n, soie rnAîpoussute Mster wn 1 whvnpa as toc tita ai tio tssrong lie 7th t the 112th out' ay. ([Tar mesn rlYTo of isein vaeigioomîniausi>' 1a lorinutive crls, vison a -gon- dcfeated in Monta-cal. tva otisers bave baCu empnwes'-ed and ehin'ged hy tise lected b>' representisg tltenaieivaýs Ls aur A it ti isVacant scats at tise -succassors, whiia u-nther-a veterart ise, gret latittîde nut h a-bc asîal-iss ico n ivanfroîn public tha psi-,e mover -sid Minisa-i; lite for the presaut, l'or hî:vittg iiiuiaîtitied thii'-or' disruption, vseusdisso- hiattsaîf vith thuas str-nug ban-ar Canada - epel)Pto tise colsoîr>' are .pro- conainatioti 1 Wea ai, in a flause ehacted lije exlsting (Govenatitnrt'vlien, unotio adverse inlfiueîues, 28 Loa-ar Cana-. re.sgnatious isave been ssked or dian votait-tise haot. nemiscu-for flache- -tisa circuistances are entlai' aga, aften a striersi cectioauitde itdar iad bis puaamaunt respoosibiity bis ovo enrspicai, lias 2-3 or 24 talIon-ans la tise I'raunica ta tise Coonlcil eit tise oulside 1 (1k-ar lht-ar.) Tt vas anut att to tite chauthrs ai pri- for tt -rdatult i-'proiltct- af poiti- bers, oa- ta cauense. -ila'ta cabala c AlI othnu-- hitnil tics n-are sui- ia pa- Ve u re ancil interested, tiered, olai nds e~ strunged, andi aid prin- r-a M'> îani non-- in puablic cipies hsstily andt indccettly abanul neti. Proviriýc. or ina>' harcsftecate(Hear, licr) But tise han.-Prenier's ife ilu vitaliy iitrested-iu tIbis alectionceeing tacties taiuiunhîed Lu al iction between a formastive cri- et-ber parts of tise'Province P 1id tltey a tisa-ptive cisis. We indeed ? tf tise Ottawa meuciobens, ou tise -leave, if WC rai lp4il, Speakea-shilp, lac secuncti a singie vote, flica -e puic emieu orttiis coun-- Renfren-, (Mr. Mct-re,)sand yet hewnas tae mire>' of an>' individi asi espocialiy active aîtd urgenýt liiolf in Lb>' 00W acttingtitis point tise canvasas of thoqa coluusîiuueiîcie. I iy, va cal pravent for- atdmit tise taest-of Kîngsl on -in a sectiou recol'ren e o! su is intaigues cfa section tise inistenialt unsýaity 'va jscnii tas hav-e airaaidyý incrauseti.< But are thl icaueibensz fron sind~ sckened lîtambers ai t-at raglantii, - nalot-it>',? Wc-e îhay1 -e Ihaira subieththe tisa tc lectet as Lis foilae'ea-s ?t Yet hbclas got1 ta tiae tilte c f pra- an cxêki-ttve-1'seetismnai support, but ho »o, tlisa linibers oethIis hansuis e l ustuflgreat uav'list, "wiat frtkioha- mrinis il i&ea tht-t vihi lia- do-eithi V' It-" iehaflnd il pas-1 riwid bý preent is Ln itsoiîn- sibie ta goveru titis'caunutar,witis this i -SilloclargesIiliberty. By majonit', taniesit oitisir prncnphes? lis it-a, befrr tise Unîionri t least, ho pretuarti ttontest t-li c t-oni lendear-- mlent- list b Lýe ssernld wn-ibm ship witah bis Laord Pnutector? (Mn.j nionttîs; byp-atedaut- is sEx- Brown )'TVe sahl se-If lia is se paepar- s the third Trant-ltufthtli Legis- ad; audit- is easy enauglu t-a foratilM-Li,. hosit n-hase sanction no bill be- in suchi a contest, inmut go t-a tie WaIl.r comaes down antiopaas Paris- f(léca-, hua.) M- ieka.Ihv hna a-aculent you,sia, informnus cf ,ttLtirk couclus-ivahi-,that for ailthILe La-t c1ie'a spechl, anti bis coufilama- trigue; of last Mlay, kuon-n anti utknoov, libea-the aof t-lis tlîuuse ; ve ara avoe-d anti tieht, t-lera is not aveu tise seaua almuluu1t-aIs îMachb b> via-- poor phea lait, ai political uecesity. 1i tieut- ais ai élection. and viser- aeturu nom, 1 giadi>' ratuirn ta th is gb disea-tuica ta settlual precadletcostilulmmnal question, invoîî-ed in tisek sa-g'i t ceataiuly attgit nat ainnintt (Heur-,isea.) Tisecoustitu-1 raged b>' tisa ominons af Cana- tionaaist ofthtlis ,flouse, since tisa Ver>'c heaa-. 