Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1863, p. 4

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r .. - dj~etr o4una p1m la for bis fburth beeSwi~Ot~ SOO vr.'-Thuu Co~e~ kit stïïi an h ese Leather &4?inditgf am do~ coin etiritin. - Utr 0 .v ei1 ltLt\VÀ'Y'S PILLS. 1% e ef ocr iumeiîeiin mcci th* ile end neeeu'ittes of theep5imrleg itfla(bUty.a ottan clos, we Ycéut5tftitthb il lpoveriltlatieii wau oi,ered itit ie .word. ito'Lw-eaiys xàc» Pitt: bave hecome ;he niuiffl tet5nxeiaTt*1 ala. tieu.î TblratilJ~iiajD tvesmta li t ceaIl 1hytef t mit aua'hcipefi vzlt t r etter vrlttew byeo lbet ,to bé ptron the estdinai, provos aleoi:tha ii lrn 'iot o ,6ft e on. wba w4aug M fuifor hi, vor t- elî e aý1 o sys, #r.tat Yeàr bi1gb. .,,iii net: 1î.....bbkt ii m*Wrd~u taidty êihÇlyyour ar -UMinr a apublie .lnvoeUSi l 1 in" V b. aliewed to aýeqt o ttic'only410 -f returo for them"it-ïlaie ý y.P4wr; te Malte.,~ Col~bît, cna~ed T~f ', %tde Qe~ co'iîinucfida gir.sulbpmtoc rï reime t .ad cn,£ent"nouoes l sl fire eoled bo bia lvi' tm çâWelint bte lattr iy. 1w, wd e oL>iimî .î' otvrJi Io yod, glsb; buti tbhtoribi l'acquit my LsliZe 7. ppnyrsnedCoolbtermt', .#o bigbly, tht ie 16Q lhe crested bien soprt¶lrolier5 offinances. ;At 'tus er rn e a~ned ,utregolar tra& e but tlaýut lmb o itirof eew VI*ithe capi. téland eveeîthie -tri awu v as ped to the ?rb4ie of tbe sl. inêoe t of vealîl, tht ant~tio nduitry ea pun. The prncpaliroaàa v"r iuw»asble. oI 4. :>t bid bern reppired,' aarnd aieç cpenod 'o~êné.The Jocion of, the vo issu bywh 'È rac su e e lu b odi b&d beforu been prQ4o.ed'nder Louis -XUt.,O,,olbert ladiht pot' iofô exeetition by Riquet. ,go tabliuhed a geewod insitranee office for the seanbrof ceuntc, vhère th* Most ,l~lfu-uereant ve, AflciUpcu ta dis. çcM tle. sources of national proelfy Fi Wdea$ trusting te bit eo je4goet, b.i addtitmsed litoielf t t .ey sBerapmeS rteu l fb arma h ot menely e a àthke bfao.1 eeS'cf bu u4 t. the meaus or ~11n liat monerc 11obs i-n u- y biliîy- ft i t i 2 hb l in i- ont lusinxen@ e. -;,toi4, $t. mo4maIem<u a stiii îited by snt*clà. ttitag o b la otW Çt amWeaor hèkp~t rovneeu.At thie .prlib el the E-tgl.hie nDaohtdivlddbet*ien the. gqi fre pi ithe mca. d etw ha *Ïliaikd lparne4 iow ieoqhpover luy iu tbe trade beiveco the tara varidta, dlépottlît 0*m pIra Uth tsa..,Donlirk, u nîte pou. sesion or île BElib ; ho redeemed iL le I2, im Ch arba l 1. Ata vire eiblb';aclo'y v s eRt -Oui fros ljiill-opeople Cayrente4 ,al",er Ieoed tonIt poaîtsion of, Câw&4!, an.d'. laid -'fontaition cf 4esejathird tetîted le *Madagaer, the' saine month ajxtv-fire' large ahipe sallci f nom St. MWo. The > ess v ersutcîsby the corsairs tif I ý ger@, cf Tans, and of Tripeoli 1 tbe. Peeneb vouelu murned the. piruae, And teimed aftetwards mata uae Froeh flsg vitilt ter. ~b.ThteJiarboiri of Brest,-Toillon, mdu Eoehcetore, #cre opienucd tmu iose of 1%Výe, land DonIirIt fortifia. Na~id ichonus 7 froesiaMimii6hýjiandiurlére tIiadta hundeis hips Gai ih el intalh sint thoq. Tourville, JcanBart, and Forbin. gple to ib Fenh vag,. itherto u oultOvaupoa th.ea. a briliânttriompb.