Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1863, p. 3

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irer te arn have IN warrant te lay of May',i W wn.1ab i A. X-on Lot No. 9,-tu )n ni Plrerlng thea pro- ipphts on Monda>' Saptens- îo lyerhuctioneer. A.Ii, on Lot No4,tin keiug. tisa proparty et sida>, Sept. 29, 188.- Auctioncer. LL4.ýRÂATEAR ,ember 17, 186 d the> »<aces et a pt-tient Administra. of thse Province la ae conroèaý>-tsy bava tisa Kilitis sid -,enr fer eiakiçg provision cl>' et the people. the full Intapi ef ime> spirit of tise qitig »se ,patriotia thef ooutd adopa 5no thirt pre.eaéilt la -The- Maadouad- bagan b>' ignertag uitisogâclèr ; Uhr meant men7-PrOP05e the educatioia of the -nvies îha.tAsme mm I 'aitàmL a amyre- officers' ara te ha A pait!. Au>tiag ansisteut !rilb visai with vinttah. vagi. damant! cassnt val m truth ls tiai th. iara capablaetfvae- ad aotdle;-ý am of tise PrQ- to 1sýve Use ape. it4wega eialuiss meisool, viitee tutu eut te dihI~ it geatihig à achmn~ Rktamli Loy mais> lega paula bave thse opportunitias ýîc a:kowld eaigltty informe!, oen la100. Ansd &Was fur *100,000 ng milita efficersu r thi ti Is. But ,sa ans sratrsuai- i tise nmatrtTise. t tieebatile, isadst snt,.in obligea ta gbt, star a bat- -pemse suadmre. kmutisa Mtll; tise Sir th RtIs sfi>t-ý %ila apa ù.11 An d 1sare arley vO li kuew, peepte '*ho tise wormtseh" itev> ha regardlng tfrArsseigs e b m ter vil!l b.hy b. disoied to Ïellave an>' s As~a onaaoistien. t Wbat la tisa admitiai! pemitie o<f fitse iCetapn>'nases t s e t of thée Cuisay1 fer tii. RW a d Buber, bus hltsd ihfor us. lRa r M *Ã"rdt eofltta organ tbil s e 11 in> ' t of thsae Pm piaak te gravel a aul. apaqsé of 4I2,000; *n'ta br skwtit* eCalla 04,000; Iuili a llgUhonhas, eilng *S00;, &M duriag tibi perlodt îby pi sàld-aI tWr limdantal expeused, mach ààHmaor Kesée9 star>', tisa Semtavy, @asd Gae. keapers, snd ail tisa repsirdio e i oa& -mad ab tog.' %iser vlth otbar ieldetal o isd, basideo &Il ibi,'tise>' pal!over to theagoy. 5?.meut, àaise o itisai? net revae ais exclusiveetallof l apamthsasuns et Jutme.TThe Compan>' altuai!>' cisage tieRes! Ci ronsPlakto Gravel ai au axpetima of $12,000;'l aie>'Il rebuitt a brasivatar casting $4,00." tise> bail&, s ligbt bousa, sud tglising Ibis parotinI ia> pal! ail abêi- luldenail exp..... ;1 "suad beau!.. ail ibis ube"-eUsaegoerutmenut organ bu Us. ciA"èrdknowIdg- 49 pald ovar teu e soî eunt 'lsaanm of Wbat rohbers 1 Theis a eny *tiai sgeetiroa!-. «elmagud ih fraisa gra0 ffvel'i-eue of Use ver> ' bestîu àe> rgia,wviita tînder tisr o t,ovusce i- >'. oepan brs kwter and lightis abat paid, ils incidesitl ,e jadisaddition =ietinlaths e "iN * b pinsut gavea M% ý'ils pispu, sa, ms sud udrals of Wb~at WnUM. lOwt de 1 The popagos bm e-Ottava -din ihm, beti qit dove, sud tisa>' go o provetaebuildltsmwiIl net le esdty for eaapatiem toril. Patllaustar>' S- smen ofl18M.. Wlat vlhl Mr. Mewht do now 7 Wiljse meptise virlue eofresig. " Ot or reçuâlunoffce a lest- bours or days longer uat i ainignomininuâl>' lioered ont? The at@aof ibe Geamment saied. Mr. Ceclrisnr'am totion eceres up Ibis eveciag and itha Wmltltundcubtedl>' b. eaviad, This yull sealUthe fate ofuthe moat cetrat an u c tsruplena Mlnistr>' liaI aer isolai belreins ofipower in Cana. da.- Wimvnv Racu.