Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 5

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. R" iut4lngaoct erreo, il leS axo, to SM ID lnplace o otëeo te Jce, odge Bruneau. Ad wliats becomne lIdll Niuxhàber TWQTbe Municipal Counicil ofthte QoottyJ.,f lea#edt1bas got the Hochelaga, have adopted a resolutiona re. l2ence of estlng fo flecting in feyere ternis on the appointment liox of the year, and~ ieavorinte-e fflc aof Mr. Sicotte to a Jlgeblp, and lamiing Wêp~v<~pj.Mr Dorion, as Attorn.yGeneral, for reorn. ýÀnaMg» T on mending the appointment. Mir. Durion~ > ime ne isa represents the County. 5igrflIfine çbild. - BI1R TUN semBto 'n ,do not 11iy inilht i%1Ã"4kig lI-ACK-At wliitby, un the oth iL5 *, aid Bo I enquire the wife of Mr. James làiack of the Alion lt lts towii readers, Hotel, lVhitby, of * a ugbter. ow how tbey get on. MICHAEL-In Oshawa?, on Frlday1 U1nPW but du tell us, 4th iet-.1 the wife ofMr. W.. . Michael, OfNu. s? ofa son. in confidence, MARRIED town baby occaý.iota-ARID LINDSAY--WVILSON.-In Toronto, kYur tiily on. Thttrsday, ]Ob Sept. athib churcb of t,. he Holy Trinity, by 111e Rev. Mr. Darling, pondent âppeare tu Mr. Aedrew Lindsay of Whitby, to Miss ut ail tile town bah. Jane Wilson of Toronto. ilai.n, and ive etayr nity orcasionall *oJ ýIORUSTERRILL-'At tliceresideîice yol g o o f a-o tm rides father, byth ee. W. E. Norma:n, en AMonday, 141h imet., Mr. Fd- > wardMiryMrlat Oshawa, to Miss I)cqbirai Anti TerlduhrofEî leX ln Biock. erldohe fEl - 'Ierill, Esq., of Brighton, C. W. tli itîsi., an ýinqueSît DIED, Vy attç Eq., Coroner, FINI)LAY-ln the Cenatda- Presbyter- Oluvier, wito met hie ian Manse. Watcrdown on the lird itnst, 9 tinanner. In mak. Jatnoýs Findlay tudent of Medicine. Eldest f ltlitiig tree, bis foo)t son of t e Ped. James Findlay. ile beiuîch of a dead ___________________ y in his way ; te hiy Mrt. îilig n short, eSharp, 11hiyMres ly entvred thç ed-edynnerbe I) it11a feurful l'ound, WdedySpeae 6 M wveaktcaee tnd Do t !he-delî%-eries of Barle7, minee~ lee for three hotts; potrt, liave been targer thaq generl n. ol consebîerable, that ticipated. The priehan- been elel suis-, fter being carried to tnined. T'le higbest paid toc-day wes 85c, nîuny luids, lowever, selling ut 80c. Fu %flleat ini sînaîl supply et S80e a ru'îvs. Sprîîîg What-etot much corning in-zo- - itiii 79c.