Teety tus muis j- Mautagor. lii t-il Sllalto &é. mue. Bu3inlga FRON ~i's i A? IiAW, hutb~Cm W. i4tl~y. ga. - colltiel6îNtitFOR fiaeaiIftilt, Lâh11, Pin ibie nd leatie6i,t nç Stibt, nofy ppu*lte mut-d ddItiae ailI to.- f 8 sund cosmhisfoer lu Q. bts coliéateiI autho nnAt iui! promp't célittue- reêt~Whtby~- - 44 rUDs'IISIQOC(JURT rige. Addrumi,VUxbitie, pstIl- ro 1'lit-- «STREET, M. W ITflY -Wéat, - - --p --r L rte Mî 'WRITBY4,- JAXW {JlO<JKE, froputetor. tÃrougbont, and. vowin iipertur- ordr foro thé ié.*oe#U of guextà and travelors. Tri- ~ves1urnra à rjnîi dtdMéé1*111l 1iMtirnl the inut ionvéulot ht utopg Iamilà nd>,can bc furututi- éd with ovirV déstrit jetaormetton, Téshln ,di éo tted up -ltià aatt pértollr munner, sud tii yard xatly enclosèci wittr gte-,,B4 Wnîism, Lqum ansd CiptB. Chi and ttaniré <Oojta. JAMES 0ROtCK1W WhlltbY., sept. e%, 1898,.li 0 sUr Wtô I. Clark.) DitJlv gtaoeéu to h Xob, jnp.Whltby. and Qasbsa. 2 GLOBE HOTYVL rpREd n iln rv<êwsIl kmownt Id 6atllya th.- Rntot! sUd proises o o1! jii &é.4 ooamfortalIttfiuwl up paînted,,paperoal, d&é ,$U usur'au'sft étrtuywvi f 04 é0ory iqudru tnitoVenient W ititaké the rivelléw - hom du4r hiilit ty. and the Tablé bouutiflt- li muppl lad st ait litîea. NÃ"éýtioe4t Farmers and Othiefl ,#'r iffygà loit or harrél, cNasiietui G]lles'ô. I. .: tlg-plerft Exttra E.étlii4 <t*e, vo. ht Pue.. Sherry1 aga 4f lt 1rindy for te sui, with ms lt id tiquors and <(tmCr* of the 'est randot. ÂttautWoOmt .1, and Hors.. to JUréo. -LA. siMA NDER Bréoklit, jau. 91 th, 168. 4 SITIÈ E OUSE., ISAAC FtNiTON, B tr? Wiaomuind iqore; ..ntirlir arcon masiotn ter traee'les; <OA st-abiimg snd attentive tmuétléc. 16 ALi3ION HOT EL. BART WINDSOR hIOUSE, WV1UITBY, vwu. eÀAeVs. ritortisvolt- I etired paraat t-hé Town, onuthiéfront rond. (loua! gScciuntxatién toc r tvélloi'a. oud Stabline anda ttéend vee stlersç. et VICTORIA ROTEL., W IlLIA'it SQAtr, PnlitETOIt L amé Woa. htaytéus.) fitt euîajiriér Imitttu.ilte t-l îavé nAd ,va.r-,eêénaixiaa î)lo totui tnae!iiim pula)lir- atre 4uni m"le. Clouai tabhiar rma'l-Am-lei haitlié tra-eltiigtt a11lîe atholit hma$ uvra- lyppaaeréa. pelmfr ! n frîisheal at4sthmva-- t-bt- tlia, travefil ij y aff-mtuiiiti e*t1i Smad cona- fovtahiéeacormîrimhru1ii--ialit uîtoctuts rst-ea. Tire table ha e*el mnifmîhpiét iata eurýthiug lut spi somn. dont imtra nttandluieu stmr.aeia spot.JOiN f.%WlCîtEY tiN1e»t UOTFEL. '111 li mutl ssallmaIS'atuterh aal iiOra5,sc 1.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I évîvseataimitai.las beén ncraly ft-!.puilre,10vatara. BmnviCliqaora, a-rhcir 27 PrnpriaeWmi. CAIÇfÊO0i MOTEL,_ jradôoemmodatioimffer Travelerm. - .CUTHBIÈA.T fri«tida¶siad thé travelling paabilea,that bu lias taken eléthv ell kaovo trotel, anra trusts la> stictl utantina lbuiuiaeg, and! la éuflaisoriia te do ail iniiilaispoier tocr théc coni- tortan ena muen1énea uf<cueimis, t-o auurit-n share of P"biePatd'ýW Goo. Clu-i L i imdigare. Couf fable aa= d4uiltou fer msuiaaîdinrue. An tvmir c' atu Otel* in ai a- 1 ailsuihis; Ut29,1861. S. CONWAY, IuOVdÈ HOTEt. lrfËiI bOfrI QIý, JITE OP THIt#01Ç- 0 qtn Iotil. sund trnierW uof Whitl3v, it- nounots lu hi§ frIeudu sud t6tiubiie, thast.hé heu reuted themiiv w b-rêI