-Tbe FPs» Meeting of tise Ontario *Turf Club, talas Place ovar aise Whitb Ootim en tb. 22nîsd e23rd Oewbesr. 'Tsh eaat imuse n minet Onti. cnt Y"o o f tii ~toftlïe ant whieii Lunty reted le. y>'vfl weOaa ï ua. Feu bava ni le- Ibuins.is homnr op I rama! le Cof lnds for npeyé< Tahave vu~ 6eonte thsasaavl ec <gtfor ise,mor i icipal i e tbi cuemioiau,)rlld ssi tê tlf6QonU3ty Cetrpo. ration.fThe qneatiesa- Uerafore, oi vben sud bey, oftai, -theise 1aeadsaleasbsontd take pslane, is apoinst'fer thsa represeît< tivea e of e Muuicipli.laa, ithe Coun- e>' Council aloua te determines#,," 5u- at-y 1860, B>'-Lsv X0,14 va< *passed, di- waecting tIsat<niaise 14tit 'May' foiowing. jed âhlsoni!sue jour Warrant'-lu th. namai vay te.saSieriff, sudtisai on lise ,aod' dy in Msay, in a al sfollovilg j.5i-7 705 aboulai isus aahimilsr. wsrrsnl, sus.Loriaisg athe sale of land~sfor iupaid taxes.,-Thse fiýat-aie vas ise inOctoer 1860, aud adjouruedt! te Mrch 1861- ThTb'iuace Coutuittea lu Jauir>'1861, -reommant!ed (sud vlaici vas adeptes! by thea Canai!>lissa in order te avoit! con- fuLsian jeunaiioult! not issue jour warraut for a secondt!saleinil the .preeeduug sale, gêt ian ihue untut î6îb or 17Us oi Octo-, bEcr nert. Tberafova, untier as>' oit-us- sdmtfyb cert Wturf,. ontthae lusstleacs,,oi thse Ceuni>' Couneil, ne imteimt- ocuit!b. imat! b>'yen for the o "tale;ustliM luat sale is ciosui, ta>' tise 17tI f e atier ýnexti !!eretofora sah absls es 4taken place etider a Ry.I*v paassd b>' ahe CeunI>' Ooenciti ýgoMMri"g the aime ai sala. lIn joar report Le tbé ~Cci.ncil in- Jure 1883, jeu-allodi!. t as os-bcet, in the foleoving -Wor-d&-, - -- ddhsttlsa Six mai, visici s moni! lagatI>' tais, place tiis ear, vas postponet iwl coueqlsenee oi tise avisi tsumber of Iotr te aVfergsoo ees tivlobt sala." 11o *11 a Yuvt hèefere, at iis tins. be raqeirai! regâ&ae LA4 ime <of cacA sale b>' By.Lswl5' frôla bi laappeara abat jois tien desmd th tisie f lise naxi saâle te ho, segulatai b>' Bj-Lav. kswiag youraef postposas! the sanifor ",h.iar cwfros the « amnai num-ber of lots le ofi'r." -The. number of the lots bave certainotnl- ai-esai! ince lise " a fe -efour report,, ne-lhier bis aotier 7ra taxes been .dded te the lots,- The ,îIumIbVand ~oaat ahargeable a guaiteacb4loti eiug pesis.. i>' te.t!sy wsai Usey vera viet jour races- meadahonta -Use Coanl>' Conseil vas penne& WheP n i.JOU&Wdthe report eftahe Fin-J the 101115 veau!se -ýy bit-,1 Finance Co.Mutittz.- My DiAiSm ,-I yonn of the 201h i;~ t1ciï-étatie'-ête-s i Ou tis asu.1ai ave 16t Ittank ysi foi"- vattiàl, atvice sdut s ai ibis lime,' do I i..t under i for ah. moinuta sauner lu wL goue lace tLe details, simd tf jour views lu vritieîg. I féeatih lest atraugtlhan ai>'pomhioiniam hSu, fartu t issue a warrantit a a wits tise statute. - le cau- yanrsatentieu te aier malter. Law 74, vas nat I fsncytrsrned te-' a warrant te issua -,bus. for apparent reaseasiL extandadt! h. limanete Maiý living Use expiration of five yeaq ByLaýw 83, extended tUs. tise te Di ber; but in the premaul csae-I sm witbeut s BY.LAv, noaviabstàiedleg u ferla te> bring aise maltai- baeratIsa9 ail, suan it l tiryii>'opne ua hali an imperativ atuttnder the:,Sstùi net ism"ng s varr'cnt tfoi sale 'of landr yearn!.atrosi-s for taxe&. I bsv1 referre th Ie malter t e sawfftemu, views I find b>'anettr -m'd tdiss mens., accord irith yai>' v- t in tes> te jou-me-If, sut!in erdérIat