Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1863, p. 3

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ô ,Vaiilnuton4,..... De.4 wbuby, out igo, -. O RE M A L BOOTLM ANB SMO T akfVtBluinri4d returns 1A lun.s- ciasthe mth wil it Ie tory lierel hwn favred. ibd bei>. ta ai- conffl tis sal Isu tme'ed te N*rth 'eard. ttwoqissra Scth eofMo>e>.i. C'ttapbelabry Gootle Stir. <isere lip enu -roeipt o é ot eoeietock or ioinenitde ai lupt d wies» Gosenlmoand Chui ru.lt lii petvlety. Woi'dry féesttry tisa stylas tLberYiMIsidisam. Cai fer tIldes.. WILLIAM BURNS, thT, 1963. - III ~F~W I50 Spala90Sol Leather. Ne. 1. for1 aeaIteOtBoa store, 05.0per, .iUwib. Teral Cash. ' JAMES Wbltby, November 4, 1688 SALE FOR DýEBT Tise follew[sg articles of, PERSONAL PROPERTYe 1 wiuicb havae ei lettast Ibm ROYAL H O]T EL, Bgrreem, eus Thursdai Ev'g, Ngov. 1VO,88 Àî the às ofe 8 o'loek. 1Wriint »eait and (>Ce.containufik )%4ers, XPm ri<~t~ng iring attefi, z' eli'itain~sug pair cf lagatais, '41 k 1 ,drrtitIFliititclShirt,1 1 stius'tCape, Ipair buckokils(iue 1 'ailk UrlJulssia, Tise viiole vii 'Me gol iN P&Y %litâel't. cIff tc>s nciurrstei fer ttetsrtiaiusg and buchRug Lie proptity, &o. - I ~~~~Whlthv. 'a..18. Boots & Shoes, * aUl.& W er Boots & Shoes. lhe i V..réty, or thé b..: nlt% Clieap forw . - ?cPr an extra ittlo1î, Cb enp, and agod fit, * JAMES BAIN, Att: 11lled storp. WHITBY L ETDR3I a b .iilvreI n thé. 11011 of o. 4 . Igt tq. .An<gFt twith Tf>nt Dace. il, Thoitiies Hc4dlen, M. A, I Prnttréi- --pli Tondeitain." Dec. 8.. M Gbsfne.B. A.. hecti- t1r oet he prt.4nt *go." Jon.8, P. A. Eoyd, B A. 'LnngfI>liow and 1 5-R.v. IL P. Bure>1,"Maithnlme, him ihIchatrstér md eltupe.; DJt;8,1. Tnicki ré 1B-A , M. 1). Fet 1le. (l. cchert, Il Cntit 110118 e,ç1ownnta of the u ltoii oulM> e.h, M tC 1e. PcfNxîélîr MOWat, 9'>COW P.,'> Marb , B.* Sullivar M. A. - t[Mrch 1 19 evo . .t. iMnk<rramq, 0& Te sai -vntagem anà giàadttaoltnqgof etrellidencc ln il ne- éeuntrv, "' Th. e olir. Letcli, Prinelptl Of Qucon'» *0toq. Witt eeliver &alàctiesdsrlng- tiatima. snn, f wliol: nia>: Wilbe 1P, A Muihernahip Ticket, (priee #II) çcetntfot theoweser a Juh.cr ,eoft le 1nsetiste ot the 1 e.a dim:s<t leîtber t>., 1841, éd itito. jute t» rhthe a nt4otlîrtryfar that pflrinds. i-1 aiae te atm1@>ipn. ugesher wigh ue lady s> ly Wothis oume of Levutre. A Wtnre Tieket, 9ie 753 cent,#,) entitle.* the oewni.r and one awdy osxiy ta d s..ut iils .coursee fLetures.1 Ticket' n'a' tm>olied tram Raiy efthe 4f- biioe t it. I.titia. ST~ÂNIIE'SDAY! T sditanfe ttSt. Asdcow>..ttcuie>-Y ef Whby îs.iec lu ho vili bll f o,14 Saturday.l4h o. 83 At ýo41okp.m.%WILLIAM GOlDdN, IL B.LAWDIIR, ONTk1tIOJ3ANK. - r? [pIR u heuàby gîvesi IliMS leO5i~f aer per cet npil-the ls.Psl p Calitel tof ethlg hatltuIlon titeshieù~rruft lk0f pamr, hm. tht. day Ieen tiecial-eti, sustha't the saue ii ho ipavsbie at th.e 3nIs sel te Beause>., ou adsitar Tiiàesday, the lot of Docelub0« Istis te tbé Oti> Novembî,r. both dya mai0. elve. Eobrîêe~ By rd e Casher.ur - 1WàVitC 2,1- 48 s IIOTEL & ROERTY! AÂ1Piitatl o le bmatie to Trn * ~*JOHIN AGNE&W, 4& Vainater, Whlitby. Thé msonoy cmii b. hui on oomplotiolOet hé 1I HRBEET NAtION,- %Ott*77aià Teaautnr Canada périesnt JOHN AGN W. 42 Vilù.iior, Whitby. Ohanoey Sal 'l'h, Banis or Mon>IsI4l, Plain. tifs. & James Rogers &isusrong, and others, delendaits. p) SRUANT ta a sti. the ieCourt 5of ScRisancery, at<e int tiis caupo, tsoang Idate the Tventietfi i-dty of J.iuuar, A. D. 1860, aud ss auorder et titi» 7eCit hein ig sdateithe IEievotiih d.y of ictoher. A. D. 18,;1, ad wuub tite>e ppirooatien et George IL Dt>rtrseii, i.