1 Teuta nitsb ïaecedentas fInal day of tise session, lu;vc-ben'obligatv an tiît uuîtijet oasinista-y stp b>' slap, ta defenu) nag uiust tiesaup- 'urianient, wait!t a vian- t-ostre- porters of t-is uta-t uroi'.cuutititionaî Auj-1 !rcvuui i te Country, a-ealal ininista-ation, te usag'es of Parliaint, te ~iy arecn-dat. Tis pre en-ltter and ,tisespîi-lof cir systant of gar- ndg's ciiet suavantas ini Parlia a-rnent. Ou tise Spe.ikeu-sîîip, we n-are bee.tusu aian etuituishati usage farcedt t ake tisaI grnundcri uitha Essex I an 111, ; tha racuigniaseti uhe election casa e vaa-a lrcedti lutaka t-bat vtlut- af couulfiletiuce motions grouuid, antdi ow again an ttîisAdula- -,,s s in*starial res;ignà tions, onhy n-a fiod ouaslves hiolding thuc saine puai- y t'u ala îLiii 1741 ; snd tise tian. [tiaa. lcar.] Tisa-entincaiithin0 gaoif sinaultaucaus rosigna- tise first tortilit oatiahe ssion tisa can-n %V1-bi o,ý-nient, an sateisa* stitulian.has beau assaiî-d traisitise 3in. c 1 iiuk, rin fa-terlcsk tissu isteriai hanchais, andl threc titu-tWCvalîve C nw-d Nuuu'utaiiu 1782. Tisa pro- nisan'Inils defooce. [lear, basa.] Bave s ýrf,ru applicable ta lta itahltisa Governant, as aI prasieut.axîîtiîg, a d itnat. Licuouglit t-lils sida of setthad desigui ta subvent tisa constitution? are precaienîis o? tise fail of ls il b>' accident that aven>' otova tisa>' i tin 1714; tisa t>rtland-Paree- htatva jet maide thua session bas beau an ti t- af. 1834; tae pnîcelent of uncoositutionai ana? hIava tIîay reail> 'i r 18331 - tisa Peel pa-cedent in et heitut front huas, anorcoviction. a secret, fo elhiore pracalent of 1841 ; dantempt foi' oua- 5>'atam of gard-ornnt!? i ircadant of 1852 ; the Paumrer- Do tise>, vith tisa member for %West Brant, ci tnt of 185>'d; aiul the Derby disbelava ini tisa existence of an u sucts 185i8. Nu- aof iul1 thesa eait thing as s Britislis anCandisu Coustitu- ti occurring in igltvy yaas- thon ?' Thiais n-ble cauduet since n- t1 Ite n wà ith ie la- t tan yesra-I vitisin t-bse valis bas certaini>' beansucitaa 1ce foiîaving general citanse- as ta vaus a reasanaible presunîiptian tisat I nvunlaily ta-e: 1st. TisaI tise>'de noî-protcîtd ta gove-rti tbiscauni-y bc Minsut%, ce6ndeuta-ed hy tise b>' oua- ono, or by' Baitilis precadautas.iu t-d lu canlsequeutea. tbey ne- ia-0 cinnt suppose tisent unin- th wlseç.Aiw',, inchudiu tlisa foruted -«as to n-at precedents pre- as istar. 2nti. TuaI weihatie scribe, sud if vaCidrîtem oir nforma- Ih duetiFi>' bvtise Iouse Ilwenlthton ta isè gondtiIen n-a must naccossaril>' W -r," Iviti iw taistrengthers bold tlisait'conduct ta ha inexcusab)le. Iloy Pa nuolig tish at6e ncle t samatit>' ta conduet eoiitr aits wîtis exato- pr bly i.% ea- woea-ou Saubýliai a*,i12-e.-,' _ Central (Uasnadxbad net i4retchaedits di- MaeyitF inanigions up ta 13.00twn, and tise Bastern Townships were, -m e't, iinurieycdandCasah'for N sznpaapled; jtow, lis Excellency, Lord Tavern-stai Moncke, gdverns a térritary, ~such s , li n oi wcaithibn tn nes ud in prn'noise, IRis, Excallency, Lard Sydeniani. could neyer Card - MU> have da-eamed of -sceing, baid be livad til Card Hlote aur dlay. Shah we succeeîl io evervtbing Cuto ,utý aà to Gnem-î? 1Shaît wc tad-Cor f vaîîce an evcry sortof knoviedg', except Special Sei knawicdge, of the Coanstituation ? One Boat &c., thilg is certain ; if va îîndarrate that,,de-F scriptian of knowhedge, ahi oua- Lter ' an-t quisitians wil.avait us inotbing sigiinst Teaciser M~ tisa abuses of powrer,, tlîa perversion of -patronage, and tihe slîiî,ra 'k of aur coin- moan Canadinchar.icter. This roomeutous jf « i ce bafore us catIs on ns aIl ta exericisa e a weightv judgemrnn before the puice question ;' it etîls oni us al] ta 'aise a land. mark for the -guidiunce of ail future Cana- ONL'Y ( dian Ministnies in turnes of caris. I1mw- cvar individuals may1 suifer, or niay prafit j~j1. by auùr decision, aur fiast duty i t liave WiilU>T a canie that va do naîjostify any danger- , ---- - - ous departone fa-cm tise plain patit of on.