theab tar a>' aceor ea nlseore, I vil as je u mges, saut! blethîe O, or a cap>' e! your correspondance, anï aItoser heitiamalter te -the JOimunty 8 Wor, for bis writtau opinîlinas6te iy tà. bid qof M61,i.n ch yeaw, suif sec- -.in j4of theasame. Act provides tual t 4'Wbftever a portion of the tax or &Dy land bu basa 4aefor fivesyaars, or for sucb loniger pevlod or of incb amenai as a 1 By.Law of tba Creucit prescribas thse Trea- surer of tise Ooupnjmitait issue bis warrant' undar bis hantFaàdsaal &.9' I think the Dstatuts is distinct enough tsa in tae y absence of an>' By-Lsv axteuding tha timea i the. Treasurer abat! issue bis Warrant aud t as By!lav No. -83 oui>' refera te the De. ýcetuber %ben next ansuiug I cannas. se ethat your action, should in any wise be, a guider] tberehy. I am Dear Sir. * Most faithinil>' jour servant. * JOHN RATCLIFF. Warden C. 0 But viien the Councit ramemuburet! the rTreasurer's report, recommending ne uic; bhen tii.> remambaredthte report ofi the Finance Commitee, ihe discussion tiere. Son, sud the acquïissoceao! the Conucil tierein, andti te-prevsiting opinion amnegt att tii. members, that tiare was te ba ne r tax sale the p-esait jear, vas there net, ha askret, causa for altoniaimens . Aitogath- er tiere vas soethiag abouti tIis matter wiich he, <(Mr. Ferry,) was net abte ta fatheos. If the. course of te Treasurer couit have served, te auy axtant, the. Cana. ty flacrexts, theis b:, (Mr, Ferry,) coutti un of eis saction vas. tha centrary-vhere -e,.r stop i. taok vas a toas-he canîti no& nder t! dthe malter. 'Brook tava- ship I$1. oui>'; but Mara andi Rama lotest W ,lach, $76; Scott., $64; 'Sou- gog ikring, $30 ; Thorah, $46; UxS - 0;Wbithy, $1! ; sud the. Tovu by $40 -makng a!telges.h- u r a c h a o a a $ 4 8 3 , b > ' r e ss o rt a i f t t h. sale, inconsequeuce of beiug braughs. for- yard ti preseautime without tIse addition of the. tan par 2ent. Whet iii, (Mr. SPerry,) cc mapiaineti ai,vas tuis impatience ta sit, whoitneosale vu necessar>' ;it i as inex-pticah!e te hum. Aut! in the ah saue ai the. Treasurar, h. mare!>' broulgit 'orward anuoa. report. vithoutL ceusnring one va>' ai the otier, sa ataexpian;i- tien mugitho matie. it -e Thse Wardan entere toa shortex plcnation of hew the Treasareoy bat catîcti upen hui-Lits.bc (tise Wcrden) wwi bas>'aut tisas.ttse Tresarer Jefs. beinre - b saw limi eaving a lin. swkin,- lus opinion as te, the sale, and tisas.h' (thea 'Wariun) then vi-ata tise lutter af thme 22nd (given %bave.) Mr-.McNnh a'tketl Ï'hcther tise Tresai. bar] actuel illegallir or nos. .Nv. Peîry-'ne Treattt-r bas nots. at- -illegàlly; but heit- l itit ic.ave acter] tugeit>' b>' ?idoping i -heti <thtet'coe,. rjQ in aveil Chi c Canty fontde. sflTstrziied tiret con.qidering ttte rcstan-ces ofi t fe-whip ai Thortis. as advantztgeouq te tuai tovnship tisat sale sioutl go>on. (Mr. Sengster askeut if there- wure no 'aecrresponlene. auJ vsether thP e s ing lette-r wias tise-w producet Cea". e-vr cng - ut. Pixton Jr Eaqq., Trepnrsi- Co. af Ontario.