Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1863, p. 1

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ýotteRegistry Offce. R P~ER ANNUN, rISEMENTS! I lit I iiirate cf St cents per rointi22 olt4 j'Cr lit 1et, celi niaie withi adeerticers y tiltue advertiscieetts mumt P MONTREAL, MIAS DOW, MWanager. ULVSS 1WORKS.- AT1Nï1AT 1LAW, ttucc v lty 'icl ontirio.- IL Di rN -,i INVri L 011W iv r!J. . N . EiiAN eX, stre tWI ýIIty- fIIAM, -],AWV. iFFICFý-liRMCK ~. w Alr Ilx>tÂx STOR.-Tber-> is au Eat- cm schery whicit bas its, version in many btnguagfs, cfofa beautifial darusel, ta whan à gonis Of su rpsin,t, power desired to, 1-iv g a talisman. Ho enjoined bei; ta take beràelf acrosa a fid of standing carn -abe' was ta plucel theo alleat and ltlrgent ear alto cold find, but site was to gatber it as1 site went forirard, and nover pause ini beri patbia> r ta aîtep bsck in quest of ber Ob- ject. In propo 'r tion ta the eize and ripe. tiesa rAË tho iOr she, gatbered, su wonld bel the power of lta ýtalismnan: Sbe*weut out upon ber quêStî asys te :gend, and eu- tered upan the ilelci. auy a ta1i tatk tof Brpassing excellence. met ber glance buft ~she stîti waiked onward, exépectiug ta fiuni one muor e ecellent atili. At 1astiahe reaeh- ed a portion of the field. *ere te *'rops were ¶tinpoj and to psam ure auted. 6h. regrete4ib e tait arud gracellia ll. sk uho ltsd loft bebiud,,brii disdailted ta pick 'diose whieh feu s.8 far belair -witat ber ideas was cf a pertecî car, flut aies 1 the steims grew mare ragged aud rtore. seunly as she trod anward ; on the margiu of the~ field te7 were mildewed, sundii tn ste bai aceomplisbed ber waik îbhrotugb ttc weavîug grain, site enierged on tie to îer aide wîhoit avirig gaîhered a-cy Oar wiat- ever. The gonins robulced lier fot her fat- ly; but we are nul told tiat b£ gave her au opportunity cf rctrieving ber error. W mity apply titis litle Indiant fable ta titi realitiea uf daily lite. Py l't KaFý uti E wic.-e New; atk, N. J., lived a very pious fatuily, e-bu Lad takren an crphuri la taise, whi> by- the way wras rather nnderwitted. Ho bcd ira. >bibd very strict vtews onu religions mat- tiir, howevear, and once asked bis i dupted tbdtbohr if ste didn't thin k it wrong fur the; Cid faranersta earne ta ehurcit and fait ocieep, Fiayiug nu better regard to the set vice. Site ropiied site did. Accordiugly; berare goiug te cittiei thle next Siuday, hie filled-bis pockt witb appies. One bald. hèaded aid mnu, who iuvariabiy went la alee~p dnring 3%ie sermon, partieuisriy at- îraeted bis atten tio. Seeiug him at tast loodding aud giving nasal evide CIe of bei ng ltie 'land ut dreams,c ho itauled off, and tn.¶1 tite .e.t..,lish.d l,.... -1,.