- 'he mi iititution..i rectitude. That people whoý reclabtely resist tise lrast innovation on -Tecu their liberties will neyer noua-n avin the Ts a lest ; aind -tise iret, and -only innovation tion in tisa of this 4isçripUoar% lnawn tty oua- ovi or' caoit sure ta Enisi histqn'>, lii naw befora yon, cn nwîaiti'ng yaur deeision- Tt înay ha said, bi5s upportf if yen decide agiinst the Prenies, yen de' ago Ma-. Mc cide ta brng hack tlîe aId Coalition ; the flousa, that lu fise scaa-ecraw aînployad ta fniglîten- you into votîug au approir.alt1wiîich rau tise principl do flot feel - ta be ileservrcd ; that is thse tion visons% ouI>' argument lcft ta keep theqe gentie.ia- gtb nuenan thse Traasîry Banchas ; but tise mgtb oid Coalition eaunover ratura te paver, hhy dochaWu unies, by tise datauît of thase in power tbat heabsoi (itear, har)- Tise'Chancellor ai ipper ayA -i i Cuinadît cannat a-tiirn fronithtie Bencis, non ujAmîî the Kuigist of Dundurn frain tise grave;, Represoiitat neithe- cen tise t othatie Coalition cornte lion. Wha back, tînless you futelit tten iby sanctioni- in- such sets as, vere donc in tisa lata voted for, «i c-isis-acts far hayonîl an-thing witis Administrai' wiiicts tise> were cliangeti or changeable. Rpeett (inta-, isear.) Fiat ,Jutsitia!1 ltljustice irena bce doue. If-YOU plant Tau-$thf an. safa tient And Il graund, sud stanid toýct1ura-, ou ara qiîite at, bis peo strong enaugis in'nuitobers, ta give aisotis- ot-ler iGoreronnnt, utiltui'l 'itistise> gusan s. ami lepa-asy of tise. laie crusis, to tisa country. wisich lic vu [Fiesa-,bhaa.] If, on the otisca- iand. you- hy Ma-. I1111 sanction visolesale, ail tlîat has beau donc, . - >-ou place your party at t-he îercy of your cissac opponentz-; Yeu. roltînteer taeîlafend niaoi1 t-bat is, lu tact and lin precedent, indafen' On the cible ; yatî san-ition intrigues ta .Ybieh tbair bîsekest deedias ware wisitenesi t- Ma-. Mdvaî self; yau andantse filschood ; yen upboid deelanes, ai icception ; yau newarti tréacherv, 'sud" )-ou estabhisis bIsis aiacutabla example, - gven -bat ail s man lies ta (lo ta be snd ta én-said on the-à miue Prime Minister ai Canada, las ta di- ôétber11aud, vest.hiansi f <tfven>'particie of 'feeling o h oe for bis rallcagues ; ta setasuide, if il anuiss0 aa tini, evea-y officiaI custain; ta taka coun- ntil the C cil, like a cisapunan, of strage-s in tisa Ta o sure ta-et, -as taeltee cnfidience a-epaued iu bila bythe repa-esautativa ofthie SOvcreign; frOi tise Pr( te ho cunning visene.liaeashonld be canditi. teristic CIta- nid faise visera itesaould ba fair. [Chýer] ho vouid ras This tas tise axataple yen propose la set up -o before yoUa-juniorà n -d your avît sons, bhaieve,fr nanyr of viantni a>- camle inilime te sit lu resignation i isbs hns, sd u ai o vsou, ccaa-diug tl- s y0u dacide one wny on tise other, mi thro must ha a siotr or a degradia- nf 1ea-on Isugisl. by Q- verdlict of th ise - ýaiarnent of VI5ted -Canmda, an tishe- Campbell. Brown. whnt-Wf. Whi!tido. nad for saef-Jiuo. Stieul. I00. Snell dorahlle B4Id Fssîse-Co, ussion-Co. for saia-( jet-John - ranteti. as. Mangen. raIson. ONE DoU<ý&R A YEAR Lima Of Mr. t, andhisposi*- lu Uous,'iL preseatt Sessi on -ivý altogeth(fat ta surprise ar-.But w short moothe fowat declar ~in bis place in that heasho 'vote in fevor uf Le-q of Rtepre *tian hy-Pepula.- %ver, aud lintever shape it eofl'ered. 