ý, Itiw" v ;oible aI, iunistetr vI -establi. le1,iiihArticle bas pieviousty beu pvrch«uýd iii.Venice ai enormoous price. l'166l iei Çnned, In anathen part' or Paria, theeelbrtai Gobelninmaectery -an e;iblheh n b whvas produced iii.rnnotbeatift).l ¶spe&Lr$s, aod vhich romraine i t l,.'day , isoný ,cf tbe greatest *onders ln the F'rntbbieêroplt.. lu br, 74 tatllLgo a- tmudistanc leParis vithoutfilndinir a' treeL ai"or-tb. gi'e t!be The"'b bse l ci j, 'Ïhe bea*lieI gardaaeof thé Tuilleries, laid ont by Lt. Nt&e, tietriomphati<arcbcf B t. Marti'@ Gate, thetofibe Roc St. - Dcin, Hoîlci cfthe l tvl4, maný ai the qua~yst and 'bouleovrit, and'a0eveW taI ibingsý CONVINoiffO TESTixoNT DSTMaui slâ&Ei c M i. lacC. . ucIÇ11Àu M's T eaim 4tt5' cteJlêrtutea )(i2 tlllle tfe eia erfii ai auy eeA iutl t Ou a-l a m am Worf~i lair ttitrer iti -l il ttuii le,..1 R!? Bmellei. ...lt C viiistifkî ibantve ,ftsLfC. uutt thOr lid e£av. ev31cest'., ii tita n iauiete - Th"y bite nqW*tSy rec ~'Wta iIlr eMqortcr mcd Zyolipet 'Fb. sWI ÇA tant. cf ii onadsretOliOUU thatt b. omît b. happy Le -attend t~'or ertclratnine d to ti li r tlie - -OY. eerc on Farmtns? Property. d i ne d Wfluii Lindc, bIMU WEBBERi. rrj ýTand ratent. Itfc, A LARGE STOCK JAMLES JOINSTON, Wittrltnieker fanti .ewelit.r, TE NÂOR BRASS BAND. .LrpeettafuiioifîMunielfor Pir-ntra, î$oirispl, Cuneertte, CIe x~on rnait Tianir naliectitO of tn*ie lx bath erieti end es *teontre. an' Li)n latent atmon, qt fitaloibie_ exmcted i>' the ïQitoiilie tnd. For t,nue nt e-!eien léd-iress tie Se * - ~ AimU .D.,uor ri E? Brooklin flrug Store. D FAXLTFR ln Drîtrt.1-i, M.iiîn r5i itA. vti-a, b»e iunftc, (ofe âmoe. 4Cefle Med iffsesalimoy m h and Broettein, 4. W.,184.1. 15 STEAMO NTIE! 'Ci'$v l ua tiu fraia val ai tIe Port hMarc, 4IÀtiy,uI Peterboro' dîret nit. .. .. 2'P." Ai-4 * bar......... .....1.0 A.M- dir taefor at.r rrv!ita Lien i tIle t oeatt l* Ll!'t wYôrlcti î~iILtirosil eV44 Y IIbPnIamepft; liloneWa*h. U*WogrSt»t< 13ffaln, tZlilcen,and <'iter Taeçrsfraint !,w %et via Grandi Trotl RéIlroad, vil tmke thu eetater at Caore. irmte u tw1tv Lko teteîlinet et Col- kctbting, tVin stenînc,.r Ili leste Riait-t ter rtrry ýTadqkurite-rj4 Sttiiîrtav. p1blt9, c6uoer fbr v-thLe' <iriuti Tonit Jearrfr 141, '01114 EnaratWet For t'rtlteritifotnuit'aouire aI A. Coeb-u rane. Ppt Itit - qChe-rlrs Rliti, Cobourg, 'on J 3.PB.' DjayI abpru ,., - Foart Ilepo. J ly 23j -1863. ai CO., , Agente for- affot4 ô thmîne4t 0<aavbe taris.andi IXMUp f'D', outreforuece tthoBoard la andu. IBONTAROV. &CO, A g e n t s , W h i t b - snd the 1! LT is the ôurieitlia oh'reitob ie nuir bsefare ihe peojile. and COmhbit*ei more stol ýQ fumiiio, .cptety for pressure, iol pie, Lîsa euSm oter mein initiue. -t -WilIl w-ean fr<eT yt5awlthgt repaît. x<0Scrv"ut CRU bu'emitk 0. A catit efçbg yen,oldceauete Il<. Nocaitcurslmwoiffrequlred la iii utet. lt nveus -'tot "lu Ciothlug evehiraise ,or twolvç moulhin.- XyÏrv: Vniuçer vîllu <o.