Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 25 Jun 1863, p. 2

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Ky, Jan1026, 1863. a Non-Lb Ontarilo idi- l'à muajoriy '23. Thé wa : .. IUeDn or MoeDaipl )UF*ii. Cameu 848 li 88 i 120 11 1, 23. Iitwç, thut 1 a, .Ncrtb'0 ire .eandldàl unnl thoetct ;eletiuon ga esou. the fol me Thse Co en in Mars )ced againait f cither, ladi ehad t'he. 80-. 09~ Biey, 1la i. 4 f etlhe most bareacs 4s, crrul,t1b ;s ud; n&a Ur, ÇraWr wgvd -Ur Riinm ebltnus e opend 1117 50557, va eeWld ot be ururllh t ia ai the otiie.14e, Il moey CM lte by the. GrIL fâJhful snd was se'aged tO tire botipurpos. in copting the 4use. toma In evex-y eondtuteucy tbuy have proved tbemaelves to b. the " ConruptIon. lint,-thie-ie.,unsurupelonut Ii(j<ri.p- tionlts," legifiiîuaely entitied tothet 5' pellation they bave bestowed upon iheir1 oppenents. The vote lu Toronto,- ai thtý eloe of the POil, aieed Siait ..128 !Crawford. ....7i4 WFEUX< DIVISION. MacdonalId .1275 kýitobinson.SU81 48 ~UPPER-CAkNAD)k - Coviîwall--J. S. mac&ensld. 122 Glengarry-4). A. Uadilnalil. Southi Hastlgs-Ltis Wailbldge. Lrn pe-Aiez. Mackeuzie. inde- Sentir Wellngion~-rD. Stirtou. )nt- Hmltn- IsaacBuhnan. SHuron sud Bruee-JaniOs Di.sm. 1wfl West Nortumberlndames oeckbnrn. ve a NorthrLanark-P.Obet-tBell. '[1ev- Llucoiu-Wii. MoOlves-is. Seutis 5iuceT. Birn. Eut. Ess l gl-L.Bus-veI West Wuuin-gl-Johu Scble. tira North W ntvevub-Wun. Noiman I fço.- South iOxfrd0eo-ge Brown. litti Northr Oxford -H. F. Mackenzie. West Mddesx-Tbemas Scatcbtrd. lgng Wet Brat-E. B. Wood. hard 'Kent-A. 1MeKelsi. ition North York,.-'P. Wells, uiber tro -S Anilt iu Wo othWenworth-J. Rymal. Didmnad-D. Titonpson. n-- V4ctora-J. Dunsfordi. lui4 Peterhorc0-W. S. Couger. o e Éast Tnik.AnoA>Wight Rute uMi ddleae-O. Wtlsonr. FIRST DBAY. Bveepstabnet c $20 each, bhal forfit, te wlulelthe Club added $50, for all Province lired herses, w.Ight for age, eue mile, 3 Ur. Glover's OZrio, .. 12 2 1 1 D.Eey' Dm Jua.. 2 1 1 2 2 TIe-1 48j; 1491 ; 1621 ;1571; 1561 This racewvaspendidly contesusd, C0W. rion oniy winming the lutibhet by a hed. Whluby Perse cf $150; open tealal lior. u, 2 mile hesto, T. C. W. D. Keedys lWender......... 11 C. Litthfeld's Harper,...2 2 Tiae-lut mile, 1 52 - ad, 1 fiO- boat, 3 49J. Second bet-firsi mile, 1 463j -,s2d, 158 -3 38J. Trotting Purâe cf $5, 1 mile, 3 lu'S. Win. MuElroy's b. ru... 1 i212 S. Ray's Back Tom...2 1, i i Time-3 15: 3 05; 3804; 3 09. Éuderc f$50 6I qtover 4hardIes 3 ft. 6 tu., hadiéa wélhti.- thet cries vers;- C. Iiittle6eld's'Palernw.O D. Need's DmesJiquÏ N. Iiuttlefie 'a Jr.ii Mr Simpson's Ringold, C. F. Card's Harko.oay. Tis vas au exeiting race. Riagold took the. first bea, but feil ai tht second herdle, lu the second beat, and vuans bad7 haurt, ibat h. iiad te ha uarried off mAvid. Don juan boiied st the 3rd~ haýIevery tise. Palerme oo teheb race. Club Perse of $400, open to al herses, 3 mile beats, $50 entranue, T. 0. W, D. Beedy's Thsuder ........ 1 James Pace'b JuliaAdams,. 2 dr. Time-5 46. Trotting Perseof $25, sud sileer cup; 'in 5 ,to harness. C. i;ttlsefield's Adelaide. i 11 N. Bey's b. m..ru ... A. PeckeS8am Paie.... 3 22 Tme-2 47 i 2 46Ji 2451. ý A Silver Cup for antraineci horme, vwu *on by Mr. Jabez Lyude's Fluawoody tbt only otber entry hein.