'Mowat inivaria- 'd i-i address s constituents nild neitlîer re for lO'juin istratýio, th oîn make the tiona qu1esti CfJeinet que$. iaihas Mr. t doate le «id--cîdti, t ~ oadScu ion, wbich flot make the tioo questio 'abinet ques. le lia agait' session, brok- pise hy V,,tià ia't .Fr- ted for haut when moved yard Camne Sncb is the of the mainà r South Outa- ~ctor Go4 Cnt question ie aqnai yWhite ha heh Q'hajoind mnt ç:it ing -being 'subjeet, nes, <tLn the teiern~ ru is i wav;ýt et-t-ted palicy et QQehac -e finisheti. cieclaration kwithis lanac- either casa, are tihe rpresentatives of the cauutY ready to aceept tise toad, and ineur thse axpenditure for completing and impro. viug it. Of course t hese remarks ana made alto- gether ouaideý, aud bey)nd 1the rigis of of the preseui Comnpany, aud witbout pro. judice to thein. What ight the governu ment bas ta utake a private ofl'er- of~ thein property ; or why nat put up the lRoad and Harbour et publie auction ta the high- est bidder, ýwe bava uaL thought proper ta anqùire. bNeithar, until theý action of the coun - il igascerteined, lu iteessary, eti this moment, ta observe that the ratepay. ers of the county might have ta ha consul- ted in the matter by a, hy-taw ta ha mub. mittéd for thain approval, or uthenwise. Thea Georgiaa Bay Canal route. The survey ordea-ed by the County Council of Ontario of a routa througb this County, bas, wa understand, been coin- plated by thse emilient Engineer. 1. C. Keefer, Esq., ta wbam it was intru.ited by Mr. Fairbanks, thea chairman of the Stand- ing Committea on- R-'ads and Bridges, ,and wili, in ahi probability, ha prasented THE GstRA 1tsth<riPc-Nre oit THE MrccnIS' II'*tlTî, beid et Corbettls Point on ThursJay ast, 'WWin l every res- pect a grand,. as- welT Le w Plesming affaixÇ The day was delightfully fne,-and' éwery. 4iug paut off Mst satiufsôtoity. Freinr an early hou? ini the muerattng the crowds hegan ta colleet, and 5préaid tholisêla aven thse groindis, and possession vas soon takçn of the swings, &a., and' of tie varions other applinndces for entertainlutot nd amusement, provided hy the Cormmltted' f Arrangements. Theo grounda adjacent ta the picturesqe iocality of Carbett's Paint bail been previnusiy cidaa-Od, aud put in order, and nothiug apptare-d'toavp~ beau left undana or unattenà d fta towrards rend. ering averything aaseomiplteandagKraaahiJ as possible. 7The Bauds of Whitby, Major- ville, and Mui'& Quadrille band togethar wiîh a fifa -and druin "discoursed iweet music' troughaut the grots'ds durng the day, andd<aid ead youug,, tbeuera-y and the staid, uuhejit themselves ands mîxad -ta- geijier in the amusing gainas of "Croq1uet," "iAunt Sally," "LeA Grace,"i- &c., The gaines of Quaits and Aacbery ailso attracted ca-owds, and the liste were volt fliiad, iila tha votaries of Terpsicore displayed the ta tise Count>' Council, et tisa speciai 5ses- jliisî t ant-asILetoe" t-o the music of, sien wshichs commences ta-day <-TisursdaY-) Msul's, Banti au the grecia svurd. These, Tise route suryadi s y vay af Scagog,-1 taking the N?,onquon ehannal by vay of tisa Maras creck, and Beeivea- aiva>r, ta Lakte Simcoe. 1.Issuhm een found-iiot ahane quite prai-ticahia, but admuirehtu, adapteti fan t-hae urpose. Tise eut et thue nitigess lafenud ta ha 212 teet aboya t-be lavel cf Lake Sengog, and alîhaugis - ap- parently iigs, t i but- a niera sbarp point; -tsa visle of t-hua igbsis erutuession af Whitby bin; lbelow tise levaI of Scugog Liil.e.