ina Boston iii at-or cf tins ir. My rérmenstrauees mat -lth lin fine ere u'iavaaiiiig. lic naiseai rua Ibrigades!I WViere are tme7 'uom? Yet 1féet ciiiviuuced <bat theut'<ino millarrive whe.n al i8l n-il mli regre. <atlia qy at- ize dit aao. plamval eor line exnortuioas if aur eloquent anel popular fnient. " Nuîhinîg bai a souise cf du<y coalet ce-tV aimel(, iunas<n a eninrade mine band 4Mamy ci My' luapesanad durappoimut. hintis; but atinere'are moine in launti, ma i Aioni<c, 100, sha psy ittepggsn be iit 1 say 1 feel it ta ho 'incomen i.pm Plai a t m whre ien lhousnaads upon tinnu. - ttu elîa ishinnare leanvinp oui- lies odtu.ciro that It moulti liefuir botter for rein ten romain at haine, aruf ni- a shilling tai> tinan tu e etu cét hy_ tnoglt tn cf Diltary lrcaupiugaa-by th ino oieiîtiuis uof wlumpsd utmeeubrokers7-or, by tne inve.r Ifitiu ofet.ut.muonspieruîit oratery--t riuh uts mercenmanies lu - theinoley sîifo n haichino ais esolaites Bine Statua cfAmenir - Gen. Me 'ne omplaws-. »at tino'Il hl l n i l a v e i i d e ut i f lje d t h o i n q e l e e ih mline Onatia;omnn u t Tories ef Englan. <p tinnir oyupa.iy sun tno rebeis cf <ho utl Ou'th-. ý- is changeépreteêds from s mid. i uatcelatmxu eft.<ithe â e'f foolinuk tbigt Pre. v4 lils iIkn tiuI~ anr>'. Thore aie ftcy Ing- Il or 1Amîglicizot Irisin libo dc 00 $i chieý ian, th.,separao 'c n icn 'h4g<aIre pi acte becaus"te itho oeaccust omotep 5- J smmuiar tel of Ioat - b lu« ,tim n been dioplayeti- by eur galflant b rigii vo feel bcnd te disuade Oui- oouutrymeuu - from'entsriug aservice uDwmein ,the in>mli ho 'rplaceti fonexnomt jn ever>' pet cf dager,- aud , bastin é eo y d 'Istr *ibution ' - > o, , n d u a nnents. ; 'Air MIAStON or TR5LAN"AOt "ýAu impresion prvailsin, ine idu of smm. cf car.-doludeti ccntryîusm bto-s offect tlnat Gen. Moeaginer la exciting tieuq w ith -au n r os festh 'eM s.Lcir aim p* ar ýt he- civile murin' Ameriça in sa dem te pre- pap e i -n4fo u-a n v a o n -o f Irela n t. & muore abourd. mode 'cfprepariu (hem t. attick anotue. 'wu ess nver d vie4 by tme imaginiation cf use. Ilis oct 'toldinci msny Inishmnen wvine-oriisfed l inoheScuti. ernn aumies, hayle inuit sent loto Bolier mon]t by-Mengher's. brigad; but iî hbu -been smuet-I biîevoon bsoms sutincri. - sy-tinat ho carniod 1,200 lreJcuegTnI.b. mouien intotebatiof Fmodonik&butM, sa" 'e t c n y 2 5 0 . ., c o id ~ t i a e is o~ relant deire tmat tho Irisih aoict bitU~ net Io destinctilonb> infatuation- more li butcien aci other in ifs accuset a.- "B 1ut if unr oratoni-cal fnionai spares ns,, he shows neosinhdecrous reservo temarda- mine Sontherners, vine more aceushomedt te neceivu icdtbin ridess sud nspitslity tie exiles of Irelanà. Uponîthem le exheusca- tiae- copions vocsbuisy cf vitupertetien wbich bu commande..