Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1863, p. 3

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Exhoibition..- __________ NE'W VM IBEIIMS. N E W ~ V ýtb Me EtÃ"r of Me . $Vitby Aroide. TO LEASE:. NEW tEATIER STORE Sm:-hoFlvoth.Anal Faf PXh j i 6 crse 9 iciNG TRËET ? *ÂBTg ~,ile~o te ra~A.grcîtun1 ocoî, tF K ~teru nf vnarw ,South 160ariý bitimotthenrakýA+lel stcityFoi. N tI.o Fourth concesitîi, a or ciER.,UURU 8fITREErTOROn'TO. 'teu held at Monilia: on Wedneàday, tht, C1r.ut this lutin thon, ailO fraont 12 tuJ 7th Oct. ina' T4e dairy plàce () t10 omre oed. u . :i~ ad Ï âronton aretnj.e, mer ohet AlO-1EGSto goqqîmînt hig riande, and 'the ,dln Mr.Pontonslargo hal. whe Titiie Setui, part of IýntNo. so, in ,ýbett ie 01oood ars~mnawera tunOBt satisfactory. n- bvprmmwher, lie will koop alarge =ret lraliaeIR, due ta mi. Pntn frto iin ai (litrit. Thiafarni ta immodlnîely -i]wt»tîlceiaoko Fetn.fr dh jîmîing the Villagre of Orono. For ternis >' el clcti ttcko mmnanerin which ho pr~Wded penn (ni- the . appy t, ViI< &F ndngwa hep màduRbeep; a,,d tahleg,. benehee, c '-.t- fer the dlsplay ln the hall. There wà, 31M. DANIKL G&LBRAIH. q 1 oonsd.rablo Itnprovement ln -thequantity ~>WQîî LO and ality -ef the articles exhibited ln theo Bowîîî,tville, ()et. 7, 1868. 40wKahn Sik n Trd hall. In horts, cttie. shoep ad in__..i Ahe show baroiIy'camte up ta that or othér Shôeniaer'a Wanâtedi Wbefii lînOwlll8til eohnloe fo01 yeam Wei~ l thosLe who want te fnia money wili Tii folown~ i' to n of aIthesue. A NTEI), rwo Rond jdurneYmen Boot reinoînher *Mare vwitW* foal by -ide--Tht and 2nd, JAltrIy t ot, 9r;bû, lfGSTREB >4oAST WM. BURNS, Tjoio coo,18. ,4 y~ v James Doble:-, Éi. James St. John. lro tot htî.W sehAsrneCm' IndJmiè~ale.Shddn;Wlithýy, ('ctrber 14, 1863. 4 QV TOAéiRONTO, C W aid FIlly-Tot, Charles Ren- Ile , ;72M. James, D#~e. MONEY 10 LEND. - One veRr aid -il tîor Filly-t.lst and 2nd CAPITAL, 4000 JIohn'..Drow. 1 " IE oîîbstrilier ia propq.ri4lte nogeulate - * Foi1 or 1868-%18t, James st. Johin;2nd-1- lnitiieon tIti, aeç-urity of Improvind Real ICRPORATED 1851. , Andrew Hou, . Eatao, rrjtvtîhIe hy lîu.tîLnonit, sproitd over 'n., = * S n-a Ireaq.-lst. Jaunes Valentvno;; iteretî . Oo taTitIibTt f Rend Office, Chnrch fStreet, Tordisîo, 2idOeorge Haidder,; rd Chas, Keelrr. Trht, m1(ncy ceatchtid ant coînpfletioîî et the Withi Agunciea ait avartlie Province. Aged B.ll-1ate Jnhn Allan ; 2nd, GeIn ttile à.â Brnaz9; 8d. Jidn D wAlli ojplientionn maîde te the nbcriber et WnuthaQn, Sd. Jîhr Dcw WoiitiR. Jolkn Aitue w htvinz caaotl ta) net ag Twn.veuir-olti 1311,l -lit, Jng, Thnmipann. 