- In tistconnet-tion %wa nay observa tlaati Mr. Conger isas obtaineti for t-te Trenit iouteansd Mr. MeConkey fuir tise Toronto routa, aonntittee in tise Legisîutive Assenbhy. WIVst re tise reprcsauitativas Of Ontario about? Ma-. Fairbanks, va beaides ruoliuuf, andl bondie -races, saekra- ces, visealbarro v-races,!long, and higis iaap- ing; jumping, &hc., and -othar gaines and amusements innumerahie occupiedth ie tha-aag. Tiseravers, parbapa, sauna tva theusauti persans on tisa- grouni; but ait were scatteret iniugroupsansd clossio r suicl a large area, anti kept tram viwan- - .inongast tisa hushesa, andtihie trees so mut-h as ta rauder it- impossible t-atarin anylhing Lika an et-cure approxijmation cf tisa numiesar. There vena aise nuinaraus ta- bies and bhauts., vhaeethose visa dii îlot bring thair ovus tafresismeots catilti inuf each Company, the Infantry lead thO. lU' fies 29 points, as undr: Gnèenwobd..,. - 11 Prinee Albert. 99ý Uxbridie- ...92 Olâhava,.. . .. - 73' Brëooklin .. Columbus.--- Whithy ... ý377 348 fisecou~ieita i vredivitld d ino t t aquadu,. that of thé Rifles, beig under the commandof the Bnigada.Majon, Lýieu-tenanit- Colonel fIsouis, sud' that af tha lufantry unde- Major Fakzbtnks. fit was early 4 -o'dock iu diii afternaou befona the matchs Wrmitnated. Thea day waa véry uîîfavora' hle, a stroug vindbowing serres tha line. of fire, prevtntipg srntbiug likeitccurlid7 lu- the firingî ' Toe-inbch, paai canuat bu aw4rdod- thé BnigaLde.Mao for the seat diu1layqed by hum,-ý upon ail occasiong, ia ssti ng iii promotiflg thea Votuteer move- ment. Atter tise firiug hNid ceasad; isie difmrt Voluutter Companies fèli in,, and marciîcd -ta ibm parade groutîdý, wben tise Br igade' -Major, aftar hauVing forniad the tnaops ioto tlirceaisdes of a sqaa-e9 pres eused tha prizea, and iu a short spe 'ech cnnpliiaantadl tise "n'eupoîî thein appeeaaîce, aîîd tisa character of their shsaotisng-.-oiserving- thiae the uzîfevorabla state of the weaitbur pra. vcîaîcd a bette- score belaîginade. HIe alluded ta a mnasure ta ha submitted ta tise' Hanse the praserut Sessioni, viicli would deal mucis aûoe .liberally viff tisa Vuluîîtaans, aîîd said that simultanîcous ly weith the issue of clothaîîg, pay vyouild aus ha made ta caclî voluriteer, ud a monrie uoifoî-m uystain adopîad. litîtsa favoredi the adop;ion of a seîtled rifle rtî,atîd improvadl targats ,anîd bntts. Colontl Denois&also intimated tbat Ills Excoellene1y the Goyennor (leszeral, vas abouLta ofonai -the X'uluuttecîmof Orîtaria jta vaproi- ioiL battaliouîs-one of Iîîfanýtry, ail1 ample provisions ta uppi>' thensaives. auuthar of Itiles, andtisaiî haouai acdal Tise tain ses, as usal, fonned a large sud iiit-restuu-the o met interestiîa oto Tisa ciseers sera tisen rpa- sd hy utuhosa preseit.-sand va hava iteard lt-I Colonet Deatis fur tisa Qutuen, sud vera ai-e isto-mcd, aduranseul1 cstuiaati said thaï t iwn-s rareîy sucis a uispîs>' 06 t-a Ma-. Mavat apon ti s ubjeet, requer>tuing, blooming ieauty couLdI ho found atta-c>teti Ilite ta utreat hinsaif ia procttng ain. t ogetssa. Nue ca.cmpan ia<of vohunteers a repl ait t-ha mat-tan wouLd a-cea-va iss attention, as sot as tise Adtiress vas pass- cd. ' Wa sincercu>' trust that teisa llea-ests of t-lus ccunty vlhL nat ha neglet t, anti t-h.t tise subjeet viti be taten op untit-ne. turneti ant-live Infantr', *anti toua- lles, numbanung sanie tvo bundred anti tlfty men. - Tise7 vae Wiithy, Oshawa, Green. WOOu, tJxbiidga, sud Puince- Aisent Infan. tay; Whi tby, snd Qshawa. Calumhus, and liroaktinRiflesi udea t-hein .respective Most hearud i ii Thrce ciseers fon tisa- Ladies venu aiso praoîosed, andtirespotidedti ta iti a vili. Tisa-caaheers vaere also-poaed ioný Col. Deaisis-sd naspauîded tab>' tisa Bri-1 gade-Major iu itLin; tarins. Tisa- cheeasfor tise cificens of tise lite- esaaiuc'Iltstîut.e vers oast gitan ua-a--re spondedti t by Mn. R.. J. Witsan, Prteta Lau ounr mamies e shansd doing et onice, 1 commaîtiioz afilcens. îisey arasente-a avery 1 oatisa ait-uta. so t-bat Ont-aria havin;, mas va liera, tia adrantage aftie bettea- rate-7nay bave an equat chance isatore tise Le islatura anti t-be canlay ta hava ils meritsecaiusiderad eqtlly vit-h t-hasts of, tho Trent- aud Tu- tve tisat a-Onta.