--llay $7 to $10. a s: Adrices (cointe- ott~care itmportant The tCel-tnimed, hiaro purtitliî, if aîituavý1iite lîne of lte lait d have filIen baech< an Gor- ?stw-dsy otîr forces ocetipit d dit itiiiîughit that I tutiig b I cavairY fieket rtuuîiitiiîed fthe lapidan. Wrhat lte es is not knouts, but thore 'idetjco that stootinci t tin artunttsritsvsion of northieri tintîd . nival dî Richmonud aitygires ise 10 ion, ati s!oute auxiety -as Tit 1tiiand coccesporiderei utýS, (if fj i e e of Charlesitn . Il ileant. ton Metîlo'af- lieet commiieuced Lth -bituibasi- -. MOIîttrie, tatt coiîitrut-d il Il. M)l'îe i olt idhusrit lie tîutil, îîud the %Weetiuîies wus tloîîinied uttîtlcite-at t ti. D llittî lite litcning sgausiisn-,s î i I't-IMiuiltiîe Natt ut Shel il tl IueWitikn o0It ireu arilarîially contium- ereiig ,or te tSaie day a ,t , oc-iizeulby Admtirai lie itrpose of sunrtrîg g1îîîic lhitttw-iîty-fi-e, wuets, kntiet tti e,îiiraitoft (11tS, e1it ht' uipson,îtartteit A py)liott of tîtotas laideit, abil i)hîtud u'îiîtliît s-it the ýe re;tiîtei a-U t tse (ci fle lteiîiîtui /Siiht tî it ivîtilt i ito traliuuitt tf doesfi. uilt l If ite pos-ulli-i lg C11îerFtli i I e-riis l. 'l'ie sanie fOcoitI t SUtes lGeîteral B;Urnide, wuaihiug te bis coenimatd of East Ten- onad TFnquire 1, says tlitt tae h lii( N. lC. ) uSandund efiends of that paprmale.sit iug the office o! the Set menf reegivedl et %Wubiugtou n !.Ri t le aI ti e tnci liasa atd Tennesce eRailroad l'enneksee antd Virginlia RatI- 'ositines is imnportanut, cons- STennessece, West Virgituit, tainous parts olNorth Caro- PressaEurope. Europe iii m"eac. TIhe thtit the American gor- sted agiat the Emper' eien.- rabd SayE liat the quwei- of the South laad becît lchi cabinet, aud a ina- n fi-roc of sucb recog- )groesehad .adjourned, ttiberatioua s wresaid A us tria, of Charletn' MaIS ISLIND'-TIIE Ft'n5* roi OF ruE BATTRrIS. hity of Baltimore, (coco , aniveti, Sie reports !r nd Sumte tbil going tde ansi 'Iuud batteries Wagner, m-hieh had flot S. Casualties rery few: E7qssrer, contalus the NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BOOTS AND SHOS J'clttiNS-~1 ili sIoi itfornys uIa t liî, iitli yare, derlttg wtc cidi l-rî i ilmuete îeippyyorc neder. sfinljîîu îlU I<sli md t8oes ,uvrce îtl boter îîceîîred v)is scet yonr wîetittiaîî at If-e lîrestett. Tue etie ini QUANTI7'Y, QUALJTY 4 PRICE, is rNEQSLIs.jn m vite COUNTY Oh'. ONTAIRIOT1 Ni> Il i' i W.'Ilcr taç-k conxstaof Mena', Býoît afid Voutîts, RIF AND C0'liHHF, BOOTS, anî ",Bst.,sd ctiidreus', 1,OO'IS AND) SIOES, %i ta i ý aict>', sud let ncii Pri(ecu, Ifvise 14 iii -e dry fit-sîsd ýat tise sanie isse gét goti s tutu!oc c ur isnay, cait ile goed lttweai tt th o_1 itîî S Coe, sdar a 0urue JAMES BAIN. MR.G.G. PURSEYIý gib il .'tu tu i ltît Eu titerttuitiiit, i naiti*i Friday E'V'g, Sopt. lSth, 1863', MECIINWS'IN\STITUTEi MN lîintu iL itoty ntin îteresîlts'il-a-i-ttulb. ttrt