otlwbil le nov ht i rpt rate order for' ihe reeoin uf Rg sWlnce,çL4qend sdi<gars. Gpod g tà blil a h iAttentv Ostiét. J- - Il ubérlb.r hig ma 0 à ,thé abyve if 1 T kulw ovprmssutti t4 if'f ut ilnt 117Z i*p raed for, awaitiig thie aritisiléf the ovuItlys bY the (arx Féut or-W.tGoI Sta&bipýg, and ssrofei attention. :Wbithty, April st, lm. -P me»,PIAN 3 FOR SALL 1ï tng andl Shed r, adisstd ttMié OistIerm, Thé lass. or s4IU0h ThecPumss %v oe ewIy renovoedc. ~~~r 1waq0ttýan ae io I te es o ode [otUteyr- bot-vuit V I T O ! A t-OT .EL, pski6g ofttia sung. théeroéÀ i VICT 'RI 11,,TE ceiviot am.s ahanée tttieed, iu viarrusA éR<flti1 éSinf. tunts ofimyiuue,-un ttssiil b viev nature lunal th ïa»ty ROBERT COWAN, - Pmroet-or. yéar. TM vvecainîea-im jia., Sait -rrIgà mbo~veîtl-knuevuo!d 'stau>d iés bendntwterntii;nul-a byea 1reuivsusd, and newly ara'ai 10501he 1 rtuo)n 4ngblumim, Ftleêi r pm-Itaîorun asgou o mmoi~7e,-hamaclesfwt a aolilo Tténueý 1 au t mutéobtà lneal mmn t sny latel tlirou>stli tai't i istéudif,>th te test- thpi CObatv.- Gnod Liqutier. a 'ellsîltetpaittthoir-artiioitym eevry tahkt, Mxettent roiu'y stabttug. Cive ma~utiiérgit5ci raarl emil, nd>don't pasis hÃa by. - iîpy îatii1 lest t stoliucatst sangs, or t.!-,tat tzetheau Uns Rnrmmhu. uid t1 te inîvuuld'.hmli RUSS E1 if, S IIOTEL. j -Q 19l13Ec. uauné ism~li~theP- i> taoprize. thirtfrîends'and Patto'n#i, that tllwy lim-nI- rolnghly vanovaoci the3r tghltlitntit (lil ariý,ij thé l~iot, -whtab eniblea theuî nuis ýaofferto thie21b od théet.*tature, auj the.Tri- té aanéûhý«bimftlr accommnodatiou. Tu badté t'O ath" apartlments tbav hi lait Win- tlec irle>rti ov 0flomaai elrmiaji lr.1 tt'tééesir tnee ite!. vWbteli. forr aumfonî en(, Conenceorec ni4nrpà pmIV uJ éthé City. -Wx lRussriLL & SOIN. NoI Rn Htel Cân*i1u-gton. 'ni~me ton lnr humuiîée I t utM' eur ably knowrn bute!, hburenderéd itt met!émiaru'or -tlteAUiiIbrtni4i4lr ethepreutmie*. T1, bis îdoue, P10 a éoui! t-rab. étnt-. And mail. athav itet-Aau r an i>pl*vveentm, ta. sacure oïWtiftifthier thoe "Ml~rt nm tua oMttonis ofîuu hi. ieah.t hétabé lu xam praevided itlu tim l~tiiau nan Donénébut I'lletbratalmu ut WI,îsm sud 1lAqalomuképt 01nthe Pi-emls"a.- Tavaekemma pp!tad vhollemm. 0ive a Cali eM yvmu pea. Bob the renowm,îd O'tîar. slwiîy la f 11attend. suéce, -euté,l hi-Diek, té tak ctharge ofmttemo. JOII<WARTI <'aunlugtu. (out. "rdi, 1>41. 41 To the. Travelling Public. y t giîw~, iiithe ii o'o tylé, i1-îo< reparai -. o '.m i' aIl ths *honaire Milà ia cmIiilie lîmiesidu keepîîml notbul ut à TUB BhICT 0P LIQIJORS à C1GA1à Andi bl^ bawill Ibo fotniish.d wt!' &111 the deLa>c1f h easori. An ut'entle'e (Sttèr solvsyoun aud. Ttvwîô vin> imvmrbltwtthi Mi rusy ra-v unponhtu amfei.bys<nu- #DNoadsm ss Weil Atti fd te FPsonsI, MiyîWlut19 WOON Q I1 IE L. MIL ýKALUFF9ANN ~"144, Bay Etroot Toronto. ALT %EOAlteaii 'îuw 1» lieA îm large iLorsmall quniititiés4, atthli Whîtbv Breworv. N-ortk Britsh and iMercantile- lire & Life Insurance Com'y. Whit-by, Sm1it. 7,1841. Su-ly1 mit. B. L. 8R!iQW, JtoutreatC. P. ('otlý,lEt .' nS de tnr t'uislishcts,,Mer- Ikie Pite IY!iayituaiitotlimr, in motelt Qnuèbt-. Otttawa, and Toronto, anmd mther plimes qIn ým.um!m. Al colliéet!oqum dci> repu: t- éd, sud procèeltprbtnptty pîid over. L &ddrgsa colll[nuuimatiocm. Y -1o"utremai Ga- zotie( ifItu. Rxrzîamcsa-Lýmwe &Chaubertin Propiltors Montres! Gaie; JiAlin Loveit, i'uhlishbr Comatun Directou-Y, &e.9 &2., Mon- tre;;R. & A. Milîcu, Wiiil(txtdeé Bouaeiller» and StaithWrm, Mar tres! s,,! Toonto. Sionitrés>, Septémuber Ott), 1492. 