- adi tise TiateufuÇutry isud lt-ltaVulaantr. a pola>' lat-eana1 Tisa Brigatie-Mtujon, -aî nentioneti aIse- - riena>, st-st-eut at tise 1-vian-, oui Thnaiay Last-, that- it was t-t i itcution ta divide t-be ý Voan-en farce outhtisaCousnty -a0 n ?Paiion%[ Battalimns, oUrnatr', ni Th4e. isdu-las , saulti heau an gsy anud oidiernly apposa-suce. aud vere higisly camphimanted by Col. Danois, t-be Brigade-Major, vie os aaiinattendance. Tisa day was kopt a Ipuiblic hiliday tisaon'gi cnt tise aauty-tisa stores sud tuItusES vot - 4TItLETtt- assasCaS risses t-o tiesa atiecastut cempeilOn in thbe .I"Yeticca-ecisc a-s erenaxt&wa'dý cd as tujlloas Pla.t rzrp--Edward Armustrong, sil-cu places of business, ami onhy intise tavn -uhi. of Whit-by, bul ail over tise count-y bbg j IItusdl race.-Edward Armtasîea kept -closat, nteny pensons coiiin ia distance of thîa-ty m riles ta parti ci pata i n %V hat uigit valf ha Ca.1letithe fae eday of t-be lear. TUK RIFLE sMATCHs. Tise time- for eamnînenaigtise Bige Boys' FI(a raceC.-James Siir, ailve cup. --- &Sck race.-J. llta-pea-, ailvea- tup. Boys' Srck race,.-7 1aoage Rengougi alivea clip. ~ - Il .Id fonud ii'smtt atti5dait pt SmItobe# iPac ton-aras husaco- in meuaiitl1807, ho leagus in 11;35. -uast tise sisoulti enit-'vts-is Min'try, ha any miisunderstavading cf bis intentions, "d a->,h '81,' vent ta Sm ratba-t Paci suismitteil te bis coItes- lis poie>', nithbhis <abiu-- giùas lu 18M,bis ievs lin ittatg in tise flu ':35, Sia- Robet P'ct go el -U;low.t-~à bCale Ninrand.uit," and i Nvcol ta thta eQunta->' nils aft-aa-v8a-s ,h#atuborat-ees tftae vian-s anti 'a %01uiha, svld on thisea-gava tisaun tetisacountry>'befona tise lec- paie>'. Iu '41 t-be Mei- thon. intisa celebaated " Tamn-oa-I Maui- wncattise countr>'as a s est." Ths waîs t-ie candtt t-be tatas- t Derby Ministr ' y ent ta mnan n-ha protîdî> declaa-ad in 1841, "iTf I t - n-oai; se, in'57, Lot-il ccept- offlisisal be b>' valing intse 'o '583 Lord Desab>' vent open ligbt andtibutisa dia-ad petts cf tise w . t ful sauts upnn tliat-Constitutio." (Cheans.) lIon-stiking ýýViseave tisse. dissolu- 1>' <os noa t-j 4s conititutionatl lngisgo tisa>'v ers nnauncefi ho- coula-ast vils tisa garr"Iusslooaeness Paa-laCIttlif ilt- t heu af thoe et cf tisa paescut Administlratio, rsaine ethea- ntiscaitativ vioso pens -ta have talti evea->'ona ha ae Miuhgteraisipotlie>', ike sisoulil net bave tutot I-fis Excelieney's - "imivontis Muuah-tet" intentions, vwhite be conceaeoilt-iem onl>' Pl'e. Butt, belons lits-fa-auxthase visa hati a igis ta kunwtatir, iexplanutîtans ta Paa-ia- ise un ncoîheagutes -(Raa-,ean i 1cita ouintry, t-li Premier, in Ibis paecdt ai t-be eouduatof-Sr Boiwtn n record. explainou teta is Peeilaesisan tise importance attaciset in tuase liaainîended te aesEnglandto thetarespansibilî t> af a Minisler Dt tise cisis. [ltear, isheat'] taniis colleaguassuid te tisa Caon, at at hsa-ugla a loog s o f s !Limnet eisis. le il sale anti visa ton ns lnaut-on.q, gire o hin bte dispense af that respousîbihit>', te allon- i tis cauntry;>';In avea->'sncb pa-cedeitls te ho seotted 4nd meoan- Ssatin, lu aven>' nat-enhai eti? On is tisane. I ask agîtin, a flieti de- 7 orne, tise Premier ar ex- sign ountise pant of tisa-pae'suét Govea-n- fi tn ay "-aviog- cotisut-- ment, te disa-agia-t as obsololie ail soda su"1 or un>' elieagues and preientt?