- Mr. Cavd'e grey [mes Cvn key. ro. Provrint4 0.L W. tartv$gbi. t... I CANADA. THIRUDAY.: Trottine>aue of $100, open te al hor- as4, nule beau, 3 lu 5. ImssElofpe's<JClip theIfeather, 2 1 3 1 1 C. LitlefeldA Laid e ... .3 2 2 22 Mr. Peek' am aeà ...... 1 3 33 N. Rsy's Black'JTma...4 4 1dr. Tima-2 47 i 239;2 42ji 2 40 ; 2 38. This trou va sonsidereut a 1"big" race, and vas very well coniesteci. eats. k, 1 22 1 4. 4dist 01 ; 1.68. Ia the IHeuse f cemusonstàe"e cndition cf Ireland wvusdebat!d Spo A motion wss moved te aPPOInt a s comuittot t0 inquire jute thie auseiloÉ î The motion wuassubsequeetly withdra The. annoncement cf ushe apture of P bi wus received vitii satisfaction 'Chîs - iu London, sud Mexicaa bonds .1vm 2j te Si per cent. under lte newya. The Buaperor Napoleon receis'ed eengratulaîions of the Emperor of WÊl and tihe bingcp f Prussia on thre eïpffýiê'» Puebla. Reports vere terrent in Paris on the 4 iuît., thamt ordera had brou sent tao.h bourg to suspend the sending of rinfor ments te Mexico, but the evenln journ of that date saýy that the order fersei froop and moaterials cf var are maintain The -Liverpool journals urge mxi ear termination of bostilities betveen ý'raucé Vand Mexico, in erder titat the Freneg doverument may regain freedom of movejý meuniiu the Buvepean question. Ail tbe telerapir lices from Warsav' vern diaîroyed nVaecfnotes iand guld abstracied' fromatle Waaw bank, vas left a recelpt signed by ibe Nýailnil Government. It was ruported that the Notes cf thé ilee Povers ef Rassis, regarding Puland, vould hi. dispatubed on tbel3tb, The. Pairie Fays thai the Prussien Gev- erment. inclines tovard an arrangement witb Pl sîlut, notwitbstanding the vbining te the contrary. The Cormeon Council of Bivcav bcd de-> cided te send a deputation te the King to petiu.ou hlm te vlthdrav bis late lodnance agaiu:sîtir'e jiresâansd te convoite the cifet. The deputation baci gene te Berlin. The Timei edterially says the resut cf the openiing of tue Misissppi ie undoubtelà. ly favourable .tc, the Fedevais. lu app-as that at these peints the confederates -are short cf meni, provisions, or transports. andi tbat their opponents have been able te drive bauk thîer armisa. Tbe fate cf Vicksqburg depetinta o- mucit os its garrisen as on] the Cosiféderate Generals in the field. Un.. Jobuseton 3i11doubtlesamalte overy effort to succor. TheArrnyaid Naey Gazette tinks Ge Les may be obtiged, on uilitavy grounda, iou arry thet var juote eenemy's cuîntry, but dues net believe that Wasingtou ean bu taken by direct attack. The ship Mary Bilson , vitb breaitefis for tht distresaed operaîlves, arriveci at Belfat on the l2tb insi. It is said that fies psssages. wlll be offéred Io a certain clasm maae.and fennale operatives Io the United States. The Belfut l&theru Whig says tuaL the stamer Heroine, piyiug beîween Bel. fau aud Baugro hms been sold le su agent of the Confeelerate Goverument. Details are published cf the atreeftiet, piracy and kidnapping cf slaves by Péru- Vlan Vessels in te Sentirmen*. War NeWvs. TbeN. Y. Tribun2asy.W otfficial li<i!fhIlts t f b. rotreu et404' )nés jus; been eectedi nia, was killed at the ter. çs of importance that vont, but there is addi- t no Confederate lorce )f naw on sither Bide of Intains., erson, of Jackson, Miss., : a nv at MiîrfreSsboro, 