85-1> SoLICITOR, &C., &cé TT AS lRxmo*'ih)sîi I..15fe. to tertu .L ehmituherm, o1w U',ne Duo r Soi oruthe Whitby, Jan. 28, 1-842. 2 DOLPUI I SLOOpr N5k? TO TRB3 ItYAL LYÇEt;i MinKp LN$treét, Torornto, ~Pré. Unoh éverç événfu. 5-1lY FA TtEI' This » rmla taéuil gin of LakeaIimooé lak* and uerrpvs la L'iATHI.IlEly. ine , uuaremitiema. P l39 i ser e air ruai thérudély>-rovshîl or îIf0.lu itltmi e mileri biatfac 0a -Y pr4>speit-ai0"oe or tlaefsirusit ai natîis wrknaan ht ar ecr pffi ueti Jama upe'or meta&'itiet- 7 iaoemrbardls éxcî-ptad vîmu iîià sit eruml hr.igs-1 litati iittiinuy anad vau tadeu n y val k, thé y hamit aItîar momnent'q avent uériuai heaîe vittititili ai OjéteWhet ai limtir et iia'piramtiiiîi tir a p"ril imte ulttaimlirag-r mi lemuimrt Ta18 e>Jlaiéu mong isatime aaltrk f 111).,uturuuiona' e ' ué, pet-, hop$. h but prx.r!y maaîvscmi ht itughî l'ave béés expeét-éd friiti ti i *cne. Che t-ami ut ultieriiniylu' isu tnre ésd - tethé olil -unué 'Ettrk Bati#,' btilt ba& boeuc iéu miiées iset ta uertummustlx sueti asu ijobî,nteliî myý - r.eu Mis% Irmrbe' rmréwélté : iltm' eTwaé-n-déwy &1 eliisre greit4t ql lika lîstit-ha PWsI$40a*, -Titue p11u>rr waupn'd rollad . OO1, Andl b-.ru is fragratisévte"$ dà de In erty 'ie lîithbe iItil sau Alntue îlt'iing emliéamu' i.whII.> Erecpt wJtrgreén-loodechm oà #i ,t Wttk eriarleges otop 1J aniard atray'dt My Iimat rm"éoet! ln ttirlre'sjo! WA im,ueitigin lu slénéy glotte, Aniaduai (ur t eataanuauaîte apy: lierà ,ir litaio aiei-ss ,t r .ile; llertet-iau witlApmrd, pruamiîtathy. lk-î-t, tue IAa' ~ tluhnl Fuir ït-.Isimmriona lh,isaiy Uyv,- AuJ , weèmt i.i ilgltuà Autuiné aittît, Wtinii n-ranx lronirli thé 5srmé1ii g*Ypir Oir a-ai.l'riimg la fimé lunieIy witd- Bat ceosas ru,nteesd-lgéta aThit, ail1liuer jls ýe. dao mnipfles, Erén d'anataî tisr e e-fihuai'. ,1'd, 1175ba oiil èa~-aelmy 011, lui Àlîmîhoaae"Wty~ *bdi t-ie Tlmusgfahetta-c' l a ietav Tinta r n cause tr o lrIuadl Thé hua le l'-ilu inhoema wiausl mgae~bla .i WAlm .m4h~rl -- i1itraturc., Leaven icom theé Daary or' a Law-Cém-k. Thé leuf whch 1[arn abut to transcribe wili hé toanilonty, Lu a sligbi degreé, t-be record out mv ovu per-rosat observation; but 1 du ual thé lésa feet confident in it goieratauracyiaauiabh, as Iny inter. intsecoulti have bai no rmotive toc mysti. tyn raét n me-m pustalate of gréai importance in estinîating thé crédibi-.' -1 hj -of the é lt mutirtby persans. Theré, are Ueeor t-vo blanka iii théearraIv vhich t rni.bt indeeti inteneuitiizlhIl fié pi but- tbiS 1 bave uo douhi thé roler mil do, quie-s véhl for him or herseit. Mr. sud Mrs. Reéves, vere-I believe botta datives of Cliftan, Bristol certain. le thé huabsuil vas théý son andl suIe off- mping of a isealthy, but- sorewhat-teébté., mindéil gentlean, iho ýbai long reside4 tbel-e. E dad Reeves vas tbe issue ut a second tmérriage, andibis tather- iag ain a ihiluer et- thé agéetf irtytbree : Ln lési titan tise jéars ataeu'vu-s-halug been, -1 suppose isonilerfhly .hppy ýiiibis choice. utprénom aiursiu,4goal- loaau rètured-rash gamüesterI -fut a t-ird priméin.