- Iu nswar te yonv Mttoteh.22nt& lInst. t!asiring aie te sdvise visethar YOli vae requiredt!at issue a warrant for sale ai five jears in arrears for Taxes beg 1Io5gay *1 arn ai opinion abat unlisu the assesmont Uveff Upper Canada Section 1241, il isz env imparativa t!ut4 ho issue jour war- vant teath. Sbaniff commastding is ta 1ev>' upon th. lands for the. arrears due ereen vitia ils oeils uniis diractat! alLai-vise b>' tha Council undar By.Law resoietion or other order tection 127. Youm ,trul>' -H. J. MACDONIALD. - Solicitor for corporation. Mr. Bickeit couilt nnt anderstanti wbv -the mater ws ~cvawded. TIses'. wemild bave beaunio, muea jlegallit', sut! no moe ?a5p4>nfuhity on the part of theTrensurer legntand havngthe - adVime Solicitor, and the sanction rt, aud looking at the statute me whast other course the Id have pmued. Tii an Why the Reeve ofTho. atic1t JWug al otbar Ésatters aide, ha,- ficnt f1thme itre"irer'a guidance. It was, ho aaii-tbe -course takei thels Tresuwýr-1eaenf @ne open for hlm ,te purane. Mr. Kanpe4>sgin condnisath ie ac- tien taken by th. Tieasurer, anti said that tise TreasuruehaW tott i hm, (Mr-. Kenrie. dy,) fortisigbt .gftar the Jurtne ssion, mess. positive!>' tbaf tiser. ouid he ne saia tIse presaent yeas'. Mr. Kennedy'a amendment, that nu, sale bu bad Unti1 1864, vas then put and' nat, and the repar, as givan Ilut veek,- adbpt-, Couuly Court and quarter Seniosss. Bei9îru bis lýoptîr, <loaBasst Th ftqlowing nibrace the remaindur of the procëedingg, up ta tise rising ai bath courts on Tisarsday. Morris, for lai-cen>', reported- lest w eek, was sitntenced ta tira montha imprison- ment, vith liard labor. 'D. Everts, for. larcen>', ta thrce inantha impris»ninent, witb b- ard labor, in thé tjount5r Oaa!.- Joseph d naetva mantbs. The Grand Jury mer].e the. feliwin- ipRESENTMENT. Thas.insacert!aée witii thi dutias m-' posediupon thons tic>'hava visitadt! h. Caunt>' gaoi, aud fount!:t in such astate ao] oleanlinesa antiorder as does the nutmces. crédit te the goverîser ai the gai, and those -in anthouit>' untar imu. Fram the cevernl quastions put to thé. prisoue.rA it appeers lits.ever>' ucessry attention ispaid tîtiet whilst in confine- ment, and t the te have ganeraîlly con- ductet ibtemsetvcî with decoruns. Thatithey have receistd at the. bands of the I(Jaunty Attae>' ever> asistance, and tiiey congratulas.. the court upon thie ticrttness ai the cae.sdîr whicti muat ha Lenefiel otathec enui>'and i proves tirat tbe iniabitants ai tuis caot>' are a la«. abidiiag people. COtJNTY COURtT. Wnr(lnesday, Sept. 9îli,. Martinx8r. IW/ite--Action against C3ol- lector for iilegally cî-hing Il s for taxes. Verdict for ptajiiiW 36 R. A. 1 arrison fer piaintif ; &- J. WiLson ifor retcl-It. Ilam v8. Craadell-Lawyer's iili cf costs. Verdict for plaintifi, ef64 95. 11. J. Wilsonatnd NI. 0.- Hemtfor ptaintift; P. A. fair] for deontdant. Thurida>', Sept. 10tb. tres eodv.Wid -hi ails- ilar action'farrecovery ofai alwyer's bilh ni costs. Verdict f«. plaintif!; £40 48 lor]. R. J. Wilson for piaintilt eyaold# V& Crosby -et al.--Action on promissory note. Verdict fer plaintiff, el 8 18. R. J. Wilson andt0C. 0. Keller for julaintiff; N. G. lanst and .Mairs, ýjr defendant.. Distoyat Peetrj. The proprictors ai the hBaltimsore Rspub. lican wçere arrelster] by a fedoueal Gênerai naimesd Scisenck laest wcek, anditsent -bu- yend the Fédéaul ines for pubiishuîîg the laLloving lies.'f poetry ;- ,. "lilSOUTHEBRN CROSS." storeM. - -r,'Iradbý Mlo hulgtfoth aractas hsmpure aonsicitsiion t Like, the ariabut of love adredeîatsausILtsirm. As it poiets t lhu le cdbo t h.fur the îsiod jlow sadIt u st str, as the bornoie sfat, liiviagtv roe îaaepceaor amase ntawaz t )Ti$ th. Creasf tSe South, whtieh m a ever reinaiu Tu ligNe us te freedues and giuq gate ttuw pescefaian lestwuvasAmericalo siti - tiltuy'd by ipthee of t. i'uritas e iemn, Whbicts terko coder Victes, saS spetegsfmm ils cuvit Tu tutuels (ags ie th. Jile-blood oiureemeei. Tbelrtstdly appeai te cachh briit ihai use fuel, Andt=ab*the SsiI vi.r 'Ieth ia berty- ll Mjidth haCroueof tMe SoulhA shaU it rimpli renie Ta tighs t a Ifese. adShgtasgai Provincial ParIiament.- LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL - Quebec, Sept. 6.- Spumm atook the, the. char .o.day gl The Bill t re-unite the Ridings of Wat arloo, for Registration purposes ; the. Bill to arnend the Division Courta Aet of Up- par Canada , sud' the Bill terounier valid th. deeda of certain notaries -decased,j were resd a third tiÎé and passed. B1on. Mr. CHItISTfE introdnced a Bil! te relieve persons who ma>' refusa or ho un- _yilling, frcm consclantiocti motives te ha In answer taflou. 1Mr. Rlesen, floi. Mr1 BL&ai sid that the. mebject et uflrerin, the. York Road's for sale tate United coun- tien of York andf Pla.l, had net yet reeeiv-, cdthe consideratien of theï Gverti' 'ment. On the motion of the. nan. Mr. R~it., the. Bitl for the. 1yaiâbinant ai fraudulent vendéa of grain was read' the second time. Souie Private Bille vere read a sec- on&! time, and' tii. fous. then adjunoea. L, 0 LA-TI1VE :A SSEXIB LY Qliehe, sept 9. 'he Spkriea took the chair to-dit' at 3 o'clock. The fuilowing Bitta were introducý,-d and read aflrst lime:- By J. Dtwtte:sNic, --Bitll ir the proec- tubn af farm labourert. - B>' Ma. TouRvit.Èe,-Binli te ameîtd the the. hlw respecting Sheriff'e SaUe of rt-il prqperty ini Lower Canada.. 1 Dy M). Tàise, -ll, !te -amieiV!the ?ýcj reapecting the M1edicat Profesaion and thie ,saleof druge in Lower Canada. n Outhe, MotionaofMMa. MRja uitnittpe as appoiuted *te consider the practicahility anti propriety of constructiig: a <jîîtbotween Qeorgian li ay and fte Oî~,1- the wu.y of Lakte Sirnoen tndj LakîeSun' Thp ord2r wus then read for the tution 9f which Mîr. Çockhurn, hati given niotice, -~ 4'i .thitthis -lotisît feeu! it ýheir dut>' at ýonce to exPress their deaep regret-thar fha -Exceller->.4ioutd baî,'c buen- advised to make tii. Judicidi iippointmuent by whlùh a vactino>'hai recently ticéen cicater] in the repr-eentatioti of the Cauntai>agt. Ilyn.- cinthe, under ciroumstances ealcntlatad te prejudice if net d.4trcy thu indupandence ofLthe Hionc, tand lu corrupt nt itîsurcu aur itystem of Parliarneatary Oovernm nent-1' Mit. D IxtEsdthas. ho hoped- the motionlwould bu po-îîoned untitlib ed. madie a motion oi wbîch bu mad hiaisehf1 given notice fiîr thte prodnctiin ai the papers. Tht Govurcaî'-fnt iaîiîted that jMr. Cock. baïro shouldi proned éiwith hî.-i motion, as. once-or it ti! re iioi-ed irom the Pa- perg. Mit.- Coucauaw saîti that snucb beiîig the cas e bu ir]allow the motiont tii bu struck off ; _-but buova nid cauqe it ta be restortd wben the palipers vere broîght t!ewn. Drtse iMncti ie u Ma- uas.zo ýotatto e ver] for copies ai ait -correspondenic b.