--l Mattbew cefy NS IMU mo' Wt>31pd set biw. bis bruw for an littiMi, 710sent yDn bore V?" îsweted Ady. - '1 flottr mow yen hal'ej Sbî told us ta go, to bed go und, papa was haute. for him fiigt,." nd the cldtt' a& teaier sie ut tbe uni him foryonl," ed sud sonnd as-leepi, ii iffulty thlat Mr. Freoinai ..As sean,. however, as ruy a0xned, snd Lé foutaud ta each grssped oun ora bis p, ind, yieidlng passivoly s, ufered the.,, la ied laimeel a main *ho bcd wouder aud deep intoresl,- auce lecture i tan't stand. le eues, 'ho sddod, ît ive tt-ea sober ,fatr"' flever sas' titautbelore y, )sr.keepars, ligbtly. PIver wich to du sa agaiu 's piace. Wbc la theïr wbai, a l'es yoaràa ago. )muh ability' tiet ase ie insnrauée Compatey. no'formcd round thei dest was aaid about r- 'Mn' subheybe abd IAdy sud YJane came lu 40 s titey had ju st dune, 1ZI ru çb fe l ng, s d ar- mOÏtubi cig aoue. euaoe, 1'hem paaively lie e litle things *iten îey esi Stfetimnes;i en I *eak enougit ta shed angeis," erewarkod sfraid tloy- are net Lim.aWkatikthle at sou aleme ïIltuit NiD ATITO RNle -AT-L4AW. ON & SAMàlPtON Autruiv, >iieil crs, u&4. JN I .. A jjt4lettM. Il A N I, 1I1. ri. 0. VN A FDMilhNY FOR11ON rl n4i1 ietc s-le.t Wi-iriil-t , itbv4. 47 itucuaueir. e. iffc.-i1 1 lihcalm Printed words, great thonghts sidud wtijrng . ndustry, we vol. Vils- WHITBY, C. W., TIIURSDA. [COMMERCIAL HO/TrEL, BnoUaCvrneaTUU wil rrav, JAMES CROCKER, Proprietor. c1 ONDIERCIAL. TRAVELLERS wtll inj dit eoiisieluî4t)P~IIIr iittieis Il e, as tI ey cii icîîru frriin fli Rgieter 13 îk k-cpi at ilti Bair, dteroulî elem accîb v iticrîleeuene The îîroprietiir tluktn t î îîà îîîtithîîîîk bis iminronq lpatroîr acid trieiffii for h-ler iiilia iuuC iet.iýwcd oui ii cuiieî t UCOii- inciiceliect of Lis huines ll W lithe. Good Slabling, and Attent;lve O*tler%.. 011iN wtpS 1EY. >R PiI Tri iR. ES-IC F 'r iii R. 1P. ilarkj l Iiiiittl cito oi t NodFlîî.WIliiliv, nil (>uliawa. 24 GLOBE 1OTE1I. I'ýel tnd pýcl"cînihave sem'rtiiircii-ei 11y~ thoi efflriber, wliere fiîe e-ii ii wiiyu tho f1u nl iiitlrettdy la îatt -ten cîai titi 'eta i f bliaîet, &c. TIi- tire ilece hii 4tic,.,, cnnnîiutty intî wjtii ciseîrîîctiîf molt e-tuer to e-ad.i. a cd r vor iiiiem r o i îîv îiînt tluiakel thei,,Tralt ir '% Ii tlt illî is ~ls aî, nuîd thie Tua, i iocltftill. Notice -to Parmers and Others tu iii.bV urulufiior liqrrel Me crtis i hcîîî--iu ii. -u;iiuaili"c Ext ra Riielifleci tVi lo -Onii ;hetPnri. sli-crut, ui t giice lrainde for thes suel ialtlu :àlist fni .lIuirs 4ui riui ira iioif i - l i rinde. Ai-ti- i-tteri1and Iiilîîre tItFre.. A. ALEXANDERt. tliu LiJ i.Ii, 3ttl5 4 Wui tlî irt -1 l' ; tîîisr iiugc 3 cHnfONtuo lrinr mi BAR4T WINDSýOR IKOUE, WIIYTi, F l it orei-ll i iît Ii i i î i lt Id re'ireut i!i ofut t l ie -u%vi, o n t i ria ;tlhi i acniirlttkt . 