5 ettNlntItin. IM.Airent for thua qContpaîtl-, thebuittai 1gtaitiitotntteyn i Y aringBifl-st Jon-l3lth; 2d, WtItl it 4hy n td 04ihitwa.litiotlititz the, <tniity if Charles, oKeelr. ___________ îtr~ iIi uu.h teddt y Drens Gôods,- 11hJonSWe;2nd, R t> ~ ~Shaw, Joints Thnmin *Srîl. Gen. BrithaOizn. The Cental Tr Ageril ,tdManties, Two year aid Hdifer-hjt and 2nd. Johin Aitptit.nrd 1y m y*ff rh n-niflîiflie tto udrt,tahm tîVublannels, S aid .e - l1t, Wrn.eFergu - urdh iewtlre(4QiO.ltE ?cad,îlankots, On ter ieifer- s,. eg-WEibTERN ASSURANCE Co, rsi.t va;2ndl. (en. Btn-hzon. BERNARD IIALDANG Io ue C1fq %Ja eVTom;1;1n Il tiit ir Amsnrait-e.A traiýsferred, to, or tgocreary. Ho er & C John Allin rticwîjn tii. esen theieic Cmun.Alexander's * Two Ewres-1etý John Alan;-,2nd. *Jact.l oYait, hIrîimh Americtin, ,and Liver. To relt).tcî. S'l X 4et In, 1 ~ ~ rr ~1.jso; rd qari~ Kilr.pool and London Compgnue& A lrg tock. of iR * Twn Ewe L.n g-1at, Chnfrles Reeler JOHN AGNgWy CLOTHING MA 2nd, JMin Alliu =l-tîr.,tu A .gent, Whitluv. cgdR m i(t lal. léeler; 2nd, . i 1 4, 1,4 JOm M'.er; lc. l1 n :t Sh alhclnm1d. Jh li; n.G.Grammar SohooL O - f the 0Latest Stvi mi. Bltte Bonneti Ram TImi-l't Ranti 2nd, Chirleç Keel.A1 -R loCKO llo.tr.-lRt, John Allarj; Qnci, thnni A cluice lot ar GREE.2 Sow-Tht, John Alun. ~ itito ~ aenter. ara ptrtientaniv ALRE TC Joies thnr-1Iînn. 'l~rn'he ,iU:td >e praaeîîî et the begriîning of' AG TC 2nd ('harlam Rpn6i , 3rld .Tihn fln-w. S l .iCI&lfý..L. -B JflS UR ec IT VE B P nRec:fidWiJ ,OdRe htky ln 1h. C4eeteýlst R. 4.'IV1v; 2nd Seot.îry B. of o. S. r hty, theap 1: ~Jnhn Drewr. JAME- ieie, 85 ~ ~S JO NswtN, tNo. 1 anti 12, Tifl'ahBuildlings, Whltby, Oct. 1 ri zen Trnp-lst Jack. Mo-iorn; 12- - Je. Tluomnson. .- th~~%atebmitlenr t yii]l-,]t _______ 2 Daten .Appp-1y,t Wmn. Bid; 2rd - - n4ad0rR. ~Octobt-r tit, 103 S yda, Flqnnel -.1 i Hector A. %Ncean; 5 vda. Fielled Cloti-lst itnd 2nd .A.-W NTD Card. A ~lienry Farn Tanintri ît42 t \Vo1t~ ilnktii..la. - . eLen; Ijn tho. Surrogate Couirt of the O<,Aii t1R~%~. tl1E h usrbr ('overlet-laý anti ýnd P.. witzr.r.Couaty of Ontario. <~'rft 83 Pltltcé worl< Qîtlt - at Malcolm NMcLeuii; R [ ~ 7o aù (eo llit my iae. o Ske ia~ l~tlu-1t .Paiau 2dj lTi1c;~ tedvgtîn î JeaGmec.N o. 3, L aiiîg« S~ide oeaýth A. Mst S. rs ni Tal Va il anaey pcovncetrtJn ana: k H . lq rnwn.