- lssiiocuabial blottory, andI dmev-a vdids' -WNe. lir. Lllds,-t-hé banilsouneat, live*'st -.4 pooriet-6f t-vo- astèr;erhec sle iseatis,'ber' billant eyes ber ilver longue. ber Itur smilie, --AU4 t-vo-Sué childien-hoja-' Aies 1the brilli.- aut leyes, -thé silvèr toifgtto, -be Houri, si en éa by the lght ýôf commullis,, istth at instanc, davatesiupéu the allarlalléhlalbonlii, - Int- séaltil les. than a fdrtiibIt tr t h apy5 iiume proved h eel b .aéré sbà ese..à lMaoicqui -olaboraste deueit. À dissairou uidoit bi4 youg, geotly.unurod'wlk.- mltui,' r site! Peace, Progrms., Knowlédgel, Brotheritooti. OCTOBER -la, t863. apPlied Edisard Réeves IYés, yes, I kmow; Mca Houston X4idela ' Cocioulneas, snd convéy- halt-a.dozen others iseré ut thé Party--a- 1 th r eaeing ut thé viti gsy assemblage, Mabeli whic-yur vulgar béýeérs vent their bî0.her msy not profane hy a tua close tt thé tiny> segment of thé appruacb. But ibhis bé-riagleteci bé.wbie. lre in which thé incident keréti gentleman I upéak ut, vas viih you ; ved again pretty ituch iu sifecteti to ba coucious ut nu othérs pré. --except iudéed as regarded sencére; walked whispered, whispered, ai ý sou andl thosé dépendent yaur idé-sud you, Mabél, yôca giled cpon -é auré éverybody said it bis insulting courtnsiés t Mabél,1' continu. as will-alowislght tub. e-4 thé éxcitéd yeucîg min, Èter vaint>, itimate beir; but evérybody waiting a fév moments for a repiy, 99 Me- .ocaly or tas'niagly, as thé bat, you du nouiausiser. Onc-onceéIl' ~on thé fà Lr sud tortun2te hé added iu a chsugéd and toiser toue, but v4 boby,, that noulul. cheéa'* déret sud désuly as thea htssin.C ufason- anssd gsily quatteti ber peut. I Once ase tiiligbt vwu talliug, I ~prty tbtlu lczaiuîIsly dis- cacgbî a nearer tieiv of bis face, aud it edta about tvéuty.five fiaed througb rue thai I hsd semi it hé. ide thé pérsoumels,sud. toré ; that-1baittiu, t coold not hé Intell ta thées'idaw, viîb ta suppose thatifLI'dhr murdcréd idthér's La fier auna, unies. shé uthér- child veré- .,,.y wihî: éven prétty ile "9 oaIsuisbd l4 lait 30é ber grsndfaîtlr c vs.so waf! bréal myheart," is unot left sau . izlcb as s a Nyforgivé thé, Mabl," ezélémét the brother vitb sutideu révulsions u of fI-l tle ggucerninz thé lagnlly ing, m, turgivé thé btaspieuiang thongbitfoc îây utriug thé folloaing ten a marnent irongd you. Dear cbild bois 'bat Édward Ilééve& neyer caulci I hé so maul 7" îvréed thé shock inflcted hy Daar Jouathan, déar brother t1, mcc- Ili andi that bis cette. a rnéék déréd thé véeping girt, ami ber head gwornan, biit, Ilk ber hus. sar.k upan tus shonideri but ber eyes, bu alri4 cé or energy ut char. noticed, vweré steatily averted, as if - Pa bis wf.arià ig grléfanti ré t ' ended stels by stép ik p ature graveê. They w.