Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 1 Oct 1863, p. 1

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?ubhwTety J4&LR -PER A»mÛMI ERTISEMENTS! irsenent% asmsinuid iniNoupar- iissngsd utishe rate or 8 coule per rfo ansd 9 ente per lins, saab trats tnadý vtth aulvenilsena hi' OF MONɶEA, TIIOMASi ow rMantager. r A Li x -Ci A s -sWO- KS. eQlt Vorkse, 75 Tanne Street, Tos-onto. lISTERS & ATT<)lWEYS AT LAW,' lqeitas to rthRiss lsl ik fNt.ttîreel. sud pustril cf Oîtsl'ilty, G. W. E 0 it i .D A RTNELL, RISTEII, ATTOI1INEY, CîItfVIYANý t<tu lrokStrn t Wtithy. J.V. IIAMI, RISTER-AT-1-AW. IJFFICFe-BRO)CK esWlittîy, 1V.W.t N. (. IIAM, RisrTFII AND N.TTORNEYATIjAW- -~pet ise Ragfmtry office, Brocke tolu1ouilC. W. 1t>lt-i . I 4. A. qAMPS0MN. FI. CCt&EL .B JY ('IfflWN >TTi)N E Y FOR nON s l'eus' Nov ii'iluinsg, Diiiulse G. IL.-D ART-iELL, ryt htlGlSTItAAlt, MASTElI EXTRtA- umrlns-,sd seiisî 'ilm Ch inceer for yaof iitario, Bok-tWhitisy. 47 RtOBERiT J'. WILSON. 1ISTleI iS ATrOIINEY AT'LAW, &itcs suVserie hitbs- C. W4 .IREC.KEL LER, itNIX T ASWSILIVII'I s-e n 01, slitzt y.evp' 40) IIAIFR GRII#INWOOI>, sllNY- TLAW.05ilCITOR IN lit-s %. W k-uson. iiitetuiui iel niussi'ors oremtof W.II CALw LL BROWN, 'FXAN tit.('tllti-StitrI Voplst ili' steislot t omti,. 82aer OIASUîS t-N'& A<týTCIiRUR ioe ý~ucu' ilulinzr t idausds-si. 1c ittu til Iopulltu t.3 diteueies, f '«. CLARK, X. I)- ,-Cfis, iussus ituct of 'sruoicl & GIb rte, Br)k treut, Whii5'us. 44 'AN O TIE C- OUNM GAsiT, 1)r'&e. &ci., GIEEN STRECET, JOHIN METCALF, COI? TIIE FIFTIIDIVIgICNCOUIT, iprlsiiig tisa Toiilip Brook. Ait- RODERT SPEARB. é, AM) TUEÂSITRER (OF TUE nslip of tUxii-tsig Addrems5Uxiisigo- 11ENRY RANNAR. OFC()îIiNTY AND SIIPF.RtCT o plaiminit orne-sintuml Puistner Whitt 21 A. PUGE NTI TAILOR, BROCK STILUXT. IýSOI UDUBOIS' .1UçT-'-s lseeT otf V's-luandi Ex- itrets Tes-uie, to efreshnits ASUaER tWIITBY fans-p9tao 'Clciik. With caai Prisites w.Ordap VOL. YII. COMMERCIAL NOT.EL, JAMES cRtOCkER, PrOiertir CoUuElCIAI, TRAVEL LERSviii flna il UJeioneiesui tapuir a etfim 4tel, as tissy essu lesuu roustise Itegister Biais kept et tise lBar, tisa rouet iken Isy tiselr preutocemsors. 1Tise propnriottkes *thia ausussuien ta tsusk hile sitiîmseroiupatroand sut iuidfuis- tise liber- ai patrnaeuh-tosteitou lim niueo tis ecous- inetsiussotisl of is businsinluWhithy. Go" iStaling, fansiAttentive Ooitîes. Whitby, Jn.1863, 1 If, Tolm ~W", LEi-ýPROPbhtETOl,(StiCCW5S. *o J n s Ral.tP. Clrk.! Dîily Stuiges tetise> Northi, Iuishsu' itls-s, mnd <isiawa. 24 GLOBEIITL Wioe eillmue' 4 auj îis%e4 T Hotet sud preinipees hait 'tîssesi 101oi ut-i-n hsnd rsti1ly le attend petsossali t île stile cnf Itigti eestme,&. enui.)tsisi tiu'd isp paluteitd eus, &C. vlthcît eiirii"u af .uft vit-r riun vs maeecr tmodernuimprovelueitsist e il the veiler IL lismu diiiig hie slsY, anssilie Table boluntitril- ly iupptioti ai ail tsses Notice tu Farmers and Othqrrs le of l>-asf al aiiosr Sas-sel; McNacoitnx (liemievit, dus . 