- - t kwdcw î<nreWlisl i (.rnad be n>k~q, Sie onpe leather-1st $. Pirit4h ;1 he iithTîwtai1îiW il)th, ieCoutit y A Wher,ýeyhave on sale ani)im 12nuri.. $ . of* qt.ta dit-de st-A. will, on SzttlrIey, ntt;e JVcAT à L ,, IJ 8 J Jt Aet »I Herne et -tand 2nd R. Mayec vet--tthi txt e tn Cooper wnrerite Court hntttnlit lIt11ttii, at Uit, Cent Houe.-, li, t t, min- r-nrperwnr ý-it T. Jlnsn.lii tlip.- lthi@ lront)r Zîiteiu Ilttn I Iè,tLýt' i. The' follnwin"tririrloa were "remmend hw sL,- 1- .itllrlz c t'iI!he n if, tovr'v1iýrIý edl hv tht-lte a fr di treftinnatyyprisetz. ilîiti(;iti Iisti, 1.ilt-i-tet-tton (hîmtt-k hjultit itir- l i hI( ýî1i ir tii ftt- u-rillte tati- George Wl2lliut t., lct- tr ur, ir" t an- nintr.c-r-.Dnuglas îhtIl l hiit1iw , itl ul Jiie Gîtnitick. ui o lo l, .ýjvQjt4il Regil mat dA.* uitttiti 12*,TekDeo-n amc~1 Dti lj .t la,0. i.o AI.TNil, 13R (>C K S T RE ETFlS Cauilaw r nc CahugeM4c0 msolicitor <tir Apjiliitit. 'orthi Warii. twolt-tr iitlî tr M ar, Leann. Ireiipt ofîti verytlu 1- wk out t h ii ef îttti lu!an col h b , !pt.,1 ( Mapie tigr- .JInSSt. John. - ---- . l- 'tp!*air v i,î1,Ste.wîra it [IF ea P. urih. t ,,te t t iles c uer1, Y îrati î Fer tiry erfi try tieti,,o i , nt" . ni' iii- etnc iteticute ail! haj F j L-L II--IM>P J * * Jidrt o irutîPnmo&eMun MLV FAIRBANKS, X IT ORO ILJ Ar îtR Ilenr Retien Le ileieh '! C.r.erILiii SCatthl(à ndiahetr, i J-te ',îahamOctob.-r "22,ILTI 1863,UJNS S.?huthrlantd Ahtiîîîy Mill, Nfnri Tusdy jîa ~~Wttitl)v PA n. ,i Moc..Rk. . xnt nrpga I .&>. MONLY 10 >a r'~1lE subsexiber takes plcasute Th 'ficr i teetroi er nh t t l , t , tlitt t- ict il izA1! ' .t ,ti I rontt $iuîetota$204.0, for 3, at, ornr and th p u-lcg n ral were minable Itrit -hi titra-mc,,t-lit Frt-i-i g a a ne retni P neîlîv th la pay te priz prtil ev n,-hî,u v1.1iiI theijnfDy irarim, o.Fet-4nilt Landsituiin i all itsbranche alwavs have don rvntlV- tPfn 1-.lt wt aîitl eri-a ni the-,exlihiti*n n,,in-cmheqi nre ithe 2Wtetî a3I~i >lterpeptl>h .'uvleitt never kctnw taht-n makini- Oit -lutîa B-tto , hIiy. the (alilshow prise ligt hnw ntirci.(f i e ;ruale unt 12 c'clock,Doecn. tii.>'ar-o ton e-etie. ('oniteqiueutlV theV, -' rln the. riak nofbving ro Ps, a lirgtl shiti- 'of th~eprise ieçt nit ni-f heur nwn Tnckptx. f 7ITRMI3 OF SALE~: ini- else 8t-tW tte-amnint 'ni the Govern- JUîuui-r *io, Ct-t;aten tint rat-m T it 6 hent grantrematin idle in the Trp,,igtîrer's noi ,cre-ititectînoul h. appnove I Niteâ. î bitunuiRfoi-a.'u-oa.i-* a puythuliit the MQIN BOYD, pateswn r plotin pi-ise ofAgri- 1Aac!urtuieu Ztau.e Wtui.aià cultwtlisits at lettinn times dnn't atriând Wlthu it,1,16.4 botter tnopr Intpetsai ien electeti. The, ______ i Township pioîighIng mtih milI tuuie plae n >'îesîtîfte 27t1h imt. on lfm. Jas, Toehe'sferm, Lot 9, 5 Con., - t EO, BRABAZON sect, - - ilvock, oct. s i R63.