~ v u ndersîocd sotueisbui W ? i vO unrttreiseekt utId' t-bei bnlghtér mmd ho fotur ihosé acaral pe- th o urs eere 50 drear 5a GuI yoevd vith uloulferug houés, sud hopos &bd breaking hoarts. Ne' 1 etath ie precise gradtions of -the social acalo passai thcomgh by tuabe tarnhly, tilt, ai the peri- ai r. and mothef's descéaae1 thef as Wpoorlyýfmthed second qlo it -é t re Scet, Bristol, ieryu> post-. stbf hm. t tancy, boisévér, ce- momabMring té haié béard that business ut jpme sont WUasattempteil by tÈdward Rea- Mé, iih Uaéy obtuiiuelthraalgh thé ln- terventiosn-ot lis. Itohînsun, thé usunping légateas' ito n a véry ilécémit pérsonm We me a"di lthousgh trota interiarity ut vuorldly cle,ébtsance, graîly lu awé of ber 1 , ky ellative Be thia cou'rct or mat, Jpuatlmau94ei 4 ail beén pprenticéil tu aI vacýintjIewehIerîmandishétu'bis parents dieci 'gas wsi llrmontb utf fiuisbigg h#timé. 1444q, Ivo jeana ber brotber'a jitaion'hs4nul then left ber pour homo; cbaind ,ï * m rt rr lé!ad ir u, aéevas b1love for Pmrèuts, ilmuégb treqéeut-ly ut. férlable issyluan, by sympathie- li Lumasi'baag for secb ligbî .èoeé~oupeder. That linzr ~pped, smuilt-b afair gic's ftrembled at lWgtÉlî upuai ufht w a trou.- Itvas easy Itan te t" et _gering mlastia gra«tes -ýligb ïw nrouuiel ocîline af ber char ut -g ïG e i elicately tain, pale rosé -ta .à rdesans, wticb, lit meeuly cp warib DIs ue in~ arîtishnined aib wià .ali golden bain, causeil thé dolle> kvisiôneuilpaiser-by ta panse in ln- stiuctîi4o dmi'dtt of the beauteous av-ow et, St~t i îiimed tram the baud ut Gohm Ãth >aianî aîith thé acagel light- of Ilse-- onathan vas net nncomuehy,i hutit I d cut-su stcungly carakeil vas - t- obn t butireen thé sottibré, &a - 6 siencé utbis aspect, and thé a t+ uni, thé almoat lufautine AÙ ty o -f lhé-to betiéve îhey vere sùc _rt 'res. Xet vere tbmry truie andilI-g a aD'f. Jonatbhan Reeov o bis b.? dd il mithinga-eve on aey t iva a4,dfp tdéeafes as t vs COfDU eulý mad' nuldisposition sthé> diti bals 111. Theni proibuds uiPsil eIîj ii) o,' sib vvrpo'kd -#ýe genè 4llyp l tt.ral pmerobeh ii iMy, Ot~-br1a4e>+ vith b a nbilr Houa.' ty, é0hipp .e biut'luysamil ad u cOin pSu4 bis- Nsbomsý4 rest ly dicthikt'bsewl gah. ly 4o Ab a d prm erbvidow Ret, 'Ahe~ n1ie dcivil ii fà lng, lms vt £1 ain cash as iré, ai tiges, déér Ma- mnl aid thé brother, atter a tengiheéei silence, îIlasud utter isards ithhout sensé or purposé. Bullwviwll tub uofthiis malter catrnty, visély1 as triérmdlewa orphaés Lu this bal vocîti uoutd. You sireet sister, pusem, in a peeieldegree, te dangeroffl gift *ot beanty : men sncb as with wbam I saw juein esgér couaverte, loak upon b.auiy li ontclau ut auulety asu a toy, Il Our' cls nesociety,"m ecliceil abet, flushiug scacbet-; sucely ire sre as veit bain,out inuege as reputablé, as auj cf bics Iloustan's frienda or visita-. Thé différence beivéen us la lit au accident out riches oily---othing elce.' Or 0f t>hes ouly-nothing eise!'11,aheat. éd Jonathan Rers, vithea reneirei par- oxysue uf anger miugled iL avlitcouru, and casting bis liter -off as hé apcaug imupsîn- ouhy tu bis fepi. .m iches duly," qiiotb shé, as Lt-gi-est; dot u-riches vecé îaot thé be-al sud thé cuti-ut utft-is nethér world. Thé prime distinction beîarnn bae sud noble -vice sud virué-anid did nul scnder mon uas vléy asearî thft beéavéml Riches ont# tocsoutbhlh{ark je, girll, lie aalded, Il jon are on thé vergeéuor a préci- pice, asudi by beaven---m Hé spokie