-Wheelt 'de Wacr'mted la erery pIRrtuletr. Thé I*nirttl %Writtter ît hi 'POueiIÜST tai<ZCllUMs 4 'irrà Ani ed D'tploîna., t tire New 'Tn tItatê Vc te.2 liO Po tin-ri uei por ta aIl ct!iers ilu Lue Woril'n Fait mt l.iit"n fou l. ,Camvam Wu a ctedlu neri To i n aspominteti, bi rcmitttoig the prie-e ta lé ou hlI mile he ins i>et tay $pegsn, 1"eid. h-Bm. GeondalAItau"e- ALux. bLAqONe Agent, Whithy. £*30.âf%=W &c tpbe*et %ttb tèe o té bu% ien tntreitnltto aionge tuber rvattaa: MRON DuKE, DAFT *'R 4LBER,- PROTRI7TONIST,q. - JQHIN IRYAqI STONG& pý B. Bjttý1-N, ÀMUENT, 1 OSHAWA T'flE bnvc ino ae ree la qnlarge lot cf I*,f.elot.dtOV enitreduncler Lsthroý cvii ipection, vltb al the improver- ment, oennlated ta make them endure the stmrot fres ln this Nortiiern eimtte. à. #v ýned Intendiog tPuri At' Mr. Browu's 01& Stand, Iiln trFtTlfd the Stnve 1)eportment ib <'or fivor. Mieo Tin and iiee,-lnoti buttinexs jmii a 011 rH onby Iin oodal. RICHARD SNOW. BAKER1, OOnFECTIONEII, &ce. To Broel, Sîrent. itnh of Rieeic'c Ilote1. Whilty, Jnly itth. 0-92. 20 I imi~t ~ I -~~~ la n rwn ei bIs oku Chaire, Oe nýXcéflt ohar, Cae Ï4t ChatToilet Tables, Towel Stands,- ae.,& > re~ aityin t é reetly reduced prices. Witti nied «tôob'm"ade aiflite beât nieteniel And workmanship.' i-le respectfuily invite. an u oamination of hic stock. an Mey ariluimuitAct w pti4e>-.he ovi e 4tnédu>cj, nd ctibitdepentici ilpo JPIIOiLSTERY IN Alt~4BACE Cail and copmpere, and bue atitfied belote yoti'go eiaewheru -FtTNERALS F'ULLÙY SUPPLIED. - And ovryting In the'iYndertsking liue fa b. hacl on the sbattest notice Coffine lîept- congtatntly on baud. MAE OUS, No. 4, Brock Strtaet, anti No. 2. Coîbnue Street, Whitby,'JuyC . 8.2f pnatt e cbbgWI s#IeafI, hlof Olvo etldelVId Nue ana dvenlson. Lbts,&o., Whole.le mnd letai. 89 CILPE4~eOK~ OR ETOlýEI! TjlOMVtNo. 27, ln tihe 1thi orcfWlit- Flbý,1;th ontii Of gbt cf cf LII 80th tlat, ÀIAKBAYMkE, Fivo years id., abouct 18X <hsnds idngli. hbeew A-y prortta$nlng ber, Or plvlng pult .Inform pg il ls i bd ta ber rèoovery, w'Il h~,tiunIy ewsdeêbv the pn boodt>or, Wiitby, Oct. S ie;9 Tailors, Shoemakerc$ I - anad eadla Of Familles -. (»I G4 lly. 1e Culat etWA;AR ,5i Co04. evinir1. Ielte JAMES ~. O naici., Apul foirCouniýnfyc M areb 2,1, am fit 1<' - - 19 ~lpouktd'tJfflco, Whibs-. 17111 find excellent and con venient accorn'nodafion. 8 a ew YaBxda of th$ PLlblk HR.lL. Prjiçate r TEÂN THE OTHER Parlors -'.~.- ~ .U~ a- ~ u... u~~.m.us a JIS-I:aWKI A Y.& JACOB BRYANq LAT£ IIQNOV&..WIE eLO AND MANUFACTURER O0F e- RAS RPXOVED TO PORD'S 014) STANDt ff BROCK STREET, WIIITDY, il~ ~ ~~~- cSo însdi onstnly mnàifWoîtinýing'Cutters, SIeiighm, l31ïiigien. H &e, of tise latest stylé, anid moc.t-,nprtî1 lpatten tu, qn tlwe best ttuitpti- tiii, and, hclîe.stworkmen; andIliopos by strict attettion tb htsinc-eeer ta meril, a ghare ef pnblivopatronage.' British Aaoric* Anureuhe Company, I KCORJ RATI»u> nder en'Aëettthe rThird ,eeulon tof thoeRLvnth Pr6vlaa) Perl ment oif tlpperüefsa. Ir mnrue .tetd ôoiBun14ings aotn&tbilr eoutats. xvey inlorntiou pupplisi on *P- pliestiol' té the ne ndetgp.d Varine Rskî. fettie ïpu tforPniiÀ. JOHN AGNEW, TreligAgent, livroll 3trut,Wlitby GZORGIE ORKAOK. Lu týIN~apeuw, and U N D