1-v~l per'c Exrains otîflesi %Vi'uluze. «InOn'u.,luisst' Pcn'. Sliuesry, suit CusciiehîIt- -rawyfors-the esek, 'vish si liât aI lýiqusere uslmd igsoutVis, l'es4t ts-ils. AtiontisG -isi)ties-e, asu-Ilto-es o irehiu. A. ALEXANDE-It. ~-'N. f A:E H lu sE, I SAAC FENTON, ES-T W'sneuus od ilq ors; sîp enlirs- itus B) meu:t utausfieui-tve'lerAs- gndsttb11lng cuit 'ALI1310N HO0T E L EAST WYINDýSOR IiOUsF., WIIITBY, vus. Gcým5T. soisn rIl E ii'os-e Ii l mstuateitl iluspluaantasui set.iseul past of tise Townu, on the front rond. ,Aool ~ ~ fo uiuiiuOSiiiIntrarullcnue. Onoi *tuibliug anudt attntiv'e museb. 22 VlICTORIA flOTEL. W t J].AIl SCOITT,. 'i-I lRt ETIli. (Lie. -%tVin. B.ylitzIssi 'x ' T Ir. ulit AL0tteJs-- T-nr ethiht hu,4&is-. iti tie true' fitu-dhîi Gilse Iiilos s e01. Gnoil tuiLM1huiimdsusiiuies-e lA ZWVICKEY98 IITIt. T iFTFimhs'siter lu--ris te il fori I lis tnisileý T ll eîs <u-tisulj'5 uiiltsutlie isus, fsus- hi' M,-pes-e'. nisulsstfunîiehi.qliso ehbvc .IsOtM (stns-uers-lyuu iiie Ms. AIhulîsen> sit i ibut ith,-itçel lisl," 'uus'uinstv'e ulithstcern- lonislest'iioii-iuhi"i fiuo'littrpte%. Tise mios. ('ensuittelqisi itg ndeelf'ontei5 01itise UNION IIUTEL. %ÎANCIlTESTEit, IE iCI. (1ite c r LaAb'. T evr es-ern cumntiou. lit hbIeons ualY Bog ln! toslqiosa-Iiss-e CH.64 TirUE CANTON flO16EL, DUFFIN$ CUEgII,_PICKERING-. IC>Ls 48-au u-unitr bI ssdesie or sre t e tos-s htin1% T frinsde, ud thisa irisealiniz publice, thiSe isîen ithe thnewelh knî,wntu sol, suit trat, sy ettlit uttention tuuinene%, ansd by enèsmreur h o do 81 nil1ulitepaver for tisa com. lus- sst nd cuuiiencu- of camitp,, tu enit s chas-e sut pulic pstuisniié e CeuiTques-i ieCirami. (otofustable nceesumusodtiton for manoisul iiroe. Au -iteutive sud sarotul Ostien alwîtyx lu ai - Mumuiltis, (ici. 22.1881. Praprioten. 41 ROUGE flOTEt/. Tjo,;?TI MOON, LATE CF TTE NN el iss lote]. andt tormerly nuit siv,u- nanne-su s if-ends cuit tise public.' tist ho hum nsnteil théiabuve woiI1-krnvu Suitel. wilul le nov lisilsfi trate ner ton lise i¶e'c]tiofli eueteg Wl1ss, Lîqnnresud Cinars. Gsi S-tsbling and ni attenttve OCeler. l- WILLIAM UTR AURAN, k& CO-, W IIOLM5ALE ANTI TETAIL tesiors lu Groceriuseu'Wsine%&cuitLiqueis . a.28, Wesl Marlea Siece, 'Tenante. I;iFarmoe Produàcusboiglit a-1 iuldl. WILLIAM 1BARBYý., 15 'I'ravell1uf Agent ~'PIANOS FOR SALE-. IJROOKLIN flOUSE, EDWAXL) BOYNTN Proprielor. EXCkL'LEINT ocoimmodastlon, good Stab. liiig sud'Shes ruonS, sud attentive Ostlers. Tiseu senimsfe beben uewly r nuasted thnougiuaut, assitare îso'v iii thu ;eicf arder tfs- thit, uptiaus ofguuste. gaodTablle, u- porion Liquoa uiCigars. 