*c>itt, I ualtàsot te ad Coutir, nt 'Qiithy, wviii bu tetélih day of December next>. Tf to ssffer lor ste, yble teiisr <~;~cin> nts frcusec ..*-,tur-day, Der. 10,'6 Os: the preusieme, the> folovlnit valnmtie ~FAE~NSTAND, six ACRE~S or LALNII ?MVEDWE.Ll1NG louO~szs1 BLACICSMITH'S 8HOP Sittate ons Lot No. 18, lus tise lt Con. of SU ARBOROUGLI, " ARNMSTRONG'Sý >IOTEJ.4"1 blitrk ham l oad, In o'eg>lutt* eslts.- 1 Loeo. 1Ib-TbS Tt&erls Stanudand preni. metm, itb e»Ptktix, Areot c lioiti esIi.-ti 1 lai osnt. ecl tockd Orclsai'd muAnd(ard»lufi- leittwith the bnt.tt vtlety et fruit Iree.. ter. là thse bt,t o etiallng, and i*ttsiV pi». Fd-5otA55 tstesi>asl. Cleesi % tr. -4 Joltit>tofi. . a n aminai renteof 42ffl% tybi litltvet1ry; tbe Lasm Illii expi'a in Apil Lot No. .-Fiti Frt1nsk lwelint HuIloea ïe>dsti tire sud Weil nuiut and Bukitmth>m Stinp, tic .e iw ttoccsiesl. and br;itg An attni ýrcnt ci f140. timmmestlen ettL in lut, Titi. i>dieputahic. 7-. EAMS 0F SALE, CA>SH. titi, te eeunmnce,t 10 'ciock a. in, For furtiîs.r partcuiars, application usay b. 'asti e t I4uoters. Io. h tsio, WîL Onti t IlrtSiijoitory BOrit.r, Whitby. Wbtby-.InV. 4, 184&. 4 SlIea" ry sirTeaun, train 4 te) ô yes Aid, pply attise CiIRUNICLEI'FIE C)e.olber ?rh. 1 3 8'91 CASH FOR 0&ATS. Whltisy, Oc.u. '88.49 CASH 'FOR TIMDS AT TII Stonie 1'iihry, Poit Whitbyr, port Whit hy, Oct. 28. 18983% 42 AliTZP, Tv gàoe4,Jenneym.e 000t - ILBJm, bv 4il#bIIdy1 oeteber 14, leu. 40 WAIErILDUTE& Go, u*uoere t tbe>r kùc TRE CITY QTOU01NTO. Th> Ie w'gppiLy nalri-- situtee b.ligJossèoeeed uotpart ei jpÂlI MT I<!YXBER %lit, tu ttl 1yoî *ortsto, andi desiuatetl oia timiîidr .nsvey t« Lb. uiti iark Jot. mada by ojb . tsars, P. 1'. x.as Loi! 14JM ÈER NI1tËN, roni t4 Ë it i ai t ,iàrel>. tmestl, tiO- nsieln etlite iutrilti tJri uét et tbts dîst,ftO e 0therly Of 1371 foot tram the Ir leeetion or sirvi-t eus .rrart reets'; then nurth 74 dearmc, cet224 fut, 1V!(401 90 9trset; tîeuism uth 16 dearo Meat, atlong thé veet stise cf (le'wgn u4treet t72 ftt t thencea *uth t1 4 ttegreee, iwe>t 12? fret, insueti éa18, te .rvi,. utrcet; thotim n nerth 15 de>aiea alnr the. ust laieoetJ*rtlîit treet. 72 (erg, Cc p1t ofcauuimcnent, lnuilemeerl ogae 0 8Si test ýtrc ac*le. 3arvUs Street & George Streeits ibs<a lu6In Av -Tie North 'est quart r, the #i le th xKa q4artar, cf t44 atse- e Theneso4lte re veli ilat fer tt>Cslis>gI 9pose.bessla a son b i v mrt cf t4ji Ctv, O'iu li elece po; iotito 9ali. 4. W. Ai ian>. pl-issut ir rondi. Tisle% itviiil' ée moi in four e.ovei'alparasiea' &îete. Tii. parebae hshlime ydeve 4tieposît in pnopcrtinn tfo0fefr #svotr £lm oa!plisti'e. m.1us0y' £1«#in evorv £1#*, vutisin on. seoutb vits luteet fcom dey of sale. asd tisebalancte le ou fe qeaitonnuati r.talmnsta itia