eudSvenulANIÃŽT EUIIlS will attend. fft-i tiugasîat of eppeiipriuile Sîiitp, &, The Whitby BRASS BAND1 Wiil bu inu atteitaiice, Rnd perfornu -vers; riekck etniAdmtissiont 'ilceulsi. hDotu-sopen 1,X TE N 8 1 E BY AUCTION. Tue atiibee)ýriber yu sil elb>'Auittion, on Fridayt, 2nd of October,1 863,(tuLtN.1 ii':.Ptkrnisfio- ing Facot 1Stock adI-nul ltitseiattbelongit'gtu T. P. LEONA RD, ESQ. i ]L)ueae 1 Marc,'1 ure, 4 .s6areAid, I Mure, 1T'l 1 v ltitaIiseue cia, 7 god Cois iti etý 1 low, nlvs inatît liber, lI îborcîtiglu tareel1ltttrlîaîuî Buill, 8 cuo ld, 1 Steor, 3 yêaYs ',il.i, 4 Stteeca. 2 yeacsq old, 2 Heifaca, 2 ytiurs al, t tieifer, Il yeuaCaidi, 8 lcilsu-s, 1 year cîsi, P, i, urittg (CIves 4 sieîitg Itige, 12 lie Ltuttba, t.4 Li-es, not of tei lîorotugtti-bna<î Soeutb- cvatli. tt311= , 1 Wliggotu, 2 Jioîuiglta, 1 pairJ doublae Uarrowm, >1 htrlitke, 1 Bleiglui1 curma!ntd el euper, 1 Cttiis-ator, I sel douti 1 Lirtieas, i1aStn iegfe Ilàirîteca, 1t R oclIki, 1I t-ci- Wýltetbacrow,1 i Ctuiut -Box. i Faenlng - bNiti, ilSeil brit, i Stitdîs 1 Seed Box,( ra- ides, beythcs, ila>' Katifoc lakes Fiork-4 Bar-. alid rurnitLure-, 1 Box St-ste, 6 Ciisu 2 Louitgeti 9 Stuundm, Ilteads, Tableti, 1 Loottî, Wtaeet anti El, Tl'TubsPalis, Cracks, <theruas, &o., Lw"le c it1 eonstnstae puneteaully ut 12 etot.Lueolu itIlie rcady uaIL11 17ERMS 0F SALË: AIl ianius of $8 und niuder, Cash - orur tisaI ettadunt 12 monîbti eoredit, isy funlshitag sp- preveuljoitit es, ute.eal froinidii>' ot saaleif 'lot prileiue. TAKE No'ICE.-In a few disys sftcr, tho ealc, thae propridtor Iia%*es lort he Weast, coui- L aiqueetty greet bida, o r itte-bida, or ne bida aalereryttaleg shal, wUI and mut ne sold MIlbout t'saerre.. ç THOMAS MYERS,. Ptektriug, Septaber, 1818. soleae~ COVI¶TERFEITS.-.Somne vile aviedlena Wii corne oft orer lte Whitty Counse on TRURS1)&Y A» PRZIAY, OCT. 22nd and 23rd, 1868. FIRST DAY. Ladte%' Per.e of *40, "or four ycae <ld snd initider, owuekl atI ît date of tii bill, le. thte c'uuttieg of Ontario, Northtusmbelanid tnd Vitrîtaua, 'att; borc', Victoria. atitd thî4Tuwil- ahlîl1îor ttarkiaiu, umile hbatii, T. ('. %. . rf tiere lare founr or tmro eîtrlitem orte abute -cpîtreu, lte Clbmil glve a ppitrsesof tm, tu lie cmit tir titi' ltxt de 'y of the ttctît, y tuarme arwiniîît-: i t ;ibtvc race, (itin-r ex- cep-od,> tilele euts, tttuîdleap wiglits. Province Perse of $100, for Pli Provincre hrecilloile litente, linudteap îeeghtla. ïMerchentNe'Perse of $50, fur ail irnt- thtàa iiraeoci-nI lle Ctuatite a r.eitîoited luj theaidr-t raece, 1 in i . Silver Cep valued at $20$ fer sdi tuorapa regatlad> it 14di-$ til eks, da-ilof otne Ill! r., cateh ucigIte.