- Noet lit fa bot for-- gottema by me,. st heasI'a, tisivieaue1864, thne Ktacv-Neing pars> f tino te ortbunrt States 8seugint 10 proscnibe tino TnP popts. lation, tin o Sutnenens. vitin Mn. Wise, tino Govereor cf, Virgiunie, et hein- idj co-operutot mmlii the :aobler, spinits cf he Nis'tis. iîaorainug Binat mfscuievicns fats lieux. I is uot fongoîlen -by me f inat no. minore dit I fut aw kindlier leeiing tovanda. Irelandt tian ait Cinanlestocn mio he i. aime ut.Snieldad - c fMeaginer more n- ca-iverd citin an entiumsmhat îhey vcUI&. have follet ta excite amang-tise phrty te mniei Moeginon iba.latualy osarendoret imjun vuacasasm eq an eiectiou ae Meagltor te t sitien le lte invinose- pei long teOsafis Sonada, i inuman ihosi, fonder cf eva lion-T. BF. onSoeech& dem, basbec cf Goyernu ilsà polley- "B>' andj senal libeti Stafes te tha cf is minfol Féee rai a of eon -ns.i mcc fields r a cause vi appravai of ', tBy gp tino Conatl more guami cf Raia, -i e«nessureàa ut theo execnani IlAlais imidsuob h Irish pati tae h mo - o the won Plcker * -The Cou Pickcering Mn in tino lttermwhich yen have raicontiT pabuiebed, Genou-ai Meagior repéoteily t e. 15-mîtstn Snuihe-n rebeis as ariafeemts. Nov, 1Iaun atle tId iscoven open vina. ntinafesasious f Sotshemn feeling ho foiuiua tIis-charg-itûtinoesecessicu in an unmaiî a nd n et et a popular movorqeut. Lt aestieo a metnat thore ha seldoni been au iuaeunnecteun w>ich ha, vit snch mina- mni>' oymbraced MsI classes cf,-sociol>' as, tne decessinu cfrLino Soutnoru status.Ir tufs h se, f t la unwomthy cf s- stmtesmas. te condtescenid tu taise pu-ejudicos aginmL tino -Seuinertr by -caliug miem aristocrat. Itj ihsol mor no aceoisieuî inocauso b.à <aaiite tnoEmper.or Napoheon wid vég a psu-venu, anti bocanjo fit 1,il u o lu ixt fnients tinat Gen. Moagnor Hfbef foole i. te ho a sulject cf .honorable pride lnat ho ladosoondei freontinoh chiots ot Ikou-n. For " prIbusîjonotitt he bertun aniteral at sjustas applicabl e î-the &crîinorners asii is fa the eSothtuou-m, anad 1 huave been toIt that Bine -monoyed nràt sttvcd' cf Nos York are more purs. 'rolu eut mare' 'uv'enbearn.- in thine -man- .ens tinaninnte filciât a oi nt a is to cmalf ninauters of tino 8cuin. i - x &j1,d te uot fourt iis rmaenirci ayovu obser,-ation, for-I exponiencot neting but iaatsy ifi aIl parts cf A isc. lBai Ihin. Meaginen midI>' misnuterstansatno nature cf Iisinnen iflie supposes tmat h. crane l inobin minets a prejudice sgafinst i pitrty b>' coliig -tino.a arisicnats. #An- isinuan nusrail>' loves tin olcitisCckeý aq is ns itisarpr-ising, fo anon> f onu-peu-. tuntn> feeol huitthougn tno>' ive lest pro. peu-y sud station b>' Lie fidelit>' cf ilfuir u9cestons B e nirecountry' sud te their re, iguen, eili as noble bioidaces in tisoir yÇf ms as tiat vîici k ob o fent mmoug lue proade8t pateutates cf 'Europe, '. Te eontherns ma>', therefore, accept witn rfide thne de mtnatioi r, ana-mia xandli.

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