84 VIÇ TORIAI. ROTEOL, T~~ ~~~~~l eI icevl-uîv i tand isas heen T reissn-nvte,etol, ni lnr'ewly arrem'ged yte vre'ýO it piprmutur,anuit'as gfl teoul accus tiOfi eo 1u i ebtîlit e e tuy hourI ihrongisoust tis, CoussIn. Gouit tiquore. a vehi eunpised ti"lhue eebloit nomystaising. ,give bq c-ati, lesl al'u't pe Isîn l'y. 2 'RZUSSELL.'S H OTEL,' i ude-nigiseul ?nops-iotros- f tise stlore tlseil fienul s id p ai-us. lmt tiser lise tise. s-cuizily reovusird tisoir èmtaislislsmiesst (ilntr5g tise vwiler, whîeh enables lisem uuv te offen tW tise lieiuusas--. of thse tess-isatnre, sui tbtseTra velliug Psllle ess-nmn secoumodffîn. lu nssltion ta thee apluntitiente tiser hd uni i nh. tes, l.cty 1have 55<w lna-s ntJbdrcs ua Ilas-tus usisesirun te ItNtl. vlistifor n "mfsort nus4. eoivss-u.:hnç. meounqimnpssassd lu ibis ou7.- Wif. RUSSELL & SON.. Qneboi teiil, 1881, 9- 'Northern . Hotel Oannington. Thiu s senesisu hn ntses ii duh uovrio fes douee *s usna on.sieiitilhc uXtit. anuit tile t hct iites-suiunnsit ndinpsovemunte, ta Poe jettilifistier tise cinstoru .nsiom modation vif lits iznetg.'tise tableéte slvuitu prosiit vusît tise isesin 'uou,assd isoue lut ths e vthnraid1, cf 'Mtilsesîd tiquns kept on tis eeio. fotich ts-ru-eriwe eultItes-. ulw,'rsliî t tl- ameen, su-usuitedn iek1, cte takze clnge otflossig. Vd 16.I1roçuietor., To the Travelling Publie. Tîlae II- esîhu-nber hiviiinoosite b'rm i- Viies fl4ns, omi isrgiirtli A uithesu i "h li sispeei& t, m "u1-on»is q cl liss,.vso4r,, isim- a uIl ebt-d iseopiais- isohinit bt- Atiri l14 relun is iiiho fsssrised sehtl ai] tise diteieu' of tiése. mn t-ses.5 iatentive',-O-th-r tti.,sr-on, icuel. Th-uîecliii ftàs-n tins urus n C-ehh urs m r-l u ii uin!e-nisfostnily teruul iu)t'd tu'i 'uwl t(l ideul o. .1011N' 1l1eMI-TON, feyus'u. Msîy, h4. ' \V 0OX S RHOT E1, wON & BIROT IUE R. IwILUI A IFFMANN ARCI-ITEOT. Iuj' 144, Bay Etreet Toronto. MIALT VNGR [AIT3VINEGARil îscoube hadliilarge ýogI&l us-usuqnnettbos nte 'Whitbv Brewerv. North !British andi Mercantile Fire & Life Inh urance Comy. ?IlMAs 1DOW, Agent. Wlitby, Sept. 7, 1862i 95-1>- COLLECTION & COXMISION MR. E. L. 5110W, )Ientreai, C. l C U 'TIONS made for Pnb1isbes-s. Mer- i anis, Phyniotis sud otiierg, lu Mont. eo Quslelîc Ottawoa, su] Trnnto, sudnd es Plu1-2 i liCassada. Ait eliectiovs-,duty repo-,t' ed, suitproosedmu preýmptly puilit vor. itesdf1srcAm csasunkatione ta'o uIlbtreat Go, (mUS ce. i<eaascma cE-buste & Uambenlis 1Proptnore o ;)stul .'sef; John Loueil tnesîb; Il.,&s A. Milter, lbVeeh Boiuksellers aud Stttinitbe, Montreatl :si Toýonto. thotral Sotobe lth, 1862. -35-1y HAS i RMOV ZDl ix Lawv Cmý os t bric CImitietus. LW »One Door South, oft hs Itegistry OfQu-fal Wîithy, Jait, 28, 1862. DOLPHIN SAL.OON, NT TTU E ROYAL LTUEUM, Kig Stre, Toreeto, tlr Free Lunch cner' os-enug. '5 'ly - ARMER'IS IN, A.THERLFBY. L. STEEL, Propretor. 