- SECOND DAY. Club Purse of $100, oputit i trittiitg Ilorbtâa 1 ilettc5'l"i 4. -> Whitby Purse of $100, wit a u Inaile stikc of $#U, fer salilcias iy Ia rrl titis seai--it 11)( ,t4l'atu a îîd ookeil over 20 ifarce, utilhia LVt, .t. . leukeeper's Perse of $75, for aiee otti claet tttýitia iicràemutitî itrver tett li 2 tulfle brtt.t - Trotting 1'urse os $23, tuorill gree titi-ce a n iiver %iiti rsor ue talke lefore thiti date, 1I ule, 31ini.5 RULE.I AND REGàLA TIONS: Tuîree luores e* t m a ieldtt. tintles$ tituts two Io sturt. Etrjufie tan par ctt. -Tisa ahove ratctIo 4li c 4Ordîliî wluthe rtl1e cf Ibm Club 411 entrieto bc inde lu witittg, and istdîr eAd, withtt he, Sceratee pr eî9 o'elock on the eeu*prarho-ta su etîidy's races. Ail reiers îtlibe reqtire(lt liidl-sa tM Jockey style aco(rdioig tu -tue ridle. E,.or>' pa.eau ti leritug a horse il lic require'l lie musat itscoer.TiteJudgei ikl-ntu lie fiiuet lit Éail cases.» Aotst bcttey iterî-d nt tilt puastby Jtayilms double elttnuc tantes. JAMES MONTEI l'etideit. Wli!toy, Sept. la, 18830. ZYLOÙ L8MUMq The great unqualled Preparattons for Restortng, Inv[gorating, Beautifv- ing, and Dressing the HAir, Reedering il ' t ySA dgtcay, id.dispccg JIl te rmaine ln goy sl.teti poittea; qstlkyclemanti du "P samrcsttiin te al, A med tanpmle g by aMd maurai cuiloiuIo 1141r. It NEVER FIRtS tg restere GI A Al te > to Oiigýuù lYouWbul Color. IT 15 iOT A DViI Rut Sv IireeiIy up te ra thIbUlld Iag prdrl 144la rlity ansd lux- Uitaqanatty as ln yott. MIr . TRAMRER, m<Kew Te«1, lnaàmettea iMy&' mjc*ptaautaly. 0. ye.s«Mg.y bale us rry psy, *"d Sauts , tuaIt Ms& .A. AItaW crtd'Sf liair RIedorar Bcordlaj le itdolraess5sd ow xMy- hair ta redlorad la tls nalaud caler, smal u& cesa to rm . The Zyicbiemuinmt1bave ftund lthe beel and Mdaïagletia mtedsang t have avec Usait. voit LADIES &WD CIULURLEs Whixse Ualr roqutres traquent drmsog, lta Zylebmte=mnibas no equaL. No ladym lofiet ta Complote wthm tbI. ScId by DruggIaImtàrfflhoat 1hVend. PiV5cp" § AL£$ OFr1cui 193 & e200 Greuwhl stnu.%New fortya. MiZ BROWX & PATTERSONS) Agrricultural Works!i AT TuE 01.1)WlllTBe FCQUNDRY, - BROCK ST.,'ivIIt-BY'. 1Miwufuctu rer.s'aîid (leslers e nîAIkinda of' AGRICLTTRALIEPLEMEN2S, -WI]RltlWILL8 I OUSD TiJRE8HING MACHINES ComldOed Retapers ayMoui'ero, Faur diFerent lIute sof For lteî s an sa mentg adtosae ho éretMy. 1 r'tr CD ~c+ ~rI2CD Cg ec-t- >0 r t- 0F ~ 'ICD, ej la5 ' ' iýa1 n t - 'izE an o 0er PUBLI DEPRTMETSfi atenedto A-t Seeiîred tî>' lite îstiy6ciber. Addeeuss prcpaidU F. J. CIIEhILE'uY Lattd nasî(tiGecrai .