'tue trech 0re2iiii MABA ANU RAMA BAO AGRIOULTÃŽJRAL SOM1TYI Tryi NAI FAIR MUA&I SU1oW o? 111e1býO sîxiety will lm, h 'idaitci- 4aiî'~ iînWhibtindt~1roitRos, 2arc,oci Thursday, October Tht, 1863, Foir the Etflibti(!i o tcf rse, fttle, hi.i(ji, Fer Jiisl4 (if rizes, sl tCCMLiE Aili~~~~~ riy uia 2863. 3 J.muiR, We etrinIrl tediiewrîr ier- îa,>.Ail -i~i f pr,ýpertv Acicd n(u (iilîwn1, Jeune, 186>0.i, IC TO0R 1A ROT ROTEII C:WAN - pro riicr. th utii i' i-iii <iciLinr a weii sueiéde r-ie 11y.,hc rcie tabi 114- Olve . uni Cali, ui i fi hase hlm l IIUSSELI1'8 ci a1vi tt tilis iti rîpu.iausr cf aveuiuî riieglls rcnsvtttei f .le r ftid at il i ii i it tiir-uiiiîr, vlji-i niîl-it i-tr auî, u mi- i i iue i-ciuira orte icr-utii u r i elig itlle Stiiiî eiaituuttci i QutiucMrcuiIl.1891. N orther n H t el Oanuingto n. - ~ ~ -- The tcir adeioe) iicle14a hcsucefiu - -~~~ t~~Izomlrii t ci ot, li rcilutcril if uieur c r i, c ýii4 U riuriibl riçsitunid uIuiiitî tiuîtvtc itictT ctt~e ttiirutuisiu ciii e lnt--iiitiiqii PCO LIFMcil 'pýW.un i1cr etl'i leicuiue nt: l J ral u0isFuI et ZWtICKElYs >lUtL. - Ti> tho Travelling Publie. Ohé when lvilI Jloraing break Agatin. 'iXlii,1 icli thI sîciiicc i i lpetied lRi'A ou it tronled llanctl lier sons or tailingielteiae Itelcaeetue rîisciiiiutua, Andil ailtîtgiiic inir Sud late lai Tue uIry of thc past. Ahi, (Iark ncciidear tbe flittre laccus Tuaifon r ac , a-blrt e-us enta s, fi Ai lier -o i iinirnr siie - Tiicv we-atiiui Ili-r gterdenie agto Atiti iIa cf tricli ai l), Ami UI kwhée tiali bertbecitecostuil An ulalie-,siheom tgaiî. ttili.,ig ith i ,mnicileil rlgltbend, Potute or f,-r hiE elncr, liuf plit] Ci 'iî hi'uî ueicein car. lii u li ie iîîile# lad Tii-y flulit fr et the ahade cf e-bat Tlicir llitiiera iu5iit Icefure; For llicrtv ii deur ic hiiglit IvWl l îerii-t n-nuui's gous. .N ühiLithit ,tchlt, t1reeafl-y Shliliiitl pp 'i r tuin u, t lier ,oîtemi Si-i e whti et f hOreignloc e uvitdei A i nii îîid ka iniîttur n lt-r tea tuer tetca &iv oAr-I c i hcil e ei-wna pcuie ind fiu¶h- riiîi iliz lue Ih i*ii uI-i-I it:i jheuare eô iiigrocln 0f tncaiiiti:liaah iicgl(ud JIU Wiuce'e Ui vkliîc ttm tiieit 8teps .irl.e-his relishiic ii idlinne- nds t rh lriît Iiiiii eipo liteiuciitteti Tine iî-irh in Ilîle ii 'fie ,tAxs tîi lier bariner paie; '1, Iiitý1 in iLin ii eci,; Tervd eiti'e siiiic dtijjct and rIeur TîbàeLJ tih i .nk,.a1nu-g 1 Thie c>%U iiivi- iii,,iRnflîjIsarc 01 tlliiîg laieu Iii'àorr Thcett.îr, u qienci cit sorrOvwie Min- Ful l iraity crery her. %V lien, wjàtit iî eil al aIe sbic..e eilak WV iil 'wiii tint rî i(lovdérerèterti %vilieu wIl,( Vlievrialit lac seule4 Auidtu iUwliîd tumnîili c Ceu ? wiî g i.aW iiiuti dcc biaitba oli rat ur f e , lThe t;ood Autgeis.