49 Mr, Morgass"-T usuiy l>-'ca it ' ' n - l bim ibsu 1 vas resu>- tn Sats, ur' nI>'p Morgan, vhy de yen alvays istigi snd loeok 'tissne-xi day âliold 'seei at Maly vise thesaubjeat -of youn flasiMeetý ai's mains, te stsy ont ung vus lier is epoken o! ? May- Stev'ens, tlie vendsr This 1 vas surs vas s imple question, pase vîuh ttlén ansi yetînoeeon of auavering il -n a simple Thse raohtg of brain va>-, Use> venu hock, bouuth lionshe, te s grandperfction of a tisein aId plan, andi IsugW la sehusgh ulie hoyond all crudiriern, th yards1 tldspolien ver. the beet joeenlufin.t giauce stnike the bu thie vend. 1 aould do notlsing ut couvé?eÉ,léiraion-Wdsindeed biut-looke grave sud soiemun, wvitainl a fat tabor of vlitiug $9PeS momnents brougit -tliem lieds to'ooking tise nôusimg te i t wuva sarno vay-, aud tien Mnay spoke to me se. ssb'en 1 arrIved at my cit slouai>-, sud sid' six banna 1 dressse4andr IICousin Janu, you tako unr lsugliiog rejecteut snd selectelsi m iuaI mars sannestti>adnu I ulouglit yan htistisse 1 bada4id onçt, voulut, t lad0151! amemor>- beîveen Char- my varsinobe gouda in w 1>- sui me tînt bringse is ugI; te uns it te mare mn i let ppear lasa droltiremeinisasice, butpenhaps lu tell. Stevasu.' lb vanteu tail tmg lu uere voulut le noting .to amuse amnset.' au>- one," . Raviung gai salet>- lii >1 The expisusion bruçglit back l ygtA ily vli.t 1îlionght i1: ý r hurin rl as instant, snd, vith as enile, 1 ;ies for me te taire tihe' l aid - jm the saxe'igliuîo " 1Nov May, tis gla sa uninudinlayou ýLayieg., titi morning. for se Long lav yoeu excitednMy usniomit>- lisan doue; I siued ;pi dhie ven ver. tle ator>- net verdi teling aay[1 vent. sWlizziuî Ye youasl tellit m." 'abunntseresting rqad IlWell'aeusin Jane salthave lte sien>-.aleep. -Se Ifound it &y>; r willtellii h myselfteo ber." eveslug fehi 110r Itasilse At tdue deciaralion t1vas surpriseS; ta lectiosîsI *me-in tise m4l see May finali p tesa -amy briht roui, sud.whietli 1>-eus, stt hreak ot i-suber vehesieul>- iti- 1tind selspale bIsse astir 'No Chasley,.ails' laneatlliteeao l-pnspIcoud.and edesir May I ss sut mhe mentis LSSI mfni, vas about 10 -y I il tell L pause se a"t LII do n snosuit 'hs.:sleys a lin EZ.AL1 ss'tt-ui J. 8t2u -' Romance in.shspwieel. MIPhuiterullug 8weWupaiPfýin ci. 4mti conuected w~ibtee 6loit wreoc of the rPilski steamner, are relâted îj 0ouu wbo were saved fimnmdestructioni. oa~t ohe% fsI@tIn~itffd 0 a 1 qHeaeno Içu 'à d~ )Up4 Onslow,f <om. one0t t1tii LuStatos, two of tbe unfortouutes wbo, er2 ~pïcked upon the-fifth great thenghtSs ad nttiiii ý;n w e 5&y¶OatqPence? Progregs, ibýldge r Lothéthoodè ie rmln tiii th sv ~ déckc none .f? buhf pan hour prevlçus to H ecoveared iimtsdelf iW s eup peS a sii4 1 wait just besitating' wich of thetm thet the be4 vau occupieda nd b hohé beote-so e siukingr"e He wu tiôt 1 budfi epertly in Iove wihb, when heivy brenling 1 knew tbnt Horace vs wunitdwtia igefiirda I~ ~ ~ ~ TUE TiI~a* 517. lculations were nil diturbed by au ii a havy sloop. 