- Tho Ontania Ativoate %will oblige Iby -- 4 n aottr iw a wuintip ecing- hi@ coa. -NOTICE, psn>' an. marning, spiecioeaprivaue ahonte Conntv r -fitîarin, 8 $lertbygle#on. that an shirt iwu sadi>' begriàmed, Ptlc ii i 1Ajoud auin PtikQnartter S*eii*uî t-iflite Peu-ca itand for tie OnFlyn Il ' clled onàt the. Cattain, U Ijtilt 1 t titittu i li he oiifltit the Liuirt Bore, yen honer 10 promptl>' responded loiuiithi. tuîn of Witiby, an Pat, with bit Ii:nd to hus a a. -i Iow Saturday, Oct. 17, A. D., 1863b ?" tundred 6 A> Eeveno'rn(,k-a n.,fortuie pîîrpîste of Ait- 41 cr."Tcuntyiightjic/tetlt aU the tut-tiei.he&etuuiiiîuAf çtunsalbuesailtor s1er ae rejoluitde r. tther natterm a-.mn-s bo tison aud there brooglit he icheileiCmayae aina- rn, eonta ior the immedisecnluto oi another iret clamas steamer for the. Une between Montreail ant Qebc - -The Duie.oi Marbornc5h hsn sent 1000e guaneu t.- e'Roelfeî I'uifrmaryi at Oxirud, being the~ preceeds ai -tees-tram -> visitons te - Ilenheim Paaco andth «irdens. A . cuntry editon, ?rasîsing pszeso pqli iian euied iim 1"oe odr the :cleï'- ~îf~i~w t~~ oer iitd abat to a 14y o.r abot t*ailclgar& - lier r>' $$eher uT4prtai hinselt 'îbihlypooiesd nth fthe TIlîan piiti and - .nk Wode how thoy like eechér- n oTti-sday afternoon, abont Liii-. d4 i 'iaulinfoô-the Rideauý L A as .o;umàc.e utside et Ottawa DelorIl J A t.monr. f thkef b.Pouî.c O w Ilttt-y, Oct. 1,iii40 CREDIT SALE r[LL BIiOt)BY Oh, LotN( No 1ji ithe OIConesion cefthLe TUESDAYtOCT. 27thf, 188, Thu folwi.t-gprcperty belouging te SOL'OMON SOLITT7, ilier*., 9 yie5M, .1 ILrIZ 4yerad 1 Calt, 8 v glecli ,,3EMENTS. 'lovieu,ý 0Kit( &DEd-m d (;Iotlîing ts. Ribbuns, Flower, Featicu-, &C. EAM IL Y G ROCERIES. -N AND- BIIACK TEAS. r, Fitiniiy Proal Whiskey, Pure Mialt Whis- t-y the Barrmel. >VAL havte realovied to - 's1 Bldin Hgs, mmerise Heavy Stock, embracing ng in the e lange aesrtmnoaf Newr lothis, & Fanecy Cassimeres, weedg & -Vancy Coatinge. Deayere and Pilote, Ilats and Caps, Pur., loves. 'JAS. RIEsNG IêTATIONS LT u n ai-nouncing to bis customers, 11, bis Fait stock is now repiete a (ur(VISTTYL-u-I-u bOOt eSG ROCE RIES, LIQIJORS & WINES, diiao t hr aral lrg tt re. - CROCKJERY -AND- GLASSWARE.. Pal & Wiuter Boots & Shoesi Lailea',genîine'q uiidrenii BSotand For a Choice selection of DIIESS'GOODS, ln Winceys, Cobourgs, 9C'itp Ibr C4ahl. I41stresi Gala Plaids, Merinoes,- &Cq go to [ton an extra utiticle, Chuttp, and a gnod fit, Try