'vîlti-. nuit. --4 l4ITOMMwitG.Jute 14-Tht operatorc ut Shbppesburg, Il miles titis aideofcf M'amersur tlegaphe at12 oclocke to-day thnt l Cou.Teraes were one mule fi-onuthe towu sudt vert advaniing in tbf. direcionu, C:- Ncyw Yoar,,June 24-A special dupai. cbrtoube Biieninqg osdatedi lashiug-. torn, June 28, says -t i isslut sueria- 1usd, that the main body ot thté(leuféderate arîy lis i Shtngndoah valley. Thers are m any perso a bstill anticipat uai thef CoieeanY t ru wilI Cuic ibrough tht Gapu and marcit dowu W our îrmy, tbougi the long deiay vouici tem tW preveut sncb a tuovemexni. At oes ime ccii ubae ee nfe, buttit lq noirtLo Nx yoRrt, June 24 - Speclal despatch. et th ie Herald give thet telexing infor. 'nation:- t Tht rebel Gen. Rhtodes bas0 10,000 meen and 80 piecesof setilerY; 9,00() areon lthe ronifito Dovriville. Tuereobelsq commenceci te mote on qresntcaslt ou Monday. Wîlliicspurtisqueductrbnthei detrnyed hy thé s-cosl. I'tvo -inuof thtý ý&t Ntzew York cvaln-y verelt inalusekir-1 sisb yesten-day. Three rebel pri-soestr were taken- The rebels agailuteck pos-1 session cf Chambersbîrg MhsuOrniug.1 Gen. Kuxpe failirxg bcck on Sliippenaburg, oud rexnoving ail tht -govevnmetxstores. Catpi Boyed vas in'Lhe viuiuitY cf green village, retiriug befors the rebel adianue sud furuishiug information, cf the rebel ruevemnus. Tht reb>els gutted i al abe stores ilu 11(3bmbsurg sud Stealaiki tce. cupiet by profesaed frieuds aud Unlouiista.î Stfiring news mai be exPected ta aaymo-i ment, us thtetrebes are sd#anciug with -ini arrny of heresfet sud artiiîtrY. I'Srgiy, 'cn.cs ip.. i,-It. lu veporteci ibat our frcesx are falîing hack on Carlisle, aud the inhabitants are pt-epavlug te fles le Hsrritbu-r. A battietcan Scaroeîy eccur butors terrOwr. Tht rebels have1 cuit tht telegrapir wives. Tht robots chavg-1 ed or rtreuiing. force. chasing theni te rier-"en Village. On- forces sýtiui hoid Carlile and Slippenulîure. Otw forces he4d the bighest near Gclettyaburg. vol- McCiure repotis ihe wheie cnontrY, bord- erlug Chanhershurg, te hbc(fl cf reheln. Tt lu iixîfnirreri thithe relela threntened to e iHarllnrisbtrg ou SaiurdaY nighît. Severai agôu iad cf negrots have as-- rie hf-mSippesburg. Tht St aud 71-st New York rpemerits reaci Cnmlisle ibis iuorniug. AIT refuiges are unanimoiia iu stAting ihei the, roetiGeneral Jenkiuiit ie very seecre iu cOntempi for copper. Bau.vxwoir, Juins 24-Iufermstion s-e- citt! at tht hsad quart ers of Geu.Schenxck1 ias uigbt, cnd! frein ciber orcen. tatesl that Gen. Ewell's .fores. te thteriomber of' n5,000 W40.000. are nov lu Marylanud, iu the Booneshoro ValleLy; They hatve a large, quantity cf rrtllery, Csvalrvysud infantry. They are building bridges acresa the es. irai, sud as-c actîvely cngaczed torsgiug the. countr.s, uo'iieciug siîrpliei;, &c. They creset ai Ar.ietam Ford sud Shepards- tovi. cetn. Kelly ielegranrs tirai the -Imhôden 'envalry, about 3,000 StrOug, are ai Big CaustenF. * Thre Loua cf Lire Zorwegau. ln ail reapecis satural. mTere insucIl a poverty in Ireland, and there aielé ii»Y ly prosperous Ilnshmen in America An' al s nually send money foe the land f dûifr :, o hirtb,, tupsy the peasage of their liidrd ho b to nev homes, that emigration il mot tru tasse u long as, Ireland Conti vS poor ro -ud overpeopled. But