_ Hon. gentlameneitsaaiodig- 1 or r an t a ta effeet. ost at t-he imputation o f suais, a designs. liayaud cntraiction t-at Witttise>'t-ell us, thon, Sir-, on- it- iappen- rntrary et-Obhofoutiad-.Thb sul liat tisa knooledge ai thse dissouotion tmon tatst tis anet eof behog grneotlb>' lis Éxcoliena> vas nov- oe ,>dinslaatian as l'con. or contmuajaated ta tise Cooncli, wiso bai 1 net have- incuded i hm, advisa i t- ill Iba>'toll us isaw Iisshpp- iiag lîsuti taelise attenl>' oued tluat il vas iinnialtely maie inonv nduct of is enishs. Wh>, te tisose netoth ie Coisacil;, willthet-h'l conlititteti vit-boul hum? us how Iit ppened thaI notice oftnshg- bonsttittan, tise-vony baud natiôn given b>' histLovearCanada clles-- s' at,. V&,int ? U ti Tnnruezôafo n ond , nd t-aeformt rsis-na. Thse Pbckerlug Council matiu t'la Town Hait. Menabora- al preseut-. - Minutes at lust-meeting reaut sud ap- jmovi.- TiseReceve a-tad a ecommunicat-iou tram W. E. Ya:uohl Esq., P. L, S., ia referait- ce ta incorponsatid villages.- FoUitions paescatat of James Aiiisoa, fan tiseoffcme of collecter, alsa 'of hIctny Doyle, for tise same. - A. comomunicaion fa-ain Job Matiit sud othera, racatmmsnig Mangarsl Sissu- nessy, te tisa Council as aul abject et e-hà -. rty. On motion cf Mn. PBalard, a hy-iav vas pasaed appýiuting Hena-y Doayle, Cotlecter, for the preseut yean.1 Mn. MoCreigist moyeu, tisat Robert- Gar- land,. sud George O'Leary of Pickering, ha aceepted b>' t-lis Canueil, as suret>' suf. ficient 1 fan tise due perforanace of tise dutes If -Collecter, cf rates farthie Town- sbip cf Pickernug for tisa -ean 1863, b>' Rosa-y De> le, sud tisatishe Reeve do ae-- quaae tise saiti parties witisin tan tiays fa-au tis date, ta ent-erlut-a bauds teta s anionut of $16,000, aud certif>'tise same tiste Clerk.-Carried. Ma. Haight, mores tsaI Tisas Bas. ter - hadboa obre tiis Couneil, in rater- euce to tis euae atiCoe, ferrselling liquor on the Sabbat-b iay.-Carried. 1Mr. MeCa-ight. moves thaitishe Daput>' -s-- - ------ -- - - -' t a"'-'--,», aaaver cnp, 1cep. view of bis position i t l l icojntign- j oanier -fonce, an tisat po'tion o t-ltin- On-vin*4;atecpvae$2:sln BormnngU teacy, and u-iaworlby the pn locte te0tri-ocoorposetiofut lIcCompanies, - may fm représeut mBo bteltfigent a one -ltieney as- not Fiaprjudiced etigover the m edi 1,a aor iatpie t 1,auvncp .>'! C. $7, $3, sud $5. Tiseevere 112 entnies - iVtelbarmraurc.ý &xutli Ontario. peran se ilI t-alcuiate.d- la corqinanu tisa -56 Infantay, aud 56 Rifles, sflos ýih ivrcp - ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~~respect of t-ho officei3 antimenunader lin stlas mih îvrCp Speaiahmeettng ef t-ha ouityCancaj. as"6 " tngJîmei - -Wallace. nvcassîflreuhrs-ini - Cotant-j ~ v aptn sIc. Nui;m Oshtawa Ca. Il -Wbithy 15 Griint silvea- -eip. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ u spoapetn ite aii ani rinion vouttl tend inca-cteadatence Whitby 13 Oshava 18 im# /ame bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h biuaiafotomaao 'is » tiasuidoosa oatie Valent-car force bunt-bis Prince -Albert 11 - Bnoohrhity 16 IConnt-y, tatisuh1e pcin; - uaten uJimîî (reval I oîabs7"s.'J tisa Wadeut. Tise object- af us u spaciises, ap ud at uto dt 'nanoferou tis e ici. -Uxbrbd;e 10 -- dp suon itetakeinocanaidors - -n,.an.. - -56 9uoits.-R. Sn- matie b>' thoeovenumnt t-e> -_e Council - euBb o .56 Tise official part- of'it of -h Whîb Roi ntiHnbq uunupo-- --- - Range 200, .100, sud 400 yatrds. 3 ahots in- couein4ed thons wa8 tsiia'coudhtiOns, énul aItisahe o f W4,.- ib'm isei vthatsr h-aI oaisrange. ,- -iug, sud soon vehiciosa 000 Tsecodilonis -tManspia-ad Theiints -> 0:Tnn~~r ~ m following persans vers deciar. vere ou tis a vy houx.v - -cbid, ain jea-and hal ai, ws1at, tise inners of the severa isnie, pleasai, sud jolly Pie-i baut thsepries l ben steât- Viat tisa1 iu t. babêksîalteu t t or oftone Mr., Rock>',p set-boa ct thé Council may ho it- is bmPassi- orthlie Norths Warmid, oni Tuesla>' niigbt, vis: TifS0011 hie novta claIe. TheaùciIaof the gov, anti applicaion bas alruady beeamtde te 1st prise, -ST, Burton, GaeeuwodIn.u Thons vua aver>' fair enunint, vo foar covera'rme iiister Oh- t-be Towntauthoritias-toprovide ort'iL.