McMILLAN'S.. Ir AMES BAIN, - At tho l e d(l S tore. Wîtlbvcph.10,863. ~ torawell assorted stock of TWEELOS, DOESKINBCOTI, IL- -- -I1jLNU OATS!1 OATS! T Il E t hueriber 1% prt-pured to bey anyl quert- tîy ilt-chits, et tito IW%'IGflEST CASH PRICE, DelivcTctl ili Wliîitlî, or ai MoGowguls Mill, 3rd Cout Whittîy. *C. >ETI :Ko. 4, Laing'e Builcluor Whilth, Oct. 7,18684 TgRR.AP1X. RESTAT1R I-Tt 9Kngstreet Bas te J tlT reootad, -Per Exprese,, -tt h. abave esablisheiment, a spitudil lot of ciove- Patridges, Wiid Docks, and- Venîsoît- SHELL AND CAN- OYSTERS, Ltbtr~ Whclteisu ad Ret ait, 99 CARLISLE &iMcCQNKEY, 1 C., -go 10 Pot; a superio SUIT 0F CLOTHES, go to a perfect it,4-or no Sale, YoiY týé atestStyles of INEW HATÃœS, go-to For tûe 1largest anti best assorted stock TO Il E LADIS FW IT Bon nets! Bonnetsl Bônnetf Je W. OWÂN OIIÂWJ l lare just received direct frOxn1 eloes, London, One- Case- Fancy Millin ey BONNET Orle " Bliack Cira,,pe, The prices ranige from $ 4 0 t 5 T e s a e r newest, and the style upro r Toe adi arna e w i prices are fully one-fourth less. Owin i-o the whole 6f their Beg personally selected, and boigi classes Of GOOds are offered suffic.iently distant buyers. 1 Oskawa, ais rot-or Oshawa, October 7th, 1863. afo cencj Prince A1~ Il U ~1,1dIIIM~~JUhI11I O'~SECND DAY - 0Wleltby Parsa of 0100, wti t iitt ta k e o f $ 2 , , fo r xlt.t tli rii ta lo n f t10 1 a oll e :l The subscriber, in announcing -the tftr1 of his F'all Stoc'k Of thua8 ousenmi iund uiiieo - mares, mnie ltIs, T. (.7 %V . ti Inukeeper!or Per*e or 87j, for'ali aec- FA M [ Y G oeE JE S On&alldiuiisttîîgltersat.î tat neai-tîaat 2.50; F A N R Y G R OCEh.l 8 Tr l'unso ci *s5ofui r altgracci Oe het nover won -pitra. or attikac beforu this date, 1 mile, aCinj,.i R ULE.2 41ÉEULTrioiÏ. ~I~ ! S ~ ~S îi ctbories tn)niikattfloiî, noitt esa thiti - î ahovo n rýea ta hac rugieccorqingte rlitlouuDÉ tua Cut i a ntrios to cid ý irt ii Begs to msure customers that;,having Weted the, same person- nedoce eu, iliretîli t i wtitî alIy in the Montreal Markets, he is p"sared- to- offer a first-rate races Alo crid il n; etiir>t tc i article at a xuoderatprice. p-nc actît euorio u rifules. i£orut - ftnl baileec. Ataeg l ha e nlioroc tai 'j'E AS---C hoi ce Yo ut ng Hton & Black, :4s. the opet by paying idileaent80an ney. JOIIN JIAlM PERRY COFFEES-Pine Java, Rio ant Daili#n.1l. -6d. and Is-. 