toI deat cars. Mabe-héïd fainteti. As souul se ab vas ,susfcâ.nily récuoréti, a havit coach vusa calléal,-and Joathîan éscocteil ber ta Ctiftoui, thé e- 1 lénoma bélveén thean unly broketén b> auc- tuaI"41gooai uighi." Thé uett dagy lae ge.ve Mma s, tnsia wittami notice tbalt1 on itas ssoon apparent thai Ilttbi l Ieévés vas Utrernoty averse ta campllamée with ber: brather'a vishes or ddifadu. She grée- dm1, mlancboly, absnt audi téurved Lun tiacaer, and iappeareil ta dnoad that- tilI abb attaineil ber majarity, sud, il ven tci a, ishole tvelvemonih outîhat-,-heisould, hé little botter tIbm a. prisuner, ln bis hanse. A day or tisa bétoré: thé expira- tion ut' thé atipttlaatéd tarin, thé brotelbe e ceireil ahurrielly, @crawlaed note troue lim lloustoiu i abel ballil lI-T* tLondons Il vasasviterumioreil, but isith *bom (if -vitb eyboiy)', nohody tounlilon jectuare She. bibeen goné Éie or'six houri hé. futé thé diseiovery v adcse. FLuialty, Mrs, Houstun vishéi ta o sie. Mcm Reeves Thé brother tare- t-lié note t&iunsi, andl spéil'Off viîb tçSauîié ipéed towardas Cltian.. fletore Mca. Roasiatouj 'a psinfutty agitasteilcautd utter iA word,; . Jonathan hleevés broké lu -Iî ù Tosé vipère ( the Hallilsysi mut eéui c nthé, habitai viiiug. hère. Juisdthé- ouag est- tetlty. la4; th" S oV -y - TYes, ,eertainiy' fbey arébui-w-l Hé dii hot aait thé coucllsioui.of tt th thé sentemice, asud ina minuté de t t-sq li iîs thcdrcga temaufiift oithe 'do- vager ,ià fm*Raeves. neé4servant -isba apenéd the dont vas immeoiiatehy abru#t a.0 aide, and gui~fd by theé voi<p- :hé, 11lard, vithié au±an Révç tr-1 aanuaoueï ed ~ lim te dýifg.roà un. il y 5itét1 lit-gý&pe, 'i îhieres,-.plnnadererà , devils-, ishece là auj saimer VI 1 <~b ompéyb t-twIégy~uadilest NO. 40ý Bristol ounain Im a uiness, Lu vhicb Mc. Randaill, théeJaidtor, wsu cernd sud thug hecame hearer aVd spectatart ot theo lutas ct -l~ bs curions dorneatie 1 drain. Jonathan lieu a, t mut Ibrst ut.té, wass still a bachelor, uci cesidet i iuRedêlié - Street, but ne r towards I3edminster t Bridgé tbha ieormécly did, ishere hé - képi a sinaill jévzblny slîop. Hoevas stilI poor ; sud nit ly gu lu puase, but li hesci snd spirt. Yeats *ôt seusaless teru- piuin,and uea iliugregrets, hati done 1 théir yack upon in, iîd t i t grLuvous1 ta record, b> eo, ages -o!'drink, te i whLchî tata! pro niiy lhéhati grstnaîîy adtiiçted bimsel , sn that, mot yet- farty, vas aîready an agéti i mnu1I abel, lieo bad neyer secin or beard uo, directly. but, hée had every' ycrcecelved parcels coutaiim.i iuîg présents of kse, value, which coc!di o l ame fr r .a4-aa d Auotiag that, at al éventsshv as Dt snfierlug train pavera>, Ther. vis nuoaidress -'aven - ita Uée wrttéé but every prrcel couitailu-i ed s look ut golden biain, anti, stratuzcly,- enough'the brother thoughlitthéeisél! ré- metabered color tid D ot snlb' change trainage,-uay, the very atsiehébail ré- ceLved vas pcuitivély, hé vas siâce, more brightly gotden ibsu ibat ishich lhé had haardd cap anie itteen years hétorê 1 Mrs. hIeérés, bis graudfathars wemltby te- tice t ilil lived, in London lhé believeti; but t varméd thé sickueis ut bis cankeréti béait to knoainlupsaldtic betpleses, ai wéll