ER TAX RIEN G, F UNERAIA1,0WvItpplié dd tte à n 4%btt»tle.,ýoIIu ;ept eon8atly e to h Uai&eIire on liberaI tories. DOCTOR DAVI S, ý continuest t treet Syphiisi b ýfher 1:». moasep or a Privatte Ntei ,SEIN yp auocwl Antr=a o ce aiciS, -en iar pr lelrn.aoÇ el t-r riP!ae5 %are Yen e idev 4 Ç &eKdeuM etrecta ht o ùIIaÀtn or SolI-A buse, *Gi ,nrîdvnreolbrae&Gerxnn OfljorlIr cure ofi oi bliitsMAti brulilia, adLia f sOro. of long ntanàfng. .41 uftered train a lied rnnnit ore fort va yoarx wîtboutInturtinn. 1 was-induoed ta. &ry yaur celobroted oil, aid am ntbw omplite ly nr.." JÀ ME- FiT6flÈOÎkS. Ono:tïf tiie,1fr#t 'dienl mn ln hith4 qqpnty yaur juÏtlv coolebreter, (erman Oil d, f ai ho known. IL nt proîiea. blesin4jnn kin&. üIli W ne tin tliëvcureaf cuis, brui- moi%, fron bitos. &o, i and àlxo on norenq ot long stthlir lg :1 Iicnaver faiued Iao ffect a ete."1 Tn hn hâd et-'ill Drng&eto', fnd -aI. Lue prn- BRITI~SH -RE VIEWS.- Nf E W V l r o theg.- r n w re e .P erl o i- 2 Neil 4 vmpe J>, 18thdbnp!i<O rur LoaPo NQUARTERfiLY Cnevtv) TUEu EoueiuRnnu REVEWw(Whig). Tn Noittu 3ig1T1S0 Rnvînw oereeéOburch) Tn NVInITMIw$T Ruview (Liberel). Price"soit I e in«re9'd I Postage t6 N creducedl For aon o athe fot L Rviewa . $s 80) Fot en'v two otlio foot levivn. . tx at For-nS' ilirte efiho fMur tevlevoý ... i on> Far au fo(ur "of the-leviev%. ......... .. 8 onf For Bliaekwaal>" Maxtzioe . ..........i 8 OO Tor iLiaclwiod sutd teene . l<1 Fot Bfltîîkwor'-i ni tvn Rnea«.*... 7lO FOr Blleciwood uI Lbree Revfoorw. .te9 en For Bliikwoat andth Oe font Rceriews... 10 'Ot Ëity-.ix celtrAa t 'r LEONARD SCTQTl~ ~ ARM FR SALE* îiîâ I - IITHONj '$1 . STAUEIV 411 t~rTorooto Work,'~Ti CAMBIWN -~& - fl~4.ltlLtST~l1S &~& li) alrt * i "s Au Tiiegrlea etrge ofi h otjui ye.eittitbt a ernmetho miitli IWahthe liaii;rstîri r gens c ï"ý eid14 ;treatrrt 1%un mater la self tlinsfteing and unemtne- re-medy ds*esaaAt- r em *d iiftr' endatiti" rdisor5sitam litaie s yj1yIil>i~ Oeadi mmital- DILTOUS p~~ES ltommins .iîmne Ithe btb 0ihi e d, Otie- lfnomibsexnstnttlpbrfo thatei&-t aai ani iaireuaallang SICKILY FENIALES #>aeini difetevtalg mcd. t,.a'vur sybc iuteni.lieu fi uacrtvhtt sfri>tt li lpe-t. --UNREPUTED PROOF. neb.teeîim.env orNations 1à ,uaaeaIauaîi itrat lu te hett-enaig vinceratifbit nnliî eeod>, antdrer. ln Iftaesfvert livirng eclt eariliuesa ln ihe uneadil"eiruar theitr laiitrielevorit. AtiuiOan tta lligaaun, nowwrtComplaintel-irniaT. - lnitrmui. - red, e r" end Ague, 1. iit.ie Cirai i)isce-iç Fetesi Cot. t.tvec omtdpic.lutn. g'nnttvelet& Igultia ie-îci8p11 fféédarl , ary a>-tnp. eue ad areltm. laaieaaii"ursuin e sveryiea0(ihe1aaKireot- aleeauid t'easi box;av fe t u a ty blistWir ocen i n t 14 SeI0f t ai &. A futiduime cm. "ard wl:ituc4sP '001l' e . *inteomuw Inecuea Iibug tcbuact3eet vrom vagticpane') eutiui beefn s ali ffno. uimruueisa uttndcat'eere fi mejct hmacbueui the- tIlitd $uteindaisi i liited vl!ldt hinitiwes ali2 rentes. ente tt ice, evr dre4Jtn twe ab as.~lae leb get nîcea. à là 1 whitby, Jtilv 8,1888., JL 1 XF .3 JL V

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