1 vould net hret'ire Aotaoamn, ot ndrsa atne t- liazlhurmt, sged, 5, living on Rich~mondnatural i u so~e ~olf~ It Dav yeh~a te gngtis Iaccident-for te 1 suppose I muat~ cai it, awaken him, but lave the. story of my mis. -réel&a t&~ vre&. d~"M~i ,uhcn ii~f q ui or- e Baevbaro yo he o Lise sô1g tey su t th0treallY Beermuug like a specialprovi. hapefor the followinz day. With ibis e '*a:stJrni ea' 4Vciaip took uhta « imoelf ele . ma h o vas on ifseq foriy nyone' rtIA Çutualerte ligkia? Muy beys d asttl n hH eil b olto lppdqiîym bd ud~~ wife ayouug, iawdsomne oman, age4 f~oremost of those wlhosought tho t0imUI TheCttona îe Il gtbeÏt way 1 know boy. tIres minutes wue oblivione. Wbat ouglit Aisuab;nal Ma oîfrfv.nda butts5pt' 1 ttsol 'Par somu days after my arrivat at the 11 haved t!ed un nigt-but I shaHtaya aba o aèv nça n as sr s'eare boira, farm my curiosiîy bad licou mach exci te d not antuipate. 1 Iay faciug tbe windows geLt weddd b~dr~ate fu o t l~ i ic~érdayugtywte* For a nothtr KitugtjenCorn 1 ~bY thieoccasional ,pauegyrias <laviebed by sthe sun peeped up above the distaniet 0arueetdae ao h ~ir ~rcgie.s n hs per5~ Cotton reigîn ui ,tii iand of fli tundin s th 1oung ladies, upon a once ucboot-inais bille and. scatered the grayiita of the Fraottoymz -i apnsi 0hdn udr besetgtb peaen~ C~otton reïzg n e la i issusi uitise 1 of ubeir own, May- Stevens by naine, who morning. MI ybedfellnw vwu breaîlinguiaoedbnaenÀ a gay dmrr idbsainiu IrppetrW A. ms±rty rutlisu he'e won, tîy br s codn ouerhgiycloe c evlbtJ a ra lgbv» a nsibut4> uniforra of ber ?êiesty, itsoeed t~he gentleman *lio aswaevlki nondeeck wuol Wo i cotather highsycolore a-dbbaoiu, but ibôaa broaddajlirat nd - Wr1 A tisighty rcsslm h&a won 1 ¶ disthemosi perfec tm hg ini tbe shape tIers wue no leep ini me, ea 1 vas ldeter. ltin u gesi 1ut-4, camne..sawav , 1' ' and towtaierbad I pa- o - ]3Y tell Aotit slave forloru! or voinan dtholiving. I tîied to persuade mined Horae ebohuld wvairs op sud li qea r cdueucpil e~ ftss pr brm b ml let~ui Wo 1, o 1 th 1ybung, vifs. Damne rumour, soon wartes1d tseciwd andi' confusion holiet %sightof Bu Wh o i Wo,, i inlsjorif a nt in, ibat lins could su-lte story of thei ajtraad-brek dovu t .t Bai iheti andmau're ; bg. u atill uhsMy urne u îap gv h lee the unpatie nie~lligencetetohi'este 9 of ber, andi he supposeds ae wawithiisonie. Çouri n& tll e ,rtlm ond, M7 boaye! Sisuens haunted me, and came lire a is. -suddpn sisale. As r#%pidly snaJny own ma te lstpù.At eu frs ieuay net-océitIon 'b ufritand.Dinved ofruitlesï gse ach lU han.eor ssIsiinever bho frWniy rys 1 ~arosai swbonn passion. 