- "C.omu Adjy and Jane, it 's, lieue yen %eare ir bei," sailI m. Freran to ber two 1lih' duIu9Iagluîuabuu uiue oio neu c:vfîaizagl *Aty e-as anine years old, sud Jlie mus -a yautand a bBif yuuger. The. Lenchidreu ý lhua beensittiwg ctt thé work. table e-ith ibeir imoth uto ofut f I.m Ptud!A if we eineý big duo>en "Yeâ, sire' The mzant h then ho àaidl IlNobody,l but we onidie And 86 we cal nell'in Ir 13 ldh r ebauds, ho Goud b o Omanh1) said uno "Nuha, a ï -at lett i fathrIl 1" couducted a g a in s it t "T it mari, anid inau and b Reverai ti and 1eud spokeofar gued tbt "To yieids hi coie &ftef Tuahe. patta hie il Yo IL, geutle Keau te or Who, nt tbis, One teresd teia 1Hon M r. ?ic GCx( , zdd z : Tw o ine ubers f te A di ilnhtraion ave beecn heard, 31r, S;p c ker n t e (rCa t e n t t u î tq u es- tion nue- blote lu, in reply lp the speecit ruade uin evizig litneme t îby te hon. minetber far St. yactbo. Iflirise~ lit t ii s ta o f tue discus sionc t a cfer ny- celfto t h notice of the flouse, it is mrain- ]y witIlta i v t tainficate wbst seetuý te, te ta bu tino ruc groud, 1ioqt» wlich-, that asig gqgd ry cameO t 1,-te de- bae. uirl not ta e dive ded. (fluet-, lie r ) Ido a, thits iarly , ause te liun. Finance Minitetraemeid tea have titught itetine opportune atr iMy bo. friand mnuie UC, (Mr. Sic îîe,>&l -enaor on tihe gentral questiori, tua g eprsonal e~inlnc whiieh nichtfL.uý ave5,, the lin. moen il nul ta be caataùunde-d itîit tbe per.sexaul question ; iii anly per.- sonial, iii ;a vry gerit erse, aet hie ue tin lac, oethieettitive *sffrg, or te ru les o t tii s h af u te a rc p er. u u al. b c a uist i they affect personai ighLis sd (dtîties ;t but Ibyund hal d(,grecof petacrality îte icusion of tihe anendixiet aght le ha lepl eaitirely aprl frin the rnre details e tf ir r î i u l c o n d te i t h et t la s t t c r i is . (Ho ar, Tt emI cnt irtdeetod Iscuu ed practicallY a i c e uy aitlaut 1lu cng lu ind'uidual Mlinistru, and cepeciaIy te theo prium nu in ithe crist, theo Prime Miiii cr ; but tlwse allusions are ofny h[bc ofus r un t h e a rgu m ient ; the gr uta ,> miim <lies far deeper; - e have nos' turîti er otr h-inds, a-c re nue- caliL-d n lisex- acnue, tihe vry stl or ýspiril t o t'ys- tiiascie-Iias the franneworkç wlnctt ru hlajnt , aid whih t'as Irned by ur p î-derc surs tlu (du its bhad dng. [Ilear, hear] Theolion , A ttr uy-.Qceràl FEast I(M r. iii i atheo bcgi1inîn of bis e - rely ai toer app t exuu-e -îiu t .)t his ut,- iý ii r e -FN& G4 -cIi -- t141" iiiis our i ~ ta it-ueituulon itiior~ Wh;itii. 44 N, M. D. îî0UN~TY (4AeL, ,GRtEEN STIIEET,f ýTCALF, Lt