since 'tii jginning da of the, present year the arrivali bave ex-r ceeed4 alrpost tiiretfild. Çke obvionsi w explasation of ithe feci in, iithe. w&hbu pe ltien (rom the productive inoktry aniln*th mense number cf labourers fand tba the JU inconvenience suffered froun ths cause in g the nortb and northveut is known li 1re ho lande and Sivez an impetus te emigration.,, Ail7 mai Who eau dig a; fietd or. garden, ÀA drive a cart, carry a heavy leauf, cr- per- di, form -any cîber piece cf unikiled or useful la labour, eau readi1ly tarWa dollar anîd a m quarter or a&,dolar sud'a-ÉaIt a day. ýThe ci want inssourgent that a hundred ýthoenîd et of such ruen wouid bo absorbed in theéel great eizties and rral districts (rom_ 1'-dq York teOb icago in leus tian sbc menueg.1 This fact bas not enly -been made exten- ti sively known in Iîeiand by privatcertes- pondene froyn Anq4ic, but 'Las beew s systemaically pvemulgated 4y erder of the a, Federal Geverrqment, and notahly by .1 b lettir froin Mr. Seward y7hich bas hotu T publiseel sd cuiueutted impon in meut of i the. Irih newspapevu. The object cf tet letter wm te stime*late eierjtation , and it. h as produced its effeci. Whetber thprei vas net anuther ebjeut., tilat cf pmcring vecruits for the Federal armieu-mftY be surmised but teed noe ,perbeps, bh digcra. t( ed. 'Net only baVe it3 agents andi friendsilt in 1reind repretmntéd in glovînz oleurs the scarclty of labour in the fleldaRnd fsnflC and thxe golden vewardS it woulci obtain if t4 it coulc-but be induoed te ceuse bl-es;bot j, they have publicly umade kuovu i1reland i that ne les. titan 10,000 lebourers wére r wautexi on eue railwayin luthe West, thet mhapagers cf vbich vere vîlling te Pay Ë wagesata the rate cf a dollar a day, besidese the passage mconey cf the labouvers from r lreland te New York. What is that re#4-r ly pays the passage money-whter t4e railvay is net a myth-ý(r viiether it is hl notnher ,,ame for the Federal Governmient are questions net te be easily r answeredl; but that in somne instances c. the passage înoney bas beeu paid by per.- seons rppreaenting them3elves w be the officeru of a railway not nameci, lu a faut th t resta, upeti the positive testimouy cfi sorne of tbe newly arriveci emigrants, and thp bearsay cf a -till larger number. à stimulant te the Irish exodu8 bas been the fearf, extenisively prevalent, andi s7stemati. Waly enccuraged in trelsnd, that the Ut . Gverment la about tii Pauea Iav Tisl apprehixisien nias indaced m'uay huni- d re d e, r u t a y b . th o n s .n d :a , * 1w h l"b frienis, kindreil, sud relativesilu tse Nortb snd West. téexpaedite a deuanturseon .nd thon lefi ber lyîig uy in thé vain, ltuila carlng vitat ber go longasterfsdh hem, Ifytresuad Starire, wve saruteit, lindssy lu thee neaýntùe biivng made rend bie escape te Bifrfalo. Tiroir guili iaviugz beu full:y ustabliabed, the primoners weve committeci te avait trial ut thet Psu Kssiaes upion a charge cf rape. On Mou- ity lest tirs 'oman died, sud daring ber lu heurs, muade aunaffidavit before ive [agistrnrtes, poeitlvely identiYluug theprs nitre nanîed, and cbarging itbtia vih tht crimes arill-asage itated, viiclshe de- clares î i e the immediats 'uausy cf ber eaîh. o!"ner Geodman being~ notified of the vemantIs deue, heici an inquest in th Tevnilifl on 'nesday sven;ug. Tht jry firet exaonned tht jody, visicir pre- Senteci a ninilatet!asd discoloreit uppeatr. anue- tht groin, shov'lng thai eb,- haci been subject te, eXtremsIy brutal treatinent. Pr. CiarW, vise attended tirs deceaset! dui- ing ber îIlneni' vas-tht' only vituess ex. SmuiTret!. - lietateil iu substance thet the unniediale càtàus cf Mrst. Moore's denth vas iflaruntIon cf the longs, but vlrethsr h was prodautil hy tht bcd tre.