Intenmosi t? 1ler cent, te la mert by msttage An lthe premimat. asàeii mrtgage ta lie at the exptEust O te Lie nrebaoer. On oach of thoaeetn>ee Tise pare1imers 0th*e Srot portion sol On s-otsreet. sidtl hAU. lh, option ef t'alsg lise sJon4laporton O en lb ause atreel at htie B.oon-Ttu faite*Ing viabepraperty itest iliste TOWl;0 W]IITBY% leleCoIntolt*Ostarino heust S etouhdai eofDecembcr be]t4 Am tihe ur ef Zieten o'elook lus the foreneen, ýbJ t'se curaner,at tise Ofice of thle cndes.tgel 4atre thls Honorable Court> Brook Stre. lnîb.emAldTownoe WilhY, thtpurletfLI o.Il ra thpeudOousmoln et tise Tewnehip« b> oh' shr.F»qire . at VlilegitLota XWt 141, 153,t154, 159 Oui!-10t Efal ef Breek Street, 1en1 beld Plan. Thecm lot. are woll localeS for,:bul 1usj-pIr -p>Uesand wittlu sr1 1isetdsào tm!ie centre iitisa 'I*eve Tiilrel.-T'*bntY aisÃŽ.6F lotn In 2s u lie~ ~ ~ ~b 4ud cf.atuist .ad eewmcpblnur on lthmokîtsei orfaîdê e or îrect, PUNDAS ISTILL FORéO,: B'oots, and Sbhoes <i of Groç"erieç4 Cheap for Casho0 ,a~. OL 4 AIL y, nd alf kitide one pie FOO6M, HIIMILT ON & JO. Bg ci tfttuath tuaI they are cow shewîing Ï largimeont eofNew Dteft Goodâb *~ èd lta ~hawI* ~ Black &Tani y'CassImeres, I'lainel, mater' and Pilots1 Blanktsend Caps$ Alemanders kid Glove.. A Wge' Stock -of Ready-made ClOtbing'l CLTIOMÀD TO ORDER> Oft hé Latest Styles, Rats Bonnets, Riîb inu l overs sthr A ChOie iRBEN AND) Bt.ACiK TAS.- Finoe ectifled Whiskey3 Old Rye Whiskey. famUly Proot *htskey, Pre Malt Whskey, o3b CJJEJP BR Y lE ,IL4RREL Ne. 1 and 2, T1le Buildings, Wbltby, Oct.,18. R 120I.'O AL The Bubsoribers have removed to Neo5 - Laigs I tw Where they' have on sal ë an immrense 1H'*evy, tOC,, enbtueing, everytliing in the: ElIESH GOEU$ HEnd tii aspleuture in ààtidtýcing to hise ustcime, anthpbi3eIrll t>-t hii Ëhtl stock isno elt V '~lR~branchee, oiiiiti Èof, USA&!DY-MÂflE O01X t~RO1RIE, IQIJOJI &.WINES OUOCtBRY A -ÉANIY GLS A'- R t For, a choice séeéedi4f ItES8 G0ODS, inWi]DëeyB, oboigB Lustres, Gais Plut - oesk%,go 1 KiiSeroi;1& fns tt Ffr~~FM d~W.iqq hRoW: Oiiqrlqleqsa, p.opeq¶~ss eta *1 *~ E 1; . 1 . 1 « . 1 1 " t4fl4é t p For a weli asorted stock ôÉt IWBII0ejý DOESK-INSl, CLOT98, WUb~lI - ?4eMLLAN' - - ente!to ft içtpeiÃ" tIt 0OF CL19àl'oTton go w- o For thielâitesit tyIes of tl4W HAS, otoa of tba B Ë~or thé 1aîgéét àlià beilit àmrt4dstoôk ,of FiaBsiH GROOflUiES,ýce à Éot For I iklütiniti b$k Ã"dtLIQlo.S ààlWII'iES. he an di beéWithaù ode bé fbtd in tkeCountyj, ýl, î For a wefl aasor6étistck of (iROOKERy and CL4SWÂRE, goto :Yom., go 3rÇok St. W14ity< sept. àôÃ", i86o T'O OU, R tISTOMIE-RS. &I TIt We " fpleaure in injorm<n y M ftreoeipt of 0w' New,, Sock of ~g,~etm~ogni N~LI. --OATS!1 $rd Cou. Whlithy. 1S099,Ot.71il. I TIAU'MI Whiel we have na màtd O u b ÏewNg3rti0 oU# rar4y aumei<o ~ ~ fréo a' n8ao«eecfadi<t<eè for, buy#ùtV, ombined-zoith o £horoz&gh knowledgc oj tiireqviremenfa of Our w' tomiers, toeG reitsepareZ ta oli yos <oo4é from a laper and weg tzsorted atork iüpid&éà wAh & amuot fai( <o gtve idMi fct on; la Wooke.m e ihave a~1r~ od 2oI,0id mere, Fa"c fr?8 DUIa. gýig in var<etV, < Oloik<ni 48 i IASI whîi Thei %Mwi 'ic

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