- s.veen the Goveramonit ant iHon. Nir. jus- tice Bruneau. First,,,in relation ta tht léaet*.of'absence obtniner] b>'thc latter lait year. Second, in relation ta tbe no- tice riven te thu Gavéiern,î.b>'the eaid Jutigu, that 'haievouir] the Sittinoga af the Court turing the nue tetim in ibie several Districts anîd Conntiee in -wbichî bu vas,.in. the habit ai se dîîing, befora onilning uis leave ai absence. Thtird, iii rela tion ta the. rrangements made be-tween ii. sGev- craimant an!l thn a cii Jnt;, tand which1 preseut jeai-, wtth the esaie ubjeut. Hon. J. S. mAg Bit resp.cting tlb. Ms. flTxvINGoNo aient! tha Act real Tewnship lands inn* A Re-solution tus to fier Majeat>', pi tia Wiole ont-îF-l sud agreot! te. gusc Rfou Scot dier,movat, nuillard, Boss hile, Sitipson S., Santerviite, Ltirton,- Sylvain, Thiu. dean, Theaipson, Watthridga T. C., Wals, Wetts, White, Wilson, Wright Amo-452, LEGISLAT1V'E COU'NCIL. Quabec, Se-pt- 10, 1863. Tii. Speaker took the chair ait trea o'clock. [n rap!>' te flou. SirvE. P- Tache, Ron. Mv. Latalliar sdi hwua the intenttion of -the. Goveenutent te aman thti. aw relaîing ta 4riettlturel Soelailas. On the motion offten i.Mr. Macdonaldj %Yntertot' Counu>' egis-ation Bill vasraà'1- Fi third lime and patset!, flaon. Mr. De La Terrier, eras! î te- second ree.ding of the Bill to amant! Chap. cci- tiroc of the Congolidtej St1atues. flanu. Mr-. Currier movedthatis illBu hie ons rend a second cime, but trat it ho rend a second limne tiis de>' tii-eu nontlsa. iii. amendient vas agreeti te b>' a vote ai 23 la 1l, sud tIse Bits.vas cosaquenai>' lost. 0e the motion ai thellon. *fi. Dncea. aey, th i ltot regutata the sale of Shin. glus- ini Lover Genada seas c a e lime. i TLhe. flouse than adjousued. LEOISLATIVE ASSENMBLY QuebeoSaý3pa.10. WIf. Ditiresue ( Montcalm) movet! for a coji> ofailttaccotints filad at tie 'criaus public er]tcsuts; aithai b>' J. B. E. Dorion, ai- b>'bis vif., --or b>' an>' echer prop)rieor, or ce-prepittor ai tha eva#,wpa- pur .T>effrheur, for goveinseut uotiea- -insarer] in tho saiti nevapaper, ince ils- ealsbaiuît,- or for ans> othar servicer ranîliiet nor work dette b>' aie propriator or cdipropr1etor ofaith ii. siaevspapei- and! the aniount'et varions- adtiouita-uop te lii date. ,Nlr. JMackenzie ( 1Èambton)- mbved in ameottuenatiat tha follewihg Wordi hae atider] tb.reto-"atud-àalîa copiercf ail se. courts Ipresanta-d te CXoeromètt y tiie Coeonizateîur'nawdappr, for prnutig antd dvisigaur] a slatenient of the asounits peu1 thierean, aie datas tiesaconoha vere presetitend the amoutits' paid." ' The' motioni sud' amendmênt were:deba:aed un. cil miz o'clock, viien pursutant te, thi' risa -ai the lieuse aie Spealosr laiftheii chair.i Aifter thse recas soute routine boinms vas.trenactet!, aeuthie flouse tii.. resuai- ;Ai uhe fui-uer considurss.ion aiflHou. Browiir's motion for a Select Commits itîquire anti report fortbvitis as te lIse p sens. Position ai the. Publîie Buildingzs îîew urecîing tttawa. The. proessa no icking towarsls tui camplellon, the tise vhin 1e>' il! ho -reet!>'for occupation, adt!hle suai of mené>' raquiret! m couiplete- ti.ens, adthelin itte ave pow'er te- senti- fer pansons, paperi sud records, sndl ta report frottetime te tiue, ant!of Mr. Morris' arnadmnent theret'lo: Tlt' alj tic worls ca-tr-Thia' in ttc moi4 ire-I- left ont, andI aie fol!eving inFertati nstea&î tiereof : 1<Au humble atidrems bô prseted ta is Excellec e>'îhoiverno3 (3enerai, prajilî tIsas he-wi hokbe- 5t 4m~te i. . 1.;A- igtant!d ri paperrs grate 1 Woru~ rhsey are il,

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