%tment lie s-s- ceiedatu the banda of titi parties allude! ca, be vas unable ta deteresins. Ht bonîght tbat tht inf"uties in tht groin vent ici sntllcient te pro-dnce dentli. Coroner Goodmcn aIse crriorated Dr. Clark'u testimnouy. In vlt,# of ibese fuaie, tht ury, afrev s littîs delifleration, cceniudbd liua cM peaf meveuru inatieu vas un- ie."ssaryï sud agret erIthe follcviug ver- Iiýt :-sThai diaceaseil canin te Iber deatir froin inflamation of the lange, ln&aeed by rxpceure after the.seYure injuries sustaineil at the hunde of George Myeru, leniry. Slark, and Irwin Lindsay. ' 1Ta: Wosacs OF Tiik Seu-x'.-Tht 0r respondeni of a Northmu journal rayà tht rclloving relutant tributs te tht hevoism Of the patriotie vestten cf Vicksburg r- Tht vomen and children aIl remain in towu, aîthcongh ordered iii varions limete 0 leavuu. On the day eun ss left, a more. ing rpei- uhoveittht sad tat tIretop Ie thhi time 113 cf thelqe unfortunates bail been killet! by ouv ubeils, amnong vhcnn va.. the wifs cf Generel Pemberton. The vomen cf Viclrshurg aveetber brave be- yoA: ordinary mon-taIs, or despen-te luin he etintin. Shellu; seateir evtry part if thm to, and jet the cirildrtu play au usual upon tht s:reetx, aud the women utek ne un nus vmY. . auu&IC, W.w VIM. md the s&a ejaetitd iSt %ktmoment of ils performance:, -"Bill, yon are a fool tu tltroir jour mnioy avay ou atreert btggars.01 "'Perbape 1 am,"--ssid the other, "bal 1 c-nît! sotirslp h; site may re anulot- posto: buti 1 du Dot believe-IL"'1 The Dntiday the matter vas forgetueni and intlttd migit uet have been reniem. bereil ugain badi lu ot bete ibreugitta mind ine h foollowiutg minuter S Thre next aumie-, ens day, as tise young inst u sbusy everbids Jedgtr inanas muer cunhing rouis et be employer'. store, ber vau smmoi*d <o tht osier oke by the message thal some one visW stoWme him. Goinig eut ho sv ah«tlnig a fne Iohltrg sailor in nautîcal dostrie, via ee4 hiici cioely as lie approache!. Dit! yen vistb t s e, eulr' "le8 ean- Dame Willitta t' "Yes, air, tisu h my name.'" 4Binetyts, higiri complexion, atauu& utraight, apeaits quicit," sai their sailorr haîf aoliloqtsiuing. 'Tos, Ionen ai b. tb marn, yon look Jýtst like i1g" 1, Just hike visai?" saathe 10Sg- man, 'a litile aurpriset!. l~ Wby. 1'11 tell jot. tYerbti joui' log, as(d tell rue if yo ensMîlIeca seeing à; potold- ! oman, abet <e n mttbvgo, ahive i g in tht uolcl in Bond sti-eet a"J 1iryilg te atîl a few applei' to kep bsr, frein stnvviug, sun& yod'threw a dollar aud' à it.if in silve t ch nge iet fier Sûket sud ' w- k e vé l eu w a v- or ' d d1- didn t vo u,, us ti flirolsig basktet, bi ed froib 1 - ,Ah,j i4ailor *à the in enunireit. experuenced isamnan uever 'bail charge Of kuova tht dautena (à ire dts,eadntiethi sas guves The ; silctte. ý-Viger. ýý 1 horse.

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