as deep mental gîbais, cauied by thé cntiminly paaaing avé>1- vith a tiselve- month-ot éach othcir, ut burt tio sous, wbo liad bath dieci tumarriéti. Chéries Robinson would tberétré-ness in a fit ut caprice thé diaitherted' hlm, anal uhé s, peupîle uid. as vengeoully' capricions, as mncb dominateil by slfiai and-oôbdcra te passions,"as ihen lite vas young witb hém-corne ultimateiy into pu8ssésulu ut the gréatty improved -and esgînéntéd pro- perty. T hia la aIt 1 thitît i bavé sét dowvis.a pecthaîg thé ntrvai uft éigbteén yearu and uparards, vhich t ermiuated Lu. Marche 1812. Iii that mýýanh thé lung-deaireti letter frornbis siotecr ruachetiJonat ban Rééves. It wis uslAtiunate, but rcésoeed anud briét in regatrdi tabec iighi front- Bristol, anddasubsquent, exWience ; sud t was s'ateié that the tirne for a"fnîl ez>,ae. notions vsatill, ini ail prabability, .tacr distant, She vas a Wi.dow, luci aluné and yerued w&fo ndbei-sIt once Icapré lUethé homeut ber brothe>'Sho shoulti nul hé e burden t ta;lm, ving énough ' (thougb barcby se) far hecrtý"u tusintënnucié. B6é: voulil b.iLu BrLsîtôl>on the faerib -day Uter the. receipi -of thé ýletter, vhicb waa e uh- scrjbýad Mbé,' pnly. - uyoa' are but ilittle eltered, MsbeI," saidiJontthan Rééèvés, attér the i-at rap. Iits emuotions that avéllil bis h eaion- again etbnbc bis tUat "sistem ,hmtd soînç- -- ' tsu2- p.rhas,; u, and rebm en0* - - ( to.-but auatty, Mabel5 ibis ir.k>tinur ibén 1 oncekee-w t> is scarcely gsub i igbt and glouay, 58 thé boýcks you liteilysenut me." - label caonredl a util e, and-replied, liO auystbasà lilîi rééetliny, hé, ali, y l snc- aiag a ndt reSa.y,,,h, laQue only, il:a'éplied- thé ataid î mâhthérî rLub. boaied, heal and- busky ,voijc9I - ' audý -A loug'silenée eénsueà )l, analdénly brokén býy Jeoathan iëeevs. 0 * fid u liuao,! hviilthiaL.Mrs. Rabiison tatous' sistes', bas relcarnéi l;a- liftoca -*ihiea thé' &&irve heard 80" M11rsou cha e -l ov thé Iawful, hen thé not.? a iuI vuldaopp,-ar uu, unles unr candý father!dg widovvshoutd wyul it othervise. -thé* baa ýtbepawec-,todour 5.'î7 - "Thist ýsi tlikély, 1, ihait ' ics. IRabin9n sîî u a9cjd womn<enoughi, If bïave wdôrleetÈir jber ortten. -Thé qbd dreamcare g6ne, Idbel, aud haralhuecoa., Tig-i. - - :î- - - l r _ ver>"* fo ur C'usé Drbmidt. 3. 'V HA VI Ras alwaly e Ilu1 an elcuse , for not artiug with ft. a'iiuppeared niccont'- able, Titli M bel discoréreci thaiet ha bc beau ind<ittrioLeenR'agod iîthe 1 pr'9>8au ion utipoÀteé itatiun, I*hich,inmiza, entting, a ad,,t4a for ié us nd colour, wasa$ i p ;ît évétl. Sûch as ttr r éctréd'lidbo aromptîr anal décidfl dèjft ~R!and DIabét vas pçrnidring -how,:troééd, whena wbaby chanuce selloyed tejr,,f« .11 difflcclty. Hec br3ther vas i;jl4br.- ÉlHson'. foël man calted â' foe *l. Charles Robiuson, wns egdýà où#, fint eveuingj ho ssid, aud mueinsi Èvè, t.. riabel desiréci nobotter, anti instsnty di livereti it tu thé messencrorî 1 éoà rq:pgn avay, thé mat hlappenéal ta cMauaily tit. mark that Mrs. ltobin-oa had'beeti surd- tnouud ta Landan about a wik ciapre'vitUily,ý ho believedà i in * éousaaquncéof o'a]fi reports' cuncéraang lier siqter't; heslth pièce of new. wh cifsu Surie1d ' ndlagi-- tattd)Mabel. andsa completell drave al! thoughts of the disanonti froiri her fienad; that it issu net tilt th% bruthet had Ibei ransaciaing thé sbop for sevecal etili-6 u tear2h uf thé' migsing trémas're, that shtr remuîoberéd ta tell it ui Lt had -buén sent bonie. 