3d- IAE9i nd Trct3. C. ROBERirs, Whitlt-. sept..1It5 1801,3' g WhtySpt 0,163 kof Ifamilton andl-?ober, 1------- ____ Set80 86.28 SnI<RÂY COLT. c onA M. 1 nb O Itue 'cro i. of Uxllriï . o, TO OUR C'iUSTOMIERS &IIE PUB LIC. h ih fti Tltltu akbal 0: Wýh étar-ônit -frheadj« Tih. 0w noir cii We talce plea8ure in injormY you tMai we aile iaeth ine, I)y «[rovilug froportyai In théo explifo r th isiV.ie >u ý?(- inrmv-four New k;àkà otfoio lio ii e.4zéifra'duu- the r, Saptîtabe r, sat 113.4tichte.3lb 7tg Wkick we have no doubit wîl1b l b11d.eerving your EXTENSIVE eair4a attention; asjfrom our unaedfczri8 for buying, combined witk a M4gk tnweeOf L ~'for àw to eàsh in Britàin, repay a visit frý W.COWAN, Whitby- Ra es, 3! , 111 te, ÃŽ Et ING op 1i - ONTU)T URF CLI~ WIn coin. ail acer t Iurf Wili 3i nat 0Cr. 22iua1 and 2r 8~ the FIRST DMY. -- the LàWtfeS,ý P*Unie 4e» , ,r otr aatt a n t I d as o a i i n t I h Q d a t e ( r I Ni i t b i l l I, l i a tii0Cotntit îrI O it. 1 Nonrtiunborîipdtnt! Duiriit, ao oeVictortiia 1,l1. ita T ahip o Mrirkaai or;m mleelezua4.C iV. he-û r1Yiflt!<ero -ai-a (mu- nove r eÇitnfr ch- rom ceatla,) milehe jhaicpwiIik Provi letsPlire of 100s' for all'erov*ncr breil liur.«Og Miloe Ioteat, litîndi'ap iriglîts., itlerchmuts49Pnrsd c 8orf' ni.trt 'et-t. tiutr "Jhî"ea wizîal in tha- Ceentie.. rnttntioidd 11t1 i4trace, 1 inile -Z'i r6. 3W Stier Cep *vained t 2,1b~ ilhne- w agetti& (iUooda from ,aIlagan ell assorWe 8toral, atprce6 l ich <tannotfaewels8atlil5acteiz We uo ald inv ite zour 8 ateiOour amorlment <4gir14, mazd , t,ýn COU0,Dresst in Woolens ee have 8uper oad Olotha, Casi-' - meres, .banci,' 7weedulA-yoaig, READY,ÂDELOTHiING,, Anetrey and. ai, prea fable' othle buyer, Olthiny maÛ eto orde> Ã"op#emiqp8 by firati*ï ciciesworkmnen. -Aiy ueal, ol ck of eoill befound lau-ge; and o/li81de8cript ion. ln Teas-and'(iOffe4 WCehave a & "",-todkfre8h and- fraran grpdrate prie O/ the be8t. Chtýna,- Crocker# z Glasaware ehe -Proofof-wkich we inte à anil Yours frmefe flTfl~1 an LOI~ Farm s ck[1impîeràentg', .&ci Wilil bu slui b> I'ttîhici,"xoteao Tuesday, Odtober.20th, 8e IIK. 'iIM- n I0~ 4' pa -ir le!SI ieh, 4 5&M rle Stec ,ig~ l,- , i t -t 1- f i itt4e.ittîi iPt~,ithm i t ~ - - t. t~J - lfnrîid1is< t- f1il~ i-nos, If îdrnl u 4 frit> - I t-tf f itiV i. ici-I uit-nf -i. - I 1>1 [tt0itiflOitf~u J- i -- -uit- --ut-- --.--- ~t~f*f - fi i ---.hi -îuiv t- - Il - h - - i - - -'-t' Por amnnt tc oft LIQU0,R and -WLNES. cheaper an' 1.tte than cRu nbce fonuid'xn thbu nnty; ,go to For a. t'lliiao~4stloc3k of 0RAYû xw~ff t*ttt - ~t- t --h as, h r- ---I. ---r, Oshawa,.4 Oshawa, Oc.tober 7th, 1863. Cà. 4"W 90( now 1- of FIRESH GROý . t ý 1 Clotlling! 1

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