Di1VISION COURT, PE ARS. itSUUREII OFTIIE ,.A(ItIross, UxIbrîlge. ANNAM, WNION [lOT EL. NIl ,MI î%ç' it l ti'it itidilfii i u'e utc- ru iu-m i uuu.It luii hi-cIiuLiccl 1-tiri npici uiini- viteil. Sleu e-iuîe-,lilqîiÃŽre, aiu 1 e&ciuri. CANKTON ROTELq ptljFFIuNS ÇtEEK, PImhKEiING. i0,00D acim Ii tit)r raveuIers. Wr. CtTiIBERT, i4c-lcî oerPiontohsi em an . tob al IiÀL,po e frt, o (oluuatitl thle xlu 6r -tI tIuu i iilitul, a:îd Au teuIIq itit sptuueti 1 hsnera, sudiiaiM tentdanîc. A. CONWAY, Miiuiltu, (icI. 29. 4811. Preprictor. St île-ee ui uiitil Tiicu n-uisfivnr him il!,tîn fOiiUN 'l \XM 1 1TfN. WOO-N'sU TL AJQHITECT., 'z-144, Bay Etrect Toronto. IMALT VINEGYAR. Atý1T VINEGAltc, imbelttx ù ag - rantait quuîltttes, sîthe WVhitbt- B 1rewveiv Nortt laitich andi Mercantile Pire & Wie Insurance Co<>nY. - - TIIOMNASI1DOW, lhiîji ot Mgteet, "No' dean, but iî's guîîing laie1 and il is lime ïya e ea lu Led. - Ha £nay not be hume fan an >huer." Ady i uîdaidu ber 'unit, sud ieft the table, aud Jane clcsed hr boouks, a)d put] tiner away inu ber schoal satchet. tYoc cti ligint -îte ilump on tino nian- tel-piecu,t' aia)Mn,.FreemLui,, afler a fea- moments, sud loeleing aronnd as aine spake, shbe se- the ehildren i ail both puai ountei bonetes, an taicue yiug tem wam ca pes close aLout their ueck-s. She uderaîaed mail the meuning of tist, sud therefore did t aîak a qttiuta; silnc>egb ltheteas cama ta hler eye, and ber voice treaubled as site aid, It. la very cala) ta nighi, ebildien." d tfo î tg Buau<wdotfe l i, motber," replied Ady. Il We'li zen aloug vear quickly.'t And thetw ltaile ûnes wnt mt ... icept tîlen it.Jfes' minuteà ;fteu un îtree','fUl tisi es of thé& menit aWR:- Abount £'o' on ~sthti e*t a-bile Mc 'hnems , ta U'g suber ilutI e fana part 0f the a)a bIc offi,ýÇ' ' 8crauger entered, t Sittiug. 4 4c, aid, 1Mtis cir pardn ubet4 rehanel for wbat I1s&M Say. Wi' onpromise me ual 1< foudeil" 14lfy mferne a nti1oh, sIc," 14 d iîa yeru - -' ta du YotAlhi reat aervioe.,' clasea) tLe doott àIîer Ibéru, am alotie, tbtu naised' han e yas cpi murmured l' (Ud blessund remate children.'i i- 1- Il s'as a darla- minter nigbît M ailventurers aleppe i jta te tinoa wia4 amepi Ibet'eeiy alung, sud aie tines bac,-juta thteutiatr. But thi ROUGE HÃ"TEIL J O1EPHMuE-N.LATY (0F *TEE NON- qica ltsl, andi tcrnîaly cf WIýittiiy, iii rauneca lIn hua friandssud thmpebtiz, thut bei bul- ranted iltteishve meIl-liruemu litel, -blet ÃŽmiwi 'lit irai rate onder tor thec i'ceptiou of que44B Wiees, Liqecue and 'Cigare%. Gauud Stcabilugtre ana attentive Oster. - I- WILLIAM STRACIHAN, C OIs Wes EI~[E1~ , 163. Bon. mr.,.Ïto il , ,ist, or al clial que ýqqea 1 1 : 1 1

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