1 lied uos, my bedfellov'r wlo laed lain ' ' cawith iflae -*a -ed4 #î bepaer snruies~(J~Iit~ befeld oussia ~s ~ maglnary May Stevenss<4liacis boyard me aiag t itn oi Thfit'e sol -and dovînt I vould tise figure vas vii ' hveardon. tln OS.acknowledcý' that iiser uswal 'wehiug'5k le. drovnig;He turüe4ýaway iiedespair W leu coîtens i4 cotis as",ed ansd tornlhe aesuch surprises na am it,"and ise lad te belie'ye' tise -"owr4 trué adsud innibîai.over a coilt t ai - 'se.irpc.. 'nissu'.s me. ÂAt l1iwu s vorked itbasuais au vitbouitterrer vlitdb actuallydeprive us of tl. eoasecsrr odsdH~~iéts'ntru piheld St ltrnlts the banner of iCern I agony *of ceiosity, andi trembisd wiih speech. umiiilie brain lias tm c tcsis ulfr ime. enn'ed to ia v lere ci fotiagndîMli kH i teît pirisb, bnop ene& Coru reiîiise wbsu Caît A lsusu ni'bi sume greai purpose vîscis voulsi rnug ho- auJ remaon. Sncb s 1urprises 'do net de. bnefoLilese ntinasy lwgtheebutosecù4. tgeidi au-'iH e ai sé_tup tee-sv'l Conu noitsîi vheîs Cutton l dsad. foré sue lise oljeci of suy ihoughis, sud gencrale iiiaransasami. Thy Qugthe ie olel pr oe loe lugiiat up'. oehn' îc9o ul saiegt asi a o For thse ,rotid cannot lire vwithau read, imy is utro ser's continuaI conversation. expermu sdsent vo. n h lýpoe-b &oelah topn .peeo no atadaoni Tise Il-d yu oben iis weuldaad endes it le b lockamithse;le s0 lb vas in thus instance euwty ýcuk, ansi tins equiped; hiselarinehëe wsns.nîy ia tthn rsdi m1. n Tsva ie ae ihsmsifsd isnov guilty pair found ways and uýon. the elensient. Tison ai ,' 1 tros u .isuiefor me at ibis time ta say, mbd t1i5ot bedfetlov, aud vsest tipuîigbt SndstSned.meuofodincgihol iiasi tvaaltsevr famme. T ha ~~ is ho< t el beard*ans morning su I entered tise break- Rigisu y miv aide, vitit ber face vibin tva esnjoying ecdh on ergociety. On Si-n- blee dahwqîeinI, n hteI For uthse Iisi< of thse wvenui% Corn ifast.room dis airbling, vrda fzon Nettie. feet of îny own, sat ayongvman unltsiay's, the occupation ot door-teeper kepi ont 'vas bis lAtt usî a of Iifý. Ilis vemme - . 0a , i s a o u g i I s u I a n o n o n s i h a n 17 , y l g ra* a i r a e l 5 0 i t i sh i . u r h u s b a u s i f r o r n h o m e y a d t i s a b o r e i n s a p 9 u c h b e t t e r t i a n h o e x p e t 5 ,glad 1" and seals greai masses'cf brovu cëurie tuclr.ivngpiaaisiisslvsfibsp lé, u hvsloslu'hnsefw* Wisethen il vas tîni dis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~train of euy ed away urder tise neatesu litho le igisi capouuyofatngtir nmc.'A bsecpuissilvsWi15osts' ~j1'tttrturc, donglits vau upon tisai point au the .,o-tît eern al. Sie had gauberesi the besi- sot une piofmtrinta ieime i' tic.sAbsescanepe, Rbug asil asi ilve dtb14 ment I'oânot saq; but 1 knev direcîiy the cisohes 1 ul ha spamodic jerk, up about iinsband vas accustomed ta loare bis home 'discoverecl a female struggling for lifef ai. JIow I fins: met my.Wale. visole malter. 