- faaîtry Corà pani. peI ale Gtend nc utst 2oi prise, Sargean-Stshey,G.uad jet; othea-vise itis atep wotld net ho Whitby is sua-eIy pa-aifle of Townî habies, 3ré prize, W. Diçîkie, Oshawai Rifes. e- hng, visicis wus givez talon on tise ove of a, break up. Icor- I 0 utl.Ts-pttvepaet f 4hrz utc, onxu ils h1i' Tnt 1 tailI>wovuii appear tt-o haeu-aîbea-a pee h at'- one aresuid te be kuovun. Stisprize, COrpraOa-V'od, bav& ERi.liats, Meuras Ait-ie, and b&ragin for tise eouuty ta taho tise roui Rifl tch aes - thesalves ta1tiesti8fa sud psy aven the $48,000 t-o lte gov ru-n- t l Copiany.. k b, nés. Ts an n oa tsa ment, Tisa tact of otToin, tise racd-t-o. A Uifitch e, Openýt0 tIhe Volusteoss th pt-las, Clark & Wright,, Prince AI- vromedtoa t-be ,caunty ai ail-if maie osîsfide-t'eft tte 4&l aud St-h filtary Districts, to - artsvell. ,The muabow preume thte pening ut thesa elre fine te placeut Bownauivillie o Tesa.- eberttInfsttry Cautpanyi>'$ Bath bsîng equal :iWehava n:w - bse,îJ his constituents, wbat bc~ well knew hé would * b required cion many occsions- to state, the poliny of the Goverinent u~ on that: matter. The IlChristian pol. uni, must not ha inade tQ tel a dhreet so ha tinùst-not .enqtaire or ,icnow, 'but b. privileged to- asssSme. While bis Premier andl Lovwer Caanadiancolleagues can, aud actually do aivow the Governmer4t polie7, ho wft'h full knowledge of their statemenus cS11v and, boldly does amsrt thb e T re- verse. The dodg-e, (hall we not botter eali it by its true naine, lie,) aniiwerà a perpose, and when truth coà aes, wjwn evl- 51011 will go longer serve, 10o! hiewouild have ub beiiele, not that hoe *" Misled, not &hlent ha cbad misunderstoo~d, but that ha, without stateinent cir e qniry, had "&xkefi for granted" a part of the gov. ernintal policy so imiportant sui after. wards to involve bis resignation. Ah 1 Oliver!l it la a clunnisy perfommanèýâ un- wrthy 8o. meek a disciple, of thea - tord Pr'otector. Ev6u thea ehnUdect1resi. % dent of your owni vigilance committee blinik at il. The enly menit wa can.Iind !tauthat it lu made t a answer th1e double 1 rpoae of hoodwinliing a COStituency, je nd slipp.iug-out of a sinking Administra. On Tht*rsday night Mr. Cartieýr Madë a seVeil hoursý speech on the debate op the Address, auid the flousea adjodi'n' without comiug ta a vote. On Fiiday Mr. Sicotte'li amendmient 4 eit lest vuted tupon, end rajeeted, by'I ,najority of tkiree. This is a poor p ros. pect fur the governmnit whiich the iobe 1 %5scrtad would hbstobng iii the IRouse. DeducLtîîag thleir own votes they would hae iri a mnisorztle miarity, and e inistry ta bave a p prwurlin, zzdj6rity lý,ul bave it outside thoir own votes. And there is 110 Chance u)f an' ace esaiin ta their numberi. Mr. PanTin a lthougli he voted fnr the addresa declaréd' bis itnr.on orf îlot supporting thein fur.. th Lr. Mr-iBchanan, who was ahsent would bave vuted aga'inst them, ; and if ta this is added t ha seat for Eà sez whc.it i poitivuly' sîated tniiister'a uit loe, the maj rîîY of ibree wuuld ho reduc. 1 d ta nit- Thea milistry lu thierefore Pitia1b1Y W al<-tou Week tu carry on the' goverroniant of the country wviîl suecese; or satisfaction, and are hiable ta ha brok-en dlown et aniy moment taponi a chance apies.- tion. We give the division by secitons s -htcil gthe 'sectional majunîtica standing OpPoîiedtaoeach'other . U'wmerCassadiansfQr tire Amendnest -AbtAà liyn. Archambatait, feaubien, Bellvese WanhatBronsseisu, Cartier, Ca a bapia~C-ornilieîr, Dsoust, I~ehariile, isi, tInk tiDuFrekne 't .~e~ni> asi , Eanturel, G01 , sw*d Id e KIl 'W aLe Banhiiier, Mi-Geé FPirÀonnaul4Ç