1;Thé inteliience iitér-aliy dumb-- Sf6ndered him; he, siared and tniimbtedact- if otterly averwhelmud with suirprise: aud disma ; simd, wheu hée bcd suuewhmat ré- cuvred efrein thé shucli, hoe wemtubuuatbnh hoa moaaiiu-4soi lameuntin & aiif hwertr durmépîted, or bad sustaiuud saapp - greyiclue irrepkicable lois 1apidaill nigfrL long L'ut aliter huard hitm pdoing -uV aiddqowp bis chamubur, a'S estlessand perdarba4s About abruee 'ciuck -oîi théeulwu aafierioou ionatiimiiî Revus "à amvue, t . liftan, sud as (el tri 8puak *WÃŽttaMr. Charlus Rotbinson;- hie requesz aà -t ~car- plieti witb, minci héiraltithéeruir gentle.- men tbat ho badci slal dta plaa!e ai foit beuet.ih thé disanond;i; t 8houýl"- liavci beén doué héforeit léit bi s shop had lbu béei> atin uméien Lt iras e;IHed aur. lanti vould add--greatly to ils hailllraaîcy. -'fic' p) 4 1) insun carulessly conseniteti, andi tulti Ri-ece..- -ta go juta bis dréseimg.roota, ishérubcr vould ûud thé ring on - a toi ilet tablr. Tui job- did îîot occupymich dine, ,for scare. . ! thrée minutes élmîpsuti bitfre the jSweIl: or re.aprmarel,. bovuaL hurm-iedly ti>. Mi. Chari -flobirison, said ih waa ait, rigima, itnd-bsteid away. '4fluw de.ucuti qu-et- thé man lbabilJ", tbougbî Oha-len ft.biim. son. ISifrély lie bas imtt stoléii ilie,,ring I but nu, tat lW octut ofuie qucesiioti, Il imlotrIc thinkl- 1 vwîll ses, howver." 'Thé riiig wmi- alite enoilgbi aud the yecuiv, i 'm »lushier ,for bis muspie:ioîS. "Adroi1 impa-uenliea, iliouh, hé proselltîy mutted-'à ' he haze effutet ; cay judgmmitand éyre,- nà tvot bu straugély ait tault, or-"' Charles LIarbiii- son ug agisdres6irg-rmlora boi, andldésir- éd th âériaut wsba anstéored t;.,ttr -Wgai instwA'tly fl au emneit, lmtpidai-y, luWinoil Stréet, Britol, aud raqùésî tht h'wia 1core nesd spéak vwill bina,_Mai. Varle.' ,Rcbin.ion, imnmeduîîlely. lu lés >thau amai? 1 homir;ataé apid'ary airm-lvd,, atii'aïd ý î iol oedhereùpon vu shallpréseiîlf'Bée It'was juil dark wua Joanetan Ruuavég reclaed his boauéi eud bail ie>t hîmisti; -been hersétin' a -taté ut great nxcitêlbeit silie 'Muet haré iioticed that li1W' WB bf p al 'e a U E aIm ot t o fair rii , h tî ifu i .wilh abject Yilplessnesg lute lus ithair likut t 10a e druon ,mai. " 6Mr. RF.Utjdnthiha§ jusi t ýt"bégae Mabel, lber nsnally meek, ,calin éyes, ablaze '- th lif t "sd -haïr brought sirangé nuis, caéwe, jetArrveà u Our,&gr-sndfeae?:widowi:,5<{q~é dé&,-hs itd ii:etaté.. erg, Rpbin. sn viii é é'e touni t or ýO.Mo1row .'niôrning ta o gf -f#- o~nij 1hIr, ai sa the gùtfu< hi:t- 012, ktov," Tbésé last wardà I>s~ ,nounced wit éeltantî en1hmaois., ..iHee brother hardly appeared to lieuar ber1;. thi néervoua terror that p6asà ssd - im~-lil incrsed, jil da stiglit seuf% fiesthe, door ýbfyme paers-by iln'dlrésaed. Lt - ta> frénzy. -btbr-thé dçr, -doie sel b . uoersely ejacultated, i.ur 1 ara mined, lost ÃŽ 0 God 1 that évér I mau lurn 1'" Thé violefcb of hia lierdA a s(dtîéc '. f-- J.É lý