1 sav GCarnie vitis au open hern irîotut, aud vusth temoss i iid-sa' for th~csrli rvi. f.SU egi hsti h is gap I .1ii'ak Isuier ini ber baude and roupliug îil vus toninhee looks, as uouldthe ig vele'meut mighsuhave less seen, standing on svau but î*ice bisà len2tb-ssizqdi i bi' There wua lwaye a mysiery isanging Nftuie'e vos-ds, 1 knev tisatthîe hithento Ble wsus aslsep or avake, gaseil eagenly : isesrs acugteci tnténvjcas euusisft elt rf nn about cenuau way înt Mrgîsu sid, sd oî.y isead of My Steens va about10 my'sythe'snsorrservswatmahbai thtesexitapofistheu nwasi imsdandly 'afer vlcis' povesi uflicent w ustaisaiieu ln visicis is vasal waye -honestiy joinesi hy hecome a reslity. I basi no need ta ask ilueudcases, but i y seory *erss mastise l attrdepeimmoui, 'îly forer whU,, butviisedRfir eod-tas- aisosildir bis wife - my owu cousin -May ý Stevens questions. Ail tle information vas proff' igisi il vas1I viso6frat spoke.> 1 blute1 tisai lad iseen-sa y tînt-trotiblesi my es-e. Say Ster'ens -ils incompanalelsout yul: ateppedei in, snd 'resained util onlysabovedts' valet. Thlé feusie nu* cssiosity tmuche,unutil ané' eveniful evenlug ?ay-wu as spensi'a montl at fIusyatL'e, "Flow came Yeor e-e?' ted a!Th is e1 of hnd 'v o ras ex. 'iyng l say fot. hle aie te vht as sntiefied by 1lsoringstgeressor nIsudthey venu ta expect : a.nuy momu. Tise figure stanesi euhtri inspeeclit pecîedf. sor ut l teg veut oumbnfi o u e ld homai Co Siss fien iei .1 visy. eut, thsongi, as île letton rossi, uba ,migisi setonisîmeut, but inia moment as ubongliInt flmullîeaeilsàd luvus enaeh hapqi ts look aick ansi vascompellesi ta remais i tbô~tfiÇ sud saisi, mYe vill haveta - et -Me» vt as sisuply tlus: tînt every timte a mPot bc dovu fan a wecir ta corne. àAaskened fram ibsataupefaciion, epoke: oe is tirmnsfrming ot nsyul.'fh~SlISl word vas spaken thtin tola îe peiosi vicu vreehi -it vas an ga etry, ansi I Are yon Chles Morgan r' vere reaorted te, hubut tise intisscy vas 14e,,or vo siie' tôoeblier." So iw Ut Cisanley- Morgan final -met my cousin May, vas ini a flutter of excitsmeut. My long-.. Yea.' '1&tammnerad ont. ' net allovesi ta flag. A rupture îook place'-llsey dminiteçi poms a piae1 ie ecî îbmy aud ailmuishetiyam vulu sanin pasofa!neiaHy tva veeks' du-' "Weil tîssi, Mr. Morga," e ýaid teah n rnas i wt etiesi1'po a apart ofthedis sne ,or- 9r parti alvaya refuse ta tellt a saibley Inujibi. ration for Nette sud arie vaforgouben, figure, lsy ibis lime calme, ansi vidi quite lave Iber isbansi, but indming sis o' oold tien, tn