&eti, J No. 2w, Au netr oet. Qicu. i relu rd1360. EXTENSIVE CREDIT SAL4 Farm stockimpnXlmenta, " wilt bucs"o4 b> Publie Asutotîatc MONDÂY, SEPT. 28th-ý 18 weod, lte SIt u'siti', riî1orty ta ttg tua NI LLIAM Pl I'Ig S 1 M.80. 7 en -sislsu lu>' Le.de~l. 1 Houme Colt, 3 yéaa. otd. 1 Mare Colt, &Zears otd. I t-irios' col. ,îred lsy Younlg Britau. 4 CowulintemIt4weliibrud. 1 ititrissut Cow. ine emfto iJ. Mittes"a Bull. i C-wwtheolf by-hsrslde4. 2licifsrs, S yearmold. tSteers, 8 yeaxs olci. 8l iteers, 2 yeurs'Oh. - 1 Stater, 1 ycuîr oid. 1neifees I yerold. 1 thorougIs-breîi Durhamuell,3i a»od 08epwelitbred. 1 rci ow, extra. Ilumber o. 1 aperdid Buggy. 2 Woodcn -Pioegh.. 1 'Yaneie Pueugl iteIsl mouldtiotrd. 3 sels of double liarow. i Itrou seffier. itwo-borae RItller. h Iorse ItalIe. 1 pir of Bob Sleiglis. 1 Cutter. 1 Fanelus' MiII. 2 se tse doupte ilacees,. -1 linack. 2 tertlp Sliccmr. 2 NeolI ToIes. 3 S l legtt«Citaitas, and! doen c gemcit*lk'. t G1,ntile. Buetlt Rings, Wedges sud Axes. Crttdleg and Soy-ttioa, sowisug Seytites mad Forks, Eîukuu, Iloes and beay kaife 2 Peinsima, iumariy new, onea 86- ftst ud Bo' <eet. 15 tan. ef prime fLay insitil iackaî 4 acres of Teutîpti 2areofCoregtitees > nea oceQýtatec, 1 6llder Milt sud Proei.- A iuaatity o 't r and A largeea&4at e-ç A fluai Also ah isr :FLH :>ipe ofl superi of Hen-nessy' ,-A large a àortVmu ORTO « C IRAN DV -MIE> bitesm semais kUitM.dl WOJR crI?> diau )If TUIE 8KII. îime, i4 Yt -rý4;;fpl: thëg(,d r crone tîeqe 1 nencfMrses, kaloerth. Oitm t Il 4 Pig. les 'ed aotttet ittit-titMNg Ttesand otteerdisltg re. loa SFISTULA. I e1çln~et ' 1 iirie, îliaepreraie t a t . Neek'aolle, SOty'ettielf by thtc " st Wliilettegsel qmtI. 1111, *hul pr@-cae- lgu Wgoa -q8'ù' Cilebndite te 1 pair tIragg, slow, Moe %oa, uçMt lir., -, lm &fsO 1 one-lto-si Slagif, i, -'trRj»s. ' 1 Whleeltelfrovy, uevr, . 1 Ifjnt, Grinldîtane. eàms Telle, Bdcytnu , Lilta.. P'orkmi ulid Cfies'articesm UtCOgý.1 00 flhinerouR ultt jj1 t ksie ousmfu A oa quntty "f ted woend, intome ai 25 h. t sa-ug bt akUgeg býlue e gutidmce e< pttiei'm -Agmen<m $150 -ED-. Emploryeeiuat sa Liberat seary. totrve ad èotctorders for Mbitoa salar>' of $4 e $150 per mmdh*J and'expusei a Paeemaufonî emiployrnent giron te the rtght q ,k7nd of Agents.. , Isisi AgentA aIiowed s roryx tîhustal ot "n, x CA] out lb uqiglttui ýk cfpîlr a«tt it 'sue, moibgs Itmt sSale tucc TILIL I'wo-horse W-hoel OU11vators rouis t lissaey 1 l'trio STRAW AND FJEED CI1TEIISi1- 1. i GIÂNT GRAIN CFiUSRKS, 'IBoe 'cotcIi, American & Canadian Pliougb, of variens mi-Mais and stylea; 2o i - -% . lsiat War N 4-,201 9 ý L

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