adrlytise.xp o 1 1 3!i_, Tis s as cu'îinly very pnoaolcumg sud lasi ansi my viole mimd vasa ahonised in malc- asmah digniy as tbough i n ule draveung gi oeh uyn ii ia'ba y iej ltesles fastenesi'lieue- litte heetation ini telling tissusao, not once ing tihe si figure possible'betore ibis nov roont, 1"1amn May Stevens, ansivas put 'de-scrtingtir i tshiti."n, ie alovesi ailsif,, proe raek-sfliet but uauy -times, ai visich they lauglesi qusen. With ibis idea T began ta look ab ini ibis roorn afuer au. une xpessted arrivai.isrlfîb.psudthyieo4mis u tmno tllèae. more iseariiiy tinives-, sslto f My vardrobe. I lad corne dovu vus aiuf- Horace lad gond aven ta a ueiho's8, a uau i iefleeeoii erl ~eeti fti ush~tt I dosrminei la ave ie i.dmclatetis., asaer-sl ordiuary pur- 1ev miles off, belons 1 got heré,sd a s her bis ank bok, -itls pover ta draw but alreisdy benviîy lossied Htimlorie matter, if for no aller reason t i ba ît it poses.iucdiug of course Garnie and' Net- ni10hbe rs tltii oay. This is has 1 Iroins uhe hank money-Mas iie ré4 1 ired' it tèm La take in the, young ýlady. 'BîMieh@ vorniesi me. I am but a veoman, ansi haWtie, butl this nmev gomidesa vas certaily wvu put lunltigroem." ' 'The mie efor the 0. tbre>giment tet'É~roý àno, ase could nt lesvt lita i vi:g pieadel ta tise possession of curoily, vatly a nov rtg on my pari, sud certain- Sa o e I vas situung vis aoig tate q Zecsr soireîvercivsf. & o-h~y4e, ttaide's 'oe rosno easu h7 noeamei shaoutele y elioild lave il- This resolution vas Miy Stevena, lIi st yulical lady, for îleaîuklrr 0leerttlievÇ,vs t trsf,'iksocib'blte ÇIs pol ho lisigem. Wîub hiu resotetion. 1 ruade fifisen minutes alter hearing thse en- fi-at meeting vus vishom, 1 md untessiesilien huh ht&owudfreels otwihbr hmali ue n siet forthue eveuimg, vienvo uisneeeMon. naunceusent 'ot ber tntende4 cemiag, "ansitale gsiup suaI a superlative toilet. A îdiith be s&lave.Ie vpçlidfodv la i saeyt aic h o nr issai sint qiet a gaMay anuitmyseîf vere, dravu up lie- hbe to onaisnebai gone by I vas vbiz- ice style cf întroduction sud a nicetyl al e eflo'tieg fsi-r'ii eliunusatndice fore tle ire, ans ori l stîflemifor a talk, ziug on sMy va>-ta towis ta carry oui that af toilsi 1 Ansi she-by tîle unIe vWu," two oeinéles presentesi tiemel, .oneaThse small bhats we',e .ntheir vay 'W. TIens vas no use of mnulnig maltera vais sceaie. l31y aboicesi morsel et varsiroe 'cooltslise 3Ist et December sudd ast look-I ii uaad'l tir~ bl.vlI~daii br~ter acrf, as my irei ides, and villi ibis ideît 1 deeedshI asudhe oflered ai tle abrin. o! May- iugnie ight in ils sys u 1 mademe aine a by s' f0rms-r msa . T Iise tea%'4lh ty tead lisiron vu: teven rambling egoluosatiosu of beingr i tIsatet-~-~ -ir 77, 1 1 .1 1

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